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Assalmualaikum.wr.wb,, hello/g aft guys, first let us introduce ourselves, we are

from the second team, i am ...., beside me is .....and then......
Thanks to mom.... for giving us an opportunity to do presentation. Well guys, we
would like to discuss about how to make VCO by Fermenting. Fell free to ask a
question by raising you hand guys, okay?!
Hmmm bfr we get down to the serious problem i wanna ask u question, what do
you know about vco by fermenting btw?

Virgin coconut oil retains the plants original chemical composition and consequently the
plants therapeutic benefits. Coconut oil contains for the most part saturated fatty acids, with
a small percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also
contains glycerides. Natural coconut oil contains short and medium-chain length triglycerides
whereas fractionated coconut oil may have certain medium-chain fatty acids removed or
Virgin coconut oil is extracted without the use of heat: The heat changes the chemical
composition, and the therapeutic properties, of the resulting oil. Coconut oil that has been
extracted with the use of heat is not virgin coconut oil, although it is still essentially sold as
natural coconut oil. Coconut oil which is extracted through solvent extraction involves the
use of chemicals and, again, is not virgin coconut oil but can be described as natural.
Coconut fruit takes one of the longest time to fully mature more than an year! (yes, you
heard it right). During this long time, its external texture and internal composition goes under
significant changes.
A coconut of less than 6-7 months has lot of water in it, and the meat present is jelly like (it is
hard in mature coconuts, we eat). Immature coconut is a popular thirst quencher in tropics
and provide valuable minerals and energy. Its soft meat is also sweet and delicious to eat.
Shell of such a coconut is soft and can be cut with sharp knife.
If coconut is allowed to mature for 5-7 more months, its water content reduces and meat gets
thick and hard. At this stage, both coconut meat and water get less sweet. Another change
which happens is hardening of its outer shell. At this stage one cannot cut the shell, it has to
be broken.


Feel the weight of the coconut. It should feel heavy for its size. Shake the coconut and
listen to the sound of water. Why? because less water generally means that the
water might have drained out, which implies a crack in coconut shell. A crack in
a coconut shell in most cases leads to impurities to enter coconut meat and
cause mould.

Never prefer coconuts with cracked shells : This is because in majority of

these cases these coconuts will have mould in them as they are no more
protected from outside environment of germs and fungus.
Check the eyes of the coconut : If you observe carefully, every coconut has
three spots on it. These are called coconut eyes. Two of the three eyes of the
coconut are soft while one of them is soft. There are chances that this soft gets
damaged during transportation (some coconuts travel hundreds and thousands
of miles before they reach grocery store). If the eye gets tampered, coconut
water starts coming out from it and there is a good chance that coconut . Overall
the coconut should look brown without any gray overtone.
Fermentation process
Fermentation process : This is considered to be one of the oldest process of
producing virgin / pure coconut oil. This process can also be used at homes to
produce coconut oil. In the process This process involves making coconut milk
from fresh meat of mature coconuts. This meat is then allowed to ferment for
almost a day or two in containers. After fermentation the containers develop
three layers coconut oil, water and coconut curd. Water drops down at the
bottom and coconut oil forms the middle layer. Water is removed and then
coconut oil is removed from curd.
This method is great but with certain limitations. This method produces coconut
oil of different taste every time. This is because of the extent of fermentation
which takes place. Second issue can be that acid of fermentation are sometimes
left in the oil giving it even more peculiar taste. Thus different batches of even
same brand may have different taste.

When looking for the best quality oil the appearance is very
important. The second thing you look for in a high quality coconut oil is
purity. If you are familiar with coconut oil you know it naturally has a high
melting point. At 76 degrees F and lower it become solid, at higher
temperatures it turns into a liquid. Its much like butter, when its in the
refrigerator its solid but if left out on a hot day it melts. High quality virgin
coconut oil should be snow white in color when it is solid and water clear
when liquid. If you see any shade of yellow or gray it is of an inferior
quality. Pure coconut oil is colorless. Any discoloration is a sign of
contamination. Contamination can be from mold or smoke residue.
The third thing to look for in a high quality coconut oil is aroma and
flavor. Virgin coconut oils should always retain a coconut smell and taste. Some
virgin coconut oils have a very strong flavor or smell. These are almost always of
poor quality. The smell and taste comes primarily from contaminates and not
coconut. If the oil does not taste and smell like fresh coconut beware. Some of
the nastiest oils I have tasted were strong flavored and did not taste like coconut.

Most virgin coconut oils use some type of heat in processing. Often smoke from
the heating process contaminates the oil giving it a toasted or smoky smell and
taste. They should have a very mild coconut aroma and flavor. The flavor should
not be overpowering, but just mild enough to enjoy without altering the flavor of
the foods its used with. The fourth criteria is price. You get what you pay for.
Obviously, a very inexpensive oil is going to be of inferior quality.

How to test is coconut oil is indeed virgin coconut oil

The biggest issue with virgin coconut oil identification is that there is no
set standard on when a coconut oil can be called virgin coconut oil. This
causes lot of low quality oils to be sold as virgin coconut oil. The hallmark
of virgin coconut oil is that it smells and tastes like coconut. The smell is
generally mild and so is taste. If your oil has no taste or has very strong
one then it is most likely not a virgin coconut oil.
Most virgin coconut oils are expensive. If you are getting a coconut oil with
virgin label on it very cheap then you should get suspicious on the quality.

Here are nine of the best health benefits you can enjoy from adding this
natural oil to your diet routine:

1. Best for Cooking

Coconut oil has a higher burn point which means it does not oxidize as quickly and there are
more nutrients and less toxins contained in the oil when it is used for cooking. This gives you
a healthy addition of nutrients and vitamins to all your meals when you use coconut oil.

