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Presented to the faculty of Architecture
Mindanao University of Science and Technology
Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Architecture




Barrio Menduso is the old name of Don Carlos, Bukidnon, and an area near
Lake Pinamaloy. Derived from the Visayan word Duso meaning push, this term
properly described the condition of the road at that time when trucks and buses had to be
pushed or towed before they can pass through the area.

After the Philippines obtained its independence from Americans in 1946, the
Bukidnon Lumber Company which was owned jointly by Howard Denison and the
Fortich family was transferred from Sinangguyan to an area near Lake Pinamaloy. In
January 1953, the Barrio Menduso celebrated its first Barrio Fiesta in honor of the
Holy Child, which became a Patron Saint of the locality. This was also the time that the
leader of the place changed the name to Don Carlos in honor of the late Congressman
Carlos Fortich. Finally in 1966, Under Republic Act No. 4800, Don Carlos was covered
into a Municipality.
Don Carlos is an agricultural and Commerce and trade municipality. It is endowed
with vast tracts of fertile agricultural lands coupled with a favorable climate. Many
people in the area are greatly dependent on the produce of the land. Being the main
source of income of the municipality, agriculture utilizes about 149.5894 km of land,
representing 70% of the total land area of the municipality for the production of various
crops. Commercial activities in the municipality pass through a network of various
commercial establishments that scatter all over the municipality
A mall, shopping center, shopping mall, or shopping plaza, is the modern
adaptation of the historical marketplace. The mall is a collection of independent retail
stores, services, and a parking area, which is conceived, constructed, and maintained by a
separate management firm as a unit. They may also contain restaurants, banks, theaters,
professional offices, service stations etc.
In places around the world, the term shopping centre is used, especially
in Europe, Australia, and South America, usually refers to open-air retail complexes; both
types of facilities usually have large parking lots, face major traffic arterials, and have
few pedestrian connections to surrounding neighborhoods. Shopping Mall is a term used
predominantly in North America, Gulf countries, and India, (and is generally abbreviated
to simply mall), the term for a form of shopping precinct or shopping center, in which
one or more buildings form a complex of shops representing merchandisers with
interconnecting walkways that enable customers to walk from unit to unit.

Shopping malls didn't just happen. They are not the result of wise planners
deciding that suburban people, having no social life and stimulation, needed a place to go
(Bombeck, 1985). The mall was originally conceived of as a community center where
people would converge for shopping, cultural activity, and social interaction (Gruen &
Smith, 1960).
According to the history of shopping centers provided by Consumer Reports
(1986, for other histories of the shopping center see Jacobs, 1985; Kowinski, 1985)
shopping centers had their birth in the 1920's in California where supermarkets would
anchor and serve as a magnet for a strip of smaller stores.
According to Samuel Feinberg (1960) shopping centers got their start a bit earlier,
in 1907, in a Baltimore neighborhood where a group of stores established off-street
parking. In 1922 The Country Club Plaza in suburban Kansas City, a group of stores only
accessible by car, was built. In 1931 the Highland Park Shopping Village in Dallas
became the first group of stores that had its own parking lot with the stores facing away
from the access road. The first enclosed mall was developed in a suburb of Minneapolis
in 1956. Designed to get the shopper out of the harsh weather, it introduced the world to
shopping complexes as worlds unto themselves, free from bad weather, life, crime, dirt
and troubles. It is somehow fitting that the largest mall in the United States, called "The
Mall of America," is now nearing completion outside Minneapolis.
In Philippines, mall o shopping mall is one of the recreational place. Shopping in
the Philippines has always been very fun, enjoyable, and it's also one way of family
gathering. In the Philippines, the Retail industry became an important contributor to the
Philippine economy as it accounts for roughly 15% of the Philippines total
Gross National Product (GNP) and 33% of the entire services sector. It employs some
5.25 million people, representing a significant 18% of the Philippines' work force, which
means roughly 2 of every ten (10) workers is employed in the retail industry.
Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers
to both a structure and the using of processes that are environmentally

responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to

design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. In other words,
green building design involves finding the balance between homebuilding and the
sustainable environment.
Although new technologies are constantly being developed to complement current
practices in creating greener structures, the common objective is that green buildings are
designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the
natural environment by:

Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources

Protecting occupant health and improving employee


Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation[3]

The buildings in which we live, work, and play protect us from nature's extremes,
yet they also affect our health and environment in countless ways. As the environmental
impact of buildings becomes more apparent, a new field called "green building" is
gaining momentum.

