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{1}{72}movie info: XviD; 23.976fps; 624x256; 700.29MB|Thank.You.For.Smoking.LiMi
{244}{339}(rousing orchestral fanfare playing)
{542}{642}(fanfare ends)
{796}{849}(jazz intro)
{852}{898}(man singing folk)
{1204}{1256}(singing continues)
{1570}{1661}(men sing chorus)
{1897}{1968}(jazzy instrumental break)
{2279}{2350}(country fiddle playing)
{2655}{2694}(singing continues)
{3385}{3470}(men sing chorus)
{3553}{3593}(singing continues)
{3640}{3737}(music ends)
{3897}{3937}Robin Williger.
{3939}{4025}He is a 15-year-old freshman|from Racine, Wisconsin.
{4028}{4069}He enjoys studying history.
{4071}{4110}He's on the debate team.
{4113}{4191}Robin's future looked|very, very bright,
{4194}{4237}but recently he was|diagnosed with cancer,
{4240}{4277}a very tough kind of cancer.
{4280}{4365}Robin tells me he has|quit smoking, though,
{4368}{4445}and he no longer thinks|that cigarettes are cool.
{4602}{4681}And our final guest today|is Nick Naylor.
{4683}{4793}Mr. Naylor is the vice president|of the Academy ofTobacco Studies.
{4795}{4868}Now, they are the tobacco|industry's main lobby
{4870}{4901}in Washington, D.C.
{4904}{4977}And Mr. Naylor is|their chief spokesman.
{4980}{5057}(audience murmuring)
{5291}{5370}(booing, hissing)
{5409}{5452}NICK:|Few people on this planet know
{5454}{5505}what it is to be truly despised.
{5508}{5561}Can you blame them?
{5564}{5621}I earn a living|fronting an organization
{5623}{5701}that kills 1,200 human beings a day.
{5704}{5733}1,200 people.
{5735}{5795}We're talking|twojumbojet plane loads
{5798}{5862}of men, women and children.
{5865}{5889}I mean, there's Attila,
{5931}{5953}and me,
{5955}{5985}Nick Naylor,
{5988}{6013}the face of cigarettes...
{6015}{6081}the Colonel Sanders of nicotine.
{6084}{6119}This is where I work,
{6122}{6182}the Academy of Tobacco Studies.
{6185}{6237}It was established|by seven gentlemen
{6239}{6277}you may recognize from C-SPAN.
{6280}{6343}These guys realized quick|if they were going to claim
{6346}{6372}that cigarettes were not addictive,
{6374}{6426}they better have proof.
{6429}{6473}This is the man they rely on,
{6475}{6526}Erhardt Von Grupten Mundt.
{6529}{6583}They found him in Germany.
{6586}{6622}I won't go into the details.
{6625}{6653}He's been testing the link

{6655}{6685}between nicotine|and lung cancer

{6687}{6765}for 30 years and hasn't found|any conclusive results.
{6768}{6790}The man's a genius.
{6792}{6832}He could disprove gravity.
{6834}{6874}Then we've got our sharks.
{6877}{6919}We draft them out|of Ivy League law schools
{6922}{6977}and give them time-shares|and sports cars.
{6979}{7017}It's just like|a John Grisham novel{7019}{7081}you know, without all the espionage.
{7083}{7161}Most importantly,|we've got spin control.
{7163}{7207}That's where I come in.
{7210}{7242}I get paid to talk.
{7245}{7282}I don't have an MD or law degree.
{7285}{7306}(shutter clicking)
{7309}{7338}(machine gun firing)
{7341}{7417}I have a bachelor's in|kicking ass and taking names.
{7419}{7478}You know that guy|who can pick up any girl?
{7480}{7505}I'm him
{7508}{7534}on crack.
{7537}{7611}(cheers, applause)
{7614}{7661}This is obviously a heated issue
{7664}{7729}and we do have a lot|that we want to cover today.
{7751}{7781}Nick, do you have a question?
{7813}{7904}how on earth would|Big Tobacco profit
{7906}{7965}off of the loss of this young man?
{7967}{8020}Now, I hate to think|in such callous terms,
{8022}{8097}but, if anything,|we'd be losing a customer.
{8099}{8173}It's not only our hope,|it's in our best interest
{8176}{8229}to keep Robin alive and smoking.
{8232}{8272}- That's ludicrous.|- Let me tell you something,
{8274}{8318}Joan, and please,|let me share something
{8321}{8408}with the fine, concerned|people in the audience today.
{8410}{8496}The Ron Goodes of this world...
{8498}{8560}want the Robin Willigers to die.
{8562}{8589}- What?|- NAYLOR: You know why?
{8591}{8629}So that their budgets will go up.
{8632}{8701}This is nothing less than|trafficking in human misery,
{8703}{8745}and you, sir, ought|to be ashamed of yourself.
{8748}{8784}I ought to be ashamed of myself?
{8786}{8861}As a matter of fact,|we're about to launch...
{8864}{8936}a $50 million campaign
{8938}{9038}aimed at persuading kids|not to smoke.
{9041}{9093}Because I think|that we can all agree
{9095}{9146}that there is nothing|more important
{9149}{9181}than America's children.
{9183}{9216}LUNDEN: All right, now,|that's something that
{9218}{9261}we're going to want|to know more about.
{9263}{9291}But I have to take a short break.
{9294}{9344}Hang on, a lot more coming.
{9415}{9486}$50 million?! Are you|out of your fucking mind?!
{9488}{9510}Everyone has a boss.
{9512}{9534}BRjust happens
{9536}{9573}to be mine.
{9575}{9620}He came from the vending|machine world.
{9622}{9662}This made him tough.
{9695}{9772}The name BRcame|from his tour in Vietnam.
{9774}{9849}The people who know|its meaning are all dead.
{9851}{9886}The deal was five million!

