BJ Palmer Quotes

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The Bigness of the Fellow Within, Page 18

- "Education does no harm if what there is of it is natural and has true relation with
- "But when education becomes egotistical and paramount and displaces the correct
values of Innate, all else becomes "uneducated", sub-conscious, non-conscious, and
un-conscious. Education then becomes an impenetrable wall Innate does not and
cannot break through."
- "Even where Innate has an uninterrupted flow between the two brains, opportunity
must exist to permit it to come forth into the individual to express itself in any line of
activity the educated man would like to perform."
- "If there were no interferences, he might want to express himself; but were he to
deliberately refuse to permit the opportunity to take advantage to come forth, all
"genius" would be lost."
- "Even if Innate had free transmission to educated, if educated lay down on the job,
refused to use what was willing to do, the opportunity for accomplishment would be lost
for want of expression."
- "Given two people, both with uninterrupted flows between Innate and Educated, if one
delivered and the other refused, one would prove by his accomplishments has was
great, and the other would prove by his lack of accomplishments that he was the
ordinary run-of-the-mill type."
- "Anything any man has ever thought in his educated mind has come from the Innate
as the source within him."
The Bigness of the Fellow Within, Page 22
- "Within all natural animals, including man and woman, courses in active flow the
wisdom of all time, the sage of the ages, call it what you may - Universal Intelligence,
God, Jehovah, etc."
- "As a matter of religion and common sense, we acknowledge, admit and confirm "The
Kingdom of God" within; but as a matter of medical science, we deny any and all such,
and substitute birth-to-death theories which belittle such, assuming its dormancy."
- "We, as Chiropractors, make it possible to permit the restoration of one with the other
(law and matter), that the duality of life may be normal, healthy, and sane."
- "Why should man, as wonderful a product as he is, be under the dominance, control,
and dictation of less than his producer?"


The Bigness of the Fellow Within, Page 82

- "To so-called educated man, nothing is educated except as it comes within the purview
and scope of what he alone construes to be education - all else is "uneducated" even
- "Thousands of specimens prove that Innate is a master logician, student, and
reasoner; greater than anything any educated man could devise, conceive, or execute;
greater by far than any surgeon. In fact, Innate begins to work where the surgeon
leaves off in soft structure or osseous bone work."
- "One who has studied 20,000 specimens in our osteological laboratory, or any portion
thereof, would soon be convinced that Innate was a master mechanic, a master at work,
in records of deeds done and left behind in those specimens."
- "That "God" has intellectuality, is admitted. No educated man could assume this
gigantic job and do so well. That "Nature" in man has done and is doing a good job in
manufacturing babies and running them, is admitted. Then what is "intelligence"?
Advertising: Evolution or Revolution, Vol. XXXIV, pg. 49
WHEN things aint going right with you, and you cant make them gee; when
business matters look real blue, and you fear bankruptcy; when cobwebs gather on
your stock and customers are rare; when all your assets are in hock, dont cuss and
tear your hair; just listen to our good advice and take it if youre wise; take a course
at The P.S.C. and then go advertise, and advertise from morn to night; dont overlook
a day, and soon youll see the world go bright, and things will come your way; invest
in good publicity, and fortune you will greet, and in a little while youll be way up on
Easy street (Palmer, 1916c).
The properly indoctrinated Chiropractor is interested in ONE thing- getting sick people
well, regardless of what people think about what he does or does not know, whether
they believe in him or not, whether they understand what he does or not; realizing, as
he should, that sick people come to him because they have failed to get well with
medicine and they think he has some different method that might get them well; and if
they do get well, what else they may think doesnt matter.
Up From Below the Bottom by B.J. Palmer
So what Chiropractic does, is that it simply takes the handcuffs off Nature, as it were.
By finding the particular vertebra that had shifted and restoring it to its natural position,
the adjustment thus releases the natural flow of nerve impulse. When the maze of
nerves, or Natures communication system, supplies the body with the energy it needs
for well being, you have health.


The office of chiropractic is to assist Nature where Nature cannot assist itself. This is
done either by removing hindrances to transmission of energy, or restoring the channel
to its original and normal condition. This restoration is achieved by chiropractic

The Truth
WE CHIROPRACTORS work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the
prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over
the nerves to the cells and stirs them into life.
We deal with the magic power that transforms common food into living, loving, thinking
clay; that robes the earth with beauty, and hues and scents the flowers with the glory of
the air.
In the dim, dark, distant long ago, when the sun first bowed to the morning star, this
power spoke and there was life; it quickened the slime of the sea and the dust of the
earth and drove the cell to union with its fellows in countless living forms.
Through eons of time it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast.
Endlessly it worked, evolving its forms until it produced the crowning glory of them all.
With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently,
relentlessly dissolves the form, and absorbs the spirit into itself again.
And yet you ask, Can Chiropractic cure appendicitis or the flu?
Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the Innate power that
animates the internal living world ?

