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Sports 8

More from Kansas

tournament run

News 2

Arts & Culture 5

Failing students get a

second chance through
new mentor program

28th annual KU
Powwow aims to
promote indigenous
culture awareness

MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 | VOLUME 130 ISSUE 18



A strong season left incomplete

Kansas falls one game short of Final Four, losing to Villanova 64-59 in the NCAA tournament

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Clay Young, Svi Mykhailiuk and Hunter Mickelson keep their heads down in the locker room after losing to Villanova 64-59.


OUISVILLE, Ky. Objectively, itd be difficult

to call it a disappointment.
Starting in the summer,
Kansas won gold at the
World University Games,
followed by a title at the
Maui Jim Maui Invitational.
As the season progressed, Kansas finished
atop the Big 12 in both the
regular season and tournament, and notched a win in
the Big 12/SEC Challenge
along the way.
For all of that success,
plus a spot as the top overall
seed in the NCAA tournament and a trip to the Elite
Eight, the team accomplished several of its goals.
Yet as the players sat in the
locker room after their loss
to Villanova, the mood reflected a different story.

The players eyes were

red from the tears. Several
sat with their heads in their
hands, others with towels
draped over their faces. All
eyes were on the floor.
In a season where so
many goals were surpassed,
it wasnt about what the
team had done; it was about
what they hadnt.
It never felt like
enough, junior forward
Landen Lucas said.
As the final seconds
ticked away in the game, the
realization began to set in.
For one side: pure elation.
The Villanova players
jumped around with each
other, realizing what theyd
accomplished: The first Final Four of their careers.
But on the other side,
it was agony: Unrelenting
heartbreak and disappointment.

Devonte Grahams eyes

filled with tears. He pulled
his jersey over his face as he
sat on the bench. One seat
to his right, senior forward
Jamari Traylor offered
words of encouragement
but there was nothing comforting to be said.
I hate that it had to end
like this, Graham said. Its
hard when people tell you
not to hold your head down.
We couldve done something really special.
Graham had so often
been the player whose smile
brightened the teams spirits. Not even he could muster up anything other than a
look of despair.
Looking around the
locker room, it was the
same way:
Tears. Red eyes. Towels
on heads.
The only silver lining
came from an unlikely

One of the emotional

leaders of the team, Traylor
seemed like his heart had
been ripped out of his chest.
He stared blankly with his
held tilted to one side, answering each question in
a monotone, lifeless voice.
His teary eyes glistened,
amplified by the top lights
of cameras shining on his
Eventually, he was asked
about the Kansas backcourt: Graham and junior
guard Frank Mason III. As
he talked about them, the
look of sheer disappointment remained. But for one
moment a split second
there was a glimmer of
hope, a glimmer in his eyes.
They pretty much came
from nothing, Traylor said.
In the end, the moment
was nothing more than a
brief flash of light in a seemingly endless abyss of darkness.

But for a second Traylor,

who also came from a life of
instability, was able to put
everything aside, until it all
came crashing back down.

I hate that it
had to end
like this.
Devonte Graham
Sophomore guard

Across the room, almost

no one took the loss harder
than Evan Manning, who
sat next to Tyler Self. The
two held blank stares; neither said a word to each
For Self, thered be another chance next year, but,
for Manning, a four year
Kansas career had come to
an end and it showed. His
eyes were a brilliant color of
red, as he seemed to be tak-

ing it all in.

It was difficult for him
to express what the season
had meant. It was difficult
for all the seniors.
The team had come such
a long way.
Through team meetings,
court-stormings, injuries
and perhaps most of all
hundreds and hundreds of
the little moments: words,
thoughts, fist bumps, high
fives and tears shared between players it was all
over. Everything had come
to an end.
For that, while the seniors struggled to find the
right words to say, it was a
junior who put it best.
Were going to look
back and see how good this
team was, Wayne Selden
Jr., his voice slightly quivering, said. We didnt accomplish what we wanted to.

Administrators seek control over off-campus violations


Every two academic

years, Student Senate is
tasked with revising the
Student Code of Rights and
Responsibilities. The Code
outlines how the University
can discipline students who
commit non-academic misconduct.
Since the 1970s, the
Code has only permitted for
students to be disciplined
for violations that occurred
on campus or at University-sponsored events. And
since then University administrators and the Student Senate have made
minor amendments to the
In a Student Rights
Committee meeting March
23, senators were given
their first chance to review
and amend the proposed
version of the Code. While
senators voted to move forward with the draft of the
Code that administrators

presented, several amendments were made and approved by senators.

Freshmen Senator John
Fosters amendment was
approved. Fosters amendment eliminated language
that granted the University
jurisdiction to prosecute
off-campus code violations.
The Code is subject to final approval by Chancellor
Bernadette Gray-Little, and
is enforced by the Office of
Student Affairs, according
to the current Code.
Current Code changes
In the administrative
draft of the code, the most
contested change is on new
language that would give
the University jurisdiction
to discipline students for
misconduct that happens
off campus.
Specifically, the Code
allows the University to
hold disciplinary proceedings against students if
the violations occur on the
University premises or at

University sponsored or
supervised events or as otherwise required by federal,
state, or local law, according to the current Student
Code of Rights and Responsibilities.
In an email correspondence dated Nov. 13, 2015
from Tammara Durham
vice provost for Student
Affairs to Student Body
President Jessie Pringle
and former Student Body
Vice President Zach George,
Durham said the University
has fallen behind peer institutions in protecting the
rights and safety of all students.
Durhams email said
a draft of the new code,
supported by herself and
shared with representatives
from Student Senate and
implemented at the end
of the year after feedback
from senators.
Lance Watson, director
of Student Conduct and
Community Standards, said

the push for off-campus jurisdiction language to be included in the Code is only to
ensure student safety.

