Yesterday & Today - Writing Lesson Plan

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Year / Class

Date / Day
Focus Skill
Content Standard


4 Arif
29th February 2016 (Monday)
12.45 p.m. 01.45 p.m.
World of Knowledge
Yesterday and Today
3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of

Learning Standard

3.2.1 Able to transfer information with guidance to complete:
(a) linear texts
3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:


(c) messages
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. fill in the blanks with correct words with guidance.
2. write an e-mail to a friend with guidance.


Moral Value(s)
Teaching Aid(s)


Thinking Skills



e-mail, internet, practice, training, court, pitch, racquet, shuttlecocks,

coach, excited, eager
Be grateful upon what we have today, use the internet wisely
1. Envelope
2. Mah-jong paper for text
3. Worksheets
Information Processing, decision making, contextualising, ICT skill
Interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinaesthetic

Stage/ Time



Arousing pupils interest

1. Teacher shows an envelope to the
2. Teacher asks several questions
about the envelope.
3. Teacher relates the envelope with
Set Induction

1. Envelope
2. Mah-jong
paper (text)

letter, post-office and post-man.

4. Teacher displays e-mail writing on

(5 minutes)

the blackboard.
5. Teacher tells the differences
between letter and e-mail.
6. Teacher highlights the topic of the
Introducing the text

1. Teacher reads the text together
with the pupils.
2. Teacher underlines the difficult

1. Mah-jong
paper (texts)

3. Teacher explains the text to

(10 minutes)

4. Teacher explains the e-mail
writing format.
5. Teacher compares the writing
format between an informal
Transferring information
with guidance

letter and e-mail.

1. Teacher distributes worksheet.
2. Pupils need to fill in the blanks
based on the text given.
3. Teacher provides pupils with an

1. Worksheet
2. Whistle

example so the pupils know

what they should do.
4. Teacher blows the whistle to
5. Pupils complete the activity

(15 minutes)

within five minutes.

6. Teacher goes around the class
and monitors pupils work.
7. Teacher gives extra attention to
weak pupils.
8. Teacher checks the worksheet
of those pupils who have


Composing e-mail

completed their work.

9. Pupils do their corrections.
1. Teacher asks pupils to turn into


Cooperating to solve

another page of the worksheet.

2. Teacher reads out the

1. Worksheet

instruction for the activity.

3. Teacher provides pupils with
example so that they know
what to do.
4. In pairs, pupils discuss and
work together to complete the
e-mail writing.
5. Teacher goes around the class

(20 minutes)

and monitors pupils work.

6. Teacher gives extra attention to
weak pupils.
7. Pupils hand-in their work for
8. Pupils make immediate
9. Teacher discusses the answer
together with the pupils.
10. Teacher provides feedbacks

(5 minutes)

Summarising the
lesson I
nstilling moral values.

upon the activity.

1. Teacher recaps the lesson.
2. Teacher instils moral values.


Name :

Date :

Activity 1
Complete the e-mail below.

To : (1) _________________________
Subject : (2) ______________________________

Hi (3) ____________,
There will be a (4) _____________________ on (5) _____________
next week. It starts at (6) _________ and finishes at (7) _________.
It will be at the school (8) ____________________. You only need to
bring your (9) _____________. The school provides (10) __________.
(11) _______ is our new coach. He will be training us for (12) _______
_________. Teacher Affendi says he is a (13) __________________.
I am so (14) ___________ to meet him.
Hope to see you soon.
(15) _____________

Activity 2
Write an e-mail to your friend about your hockey training. You may use the
following words and phrases to help you.
Mr. Manga
hockey stick

4.00 p.m.
one year
strict man

hockey training
hockey balls

hockey pitch
Hockey Training
6.00 p.m.

To : (1) _________________________
Subject : (2) ______________________________

Hi (3) ____________,
There will be a (4) _____________________ on (5) _____________
next week. It starts at (6) _________ and finishes at (7) _________.
It will be at the school (8) ____________________. You only need to
bring your (9) _____________. The school provides (10) __________.
(11) _______ is our new coach. He will be training us for (12) _______
_________. Teacher Affendi says he is a (13) __________________.
I am so (14) ___________ to meet him.
Hope to see you soon.

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