History in the Making (1957) page 30

One chiropractic college saw fit to dispute the possibility of a vertebral subluxation,
producing pressure, interfering with nerve force flow, as THE cause of diseases
contending the intervertebral foramina WERE SO LARGE and the NERVE SO SMALL
that no pressure WAS possible.
Why a chiropractic college should deny the fundamental on which CHIROPRACTIC
was premised is beyond understanding. If this issue remained unchallenged,
CHIROPRACTIC at tap-root was denied. In THEORY we proved such because cases
GOT WELL. In SCIENCE, somebody had to prove this statement right or wrong. Who
else but ourselves could or would?


After seeking places in America, we were compelled to go to the Spalteholtz Labs in

Dresden, Germany, to prove or disprove our foundation principle and practice.
There, we raised this question: With a vertebral subluxation, can there be
SUFFICIENT occlusion, with SUFFICIENT pressure upon nerves, which could and
would interfere with quantity flow of nerve force thru the intervertebral foramina?
This was A NEW question IN SCIENCE, neither proved or disproved, altho denied by
medical men. Drs. Spalteholtz, Guenther, and Mueller accepted the challenge. This was
THE FIRST time THIS question ever had been anatomically and physiologically raised
in any lab, and particularly in this greatest of all world-wide research labs.
We proposed proving it on cadavers. We were promptly told this approach would prove
nothing, because:
(a) bones, being the hardest substance, DO NOT shrink
(b) brain and nerves, being the softest body substance, DO shrink
(c) 40 to 50 per cent within 24 hours after death
(d) upon death, bodies are embalmed in formaldehyde, which further shrinks them
(e) cadavers are dissected in rotation, some as long as 18 months after death
(f) by that time, bones have shrunk less than 1 per cent
(g) brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves as high as 85 per cent
(h) thus, dissection COULD NOT prove the answer we needed.
There was only ONE way this question COULD BE answered:
(i) thru quick deep-freeze process IMMEDIATELY AT DEATH
(j) special permission from the German government was necessary to do this work on
such bodies
(k) this made possible sawing out frozen sections AT ONCE before ANY shrinkage
COULD take place
(l) this we did
(m) our quick deep-freeze process on many bodies proved brain FILLED cranial cavity;
spinal cord FILLED neural canal; desiccated nerves FILLED intervertebral foramina
(n) therefore ANY sufficient occlusion COULD produce pressure and interference with
normal quantity flow of nerve force


(o) this was THE FIRST TIME this problem had been SCIENTIFICALLY proven
(p) the Spalteholtz Labs then issued a report on their findings, proving Chiropractic was
scientifically premised
(q) from the date of the publication of this Spalteholtz Report, the medical profession
has NOT denied this anatomical
and physiological conclusion of the Chiropractic premise
(r) it cost us $5,000 to clarify this one disputable question.
(The one wet specimen in The BJP CC Osteo Lab, and fotografs of this work, are in a
special frame. We suggest you study these at your convenience.)

Chiropractic Philosophy Science and Art. Vol. XXXII, pg. 56

Living, usually buried, in us is an Innate Intelligence. If we could open those flood gates
and let Innate flow, we would be as good and as great as it, itself. Living in all of us is
our innate selves. Innate is God in human beings. Innate is good in human beings.
Innate is life in human beings. Innate is health in human beings. Innate is sane in
human beings. Let Innate flow in and through us and we can accomplish the great
Up from Below The Bottom by B.J. Palmer pg. 704
Chiropractic was BORN a simple principle and practice. When ChiropracTIC WAS
simple and ChiropracTORS WERE simple, Chiropractic and Chiropractors were getting
sick people well.
Those who lived simple Chiropractic succeed. Those who lived complexed fail.
Simple makes; Complex breaks!
However, it is not sufficient to study Chiropractic in the worlds best school, to know it
thoroughly and to go back to your hometown with a diploma in your trunk. You must
SELL Chiropractic! And how can this be done? First and foremost, you must be sold on
it yourselves
To be sold on Chiropractic yourselves and to be able to sell it to others, you must
thoroughly UNDERSTAND ITS PRINCIPLES and not merely words in which its
principles are couched. You have to sell IDEAS, not words. Consequently, learn ideas
and grasp them. The mere words mental impulse, innate intelligence and other


