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Table Of Contents
Instant Gratification ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Auditorium.................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Facade Lighting............................................................................................................................................................ 36
Floodlighting................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Glare Rating................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Site Lighting ................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Daylighting ................................................................................................................................................................... 87


Copyright 2008 Lighting Analysts, Inc.

Instant Gratification
Instant Gratification-Introduction
Time Estimate: 1 hour
Now that you have AGi32 installed and at your fingertips, let's have some fun. This hands-on tour of the software provides knowledge of the basic
AGi32 operations common to most lighting applications and gives you a basis from which to build your understanding of the software.
For those of you generally operating your software in metric units, this example is performed in feet and footcandles. If you have already set your
default units to metric, please change them to feet and footcandles for this example.
As we get underway, a few words of advice: DON'T BE AFRAID! We are aware that the first time you start AGi32 you are presented with a blank
screen and a large compliment of commands. This can be intimidating for many people, especially those not familiar with other CAD programs.
However, if you are able to break out of any paradigms forced by experience with other lighting programs, the environment can actually be quite
comforting; All the controls are visible and you are in charge of your own destiny. Create!

Problem Statement
Create a simple interior environment to illustrate a number of the basic functions of AGi32 important to all users. All photometric files are obtained
from the Z-Lux sample database delivered and installed with AGi32.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Set snap
Step 2 Zoom out
Step 3 - Create a room
Step 4 - Define luminaire
Step 5 Locate a single luminaire
Step 6 Array luminaires
Step 7 - Place calculation points
Step 8 - Calculate in Render mode
Step 9 Explore the rendered environment
Step 10 Switch off ceiling points
Step 11 Add Library objects
Step 12 Render again

Instant Gratification-Step 1
Step 1 Set snap
If the AGi32 program is not already running, start it now. Click on the Start button and select AGi32 from the Programs Menu. AGi32 will open with a
Welcome dialog that is worth reading (you may have already). Click on Ok to continue when ready.

To begin, let's set the cursor Snap to an increment of 5 (that's five feet). This allows the cursor to move in
increments of 5 units only (feet in this case). Look to the bottom right of the AGi32 screen for the Snap
button and setting. This is a transparent, or on-the-fly setting that can be changed and toggled on/off while
in the middle of another function without disrupting that function. Simply click in the units side of the Snap
button and change the number to 5.

The Snap cell on the Status Toolbar

If Snap is turned off, it would look like this. The snap can be toggled on and off by either clicking on the
Snap side of the button itself or by pressing the F9 key. For the purposes of this example, leave Snap set
to ON.


Snap toggled Off

Now that Snap is set to 5, notice your crosshair cursor moves only in increments of five units. This makes it easier to draw straight lines.

Instant Gratification-Step 2
Step 2 Zoom out
Before we create a room, it would be nice if we had a little more screen area to work with. Select Zoom-Out
button from the Menu (Menu: View-Zoom-Out), press the End key on your keyboard, or center the
crosshairs in the middle of the screen and roll the mouse wheel back toward you. Using the mouse wheel
and End keys work transparently, are more easily accessed, and will probably be the way you find yourself
zooming. For now, press the End key one time.

Instant Gratification-Step 3
Step 3 Create a room
Click on the small arrow next to the Room-Rectangular button (all Room buttons are in the
Rooms/Objects Toolkit under the Model Toolkit). By clicking on the small arrow, a menu of choices
assigned to the button are revealed. Select the Hip room type from the menu as shown at right.
The Hip room type is a room with a rectangular footprint and a Hip roofline. See the illustration below
showing the room from Isometric, Elevation, and Plan views.

The Zoom-Out button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:View Zoom

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Once you have selected the Hip room type from the menu, this dialog
will be displayed. Complete the dialog by entering a reference Label for
the room, (we used Hip Room but it can be any alpha-numeric
assignment), followed by the required dimensions: Wall Height=9,
Hip Height=6, Hip Length=6.
Click in the Color cell adjacent to the Floor Reflectance. The color
dialog that appears allows you to select a basic hue (Red, Green, Blue,
etc.) then select a corresponding luminance and saturation for that
hue. For this example select the color cell as shown below

Click the Green color in the Hue slider, then select a dark Saturation/
Luminance value within the Green color selector box. Adjust the Green
shade to a 0.20 Reflectance equivalent. With the dialog complete,
click on the Ok button and control will be returned to AGi32s graphics
area for the room to be created.

Notice the lower left corner of the screen. We call this area the
Command Line. Your next action is always directed from this

The command line currently reads: Room-Rectangular-Hip:Select

or enter first point of room baseline. Move the cursor to the origin
(0,0) and click (left mouse button). The command line will continue to
prompt for your input. Move the cursor now to X=30, Y=0 (30,0) and
click the second point of the baseline. Notice as you move the cursor, a
rectangle is sized from the baseline. Move the cursor to X=30, Y=40
and click once more. You have now created the room.

Click on the Isometric view button on the main toolbar to see it in three dimensions. The Isometric view
automatically zooms to Extents (the outer edge of the model) so you may want to zoom out one step to get
a better look (press the end key on the keyboard or use the mouse wheel to zoom out).

The View-Isometric button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:View

Instant Gratification-Step 4
Step 4 Define a luminaire
Now that we have our room in place, we need to define a luminaire to be used within the model. The luminaire definition process assigns a variety of
attributes to a photometric file such as light loss factor (LLF) and symbol associations. Once defined, the luminaire is available in this configuration as
needed in this job file.


Under the Model Toolkit, click on the Define button in the Luminaire Toolkit to access
the Define Luminaire dialog.

For this tutorial we will select the photometric files from the demonstration database
that comes with AGi32. Its titled Z-Lux and can be found within AGI32s Photometric
Instabase. Access the Photometric Instabase by clicking on the Instabase button in
the Luminaire Definition dialog.

The Define Luminaire button in

the Luminaire Toolkit

The Instabase button in the Luminaire

Definition dialog window.

When the Instabase dialog opens, the manufacturers photometric data supplied with AGi32 is available. All manufacturers currently installed are
presented in a pull-down menu at the top of the dialog. Select the Z-Lux database from this pull-down menu.
Click the left mouse button on the plus sign in front of
the Z-Lux node to expand it. Continue by clicking on the
ZL-Indoor node followed by the ZL-Fluorescent node.
Click on the zlf2 photometric file to see its description
and computed metrics.
Click Ok to exit this dialog and return to the Define
Luminaire dialog with zlf2 selected.

At this point we only need to complete a few items in the

dialog to finalize the definition. The photometric filename
is automatically assigned as the default Label, which
we'll accept. We can then add a brief Description in the
cell below such as: 1x4 2-lamp direct/indirect.
Continue to specify a light loss factor by entering 0.8 in
the LLD cell and 0.9 in the LDD cell. This creates a total
light loss factor of 0.72.
AGi32 automatically selects an appropriate symbol for
this luminaire as it is built into the photometric
Instabase. Other manufacturers may offer this capability
as well. If not, AGi32 imparts some intelligence to the
symbol selection process and presents logical choices.
In this case, we will only modify the color of the
luminaire housing for the Render symbol.
Click in the Render Mode Housing cell to bring up the
color dialog as seen in the room creation procedure
previously. Select a bright red color for our housing.
It is important to realize that the render symbol in AGi32
is a physical object. It reflects and blocks light just like
any other surface. Therefore, it is imperative that the

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

size of the symbol is correct. Color has a small effect and is less critical than size.
We can complete our definition by clicking on the Add/Redefine button. The definition is now listed in the window under Defined Luminaires.
Click on the close button to exit the Luminaire Define dialog and return to the AGi32 desktop.

Instant Gratification-Step 5
Step5 Locate a single luminaire
At this point we are ready to place luminaires within the room we have defined. Placing luminaires in AGi32 is done graphically using a drag-n-drop
approach. From there, AGi32 provides tools to copy or array luminaires and a variety of editing tools.

In our example we will place single luminaire and then array in a rectangular pattern to
locate the remaining luminaires. Before we proceed, we need to return the display to
Plan view. Click on the Plan View button on the Common toolbar

The Plan View button on the Common Toolbar


Locating or placing the luminaire is easily done from the Luminaire Toolkit under the Model Toolkit window.

Notice the luminaire we just defined listed underneath the Define button. If we had defined more that one luminaire, they
would all be present in this drop-down list of defined luminaires and could be accessed by clicking on the small downarrow to the right of the currently selected luminaire description.
AGi32 provides three selections for locating and aiming the luminaire: Locate, Locate & Orient, and Locate & Aim.
For our purposes, the Locate and Orient procedure is best as we need only to rotate the luminaire horizontally. Make
sure this is selected by clicking on the small drop-down arrow to the right of the button as shown. Now enter the luminaire
mounting height. The distance from floor to luminous area for our example is eight feet. Enter an 8 in the MH cell. You will
also notice input cells for four aiming angles and the Z-elevation for aiming points. For the purposes of this example, all
should remain at zero. At this point, the Model Toolkit window should appear as it does in the image to the right.

With the toolkit set to meet our needs, we can simply click on the Locate & Orient
button with the red arrow to the right of the Define Luminaire button in the Luminaire
Model Toolkit (or Menu: Add-Luminaire-Location). Now move the crosshair cursor into
the graphics area. Notice it has a luminaire attached to its center point.

The Locate& Orient button in the

Luminaire Define Toolkit (Menu:Add-Luminaire-Location)

In order to get the center of the luminaire where we need it, we must change our cursor Snap from 5 to 1. This is easy to do, simply enter 1 in the
cell to the right of Snap at the bottom of the AGi32 window; there is no need to hit the Enter key as this process is transparent to the Locate
Luminaire process currently running.
Move the cursor to X=5, Y=6 (5,6) and click (left button). This drops the luminaire in position.
Notice as you move the cursor the luminaire rotates. AGi32 is now waiting for you to set the
Orient angle with a second mouse click. This is the essence of the Locate and Orient
command: the first click locates, the second click orients. Move the cursor until the luminaire is
vertical (Orient=90) and click to set the Orient angle. The first location is now in place. A second
luminaire is attached to the cursor to continue. At this point, however, we will terminate the
Locate and Orient command by clicking the right mouse button.


Instant Gratification-Step 6
Step 6 Array luminaires
With the lower left most luminaire in place, lets create an array of luminaires to fill the room. Select the Array
button from the Luminaire Toolkit window down in the Modify section (or Menu: Modify-Luminaire-Array).
The Command line now prompts Mod_Lum_Array_Rect and the Rectangular Luminaire Array dialog box
pops up.

The Array Luminaire button in the

Luminaire Toolkit (Menu:ModifyLuminaire-Array)

In the Rectangular Luminaire Dialog box, click on Static

Array tab and make the following entries to the static
array: X-Direction Quantity = 3, X-Direction Spacing

= 10; Y-Direction Quantity = 8, Y-Direction Spacing

= 4. Leave the other cells as they are. Click Ok to set the
quantity and spacing of the array.

Notice that the cursor has now changed to a pickbox and the command line now prompts Mod_Lum_Rect_Static : Select luminaire. Click on the
single luminaire already placed and the array of luminaires is now created. 24 luminaires have now been placed in the room with a four-foot spacing
between luminaires in each column and a ten-foot spacing between the three columns.
We now have all the ingredients necessary to compute the luminance of all surfaces in the
room: luminaires and reflective surfaces. We dont actually need to specify computation
points within the room to calculate or render, they are secondary to the radiosity process. It
is, however, so easy to locate those calculation points that we might as well do so before
we start the fun.

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Instant Gratification-Step 7
Step 7 Place calculation points
AGi32 offers a number of methods for placing points of calculation. For calculation points
associated with a surface or the case of a workplane inside a room, the Automatic Placement
technique is simple and timely. In the Model Toolkit, click on the Calculations button to reveal
the Calculations Toolkit. Select the Automatic Placement button from within this menu (or Menu:
Add-Calculations-Automatic Placement). The cursor will change to a pickbox for you to click on
the perimeter of the room we have created. Select the room and the dialog shown below will

The Calculation
points-Automatic placement button in the
Calculations Toolkit (Menu:Add-Calculation
points-Automatic placement)

Follow the steps below and click OK to have AGi32 place the
1. Initially, the floor surface of the room is selected. Click the

Previous Surface button

to highlight the workplane in
the graphic display; the workplane is always the last surface
defined for any room.
2. Verify the Point Spacing in both left to right
(PointSpacingLR) and top to bottom (PointSpacingTB)
directions is 2.
3. Verify workplane height (WorkPlaneHeight) of 2.5.
4. Turn CalculationPoints to On for the workplane by clicking
in the cell and then the small drop-down arrow that appears to
the right.

5. Click on the Tag Ceiling or Top button

ceiling surfaces.

to select all

6. Turn CalculationPoints to On for the ceiling.

7. Change CalculationType to 1-Exitance by clicking on 0Illuminance and then the small drop-down arrow to the right.
8. Change the number of decimals (NumberOfDecimals) to
zero (0) in the Display section as we are not normally
interested in tenths of a footcandle in interior applications.
9. Click Ok (the green check mark) to place the points.


With the points now displayed, select the Isometric View button to get a better look.

The Isometric View button on the Common Toolbar


Instant Gratification-Step 8
Step 8 Calculate in Render mode
All right, its time for some fun. AGi32 can compute the radiosity solution in either Model mode or Render mode. Computing in Model mode is slightly
faster as the screen does not have to be updated, but its not nearly as much fun. For most applications, switching to Render mode allows the
solution to be viewed progressively as light propagates about the space.
Before we can calculate and render the model, we have to choose the method of calculation. AGi32 utilizes two different calculation engines: Full
Radiosity Method for environments where reflectance is a concern, and Direct Only Method for use in applications where only direct illumination
is important. Results computed in Full Radiosity Method mode are automatically rendered; those computed in Direct Only Method are not capable of

For this tutorial, select the Full Radiosity Method by clicking on the small arrow to the right of the Calculate
button, then select Full Radiosity Method. Notice that the icon appearing on the Calculate button tells you
which method of calculation is currently selected.

The Full Radiosity Method

selection from the Calculate
Select the Render tab from the Control Bar between the Model and Page Builder tabs above and to the left of
the modeling area. AGi32 will take a few seconds to parse the environment into a wireframe of Patches and
Elements as the model loads. This visible wireframe is more commonly known as the Mesh.
The Render button on the main
Toolbar (Menu:Tools-Render)
The radiosity process exchanges light via the individual surfaces
within the mesh until all light emitted and bouncing around the
environment is accounted for. This state is called Convergence. You
will notice as AGi32 calculates it displays how much of this light has
been absorbed by the environment. When 99.9% of the light has been
absorbed, the calculation is complete. You may stop and restart the
calculations as desired but be aware that each model must run to
complete convergence for the utmost accuracy of any calculated point
by point results.

Enough technical stuff, click on the Calculate button and watch the show! The progressive radiosity solution
displays the change to the image every ten percent by default. A view of the final image is shown below.
The Calculate button
When calculation points are requested, AGi32 takes a bit of extra time to compute
them at the end of the radiosity solution. The results of the calculation process are
numerically shown in the Statistics window, below the Model Toolkit by default.
The Statistics window can be toggled on and off at any time with the Statistics
button at the bottom of the screen, adjacent to the Snap setting. If you wish to
close the statistics window, use the Statistics button or click on the X on the
Statistics window itself.

The Statistics Window toggle button in On and Off


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Instant Gratification-Step 9
Step 9 Explore the rendered environment
The view first presented in Render mode is the Front view. This is simply a starting point; the complete 3-dimensional environment is available for
interactive viewing. To begin, explore the rendering using the reference views from the toolbar (shown below).

Reference Views

The next step is to explore the Interactive viewing commands. The Interactive command buttons are shown below. Each command operates on the
view in a unique way. Experiment and read about them in the online help.

Interactive view command buttons

Instant Gratification-Step 10
Step 10 Switch off ceiling points
Click on the Model tab to exit Render mode and return to Model mode. As you look at the model it is difficult to read
the calculated values as they obviously interfere with one another. We can easily take care of this by switching off one
of the calculation grids. To do this we will use Project Manager.
The Render Tab button on
Control bar
Click on the Project Manager button on to the right of the Calculate button. The Project Manager dialog shown below
will be displayed. From within this dialog you can adjust the visibility and calculation status of all calculation points in
the job file.
The Project Manager button
on the Control Bar
(Menu:Modify-ProjectProject Manager)
To see the calculation points by name, change the Entity
Type in the pull-down menu to CalcPts.
Notice all of the calculation grids are listed by name in the
Project Manager dialog. You see the Workplane and then a
variety of ceiling planes. The ceiling is actually broken down
into its respective surfaces. All we need to do is simply
switch the Visibility of each Ceiling Grid to OFF using the
check boxes under the Vis heading. Note that Vis for the
TotalCeiling grid cannot be unchecked; this is not a
visible plane anyway so leaving it on will have no bearing on
this tutorial. Click OK to exit Project Manager. The
resulting view should be displaying only the Workplane
calculation points.


Instant Gratification-Step 11
Step 11 Add library objects
If you are not in Plan view at this time, click on the Plan View button on the Common
Toolbar. You should now be looking down on the room from the top and it should fill the

The Plan View button on the Common Toolbar


So far, we have a simple model. We can make the environment more complex by adding objects and even texture maps. AGi32 is delivered with
several libraries of composite objects ranging from simple to complex. We call these composites Library Objects. You can create your own Library
Objects as well, and add them to your own libraries. The sky is the limit. You can find more information about this process in the online help.

So lets add a little spice to our model by placing some desks and chairs in the space.
Click on the Add Predefined (library) Object button on the Rooms/Object dropdown in the Model Toolkit (or Menu: Add-Object-Library). The dialog shown below will

The Add Library Object button from the Rooms/Objects

Toolkit (Menu:Add-Object-Library)
The Object Libraries delivered with AGi32 are listed in the top section of the
window. Select the Office library. All the objects contained within the
Office Library are shown below Label section.
Select the Desk (Pedestal) Object and click Ok.
A dialog containing all the properties of the Desk Pedestal object is then
displayed. To accept the object as is, simply click Ok and the object will be
attached to the cursor for placement in your model. If you want to scale the
object or change color/reflectance, these modifications can be made in this
dialog prior to placement by clicking on the Surface Edit button.
To place our pedestal desk as is, click Ok.
Drop the object between the luminaire rows. A duplicate object remains
attached to the cursor. Drop a couple more instances of the desk and click
the right mouse button to terminate the command.