If [administrators]
dont take our
voices into
consideration and
our constituents
voices into
then are they
really listening to
Madeline Dickerson
Student Senate Rights
Committee chair

In our current code, we

have the ability to address
instances of sexual assault
or violence off campus, and
said. Those are the only

two things that can be addressed off campus, everything else cannot.
So we wanted to look at
it broader, and be up with
more contemporary practices with peer institutions
as well.
In an email with Pringle
and George, Durham addressed concerns about the
jurisdictional language.
The jurisdictional language permits the University to address, serious, significant, off-campus issues
that threaten the health and
safety of our community
as well as a students right
to participate in the educational process, she said in
the email.
The intention is to address the needs of students
who have been subjected to
such intense violence that it
resulted in substantial injury causing absence from

Just the facts

The University administrators version of the Student
Code would grant KU
jurisdiction in prosecuting
off-campus code violations.
The Student Senate version
of the Code was approved
by the Student Rights Committee with an amendment
that removes language
allowing off-campus jurisdiction.
Chancellor Bernadette
Gray-Little must approve
the change. Some senators
are concerned it will not
pass without the approved



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classes and/or the use of
weapons and force used to
commit off campus crimes.
Student Senate
Foster, who eliminated
the off-campus jurisdiction
language, said the University does not have jurisdiction over off-campus conduct. This precedent was
ruled on in a court case in
language comes straight
from their ruling that said
the University could not
exercise jurisdiction over
an event that happened off
campus, Foster said.
amendment passed on
March 23, several senators
voiced concerns. Their concerns: If senators present
an amended draft of the
code to administration for
approval without language
that gives the University
off-campus jurisdiction, administrators may push their
draft forward without Senates amendments.
In regards to off-campus jurisdiction, if there arent [further] amendments
[in Full Senate], Im not
sure what would happen,
said Madeline Dickerson,
Rights Committee chair.
Thats the whole issue behind whats been happening
this semester, is we dont
have any final answers.
Weve asked those ques-

tions, and just havent gotten the answers.

While the authority to
develop the rules concerning non-academic student
conduct rests with the
full Student Senate body
according to the current
Code, the final version of
the Code is still subject to
the approval of the Chancellor. The Code also grants
the Office of Student Affairs
the authority to administer
and follow up on code violations.
Durham did not respond
to a request for comment
Friday about the administrations plans for potentially approving an alternate draft of the code.
jurisdiction lawsuit
Navid Yeasin, a former
University student, filed a
lawsuit against the University in March of 2014. Yeasin alleged he was wrongfully expelled for a series
of tweets that indirectly
addressed his relationship
with another student at the
The student who was
unnamed in the lawsuit
filed a complaint with the
Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access and
Yeasin was given a strict
no-contact order against
the student.
A student conduct hearing on November 4, 2013
found that Yeasin violated
the Universitys sexual harassment policy. The panel
recommended his expul-


sion and Durham agreed

with the panels findings.
Yeasin was expelled from
the University on November 13, 2013.
Yeasin appealed his expulsion to the University
Judicial Board, which sided
with Durhams decision, so
he continued the legal process into judicial review in
the Douglas County District
The District Court ruled
in Yeasins favor on Nov. 17,
2014. The University was
ordered to readmit Yeasin,
reimburse or credit him for
his 2013 fall semester tuition and pay transcript fees.
The University appealed
the district court ruling to
the Kansas Court of Appeals
roughly a month later. The
three-judge panel unanimously sided with Yeasin in
a September 2015 decision
that said:
The Student Code [of
Rights and Responsibilities] did not give the University authority to act
when the misconduct occurred somewhere other
than its campus or at University sponsored or supervised events.
Legal outlook
Terry Leibold, a lawyer
from Lawrence who served
as Yeasins legal counsel
during his petition against
the University, said the
Universitys insistence for
off-campus jurisdiction in
student code violations is
a direct result of Yeasins
lawsuit. He said the Univer-

sity is trying to overcome

that decision.
Why they would want
to have jurisdiction over
off-campus conduct, Im
not sure what is driving
that, Leibold said. It certainly doesnt seem like a
very good idea to me from
anybodys perspective.
The Chancellors ability
to approve her own version of the Student Code of
Rights and Responsibilities
raises questions as to why
governing bodies like University Senate and Student
Senate even exist, Leibold
It seems odd to me,
that why even have a Student Senate if [the Chancellor] can just do what she
wants anyway? What is the
point of a Student Senate?
I guess is my question, he
Dickerson said if an alternate draft of the code is
approved without Senates
would likely receive negative feedback from both
senators and the student
If they push through a
code that doesnt have any
of our amendments in it,
theyll probably get backlash from Senate because
we are the student voice,
Dickerson said. We represent all of our peers and we
were elected to do that.
She added: If they dont
take our voices into consideration and our constituents voices into consideration, then are they really

listening to students?
Dickerson said the Senators sentiment about proceeding to present a draft
of the code was uncertain
during the Rights Committee meeting. She said concerns were raised about the
administrations ability to
pass their own draft.
If they arent going to
take our voices into consideration, why are we pretending to even have one?
she said. As chair, are we at
this point because we were
forced to be at this point by
the administration?
We passed this draft,
but was it because we wanted to, or because we had no
other option?
Edited by Matthew





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Caroline Fiss/KANSAN

New study shows unhealthy foods

make up majority of American diet

From soda and PopTarts to ramen and pizza,

the average college students diet is known for
being a mixed bag of unhealthy options. A new
study published this month
in the BMJ, an online medical journal, shows that
students mentality when
it comes to food might not
be too far removed from the
rest of the country.
Foods like frozen meals,
pizza, soft drinks, cookies,
cakes and salty snacks comprise nearly 57.8 percent of
the standard American diet,
according to the study. The
study also found 0.7 percent of the average Americans diet is vegetables.
Kelsey Fortin, a health
ducator at Watkins Health
Services, specializes in educating students to be more
conscious about the food
they put in their bodies.
The main problem with
processed items, Fortin
said, is that the consumer
lacks control over what goes
into the food. As a result, a
diet of mostly ready-made
products will include extra
unwanted fats, sugars and
Fortin said she likes to
explain the short-term and
long-term effects of processed foods by comparing
the body to a car.