Chiropractic expressions will not get you to first base unless you grasp and thoroughly
master the IDEAS that those words convey.
And this brings us to the matter of explaining Chiropractic to prospective patients. By all
means, explain it so people can UNDERSTAND what it is all about. Remember that
your patients are not Chiropractic students. Therefore, if you speak to them in
Chiropractic terms without TRANSLATING those terms for them, you are wasting your
breath, for they will not understand you. If you speak to them of a subluxation, an
axis, or mental impulse without explanation, you are talking over their heads.
Technical terms are proper when you are speaking to technical men. But when you are
talking to ordinary people you have to use ordinary language. Get the
IDEA across in THEIR terminology, and then you can begin to apply the technical
names; but always careful to translate them into ordinary language.

A Thought from the Developer of Chiropractic:

A slip on the snowy sidewalk, in winter, is a small thing. It happens to millions.
A fall from a ladder, in the summer is a small thing. It also happens to millions.
The slip or fall produces a subluxation. The subluxation is a small thing.
The subluxation produces pressure on a nerve. That pressure is a small thing.
The pressure cuts off the flow of mental impulses. That decreased flowing is a small
That decreased flowing produces a dis-eased body and brain. That is a big thing to that
Multiply that sick man by a thousand, and you control the physical and mental welfare of
a city.
Multiply that man by a million, and you shape the physical and mental destiny of a
Multiply that man by one hundred thirty million, and you forecast and can prophesy the
physical and mental status of a nation.
So the slip or the fall, the subluxation, pressure, flow of mental impulses, and dis-ease
are big enough to control the thoughts and action of a nation.
Now comes a man. Any one man is a small thing.
This man gives an adjustment. The adjustment is a small thing.
The adjustment replaces the subluxation. That is a small thing.


The adjusted subluxation releases pressure upon nerves. That is a small thing.
The released pressure restores health to a man. That is a big thing to that man.
Multiply that well man by a thousand, and you step up the physical and mental welfare
of a city.
Multiply that well man by a million, and you increase the efficiency of a State.
Multiply that well man by one hundred thirty million, and you have produced a healthy,
wealthy, and better race for posterity.
So the adjustment of the subluxation, to release pressure upon nerves, to restore
mental impulse flow, to restore health, is big enough to rebuild the thoughts and actions
of the world.
The idea that knows the cause, that can correct the cause of dis-ease, is one of the
biggest ideas known. Without it, nations fall; with it, nations rise.
The idea is the biggest I know of.
By B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph. C

Dont Take Yourself So Damn Serious (the value of travel):

The average businessman has long since forgotten Rule No. 9, Dont take yourself too
damn seriously.
Thousands of businessmen have one fault in common. They are so close to their own
thoughts, their own minds, their own selves, desk, office friends, employees, clerks,
detail, correspondence that they suffer from the illusion of the near.
They are with what they think, see and do so much at a time that they take it all too
seriously and thus suffer from the nearness of themselves to themselves.
I now live in a town where I am sold to everybody. They call me B.J. everywhere. I live
in an immediate family of some 5,000 whom I bring to that city, who love me and I love
them. These people appreciate what I do for them. They tell me and I listen to the
plaudits of deeds well done. People come from far and near to thank me for what I have
done, via some salesman. All of which makes me take my detail seriously. I suffer from
YOU need the vision of the far. I need it. I keep my grip (suitcase) packed and when I
begin to take my reform work seriously, right then is when I book a few Rotary, Kiwanis
and other club talks and hide myself away from my thoughts, ideas, work, students,
school, friends, that I might get myself away from myself, that I may walk the streets of