Click the right mouse button again to start the last command used (the Add Library Object
command). Select the Furniture Library and then the Chair Office object; click Ok. Click Ok
when the properties dialog appears to accept the chair as-is. The chair will be now attached to the
cursor. Drop chairs behind each desk and right click to complete the command.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Instant Gratification-Step 12
Step 12 Render again
Lets go back to Render Mode and calculate our model again. Click on the Render tab.
The Render Tab
Notice the desks and chairs are meshed just like the room surfaces. Library objects are composed of a collection of single objects, each with some
number of surfaces with reflectance and color. Every surface in the model is considered in the radiosity calculation.
Click on the Calculate tab again to see the completed model. Remember you can see the model from other preset views (the Reference Views), and
that you can navigate in and around the model
by using the Interactive Viewing commands.
As you might imagine, the more complex the
model becomes, the longer the environment will
take to process to completion (100% light
absorbed). Most projects will run quite quickly in
AGi32 on modern PC hardware. However, AGi32
allows you to take the modeling of lighting
scenarios further than any lighting program you
have previously worked with. Keep in mind that
you are attempting to model the real world with a
mathematical model and every lumen needs to
be accounted for! Make it work for you!.

Instant Gratification-Conclusion
In this tutorial we have explored a number of AGi32's basic functions that can be employed in a variety of lighting applications. As you progressed, it
was most likely obvious that there are a large number of options and variables that can be employed in many of the commands initiated. Don't
concern yourself initially with learning all of the possibilities of every command. All commands carry meaningful default values and, in most cases, it
is easy to carry out a command with minimal input. AGi32 is designed to perform functions with minimal effort yet still provide the flexibility and power
to accomplish the most demanding tasks.
If specific questions arise, dont hesitate to use the online help. It is quite detailed and should address all but the most complex questions.
Depending on your level of comfort after this tutorial, you may be ready to attempt simple applications. If not, by all means continue and select the
applications that are of interest to you from the remaining tutorials.



Time Estimate: 2 hours
This tutorial will illustrate the process of creating a small auditorium space (with a stage), lighting it and generating a color rendering of the

Problem Statement

This Auditorium exercise will build upon skills learned in the Instant
Gratification tutorial by creating a more complex interior model using
the Room and Object tools. The lighting scheme illustrates the use of
three separate luminaire groups - house lighting, wall lighting, and
stage lighting and AGi32's ability to isolate them individually. This
example further illustrates the use of AGi32's automatic calculation
point placement ability and the visualization of texture and color

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Create the Primary Room Shape
Step 2 Add Stepped Floor and Stage as an Extruded Object
Step 3 Add Extruded Ceiling Elements
Step 4- Add Curved Surfaces at Sides of Stage
Step 5 Use the Surface Edit Command to ModifyTexture and Color on a Few Surfaces
Step 6 Define Luminaires
Step 7 Place the Luminaires
Step 8 Add Calc Points on Seating and Stage
Step 9 Use Project Manager to Organize the Model
Step 10 Calculate House Lighting and Isolate
Step 11 Calculate Stage and Wall Lighting

Auditorium-Step 1
Step 1 - Create the primary room shape
We will create the auditorium using a Polygon Room with a flat ceiling. This room type allows us to specify virtually any shape perimeter, including
arcs and niches. For this tutorial, we will begin with a 2-dimensional CAD background which can be used to extrude the basic room shape.

First, we will import the file to use as the template. Click on File in the Main Menu bar (at the top left of the screen) and
select Import.


The File-Import button

on the Common Toolbar

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

From the Import dialog, select the file called AuditoriumTutorial-Room.dwg located in the folder: ...\My
Documents\AGi32\CADFiles_Import. Click on the file
name then the Ok button.

When the Import File dialog appears, click on the small CAD
button (black with white writing) to see the image being
imported. Next, make sure that units of Feet are specified in
both cells following Units Specified In CAD File: and
Units Will Be Converted To:. Click the Ok button.

The secondary import window will appear indicating that the import into AGi32
was successful. Click the Ok button to see the imported CAD drawing that will
become the Auditorium Room.

Before we proceed, set the crosshair Snap to 2.5. This setting can be changed any time without affecting whatever
you are doing in the model.
Now move the crosshairs around the object, looking at the lower left corner of the screen to see the coordinates of the
crosshairs. The three coordinates in the corner represent the values of the X,Y,Z coordinates, in that order. Verify that
the imported polygon is 100 feet wide (the X plane) and 132.5 feet long (the Y plane).

We are now ready to create the Auditoriums main room from the imported CAD background. Select the RoomPolygon Flat command from the Rooms/Objects Model Toolkit.

Snap setting from the Status
Bar at the bottom of the

The Room-Polygon Flat

button in the Rooms/Objects
Toolkit (Menu:Add-RoomPolygon Flat)



From within the Room-Polygon-Flat dialog:

1. Enter a Label of Auditorium.
2. Enter a Wall Height of 35 feet.
3. Change the Ceiling Reflectance to 0.10 (10%).
4. Change Wall Color to Red 113, Green 103, Blue 95
5. Select the Create Polygon From Existing Drawing Entities radio button.
6. Click Ok.

The pickbox now appears instead of the crosshairs. Look to the command line in the
lower left to see what AGi32 is waiting for you to do next. AGi32 is waiting for us to
select the polygon from which to create the Room we just specified. Click anywhere
on the lines comprising the imported polygon. You will now see the lines of the
polygon are thicker and a window indicating that AGi32 recognized the polygon and
is prepared to apply the Room-Polygon-Flat settings to this polygon.
Click Accept Polygon (not Accept Polygon And Repeat).
From the imported polygon, AGi32 has now created the Auditorium Room with the
properties input in the Room-Polygon-Flat dialog.

Auditorium-Step 2
Step 2 - Add stepped floor and stage as an extruded object
Use the Elevation looking West button from the main toolbar and select the elevation plane to be at X=100 by
clicking anywhere along the coordinate X=100. You should now recognize the room shape as viewed from the side.

Select the Object-Polygon-Vertical Extrusion command from Rooms/Objects in the Model Toolkit (or Menu: AddObject-Polygon-Vertical Extrusion). The dialog shown below will appear.


The Elevation View

Looking West button on the
Common Toolbar
(Menu:View-ElevationLooking West)

The Object-PolygonVertical Extrusion button in

the Rooms/Objects Toolkit
(Menu:Add-Object-PolygonVertical Extrusion)

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Enter a Label of Floor
Enter a depth of 100

Select a texture of Carpt402

Apply at fixed size =8, Click OK the exit the dialog and
proceed to create the Floor object.

Create the floor from the lower left hand corner in a counterclockwise direction using the following coordinates. Set the Snap = 0.5 and turn Ortho
ON using F8. (all coordinates given in X, Y, Z; the X is always 100 in this elevation view). You can type in the coordinates in you prefer, enter X,Y,Z
followed by the enter key for each point. You do not need to place the cursor in the text cell (lower right corner of the screen, it will go there
automatically. If you make a mistake using the mouse or the keyboard, use the Ctrl-Z keystroke to move back by one vertex. Right click or enter to
close the polygon after the last point entry.

1. (100,0,7)
2. (100,0,0)
3. (100,104.5,0)
4. (100,104.5,-0.5)
5. (100,132.5,-0.5)
6. (100,132.5,5)
7. (100,112.5,5)
8. (100,112.5,0)
9. (100,105,0)


10. (100,105,0.5)
11. (100,100,0.5)
12. (100,100,1)
13. (100,92.5,1)
14. (100,92.5,1.5)
15. (100,85,1.5)
16. (100,85,2)
17. (100,77.5,2)
18. (100,77.5,2.5)
19. (100,70,2.5)
20. (100,70,3)
21. (100,62.5,3)
22. (100,62.5,3.5)
23. (100,55,3.5)
24. (100,55,4)
25. (100,47.5,4)
26. (100,47.5,4.5)
27. (100,40,4.5)
28. (100,40,5)
29. (100,32.5,5)
30. (100,32.5,5.5)
31. (100,25,5.5)
32. (100,25,6)
33. (100,17.5,6)
34. (100,17.5,6.5)
35. (100,10,6.5)
36. (100,10,7)
37. Right click to close Object

We have just added an object that will now serve as the floor in the auditorium seating and stage areas. It penetrates the Room
shape created previously. The result is an interior space in the desired geometry.

Auditorium-Step 3
Step 3 - Add extruded ceiling elements
Continuing in the Elevation looking West view (from X=100 in case you need to return there), we will now create a few ceiling elements beginning
with the stage ceiling.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Select the Object-Polygon-Vertical Extrusion command again.

The Object-Polygon-Vertical Extrusion button on the
Rooms/Objects Toolkit (Menu:Add-Object-Polygon-Vertical
1. Enter the Label of ceiling structure

Enter a Depth of 100


Change Wireframe Color to Orange (this will be valuable later when

placing luminaires)


Delete the texture (select texture and press delete key) and change the color
to a 50% reflectance gray

Change Snap to .5
from the Status Bar.

Use the following

coordinates to create
the first ceiling object:
1. (100,132.5,35)
2. (100, 107.5, 35)
3. (100,107.5,34)
4. (100,132.5,26.5)
5. Right click.
Click the right mouse
button again to start
another vertical
extrusion object for the
ceiling. Notice that all
the information is
retained from the
previous vertical
extrusion with the
exception of
automatically changing
the Label to Ceiling
Structure_1. Keep
everything the same
as the first ceiling
extrusion and accept
the Label as it is by
clicking ok. Enter the
following coordinated
for the second ceiling
1. (100,100,33)
2. (100,77.5,34.5)
3. (100,77.5,33.5)
4. (100,100,32)
5. Right click.



Right click again to

begin the next ceiling
object. As before, you
will not need to make
any entries. The Label
will default to Ceiling
Structure_2 and the
depth remains at 100.
Enter the following
1. (100,72.5,33)
2. (100,50,33)
3. (100,50,32)
4. (100,72.5,32)
5. Right click.
Create two more
objects for the ceiling
in the same manner.
Right click to open the
command again (last
command used).
Points for Ceiling
1. (100,42.5,33)
2. (100,20,32)
3. (100,20,31)
4. (100,42.5,32)
5. Right click.
Points for Ceiling
1. (100,17.5,29)
2. (100,5,26)
3. (100,5,25)
4. (100,17.5,28)
5. Right click.

Auditorium-Step 4
Step 4 Add Curved Surfaces at Sides of Stage
Go to Plan View and Zoom on the upper right 1/4th of the room (use the Zoom Window button or the mouse wheel). When rolling
the mouse wheel to zoom, the function will zoom about the cursor location, placing it in the center of the screen.

Select the Add Object-Polygon-Flat command.

The Object-Polygon18

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Flat button in the
Rooms/Objects Toolkit
Complete the dialog as follows:



Enter a Label of Stage Wall Right


Change wireframe color to red


Enter Height of Sides of 30


Change Wall color to (R=189, G=158, B=100)


Click OK to exit the dialog and create the object.

Use the PageUp key on the keyboard to move the Z-coordinate to 5

before creating the object - Or, enter the Z-Coordinate at the lower
right corner of the screen.


Click the first point at (92.5,113,5)


Press the F4 key to initiate the Arc function

10. Move the cursor to (80,125,5) and click

11. Press F5 to flip the arc so the convex surface is pointing out into the room
12. Fit the Arc by clicking on the point(92.5,125,5)
13. Click the next point at (81,125,5)
14. Press F4 again to start the Arc function
15. Select the second point of arc at (92.5,114,5)
16. Fit the arc by clicking (92.5,125,5)
17. Click the right mouse button to close the last small side and complete the object.
Create the Stage Left Wall on the left side of the stage in the same way. Right click to start the Object Polygon command again.
Dont forget to set the Z-coordinate to 5. Here are the coordinates:

Start point: (7.5,113,5)


Press F4 to begin Arc


Second point: (20,125,5)


Fit arc point: (7.5,125,5)


Third point (19,125,5)


PressF4 again to start rear arc


Click fourth point: (7.5,114,5)


Press F5 to reverse Arc


Fit arc point: (7.5,125,5)

10. Click right mouse button to close side and complete object



We have now
created two curved
walls, one on each
side of the stage

Auditorium-Step 5
Step 5 - Use the surface edit command to modify texture and color on a few surfaces
Initially it is not always possible to modify each individual surface when creating rooms and objects in AGi32. We can,
however, access them easily at any time (and may want to repeatedly) from the Surface Edit command under
Rooms/Objects in the Model Toolkit (Modify-Surface Edit command in the menus). By default, the Surface Edit
command is set to Single (Any Type) although there are other options within the command.

in the Rooms/Objects
Toolkit (Menu:ModifySurface Edit)

Select the Surface Edit command by clicking on the button (the default setting is what we want here). The cursor will have changed to a pickbox.
Click on any edge of the stepped floor object we created previously. This is a multiple selection tool (meaning more than one object or room may be
selected at the same time), to advance to editing only the one object we have selected, simply right click. The dialog shown below will appear.

Notice one of the facets of the stage floor is automatically

highlighted in the dialog graphic with a blue perimeter and
small black lines radiating from the corners (these are
surface normals). When one or a group of surfaces are
highlighted, we can edit its/their properties in the tabular
listing on the left of the dialog.
In order to move the focus/highlight to the stage floor, click
on the Move to Next Surface button.

It is immediately right of the Navigate label at the top of the

window--2nd button with arrow pointing right.
Click it repeatedly until the stage floor is highlighted.

Click on the cell labeled Texture followed by the small button with to bring up the texture selection dialog. This surface (all surfaces on this
object) has already been assigned the texture Carpt402 when created. Click on the Select button as we will assign a new texture to this surface.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

On the Database tab select the Classification filter of Wood.

Use the scroll buttons at the bottom of the dialog to move through
the texture selections until you see wood100. Click OK. Now we
can select how to apply the texture to the surface. Select a Fixed
Size of 8 and a rotation of 90 degrees.
Now click OK.

With this modification made, we can now move to another surface.

Click on the Move to Next Surface button on the toolbar across
the top of the dialog. This is the second button in from the left
edge. Notice the highlight now moves to the front vertical surface
of the stage.
Delete the carpet texture by selecting the Texture property and
pressing the delete key on your keyboard.
Now click in the Color cell and then click on the scroll arrow at the
right edge. Under the Color Specification tab enter (R=8, G=8,
B=8) to simulate a very dark gray or black color. Click OK to return
to the Surface Edit dialog.
Now click OK to exit the Surface Editor with the changes made.

Edit the room surfaces

Click the right mouse button to bring up the Surface Edit command again. The command mode in the left hand corner will read
Mod_Entity_Any_SW: Select room and/or object and the cursor will change to the select box. This time select the Room edge (not the floor
object we were working with previously). You may need to zoom in a bit or Pan about to see a free edge or vertex to select (use the mouse wheel).



With the room selected the edit dialog opens with the floor
automatically selected. We do not require this surface to be
part of our model any longer as it has been covered by the
sloped floor object. Lets remove it by changing its surface
properties to a Removed classification.
Under the Surfaces heading in the tabular list click on the
Removed property and change the No to Yes.
Click OK the exit the surface edit command. The floor is no
longer considered in our model. We could reinstate it any
time if required by simply changing its properties once
again. As you might imagine, the Surface Edit command is
very powerful allowing you to alter the properties of any
surface in your model.

To see how AGi32 indicates that a surface has been removed, click on the Isometric View button and notice that the floor of the Auditorium now
has a dotted line. The dotted line means that surface has been removed (or is invisible).

Auditorium-Step 6
Step 6 - Define luminaires
With the model of the Auditorium created we are ready to define the luminaires to be used in the lighting design.

Click on the Define button under Luminaire in the Model Toolkit or Menu: AddLuminaire-Define.

Select the Instabase button at the top of the dialog to access the area containing the
databases that are maintained for AGi32.


The Define Luminaire button in the

Luminaire Toolkit (Menu:Add-Luminaire-Define)

The Instabase button

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

We will use the sample database titled Z-Lux. You can

select it from the drop down menu at the top of the
dialog. The contents of the Z-Lux database will now
appear in the window below.

Click on the + next to the ZL-Indoor node.


Click on the + next to ZL-Recessed


Select the ZL-rec3 luminaire designation and

its description will appear.


Click OK to bring this photometric file back to

the Define Luminaire dialog.

Once the photometric file has been retrieved, we must assign a few other properties prior to use. This is done from within the Define Luminaire
AGi32 is set to automatically use the photometric filename as the Label (ZL-rec3). In this case it makes sense to change the label to House as it will
assist us later.
Enter a Description of House Downlights in the Description cell
We have the opportunity to assign light loss factor and alter lamp lumens if necessary. For the purposes of this example we will ignore these items.
For each luminaire we define in AGi32, we will need to
assign both a Model mode symbol and a Render mode
symbol. The Z-Lux sample data already has a symbol
assignment and we need not change it for our work.
You may, of course, choose another symbol or even
create a custom symbol using AGi32s drawing and
object tools.
To complete the luminaire definition, click on the

Add/Redefine button. Notice the new definition is now

listed in the top window of the Define Luminaire dialog
and is ready to use.

Lets proceed to define two additional luminaires for our model. Select the Instabase button again and from the Z-Lux sample data, click on the zlrec2 file under the ZL-Indoor\ZL-Recessed nodes. Click OK to return this photometric file to the Luminaire Define dialog.



Enter a Label of Wall and a Description of Floor

recessed uplight
Click in the Render Mode symbol cell to bring up the
symbol selection. We will scale this symbol downward by
entering a multiplying factor of 0.20 in the Factor cell
for each X, Y & Z dimensions.
Click Ok. The Model mode symbol will automatically take
on the same scaling properties.
Click in the Color cell next to Model mode symbol. Select
a Red color. Exit the color selection dialog.
Finally click on the Add/Redefine button to create the

One more luminaire to define, lets go back to the Instabase. From the Z-Lux database, open the ZL-Outdoor node followed by the ZL-Flood node.
Select the zlfl3 file which we will use to simulate a narrow beam stage luminaire. Return to the Luminaire Define dialog by clicking OK.

Enter a Label of Stage and a Description of Stage

Light. Scale the Render mode symbol in the X & Y
directions by 0.50 (remember how we did this
previously?). Model mode symbol will follow accordingly.
Click on Add\Redefine to add the definition to the list.
Click on Close in the dialog to return to the Plan View.

We are now ready to place the luminaires in our model.