{9888}{9954}$5 million will get you|a couple of subway posters.

{9957}{9979}It's not going to impress anyone.
{9982}{10009}That's the idea, Nick.
{10012}{10034}You'll be thanking me soon.
{10037}{10065}This'll probably get you great press.
{10067}{10124}I gotta call the captain|and see if this is gonna fly.
{10126}{10177}Get your ass back to D.C.
{10371}{10445}(applause nearby)
{10447}{10475}(door opening)
{10508}{10555}Thank you so much for coming.
{10599}{10621}Mr. Naylor?
{10623}{10647}It's your turn.
{10708}{10757}Joey is such a bright young man.
{10760}{10783}We all look forward
{10786}{10828}to his coming out|of his shell a little.
{10830}{10860}He's a bit shy.
{10862}{10905}Yeah, he gets that from his mother.
{11125}{11191}(whisper): Hey, Joey.
{11194}{11250}Please don't ruin my childhood.
{11253}{11302}Come on, Joey. Trust me.
{11492}{11565}How many of you want to be|lawyers when you grow up?
{11594}{11630}How about...
{11633}{11674}movie stars?
{11709}{11736}How about lobbyists?
{11738}{11761}What's that?
{11763}{11810}It's kind of like being a movie star.
{11812}{11854}It's what I do.|I talk for a living.
{11857}{11885}What do you talk about?
{11887}{11937}I speak on behalf of cigarettes.
{11939}{11969}My mom used to smoke.
{11971}{12034}She says that cigarettes kill.
{12037}{12094}Really? Now, is your mommy a doctor?
{12121}{12162}A scientific researcher of some kind?
{12197}{12219}Well, she doesn't exactly sound
{12222}{12255}like a credible expert,|now, does she?
{12292}{12313}Don't feel bad.
{12316}{12362}It's okay to listen to your mom.
{12364}{12421}I mean, it's good to listen|to your parents... Joey.
{12423}{12478}All I'm suggesting
{12481}{12538}is that there will always|be people trying to tell you
{12541}{12593}what to do and what to think.
{12595}{12628}There probably already are|people doing that.
{12630}{12652}Am I right?
{12654}{12677}KI DS: Yes.
{12679}{12721}I'm here to say
{12724}{12806}that when someone tries to act|like some sort of an expert,
{12809}{12892}you can respond, "Who says?"
{12895}{12936}So, cigarettes are good for you?
{12938}{12984}- No!|- No, that's not...
{12986}{13014}That's not what I'm getting at.
{13017}{13073}My point is that you have|to think for yourself.
{13075}{13117}You have to challenge authority.
{13119}{13173}If your parents told you|that chocolate was dangerous,
{13176}{13213}would you just take their word for it?
{13215}{13241}KI DS: No.

{13270}{13314}So perhaps instead of acting|like sheep
{13317}{13340}when it comes to cigarettes,
{13342}{13377}you should find out for yourself.
{13379}{13406}Okay, then.
{13409}{13465}Thank you, Mr. Naylor,|for joining us.
{13468}{13497}(light applause)
{13693}{13754}NICK:|Every week we meet here at Bert's.
{13757}{13805}Together, we represent|the chief spokespeople
{13807}{13878}for the tobacco, alcohol and|firearms industries.
{13881}{13908}We call ourselves the MOD Squad.
{13910}{13932}All right.
{13934}{13998}M-O-D, Merchants of Death.
{14001}{14029}So, my day's ruined.
{14055}{14085}Dateline's doing a segment
{14087}{14125}on fetal alcohol syndrome.|Thank you.
{14128}{14174}Polly works|for the Moderation Council.
{14177}{14232}A casual drinker|by the age of 14,
{14234}{14265}Polly quickly developed
{14267}{14349}a tolerance usually reserved|for Irish dockworkers.
{14351}{14395}In our world, she's the woman
{14398}{14449}that got the pope|to endorse red wine.
{14521}{14543}We're gonna get creamed.
{14546}{14576}Any ideas?
{14578}{14609}I don't know.
{14612}{14668}Deformed kids are tough.
{14670}{14725}I'm lucky my product only makes|them bald before it kills them.
{14727}{14773}You could hug the kids.
{14775}{14822}They're not going|to let me hug the kids.
{14825}{14862}Who's doing the segment,|Donaldson or Sawyer?
{14865}{14886}Sawyer, probably.
{14889}{14910}You're fucked.
{14937}{14964}Cause she's gonna hug them.
{14966}{15019}Look, if you see her going in|for a hug,
{15022}{15089}maybe just box her out,|get in there before she does.
{15092}{15130}NICK:|BobbyJay works for SAFETY,
{15133}{15186}- (ricochet)|- The Society for the Advancement of Firearms
{15189}{15232}and Effective Training for Youth.
{15234}{15289}You want me to smile?
{15332}{15390}After watching the footage|of the Kent State shootings,
{15392}{15460}BobbyJay, then 17, signed up|for the National Guard
{15462}{15513}so he, too, could shoot|college students.
{15515}{15574}But the National Guard|recruiter was out to lunch,
{15577}{15653}so BobbyJay ended up|shooting Panamanians instead,
{15655}{15695}which was almost as good|as college students.
{15725}{15768}Only they shoot back.
{15770}{15810}You know, you can beat|a Breathalyzer
{15813}{15885}- by sucking on activated charcoal tablets?|- Really?
{15887}{15925}Maybe we should change|our campaign to
{15927}{15974}"If You Must Drink and Drive,|Suck Charcoal."
{15977}{16002}Yeah, but don't the police wonder
{16005}{16026}why you're sucking on charcoal?
{16029}{16072}There's no law against charcoal.
{16074}{16110}- Yet.|- Yet.
{16227}{16299}Dad, why is the American|government the best government?
{16302}{16338}Because of our|endless appeals system.
{16413}{16473}Joe, you're not writing down|what I just said are you?

