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ED110 Test #2 Study Guide



Chapter 6 History of Schools in the United States

Free, universal education: What was the path to free, universal education for
various demographic groups of children (e.g., students with special needs,
Mexican children, etc.)?
Significant Events/Court Cases in Developing Free, Universal Public Education in
the U.S. (review blue sheet that we completed with a partner in class),
Schools established by Puritans; Old Deluder Satan Law of 1647
Significance of Northwest Ordinance
Common Schools in the U.S.: history, founder Horace Mann
1872 Kalamazoo
Compulsory Attendance laws
Child Labor laws
John Dewey
1947 Mendez v. Westminster School District
1954 Brown v. Board of Education Topeka, KS
1965 ESEA
1971 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
1972 Title IX
1974 Lau v. Nichols
1975 Public Law 94-142 (renamed IDEA in 1997)
How were schools designed to group children by age?
When did junior highs/middle schools come about? Why?
When was kindergarten developed? Why?
Why were high schools initially established?
What factors led to the changes in equal educational opportunity in the 1960s
and 1970s? (Many court cases and federal legislation during these decades.)
How have teacher preparation programs changed?
Chapter 8 Organizing Schools for Learning
Principal and duties; Assistant Principal and duties; Department Chairs and Team
Teachers and their duties
Team Teaching
Self-Contained Classroom
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

page 233 Ways of Organizing Students to Do Their Work

School District/School System
Superintendent (also called Director) and duties
School Board
Chief State School Officer (Commissioner, in TN)
State Department of Education
Local Control
Local Education Agencies (LEA) An LEA is the school system. For example,
McMinn County Schools is an LEA.
Chapter 9 Governance and School Finance
How does the Executive Branch (President and U.S. Department of Education)
play an active role in education?
How does the Legislative branch play a role in education?
How does the Judicial branch play a role in education?
What comprises good governance?
Financing schools: state level (income or sales taxes, creative funding sources)
Financing schools: local level (taxes and other revenue sources)
Progressive and regressive taxes
Per-pupil expenditure
School funding should be equal and adequate (pages 274-275, Table 9.1).
National Standards: Common Core Standards debate
Chapter 10 The Law As It Relates to Teaching and Learning
Case Law, page 285
Social Media, Sexting, Cyberbullying: court cases happening now! How is social
media a useful, helpful tool for teachers? When can it be threatening to
teachers and/or students?
Fair Use/Copyright

Church v. state, desegregation, and equitable school funding continue to pose

dilemmas to the courts (pages 291-293)
Student rights and responsibilities
Least Restrictive Environment & Inclusion
Undocumented students
Students freedom of expression
Student body search
Locker/car search
Teacher rights, responsibilities, and liabilities
Determining content & curriculum
Corporal punishment
Reporting child abuse,
Grouping students
Teacher accountability
Nonrenewal of employment contract or pink slips for nontenured
Due process
Teacher freedom of expression
Dress codes
Drug testing
Teacher liability
Choose 2 areas of interest to you (IDEA, student rights, separation of church and
state, etc.) and be knowledgeable of the legal reasoning of the related court

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