Auditorium-Step 7
Step 7 - Place the luminaires
Lets begin by placing the house lights in a series of arrays. We will put them between the ceiling elements at a height just above the bottom of the
ceiling panel.
Before selecting the Array command, open the Luminaire Toolkit. Set the luminaire toolbar drop-down to House: House
Downlights (see capture), change Locate & Aim to simply Locate which statically aims the selected luminaire in its
default direction.
Now enter a MH (Mounting Height) of 32.5 feet. The settings should appear as those shown here.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Now click on the Array Luminaire button from the Luminaire Toolkit (or Menu: ModifyLuminaire-Array-Rectangular). The default setting is a Rectangular Array.

The Array Luminaire button in the Luminaire Toolkit


1. Select the Use current luminaire specification radio button.


Under the Array specification click the "Set Quantity" radio button.


Enter quantities of 10 in the left to right direction and 1 in the top to

bottom direction


Click OK to exit the dialog to place the array.


Turn Ortho ON. This can be done by clicking the Ortho button in
the lower right of the screen (Ortho on does NOT have the red
circle and line through it) or by pressing F8 on the keyboard (F8
toggles Ortho on and off). Either way you do this, the function is
transparent and will not affect the Array Luminaires function on
which you are currently working.

Move the cursor to X=7.5, Y=102 and click the first point (leftmost luminaire)
Drag the cursor to X=92.5, Y=102 and click to set the right most luminaire. We have just placed our first
In the same manner place the following four arrays:

MH (set in Toolkit)

Quantity (LR,TB)

Left point (X,Y)

Right point (X,Y)

















Now we can array the floor mounted uplights in a single operation. Once placed, we will have to move to elevation view and adjust the height of the
luminaires as they move toward the back of the house to keep them in line with the floor elevation.

Again set the Luminaire Toolkit parameters for the luminaires we want to place. Set the drop down menu for Wall:Floor
Recessed Uplight, the Mounting Height to 0 (zero). and the Tilt to 180 degrees (we need these luminaires to face



Now click on the luminaire array button from the Luminaire Toolkit.
The Array Luminaire button in the Luminaire Toolkit
Use the Current Luminaire Specification method and set the spacing Left to
right at 96 and the spacing top to bottom at 15.
Start the array from X=2, Y=85.5, set second point at X=98, Y=85.5, and the third
point at X=98, Y=25.5.

Now move to Elevation View Looking West by selecting this button from the Common

The Elevation View Looking West button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:View-Elevation-Looking West)

Take the Elevation View at X=100 (move the cursor to the right-side wall, or X=100,
and click).
Center the cursor on the right most luminaire (Y=85.5) and use the mouse wheel to zoom in until you can see the liminaires (note that they may
appear very small).

Use the Move Luminaire command, Same Aiming Angles, use the Window option to get both luminaires since one is
directly behind the other but all the the way across the room. Click on the small arrow to the right of the Move
Luminaire button to access the Same Aiming Angles and Window options.
Click below and left of the luminaire to start the selection window then click up and to the right of the luminaire to finish
the selection window. Now click on a reference point for the move (use the luminaire itself) then move them up to
Z=1.5. Remember to keep an eye on the Command Line, the bold text at the bottom left of the screen, as it tells you
what input AGi32 is expecting next.
Pan over to the next
set of luminaires
(Y=70.5) to the left by
pressing and holding
the mouse wheel down
while you move the
mouse. (If you have a
mouse without a
wheel, use the
scrollbars to pan to the
next luminaire location,
or the Pan-Point
command instead).
Use the Move
Luminaire command,
Window option to
move them up to
Do the same for the


The Move Luminaire

button in the Luminaire
Toolkit (Menu:ModifyLuminaire-Move-Same
Aiming Angles)

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

three adjacent sets of
luminaires to the left.
New Z-coordinates
should be 3.5, 4.5, 5.5.
All of the Wall
luminaires should now
be in line with the floor
section at their
respective elevations.

Finally, we can place the stage spots to complete the lighting. In this operation we will locate a series of luminaires on the left side of the room,
aiming them at the stage. When complete, we can mirror them about the center line to create the opposite (right) side locations.
Set the luminaire toolkit to Stage: Stage Lights and the Aim Type to Locate and Aim. Enter the Mounting Height as
34 feet and finally, set the AimZ cell to 5 (stage height). Before placing any luminaires, make sure Ortho is ON (use F8
to toggle Ortho on/off).Set the luminaire toolkit to Stage: Stage Lights and the Aim Type to Locate and Aim. Enter the
Mounting Height as 34 feet and finally, set the AimZ cell to 5 (stage height). Before placing any luminaires, make sure
Ortho is ON (use F8 to toggle Ortho on/off).

Select Plan View.

The Plan View button
on the Common Toolbar
Click the Locate & Aim Luminaire button. Place three groups of three luminaires along the Y=105 coordinate. The first click will place the luminaire,
the second will aim its center beam intensity at the point you prefer on the stage. Perform the locate and aim click combination nine times.

Exactly where you place

and aim your luminaires is
not important for the
purpose of this example.
The screen captures show
we have located three
groups of three luminaires
on the left side of the

When you are satisfied with the left side luminaire placement, select the Mirror Luminaire command, Window
option from the Luminaire Toolkit.

The Mirror
button in the
Toolkit (Menu:ModifyLuminaire-Mirror-Window)



1. Draw a window
around the left
side spotlights
you have just

To create the
mirror line (watch
the lower left
corner of the
screen for
click on any point
on the X=50
coordinate line.


Select a second
point along X=50
(room centerline)
to define the
mirror and see
the duplicated
appear on the
right side of the

Auditorium-Step 8
Step 8 - Add calculation points above seating and on stage
We will use two different methods to place calculation points in our model; a 3-point grid placed on a slope above the seating floor, and automatic
placement for horizontal illuminance on the stage.
The sloped plane of points will display horizontal illuminance (lightmeter facing up) at a height of 2.5 feet above the floor.

To ready the drawing for this operation, go to Plan View if not already there.
The Plan View button on the Common Toolbar
Under the Calculations toolkit, click the arrow to the right of the Grid Points button
and select 3 Pt. Input (or Menu: Add-Calculations-Grid-3 Pt. Input).

The 3 Pt. Grid selection in the

Calculations Toolkit( Menu: Add- Calculation Points-Grid3Pt. Input)


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

In the dialog enter a Label of House Illumination 100%.

Select a point spacing of 2 left to right and top to bottom.
Change the lightmeter aiming to Fixed and enter 0 for orient and tilt.
Enter a Z-coordinate for the baseline of 9.5 feet, this is 2.5 above the six foot
elevation of the floor in the rear of the house.
Enter a Z-coordinate of 3 for the 3rd point elevation as this will be 2.5 above the
first step elevation of .5 feet.

Click Ok and watch the Command Line in the lower left corner of the screen:
1. Select or enter 1st point of grid baseline, click on the point X=4, Y=2.5.
2. Select or enter the 2nd point of grid baseline, click on the point X=96, Y=2.5.
3. Select or enter the 3rd point of grid (top of grid), at the front of the house click X=96, Y=105.
Lets look in Elevation
view from the side of
the model to verify the
slope of our plane of
points. Click on the
Elevation View Looking
East button
select a point anywhere
along the line of X=0.

Now lets add calculation points to the stage using the Calculation Points Automatic Placement command. This technique is different and in many
ways easier than the manual point location used previously.

Select Plan view

The Plan View button on the Common Toolbar
Select the Automatic Placement button from the Calculations toolkit (or Menu: AddCalculations-Automatic Placement).
Click on the front edge of the stage.

The CalcPts-Automatic
Placement button in the Calculations Toolkit (Menu:AddCalculation Points-Automatic Placement)



When the Automatic placement dialog

opens, use the Move to next surface icon or the F10 key on
your keyboard to move the highlight to the top of the stage
With the stage floor highlighted, locate the Calculation Points
section in the Properties list. Turn ON the calculation points.
From within the General Properties section, change the
PointSpacingLR and PointSpacingTB settings to 2 feet.
Change the name in the FamilyLabel field to Stage.
Click OK and the points will automatically be placed on the

At this point we have some calculation points under and behind the curved stage walls that we do not want to participate in our statistics. We can
remove them using a polygon shape as follows.

Click on the small arrow to the right of the Remove Selected Calculation Points under the Calculations toolkit.
Select Polygon from the list given (Polygon is the default setting too). This can also be done via the Menu: ModifyCalculations-Remove Points-Polygon.

The CalcPts-Remove
Points button in the
Calculations Toolkit
Points-Remove PointsPolygon)

Draw the polygon as follows:

Select the first point at X=0, Y=112.5.
Position the cursor at the second point, X=7.5, Y=112.5, press the F4 key to set the first point of an Arc, move the mouse to (20,124.5) and click the
second point of the Arc. Fit the arc by clicking on the point (7.5, 124.5). Continue to the next point in the polygon: (20,132.5) followed by (0,132.5).
Now click the right mouse button to close the final side of the polygon and remove the points within.
Pan across the stage and use the same method to remove points on the opposite side of the stage. You will need the use the F5 command to flip the
Arc if you proceed in a clockwise manner.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Auditorium-Step 9
Step 9 - Use Project Manager to organize the model
AGi32 allows you to isolate parts of your model into different projects to facilitate the analysis of various lighting scenarios. In the case of this
example, we are interested in the results of the House Lighting alone as well as the Stage Lighting in combination with the Wall Lighting in a dimmed
mode. In your projects, you will have different scenarios and how you isolate pieces of your project will greatly depend on your goals.

Select the Project Manager button from the Common Toolbar.

The Project Manager button on the
Control Bar (Menu: Modify-Project-Project Manager)
When the dialog opens, notice the Project_1 designation has a
checkmark in the Load cell.
Click the right mouse button anywhere in the upper project list
and select New. Create a New project titled House Lighting.
Repeat this process and create two more new projects titled
Stage Lighting and Wall Lighting.
When the project names appear in the list we are ready to move
entities into these projects.

With Project_1 selected to load, in the drop down list labeled Entity type, select Luminaires.
Select all of the luminaires with Label House by clicking on the top most line in the column to the left of Luminaire Number (with arrow indicator)
follow by a Shift-click on the last line with a luminaire labeled House. With all of the House luminaires selected, click the right mouse button on the
highlighted list and select Transfer. When the project list opens, select the project titled House Lighting. We have just isolated all of the House
Luminaires into a project called House Lighting.
Follow this procedure and transfer all luminaires labeled Stage to the project named Stage Lighting, then all luminaires labeled Wall to the project
called Wall Lighting.
In the same manner, use the Entity type menu to show CalcPoints instead of Luminaires. Now transfer the calc points label House Illumination
100% to House Lighting project. Transfer calculation points label Stage to project Stage Lighting.

In the next step we want to

compute only the House lighting
Place a checkmark in the Freeze
cell for the Wall Lighting and
Stage Lighting projects.
Exit Project Manager.

Auditorium-Step 10
Step 10 - Calculate House lighting
Now you will see the fruits of your labor! Click on the Render tab above the Model workspace. A
wireframe view of the auditorium will appear in Render mode.

The Render Tab on

the Control Bar (Menu:View-Render)



The Calculate button on

the Control Bar

Click on the Calculate Now button to calculate the House Lighting only (recall that we left the Stage
and Wall lighting modes "Frozen" in Project Manager.

Select the Front View button from the Render toolbar to select a view looking into the auditorium
toward the stage.

The Front View button on the Render

Toolbar (Menu:View-Default Views-Front)

Now switch the view to the Back View.

The Back View button on the Render
Toolbar (Menu:View-Default Views-Back)

Notice the rough scallops on the back wall of the auditorium. This is due to the wall discretization being inadequate to handle the close proximity of
the downlights to the wall surface. We need to instruct AGi32 to discretize the adjacent surfaces into smaller pieces to accurately handle the close
proximity of the luminaires to the wall surface. This can be done in two ways, by manually adjusting the surface Mesh using the Surface Edit
command, or automatically by setting the Adaptive Subdivision switch and its properties (for an explanation please see RadiosityStopping Criterion
topic in AGi32 Help).


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

In this case we will use Adaptive Subdivision. Go to the Calculate button, click on the arrow to the right of
the button, and then click on Adaptive Subdivision.
Click on the box, putting a check mark in it, to Enable Adaptive Subdivision.
Leave all the default settings as they are but notice the Element
Luminance Threshold setting. With it set to 1.5, we are instructing
AGi32 to automatically subdivide each surface when one Element
is 50% more luminous than the adjacent Element.
Click Ok to continue. A window will now appear stating, This
change will reset calculated values and rendered image. Do you
really want to continue?, click Yes.

Adaptive Subdivision selection from the
Calculate menu (Control Bar)

The image will now reset to a wireframe appearance.

Now click on the Calculate button again to recalculate the house lighting.
The Calculate button
Notice the increased accuracy of the back wall scallops. The accuracy of the calculated illluminance on
the floor has not appreciably changed, however, the luminance ratios on the back wall are dramatically
different. This should tell us that whenever we are interested in more than simple horizontal illuminance on
a workplane or floor surface, we should enable the Adaptive Subdivision routine.

on the Control Bar

When complete return to Model mode by clicking on the Model tab.

Enter Project Manager again and remove the Freeze checkmark

on Stage Lighting and Wall Lighting projects.
Now freeze the House Lighting Project. This will preserve the
House Lighting calculation while we compute the Stage and Wall
Lighting schemes.
Select the Load cell adjacent to the Wall Lighting Project and
then select the Luminaires under the Entity Type pull-down
With all the Wall luminaires shown, use the Shift-click method to
select them all (or click in the upper left cell of the grid to select
all rows).
Right click and select Dimming from the menu. When the
Dimming cell pops up, enter 0.20 for 20%. We have just dimmed
the output of the Wall luminaires to 20%.
Click Ok to close the Project Manager dialog.
We are now set to compute the scheme of Stage lighting at
100% output and Wall Lighting at 20% output.

Auditorium-Step 11
Step 11 - Calculate Stage and Wall lighting
Before computing the Stage and Wall lighting scheme, select the Render tab again.
This will allow us to watch the radiosity process calculate interreflected light and
display it in our drawing.
In Render mode, click the Calculate button. Typical rendered views of the Auditorium
are shown below. Given that your placement and aiming points of the stage lights might
be different, your rendered views might differ as well.

The Render Tab on the Control Bar

The Calculate button on the Control Bar



Back View

Front View

With the radiosity based rendering complete, we can switch on the textures to see the carpet and wood
materials applied to the floor surfaces. We can then interactively maneuver around the model searching for the
most stimulating viewpoints.

The Toggle
Textures switch on the Status Bar,
shown in textures On state

Explore the rendered model using the Interactive viewing commands.

Left View


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Sateg view

View of house seating

from stage

In this tutorial we created an interior space with curved walls. Luminaires were placed using rectangular arrays, which allowed us to create elaborate
configurations with just a few clicks. The entire environment was rendered in a matter of minutes and we are able to move through the illuminated
environment at will.
Many additional elements could have been easily added to the space including more textures on the walls and a variety of objects (people, chairs,
tables and more).
Multiple views may be created in Render mode easily so that you can see the environment from several viewpoints at once. Rendered views are
available in Page Builder for customized presentations.
Ray tracing Direct Illumination is another calculation procedure that may be implemented for more photorealistic appearing imagery.


Facade Lighting
Facade Lighting-Introduction

Time Estimate: 1 hour

Facade lighting applications bring 3-dimensional considerations to outdoor lighting projects due to the vertical nature of the object surfaces. AGi32 is
easily able to handle such tasks and allows you to see the vertical calculation grids and aiming vectors from any angle. Features such as vertical
templates and luminance calculations provide additional assistance to speed up the design time. In particular, AGi32s Automatic Placement
command allows you to quickly place calculation points on any surface of an object.

Problem Statement

Illuminate the three south faces of an office building to define and accent the
building structure. We are assuming that the building is located in a low
ambient light level environment with a maximum average luminance level of
less than 10 Cd/m2. The building facade is constructed of white stucco with
an 85% reflectance value. Floodlights will be mounted close to the ground at a
2 foot mounting height. Use the 250W Metal Halide Flood Light luminaire,
Zlfl2, provided in the Z-Lux database.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Select Calculation Mode
Step 2 Create a Polygon Shaped Object
Step 3 Define Luminaires
Step 4 Locate the First Luminaire
Step 5 Create a Vertical Template
Step 6 Locate Additional Luminaires
Step 7 Use Automatic Placement to Locate Calculation Points
Step 8 Specify isolines
Step 9 Calculate the Results
Step 10 Go to Render Mode

Facade Lighting-Step 1
Step 1 - Select Calculation Mode
If you have a drawing open on the desktop, save your work and click on the New File button on the
Common Toolbar (or Menu: File-New).

For this tutorial, we will be using the Full Radiosity Method for Calculations. This is the default setting for a
new project in AGi32, but make sure your Calculate button indicates this is the currently-selected method of

English units, feet and fc, will be used for this tutorial. If your default units are Metric, please change them to
feet and footcandles. To do so, click on System Settings button on the Main Toolbar (or Menu: Tools-System
Settings) then on the Units tab in the System Settings window. Here you will find the Display and Illuminance
Units that need to be set to Feet and Footcandles.


The New File button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:File-New)

The Calculation
Mode button on the Switches
Toolbar (Menu:Calculate-Calculate

The Units button

on the Status Bar (Menu:Tools-System

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Preliminary Preparations
Before adding elements to the job file (objects, luminaires, etc.), we should increase the Cursor Snap setting and Zoom level as appropriate for an
exterior application.

First, increase your current Snap setting to 5 feet to make it easier to draw straight lines. The Snap setting
can be seen in the lower right of the AGi32 window and can be changed transparently without disrupting
other initiated functions. The snap setting can also be found in System Settings under Switches/Settings tab
in the Model Mode Settings area.
We are not able to specify the wall segments of the building at the current zoom level. To see more of the
drawing, click on the Zoom Out button (Menu: View-Zoom-Out), press the End key on the keyboard, or, the
easiest method, use the mouse wheel (scroll down), all of which will perform the Zoom Out function.

The Snap
button on the Status Bar

The Zoom Out button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:View-ZoomOut)

Zoom out so your screen has roughly 300 feet left to right and top to bottom as its extents. The left to right
dimension will be slightly larger due to the rectangular nature of the display.

Facade Lighting-Step 2
Step 2 - Create a Polygon Shaped Object
Almost any object shape can be easily created with AGi32, for this tutorial our building is a fairly simple shape.