{16506}{16554}Joey, stop for a second.
{16557}{16592}What is the subject of your essay?
{16595}{16662}Why is American government|the best government in the world.
{16665}{16704}Your teacher crafted that question?
{16706}{16749}Yeah. Why?
{16751}{16818}Well... I'll look past|the obvious problems
{16821}{16852}in syntax for a moment,
{16854}{16905}and I'll focus more on the core|of the question.
{16907}{16936}I mean, "A,"
{16938}{17001}does America have|the best government in the world?
{17004}{17044}And "B," what constitutes|a"best government"?
{17046}{17105}Is it crime, is it poverty, literacy?
{17144}{17166}And America- definitely not best.
{17169}{17197}Perhaps not even better than most.
{17200}{17233}We do have a very|entertaining government...
{17269}{17313}I'm sorry.
{17344}{17402}Are you familiar with the term "B.S."?
{17445}{17475}Yes, exactly.
{17478}{17547}B.S., if I may, is what|questions like the one
{17550}{17595}your teacher posed are made for.
{17598}{17644}Because even if America|had the best government,
{17646}{17683}there'd be no way to prove it.
{17686}{17717}And how many pages are you writing?
{17720}{17741}Two pages.
{17744}{17782}Two pages...
{17785}{17822}Definitely not in two pages.
{17825}{17877}So what am I supposed to write?
{17879}{17920}You can write whatever you want.
{17958}{17982}Write about...
{17985}{18042}write about America's|amazing ability
{18045}{18117}to make profit by breaking down|trading tariffs
{18119}{18176}and bringing American jobs|to Third World countries.
{18178}{18225}Or how good we are|at executing felons.
{18227}{18266}They're all correct answers.
{18269}{18316}I can do that?
{18318}{18355}See, Joey, that's the beauty|of argument.
{18358}{18415}'Cause if you argue correctly,|you're never wrong.
{18600}{18670}Dad, if I finish|this essay within an hour,
{18672}{18714}can we stay up all night?
{18717}{18829}That's a negotiation,|not an argument.
{18831}{18897}(over TV):|Well, Conway, see you made it.
{18899}{18948}Yeah, I guess that little|voice was wrong.
{18950}{18977}I feel better.
{18979}{19007}I feel a lot better, too.
{19010}{19071}As a matter of fact, I never|felt so good in my life.
{19074}{19112}How about a cigarette?
{19152}{19197}(dramatic music playing)
{19516}{19542}MAN 1: Is he?
{19545}{19571}MAN 2: Yeah.
{19706}{19789}Nick, you still own a watch, don't you?
{19791}{19820}Jill, I can't help feeling
{19822}{19859}Joey's getting the wrong idea|about his dad.

{19862}{19898}It would be great if I could spend

{19901}{19937}a little more time with him,|you know?
{19940}{20024}To give him a fair|and balanced perspective.
{20026}{20071}Nick, you had plenty|of time for that.
{20074}{20109}Now you're his weekend guardian.
{20111}{20160}Besides, he has Brad.
{20162}{20189}He still needs his father.
{20246}{20273}You have a second?
{20314}{20345}Sure, Brad.
{20348}{20438}Nick, your job|and everything aside,
{20441}{20487}I hope you understand|that secondhand smoke's
{20490}{20530}a real killer.
{20533}{20577}What are you talking about?
{20580}{20619}I just hope you're providing
{20622}{20683}a smoke-free environment|forJoey, that's all I'm saying.
{20686}{20738}Brad, I'm his father.
{20741}{20797}You're the guy fucking his mom.
{20854}{20909}That was unnecessary.
{20914}{20996}Thank you all.|Thank you all for coming.
{20998}{21058}Tobacco is winning the war.
{21060}{21137}The war against our children.
{21139}{21218}They like to use cartoons|and symbols to hook our kids.
{21221}{21290}Well, now we have|a symbol of our own.
{21347}{21413}It is my hope that|within the year
{21416}{21457}every cigarette package
{21459}{21532}sold in America|will carry this symbol.
{21534}{21588}Perhaps then, cigarettes|will finally be labeled
{21590}{21665}appropriately as poison.
{21667}{21712}I will be holding|a congressional hearing
{21714}{21780}to discuss the inclusion|of the skull and crossbones
{21782}{21818}in the next two weeks.
{21820}{21854}As usual, I extend|an open invitation
{21856}{21916}to big tobacco.
{21918}{22014}Perhaps this time they will|grace us with their presence.
{22017}{22048}And their answers.
{22050}{22084}Thank you very much.
{22086}{22137}(reporters clamoring)
{22197}{22279}People, what is going on out there?
{22282}{22369}I look down this table,|all I see are white flags.
{22371}{22434}Our numbers are down|all across the board.
{22437}{22481}Teen smoking-|our bread and butter,
{22484}{22525}is falling like a shit from heaven.
{22577}{22617}We don't sell Tic Tacs,|for Christ's sake.
{22619}{22659}We sell cigarettes.
{22662}{22756}And they're cool and available|and addictive.
{22758}{22797}The job is almost done for us.
{22840}{22958}This environmentalist|is challenging us.
{22960}{23021}We have to have an answer.
{23024}{23065}I'm asking you,
{23067}{23111}when this cocksucker puts|Captain Hook on our products,
{23114}{23150}what the fuck are we going to do?
{23153}{23214}- BR.|- Yeah, Nick.
{23217}{23245}If I may.
{23248}{23306}In 1910,
{23309}{23368}the U.S. Was producing|ten billion cigarettes a year.
{23371}{23398}By 1930,
{23401}{23448}we were up to 123 billion.
{23450}{23498}What happened in between?