So, if I put the wrong

type of gasoline in my car,
it might run, but its not
going to run as efficiently,
and that could be damaging things on the inside and
eventually, its not going to
run very well, Fortin said.
Fortin said many students do not realize processed grains, foods high
in salt, sugar, saturated fats
and trans fats can contribute to major health problems.
I think its hard with
the population that were
working with because its
kind of the idea that, Oh
those are the things that
affect people when theyre
older, Fortin said.
Trevor Bashaw, a freshman from Manhattan,
Kan., is a member of the
Lawrence group Food
Not Bombs, which focuses on providing healthy,
vegetarian-based food to
people in need. Bashaw
said he thinks it is easy for
college students to pick up
bad habits when it comes
to food.
A lot of times youre
not thinking about where
the food is coming from
or how good it is for you,
Bashaw said.
The best way to avoid
instant gratification and
processed foods is to be
proactive about eating habits and emphasize things
like nutrition-label literacy

and meal planning, Fortin

All of a sudden its Monday night and its dinner
time and I need to go to the
grocery store, and I dont
have time to go to the grocery store, and I dont have
anything at home I dont
have time to cook, because I
have to do x, y, or z, and Im

going to go grab whatever,

Fortin said, So had I taken
that extra time on Sunday
to go to the grocery store,
and proactively plan, then I
would have already known
what I was going to do.
Edited by Deanna











New faculty-to-student mentoring program gives

failing CLAS students another chance at success

A new faculty mentoring program implemented

this semester aims to give
students who dont meet
University GPA standards
another chance at success.
The Universitys College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences which enacted
the program this semester
designed the program to
provide struggling undergraduate students within
the College individualized
help from a faculty mentor,
according to the CLAS web
page. It also gives students
access to an enhanced set
of resources to employ for
academic success.
Jennifer Hamer, chair of
the Department of American Studies, said the program was created during
winter break this year to
help address low retention
rates within the college.
The issue of retention is
not a new issue on this campus. Administrators have
known for almost a decade
about this issue, Hamer
The retention rate for
freshman in 2008 was 77.7
percent, according to data
from the Office of Institutional Research and Planning. This is the lowest rate
among other institutions in
the American Association
of Universities. However, in
2014, the University retention rate for freshman rose
to 80 percent.
The response to these
numbers led to the creation
of the faculty mentoring
Hamer said between
this years fall and spring
semesters, a group of faculty and staff in the college
came together to figure out
how to respond to student
protests as well as the over-

all climate on campus.

Our concern about
students was a catalyst for
talking about retention
within the College, Hamer said. We were very fortunate to have over 130
faculty members from the
College sign up for the program almost immediately.
Hamer also said the new
dean Carl Lejuez, who was
hired in Sept. 2015, was
willing to make changes,
which was instrumental to
create the program.
Lejuez said upon arriving at the University, faculty and staff expressed
interest in doing more to
help students succeed academically.
One of my top priorities coming in was to focus
on the student academic
experience, including support for maintaining good
academic standing and
timely progress toward
graduation, Lejuez said.
As a first-generation student myself, I know faculty mentorship was the one
thing that kept me afloat in
Hamer serves as the faculty liaison for the program
and said the 150 students
who chose to enter the program are to meet with their
mentor twice during the semester and are encouraged
to continue meeting with
their mentor throughout
their education.
Hamer also said the program is designed not only
to give students one-on-one
attention through a mentor
but also to give them better
access to other services at
the University.
One of the things that
you find when students are
not doing well is they begin
to disengage from campus,
Hamer said. You wont see
them at events, you may not
see them in class.

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Professor Jennifer Hamer, Chair of the Department of American Studies, set up a mentoring program to assist CLAS students who are failing or having
academic issues.

Hammer added: Not

only are they tired from
working, they just dont feel
like theres not much more
they can do. There also can
be a sort of disconnect between the academic side
and student services for
these students.
Hamer said advisers,
faculty mentors and a faculty liaison are all available to
support the student. These
people will help students
navigate and take advantage of the academic and
student services resources.
Our students are extremely motivated and tal-

ented, but there are many

reasons why they may
struggle, Lejuez said. One
of the top reasons is that a
large majority of our students hold a job in addition
to their studies.
He added: For others
its the absence of someone
they can turn to who understands the pressures and
challenges of the college
experience. Given all these
factors, the program just
seemed like an obvious response we could make immediately to help students
thrive in the College and at

Lejuez said that while

the program was offered
to failing students for this
semester, it could be expanded to encompass all
students in the future.
Currently we are focused on struggling students, but as the program
grows wed like expand
mentorship for all students, he said. Additionally, we will work closely
with many of the other outstanding programs in the
college and on campus to
provide an integrated and
comprehensive way to help
our students succeed.