Click on the Add Object Polygon button in the Rooms/Objects Toolkit to display the
Object-Polygon-Flat dialog window.

The Object-Polygon Flat button in the Rooms/Objects

Toolkit (Menu:Add-Object-Odd-Polygon)

Enter information as follows:

1. Enter the label B1 in the Label text box.
2. Click in the Description text box to activate it and enter a meaningful description,
such as Office Building, white stucco (.85 refl.), asphalt roof (.4 refl.), 50 feet tall.
3. Click in the Height of Sides text box and change the current value to 50.
4. Click in the Color cell adjacent to Top and select a color that corresponds to 0.85
reflectance for the walls.
5. Click the Surfaces Same Attributes button to apply the 0.85 reflectance to all
surfaces of the object.
6. Finally, click Ok to accept the properties and return to the graphics window.
Locate the cursor at X=30 and Y=30 and left click. Drag the cursor East to X = 80, Y = 30 and left click. Then, drag the cursor North, 35 feet,
to X = 80, Y = 65. Continue in this manner to create the remaining walls in the object.

Locate the cursor at X=30 and Y=30 and click. Move the cursor East to X = 80, Y = 30 and click.
Then, move the cursor North, 35 feet, to X = 80, Y = 65. Continue in this manner to create the
remaining walls in the object.
Look to the example at the right for detailed information about each coordinate. When the last vertex
has been specified, click the right mouse button to close the outline and complete the object.



Verify that the object was created correctly, by clicking on the Isometric View button.
Youll be presented with a 3-dimensional view of the
object as shown below.

The Isometric View button on the Common Toolbar


Facade Lighting-Step 3
Step 3 - Define a Luminaire
The next logical step is the definition of a luminaire that well use in this application. In a real facade application, you might define multiple floodlight
beam patterns for different areas of the object. For simplicitys sake, we will narrow the scope of this application and only one floodlight type will be

Access the Define Luminaire dialog by clicking on the Define Luminaire button in the
Luminaire Define Toolkit (or Menu: Add-Luminaire-Define).

The Define Luminaire button in the Luminaire

Toolkit (Menu:Add-Luminaire-Define)

When the Define Luminaire dialog opens, click on the Instabase button to access the
photometric database. This database contains all of the installed photometric files,
organized by manufacturer. As a file is highlighted in Instabase, the dialog displays
classification and distribution information for the selected file.

The Instabase button

Navigate to the Zlfl2 luminaire located in the Z-Lux\ZL-Outdoor\ZL-Flood node. To

expand a node, click on the + sign adjacent to the node name. Conversely, to
collapse a node, click on the - sign adjacent to the node name. Click on the zlfl2
luminaire to select it. Its photometric distribution and calculated metrics will be
Click Ok to select this file and return to the Luminaire Definition dialog.

The label, description, rated lamp lumens and wattage are extracted automatically
from the photometric file. The FLOOD symbol is automatically selected for the ZLux database. When using other photometric files you will have symbol choices
using Smart Symbols, as well as the option to override and manually select from
the Symbol dialog.
1. Change the luminaire Label to A.
2. Click in the Pole selection box so that a checkmark appears.
3. Click on the Add/Redefine button to add the luminaire type to the Defined
Luminaires list.
4. This is the only luminaire needed for this example. Exit this dialog by clicking
on the Close button.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Return to Plan View

Before we can add luminaires to the job file, we'll return to Plan view. This will facilitate
more accurate placement of the luminaires. Click on the Plan View button located on
the Common Toolbar.

The Plan View button on the Common Toolbar


Facade Lighting-Step 4
Step 4 - Locate the First Luminaire
We need to locate one instance of a luminaire in the job file as the model for the vertical template. The Luminaire
Toolkit, accessed by clicking the Luminaire button located below the Model Toolkit heading on the right side of AGi32,
provides all the functionality we require to specify the luminaire type, aiming type, mounting height and aiming angles.
Notice that the luminaire we just defined is listed below Define button.

Enter a mounting height of 2 feet in the MH text box

Select the Locate & Aim option from the Aiming Type pull-down menu.
Click on the Locate & Aim button to begin placing a luminaire.
The selected luminaire symbol (FLOOD) will be attached to the
crosshairs at its insertion point. Move the cursor to X=155 and Y=85
and click the left mouse button. This first click positions the luminaire
in the desired location.
Next, we need to change the current aiming height before clicking in the aiming point. This may be
accomplished in one of two ways: You may change the current value in the Aiming Point text box
located at the lower right corner of the screen to 30, as seen
or use the Page Up button on the keyboard to
increase the current Z coordinate to 30. Move the cursor to locate the aiming point on the object
facade directly North of the luminaire (X=155, Y=100). Left click to specify this point.
Another luminaire will be automatically attached to the crosshairs to allow you to specify additional luminaire locations. For now, right click to
complete the command and temporarily stop placing additional luminaires.

Facade Lighting-Step 5
Step 5 - Create a Vertical Template
AGi32 provides you with the ability to create vertical templates in the four primary directions (North, South, East or West) located at a given distance
away from the luminaire. Once a template is specified, relative to the original luminaire position, it will be attached to subsequent luminaire types
(same label, MH, tilt, roll and spin angles) and will maintain its relative position regardless of the new luminaire orientation. This feature allows you to
create templates for vertical surfaces that are not orthogonal.

Click on the Create Template button in the Luminaire Toolkit to activate the Template
command. The crosshairs cursor will change to a pickbox cursor to aid you in selecting
a luminaire. Locate the pickbox on any portion of the luminaire symbol or luminaire
aiming vector and click the left mouse button.

The Create Template button in the Luminaire Toolkit

(Menu:Modify-Luminaire-Template-Create Template)

The Create Template dialog will appear allowing you to specify the template direction, distance from luminaire and Isoline labels and values.


Moving from the top of the Create Template dialog down:
1. Click on the radio button adjacent to North in the Template Direction Vertical section.
2. Specify a Distance of 15 feet from the Distance from Luminaire to Template. This value
corresponds to a distance between the luminaire and the object facade.
3. Each Isoline contour will be labeled with its corresponding illuminance value. Click in the
selection box adjacent to Label Isolines so that a checkmark appears.
4. Increase the Text Size to 4 feet to make them more readable.
5. To assign variable colors to the Isoline contours, click on the radio button adjacent to
6. Finally, specify Isoline Values of 5, 2.5 and 1 above any three of the color cells. To select
an alternate color, simply click on the current color to see the standard Windows Color
dialog that allows you to select from 16 million colors.
7. Click Ok to create the template and return to the graphics window. The cursor may change to an hourglass icon for a moment while the template is
being created.
In Plan view, the template will appear as a single horizontal line directly on the facade. Each of the
template contours is restricted to the X-Z plane that we specified on the object facade. Therefore we
are seeing the topmost contour of the template.

To see the template contours in their entirety, click on the Isometric View button.

The Isometric View button on the Common Toolbar


This view illustrates that one luminaire provides about one footcandle minimum on most of this object face.

Facade Lighting-Step 6
Step 6 - Locate Additional Luminaires
Now that we have confirmed that our original luminaire placement was adequate, we
can copy the luminaire and its template to additional locations.
To copy the existing luminaire location to other positions accurately, we need to return
to Plan view and see the object in its entirety. Click on the Plan View button
.Zoom Out once (use the End key) to increase the field of view so that you can locate
additional luminaires South of the object.


The Plan view button on the Common Toolbar

The Zoom-out button on the Common Toolbar

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Click on the Copy Luminaire button in the Luminaire Toolkit. Locate the pickbox on any
part of the luminaire or template to select it. Next, specify a reference point to move
from. It makes the most sense to select the insertion point of the luminaire symbol as
our reference.

The Copy Luminaire button in the Luminaire Toolkit


A copy of the luminaire will be attached to the cursor crosshair for ease in placement. Locate the
luminaire on the adjacent South object face, taking care that the template is centered on the facade.
Left click to confirm this luminaire location. Another luminaire will be attached to the cursor. Locate
the luminaire so that the third object face is lit and left click again. Right click to confirm the additions.
Your screen should look similar to the Plan View example here.

Facade Lighting-Step 7
Step 7 Use Automatic Placement to Locate Calculation Points
One of AGi32s most powerful features is its ability to automatically place grids and polygons of calculation points on any Room or Object surface.
You can specify the point spacing for each surface and whether it will be centered within the surface boundaries.

Click on the Automatic Placement button in the Calculation Toolkit. The cursor will
change to a pickbox prompting you to select the object. Locate the pickbox on any of
the Object walls and left click. The Automatic Placement dialog will appear to guide you
in specifying the point spacing and surface selections.

The Calcpts-Automatic
Placement button in the
Calculations Toolkit (Menu:
Add-Calculation PointsAutomatic Placement)

In the Calculation Points Automatic Placement dialog window, click the Move
To Next Surface button

until one of the South facing walls is highlighted.

Press the Tag Current Surface button

or the F8 key to tag this surface so
that you can select multiple surfaces for point placement at once. Continue
moving between surfaces until all three South facing walls are tagged. Tagged
surfaces will turn the wireframe around them yellow, the currently-selected
surface is indicated by the blue wireframe

Change the Point Spacing to 5 feet Left to Right (LR) and 5 feet Top to Bottom
(TB). It will apply to all surfaces selected.
Turn the Calculation Points On.
Change the Calculation Type from 0-Illuminance to 2-Luminance.
Click Ok to accept your modifications and create three new calculation grids. Each calculation grid is created independently of each other and the
object and will be edited on an individual basis. If the object is modified (moved or deleted) the calculation points will be deleted as well.

Once again, change the view to Isometric view and look at the results. Each
calculation grid is located on top of the selected surface and centered within.



Facade Lighting-Step 8
Step 8 Specify Isolines
All of the necessary ingredients in our lighting design application have been added and we are ready to see some results. Before calculating, specify
some Isolines to add clarity to our computations.

Click on the Isolines button at the bottom of the Calculations Toolkit. Bring the
Luminance tab to the forefront by left clicking on the tab.

The Isolines button in the Calculations

Toolkit (Menu:Add-Calculation Points-Isolines)

Enable the Isolines to be visible by clicking in the Isolines for Luminance Values
selection box (so that a checkmark appears). Label the Isolines by clicking in the Label
Isolines selection box, set the Label Increment to 1000 feet, and then increase the Text
Size to 4 feet.
Select colors that are appealing to you and enter a single luminance value in each. The
Luminance Values to include are 20,15,10 and 5.
Click Ok to accept your selections and return to the graphics window. Since we have
not calculated yet, the Isolines are not visible.
Lets do one more bit of housekeeping before we calculate. We dont need to have the
templates, luminance values, and Isolines visible at the same time. Too much
information will be displayed and the results will be difficult to view.

Click on the small arrow adjacent to the Create Template button on the
Luminaires Toolkit. In the Create Template drop-down menu, click on
Visibility, opening up another menu, and then on All Off.

The Create Template button

in the Calculations Toolkit
(Menu:Modify-LuminaireTemplate-Switch-All Off)

Facade Lighting-Step 9
Step 9 Calculate the Results
The results of the calculation process are numerically shown in the Statistics window,
below the Model Toolkit by default. The Statistics window can be toggled on and off at
any time with the Statistics button at the bottom of the screen. Make sure the Statistics
button is set to ON.
Click on the Calculate button on the Control Bar.


The Statistics button on the Status Bar

(bottom of the screen)

The Calculate button on the Control Bar

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

The Statistical Summary window summarizes the luminance calculations we have just performed. Note that we have
computed diffuse luminance in Candela per square meter. This is the commonly accepted unit specification for
luminance criteria, even in though it is not consistent with the English system.

The graphic on the right

illustrates Isolines and
point by point values
displayed at the same

If desired, you may switch off the point by point exitance values by clicking on the Project Manager button on the
Project toolbar.

The Project Manager

button on the Project
Toolbar (Menu: ModifyProject-Project Manager)

If desired, you may switch off the point by point luminance

values by clicking on the Project Manager button on the Main
Toolbar (above the model workspace, to the right of the
Calculate button).
The Project Manager dialog provides detailed information about
each calculation grids visibility and calculation status, as well as
information about objects, luminaires and other AGi32 entities.
You have the ability to make calculation grids invisible, turn their
Isoline contours off individually, prevent certain grids from being
considered in calculations or switch off the point-by-point values
independently of the Isoline contours. This last option is the one
that interests us now.
If you havent already done so, click on the Project Manager
button. To see the calculation points by name, change the Entity
Type in the pull-down menu to CalcPts.



Click on the PtsVis checkboxes to clear the checkmarks and switch off
the visibility of each calculation plane individually. Click Ok to exit
Project Manager and return to the graphics window. Now only the
Isolines are visible on the three South faces of our object.

Facade Lighting-Step 10
Step 10 Go to Render Mode
At this point we have taken the analysis as far as we can in Model mode. However, facade lighting lends itself
naturally to a visual evaluation rather than simple numbers. Click on the Render tab (button) on the Main Toolbar to
enter Render mode. Here we can utilize different tools to visually evaluate our design.

The Render Tab on the

Control Bar (View:Render)

Since we have already calculated the results, render mode will open with a front view rendering of the object as seen below. Once in render mode,
we can utilize the reference views or any of the interactive viewing tools to observe the object from different vantage points.

Front view rendering

Reference view buttons

Interactive view buttons


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Aside from the standard RGB rendering, we can inspect our object
facade using a brightly colored analysis called Pseudo Color. This
mode portrays different Illuminance or Luminance values with a color
scale ranging from blue to red (lowest value to highest value).

To use the Pseudo Color mode click on the Display Properties button on the Render toolbar. You can experiment with
the variety of settings available to evaluate your project.

The Display Properties

button on the Render toolbar
(View:Display Properties)

1. Make sure the Analysis tab is selected.

2. Select the Pseudo Color radio button.
3. Select the Luminance radio button.
4. Under Grayscale and Pseudo Color Scaling and Luminance (Cd/sq m), put a check in the box to the left of Apply Maximum.
5. Put a check in the box to the left of Display Scale with Image.
6. Click the Ok button.
AGi32 will now display the Pseudo Color image of the model.

A Pseudocolor Luminance rendering



Facade Lighting-Conclusion

As we have demonstrated, you can easily add calculation planes to any surface of an Object or Room and calculate the resulting illuminance
(incident light) or luminance (reflected light). Templates only consider direct contribution from the luminaire, and may be placed in any direction
relative to the luminaire position. They are very valuable in many applications as a guideline for luminaire placement and aiming.
In addition to a numerical evaluation, we can use AGi32s render mode for a visual evaluation. An alternative to the standard RGB image is the
Pseudo Color image which can be used to evaluate the results both visually and numerically.
Note that in our example, the object is the only reflective entity in the environment and appears to be floating. You could return to Model mode (click
the Model tab) and create a Polygon-Planar Object to simulate the ground plane. This would anchor your object in space and allow you to see the
luminaires effect on the ground.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Time Estimate: 40 minutes
This tutorial will illustrate the principals involved in floodlighting horizontal surfaces. A simple
American football field will be employed to illustrate a floodlighting application. See also the
Faade and Site Lighting tutorials for additional exterior lighting applications.

SEE ALSO: Instant Gratification and Site


Problem Statement
Illuminate a basic parks and recreation level American football field using four poles to approximately 25 fc average. Use the 1500W Metal Halide
floodlight luminaire, Zlfl1, provided in the Z-Lux database.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Select the Calculation Mode
Step 2 Import a Football Field Drawing
Step 3 Define the Luminaire
Step 4 Place Parametric Mirrors
Step 5 Locate Luminaires
Step 6 Add Calculation Points
Step 7 Calculate
Step 8 Evaluation Tools
Step 9 Switch on the Autocalc Feature
Step 10 Luminaire Modifications

Floodlighting-Step 1
Step 1 - Select the Calculation Mode
If you do not already have a new file open, click on the New File button on the Main
Toolbar (or Menu: File-New).

The Full Radiosity method of calculation is the default setting in AGi32, however,
because we do not need to consider light from other reflective sources in our
calculations, we will select the Direct Only Method of calculation. To change to this,
click the small arrow to the right of the Calculate button, drag down to Direct Only
Method, and click again. The icon on the Calculate button itself reflects the mode

The New File button on the Common Toolbar (Menu:FileNew)

The Calculate button on the
Control Bar

currently selected.

For this example we are going to use Feet and Footcandles as our units. If you look
at the Units button at the bottom right of the screen, it indicates our project is set to
use Feet and Footcandles.

The Units button on the Status Bar



Floodlighting-Step 2
Step 2 - Import a Football Field Drawing
Click on the Import button on the Common Toolbar to bring in a previously created
football field as the background.

The Import button on the Common Toolbar (Menu:FileImport)

The Import dialog allows you to navigate to the drawing location on

your computer. The football field is saved as a CAD compatible DXF
file called Tutorial-Football Field.dxf and is located in the ...\My
Documents\AGi32\CADFiles_Import folder. Click on the TutorialFootball field.dxf file then click the Ok button.

From the Import CAD File dialog,click on the

CAD Viewer button to see a preview of the
2D drawing. All enabled layers are imported
by default.. All other settings will also be
accepted in their default states. Click Ok to
continue. The football field background will
appear in the graphics window.
After the file has been successfully imported,
click Ok to close the Import CAD File

Floodlighting-Step 3
Step 3 - Define the Luminaire
In the Luminaire Toolkit, click on the Define button to access the Define Luminaire

The Define button in the

Luminaire Toolkit (Menu:AddLuminaire-Define)

From within the Define Luminaire dialog window, click on the Photometric Instabase
button to select a photometric file from AGi32s Z-lux (sample photometry) database.

The Photometric Instabase button within

the Define dialog


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Navigate to the Z-Lux\ZL-Outdoor\ZL-Flood node in the Database tree and

select the zlfl1 file.
Click Ok to return to the Define Luminaire dialog with zlfl1 selected.

Label the luminaire FLOOD. An optional

Description may also be entered. Select a
Pole (dynamic attached to z=0) and then
click in the Color box under Line
Width/Color box in the Model Mode area
and change the color to red.
Finally, click on the Add/Redefine button
to add this luminaire definition to the
Defined Luminaires List.
Once youve completed the luminaire
definition process, click on the Close
button to return to AGi32s Model mode.

Increase Snap

Before continuing, increase the Snap to 5. This will make it easier to place the
luminaires. The Snap setting can be found in the lower left of the screen and can be
changed or toggled on/off at any time without interrupting any other function that may
be in progress.