However, the level of income of shopping mall will depend upon the degree of
effectively of its administration.


A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) are produced by Human
activities, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (taken as the year 1750) have
produced a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, from

280 ppm in 1750 to 400 ppm in 2015. This increase has occurred despite the uptake of a
large portion of the emissions by various natural "sinks" involved in the carbon cycle.
Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (i.e. emissions produced by human
activities) come from combustion of carbon-based fuels, principally wood, coal, oil,
and natural gas.
According to Unites State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Earth's
climate is changing in ways that affect our weather, oceans, snow, ice, ecosystems, and
society. Natural causes alone cannot explain all of these changes. Human activities are
contributing to climate change, primarily by releasing billions of tons of carbon dioxide
(CO2) and other heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere
every year.
A greenhouse gas is any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that is capable
of absorbing infrared radiation, thereby trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere.
By increasing the heat in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are responsible for the
greenhouse effect, which ultimately leads to global warming. Greenhouse gases are
composed of Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) and Non- Carbon Dioxide (Non-CO2 ). Carbon
dioxide (CO2) - Fossil fuel use is the primary source of CO2. The way in which
people use land is also an important source of CO2, especially when it involves
deforestation. And Land can also remove CO2 from the atmosphere through
reforestation, improvement of soils, and other activities.

Unites State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released global nonCO2 emissions projections. These projections revise the draft results released in August
2011. The report provides estimated projections from 1990-2030 for emissions from more
than twenty emissions sources. The gases included in this report are methane, nitrous
oxide, and fluorinated greenhouse gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and
sulfur hexafluoride). Methane (CH4) - Agricultural activities, waste management, and
energy use all contribute to CH4emissions. Nitrous oxide (N2O) - Agricultural activities,

such as fertilizer use, are the primary source of N2O emissions. Fluorinated gases (Fgases) - Industrial processes, refrigeration, and the use of a variety of consumer products
contribute to emissions of F-gases, which include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Climate changes will continue
into the future.
According to Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data 2004 of EPA, Building
such as Commercial and Residential building also contributes gases (8% global
greenhouse gas emissions) - Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector arise from on-site
energy generation and burning fuels for heat in buildings or cooking in homes. The more
Greenhouse gases we emit, the larger future climate changes will be. Thus, there is really
a high need and interest on this area to minimize the energy demand and the importance
of carbon emissions attributed to building construction and even in the operation.
In the field of architecture, the current practices in the building and even in the
construction aspect cannot be maintained without the important impact into the
environment. The designer often make mistakes to incorporate an additional elements in
the design that leads to unsustainable design or failure. As today, there has been a
movement into the issue to incorporate the neglected element into the designs of building
to become the main concept of green sustainable building. The proponent claims to use
green sustainable architecture to achieve a good output of design and a sustainable one, to
integrate the protection of the environment rather than using the usual and current
practice in building constructions.