Long-term, we want
to develop proactive programs that help struggling
students as early as we can
so they can avoid academic probation and dismissal altogether. The hope is
that the program can have
multiple levels of mentorship including peers, faculty and alumni and can be
tied closely to our existing
strengths in advising, Lejuez said.
Edited by Skylar



Issawi: College students awareness is too narrow

Text your #FFA

submissions to

I woke up to snow,
and now it's 50
degrees. Kansas

White dress and blue

underwear was a bad
Editor's Note: My
National Puppy Day is
just like any other day,
except it just gives
my girlfriend another
reason to watch
puppy videos



s college students,
we find ourselves in
a purgatory of overstimulation. Life on a large
campus involves incessant
rigorous classes and more
often than not, an intoxicating and electric nightlife. In our effort to keep
this juggling act in motion,
we become secluded. While
broadening our horizons in

the realm of education and

opening doors for future
individual success, we are
simultaneously closing our
minds and shutting out the
rest of the world.
Because beyond the
hashtags on Twitter and
temporary profile pictures
propagating solidarity with
recently ravaged European
countries, we have become
numb to the world.
We forget about the 200
schoolgirls kidnapped by
Boko Haram in Nigeria and
the mass genocide perpetuated by the group. We are
unaware of the inequities
and lack of freedom currently present in North Korea. We are so encompassed
by the world immediately at
our feet that we are ignorant to issues occurring in
our own backyard.
We cant help but have

one-track minds, though.

Weve been trained to focus on the immediate task
at hand, because if not, we
run the risk of slipping of
losing our footing and falling behind in the rat race of
college. As a result, weve
created a cocoon; a bubble
that shields us from exposure to the outside world.
As a generation, we arent necessarily the only
ones to blame. Since entering the threshold of organized education as young
children, we have been
socially primed to believe
we are meant to endeavor
through life on a specific,
predetermined path and hit
pinnacle milestones along
the way. Finish high school.
Go to college. Get a degree. Get a job. Make some
money. Get married. Settle
down. Have some kids.

But what happens if

we deviate from the path?
What happens if we become divergent ourselves
and take hold of our own
future and help influence
the future of the world on a
grander scale?
How are we at our
peak, our most able-bodied
and sharpest of wit expected to bury ourselves
within the fallacies of campus life and allow the real
world to continue on without our influence or opinion?
Our youth should not
go wasted. It should not
be thwarted by those who
came before us. Our minds
are fresh, and we have yet
to become truly jaded by
the everyday. If we, as a
generation, utilized our
full mental capacity and
reached beyond the breadth

of our campuses, we could

potentially create change in
the world. We could trump
global inequities and be
proponents of peace, as
far-reaching as it sounds.
We can no longer listen to the voices telling us
to remain complacent and
merely only focus on the
now by burying ourselves
under piles of schoolwork.
Because while education
is important, true learning
occurs when we put forth
effort into questioning the
world we live in and attempt to restructure it to
how we best see fit.
Danya Issawi is a sophomore from Kansas City
studying journalism.
Edited by Skylar

I yearn
Editor's Note:
Cool me too.
Went to church for
easter this morning
but the cheesecake
factory afterward
was a more religious
Villanova? More like
They changed the
pinched nerve test
sign on 23rd. End of
an era.
Standing in line
behind the women
negotiating coupons
at Hobby Lobby is the
bane of my existence
Illustration by Jake Kaufmann/KANSAN

Do you think there's

a black market for
organs? Like the
musical instrument?
Get it. Ha. Haha. Ha.

Nasseri: Group projects fail to stimulate learning

When Pandora
suggests spring break
radio, and it feels like
youre being taunted
since break is over
Dogs love to be pet


The semester is
nearing an end, let the
existential crisis ensue
When did stopping
for pedestrians in
crosswalks become
KU lawsuit counter:


As if good old-fashioned homework and tests

werent enough, college
students have even more
serious worries associated
with many of their classes. Some call it the grade
wrecker; others, the soul
destroyer. Regardless, students at all levels shudder
at the thought of the horrendous group project.
In spite of general disdain of group projects,
professors absolutely love
to assign them. Group
projects truly do have
potential to be amazing
learning experiences. A
1992 neurobiology study
by Drs. Eric Kandel and
Robert Hawkins shows
how each persons brain

architecture is shaped by
their unique experiences,
demonstrating that learning is intrinsically linked
with individuality. In an
environment such as a
college classroom, where
people have come from all
walks of life, students have
the potential to teach each
other how they see the
Additionally, a 1984
study by Carl Benware
and Edward Deci reveals
students who learn new
material with the goal to
teach others are better
able to learn compared to
students who learn simply
to be examined.
There certainly are benefits to learning from ones
peers in a group. However,
group projects as typically
assigned in college classrooms are far from the
best way to accomplish
this learning. First, teachers lack an understanding
of how logistically challenging group presentations are.
When students working, dealing with family or
personal obligations, and
taking five other classes

in order to graduate on
time are put together in
a group, simply finding a
time to meet as a group
can be next to impossible.
In addition, group projects can stifle creativity
rather than encourage it.
As demonstrated by the
1951 Asch experiment,
3/4 of people are willing
to agree with the obviously incorrect answer when
everyone else in a small
group does. This tendency
to conform means group
projects are no guarantee that the groups final
project reflects what every member of the group
believes. Even in small
groups, more vocal members can easily outvote
their peers, and the final
product a group turns in
imperfectly represents every persons vision.
When grading a group
project, professors lose
the insight of individual students and can only
look at what the group
collectively agreed upon.
Instructor perceptions of
group projects are vastly
different than that of their
students in other ways as

well. A 2003 survey of 69

university students conducted by Marilyn Ford
and Jenny Morice, revealed a huge discrepancy
between student and faculty perceptions of group
This is in part due to the
fact that while 64 of the
students reported having
problems with group assignments, less than 8 percent approached their lecturer with the problems. If
instructors were clear that
students can come to them
with concerns, the experience of the group project would become more
positive for everyone, as
students would not need
to suffer silently, and professors would be able to
assign and grade projects
more fairly.
Some professors might
be interested in assigning
group projects for reasons
other than merely antagonizing their already-overworked students. In this
case, they have a lot more
work to do than simply assigning a project.
First, professors should
clearly state their expecta-

tions for the project, setting students up for success at working efficiently
as a team. Second, grading
scales should be adjusted
so that students are not
depending on perpetually absent or irresponsible
peers for their own scores.
Finally, teachers should
encourage their students
to come to them with concerns.
But, take heart, fellow
students. We can learn a
lot from group projects
as they are currently being assigned. For example, Ive learned time and
time again that sometimes
its easier to shut up and
go along with what other
people are saying also,
that trusting anyone ever
is a bad idea and all people are terrible. These are
valuable lessons that Im
sure will stick with me for
the rest of my life.
Brook Nasseri is a
sophomore from Topeka
and English.
Edited by Deanna



letters to Write
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Vicky Diaz-Camacho

