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Tugas Personal ke 1

Week 2 - Session 3
Answer these questions below and submit it before 1st personal assignment deadline.
1. What do you know about Data Warehouse and please explain based on your
2. Can we implement Data Warehouse by online? What are the advantages and
3. Do we need special hardware to implement Data Warehouse? Is it possible to implement
without special hardware? Explain your answering, please!
4. Do we need special software to implement Data Warehouse? Is it possible to implement
without special software? Explain your answering, please!
5. What is Normalized and Denormalized database? What are the differences? Explain your
answering and give example, please!
6. What is Structured and unstructured database? Explain your answering and give example,
7. Have you ever heard about traditional data warehouse? Explain your answering, please!
8. Where we can find data warehouse?
9. When do we need data warehouse?
10. Why do we need data warehouse?

1. What do you know about Data Warehouse and please explain based on your
Answer :
In my opinion Datawarehouse is the resulting data set to support decision-making, but
also the data storage today and the past is potentially required of managers in the
organization. The data will typically be available in a structured in a form ready for
activity analysis process , online analytical processing OLAP, data mining, query,

reporting, and other decision support applications. A data warehouse is a subjectoriented data collection, integrated variance over time, as well as a nonvolatile data
set (unchanged) to support the management decision making process.
2. Can we implement Data Warehouse by online? What are the advantages and
Answer :
Yes We Can ! and name is OLAP and Advantages and Disadvantages OLAP is
- Advantages
OLAP systems have effective decision making and they also provide access
tostrategic information. Application backlogs are reduced in OLAP systems.
These systems respond more quickly to market demands and they also reduce
the network traffic and query drag on transaction systems or data warehouses.
OLAP applicationsprovide faster service and in whole they increase the
productivity of the organization.These systems can be used in all types of
business. Increasing the productivity of the business end users, IT developers,
and entire organization. Reducing the "backlog" of an application developer
for the IT staff to make the end user Can to change the schema and build your
own models. Storage data integrity control of the organization through
corporations as OLAP applications depending on the data warehouse and
OLTP systems to take into-Renew their data source level.

These systems cannot access data in a very short time. When it come to
MOLAPsystems, they are limited to data that they can handle because the
calculations areperformed only when the cube is built. Large amounts of data
cannot be included inthe cube itself, in other words only summary level
information will be included.Functionalities inherent to relational database are
leveraged by ROLAP and also theperformance of ROLAP can be slow because
the ROLAP report is an SQL query in arelational database, if the data size is large
the query time will be long. The cubetechnology do not exist in an organization
and hence MOLAP requires extrainvestment. Irrespective of the advantages and

disadvantages, OLAP is morepreferred because large volumes of data can be

stored in this types of processing technique.
3. Do we need special hardware to implement Data Warehouse? Is it possible to
implement without special hardware? Explain your answering, please!
Answer :
There is no special device to perform data warehouse, because the data warehouse
can be done on a computer component smua most important is to have a minimum
standard computer, for example, the presence of the processor, hard drive,
motherboard, RAM, VGA, power supply unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse. If one
component is not there then it is not likely to run or save the data warehouse. The
basic components for a data warehouse architecture due to the sheer size of the data,
you have to choose different quantities to balance the individual building blocks
differently. The starting point for sizing a data warehouse is the throughput that you
require from the system. This can be one or both of the following: The amount of data
that is being accessed by queries hitting the system at peak time, in conjunction with
the acceptable response time. You may be able to use throughput numbers and
experience from an existing application to estimate the required throughput. The
amount of data that is loaded within a window of time. In general, you need to
estimate the highest throughput you need at any given point. Hardware vendors can
recommend balanced configurations for a data warehousing application and can help
you with the sizing. Contact your preferred hardware vendor for more details.
4. Do we need special software to implement Data Warehouse? Is it possible to
implement without special software? Explain your answering, please!
Answer :
Data warehouses can be done without using special software, the most important
people working in penederhanaan database can understand. But there are some
companies / developers (vendors) that have issued special software for datawarehouse
example: IBM, Oracle, G2 Crowd, and many. It aims to help facilitate a manager or a
person designated by the company making the data warehouse.
5. What is Normalized and Denormalized database? What are the differences? Explain
your answering and give example, please!
Answer :

A. Normalization :
- Normalization is the process of grouping data into tables or relations or file to
declare the entities and their relationships, so manifest a form of database that is
easy to modify. Normalization is a prosses to identify the "table" attribute group
that has a very high dependency between the attributes with the attributes
lainnya.Secara outline, it can be concluded normalization is a process used to
form the structure of the database in order to avoid ambiguity, making it more

Step of normalization :

Gambar 1 : Tahapan Normalisasi Database

Example for Normalized :

Gambar 2 : Contoh Normalisasi Database.

B. Denormalization :

Denormalization is a process that is performed on a database that has been

normalized by modifying the structure of the tables and ignores the data
kerangkapan (controlled) to improve database performance. Denormalize is a
violation of the rules of normalization or describe a normal ttelah database

settings to improve the performance of database access.