The Snap Setting on the

Status Bar

Floodlighting-Step 4
Step 4 - Place Parametric Mirrors
Parametric mirrors allow you to establish a parametric relationship between luminaires about a defined mirror line. In AGi32, a
parametric relationship duplicates the properties of related luminaires. Any action taken on one side of the mirror will be duplicated
automatically on the other side of the mirror. When two parametric mirrors are placed perpendicular to each other, any action applied
in one quadrant will be mirrored in the other three quadrants. This relationship applies well to sports applications as it allows us to
locate luminaires in only one quadrant and the entire field luminaire layout is created simultaneously.
Once the parametric mirror has been applied, all subsequent luminaire placements will reproduce the original luminaire and aiming
parameters on the other side of the parametric mirror line. The effect of the parametric mirror line is infinitely long so the distance
between the two points used to define the mirror is arbitrary; they simply define the mirror location and direction.
For this application well be creating two parametric mirror lines: one at the 50 yard line and the other, dividing the playing field from

end zone to end zone.

From the Luminaire toolkit, click on the Add Parametric Mirror button.

The first parametric mirror is located along the 50 yard

line. Locate the cursor at X=180, Y = 0 and left click.
Drag the mouse vertically to X = 180, Y = 160 and left
click again. A parametric mirror line will be created at
this location and will be labeled Parametric Mirror.

Parametric Mirror at the 50 Yd line

Click the right mouse button to repeat the Parametric

Mirror command and specify another parametric mirror
from left to right across the center of the field. Locate the
1st point at X = 0, Y = 80, and the 2nd point at X = 360, Y
= 80.

Parametric Mirror along the field length

Floodlighting-Step 5
Step 5 - Locate Luminaires
Place a few luminaires in the upper left quadrant of field, all on one pole. The luminaire locations will automatically be mirrored in the remaining three
quadrants. For the purpose of this example we do not need to worry about spreading the luminaires apart on the pole. However, if we wanted to use
the Full Calculation Method and render, we would need to do so as the symbols would interfere with one another.

Select the Locate & Aim option in the Luminaire Toolkit. If it needs to be changed,
click on the small arrow to the right of the Locate type, drag the mouse down to Locate
& Aim, and click.
Next, set the Mounting Height (MH) in the Luminaire Toolkit to 60 feet.
Now click on the Locate & Aim button to begin luminaire placement.


The Locate & Aim button in the

Luminaire Toolkit

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

In this application, all of the luminaires will be placed on one pole and
aimed accordingly. Instead of locating the insertion point and aiming point
for each luminaire, we can use an AGi32 shortcut. By pressing the Ctrl and
Shift keys together after locating the insertion point of the first luminaire, we
need only locate the aiming points for multiple luminaires.
Before dropping the first luminaire in place, press the END key on your
keyboard or center the crosshairs on the football field and roll the mouse
wheel down. These are transparent methods of zooming out (they can be
done without disrupting another function in progress) so that we have a bit
more area to work within.
Drag the luminaire to X = 75, Y= 220 and left click to locate the pole
position. Now press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys on the keyboard
together and drag the aiming vector to X=10, Y=145 and left click again.
While still pressing the Ctrl and Shift keys together, aim 6 more luminaires
in the same manner, uniformly lighting the upper left quadrant of the
football field. After the 7th luminaire has been located, release the keyboard
keys, and right click to end the command. Your graphics window should
now look something like our example.

Floodlighting-Step 6
Step 6 - Add Calculation Points
At this stage of the design process we are ready to add illuminance calculation points on the playing field. In a professional sports application design,
we would be adding several calculation grids so that we could measure vertical illuminance levels as well as horizontal illuminance levels. However,
in the scope of this tutorial, only one calculation grid will be created.

A 2-point grid (2 input points) is the default setting for the Calculation Grid Points
function. In the Calculations Toolkit, click on the the Calcpts-Grid button. This will bring
up the Calculation Points - 2pt. Grid dialog.

The 2-Point-Grid button in the

Calculations Toolkit (Menu:AddCalculation Points-Grid-2 Pt.

When the dialog opens, make the following adjustments:

1. Label the calculation grid Football and enter a meaningful description if desired
(i.e., horizontal illuminance calcs; 15' x 20' point spacings).
2. Change the point spacing to 15 in the Left-to-Right direction and 20 in the Top-to
Bottom direction.
3. Then select the Coefficient Variance and Uniformity Gradient numerical analysis
types, these are common for sports applications.
4. All other settings will be accepted in their default states.
5. Click Ok to return to the Model window and specify the extents of the calculation



Locate the crosshairs at the bottom left corner of the field (X=0, Y=0) and left
click. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the field (X=360, Y=160)
and left click again. The points we just placed appear as question marks
because the values have not yet been calculated.

Floodlighting-Step 7
Step 7 - Calculate
Click on the Calculate button. Once the calculations are complete, statistics for the
football field will appear in the Statistical Summary window. The statistics include
average, maximum and minimum illuminance values, as well as uniformity ratios and

The Calculate button set in Direct Mode

Floodlighting-Step 8
Step 8 Evaluation Tools
AGi32 has a number of tools to assist in the evaluation of numerical results. The simplest of these tools are Isolines and Value Highlighting. Isolines
allow us to display a graphical representation of the Illuminance transition across the field whereas Value Highlighting will make single values or
ranges of values stand out more clearly.

Lets start with Isolines. Click on the Isolines button in the Calculations Toolkit
The Isolines button in the Calculations Toolkit
(Menu:Add-Calculation Points-Isolines)


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

To specify Illuminance Isolines:
1. Click on the Illuminance tab so it is in the forefront, if it is not there already.
2. Make the Illuminance Isolines visible (after calculation) by clicking in the Isolines for
Illuminance Values selection box so that a checkmark appears.
3. Click in the Label Isolines selection box and specify Label Increments of 100 and a
Text Size of 4.
4. Specify illuminance values in the Value text boxes (15,20,25,30,35).
5. Click Ok.

We can now see the gradient of illuminance over the field more closely.
However, when evaluating the floodlight aiming scheme it is often more
valuable to see exactly which calculation points are falling below a certain
level as well as the exact location of the Maximum and Minimum. We can do
this with the Highlight Values command.
Click on the Isolines button again and deselect the checkbox for Isolines for
Illuminance Values and click Ok.

Select the Highlight Values button to the right of the Isolines button in the Calculations
Toolkit. In a manner similar to the way we specified Isolines, we can customize the
highlighting of illuminance values. Try the following steps:

The Highlight Values button in the

Calculations Toolkit (Menu:Add-Calculation Points-Highlight

1. Click on Highlight Illuminance Values.

2. Select the radio button for Background.
3. Check the boxes for Maximum and Minimum, they will be applied in Red and
4. Check the first box under Range. Enter zero (0) in the first cell and 20 in the
5. Click in the adjacent color cell and select a bright color (try Orange).
6. Click OK to exit and apply the highlighting.

The new highlighting on the field should now look like our example . Note how
easy it is to see the values less than or equal to 20 fc. The maximums and
Minimums are also clearly evident.



Floodlighting-Step 9
Step 9 Switch on the AutoCalc feature
Inevitably, changes will be made to your initial aimings in order to meet the design criteria. AGi32 will automatically calculate results when changes
are made and refresh the calculation grids and Statistical Summary window with AutoCalc. When AutoCalc is enabled, the calculations are updated
each time luminaire modifications, additions, or deletions are made. .

To turn on AutoCalc, click the small arrow to the right of the Calculate button then drop
down to and select Direct Only Method AutoCalc On

Direct Calculation
Mode with
AutoCalc enabled

When Full Calculation mode is enabled, the AutoCalc button is not visible on the Switches toolbar and the AutoCalc command is unavailable from
the Tools menu.

Floodlighting-Step 10
Step 10 - Luminaire Modifications
The Modify Luminaire commands allow you to move luminaire locations or change their mounting height, while maintaining the same aiming points or
aiming angles. You can also Re-aim or Re-orient luminaires, and Copy, Delete or Edit them in a tabular fashion.

Click on the arrow adjacent to the Luminaire-Change

Height button and select Same Aiming Points-Window
from the resulting submenus. Draw a selection window
around the pole in the upper left corner of the field by
clicking one point near the pole, then another where the
selection box encompasses all luminaires on that pole;
all luminaires on this pole and subsequent quadrants,
will be selected.

The Change Height button in the Luminaire Toolkit

(Menu:Modify-Luminaire-Change Height-Same Aiming

When the Change Height dialog appears, enter 65 to change the mounting height for all luminaires from 60 feet to
65 feet. Click Ok to return to the graphics window.

Notice that all of the aiming points remain in the same position on the field, however, our luminaires are now mounted at 65 feet. Also, because
Autocalc is enabled, the values have automatically been recomputed.

Now, click on the arrow adjacent to the LuminaireChange Height button again and select Same Aiming
Angles-Window from the resulting submenus. Window
around the pole in the upper left corner of the field and
enter 70 in the Change Height dialog.

The Change Height button on the Luminaire Toolkit

(Menu:Modify-Luminaire-Change Height-Same Aiming

Now observe that all the aiming vectors appear to have

been raised slightly as the aiming angles remained fixed
(Orient, Tilt) as the pole height increased.
The results are again computed automatically. You can
probably begin to see that adjusting luminaire aimings
and positions using AutoCalc is quite efficient.
Lets adjust a single aiming point and see if we can tweak our layout a bit more

Click on the Re-Aim button on the Luminaire Toolkit and select the aiming point of the
corner luminaire in the upper left pole. Recall that the parametric mirror function
actually aims all 4 related luminaires.


The Re-Aim button in the Luminaire Toolkit


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Relocate the aiming point from coordinate values (5,140) to (5,145). Now grab the aiming vector of
the luminaire aimed closest to the 50-yard line (and vertical parametric mirror line) and move its
aiming point to (170,140).
Only when the command is completed will AutoCalc recalculate. This feature allows you to make
several modifications of the same type (i.e., re-aim several luminaires or add several luminaires)
and not have to wait for the calculations to update each time.
AutoCalc works by removing the contribution of the original luminaire location and aiming angle,
and adds the contribution for the new luminaire and aiming angle.
If you are keeping track of our statistics, notice our Max/Min ratio is now about 2:1. Excellent!

Any flood lighting application may be tackled using the same steps illustrated in this tutorial. This procedure is not limited to sports lighting, although
sports applications are well suited to this procedure. Other possible applications include facade lighting, theater applications and landscape lighting.
Flood lighting applications can lend themselves well to being rendered, such as facade and landscape lighting designs. Simply add reflective objects
to the graphics area and switch to Full Radiosity method. As mentioned earlier, you may need to spread the luminaire locations on each pole to avoid
symbol interference, or, simply use the Null render mode symbol.
Photometrically accurate rendered images can communicate visual information about the lighting design for those that may not understand numerical
values and isoline contour information.



Glare Rating
Glare Rating-Introduction
Time Estimate: 30 minutes
This tutorial discusses the design stages evident in a Glare Rating calculation for a soccer field. Some of the commands and concepts included in
this tutorial (import, luminaire aiming angles, and parametric mirrors) have been covered in more depth in the Site Lighting and Flood Lighting
tutorials, and will only be briefly explained.
Glare Rating values may be calculated for sports and area lighting applications to indicate the amount of glare present to an observer within the
lighted area. GR values range from 10 to 90 (regardless of English or Metric units), where 10 indicates unnoticeable glare and a value of 90 indicates
unbearable glare. For most applications, the maximum amount of glare allowed should be less than 45 to 55, depending on the application.
Glare Rating is based on veiling luminance produced by the luminaires and the environment, on an observer's eye. It is measured as the observer
looks at each point on a horizontal illuminance grid. Glare rating is limited to viewing directions below the horizon.

Problem Statement
Illuminate a soccer field using four poles to approximately 275 lux average. The maximum GR value at any point on the field shall not exceed 50.
Use the 1500W Metal Halide floodlight luminaire, zlfl1, provided in the Z-Lux database.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Select Calculation Mode
Step 2 Import the Background Drawing
Step 3 Define Luminaire
Step 4 Place Parametric Mirrors
Step 5 Locate Luminaires
Step 6 Create Glare Rating Calculation Grids and Locate Observer Positions
Step 7 Calculate
Step 8 Examine Glare Rating Grids
Step 9 Enable Autocalc
Step 10 Adjust the Lighting Layout

Glare Rating-Step 1
Step 1 - Select Calculation Mode
To begin, open a new job file by clicking on the New File button on the Common Toolbar. The Calculation mode
dialog will appear prompting us to select a calculation method.

The New File button on the

Common Toolbar (Menu:FileNew)

The Full Radiosity method of calculation is the default setting in AGi32 but, because we do not need to consider
light from other reflective sources in our calculations, we will select the Direct Only Method of calculation. To
change to this, click the small arrow to the right of the Calculate button, drag down to Direct Only Method, and
click again. The icon on the Calculate button itself reflects the mode currently selected.
Glare Rating can be calculated in either Direct or Full Radiosity mode. However, as there are no reflective or
obstructive elements present*, nor is any rendering required, this application lends itself to Direct Calculation
* Other than the automatic consideration of the illuminated surface behind the calculation points.


The Calculate button on the

Control Bar

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

For this example we are going to use Meters and Lux as our units. If you look at the Units button at the bottom right of the screen,
it indicates the current settings. If it says Ft-Fc, we are currently set to Feet and Footcandles; if it says M-Lux the units are set
to Meters and Lux. Click on the button regardless of its current settings to see the Units settings in the System Settings window. Before closing this
window, make sure Meters and Lux are selected. This Units dialog window can also be accessed from the Menu: Tools-System Settings-Units tab.

Glare Rating-Step 2
Step 2 - Import the Background Drawing
Click on the Import button on the Common Toolbar (or Menu: File-Import) to bring in a
previously created soccer field as the background.

The Import button on the Common Toolbar (Menu:FileImport)

The dialog shown at the left will appear allowing you to navigate to the
drawing location on your computer. The soccer field drawing is saved as a
CAD compatible DXF file called Tutorial-Soccer field.dxf and is located
in the CADFiles_Import folder within the My Documents\AGi32 folder.
Left click on this file to select it. The selected file will be displayed in the
File Name text box. Click Ok.

From the Import CAD File

dialog, click on the CAD
Viewer button (the small
black button with white
writing labeled CAD) to see
a preview of the 2D drawing.
All enabled layers are
imported by default. Change
Units Specified in CAD File
to Meters. All other settings
will also be accepted in their
default states. Click Ok to
continue. The soccer field
background will appear in the
graphics window.
After the file has been
successfully imported, click
Ok to close the Import CAD
File window.



The graphics window should now contain this drawing.

Glare Rating-Step 3
Step 3 - Define the Luminaire
Click on the Define Luminaire button on the Luminaire Toolkit to access the Define Luminaire

From within the Define Luminaire dialog, click on the Photometric Instabase button to select
the photometric file from AGi32s database. The Photometric Instabase dialog will appear.
When the Instabase dialog opens, any manufacturers photometric data installed using the
Instabase system is available. Installed manufacturer names are initially presented in a pulldown menu at the top of the dialog. Select the Z-Lux database from this pull-down menu.

The Define button in the

Luminaire Toolkit

The Photometric Instabase button

Navigate to the Z-Lux\ZL-Outdoor\ZL-Flood node in the Database tree and

select the zlfl1 file.
Click Ok to return to the Define Luminaire dialog with the zlfl1 luminaire
1. Label the luminaire A and, if desired, enter a meaningful description in
the Description text box.
2. This luminaire type will be attached to a pole (put a check next to Pole),
and is automatically represented by the FLOOD symbol.
3. Change the Model Mode Symbol Color to red.
4. Finally, click on the Add/Redefine button to add this luminaire definition
to the Defined Luminaires List.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Once youve completed the luminaire definition process, click on the
Close button to return to AGi32s Model mode window.

Before moving on, let's decrease our current Snap setting to 0.5 meters to
make it easier to locate the mirrors in the next step. The Snap button at
the bottom of the AGi32 window indicates the current snap setting (1
meter). To change the Snap, click in the Snap text box and enter the
number 0.5 from the keyboard replacing the current value shown. This
value can be changed on-the-fly (or transparently) while you are in the
middle of another function or process.

Glare Rating-Step 4
Step 4 Place parametric mirrors
Parametric mirrors allow you to establish a parametric relationship between luminaires about a defined mirror line. In AGi32, a parametric
relationship duplicates the properties of related luminaires. Any action taken on one side of the mirror will be duplicated automatically on the other
side of the mirror. When two parametric mirrors are placed perpendicular to each other, any action applied in one quadrant will be mirrored in the
other three quadrants. This relationship applies well to sports applications as it allows us to locate luminaires in only one quadrant and the entire field
luminaire layout is created simultaneously.
Once the parametric mirror has been applied, all subsequent luminaire placements will reproduce the original luminaire and aiming parameters on
the other side of the parametric mirror line. The effect of the parametric mirror line is infinitely long so the distance between the two points used to
define the mirror is arbitrary; they simply define the mirror location and direction.
From the Luminaire Toolkit, click on the Specify Parametric Mirror button.
The Add Parametric Mirror button in the Luminaire
Toolkit (Menu:Add-Luminaire-Parametric Mirror)
Locate two points of the mirror line on the North/South centerline; first point:
(52.5,68), second point: (52.5,0).
Click the right mouse button to repeat the Parametric Mirror command and
specify another parametric mirror along the East/West centerline; first point:
(0,34), second point: (105,34).
Your soccer field should look like this after the parametric mirrors are placed.

Glare Rating-Step 5
Step 5 - Locate luminaires
We are now ready to locate the luminaires that we defined earlier, in one quadrant of the soccer field. The luminaire locations will automatically be
mirrored in the remaining three quadrants.


First, make sure the Locate & Aim option is set in the Luminaire Toolkit. If it needs to be changed, click on the small arrow to the right of the Locate
type, move the mouse down to Locate & Aim, and left click. Next, set the Mounting Height (MH) in the Luminaire Toolkit to 18 meters.
Now click on the Locate & Aim button at the right end of the Luminaire Define toolbar to begin luminaire placement.