Gage Brock
Business Manager

Members of the Kansan
Editorial Board are Vicky
Diaz-Camacho, Kate Miller,
Gage Brock and Maddy

arts & culture


Aries ( March 21-April

New travel opportunities
present themselves. Wait to
make a final decision until
youve researched the best
value. Resist the urge to
splurge. Simplicity satisfies
... no frills necessary. Pack
lightly and eat local food.
Taurus ( April 20-May
Pay bills and send invoices
over the next few days. Work
together to align on practical
spending priorities. Costs
may be higher than planned.
Act quickly on a bargain.
Walk off excess energy.
Gemini ( May 21-June
Get into an adventure
together. You and a partner
can stir things up today
and tomorrow. Profit from
a dreamers vision. Provide
what the other one needs.
Adjust course to suit. Support
each other.
Cancer ( June 21-July
Get to work, and expect it to
get busy today and tomorrow. Accept more authority.
Its easy to overspend ...
keep track. Successes come
through expending energy
and effort, despite the impulse to run.
Leo ( July 23-Aug. 22)
Fun with family over the
next two days entices. Play
and relax together. Favorite
games and sports delight. Enjoy the company. Celebrate
with a home-cooked meal
and little treats. Children
share wisdom if you listen.
Virgo ( Aug. 23-Sept.
Enjoy domestic comforts
over the next few days. Ease
someones suffering with
kindness. Clean and handle
home improvements. Decorate with flowers and bright
colors. Lovingly cooked
meals by candlelight treat the
whole family.
Libra ( Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
A solution to an old problem
is becoming obvious. Provide
leadership. Avoid a risky
investment. Youre exceptionally clever for the next two
days, and a tangle is unraveling. Read and write today
and tomorrow.
Scorpio ( Oct. 23-Nov.
Follow the money today and
tomorrow. Dont gamble.
Your heads full of profitable
ideas. Declare intentions.
Enlist support from your
partner. A rush job pre-empts
scheduled programming.
Work quickly and carefully,
without provoking upsets.
Sagittarius ( Nov. 22Dec. 21)
Youre even more powerful
than usual for the next two
days. Take action. You can
afford to take a risk. Assume
responsibility. Take advantage of creative energy.
Follow a personal dream.
Invite participation.
Capricorn ( Dec. 22-Jan.
Enjoy an introspective cycle.
Rest and recuperate today
and tomorrow. Listen to the
emotional undercurrent.
Address an uncomfortable
situation head on. Begin
a fresh page in tranquil
solitude. Pursue peace and


I am proud that we
can come together
to celebrate our
resiliency and
cultural heritage
at an institution
that acknowledges
diversity [among]
its student body.
Ryanne White
Paige Stingley/KANSAN
Shaw Crowfeather (left) and Landri
James (right) practice a traditional
dance dressed in full tribal attire.

KU Powwow keeps indigenous culture alive

through annual celebration of heritage

ith the mission of bridging

gaps for Native
American students with
their peers so future generations may thrive in an
educational environment,
the First Nations Students
Association will host the
28th annual KU Powwow
and Indigenous Dance and
Culture Festival at the Lied
Center April 2.
From Powwow etiquette
classes to dancing and singing contests, the festival offers various cultural activities. It will also host several
indigenous art workshops
including beading, tribal
songs and moccasin making. The day-long festival
will also feature indigenous
Landri James, a junior
from Lawrence and the
president of the First Nations Student Association,
said the Powwow and Indigenous Culture Festival
provides the University an

opportunity to showcase
diversity, equity and inclusion.
"We're hosting the event
to promote cultural awareness, enhance native faculty, staff, and especially
student retention here at
the University of Kansas,"
James said.
While last years event
was held in the Kansas
Union, James said it will
be interesting to see how
many people will come this
year in the much larger
Lied Center. The increased
size will not only allow for
a larger audience, but vendors will also sell authentic
native American food at the
She also said the festival
would like to provide a safe
place for native communities in the Lawrence area.
To me, the KU Powwow
and Indigenous Culture
Festival is most important
in terms of native staff,
faculty, and student retention, James said. With
our small native population
on campus having such di-

verse schedules, commitments and interests, it's a

good way for us all to come
together and showcase
what we look like, what we
wear, how we make our instruments and regalia, how
we sing, dance and how we
celebrate life.
As a member of the
Prairie Band Potawatomi
Nation, James said it is incredibly significant to serve
her community. With her
reservation less than an
hour away, James said she
wants her generation to be
at the University for many
years to come.
I want them to know
that they're welcome here
at KU and that it's possible
to find a balance between
our culture and the dominant, James said. It's
hard, but it's possible and
more rewarding than what
meets the eye.
Sherrie Marland-Mendoza, parliamentarian of
First Nations Student Association and junior from
Tama, Iowa, will perform a
northern traditional appli-

whole life and made lifelong

friends in the powwow circle."
For White, to have the
Powwow and Indigenous
Dance and Culture Festival
at the University means to
share what it is to be Native American and showcase their rich culture and
history. She added the importance of bringing people
together from all ethnicities
builds cultural competence
and embraces identity.
I am proud that we can
come together to celebrate
our resiliency and cultural
heritage at an institution
that acknowledges diversity
[among] its student body,
White said.
The KU Powwow and
Indigenous Dance and Culture Festival takes place
at the Lied Center at noon
April 2 and is free and open
to public.
Edited by Skylar

