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Taalas, Pamela Grace B.

Lesson No. 3/Grade 4

One, Two, Three, Jump!
I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the intervals (major and minor 2nd/3rd) through giving examples.
2. Perform simple intervals through board work.
3. Realize the importance of the intervals in our everyday lives.

II. Content
a) Theme: one, Two, Three, Jump!
b) Concept: Intervals
c) Context: The Music Theory Song
Pink Panther Theme (m2)
Do-Re-Mi (M2)
So Long, Farewell (m3)
Kumbaya (M3)
d) Audio-Visual Aids: Big Piano picture, Grand Piano Staf
e) Other Materials: Laptop, speaker, whiteboard marker, eraser, pentel
f) Reference: (Kumbaya) (So Long,
Farewell) (Pink Panther
Theme) (Do-Re-Mi)
III. Pre-requisite
1. The students have little knowledge about intervals.
2. The students can easily identify easy intervals.
3. The students already know about the major scales.

IV. Instructional Procedures

Teachers Activity
I. Greeting
Good morning, students!
How are you today? Did you enjoy your
Before we have our lesson today, let us all

Students Activity
Good morning, Teacher Pam!
Sam: Im fine, teacher!

stand as we pray.
(Teacher praying)
You may now take your seats.
Let us review how many stars you got for the
past weeks. Lets see, Group 1 got 30 stars,
while Group 2 got 24 stars. So, Group 2, you
have to participate well today so you can earn
more stars.

(Students stand and pray)

(Students take their seats)

(Students are noisy)

Group 2: Yes, teacher!

II. Motivation
I will let you watch a video of a song that we
will study for today.
(Teacher plays video, Music Theory Song)

(Students are watching and listening)

So, did you notice that the song we have just

heard tells us about intervals?

Students: No, teacher!

Yes. So, for our lesson today, we will learn

about intervals. The major and minor
III. Lesson Proper
So what is an interval? An interval is the
distance in pitch between two tones. It is
labelled by its numerical value and its quality.
The numerical value indicates the number of
tones of the diatonic scale it includes.

(Students are listening)

An interval may be described

as horizontal, linear, or melodic if it refers to
successively sounding tones, such as two
adjacent pitches in a melody,
and vertical or harmonic if it pertains to
simultaneously sounding tones, such as in
a chord.
Two notes on a keyboard which are next to
one another (counting both white and black
notes) are a semitone or half step. A tone

(Students are listening)

is two semitones, or two half steps.

Let us learn the major and minor intervals.
A minor second (m2) is made up of one half
step. Example is C to Db, since it just moved
one half step from C.
An example a song that has a minor second is
the theme from Pink Panther. Let us hear the
first two notes of that piece.
(Teacher lets the students listen)
A major second (M2) is made up of two half
For example, C to D is a major second since
it is a generic second on the staff and two half
steps on the keyboard.

(Students are listening)

(Some students are becoming noisy)

An example of a song that has a major second

is the song Do-Re-Mi, from the movie The
Sound of Music
(Teacher shows the video)

(Students are watching, and some are

singing along)

A minor third (m3) is made up of three half

steps. An example of a minor third is from C
to Eb.
An example of a minor third in a song is also
from the movie The Sound of Music. The
song So Long, Farewell

(Students are watching)

(Teacher shows the video)

A major third (M3) is made up of four half
steps. C to E is an example of a major third.
An example of a major third song is
(Teacher lets the students listen)

(Students are listening)

Let us have a short activity. I will call one

person each group and you come here in front
and make me an interval about the topic that
we have studied today.
For example if I say, what is the Major
Second above the note D, you will think of
what that note is, and you will write it here in
the board.
Lets have a trial. Can I call one person from
each group?

Ayesha and Mika: Meeeee, teacher!

Okay, Ayesha and Mika. Come here.

What is the Minor third above the G?

(Ayesha writes the note A)

(Mika writes the note G sharp)

No, thats not correct. How many steps does

the minor third have?

Ayesha and Mika: (thinking) 3 half

steps, teacher.

Yes. So count three half steps after the note G.

(Ayesha and Mika writes A-sharp or

Yes. Very Good, Ayesha and Mika. A sharp or

B flat is correct.
You can now go back to your seats.
So did everyone get the idea now?

(Ayesha and Mika goes back to their


Okay, so lets start?

(Teacher gives the activity)

IV. Conclusion
Everything in life doesnt need to be rushed.
Just take little steps in reaching your dreams.
Theres no need to rush it. Only in Gods time

(Students are having an activity)

(Students are listening)

will are your dreams come true.

Psalm 37:31. The law of his God is in his
heart; none of his steps shall slide.
Since this is our last day. I want to give you
something in remembrance of me teaching
this class.
(Teacher gives the small gifts)
Bea: Awww, Teacher, thank you for the
gift. I will miss you.

Goodbye and thank you students.

Goodbye, teacher!

V. Self-Assessment
1. Did I reach my objective?
2. Did my students learn through the teaching method I had?
3. Do I need to elaborate more and give examples?

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