9 SS Prereq 1 Pollution Prevention Handout

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CEE424 - SPRING 2016

GROUP #9 - Jan Concepcion, Jen Concepcion, Luis Garay, Gavin Weis

Sustainable Sites:
Prerequisite 1: Construction Activity
Pollution Prevention


New Construction
Core and Shell

- Create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control
- Must conform to 2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Construction General permit (CGP) or local equivalent
- Must adhere to CGP regardless of size

Data Center
Warehouses and Distribution Centers


To reduce pollution from the construction activities by controlling

soil erosion waterway sedimentation and airborned dust
- Erosion and sedimentation control
- Rainwater system control
- Reducing disturbances to neighboring properties


1. Designate Responsible Party

4. Create ESC Plan

- Civil engineer or landscape architect, project hydrologist,

geologist, earthworks contractor, or general contractor

- Develop based on ESC requirements of the CGP or local

equivalent and unique needs of site
- Prepared along with project plans, specifications, or both
- Includes erosion and sediment control measures and activities
- A project already following the CGP doesnt need an additional
ESC plan
- All other projects must have plan, even if not required by local

2. Review Local Code Against EPA CGP

- Must meet National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

(NPDES) program criteria.
- Choose code that is more stringent when compared to Section
2 of the CGP

3. Evaluate Site for ESC plan needs

5. Implement ESC Plan

- Slope of the project site (where will water drain)

- Total area and duration of ground disturbance
- Location of existing rainwater management systems
- Planned construction sequencing that may require additional
ESC measures later
- Weather and soil conditions that could cause rainwater runoff
or dust
- Construction entrances and their erosion and sedimentation
effect on local roads.

- Establish control measures before and during construction

Site inspections
Record activities
Date-stamped photographs and reports
- Inspections should follow Section 4.1 of CGP
- Issues with the ESC should be identified and dealt with in a
timely manner

CGP Requirements
Section 2.1, Erosion and Sediment Control

- Providing natural buffers

- Installing perimeter controls
- Minimizing sediment track-out
- Controlling discharges from stockpiled sediment or soil
- Minimizing dust
- Minimizing the disturbance of steep slopes
- Preserving topsoil
- Minimizing soil compaction
- Protecting storm drain inlets
- Maintaining control measures

Section 2.2, Stabilization

- Deadlines for initiating and completing stabilization

- Criteria for stabilization

Section 2.3 Pollution Prevention

- Prohibited discharges
- General maintenance requirements
- Pollution prevention standards
- Emergency spill notification
- Fertilizer discharge restrictions

CEE424 - SPRING 2016

GROUP #9 - Jan Concepcion, Jen Concepcion, Luis Garay, Gavin Weis

Sustainable Sites:
Prerequisite 1: Construction Activity
Pollution Prevention

Example ESC Plan

Related Credit Tips

SS Credit Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat
Implementing an ESC plan that limits site disturbances
such as vehicle traffic, grading, equipment storage,
erosion, and sedimentation on greenfield areas during
construction will contribute to the greenfield requirement
in this related credit. Implementing an ESC plan that
protects existing soils will make it unnecessary to restore
soils to meet Option 1 requirements of the related credit.

SS Credit Rainwater Management

Implementing an ESC plan that minimizes soil compaction
where vegetation will be planted or where infiltration
measures will be installed will support reducing runoff
volumes, in accordance with the related credits

Required Documentation

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