Alumnaes band, Maria the Mexican, draws

inspiration from grandmothers mariachi band

Tess and Maria Cuevas

were just children when
they first started playing in
their grandmothers mariachi band. Now, the University alumnae have their own
distinct style and sound in
their band Maria the Mexican, which will release its
second album, "South of the
Border Moonlight," at the
Replay Lounge in Lawrence
on April 1.
Born and raised in Topeka and graduates of Topeka
High School, the Cuevas
sisters began playing in-

struments during childhood. The sisters were both

classically trained, as Tess
played the violin and Maria
played piano. Once the duo
honed their musical skills,
they joined their grandmother's mariachi band,
Mariachi Estrella.
Their grandmother, Teresa Cuevas, founded Mariachi Estrella, and its music
became prominent in the
1980s. Although she passed
away in 2014, the sisters
recognize the large influence their grandmother had
on their music today.
Shes certainly the reason we got started, Tess
said. Both Maria and I do it

for ourselves, but we wonder how she would want us

to continue.
Both sisters majored in
communication studies and
minored in Latin American
studies. Tess graduated in
2008, and Maria graduated
shortly after in 2010. From
there, they continued to
spend time in Mexico and
Spain playing festivals and
going to language school.
"We look for creative
outlets that could spark our
creativity or spark some
ideas for us," Tess said
about their time in Mexico.
"Being there gave us a jolt
of answers."
Now their band, Maria

Aquarius ( Jan. 20-Feb.

Group projects and community endeavors go well
over the next few days. Get
together for a good cause.
Your friends join in. Turn an
obligation into a party. Go
for the gold!
Pisces ( Feb. 19-March
Make a professional power
play over the next few days.
Crazy dreams seem possible.
Prepare for inspection. Keep
commentary to a minimum,
and toss the superfluous.
Coach your team to victory.

qu style dance. For Mendoza, the festival is a way to

meet new friends and catch
up with relatives, which
helps her from being homesick.
I love keeping my Indigenous culture alive by
taking part in powwows,
Mendoza said. It's also a
great opportunity to bring
many tribes together.
Another dancer, Ryanne
White, a junior from Whitefish Bay, Ontario, Canada,
will perform a contemporary dance that originates
great-grandmother, Maggie. She will
also wear a dress inherited
from her grandmother.
The story of the jingle
dress originates from Maggie White of Whitefish Bay,
Ontario, and is widely recognized as a healing dress,"
White said. "I am the proud
Maggie, the First Lady of
the Jingle Dress. I have
been given her Ojibway
name, Mizhiikeyatamook,
and the responsibilities as a
staff carrier. I've danced my

Garrett Nordstrom/Contributed photo

Tess (left) and Maria Cuevas (right).

the Mexican, blends a mixture of soul and funk while

also incorporating classic
mariachi sounds and Mexican flavor. Their songs are
usually sung in both Spanish and English.
The sisters formed Maria
the Mexican in 2011 once
they saw the appeal of Garrett Nordstrom, a guitarist
and songwriter from Kansas City, Mo. They brought
Nordstrom onboard once
they taught him four hours
of mariachi guitar, and the
group started writing songs
for their first record, "Moon
Colored Jade."
Their confidence and
stage presence blew me
away; I knew right away,
Nordstrom said. Learning
the mariachi tunes was a
very difficult process since
I learned four hours of
Maria said she has welcomed the addition.
Hes a more classic rock
and funk guy so we made
this hybrid band, Maria
said. There are songs in
Spanish with drums and
electric guitar that don't
songs. We look for creativity, and Garrett helped with
Maria also said they all
collaborate in writing the
songs, but Nordstrom helps
develop the non-traditional

mariachi songs. Nordstrom

eventually added guitarist
Jason Riley, who he met in
Its been six years since
the release of the band's
first album, and this new
record is a little different
from the first, Maria said.
Maria said they worked on
the album all of last year
and started writing last
Tess said "South of the
Border Moonlight" has a
true and authentic sound.
The first album ["Moon
Colored Jade"] was more
poppy and glammy, and
this one feels more produced. It feels more to our
Mexican roots while also
sounding folk and country,"
Tess said.
"South of the Border
Moonlight" officially released March 11, and the
band has already played
shows at various venues
across Kansas and Missouri in support of the album.
The band will stop in Lawrence for a special album
release show at 6 p.m. April
1 at the Replay Lounge, located at 946 Massachusetts
St. It will be joined by special guest and Lawrence native, Kirsten Paludan.

Edited by Mackenzie













McGough: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 has

few surprises, but still delivers expected nostalgia

becoming saturated
sequels, franchises and
the original is best left
alone. My Big Fat Greek
overbearing continuation
of the hit 2002 film My
Big Fat Greek Wedding,
giving credibility to the
notion that the first film is
usually the best.
To be fair, returning
screenwriter and star Nia
Vardalos had a very hard
task in front of her. The
first film was adoringly
quirky. It seems as though
she tried to encapsulate
that same spirit but with
added ploys that would
connect with an audience
that is living in todays
modern times and zoo of
technology. This is all too
apparent with multiple
scenes involving an iPad
equipped with FaceTime,
or as some of the older
characters refer to it, the
Facetimes while they yell
directly into the screen.
entirety of the original
cast have made their way

onto the limited screen

space. If any of them
had been recast, the film
would have lost all sense
of nostalgia and credibility.
cast are John Corbett,
Lainie Kazan, Michael
Constantine, Gia Carides
who are all probably
thanking the Greek Gods
for Nia Vardalos and their
employment. Despite a
cast full of some B-movie
actors, the performances
are energetic and easy to
Three main conflicts
drive the plot of the film,
making the movie, like
the Portokalos family, a
bit crowded. Seemingly
out of the blue, Toula
(Corbett) marriage isnt
as firework-inducing as it
was when they last shared
screen time. In the midst
of all that, they have a
daughter who despises the
fact that shes Greek and
wants to go to college at
New York University where
she can be far away from
her loud family. The most
intriguing plot point comes
when Gus (Constantine)
uncovers his marriage
(Kazan). He discovers a