{23500}{23540}Three things.
{23542}{23566}A world war,
{23568}{23661}dieting... and movies.
{23695}{23768}1927- talking pictures are born.
{23770}{23824}Suddenly, directors need to give|their actors
{23826}{23873}something to do|while they're talking.
{23875}{23940}Cary Grant, Carole Lombard|are lighting up.
{23942}{23978}Bette Davis- a chimney.
{23980}{24011}And Bogart-|remember the first picture
{24014}{24039}with him and Lauren Bacall?
{24042}{24101}Well, yea... not specifically.
{24103}{24133}Oh, she sort
{24136}{24186}of shimmies in|through the doorway,
{24189}{24239}19 years old.
{24242}{24277}Pure sex.
{24279}{24301}She says,
{24303}{24357}"Anyone got a match?"
{24359}{24400}And Bogie throws|the matches at her...
{24436}{24482}and she catches them.
{24484}{24569}Greatest romance of the century.
{24572}{24624}How'd it start?|Lighting a cigarette.
{24626}{24686}These days when someone|smokes in the movies,
{24688}{24765}they're either a psychopath|or a European.
{24768}{24814}The message Hollywood|needs to send out
{24816}{24863}is smoking is cool.
{24866}{24921}We need the cast of Will and Grace
{24923}{24956}smoking in their living room.
{24958}{25012}Forrest Gump puffing away|between his box of chocolates.
{25014}{25096}Hugh Grant earning back|the love ofJulia Roberts
{25098}{25201}by buying her favorite brand-|her Virginia Slims.
{25204}{25289}Most of the actors smoke already.
{25291}{25345}If they start doing it on-screen,
{25347}{25412}we can put the sex|back into cigarettes.
{25414}{25476}Well, it's a thought.
{25478}{25521}I was hoping for something|a little more inspiring,
{25524}{25549}but at least you're thinking.
{25551}{25584}Rest of you people,|slam your fucking brains
{25586}{25608}against your desks
{25610}{25673}until something useful comes out.
{25675}{25721}That was awesome.
{25723}{25748}Thank you.
{25750}{25798}Nick, you've been summoned.
{25801}{25824}Captain wants to see you.
{25827}{25859}He saw the Joan show.
{25862}{25888}What'd he think?
{25890}{25933}Get your ass on the next flight|to Winston-Salem.
{26018}{26065}Most people have this image|in their heads
{26067}{26117}of tobacco executives|jet-setting around the world
{26120}{26173}on private planes,|eating foie gras
{26175}{26208}as they count their money.
{26210}{26261}Not me.
{26264}{26319}I like to ride with the people.
{26322}{26358}Know your clients.
{26361}{26413}My people cram themselves|into a tiny seat,
{26416}{26461}pop a Xanax and dream|of the moment
{26463}{26534}they can stuff their face|with fresh tobacco.
{26536}{26602}If I can convincejust one of|these kids to pick up smoking,
{26605}{26659}I've paid for my flight-round-trip.
{26862}{26953}The Captain is the last great|man of tobacco.

{26955}{26997}He introduced filters

{26999}{27082}when cigarettes first got|slammed by Reader's Digest.
{27085}{27190}Later, he founded|the Academy of Tobacco Studies.
{27192}{27261}The club was founded|by the tobacco barons in 1890
{27263}{27346}so they'd have a place|to get away from their wives.
{27404}{27489}Here, the Captain is a legend{27491}{27547}a self-made man who started|from nothing,
{27550}{27617}and ended up with everything...
{27619}{27696}except, evidently, a son.
{27698}{27752}Nick, my boy.
{27754}{27829}You're just in time for mud.
{27831}{27869}Thank you.
{27872}{27913}Sit down there. Yeah.
{28024}{28072}You know the secret|to a really good julep?
{28074}{28115}No, sir.
{28118}{28174}Well, you crush the mint
{28177}{28251}down onto the ice with your thumb
{28254}{28312}and you grind it in, see?
{28314}{28377}And it releases the menthol.
{28442}{28476}Now you know who taught me that?
{28478}{28501}No, sir. Who?
{28503}{28546}Fidel Castro.
{28654}{28704}Do you remember 1952?
{28706}{28784}Well, sir, I wasn't alive in 1952.
{28786}{28900}Good Lord, I was in Korea|shooting Chinese in 1952.
{28957}{29011}Today they're our best customer.
{29014}{29077}Next time we won't have to shoot|so many of them, will we?
{29079}{29121}- (chuckles)|- No, sir.
{29123}{29219}1952 was the year|Reader's Digest
{29222}{29290}nailed us with|the whole health aspect.
{29293}{29352}As Churchill said,
{29355}{29409}that was perhaps the end|of our beginning.
{29412}{29492}Tell me,
{29494}{29541}do you enjoy your current work, Nick?
{29543}{29566}Yes, sir.
{29569}{29603}It's challenging...
{29606}{29692}If you can do tobacco,|you can do anything.
{29694}{29762}Yes, sir, I like that.
{29765}{29822}You know, Nick, you remind me
{29825}{29878}just a little bit|of myself when I was your age.
{29881}{29944}Well, thank you, sir.
{29946}{29990}Like thatJoan Lunden show you did.
{29993}{30047}You could have given up,|cried, apologized,
{30050}{30073}but you didn't.
{30076}{30122}You stayed loyal.
{30125}{30242}And you gave it|to that son of a bitch good.
{30244}{30305}- (chuckles)|- My pleasure.
{30381}{30457}Now, BR's come under the idea
{30459}{30525}that we should start bribing|producers in Hollywood
{30528}{30616}to make the actors smoke on screen.
{30618}{30690}You know, like in the old days.
{30693}{30747}Say, that's, uh...
{30750}{30804}that's a great idea.
{30843}{30880}Smart man, that BR.
{30882}{30919}Oh, yeah, yeah.
{30922}{30958}And loyal.