strange towns, see strange faces, listen to strange tongues, that I may get the proper
perspective of myself.
Many people suffer with a constipation of thought and a diarrhea of words. Many a man
has the eyesight of a hawk and the vision of a clam.
Going away from home makes a man shut up and think. It also teaches him to overlook
the hawky detail and gain a distant vision of himself, his service and his Big Job.
Every man owes it to himself, his people and his service to go away about every so
often. The more detail he has, the oftener he should go. The more worries, the more he
needs to go. The bigger his work, the longer his vacation should be.
He should go to conventions, attend luncheons, go fishing or hunting, anywhere that he
may get away from himself; that he may sit on the banks of the river and there see
himself at his desk, with his people, on the job. It is surprising how foolish all of us look
when we gaze at ourselves after we get away from ourselves and see ourselves as
others see us.
Many a man realizes without analyzing. A certain clothing merchant of our city is noted
for his ancestral business qualities. Business and money are his gods. Yet this same
man told me but recently that he is now playing golf two afternoons a week. I inquired
as to how he could get his mind into that state where he could make it pay. He tells me
that the next morning he works three times as hard and accomplishes more than three
times as much work. He comes home tired, sleeps sound, wakes up refreshed and piles
in solid. Playing golf, he realizes the vision of the far without the mental analysis that
accomplishes the end. He stumbled upon the conclusion and even yet doesnt know.
You and I can go into this with comprehension and intention.
I am told that John D. Rockefeller rarely went near oil fields; that Mr. Carnegie knew
little about steel itself; that John Patterson spends months in Europe away from his
huge plant to know better how to run it when at it; that James Gordon Bennett managed
the New York Herald from Paris; that Mr. Pulitzer manages the New York World from
afar; that Mr. Wanamaker spends and Marshall Field did spend four months out of
twelve in Europe for the express purpose of gaining vision; that a Boston department
store manager is responsible for this statement: I must study other business at least
THREE MONTHS every year in order to manage my own business properly the OTHER

Conflicts Clarify 1951: The Story of Public Speaking

Public speaking is standing upon a public platform, before an audience, declaring
oneself, trying to convince strangers as one would friends in his home. Public speaking
always has one purposeto convince the OTHER man. Before a Chiropractor gets a


patient to realize he must be a patron, he must convince him. If Chiropractor isnt

convinced himself, he will not be able to convince others.
Public speaking is to transplant ideas, individuality, to another mans mind and body.
That there are three or four hundred, or three or four thousand people should not
change attitude toward convincing OTHER MAN.
For instance, a patient approaches Chiropractor, stating I am sick. Chiropractor will
analyze case, find subluxation, tell case about adjustment, and proceed to adjust. He
will tell case about Innate, that Innate is law, etc. He will convince patient who will begin
taking adjustments; he has his confidence, therefore a friend. In public speaking, only
difference is larger audiencehe must convince four hundred or more.
We might say two things go to make a public speaker, and they are most important: first,
know WHAT to sayhave a clear, concise, logically constructed line of thot in YOUR
mind; second, present it as YOU see it. Speaker must first convince himself, then his
Public speaking is hard for some, but you all have it in youyou are all artists in public
speaking. Some of you have choked it down until it cant flow; some have it more than
others; but all have it. It is a question of unlocking the door and letting it flow.

I Am A Principled Chiropractor
I am a Chiropractor working with the sciences of the universe by TURNING ON THE
SOMETHING which created my body from two cells. At a time prescribed eons ago I
was set in this body to experience. That cosmic power which created me, which also
moves the seas, rotates the earth, directs the heavens, gives life, takes it away, is
And that power which set the universe in motion and created me did not abandon me
when I became free of the security of my earthly mothers womb. It is still with me and
protects me as it moves all forms toward their final predestined goal. It is not mine to
educatedly ask why or where, but to innately live; and live to help my fellow creatures
LIVE, FREE OF DISEASE; I wish nothing in return, only the chance to GIVE. I GIVE
WITH THE ONLY THING I HAVE, LOVE. And I love all by removing that which interferes


The Sacred Trust:

Time always has and always will perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind.
Chiropractic is no exception to that rule. My illustrious father placed this trust in my
keeping, to keep pure and unsullied or defamed. I pass it on to you unstained, to protect
as he would have you do.
As he passed on , so will I. We admonish you to keep this principle and practice
unadulterated and unmixed. Humanity needed then what he gave us. You need now
what I give you. Out there in those great open spaces are multitudes seeking what you
The burdens are heavy; responsibilities are many; obligations are providential; but the
satisfaction of traveling the populated highways and byways, relieving suffering and
adding millions of years to lives of millions of suffering people. will bring forth
satisfaction and glories with greater blessings than you think. Time is of the essence.
May God flow from above-down His bounteous strengths, courage and understanding
to carry on; and may your Innates receive and act on that free flow of Wisdom from
above-down; inside-outfor you have in your possession a Sacred Trust. Guard it well.

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