George Kraychyk/AP Photo

This image released by Universal Pictures shows a scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.

blank line where the priest

should have signed, thus
making their marriage
illegitimate. Kazan and
their roles with the same
grace and chemistry as 14
years ago.
Despite a chaotic, yet
humorous, beginning, the
film really picks up once
the wedding preparations

commence. The wedding

plans are led by the shining
star of the film, Aunt Voula,
played by Tony winner
Andrea Martin. Through
her TMI one-liners and
innate gravitas, Martin
livens things up and takes
on much more than the
last film. Forget the big fat
Greek family, and get Aunt
Voula her own movie.

The film comes to a close

in a rather predictable
manner, as do most films
of this nature. Everything
ends happily ever after,
though it sort of leaves you
wondering whats next for
the Portokalos family. If
it were a stand-alone film,
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
2 would have been tiring
and confusing, but its

a film that successfully

supplements a better first
version. Vardalos brought
all the familiar tricks to the
party, but it would have
been nice to see a few more
new ones.

Edited by Skylar

American Gothic band Murder by Death will return

to second hometown to perform at The Granada

American Gothic band Murder by Death. Murder by Death will play at
The Granada March 31.

As a part of its 2016

spring tour, Murder by
Death, a self-described
"American gothic" band, will
come to The Granada March
In 2001, members of
Murder by Death met in
Bloomington, Ind. Adam
Turla, lead singer and guitarist, said they started making
music for fun and eventually
grew into what they are now.
Since the band's inception,
Turla said they have found
what their sound is.
With seven full-length
albums and a handful of
EPs under the band's belt,
Turla said they never try to



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mimic any particular sound,

but they use a song-to-song
approach when crafting an
album. Many of its songs follow a storytelling approach
with characters in each song,
following a general theme of

We are trying
to write about
love in a way
that usually you
wouldnt have.
Adam Turla
lead singer

[There are some] like

the idea of working to get





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Lawrence many times since

its first house show in the
city 15 years ago. With many
good friends in the area,
band memeber David Fountain said Lawrence feels like
a home away from home.
It kind of feels like a
second hometown in lot of
ways, Fountain said. Its
always one of those cities
that you look ahead on the
calendar, and you have a
good feeling going into it.
Murder By Death's show
is March 31 at The Granada, located at 1020 Massachusetts St. Doors open at
8 p.m., and the show starts
an hour later. Tickets can be
purchased at the box office
or online at The Granadas




out of a rut, characters finding their way despite having

trouble at times, Turla said.
While the band has never written love songs, it put
its spin on one in Big Dark
Love. The song comes from
a parents perspective of being afraid to love their children and of losing someone
they love. Turla said they
tried to take the idea of traditional love songs, instead
of writing the way that most
people do.
We are trying to write
about love in a way that usually you wouldnt have, Turla said, to see how it factors
into your life beyond just the
way the people usually write
about love songs.
The band has played in


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Off shooting night dooms Kansas

in loss to Villanova

Missy Minear/KANSAN

Villanova celebrates behind senior Perry Ellis after defeating the Jayhawks 64-59 to advance to the Final Four.



After the final buzzer,
not even freshman
forward Carlton Bragg Jr.
could muster a smile as
he entered the handshake
remained on the bench for
a few moments, and, once
he hopped at the end of
the line, it was clear he
was fighting back tears.
Senior forward Jamari
Traylor who was moments removed from seeing his college career end
remained on the bench
with his head buried in his
jersey. It wasnt until former Kansas player and assistant director of student
athlete development Aaron Miles made his way to
the bench to console Traylor that he finally got up
and joined his teammates.
He was just there
for me, Traylor said of
Miles. [Its] just a terrible feeling right now. I was
just depressed that it was
Sixty-one days had
passed since the Jayhawks
last lost, and the argument

could be made they played

as well as anybody in the
country in that stretch. For
the first time in awhile,
Kansas had an off day, and
it couldnt have come at a
worse time, as the team
fell to Villanova 64-59 in
the Elite Eight.
For a team thats
played so consistently well
for over two months, tonight was a night that we
were out of sync as much
as we have been for a long
time, Kansas coach Bill
Self said. We seemed like
we were out of character
all night.
points on Saturday was
their lowest point total of
the season, which coincided with a season-low four
points for senior forward
Perry Ellis. He was just
1-of-5 from the field and
finished with four turnovers.
They did a great job of
just trying to swarm me at
times, and somebody was
always there, Ellis said.
While Ellis struggled,
the Jayhawks backcourt
did their best to pick up
the slack. They combined
for 49 points, but it wasnt
enough to overcome a bad
shooting night from three-

point range (6-of-22) and

16 turnovers.
Despite all of that,
the Jayhawks still had a
chance to steal the game
They missed a few opportunities to tie or take
the lead down the stretch,
but the Jayhawks made
enough defensive stops to
have the ball, down just
56-54 with 41 seconds remaining.
However, Graham had
the ball poked away from
behind. And, in an attempt
to secure the loose ball, he
dove into the legs of Villanova guard Josh Hart and
was called for his his fifth
However, the game was
not over.
After Villanova senior
guard Ryan Arcidiacono
made two free throws,
Kansas junior guard Frank
Mason III nailed a defiant
three-pointer to breathe
life into his team.
Arcidiacono was fouled
and knocked down two
free throws again, but the
Wildcats lead was only
three; the Jayhawks had
one last chance.
After dribbling to the
left wing, Mason picked
up his dribble, waiting for