{31429}{31451}Yes, sir?
{31454}{31498}Have a seat, Ron.
{31756}{31862}You, see, Ron, I can't be|everywhere I'm needed.
{31864}{31910}That's why I send|people like you
{31912}{31944}to speak on my behalf.
{31946}{32034}When you're there,|you're not Ron Goode,
{32037}{32084}the guy your friends probably like,
{32086}{32148}you're Senator Finistirre's aide,
{32150}{32229}and your name really doesn't matter.
{32231}{32277}So, when
{32279}{32344}Ron Goode acts|like a complete asshole
{32346}{32411}on the Joan Lunden Show,
{32414}{32488}I am being an asshole|on the Joan Lunden Show.
{32490}{32530}Senator, sir, he sprang on me like...
{32533}{32609}Where in the hell|did you find cancer boy?
{32612}{32670}He was supposed to be quite reliable.
{32673}{32741}The Pulmonary Council|was one of his references.
{32743}{32784}Fucking nonprofits.
{32874}{32939}When you're looking|for a cancer kid,
{32942}{32973}he should be hopeless.
{32975}{33013}He should have a wheelchair.
{33015}{33067}He should have trouble talking.
{33070}{33135}He should have|a little pet goldfish
{33138}{33176}he carries around|in a ziplock bag{33178}{33204}hopeless.
{33206}{33261}I apologize, sir, but if it wasn't
{33263}{33295}- for Nick Naylor...|- Nick Naylor?
{33341}{33446}Don't you even think|of using him as an excuse.
{33448}{33496}The man shills bullshit for a living.
{33498}{33546}You work for a fucking senator.
{33548}{33602}A senator who is supposed|to be tough on tobacco.
{33605}{33674}Have a little... pride,|for God's sake.
{33676}{33777}It won't happen again, sir,|I promise.
{33841}{33925}All right, you're excused.
{34066}{34098}Sometimes I feel like
{34101}{34165}a Colombian drug dealer.
{34209}{34318}The other day, my own granddaughter,|flesh of flesh of my own loin
{34321}{34401}asked me, " Granddaddy, is it true
{34404}{34473}cigarettes are bad for you?"
{34530}{34592}We got to do something, Nick.
{34594}{34625}I think you're our man.
{34627}{34669}Thank you, sir.
{34671}{34725}I want you to work|on this Hollywood project.
{34728}{34788}Get out there the next|few weeks, stir things up
{34790}{34885}and report directly to me.
{34887}{34913}Sir, about the,
{34915}{34989}the $50 million.
{34991}{35061}Anti teen-smoking advertising.
{35063}{35147}Well, shit, I sure hope|it's not too persuasive.
{35187}{35214}I hope.
{35515}{35560}you're family now.
{35562}{35625}Tobacco takes care of its own, eh?
{35628}{35674}Thank you, sir.
{35984}{36006}Mr. Naylor?

{36035}{36070}Hi. Welcome to Tobacco One.

{36072}{36102}Thank you.
{36105}{36168}The captain told me to take|extra special care of you today.
{36170}{36229}So if there is anything|at all I can do
{36231}{36261}to make your flight|more pleasant,
{36264}{36342}you be sure and let me know now.
{36663}{36685}Pleasant flight?
{36687}{36737}Oh! You could say that.
{36740}{36782}Came up on the Captain's plane.
{36785}{36830}Oh, it's quite the way to travel.
{36833}{36877}I wouldn't know.
{36880}{36910}No? You never been on Tobacco One
{36913}{36990}with those seats, that kitchen,
{36993}{37033}that stewardess, Tiffany?
{37035}{37084}Haven't had the chance yet.
{37086}{37117}Oh, well, you really must try it.
{37120}{37169}It's the only way to travel.
{37172}{37249}What'd he think of your $50 million|anti-smoking campaign?
{37252}{37298}Oh, the $50 million|anti teen-smoking campaign?
{37325}{37353}Yeah, he gave that the go-ahead.
{37355}{37383}Oh, and he loved your idea
{37386}{37417}to put cigarettes back into movies.
{37419}{37481}- That was your idea.|- Oh, yeah?
{37483}{37534}- He must have gotten confused.|- Hmm.
{37537}{37642}Yeah. Well, either way,|he was pretty blown away.
{37645}{37709}Right. Well, get a flight to L.A.
{37711}{37737}I'll get you a meeting|with Jeff Megall.
{37767}{37797}Hollywood super agent.
{37800}{37888}Runs the agency EGO:|Entertainment Global Offices.
{37890}{37928}This guy is the entertainment business.
{37930}{37985}And you are cigarettes, BR.
{38070}{38121}Yeah, but it's not a vacation,|it's a learning experience.
{38124}{38173}And California is one|of the fastest-growing
{38176}{38205}states, it's got
{38207}{38248}the largest number of electoral|votes in the country.
{38250}{38317}I mean, this could be|a very good trip forJoey.
{38320}{38352}You know what?|Don't smooth-talk me.
{38354}{38378}You're not going to|take him sightseeing.
{38381}{38406}You're probably going
{38409}{38456}to take him|to some lung cancer symposium
{38459}{38506}where a guy with an electronic|voice box will tell him
{38508}{38536}that his father is the devil.
{38538}{38566}That's unfair.
{38569}{38600}Unfair? What about Virginia?
{38602}{38635}And what about Virginia?
{38638}{38680}You took him to a cigarette factory.
{38682}{38727}No, I took him to a tobacco farm.
{38730}{38758}That's hardly the same thing.
{38761}{38808}This conversation's over.
{38903}{38952}(sighs): Oh, fuck.
{38956}{39020}Last week we had another|disgruntled postman.
{39022}{39046}Of course,
{39049}{39077}an hour later the Washington Post
{39079}{39146}is calling me on the phone-|godless swine.
{39149}{39185}I said to 'em, I says,
{39188}{39285}"Now if a plane crashes|on account of pilot error,

{39287}{39320}do you blame the Boeing Corporation?"