The aim of this study is find out whether green commercial structures in a rural
setting are needed and capable of, with the Proposed Menduso Mall de Don Carlos: A
Green approach in a rural setting which is designed as a modern green commercial
building situated in a 1st class municipality setting. In the past years, shopping activities
have been in demand and gradually increasing annually. Most people go to a shopping
mall not only for shopping, but also for spending time. During weekends people come
with the families or the friends for shopping and have fun in the shopping malls. And

those who live in a rural area travel far to the cities to experience shopping mall

This study shall focus on the existing research gap, which is to answer whether
indeed there is an environmental advantages in the design and construction of green
building in a rural setting. Problems involved with each key elements of sustainable
developments were addressed in details, such as that of the site selection and
development, energy use, water conservation, social or community acceptability, and the
environmental quality. In site selection and development, issues related to proper building
orientation were discussed; in energy use, issues related to the increase of energy
consumption and demand as the building size increased were addressed; in water
conservation, issues related to the water consumption and protecting water quality were
discussed; in environmental quality, and key issues related in providing comfort, wellbeing, and productivity of occupants inside and outside of the premises were elaborated,
and foremost to study and to determine whether expected green shopping mall passed
social and community acceptability.

In the end, the overall benefits of this Undergraduate dissertation to establish a

Green shopping mall for the benefits of Don Carlos and will help boost the economic
growth, especially that the Proposed Bukidnon Domestic Airport are to be located in said
Municipality according to Bukidnon Kaamulan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
(Kaamulan Chamber).



The projects general objective is to design a Green Shopping Mall in a rural that
could contribute to the development of environment (economy, society and ecology) in
the Municipality of Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

To develop a green scheme or strategy when it comes to selection;

To formulate a green site development plan of a shopping mall in a rural setting;

To design a green shopping mall that contributes to elevate the pride of the
locality in Municipality of Don Carlos

To design green shopping mall which efficient in using energy, water, and other

To design green shopping mall with improved indoor air


To design an eco-friendly development and a green environment;

To reduce waste, pollution and environmental degradation.

To protect occupant health and improving employee productivity;

To showcase the local products of Don Carlos and also its neighboring
municipality, in all types of industries that would help these products saleable and
make more money from it;

10 To generate employment;
The importance of this project is that it could be an architectural icon that
symbolizes the growth of industry and trade in the 1st class municipality of Don Carlos
and the abundant vast tracts of fertile agricultural lands in the municipality. Commerce
and trade, and Agriculture are the two main sources of income in the area. And the
catalyst of progress in the economic zone field since it is mainly focusing on promoting
the popular cash crops in the municipality. Cash crops include leafy green vegetables,

fruits, legumes and root crops. Coconut, sugarcane, banana, jackfruit, cacao and rubber
comprise the commercial crops. Commercial crops cover 24.4194 km and has a total
production 2,523.75 metric tons.

The research study on the existing research gap validates and claims that there is a
strong environmental advantages in the design and construction of green building in a
rural setting. Green shopping mall possess strong potential when it comes in
environmental protection, efficiency of the resources, and the operation of green
shopping buildings.


The study is focusing more on Architectural dimensions, environmental and

economic considerations. While the feasibility study of both economics and
environmental aspects and the feasibility study of the research itself are not included in
the proposed project.


The projects overall idea is about a Green Shopping Mall in a rural setting that is
desirably located in Central Business District of Don Carlos, Bukidnon. Shopping mall
may not only for shopping, but also for spending time function, as a domain of
showcasing or exhibiting and a place for large assembly of shoppers, the researcher
formulated the essential elements of the project such as spaces for assembly and
exhibitions, commercial spaces, office spaces and facilities for recreation and other
facilities that are needed for the said proposal and as well as support facilities.

The Menduso Mall de Don Carlos main purpose is to exhibit or showcase local
products for the locality as well as the products of neighboring municipalities, both local
and foreign products in all types of industries, thats why an adequate space for occupants
and shoppers is being provided, namely exhibit halls, activity area, parking spaces, local
shops- displaying the local products of the locality, Food court, Department stores, Standalone shops, banks spaces, restaurant, theaters, recreational area and other facilities that
are needed. Exhibit hall and activity area are being provided for the purpose of holding
indoor events with large number occupant.

The development should have the support facilities to sustain and maintain the
effectiveness and function of the Green shopping Mall. These essential elements are the
keys to a better process of creating a more operative realm where it could spring a
positive impression to the community.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework diagram of the research






















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