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3/4 B.Tech.

(CSE) Degree Examination, Second Semester (Apr 2008)

Data Communications
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 2005)
Time: 3 hrs
First question is co compulsory. Answer any four from the remaining questions
All questions carry equal marks. Write all bits of the first question at one place

Briefly explain the following.

a) The goals of multiplexing
b) Difference between guided and unguided transmission media.
c) Synchronous versus Asynchronous transmission.
d) Concentrator
e) Difference between LAN and WAN.
f) What is a peer to peer process?
g) Difference between circuit switching and packet switching.

2. a) Explain the characteristics and components of data communication.

b) Describe about transmission impairments.
3. a) Describe any two types of guided transmission media.
b) A light signal is traveling through a fiber. What is the delay in the signal if the length of the fiber
optic cable is 50 m, 100 m and 2 km (assume a propagation speed of 2108 m/s)
4. a) Describe transmission of digital signals.
b) Explain different transmission modes.
5. a) Explain about line configuration.
b) Define piggy backing and its usefulness.
6. a) Explain basic terminal components.
b) Describe clustering of terminal devices and its importance.

a) Compare and contrast synchronous time division multiplexing and statistical time division
b) Write a note on modem circuits.


Write a note on
a) Characteristics of data transmission.
b) Error detection and error control.

3/4 B.Tech. (CSE) Degree Examination, Second Semester (Apr 2007)

Data Communications
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 2005)
Time: 3 hrs
First question is co compulsory. Answer any four from the remaining questions
All questions carry equal marks. Write all bits of the first question at one place

Briefly explain the following

a) Transmission impairments.
b) Pulse stuffing
c) Differentiate between data processing and data communications
d) Multiplexer
e) Differentiate between half duplex and full duplex
f) Define bit rate and bit length
g) Blue tooth

2. a) Describe the four basic network topologies. And explain the advantage of each.
b) Why are protocols needed? What is the use of the protocol hierarchy?
3. a) Compare and contrast radio waves and microwaves.
b) Calculate the bandwidth of the light for the following wavelength ranges (assume a propagation
speed of 2108 m/s)
(i) 1000 to 1200 nm
(i) 1000 to 1400 nm.
4. a) Compare and contrast line coding and block coding of digital data to digital signal conversion.
b) Describe PCM and DM of analog signal to digital data conversion.
5. a) Briefly explain the functions included in data link control.
b) Compare and contrast HDLC with PP protocol. Which one is byte oriented and which one is bit
6. a) Describe multiplexers and concentrators with their significance.
b) Compare and contrast remote job entry terminals and transaction terminals.
7. a) Differentiate between FDM and TDM
b) Explain about digital carrier systems.

Write a note on:

b) Front end processors

3/4 B.Tech. (CSE) Degree Examination, Second Semester (Model paper)

Data Communications
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 2005)
Time: 3 hrs
First question is co compulsory. Answer any four from the remaining questions
All questions carry equal marks. Write all bits of the first question at one place
2. a)
3. a)

4. a)
5. a)

Briefly explain the following

Write the major components of a Data Communication System.
Compute the maximum bit rate for a voice channel with signal to noise ratio of 20 dB.
For a CAT 5 UTP cable, write its bandwidth, data rate and distance.
What do you understand by Companding?
Show the null modem connection details used between two DTEs.
Distinguish between dumb terminal and intelligent terminal.
What do you understand by Pulse stuffing?
Distinguish between Data processing and Data communications. What are the various
communication tasks that are being performed in a data communication system.
Define the following terms with suitable examples: Data, Information, Analog data, Digital data,
Signal, Signaling and data transmission.
Compare the various types of transmission facilities for data communications for an intended
application of your choice. On the basis of your findings, draw whatever conclusions you can for
selecting the most economically attractive alternative.
Write clearly the capabilities, limitations and applicability issues of NRZ and RZ codes.
Write the requirements of a good signal design for data encoding? Identify the more practically
used encoding schemes for various Local Area network topologies and Wide Area Networks.
Distinguish between EIA-232-E and ISDN physical interfaces in respect of four important
A data source produces 8 bit ASCII characters. Derive an expression for the maximum data rate
(rate of ASCII data bits) over a B bps line for the following:


6. a)
7. a)

i) Asynchronous transmission with a 1.5 unit stop bit

ii) Synchronous transmission with a frame consisting of 48 control bits and 128 information
bits. The information field contains 8 bit ASCII characters.
What are the error control codes for synchronous serial data communications. Find such codes for
the following messages:
i) DATA COMM (ASCII hex: 44 41 54 41 20 43 4F 4D 4D)
ii) 100010010000011010100
Describe the role of a terminal in data communication system. Briefly explain different types of
terminals used for different applications.
Compare the following communication processing devices: Multiplexer, Concentrator and Front end
Use sketches and additional text to describe the following with respect to baud rate, bit
rate, and bandwidth: i) FSK modem ii) 4 phase PSK modem.
Explain in terms of Data Link Control and physical layer concepts how error and flow control are
accomplished in Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing.
Write short notes on the following:
Protocol architecture
Effect of bandwidth on a digital signal
Statistical Division Multiplexing

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