{39349}{39381}- That's a good one.|- Thank you.
{39384}{39445}If some booze-besotten drunk|runs someone down,
{39448}{39494}do you go banging on the doors|at General Motors?
{39497}{39529}Tell me you didn't say that.
{39566}{39614}Have either of you heard of a|reporter named Heather Holloway?
{39617}{39693}Oh, yeah. Yeah. Irish type.
{39695}{39728}Brown hair, big blue eyes.
{39730}{39757}Nice skin.
{39759}{39784}Amazing tits.
{39786}{39853}Tits? Why are tits relevant?
{39855}{39887}Hmm, let's see.
{39890}{39956}World-class tits on a reporter|interviewing a man
{39958}{40026}with privileged information|are relevant.
{40029}{40076}How about it, Nick?|Are you a tit man?
{40079}{40122}Don't answer that.|That's a trap.
{40125}{40192}Depends whose tits.
{40194}{40237}Look, just don't get screwed,|all right?
{40240}{40311}Bobby, I think I can handle|a good-looking girl reporter.
{40314}{40353}Thank you.
{40574}{40598}Heather Holloway.
{40601}{40642}Nick Naylor, big tobacco.
{40683}{40736}Is this kosher?
{40738}{40785}Only if I can call you "Heather."
{40787}{40841}By all means.
{40904}{40928}So, Mr. Naylor...
{40930}{40981}- Nick.|- Nick.
{40983}{41032}Let's start with...
{41034}{41066}An '82 Margaux.
{41069}{41117}Okay. Is it good?
{41120}{41202}Good? It'll make you believe in God.
{41532}{41592}So what is the focus of your piece?
{41594}{41638}- You.|- Really?
{41641}{41685}You want to know how I live|with myself.
{41687}{41777}No. I don't imagine|that's much of a problem.
{41779}{41833}I want to know how you see yourself.
{41866}{41933}a mediator between two sects|of society
{41935}{41976}that are trying|to reach an accommodation.
{42026}{42113}My other interviews have pinned|you as a mass murderer,
{42116}{42189}bloodsucker, pimp,|profiteer, child killer,
{42192}{42270}and my personal favorite|"yuppie Mephistopheles."
{42273}{42348}Wow, that sounds|like a balanced article.
{42350}{42400}Who else should I talk to?
{42402}{42453}55 million American smokers,|for starters
{42456}{42525}or perhaps|the American tobacco farmer
{42527}{42578}who is constantly being treated|like a drug smuggler.
{42581}{42614}I actually do plan on speaking|to a tobacco farmer.
{42643}{42693}They're fine people,|salt of the earth.
{42695}{42753}Nick, why do you do this?
{42755}{42795}What motivates you?
{42951}{43001}You really want to know?
{43107}{43218}(whispers): Population control.

{43313}{43339}You're bad.
{43398}{43449}Everyone's got a mortgage to pay.
{43451}{43505}NICK: The yuppie Nuremberg defense.
{43507}{43592}So is a mortgage that much|of a life goal?
{43594}{43697}Well, 99% of everything done|in the world, good or bad,
{43700}{43760}is done to pay a mortgage,|so perhaps the world
{43763}{43812}would be a better place|if everyone rented.
{43814}{43864}Then why don't you rent?
{43867}{43910}Mm. Well, I rent as well.
{43913}{43948}- Really?|- Yeah.
{43950}{44005}My son and his mother|and her boyfriend
{44007}{44030}live in my house.
{44033}{44060}I live in my apartment.
{44062}{44146}What does Nick Naylor's|apartment look like?
{44149}{44207}I don't know.|It's nothing impressive.
{44209}{44242}It wouldn't make|the real estate section.
{44269}{44311}Can I see it?
{44374}{44416}You want to see my apartment?
{44418}{44488}I'd like to see|where the devil sleeps.
{44639}{44690}NICK: I know what|you're probably thinking.
{44752}{44803}This is a bad idea, right?
{44869}{44908}I mean, come on.
{44910}{44936}It's not that bad of an idea.
{45044}{45101}(pots clattering)
{45288}{45325}Mom, why can't I go
{45328}{45377}to California?
{45380}{45462}Because California's|just not a... safe place.
{45465}{45525}And besides,|I'm not sure it's appropriate
{45528}{45605}for your father to bring you|on a business trip.
{45608}{45642}Appropriate for who?
{45694}{45749}Mom, is it possible that|you're taking the frustration
{45752}{45797}of your failed marriage out on me?
{45822}{45881}Excuse me?
{45884}{45938}This California trip seems like|a great learning opportunity
{45941}{46008}and a chance for me|to get to know my father.
{46010}{46052}But if you think it's more important
{46054}{46099}to use me to channel your frustration
{46102}{46147}against the man you no longer love,
{46150}{46189}I'll understand.
{46310}{46357}How'd you convince her?
{46359}{46412}It was an argument,|not a negotiation.
{46414}{46453}That's my boy.
{47242}{47313}(soft music playing)
{47606}{47657}Nick, Jack, Jeff's assistant. Hey.
{47660}{47714}How was your flight?|Are you jet-lagged at all?
{47717}{47757}It's, like, 2:00 in D.C.|Right now.
{47760}{47795}You know what?|Take some vitamin B.
{47797}{47827}Jeff swears by it- in fact,
{47830}{47869}I'm gonna hook you up|with an injection.
{47872}{47905}Who's this with you?|How are you, dude? What's going on?
{47908}{47934}You guys ever been to L.A. Before?
{47937}{47981}You want to head back|toJeff's office?
{47983}{48040}In fact, we probably should-|He's a punctual being.
{48042}{48110}We actually had some problems at first|with the exterior mirrored