2. Boosts Energy Levels

Coconut oil is easy for your body to metabolize and is a great source of energy. It helps
stimulate brain activity and helps the heart and other vital organs function for effectively,
which in turn, helps your body perform and operate with more energy.

3. Improves Digestion
This delicious oil has several antioxidant elements in addition to some anti-inflammatory
benefits as well. Coconut oil has antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties that
keep us healthy. It also helps with the absorption and processing of proteins, vitamins,
minerals, and amino acids.

4. Strengthens Immune System

The lauric acid found in this oil is extremely toxic to viruses, fungi, and bacteria. This makes
it a great addition to an immune system boost and helps with the killing off of free radicals
that cause illness and disease. Lauric acid is only found in coconuts and in breast milk.

5. Improves Brain Function

Coconut oil contains a lot of beneficial fatty acids and oils that helps with new neuron
development and it is also thought to help improve brain functions. Some studies suggest that
coconut oil can help fight and even prevent some cases of common mental disorders and

6. Helps Protect the Skin

Coconut oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat skin conditions and disorders such as
dry, irritated, cracked, and wrinkled skin. Its has a lot of fatty acids and natural oils which
helps the skin heal and repair itself. You can apply it topically to the skin for the best results.

1. Mix the grated coconut and its natural water together.
2. With clean hands, gently mix them together to soften the coconut.
3. Place the cheese cloth on the palm of one hand and scoop on it a handful of
the coconut mixture.
4. Wrap the coconut in the cheese cloth and wring the cloth to allow the coconut
cream to flow out of the cloth. Be sure the container of the cream is very clean.
5. Do the wringing 25 times until all the creamy juice is squeezed out of the
6. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the coconut.
7. When all the coconut is squeezed, set aside the coconut. It can be used for
macaroons or fertilizer.
8. You are now ready to filter the coconut cream. Place filtered cream in a
shallow even container and cover for 48 hours. The oil will then begin to separate
from the cream mixture. Through time there will be 3 layers. The oil, a watery
mixture and a creamy mixture.
9. Before the 48th hour prepare the container of the oil. It should be one with a
narrow opening where a filter can be fastened.
10. On the 48th hour, gently scoop out the oil and put in the prepared container
that has a filter. Do the filtering 3 times. Then close tightly. The oil will not be
clear white. When seen in the sunlight, oil will have a yellowish tint. This is its
natural color and this ensures that the natural nutrients are there.

11. The water part of the original mixture can be fermented to become vinegar.
The creamy mixture can be cooked on a pan to let more oil out. The oil can be
used for frying or for the hair.
Storage: The virgin coconut oil can be stored in room temperature. Shelf life is 2

Differences Between Virgin Coconut Oil and Ordinary

Coconut Oil
Let us explore a bit more about what made these two sisters, born of the same mother, so
different from each other, yet in other ways remain so similar.

The main difference between ordinary coconut oil and virgin coconut oil lies in their
processes of extraction. While the former is extracted by cold compression or cold milling of
Copra (another name for dried Coconut kernels) with a moisture content of around six
percent, the latter is extracted from the coconut milk obtained from fresh coconuts.
Thereafter, using processes such as fermentation, churning (centrifugal separation),
refrigeration, and the action of enzymes, the oil is separated from the water or moisture. In
some cases, this fresh coconut oil is boiled to obtain the oil by evaporating the water or
However, in the case of virgin coconut oil, the raw materials and the process of extraction
should not allow any involvement of heat. Therefore, in good and reputable firms that
manufacture virgin coconut oil, throughout the whole process, the utmost care is taken to
ensure that the kernels and the raw material, i.e. the coconut milk, are not subjected to heat or
sunlight. In some cases, virgin coconut oil is also extracted directly by cold compression of
fresh dried coconut meat. This is also called Micro-expelling.

Virgin coconut oil looks slightly different from ordinary coconut oil and this differentiation
cannot be made with the naked eye. This difference is mainly due to the presence of certain
colloidal and other particles and moisture within it. On the other hand, ordinary oil is refined
and is mainly left with the fatty acids in it and almost nothing else. Ideally, virgin coconut oil
should be as clear as water. However, its color may vary slightly depending upon its

Virgin coconut oil has a very good taste and smell, like that of fresh coconuts, since it is
derived from fresh coconuts and is subjected to very low, if not totally nil, heat and sunlight.
It is also not refined. This preserves all the natural goodness of this oil, including a high
content of vitamin-E and minerals, which are otherwise almost completely robbed from
ordinary coconut oil during processes like heating, filtration, refining, and bleaching, which

are done to make it colorless and odorless. Furthermore, virgin coconut oil is very effective as
a moisturizing agent. Its antioxidant properties are far better than those of normal coconut oil.

The two varieties do not differ much in composition, except for the fact that a few good
things, such as some polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to the taste,
fragrance, and goodness of coconut oil are found more in virgin coconut oil than the its
ordinary counterpart. Furthermore, it is richer is medium chain fatty acids, good cholesterol,
and has almost no trans fatty acids.

How Does My Pocket Feel?

To be perfectly honest, as we all know, good things were never, are not, and will never be
cheap. Virgin coconut oil is no exception to that rule. It is dearer than ordinary coconut oil
(since production is more complicated and costlier). The prices may vary depending upon the
manufacturer, quality, and quantity (retail and bulk). Regardless of those small differences, it
almost inevitably costs more than its ordinary counterpart.
Conclusion: Virgin coconut oil is an absolutely safe and healthy oil. It deserves a try. Believe

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