sophomore guard Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk who

replaced Graham after
he fouled out to circle
around for handoff.
He never did.
After holding the ball
for a few seconds, Mason
was stripped, and Villanova dove on the loose ball
and called timeout with
4.6 seconds remaining.
Villanova hit two more
free throws to officially
seal the win.
Coach told us to do
a pitch-back play, and I
didnt execute that well,
Mason said of his turnover. I was expecting Svi
to come for a handoff, but
he faked backdoor.
But Kansas had plenty
of opportunities to make
sure it wasnt in that situation late in the game.
In the first half, the
Jayhawks fought through
some early adversity to
take a 16-12 lead. After
Graham picked up his second foul on a charge about
40 feet from the basket,
Kansas went scoreless for
seven minutes and turned
the ball over seven times
in that stretch. Meanwhile
Villanova scored 13 consecutive points and took a
25-16 lead.

Thats probably about

the worst ball weve played
in a long while, during that
stretch, Self said.
However, the Jayhawks
fought back.
Kansas closed the gap
to four, 29-25, before Villanova junior Kris Jenkins
hit a three-pointer to put
his team up 32-25.
But to start the second
half, the Jayhawks scored

Its hard when

people tell you not
to hold your head
down. We could
have done something special.
Devonte Graham
sophomore guard

four points in 19 seconds,

and eventually took the
lead at 37-36 with just over
13 minutes remaining.
In the ensuing minutes,
Graham banked in a three,
and junior guard Wayne
Selden Jr. hit a circus shot
off the top of the backboard while being fouled
to put Kansas up 45-40.
The Jayhawks had finally snatched momen-

tum, and, like they had

done so many times over
the last few months, it
seemed like they would
snatch victory from the
jaws of defeat.
That was the run that
we were looking for and
that we usually make, junior forward Landen Lucas said. Usually we build
off of it a little better. We
missed some shots that
could have built on it.
Villanova took advantage of the Kansas lull and
went on a 10-0 run, which
was capped off by backto-back three-pointers by
Hart and Arcidiacono. Villanova never trailed again.
In the grand scheme
of things, the Jayhawks
had a successful season.
But when its all said and
done, the Jayhawks failed
to accomplish their biggest goal. They failed to
make it to the Final Four
in Houston, which was a
bitter pill to swallow.
Its hard when people tell you not to hold
your head down, Graham
said. We could have done
something special.
Edited by Skylar

Jayhawks face World Cup heroes and sprinkler

malfunction in 3-0 exhibition loss to FC Kansas City

File Photo/KANSAN
Grace Hagan keeps the ball away fom Oregon State.


When the United States

women's national team
won the 2015 Women's
World Cup last summer,
Grace Hagan and her Kan-

sas soccer teammates were

at Dempsey's in downtown
Lawrence to watch.
Saturday, Hagan was
face-to-face with one of
the standout players of the
tournament: US women's
national team captain and

center back Becky Sauerbrunn. Sauerbrunn and FC

Kansas City of the National
Women's Soccer League defeated Kansas 3-0 in a preseason exhibition.
"It's just so cool playing against those girls that

you watch on TV and from

watching their YouTube
videos and all of a sudden
you're going against them
one-on-one," Hagan said.
"I remember [the World
Cup] vividly, it was so fun to
watch. And those girls were
like heroes to us, so it's crazy that we get a chance to
play with them."
While Hagan lined up on
the right side and forward
Ashley Pankey matched up
directly with Sauerbrunn,
Hagan will lead the team's
offense in 2016 having
scored four goals last season, the most of any returning player on the team.
Scoring began early in
the first half with a goal
from Shea Groom. Groom
received the ball near the
six-yard box and dribbled
past two defenders before
rifling a shot into the top
right corner. Groom scored
again in the 63rd minute to
make it 3-0.
FC Kansas City's Erika
Tymrak scored the second
goal of the game in the 16th
minute by sliding a pass
from FC Kansas City mid-

fielder Mandy Laddish past

the goal line from short
During the first half, the
sprinklers in one corner of
the field were activated.
Some players were sprayed
by the sprinklers as they
rose from the ground and
the game was delayed for
a short period of time. The
issue was quickly taken care
of by the Rock Chalk Park
grounds crew.
Kansas has started the
preseason against heightened competition. The
team's first preseason game
was a 4-0 loss to the KU
men's club soccer team on
March 5. Against a professional team, Kansas coach
Mark Francis said he was
pleased with the performance.
"We knew it was going
to be tough," Francis said.
"Spring's all about getting
better and playing these two
teams (the men's club team
and FC Kansas City) is helping us get better. I'm not
worried about the result,"
Francis said. "I thought 3-0
against these guys is a de-

cent, respectable result."

In their own respect, FC
Kansas City is an elite team.
The Blues won the National
Women's Soccer League title both of the last two seasons.
"It's like our baseball
team playing the Kansas
City Royals, it's essentially
what we're doing," Francis
said. "I thought the first half
we were a little bit intimidated; we panicked a little
bit. In the second half we
calmed down and I thought
we did a better job possessing [the ball.]"
Former Kansas soccer
player Caroline Kastor took
the field for FC Kansas City
during the second half. Kastor is the only former Jayhawk to have played for FC
Kansas City.
Kansas soccer's preseason continues Saturday,
April 9, in Tulsa, Okla.,
against Tulsa. The next
home preseason match is
Saturday, April 16, against

Edited by Shane

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