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Special Professional Licensure Board Examination

Foreign Licensure Examination for Architects
Review Class 2016

Theories and Principles of Tropical Design

ASPIRANT ___________________________________

RATING ______________________________

MEDIUM GROUP _____________________________

DATE ________________________________

PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer!


A ___ unit is a unit of thermal insulation required to keep a seated subject in a comfortable state of 21 degrees C with a relative
humidity of 50% and an air movement of 6 meters per minute.
A. Humidity


B. Clo

C. Sunset

D. Sun path

B. Stack

C. Solar flue

D. Heating

B. Mix

C. Upward

D. Forced

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Vasodilation

_____ is the process in which heat energy is transferred from one vibrating molecule to the one adjacent to it without any relative
displacement of the molecules.
A. Contraction


B. Sunrise

_____ is the transfer of heat between a surface and a moving fluid or the transfer of heat by movement of the molecules from one
point in a fluid to another.
A. Conduction


D. Humidity

Providing openings on opposite sides of a room will create circulation of fresh air. This is known as _____ ventilation.
A. Cross


C. U-Value

_____ effect is the tendency of warm air to rise when heated, resulting in cooler air being drawing through windows at a lower
A. Radiation


B. Thermal mass

_____ is the time when the sun reaches the northernmost or southernmost part during summer or winter.

A. Solar window

B. Thermal mass
D. insolation

_____ is defined as the amount of water vapor suspended in the air at a given temperature.
A. Centigrade


D. Solar

The four individual factors needed to completely specify a thermal environment are: temperature, humidity, rate of movement of
air, and ____.
A. Rate of thermal change
C. Radiation from the surroundings


C. U-Value

B. Conduction

C. Convection

D. Radiation

_____ is the transfer of heat through a space by electromagnetic waves.

A. Dilation

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Conduction

C. Hot-humid

D. Temperate

10. Philippine climate can generally be classified as _____.

A. Arid

B. Hot-dry

NOTE: Answer this questionnaire the way you answer your upcoming board examination, no erasure.

11. The northernmost monsoon wind is called the _____ in Filipino.
A. Amihan

B. Habagat

C. Bugso

D. Albedo

12. The tropics are the low latitudes contained in the ____ Zone between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

A. Torrid

B. Temperate

C. Frigid

D. Sub-temperate

13. Rainwater _____ is the act of collecting and storing rainwater for future use.
A. Filtering

B. Harvesting

C. Runoff

D. Dispersal

14. In the Philippines an example of a highly-evolved, iconic traditional building form that is responsive to the local climate is the ____.

A. Church

B. Bungalow

C. Bahay Na Bato

D. None of the Above

15. _____ design is the careful siting, orientation, design and detailing of buildings to ensure that maximum advantage is taken of
aspect, wind, sunlight, contour and shelter to minimize dependence on externally generated power.
A. Mechanical

B. Passive

C. Active

D. Artificial

16. The best way to control solar radiation is to _____.

A. Use external shading
C. Provide cross ventilation

B. Maximize window openings

D. Install mechanical cooling devices

17. Which of the following is not a passive shading element?

A. Fin

B. Overhang

C. Eggcrate

D. Roof vent

C. Thailand

D. Singapore

C. Light shelf

D. Dark wall

18. Which of the following is not a tropical country?

A. Indonesia

B. Japan

19. Which of the following I not a light-transmitting device?

A. Light scoop

B. Light tube

20. A _____ is a tower where air movement is achieved by heating the air in the tower by intensifying solar radiation on the walls of
the tower.
A. Wind scoop

B. Solar flue

C. Wind tower

IQ + EQ + BQ = TOP 1

NOTE: Answer this questionnaire the way you answer your upcoming board examination, no erasure.

D. Watch tower

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