{48113}{48174}The reflection of the sun was causing|head-on collisions on Wilshi

{48177}{48215}Oh, is everybody all right?
{48217}{48269}Yeah, they got three-picture deals|at Paramount- I'm sure they'll
{48272}{48301}- It's a nice building.|- Yeah?
{48304}{48349}Hey, tellJeff you think so, okay?
{48351}{48412}'Cause he just put a lot|of himself into this building.
{48414}{48497}And you know something?|It really shows.
{48499}{48536}What's up, Hiroshi?
{48539}{48629}Keep going- that sand's|not gonna rake itself.
{48632}{48680}All right, come here,|this is my favorite part.
{48683}{48761}That one right there?|It's $7,000.
{48763}{48812}- $7,000 for a fish?|- (laughs): Yep.
{48814}{48860}Kind of makes you want|to stop eating sushi,
{48862}{48901}but I guess you kind of have to.
{48904}{48948}Hey, you see that|big white one right there?
{48950}{49017}Swear to you- $12,000,|gift from Oprah.
{49019}{49110}It's a Chamberlain- office-warming gift|from Matthew McConaughey.
{49113}{49145}Generous gift.
{49148}{49196}(laughs): Yeah. Right!
{49199}{49267}Don't get me wrong, Matthew is|a tremendously talented individual
{49270}{49305}and an extremely decent human being,
{49308}{49368}however, beforeJeff|took him on, he was a face.
{49371}{49401}Now he's a name.
{49403}{49462}(elevator bell dings)
{49488}{49557}Do you hear that?
{49749}{49783}(bell dings)
{49959}{49992}Hey, Neal.
{49994}{50049}Neal, I'm gonna impale|your mom on a spike,
{50051}{50115}and I'm gonna feed her dead body|to my dog with syphilis.
{50117}{50160}(laughs): Aw, Jack, you got me!
{50162}{50202}NEAL: That guy!
{50205}{50269}It's an inside joke.
{50272}{50326}(sighs):|So, as you can see,
{50329}{50381}Jeff just really loves Asian shit.
{50384}{50425}Uh, Candace, is he ready?
{50428}{50468}- Mm-hmm.|- Fantastic.
{50470}{50525}(quietly): Okay, Joey,|I'm gonna bring your dad in now.
{50527}{50576}Is there anything I can get|you while you're waiting,
{50578}{50631}like an orange juice|or a coffee or a Red Bull?
{50633}{50691}- No, thanks.|- Okay.
{50751}{50798}Wow, it's a great office.
{50801}{50848}Yeah. Jeff basically designed|the whole thing.
{50851}{50897}The architect just made the drawings.
{50899}{50956}Jack, stop it.
{50958}{50989}Next you're gonna be telling him
{50992}{51028}what position I played|for the Bruins.
{51030}{51052}(quietly): Quarterback.
{51054}{51085}Jeff Megall.
{51087}{51117}Nick Naylor.
{51119}{51173}Mr. Naylor's here to see|if we can't get cigarettes
{51175}{51236}- into the hands of somebody|other than the usual RAVs.|- Sure.
{51238}{51298}- RAVs?|- Russians, Arabs and Villains.
{51301}{51342}Oh, well, then yes, I guess|that is why I'm here.
{51345}{51397}Good. I think we can help.
{51400}{51450}Jeff invented product placement.
{51453}{51500}NICK: I feel I have to ask, uh...

{51502}{51574}Are you concerned at|all about the, um...

{51577}{51614}about the health element?
{51617}{51685}I'm not a doctor, I'm a facilitator.
{51688}{51718}I bring creative people together.
{51721}{51773}Whatever information there is,|exists, it's out there.
{51776}{51805}People will decide for themselves.
{51807}{51865}They should. It's not|my role to decide for them.
{51868}{51913}It'd be morally presumptuous.
{51916}{51977}NICK: I could learn a lot|from this man.
{51980}{52037}Now, what we need is|a smoking role model,
{52039}{52061}a real winner.
{52064}{52105}Indiana Jones meets Jerry Maguire.
{52107}{52132}Right, on two packs a day.
{52135}{52184}Only he can't live|in contemporary society.
{52186}{52208}Why not?
{52210}{52258}The health issue's way too prevalent.
{52261}{52307}People would constantly|be asking the character
{52309}{52364}why he's smoking-|and that should go unsaid.
{52366}{52413}How do you feel about the future?
{52415}{52468}The future?
{52470}{52512}Yeah, after the health thing's|blown over.
{52514}{52546}A world|where smokers and nonsmokers
{52549}{52582}live together in perfect harmony.
{52585}{52641}Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie|they're looking to make.
{52644}{52690}Message From Sector Six.
{52693}{52741}All takes place in a space station.
{52744}{52789}They're actively looking|for some cofinancing.
{52791}{52826}So cigarettes in space?
{52829}{52880}It's the final frontier, Nick.
{52882}{52930}But wouldn't they blow up|in an all-oxygen environment?
{53000}{53062}But it's an easy fix-|one line of dialogue:
{53065}{53112}"Thank God we invented the..."|you know,
{53114}{53145}whatever device.
{53148}{53193}Brad Pitt.
{53195}{53232}Catherine Zeta-Jones.
{53235}{53269}They've just finished ravishing
{53271}{53333}each other's bodies|for the first time.
{53336}{53384}They lie naked, suspended in air
{53387}{53421}underneath the heavens.
{53424}{53481}Pitt lights up.
{53483}{53525}He starts blowing smoke rings|all around
{53527}{53570}Catherine's naked, flawless body,
{53573}{53649}as the galaxies go whizzing|by over the glass-domed ceiling.
{53651}{53700}Now, tell me that|doesn't work for you.
{53703}{53734}I'd see that movie.
{53737}{53767}I'd buy the goddamn DVD.
{53769}{53834}You know, if the academy|didn't send them to me for free.
{53837}{53872}You know,
{53874}{53926}you guys ought to think|about designing a cigarette
{53929}{53970}to be released simultaneously|with the movie.
{53973}{54010}Sector Sixes.
{54013}{54050}No one's ever done it|with a cigarette.
{54082}{54128}Well, where do we go from here?
{54130}{54198}You enjoy the rest of your day|in L.A. With your son
{54201}{54247}while I find out|the answers to these questions.
{54249}{54312}Hey, where can I get|a bite to eat with my son?
{54315}{54352}You ought to try Nobu's new place.
{54354}{54412}- He only serves food that's white.|- Oh, great.