Step of Denormalization :
1. With the creation of a new column in the table / merge columns in the table
from one to another
2. With create a new table.
Example for Denormalization :

Gambar 3 : Contoh sebelum Denormalisasi Data.

From the example above, what if the student data is very much while the process for displaying
the number of courses, number of credits or the CPI is often done, will require a lot of time. For
it is necessary to add new attributes to the student table (total_sks, total_matkul, ipk)

Gambar 4 : Contoh Setelah Denormalisasi Data.

C. What is the difference between Normalization and Denormalization?

- Normalization and denormalization are two processes that are completely

- Normalization is the process of dividing larger tables to smaller ones in reducing

the redundant data while denormalization is the process of adding redundant data
is to optimize performance.
- Normalization is Carried out to Prevent databases anomalies.
- Denormalization is usually Carried out to improve the read performance of the
database, but due to the additional constraints are used for denormalization, writes
(i.e. insert, update and delete operations) can Become slower. Therefore, a
denormalized database can offer write performance worse than a normalized
6. What is Structured and unstructured database? Explain your answering and give
example, please!
Answer :
A. Structured Data
- Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or

file. This includes data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets.

Characteristics of Structured Data
Structured data first depends on creating a data model a model of the types of
business data that will be recorded and how they will be stored, processed and
accessed. This includes defining what fields of data will be stored and how that
data will be stored: data type (numeric, currency, alphabetic, name, date, address)
and any restrictions on the data input (number of characters; restricted to certain
terms such as Mr., Ms. or Dr.; M or F). Structured data has the advantage of being
easily entered, stored, queried and analyzed. At one time, because of the high cost
and performance limitations of storage, memory and processing, relational
databases and spreadsheets using structured data were the only way to effectively
manage data. Anything that couldn't fit into a tightly organized structure would

have to be stored on paper in a filing cabinet.

B. Unstructured Data
- Unstructured data is all those things that can't be so readily classified and fit into a
neat box: photos and graphic images, videos, streaming instrument data,
webpages, PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, emails, blog entries, wikis and

word processing documents.

Berikut table kerangka kerja DSS antara Data Terstruktur dan Tidak Terstruktur.

Gambar 5 : Kerangka Kerja DSS

7. Have you ever heard about traditional data warehouse? Explain your answering,
Answer :
Yes, Traditional data warehouse (TDW) is used for making strategic decisions (and
sometimes tactical); while RDW used for making strategic and tactical decisions
(sometimes operational), mean updating the data dalamTDW ranged from daily to
monthly, TDW only to support the small number of users at the top level of a
company, TDW usually use reporting is limited to merely confirm the accuracy of the
data or check pattern , TDW User usually consists of people who hold positions (top
level), the employee / knowledge workers (working with knowledge, such as analysts,
consultants, advisors, etc.), managers, and other of internal user. Many hundreds of
systems are distributed throughout the organization and partners. Each system is
largely independent, and any customer experience data is concentrated within that
system. The traditional data warehouse system approach would have required
extensive data definition work with each of the systems and extensive transfer of data
from each of the systems. Many of the data sources are incomplete, do not use the
same definitions, and not always available. Copying all the data from each system to
a centralized location and keeping it updated is unfeasible. Sampling the data would
have been very problematic, as the objective was to construct a customer experience
view over time from all the events that took place. Sampling by specific customers
would have been very difficult. From a traditional data warehouse point-of-view, this

would have been a project from hell. The timescale for implementing this project,
revising it, and implementing any results was estimated to be at least one year.
8. Where we can find data warehouse?
One of the effects resulting from the existence of an information system is the
emergence of a lot of data. Existing data is derived from the company's operational
system that serves to handle transactions related to business processes handled by the
information system.
Example: Presence information systems raises employee attendance employee
attendance data of every day with the data stored depending on what is required by
the information system (eg: personal identification number, hours of admission,
entrance, etc.).
9. When do we need data warehouse?
organization / company you have the following conditions:
1. The data is very large.
2. The technology used is not efficient - long to display the report because of the
amount of data that is processed or the complexity of the relationship between the
3. The process of business change very quickly.
4. The data is scattered in many places and in very different formats (dbf, text, excel,
sql server, etc.) will lead to consolidation extremely difficult.
In addition to the data mart will contain data structures and contents were very
optimal - because it has been transformed - for display in report form.
This will result in high efficiency when associated with our reporting system, and
ultimately will lead to savings - in both time and hardware utilization.
10. Why do we need data warehouse?
Because the data warehouse has direct benefits include:
1. Allows end-users to perform various analyzes extensively in various ways.
2. Their corporate data / companies that display the data that has been consolidated
with a good (one version of the data which are valid.
3. Better information and more timely. Data Warehouse enables processing of
information to be moved from operational systems are expensive to inexpensive
servers, so request information from end-users can be processed more quickly.

4. Data warehouse performance improvement system reduces processing in the

production system due to various requirements in the reporting of operating
system moved into the decision support system.
5. Simplifying data access
6. Various indirect benefits arise when end-users enjoy the direct benefits.

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