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ELA The Giver- Debate 7th Grade

Student Centered Lesson Plan

Subject: English Language Arts
Grade Level: 7th grade
Time/ Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes (one class period)
Goals/ Standards:
-7th Grade Georgia ELA Standards
-ELAGSE6RL7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama,
or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text
including contrasting what they see and hear when reading the text to what
they perceive when they listen or watch.
-ELAG5E6RL9: Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g.,
stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their
approaches to similar themes and topics.
-ELAGSE7RL10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature,
including stories, dramas and poems in the grades 6-8 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Introduction: This lessons is one of three that this 7th grade will have after reading the novel
The Giver. When the students walk into the class that day, they will each receive an envelope
that they are not allowed to open until everyone is sitting at their seats. Once they are settled I
will give them permission to open it and inside they will find that, just like Jonas in The Giver
they have been assigned their career just like in the Ceremony of Twelve. Most of the
assignments will be from the text like, landscape worker, doctor, caretaker of the old, etc.
However, mixed in with these, will be 4 assignments that read, Judge.
Lesson Sequence:
1. The students will enter their class, receive their assignments and split up into 4 groups of 5
(not including the judges). 10 minutes
Experiential Outcome- By receiving an assignment like in the characters in The Giver
the students feel immersed in the culture of the text and are able to imagine what life
would be like in the community.
2. The will then have 15 minutes to decide their stance and to form pro or con arguments on the
ceremony of 12 and the overall control that the residents of the community are under. I will tell
the students how they are meant to take ownership over their opinions and that all of their
arguments must be backed up from prior knowledge of the text. The must create some form of
presentation- PPT, poster, etc.

Experiential Outcome- Students feel empowered to share their knowledge and

understanding of the text in a safer, small group environment. Sharing with their group
partners allow for student to discuss, disagree and come to conclusions together. Giving
the groups the choice of pro or con gives them a voice and ownership over the debate and
confidence in their opinions and comprehension of the text.
3. On the judges assignment sheet, pro or con was also written. So unlike the rest of the class,
the opinion of the judges was pre-established. They will take these 15 minutes to prepare their
rebuttals either in favor of or against the ceremony of 12 and job assignments in the community.
Experiential Outcome- Students feel empowered to share their knowledge and
understanding of the text in a safer, small group environment. Sharing with their group
partners allow for student to discuss, disagree and come to conclusions together. Due to
the judges being told what opinion they have to start the debate off with, they are forced
to empathize with those in the Lowrys community that were pro or con.
4. Each group of 4 will have 5 minutes (20 minutes total) to present their opinion, findings and
arguments to the judges. The other 3 groups will have rubrics to be grading the other teams as the
present their case to the judges. The judges will have rubrics for each groups as well.
Experiential Outcome- Students are given a public voice after having time to prepare as
a group.
5. The judges will have 10 minutes to come to a conclusion- Will the ceremony of 12 continue?
Experiential Outcome- The judges are empowered by their discussion and able to apply
critical thinking skills not based on their opinions but the information that has been
presented to them.
6. Closure: The class will the leave character and have a brief 10 minute discussion of the
verdict. Are they surprised? Which group swayed the judges most? Would a ceremony of 12- type
system work in our world? Which characters in the novel would have made the best judges?
Materials Needed:
1. Copies of The Giver
2. Envelopes
3. Presentation materials- poster board, PowerPoint, overhead project, computer, etc.
Assessment/ Evaluation:
-Informal Assessment- Walk around and observe as the students are forming their arguments.
-Formal Assessment- Collect student evaluation rubrics to count 60%
-Teacher evaluation rubric to count 20%
-Teacher observation and assessment to count 20%

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