In this application, all of the luminaires will be placed on one pole and aimed accordingly. Instead of locating the
insertion point and aiming point for each luminaire, we can use an AGi32 shortcut. By pressing the Ctrl and Shift keys
together after locating the insertion point of the first luminaire, we need only locate the aiming points for multiple

Before dropping the first luminaire in place, press the END key on your
keyboard or center the crosshairs on the soccer field and roll the
mouse wheel down. These are transparent methods of zooming out
(they can be done without disrupting another function in progress) so
that we have a bit more area to work within.
Move the crosshairs to X=26, Y=-12 and click the left mouse button.
This location specifies where the lower left most pole is placed. Now
press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys on the keyboard together and
drag the aiming vector to X=50, Y=6 and left click again to aim the first
While still pressing the Ctrl and Shift keys together, aim 7 more
luminaires in the same manner, uniformly lighting the lower left
(Southwest) quadrant of the soccer field. After the 8th luminaire has
been located, release the keyboard keys, and click the right mouse
button to end the command.
Notice that with the Parametric Mirrors in place all four quadrants are
identically aimed.

Glare Rating-Step 6
Step 6 - Add Glare Rating points and observer positions
When Glare Rating calculations are selected, you specify a horizontal illuminance grid and appropriate observer positions within the field of play.
Observer positions are labeled sequentially, Obs_1, Obs_2, etc. AGi32 automatically creates Glare Rating grids (GR ) for each observer position that
duplicates the calculation point position of the specified horizontal illuminance grid. Each GR grid is identified by its correlated observer position and
calculation points label.

Begin by clicking on the Calcpts-Glare Rating button in the Calculations Toolkit.

The Calcpts-Glare Rating button in the Calculations
Toolkit (Menu:Add-Calculation Points-Glare Rating)


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

We will create a horizontal grid labeled Soccer with two observer
positions. Each observer position will have a Glare Rating grid
associated with it; one called Soccer-Obs_1 and the second SoccerObs_2.
Assign this Glare Rating grid family the Label Soccer. Then click on the
Specify New button to return to AGi32s Model window, temporarily, to
specify two new observer positions.

Locate two observer positions:

The first observer is located at X = 20, Y = 34 (Z=1.5 by default see
the lower right corner of the screen). It is easiest to enter these
coordinates from the keyboard. Type 20,34, then press ENTER to
locate the first observer.
Locate another observer at X = 52.5, Y = 34 (Z = 1.5 again by default)
in the same manner.

Once complete, click the right mouse button to return to the Glare
Rating dialog. Each observer position will be listed in the Observer
Positions matrix. The next item we need to address in the dialog is the
spacing between calculation points. The default is 10m. We would like
to decrease the point spacing to 3m. Enter a 3 Point Spacing in both
the Point Spacing Left-To-Right and Top-To-Bottom cells. Also, put a
check in the box next to Illuminance Grid Visible.
We are now ready to specify the grids location in the Model mode
window. Click Ok to return to AGI32s Model mode



The grid creation function is active, if in doubt of what to do next,

always look at the command line in the lower left corner of the screen..
We can take advantage of the field and luminaire location symmetry to
only evaluate of the soccer field.
Locate the cursor at the bottom left corner of the soccer field and left
click. Drag the cursor to the centerlines of the field and left click again.
All three grids will be automatically created directly on top of each
other. Only the illuminance grid will be visible at this time.

Glare Rating-Step 7
Step 7 - Calculate
We are now ready to calculate. Before we do so, however, let's define Isolines for the
Illuminance and GR grids. Click on the Isolines button in the Calculations Toolkit to
bring up the Isolines dialog.

To specify Illuminance Isolines, click on the Illuminance tab so that it is in the forefront.
1. Make the Illuminance Isolines visible after calculation by clicking in the Isolines For
Illuminance Values selection box so that a checkmark appears.
2. Click in the Label Isolines selection box and specify Label Increments of 20 and a
Text Size of 4.
3. Specify illuminance values in the Value text boxes:


The Isolines button in the Calculations Toolkit

(Menu:Add-Calculation Points-Isolines)

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Repeat the same steps in the Glare Rating Isolines tab specifying
GR values of 25, 35 and 45.
Once complete, click Ok.

Click on the Calculate button to calculate Illuminance and GR values for this layout.
The Statistical Summary window will appear displaying the results for each calculation

The Calculate button on the Control Bar

Once the calculations are complete, AGi32 will display the Statistics window which contains the numerical analysis information for the three
calculation grids. By default, each time the calculations are updated, this window will appear with the new statistics.

Glare Rating-Step 8
Step 8 Examine Glare Rating grids
Currently, we only have one view visible and are unable to see all three calculation grids at the same time. AGi32 provides us with the ability to view
each calculation grid in its own view. Well use this feature to analyze our lighting design. AGi32s View Manager and Project Manager commands
allow us to specify multiple views and assign a calculation grid to a unique view.

Click on the View Manager button on the Common Toolbar.

The View Manager button on the Common Toolbar

Specify two additional view names, such as v2 and v3, and add them to the
Defined Views list. To do this, enter the name and click the Add button for each
view name. Once complete, be sure to highlight all view names in the list (shiftclick) and then click Ok to exit the dialog. AGi32s Model window will be broken
up into three views.

Click on the Project Manager button on the Control Bar (next to the Calculate button).
In the Project Manager dialog, well assign each calculation grid to one of the views
that we previously created.

The Project Manager button on the

Control Bar


With the Project manager dialog open, begin by clicking in
the Load column adjacent to the name Project_1. This will
load the entities from Project_1 for editing. Change the
Entity Type to CalcPts from the Entity Type pull-down
Our goal is to assign each of the three calculation grids
(point-by-point values and Isolines) to a unique view. The
illuminance grid Soccer will be assigned to View_1. In the
PtsView and IsoView columns, select View_1 from the pulldown list for the Soccer Label. Do the same for SoccerObs_1 (assign to v2) and Soccer-Obs_2 (assign to v3). If
they arent ON already, make sure all three grids are visible
by putting check marks under Vis for all three grids.
Click Ok to return to AGi32's Model mode.

Each calculation grid is visible in a unique view. You can

select each view in turn by clicking in the view window.
Zoom Extents++, then Zoom-Window on the Analysis

Glare Rating-Conclusion
The steps shown in this tutorial may be applied to any sports lighting Glare Rating application. However, Glare Rating is not limited to sports lighting
applications; it may be used to evaluate glare for other exterior applications, such as site lighting.
The Glare Rating calculation has four limitations:


Reflective and/or obstructive objects are not considered

Observers must be located within the computed area.

In sports applications, Glare Rating is valid for participants on the playing field, not for spectators off of the field

GR values are not intended to indicate glare in spill calculations.

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Room Estimator

Room Estimator-Introduction
Time Estimate: 20 minutes
Room Estimator applies the Zonal Cavity method to determine the approximate luminaire quantity required to meet a target average illuminance level
on a workplane in a rectangular space. At this stage the results can be easily printed in a presentation ready format. For the purpose of this example,
we will take it a step further and export the room and luminaire layout to AGi32s Model Mode where a calculation grid will be added and point-bypoint analysis computed.

Problem Statement

Use Room Estimator to place fluorescent luminaires in a rectangular space

suspended 1.5 ft from a ceiling grid to meet an average illuminance level of
40 footcandles. The rectangular space measures 40 x 30 x 10 and the
workplane is located 2.5 AFF. Use the 8 cell parabolic 1X4 luminaire, zlf1,
provided in the Z-Lux database.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Define the Luminaire
Step 2 Use Room Estimator
Step 3 Export the Layout into Model Mode
Step 4 Automatic Placement of Calculation Points
Step 5 Calculate

Room Estimator-Step 1
Step 1 - Define the Luminaire
Click on the New File button on the Common Toolbar to create a new job file.

For this tutorial we are going to use units of Feet and Footcandles. If you look at the
Units button in the bottom right corner of the screen, it should indicate our project is set
to use Feet and Footcandles. If this is not the case, please click on the button make the
appropriate changes. These settings can also be accessed through Menu :ToolsSystem Settings-Units tab.

The New File button on the Common Toolbar (Menu:FileNew)

The Units button on the Status Bar

Before using the Room Estimator tool, we must first define a luminaire. The luminaire definition includes photometric information as well as a
symbolic representation of the luminaire. Each luminaire location will access these parameters in addition to the aiming information specified by the



Within the Model Toolkit, click on the Define button in the Luminaire Toolkit.

Access the Photometric Instabase by clicking on the Instabase button in the Luminaire
Definition dialog. When the Instabase dialog opens, any manufacturers photometric
data you have installed from the Instabase system is available. Installed manufacturer
names are initially presented in a pull-down menu at the top of the dialog. Select the ZLux database from this pull-down menu.

The Define button in the

Luminaire Toolkit (Menu:AddLuminaire-Define)

The Photometric InstaBase button

Click the left mouse button on the plus sign

in front of the Z-Lux node to expand it.
Continue by clicking on the ZL-Indoor node
followed by the ZL-Fluorescent node.
Click on the zlf1 photometric file to see its
description and computed metrics.
With the Zlf1 luminaire highlighted, click Ok
to exit Instabase and return this information
to the main define dialog.

The Smart Symbols dialog appears, prompting you to

select an appropriate symbol for the selected
photometric file.
Choose the 1x4 LV Down symbol, then click Ok.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Now that the photometric file is selected,

we can complete the luminaire definition
by filling in and selecting options in the
sections of the Luminaire definition dialog.

Begin by changing the luminaire Label to

A Description may also be entered, if
Next, assign a Total LLF of 0.81 by
entering a value of 0.9 in the LDD text box
and 0.9 in the LLD text box.
To complete the luminaire definition, click
on the Add/Redefine button. This adds
this luminaire definition to the Defined
Luminaires List.
Click on the Close button, our luminaire
definition is ready to use.

Room Estimator-Step 2
Step 2 - Use Room Estimator
The Room Estimator allows you to enter the dimensions of a rectangular room and
compute a symmetric luminaire layout to meet your specified lighting criteria.

The Room Estimator button on the

Control Bar under Design Tools

On the Control Bar, click on the small arrow to the right of Design Tools button then
select Room Estimator, click the button a second time with Room Estimator visible.

Begin in the Luminaire Section. The Description cell is optional and

will be included in the Room Description if the layout is exported to
AGi32. The Luminaire Label list box contains all luminaire
definitions. Since we have only defined one luminaire type in this
tutorial, no additional selections need to be made.
In the Room Geometry section, specify the room dimensions:
Length (X) = 40, Width (Y) = 30 and Height (Z) = 10. As the
information is entered, the footprint of the room will be created
dynamically in the 3D Display window.
The Suspension Length represents the vertical distance between
the ceiling and the luminous plane of the luminaire. In our case,
the luminaires are assigned a Suspension Length of 1.5. The
Workplane Height represents the vertical distance between the
floor and workplane. Our workplane is located 2.5 above the floor
(at typical desk height), which corresponds to a Workplane Height
of 2.5.

The room reflectances are specified using decimal values between 0 and 1. By default, 0.8, 0.5 and 0.2 are specified as the reflectances for the
Ceiling, Walls and Floor, respectively. To change the reflectances, click the Reflectance tab.
In the Specify section, enter 40 as the Desired Illuminance value. This value corresponds to maintained illuminance as the LLF entered in the
definition will be considered. This value typically represents a minimum allowable average value; meaning that an average illuminance value larger
than 40 Fc would be acceptable to us.
In the Ceiling Grid section, click on the checkbox next to Apply to create a 2 x 4 ceiling grid. By default, it is specified with the 4 ft dimension along
the X axis, and 2' dimension along the Y axis. To center the luminaires and the grid in the room, click in the Center selection box.

Results are calculated automatically on data entry and the corresponding number of luminaires are laid out uniformly in the room. Room Estimator
has placed a quantity of 28 luminaires in the space to meet an average illuminance criteria of 42 footcandles. The luminaires are oriented and
spaced according to the ceiling tile locations and to meet the Luminaire Spacing Criteria.
The Specify and Luminaire Layout section also includes information regarding luminaire spacing and Lighting Power Density. Coefficients of
Utilization results can be viewed in the Reflectance tab.
The luminaire symbols included in the luminaire definition are not displayed in Room Estimator. However, their general symbol shape and scale is
used in Room Estimator.

Room Estimator-Step 3
Step 3 - Export the Layout into Model Mode
Assume we have obtained satisfactory results in Room Estimator and are ready to bring the room and luminaires into
AGi32 so that we may calculate point-by-point values. Remember, Room Estimator uses the Zonal Cavity method to
ESTIMATE the AVERAGE illuminance level in the space. A point-by-point calculation is ALWAYS more accurate.

Export button in Room

Click on the Export button in the Room Estimator dialog to return to AGi32s Model Mode with the environment.

The lower left corner of the room will be attached to the cursor. Locate the cursor at X = 0, Y =
0 using the mouse (it may take a zoom action with the mouse wheel) and click. OR you may
enter the coordinates of the lower left corner of the room from the keyboard. Simply type 0,0
and press the enter key.
Once the room location is determined, the luminaires will be placed within the ceiling grid
automatically. Notice that the 1x4 symbols are now centered within each ceiling tile.

Room Estimator-Step 4
Step 4 - Automatic Placement of Calculation Points
Once the room has been placed in the Model area, the Calculation Points-Automatic Placement dialog will appear allowing you to place calculation
points on any surface of the room or on the workplane..

To apply calculation points to the workplane, we need to highlight this

virtual surface in the small graphics window of the Automatic
Placemnet dialog. Use the Move to Workplane button (or the F6 key)
to move focus to the workplane.
In the Calculation Points property, select On to turn the calculation
points on using the current options.
Click Ok to exit the dialog.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

The screen image here displays the room,

luminaires and calculation points in Isometric
View. Your screen will still be in Plan view
looking down from the top of the room.

Room Estimator-Step 5
Step 5 - Calculate
You should have the Calculate Full Radiosity Method button available, since it is the
default setting, but if you do not, click on the small arrow to the right of the Calculate
button, move the mouse down to Full Radiosity Method and click. With the Calculate
button set to Full Radiosity Method, click on it again to beging the calculation.

The Calculate button with Full

Radiosity Method selected

The Calculating dialog will appear in the lower right corner of the
screen. It displays the calculation progress as a percentage of light
absorbed. The Radiosity process initially computes the direct light from
the luminaires to all surfaces. At each surface, some light is reflected
and the remainder absorbed based on the reflectance of the surface.
Reflected light is then re-emitted and encounters the room surfaces
again. This process repeats until all light has been absorbed (100%).
The computations are then complete and the point-by-point illuminance
values displayed.

While calculating, you will be given the Estimated Total Time for the calculation process, the Estimated Time Left until complete, and the Estimated
Completion Time.
The final illuminance results are displayed in the Statistics window which will replace the calculation progress display on conclusion of the

Room Estimator-Conclusion
This tutorial demonstrated the use of the Room Estimator tool as a quick means of calculating average illuminance in a rectangular room with a flat
ceiling. Once satisfactory results were obtained, the room and luminaires were exported into the Model Mode of AGi32. The Automatic Placement
command was used to place a calculation grid within the room at workplane height.
The Zonal Cavity method has some limitations that may cause the average estimated illuminance value to vary from one obtained by averaging
individual point-by-point calculations in Model Mode. The limitations of the Zonal Cavity method are as follows:
1. The luminaires must be spaced uniformly and at the same height in the room to obtain a uniform average illuminance value.
2. The coefficient of utilization (CU) calculation is based on a completely empty room.
3. The average illuminance calculation is defined as the total number of lumens reaching the workplane divided by the area of the workplane.



Site Lighting
Site Lighting-Introduction
Time Estimate: 1.5 hours
In this tutorial we will walk through the design process of lighting a simple parking area. By following along, youll gain the confidence to produce site
lighting analyses of any scale and complexity.

Problem Statement
Illuminate a parking lot to a minimum of 0.5 footcandles around the perimeter and 1.0 footcandle in the parking lot interior. The maximum luminaire
mounting height is 35 feet. Use the 400W Metal Halide Area Light luminaire, Zlroad2, provided in the Z-Lux database.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 Select the Calculation Method
Step 2 Import a Parking Lot Drawing
Step 3 Define the Luminaires
Step 4 Locate One Luminaire of Each Type
Step 5 Magnify Luminaire Symbol Size
Step 6 Create Iso-footcandle Templates
Step 7 Complete Luminaire Layout
Step 8 Create a Horizontal Illuminance Calculation Polygon
Step 9 Remove Calculation Points
Step 10 Calculate the Point-by-Point
Step 11 Add Isolines and Switch off Templates
Step 12 Present the Design Using Page Builder

Site Lighting-Step 1
Step 1 Select the Calculation Method
Lets begin by opening up a new job file in AGi32. Click on the New File button on the
Common Toolbar.
The Full Radiosity method of calculation is the default setting in AGi32. However, in
this example we will not consider reflected light in our calculations so we can select the
Direct Only Method of calculation. To change the calculation method, click the small
arrow to the right of the Calculate button, select Direct Only Method. The icon on the
Calculate button itself reflects the mode currently selected.

For this example we will use Feet and Footcandles as our units. If AGi32 is not
currently set to these units, click on the Units button on the Status Barr at the bottom of
the screen and make the appropriate changes.


The New File button on the Common Toolbar


The Calculate button on the

Control Bar

The Units setting on the Status Barr

(bottom of the screen)

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Site Lighting-Step 2
Step 2 Import a Parking Lot Drawing
Most exterior applications begin with a background drawing on which you can layout your luminaires, calculation points and other possible elements.
A background drawing allows you to correlate the luminaire locations to appropriate areas in space as well as delivers a sense of scale for the job.
AGi32 provides you with many options for background drawings. They can be imported from a CAD compatible drawing file (DWG or DXF), drawn
using AGi32s drawing tools, or paper drawings can be traced using a Digitizer tablet connected to your computer.
For this tutorial, well import a CAD drawing that was previously created by Lighting Analysts and saved as a DXF file.

Click on the Import button on the Common Toolbar (or Menu: File-Import).
The Import button on the Common Toolbar (Menu:FileImport)
The Import dialog allows you to navigate to the
drawing location on your computer.
The parking lot is saved as a CAD compatible
DXF file called Tutorial-Parking.dxf and is located
in \My

Click on the Tutorial-Parking.dxf file then click the
Ok button.

When the CAD Import dialog opens,

click on the CAD Viewer button
to see a preview of the 2D drawing.
All enabled layers are selected by
default. Verify the units setting for
import in the upper right corner of
the dialog. The CAD file units are
assumed to be feet and the import
engine is set to keep that units
setting. All other settings will also be
accepted in their default states.

Click Ok to continue. The parking lot

background will appear in the Model
mode behind the Import Summary
After the file has been successfully
imported, click Ok to close the
Import CAD File window


Once the Import process is complete, AGi32s Model Mode will contain the drawing as shown here.

Site Lighting - Step 3

Step 3 Define the Luminaires
The luminaire definition includes photometric information (references a specific photometric file) as well as a symbolic representation of the luminaire.
Each luminaire location will access these parameters in addition to the aiming information specified by the user. For this example we will create two
luminaire definitions based on a single photometric file. Single luminaires will be used to light the perimeter of the parking lot and a back-to-back
arrangement will be created to light the interior.

Within the Luminaire Toolkit, click on the Define button.

The Define button in the Luminaire Tooolkit
For this tutorial we will select the photometric files from the demonstration database
that comes with AGi32. Its titled Z-Lux and can be found within AGi32s Photometric
Instabase system. Access the Photometric Instabase by clicking on the Instabase
button in the Define dialog.

The Photometric Instabase button

When the Instabase dialog opens, any manufacturer photometric data installed from the Instabase system is available. All installed manufacturer
names are initially presented in a pull-down menu at the top of the dialog. Select the Z-Lux database from this pull-down menu.

Click the left mouse button on the plus sign in front of the Z-Lux node to
expand it.
Click on the ZL-Outdoor node, followed by the ZL-Area node.
At the file level, click on the zlroad2 luminaire to see its description and
computed metrics.
Click Ok to exit this dialog and return to the Define Luminaire dialog with
zlroad2 selected.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Now that the photometric file is selected, we can complete

the luminaire definition
1. Assign this luminaire the Label A and a meaningful
description in the Description text box (i.e., 400W MH Type 3
Area Light).
2. Attach a pole to the luminaire symbol by clicking in the
selection box next to Pole so that a checkmark appears.
Well accept the Dynamic setting and attach the bottom of the
pole to the ground at Z = 0. This setting ensures that our
luminaire symbol will not appear to be floating in space when
the drawing is viewed from an isometric angle.
3. Click on the Color cell next to the Model Mode Symbol.
When the color palette window appears, change the color to
red and click the Ok button. Note that we have selected a
Model symbol and not a Render symbol. The Render
symbol remains the black housing color. Because we are
using the Direct calculation mode and will not be rendering,
the Render mode symbol is not employed.
4. Assign an arm length to separate the luminous center of
the luminaire from the insertion point of the luminaire. Enter a
value of 3 in the Arm Length text box to create an arm three
feet long. This arm length specifies the distance from the
pole to the luminous center of the symbol.
5. To complete the definition, click on the Add/Redefine
button. This adds this luminaire definition to the Defined
Luminaires List..

Luminaire Arrangements
Now that we have defined the single luminaire, we can use the current definition to create another definition with two luminaires placed back-to-back.
All of the other parameters (photometric file, Symbol, Model Mode Color, and Arm Length) will remain the same.

1. This Luminaire Definition must also be assigned

a unique Label. Lets call it B. Well also amend the
current description with the Back-to-Back
2. Click on the Arrangement cell to display the
Arrangements dialog. When the Luminaire
Arrangements dialog appears, click on the BackBack Arrangement to select it. Click Ok to return to
the Define Luminaire dialog.
3. This luminaire definition is now complete and we
can add it to the Defined Luminaire List by clicking
on the Add/Redefine button.
4. Click on the Close button in the Define Luminaire

We have successfully defined the two luminaire

arrangements we will be locating in the parking lot.



Site Lighting-Step 4
Step 4 Locate One Luminaire of Each Type
We will begin by locating one instance of each luminaire type so that we may create templates for them. Once the templates are defined for each
luminaire type, we will use them to quickly locate additional luminaires. Each luminaire will be located using a 35 foot mounting height.

First, make sure the Locate & Orient option is set in the Luminaire Toolkit. If it needs to
be changed, click on the small arrow to the right of the Locate button, and select Locate
& Orient.

The Locate & Orient selection in the

Luminaire Toolkit

Continuing in the Luminaire Toolkit, verify that the luminaire A: 400W MH Type 3 Area Light is selected and set
the Mounting Height (MH) in the Luminaire Toolkit to 35 feet.
Click on the Locate & Orient button. The selected luminaire will be attached to the crosshair cursor.

Locate the luminaire in the parking island to the left of the North parking area (shown here at X=158, Y=175).
The luminaire will face the parking lot, so specify an orientation angle of 0 degrees.
Click the left mouse button once to locate the luminaire. Click it again (in the same location) to orient the
luminaire 0 degrees.
Click the right mouse button to complete the Locate Luminaire command.

Similarly, we will place a single instance of luminaire B in an appropriate location on the parking lot.

In the Luminaire Toolkit, use the small arrow to the right of the luminaire label/description to select luminaire B:
400W MH Type 3 Area Back to Back.
Accept the current settings shown on the toolbar, so you need only click on the Locate & Orient button to place
this luminaire.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

As in the previous command, the insertion point of the luminaire (the pole) will be attached to the crosshairs.
Move the luminaire to the core of the parking lot and place in between a few parking stalls (shown here at
X=162, Y=-6).
We can always move luminaires from their original locations, so you do not need to be accurate with the
luminaire location at this time.
Click the left mouse button once to locate the luminaire at the specified rotation.
Move the mouse counter clockwise until the luminaire orientation equals 90 degrees (observe the Coordinates
display), click the left mouse button again to accept this orientation angle.
TIP: Keep the cursor close to the luminaire location when setting the Orient angle to more easily snap to
standard angles like 0,90, 180 etc.

Click the right mouse button to complete the Locate Luminaire command.

Site Lighting-Step 5
Step 5 Magnify Luminaire Symbol Size
When specifying luminaires in exterior environments, it is often necessary to increase the symbol size so that the luminaires are easily visible on the
background. Increasing the symbol magnifying factor does not affect the photometric performance of the luminaire nor does it increase the arm
length or offset, if any, between the insertion point and the photometric center of the luminaire. The magnifying factor simply makes the symbols
easier to see and is applied to all luminaires in the job file.
When locating luminaires, the Symbol Magnifying Factor will be applied to the luminaire after it is located and oriented or aimed.

Before locating additional luminaires, lets increase the size of the luminaire symbols so
that they are easier to see. Click on the Magnify Luminaire Symbols button in the
Luminaire Toolkit (or Menu: Modify-Luminaire-Symbol Magnifier).

The Symbol Magnifier button in

the Luminaire Toolkit

The Magnify Luminaire Symbols dialog will appear prompting you to select a
magnifying factor value between 1 and 10. Click on the scrolling up arrow to increase
the Symbol Magnifying Factor from 1 to 5. Click Ok.
When you return to the graphics window, the two luminaires that we placed previously
will be enlarged.

AGi32 has the ability to view the luminaires light distribution (luminous intensity) in 3D. This can be valuable when placing luminaires as you can see
the maximum candela angle as well as the overall aiming of the luminaire.



To see the Photometric Web describing the luminaires luminous intensity distribution,
click on the Photometric Web button in the Modify section of the Luminaire Toolkit (or
Menu: Modify-Luminaire-Photometric Web-Visibility-Toggle on/off).

The Photometric Web button in the

Luminaire Toolkit

Click on each of the luminaires we have previously located to select them, then right
click to complete the process.
Your photometric web may appear in one color or multiple colors, depending on your
settings. We want to see a RGB colorized web. If you do not see this, click on the small
arrow to the right of the Photometric Web button and select Specification.

When the Photometric Web dialog opens, click on the radio button to the left of Colorize
(GRB) in the Line Color section.
Verify that the Scaling radio button is set to Per 1000 Candela and one (1) is in the
multiplier cell.
Click Ok.

The photometric web for luminaire B, the back-to-back luminaire, should look like what is shown
here. Remember that the symbols have been magnified and the photometric web is emanating from
the actual luminaire location, not from the apparent location seen with the symbol.
To toggle off the photometric web visibility, you can do so in the same manner with which you turned
them on. Click on the Photometric Web button, select the luminaire, right-click to apply the change.
Or, you can turn them all off by clicking on the small arrow to the right of the photometric web button,
select Visibility, then the All Off option.

Site Lighting-Step 6
Step 6 Create Iso-footcandle Templates
Templates are used to help us quickly place luminaires in suitable locations to meet predefined performance criteria. In this example we need to
meet a perimeter minimum of 0.5 footcandles and a core minimum of 1.0 footcandles.
A good rule of thumb when working with minimum footcandle levels is to specify isoline contours of 1x, 0.5x and 0.25x the minimum footcandle level.
For average footcandle requirements, the general rule is to specify Isolines of 0.25x, 0.125x and 0.0625x times the average footcandle level.
If we follow the general rules for contour selection and apply them to our design criteria of 0.5 footcandles minimum perimeter and 1.0 footcandles
minimum core, we would select contours of 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125. As the core minimum is limited to 1 footcandle, we do not need to use the 0.125
contour level. In our case, we will design with three isoline contours: 1.0, 0.5 and 0.25.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Click on the Create Iso-Illuminance Template button in the Luminaire Toolkit (or Menu:
Modify-Luminaire-Template-Create Template).
The cursor will change to a pickbox to assist you in selecting the appropriate luminaire.

The Create Luminaire Template

button in the Luminaire Toolkit
(Menu:Modify-LuminaireTemplate-Create Template)

Move the pickbox cursor over the single luminaire (A) and click the left mouse button.
The Create Template dialog will appear allowing you to specify the templates
properties, including direction, distance, labels, color, and values.

By default, the template is created below the luminaire (Down direction). For
this application, this is appropriate since we are calculating illuminance
levels on the parking lot.
Templates may be specified in any primary direction allowing us to use
them for facade and uplighting applications. Also by default, the distance
from the luminaire to the template equals the luminaire mounting height.
This setting is also acceptable for this application.
You may label the Isoline values, if desired, to clarify the template when the
Isoline contours are of the same color as the luminaire symbol. Simply click
in the selection box adjacent to Label Isolines so that a checkmark appears.
Specify the increment (distance) between labels and the label text size.
Another way of clarifying the template and distinguishing between Isoline
values is to use variable colors for each Isoline. Cells that do not have any
value in them will not be included on the template. If desired, you may
change the color associated with a particular cell by clicking in the color cell,
then selecting a color from the common Color dialog.
To use variable color Isolines, click in the radio button adjacent to Variable
(Color). Five different default colors will be presented to you for your use.
Type the value 1 above the blue cell, the value 0.5 above the magenta cell
and the value 0.25 above the red cell.
Click Ok to create the template. From now on, this template will be applied
to every new luminaire A that is located at the same mounting height in
this job file.

Click the right mouse button to repeat the Create Luminaire Template command and
select the back-to-back luminaire, B. Locate the pickbox cursor over any part of the
luminaire symbol and left click. The Create Template dialog will appear with all of the
previous settings. These settings are applicable towards this luminaire as well, so we
need only to click Ok to apply them to this luminaire.
Your job file should now look something like this.



Site Lighting-Step 7
Step 7 Complete Luminaire Layout
Now that we have the templates defined, laying out the luminaires to meet our
predefined criteria is easy. Locate additional luminaires using the Locate or Locate &
Orient button.

The Locate and Locate & Orient buttons in

the Luminaire Toolkit

Using Locate option will place the luminaire using one click at the aiming angle settings
entered in the toolkit.
If you prefer to orient the luminaire immediately after it is located, use the Locate &
Orient option to place the luminaire, then orient it in the appropriate direction.
If you need to change from one of these options to the other, click on the small arrow to
the right of the Locate button and select the appropriate option.
If you would like to move a luminaire, click on the Move Luminaire button in the
Luminaire Toolkit (or Menu: Modify-Luminaire-Move).

The Move Luminaire button in

the Luminaire Toolkit

Select the luminaire to be moved by locating the pickbox over it and clicking the left
mouse button. Select a reference point to move from with the left mouse button. This
point indicates where the crosshairs will be located relative to the luminaire (the
insertion point of the luminaire makes a good reference point). Move the luminaire to its
new location and click the left mouse button again.
You can move multiple luminaires by selecting the Move-Same Aiming Angles-Window
option in the Luminaire Toolkit (or Menu: Modify-Luminaire-Same Aiming AnglesWindow). Window around the appropriate luminaires, select a reference point followed
by the new location.

To re-orient a luminaire click on the Re-Orient Luminaire button in the Luminaire Toolkit
(or Menu: Modify-Luminaire-ReOrient). Locate the pickbox cursor over any portion of
the luminaire symbol or template and click the left mouse button. Move the cursor to the
desired orientation angle and click the left mouse button again.
Alternately, you may enter the orientation angle as a numerical value from the
Our complete layout is shown here. We have used 3-Bs (back-to-back luminaires) and
6-As (single luminaires) to evenly light the parking lot.


The Re-Orient Luminaire button

in the Luminaire Toolkit

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Site Lighting-Step 8
Step 8 Create a Horizontal Illuminance Calculation Polygon
We can easily add measurement points that are confined to the irregular parking lot by specifying a calculation polygon. The boundaries of the
polygon will echo the boundaries of the parking area, thereby eliminating any stray measurement points outside of our scope.

Click on the Specify Calculation Points within a Polygon button in the Calculations
Toolkit (or Menu: Add-Calculations-Polygon).

The Calcpts- Polygon button in

the Calculations Toolkit
(Menu:Add-Calculation PointsPolygon)

Label the calculation polygon Parking. A Description may also be entered, if

desired to impart information about the calculation type and point spacings
(i.e. Horizontal Illuminance, 20 x 20 Point Spacings).
Specify Point Spacing, at 20 feet Left-To-Right and Top-To-Bottom.
Well accept the rest of the default settings in this dialog; no other input is
required. Click the Ok button to exit the dialog and create the polygon.



At this time we are ready to specify the

vertices of the calculation polygon. Before
we begin clicking, press the F3 key to
activate the Snap-To function. This enables
the cursor to snap to the nearest vertex. It
makes the process much easier.
Locate the cursor at one corner of the
parking lot and click the left mouse button.
Move the cursor to the next vertex and left
click again. Continue in this fashion until
you have completely traced the parking lot.
Once finished, right click to complete.
The measurement points will be located
within the polygon boundary.

Your parking lot should now look something

like this.

Site Lighting-Step 9
Step 9 Remove Calculation Points
You may need to remove some additional points if your polygon boundary was larger
than the parking lot. This is easily accomplished using the Remove Selected
Calculation Points button in the Calculations Toolkit. You may remove points within a
Polygon, Single points, within a selection Window, or Within Entities.

The Calcpts-Remove Points button in the

Calculations Toolkit (Menu:ModifyCalculation Points-Remove Points-Polygon)

By default, the Polygon option is initiated if you click the Remove Points button. Simply,
create the polygon around the points you wish to remove and click the right mouse
button to complete. Points that are erroneously removed can be replaced using the
Replace Points command.

If you wish to add additional points outside the original polygon, youll need to respecify
the polygon boundary or create an additional calculation grid or polygon. To respecify
the polygon boundary, click on the Edit Calculation Points button and select the
boundary line or a calculation point in the parking lot. At the bottom of the Edit
Calculation Points Polygon dialog, you will see a button labeled Re-Specify
Polygon. Click on this button to return to the graphics window so that you may create
a new polygon boundary.


The Edit Calculation Points

button in the Calculations
Toolkit (Menu:ModifyCalculation Points-Edit)

AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Site Lighting-Step 10
Step 10 Calculate the Point-by-Point
We have successfully placed the two crucial ingredients in our parking lot recipe: luminaire locations and the calculation points. Lets calculate the
results for our layout.
Lets calculate the results of our layout. Click on the Calculate button, which should be
set to the Direct Only Method of calculation, to calculate the illuminance values for this

Calculate button on the
Control Bar

The Statistical Summary window containing the numerical analysis information for our
calculation polygon will be displayed below the Model Toolkit as soon as the results
are completed. By default, each time the calculations are updated, this form will be be
updated as well.

Site Lighting-Step 11
Step 11 Add Isolines and Switch off Templates
We can represent the illuminance transition across the parking lot graphically by using the Isolines command. Isolines describe lines of equal
illuminance (light incident on our parking area). By using Isolines, you can quickly see where your design falls short of the desired criteria.

Click on the Isolines button in the Calculations Toolkit (or Menu: Modify-CalculationsIsolines) to bring up the Isolines dialog.

The Isolines button in the Calculations

Toolkit (Menu:Add-Calculations-Isolines)

Since were interested in creating Illuminance Isolines, click on the

Illuminance tab within the Isolines dialog so it is in the forefront.
1. Make the Illuminance Isolines visible (after calculation) by
clicking in the Isolines For Illuminance Values selection box so
that a checkmark appears.
2. Click in the Label Isolines selection box and specify label
Increment of 1000 and a Text Size of 4.
3. Specify illuminance values in the Value text boxes (5, 2.5, 1,
and 0.5)
4. Click Ok to exit the dialog and create the isolines.

Switching off templates

Now that weve calculated our results and created Isolines that indicate our overall illuminance distribution, we no longer need to see the individual
pole specific templates.

Click the small arrow adjacent to the Create IsoIlluminance Template button, hold down the mouse
button, drag the mouse down to Visibility, then over to All
Off where you should release the mouse button (or Menu:
Modify-Luminaire-Template-Visibility-All Off).

The Create Luminaire Template button in the

Luminaire Toolkit (Menu:Modify-LuminaireTemplate-Switch-All Off)

The templates will no longer be visible on the screen and

you should clearly see your iso-illuminance contours.



Your display will look similar to this.

Site Lighting-Step 12
Step 12 Present the Design Using Page Builder
At this time, we are ready to finalize our work by summarizing the statistical information and all relevant data describing our parking area lighting
design. This process can be tackled in two ways: by adding the information in AGi32s Model Mode using the Schedules command (Drawing Toolkit),
or, by using AGI32s page layout tool called Page Builder.
There are unique advantages to both approaches. Using Page Builder provides us with substantial flexibility in customizing our presentation. Once
we select the appropriate page size we can add views, images, schedules and title blocks. The end result is a composite graphic (vector and raster
graphics) that can be plotted in color for a very dynamic presentation and saved for use with other projects. However, due to the composite nature of
the output, output from Page Builder cannot be exported to CAD. For this reason, if you are planning on exporting the results to CAD, you will want to
produce your output from Model Mode. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will demonstrate Page Builder.

Click on the Page Builder tab on the Control Bar, to the right of the
Render and Model tabs. The Page Builder report dialog will appear
prompting you to select a and existing report, or, create a new one
from scratch.

The Page Builder Tab on the Control Bar

Select the Open Existing Report tab to select from a list of factory delivered report formats.
When you save your own reports they will also be listed here.
Select the Sample-Letter Portrait report from the list and click OK. The prepared pages in
the sample report will be loaded into Page Builder. We can utilize the report pages in the
way they are prepared, modify them to suit our needs and delete what we dont use. We
can even save the end result as a new report if we think we will use it this way again.
Notice the bottom of the Page Builder screen, we see buttons for the individual pages 1-4
as well as one marked Master. Page Builder has a Master Page feature that is used to
place borders, titleblocks, logos, disclaimers and anything else that will be repetitive for
each page in the report. Any information added to the Master Page will assume the same
position on all pages currently integrated into the report.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

The Master Page can be turned on and off such that any page can act as a Master Page.
However, it is easiest to think about if the master Page is always active at the beginning of the
Quickly click through Pages 1 -4 and you will see the titleblock and border from the Master
Page repeated on each page. Return to the Master Page.

Use the Edit Text tool from the Drawing Toolkit

(notice the Toolkits are different in Page
Builder) to click on a piece of text in the titleblock and change it.
Enter the new text in the dialog and click OK. No need to edit all the text for this example, you
get the idea.

Click on the Page 1 button to advance. Notice this page already has two schedules shown.
The sample reports are constructed to have plenty of room to fill out the schedule fields for
average size projects.
In our case, the schedules consume only a portion of the page. We can easily move the
Luminaire Location Summary schedule up underneath the Luminaire Schedule and make
room for additional schedules.
Use the Move Drawing Entity command
to select the lower schedule, click on a reference
point for the move operation (use the upper lef tcorner) and then move the schedule. Drop
with another click.



Now select the Schedule command from the Drawing Toolkit. In the Schedule
1. Select the Calculation Summary Schedule
2. Select the fields to be included
3. Click the Add button in the middle to move the fields
4. Right click on the Label field and change its length to 20 characters (from
5. Change the Font Size to 0.15 inches, this is true size in Page Builder
6. Click OK to exit and place the schedule.

The schedule will be attached to the crosshair cursor by its upper left corner. Move it up underneath the other
schedules and click to drop.

One more addition to our Page 1 before moving on. As the schedules deal with summarizing our project, this is an ideal place to drop in a
photograph of the luminaire used. Because this luminare came form the Instabase (Z-Lux sample database), it has a photograph associated with it
automatically. Most of the manufacturers in the Instabase system will also have photographic images associated with their products.

Select the Imageport command from the Page Builder Toolkit.

The Add Imageport dialog will appear. This dialog allows you to select images fomr
the list of Defined Luminaires, if they exist, as well as any rendered views from the
tab of the same name, and, even Browse for any JPG or BMP image on your
computer system. This command is how you will add bitmap logo images to your
Select the Defined Luminaire A image and click OK. The Imageport Properties dialog
will appear allowing several variables to be adjusted.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

For our purposes, select a Border and place
a checkmark in the Description checkbox
We can move the image once it is placed so
no need to worry about location.
Click OK to exit and drop the photo. It will
drop in the upper right corner of the page,
simply click and drag to a better location.

Proceed to Page 2 by clicking on the Page 2 button at the bottom of the screen. This page contains some unused schedules as well as the
Calculation Summary we just added to our Page 1.

We no longer need this page so use the Delete Page command

from the Page Builder Toolkit to remove it from the report.

Now click on the Page 2 button again to see the new Page 2 (formerly Page 3). Notice this page already has our point by point information shown.
Page Builder can place any view you have created in AGi32s Model Mode on a page in any size or scale using a tool called a Viewport"
. In this case, our sample report format was already saved with a Viewport linked to the single
view we have created in Model Mode.
Click the right mouse button on the point-by-point view. From the menu select Properties. Within this dialog we
can adjust the properties of the Viewport.

Change the scale of the view already placed by selecting the

radio button to set a scale for the view. Enter 80 feet in the cell for
a scale of 1=80. Click OK to return to Page 2.
If you like you can delete this Viewport (right click,delete) and add
a new one for practice. To add a Viewport, select the Viewport
command form the Page Builder Toolkit and draw the Viewport
with two opposing clicks. The properties dialog will appear for you
to select the view and its properties. You can always size the
Viewport by moving the cursor over an edge until you see it
change to a double sided arrow. Click and drag to the new size.

Click on Page 3 in our report. In the factory delivered sample report this page contains a large Imageport to
house a rendered view.

As we have no renderings in this project, we can delete Page 3 using the Delete Page command
the Page Builder Toolkit.


At this stage you are most likely interested in make a PDF format file from the two page report. If you have a
PDF generator installed, simply print to your PDF generator.



Site Lighting-Conclusion
In this tutorial we have reviewed all of the steps necessary to complete a parking lot lighting design of any magnitude. The process began with the
import of a CAD created background. Next, single and back-to-back luminaires were defined and templates were created for each luminaire type.
The luminaire layout was completed by adding additional luminaires using the Locate and Orient option and luminaires were reoriented and moved
as necessary. A Polygon calculation entity was added with its boundaries echoing the boundaries of the parking lot. User defined Isolines were also
specified to assist in presenting the illuminance transition across the parking area. Once the calculations were completed and the lighting criteria met,
we proceeded to Page builder for presentation.
Within Page Builder we created a report that included a view of the parking area, an image of the defined luminaire and several schedules describing
the luminaires and calculated metrics. Page Builder reports are most often printed to your PDF generator for electronic transfer.
A step not present in this tutorial is the addition of Objects to your model. AGi32 is able to consider the shadowing effect of three dimensional solids
(Objects and Rooms) when using the Direct calculation mode. By using the Object tool, we could easily trace the outline of a building shape, assign it
a height and consider its presence in the calculation.
To transform this into an environment that can be rendered, we would switch the calculation mode to Full Radiosity, then create a Planar Object
polygon at Z=0 that would represent our parking surface. It can easily be created in the same shape as the lot or larger for trespass considerations.
For this project it makes sense to build the builing as an aobject as well (put a brick texture on it!). Thats all it takes to have a basic visualization for
the parking area. We can make it a very compelling graphic for presentation by simply switching on the Model Overlay in render mode to
superimpose the CAD created lines and illuminance values with the rendered image! We can of course use the rendered views in Page Builder.
Feel like experimenting? Try it out!


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Time Estimate: 1 hour
Performing basic daylight analysis using AGi32 is straight forward with only a few new concepts introduced. Most daylight
computations/visualizations are targeted toward the evaluation of illuminance or Daylight Factor within an interior space, computed on a specific time
and date with a selected sky condition. AGi32 is also capable of strictly exterior daylight evaluation and sunlight or shadow studies; however this is
an intuitive and less complicated derivative of interior analysis and will not be addressed here.
The key to accurate daylight analysis using AGi32 is the assignment of the correct Surface Type designation to glazing and exterior surfaces. Interior
surfaces require no special treatment. The calculation of daylight component using AGi32 follows several important assumptions:
1. AGi32 considers the following daylight components: sunlight, skylight and light reflected from a virtual ground plane.
2. Daylight can only be seen by an interior surface (interior of a Room or Object) AFTER it has passed through a Daylight Transition <Surface>.
This is typically Daylight Transition Glass but can be a simple Daylight Transition Opening.
3. All exterior surfaces must be classified as Daylight Exterior Surfaces to accumulate daylight components.
4. Daylight Transition Surfaces will consider light reflected ONLY from Daylight Exterior Surfaces.
5. Daylight models MUST contain at least one Daylight Transition Surface or Daylight Exterior Surface in order to compute daylight component.
6. The virtual exterior ground surface is automatically assigned a reflectance of 18% (average reflectance of an exterior scene by Eastman Kodak,
circa 1904).
With these ideas in mind we can create any model, classify all exterior surfaces as Exterior Daylight Surfaces and classify all glazing as Daylight
Transition Glass. All interior surfaces may remain Single-Sided or Double-Sided, as created using the Room or Object tools, or imported (imported
surfaces become Objects).Problem Statement
Illuminate a parking lot to a minimum of 0.5 footcandles around the perimeter and 1.0 footcandle in the parking lot interior. The maximum luminaire
mounting height is 35 feet. Use the 400W Metal Halide Area Light luminaire, Zlroad2, provided in the Z-Lux database.

Problem Statement
Compute the incident Illuminance and Daylight Factor for an interior space with two windows in the East wall and a light shelf that extends from
exterior to interior. Compute results for the Winter Solstice, December 21st at 9:00 AM in Littleton, Colorado, USA, under overcast skies.

Tutorial Summary
Step 1 - Create the Room
Step 2 - Create an Exterior Light Shelf
Step 3 Copy the Light Shelf to the Interior
Step 4 - Change Properties of Exterior Light Shelf
Step 5 Cut Openings in the Left Wall for Windows
Step 6 - Place Daylight Factor Points; Include Illuminance Grid
Step 7 - Set Daylight Parameters
Step 8 - Compute in Render Mode



Daylighting-Step 1
Step 1 - Create the Room
Start a new AGi32 file. Hold down the mouse wheel and Pan the screen from lower left
toward upper right. This will bring the Origin out of the lower left corner so we can start
our work using it as a reference.

The Units setting on the Status Bar

(bottom of the screen)

For this example we will use Feet and Footcandles as our units. If AGi32 is not
currently set to these units, click on the Units button on the Status Bar at the bottom of
the screen and make the appropriate changes.

Set the cursor Snap to 5 feet by moving the cursor over the Snap
cell on the Status Bar in the lower right corner of the screen.
Highlight the setting and type the new one.
Select the Rooms/Objects Toolkit followed by the Room
Rectangular command.
In the subsequent dialog, change the height of the Room to 14
Click OK to create the Room.

Start the first point of the room at the Origin (0,0).

Set the second point at X=40, Y=0, then the third point at X=40,


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Daylighting-Step 2
Step 2 - Create an Exterior Light Shelf
With the room created, the next step is to create the exterior light shelf. Even though the actual light shelf extends inside the space, we MUST create
it in two pieces because the exterior and interior shelves will have different surface properties.

Select the Rectangular Object command from the Rooms/Objects

Change the Label to "Exterior Light Shelf" and set the Height of the
object to 1.
Click OK to exit the dialog and create the object.

The first step in creating the object is to set the Z-coordinate of the
base of the object.
Simply move your cursor over the Z-Coord Object cell at the lower
right corner of the screen and enter 8 for eight
We can now create the object at Z=8. Proceed to locate the
coordinate point X= -5, Y=5 and click the first point.
Click in the second point at X=0, Y=5 and the third point at X=0,



Daylighting-Step 3
Step 3 - Copy the Light Shelf to the Interior

Select the Copy Object command from the Rooms/Objects Toolkit.

Select the object by clicking anywhere on its perimeter.
Now select a reference point for the move operation. A corner is
best for this example. Use the lower right corner.
Move the object to its new location on the opposite side of the wall.

Change the Label of the copied object to Interior Light Shelf using
the Edit Object Command.
Select the command, select the object (interior light shelf) and
change the Label in the dialog that follows.
Exit the dialog.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Daylighting-Step 4
Step 4 - Change Properties of Exterior Light Shelf
To change the properties of surfaces for any Room or Object we
can use the Surface Edit command from the Rooms/Objects
Select the command and then click anywhere on the Exterior Light
Shelf object edges. The Surface Edit dialog will appear.
When the dialog opens it has only one surface on the object
selected. This can be seen with the cyan highlight.
We will change the properties of all surfaces, so use the shortcut
button on the top of the dialog to Tag All Surfaces for edit.
Mouse over the buttons to see their functions.

With all surfaces selected (you should see all the surface normals
pointing out from the object).
Change the Daylight Exterior property to YES. All surfaces on the
exterior light shelf are now Daylight Exterior and will accumulate
sky light for radiative transfer to all glazing and onwards into the
interior space.
Click OK to accept the changes.

Daylighting-Step 5
Step 5 - Cut Openings in the Left Wall for Windows
We are now ready to cut the openings for the windows in the wall
sandwiched by the exterior and interior light shelves. AGi32
makes this process easy, as the process of cutting the opening
and placing the glazing within is combined into one operation.
Select the Cut Opening command from the Room toolkit; There is
a similar command in the Object toolkit; be sure to use the version
intended for Rooms.
With the Cut Opening command active, select the wall of the
room to contain the openings. In this example it will be the left
wall, where the light shelf has been created.


Once you have selected the wall, AGi32 will change the view to
an elevation view looking from within the space outward. In our
example we will see the light shelf in the middle of the wall.
Set Snap to 1 (on the Status Bar). Then cut the first opening
below the light shelf from Y=5 to Y=45, starting 2 off the floor with
height of the opening of 5. The coordinates are shown.
Click the right mouse button to close the shape and proceed.

When you close the shape, AGi32 will automatically prompt to

see if you would like to place glazing within the newly cut opening.
Respond by clicking Yes.

AGi32 will open a dialog allowing you to rename the glazing

object that is about to be created.
Change the Label to Lower Window.
We can then set the properties of the window object (glazing) by
clicking on the Surface Edit button within the dialog.

The standard Surface Edit dialog will open and we can verify the
surface type automatically assigned to the glazing.
In order for daylight to accumulate on the glazing and be
transferred into the space with photometric accuracy, the surface
must be of type Daylight Transition Glass (transparent) (or
similar with Diffuse property).
We can then select the transparency from the Transparency
menu or enter the value if we happen to already know the Visible
Transmittance of the material.
You can also select a Color (tint) which will automatically compute
the transparency factor.
For the purpose of this example, set the Transparency from the
menu as Double Pane Clear (Transparency = 0.80).
Click OK to exit the Surface Edit dialog and conclude the


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

We can continue to cut the second wall opening above

the light shelf by clicking the right mouse button to
restart the Cut Opening command.
The display is still in elevation view looking out from
the room toward the wall.
Select the top of the wall; do not select a side, as that
would be a different wall.

AGi32 is now ready to cut the opening above the light

Begin by changing your Snap setting to 0.5.
Cut the opening beginning at the lower left corner as
Point 1.
Close the shape after setting Point 4 by clicking the
right mouse button.

Again, AGi32 will prompt for an Insert (glazing) to be

placed in the opening.
Select Yes and then rename the insert when the next
dialog appears.
Change the Label to Upper Window.
In the case of the second window there is no need
enter the Surface Edit command as the properties
(Transparency, Surface Type) have been retained
from the last window.
Click OK to continue.



Daylighting-Step 6
Step 6 - Place Daylight Factor Points; Include Illuminance Grid

Select the Isometric View command to examine what we have done so far.

Select the Calculation Points - Daylight Factor command from the

Calculations Toolkit.
Most of the default settings are adequate for our needs.
Place a checkmark in the box to Include Illuminance Grid and then
select the radio button to Create Polygon from Existing Drawing
The work plane height will automatically go to 2.5.

Click OK to exit the dialog and select a point on the room perimeter.
AGi32 will find the room shape and outline the work plane with a
heavy line.
Click on the Accept Polygon button in the subsequent dialog.

We have just placed two different calculation grids on the work

plane: a Daylight Factor grid and an Illuminance grid.
We can easily switch the visibility of each grid in Project Manager
when ready to evaluate the results. By default, the visibility is set to
the Daylight Factor grid.


AGi32 v2.0 - Tutorials

Daylighting-Step 7
Step 7 - Set Daylight Parameters
We can now set the following daylight parameters for our calculations:
Overcast sky
December 21, 12 PM
Littleton, CO, USA
True North=270 (glass faces East)

Select the Daylight button from the Control Bar to the right of the Mode Tabs.
The Daylight button on the Control Bar

When the dialog appears, place a checkmark in the

Enable Daylighting box and remove the checkmark in the
Consider Electric Lighting box.
Set the Site Location to Littleton, Colorado, from the
menu. You can add to the site location menu as
necessary using the Manage button.
Enter a Compass Setting of 270 degrees for the location
of True North.
Now set the date and time for the Winter Solstice,
December 21 at 12:00 PM.

Click OK to exit the Daylight parameters dialog. We are

now ready to run the computation.

Daylighting-Step 8
Step 8 - Compute in Render Mode

Select the Render tab from the Control Bar.

AGi32 will now display a wireframe view of our space ready to compute. Click on the Calculate button on the Control Bar to begin the radiosity

The composition of a daylight calculation follows:

1. Calculates all direct light from the sky dome and sunlight to the virtual ground plane, any exterior daylight surfaces and all daylight transition
surfaces (glazing). Sunlight is only computed for clear or partly cloudy skies.
2. Calculates direct light from electric sources to interior surfaces.
3. Subdivides surfaces if Adaptive subdivision is enabled.
4. Calculates all reflected skylight and sunlight from exterior ground and daylight surfaces to transition surfaces (glazing).

5. Creates a photometric distribution from the transition surfaces into the space based on incident light on transition surfaces.
6. Calculates complete indirect radiosity solution for interreflected light inside the space.

Once the calculation is complete you can navigate within the

rendered image freely using the Interactive commands or
Standard views.
AGi32 automatically computes the exposure of the rendered
image for interior and exterior surfaces individually (new in
Version 2.0).
Additional Exposure control can be found in the Display Properties

The statistics for both the Daylight Factor and Illuminance calculations are
shown in the Statistical Summary window in the lower right corner of the
You can evaluate the individual calculation points while in render mode by
using the Model Overlay feature.
Click on the Model Overlay button at the bottom of the screen and the
calculations and any other information selected in the Model Overlay
Settings will be superimposed on the rendered view. Currently, this is the
Daylight Factor points.
To switch them to Illuminance you must go to Project Manager in Model

The example we have just provided shows the basic steps involved in the calculation of daylight component using AGi32. As we stated in the
Introduction, there are several critical steps required when constructing any model for accurate daylight computation. Additionally, if calculations are
performed under clear or partly cloudy skies, you will want to enable AGi32s Adaptive Subdivision feature with parameters set to High (Calculate
Menu). This will ensure the best possible definition of sun patches on interior surfaces. For perfect sun patches, run a post-radiosity process ray
trace on the render views of choice.
AGi32 is capable of automatically processing multiple daylight calculations for many dates and times using the Daylight Study feature. This enables
playback of daylight renderings over the selected time period as well as the ability to save each individual calculation for later evaluation. For more
information about Daylight Studies, select the Daylight Study command from the Daylight menu. Browse the context sensitive Help by clicking the
Help button in the Daylight Study dialog.


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