{54442}{54496}JOEY: So, you go to an office,

{54498}{54561}then you go on TV|and talk about cigarettes.
{54564}{54608}Then you fly out to L.A.
{54610}{54669}To talk to some guy who|works with movie stars.
{54672}{54751}- What is that?|- That's my job; I'm a lobbyist.
{54753}{54817}I know, but did you study to do that?
{54820}{54880}No. No, I just kind of figured it out.
{54882}{54932}Then can't anyone just do that?
{54935}{55029}No, it, uh, requires a...
{55032}{55121}a moral flexibility|that goes beyond most people.
{55148}{55216}Do I have flexible morals?
{55218}{55283}Well, let's say|you became a lawyer, right?
{55285}{55325}And you were asked|to defend a murderer.
{55327}{55364}Worse than that- a child murderer.
{55400}{55472}the law states that every person|deserves a fair trial.
{55474}{55524}Would you defend them?
{55527}{55568}I don't know.|I guess every person
{55570}{55614}- deserves a fair defense.|- Yeah, well,
{55617}{55668}so do multinational corporations.
{55670}{55749}So, what happens when you're wrong?
{55752}{55792}(chuckles):|Well, Joey, I'm never wrong.
{55794}{55829}But you can't always be right.
{55832}{55902}Well, if it's your job to be right,|then you're never wrong.
{55905}{55957}But what if you are wrong?
{55960}{56012}Okay, let's say that|you're defending chocolate
{56014}{56046}and I'm defending vanilla.
{56049}{56106}Now, if I were to say to you,
{56109}{56178}"Vanilla's the best flavor|ice cream," you'd say?
{56181}{56230}- "No, chocolate is."|- Exactly.
{56233}{56271}But you can't win that argument.
{56273}{56335}So, I'll ask you-|So you think chocolate
{56337}{56405}is the end-all and be-all|of ice cream, do you?
{56407}{56456}It's the best ice cream;|I wouldn't order any other.
{56459}{56505}Oh. So it's all chocolate|for you, is it?
{56507}{56545}Yes, chocolate is all I need.
{56548}{56579}Well, I need more than chocolate.
{56581}{56629}And for that matter,|I need more than vanilla.
{56632}{56674}I believe that we need|freedom and choice
{56677}{56736}when it comes to our ice cream,|and that, Joey Naylor,
{56739}{56776}that is the definition of liberty.
{56778}{56825}But that's not what|we're talking about.
{56827}{56885}Ah, but that's what|I'm talking about.
{56887}{56957}- But... you didn't prove that vanilla's the best.|- I didn't have
{56960}{57028}I proved that you're wrong-|and if you're wrong, I'm right.
{57030}{57053}But you still didn't
{57056}{57081}convince me.
{57084}{57116}'Cause I'm not after you.
{57118}{57197}I'm after them.
{57417}{57465}(phone ringing)
{57621}{57666}Thought I'd give you a little update.
{57669}{57716}Jeff. You still at the office?
{57718}{57779}Do you know what time it is|in Tokyo right now?
{57781}{57824}- No.|- 4:00 p.m. Tomorrow.
{57826}{57869}It's the future, Nick.
{57898}{57940}Anyway, for Pitt to smoke,
{57942}{57996}it's $10 million;|for the pair, it's 25.
{57998}{58074}25?! Usually when I buy two|of something, I get a discount.

{58077}{58105}What's the extra five for?

{58138}{58205}These are not stupid people;|they got it right away.
{58207}{58261}Pitt and Zeta-Jones lighting up|after some cosmic fucking
{58263}{58322}in the bubble suite's|gonna sell a lot of cigarettes.
{58325}{58359}Well, for that kind of money,
{58361}{58407}my people will expect|some very serious smoking.
{58409}{58445}Can Brad blow smoke rings?
{58448}{58481}I don't have that information.
{58484}{58525}Well, for $25 million,|we'd want smoke rings.
{58527}{58563}Oh, one other thing-|you'll be cofinancing
{58565}{58612}the picture|with the Sultan of Glutan.
{58614}{58643}The Sultan of Glutan?
{58645}{58694}The one who massacred|and enslaved his own people?
{58697}{58756}Aren't they calling him|the Hitler of the South Pacific?
{58759}{58817}No, I can't speak to that-|All my dealings with him,
{58820}{58861}he's been a very reasonable|and sensitive guy.
{58864}{58893}He's fun. You'll like him.
{58896}{58925}I better run it by my people.
{58927}{58953}No problem.
{58956}{58989}- (beep)|- Oh, that's London calling.
{58991}{59042}7:00 a.m. In the Old Empire.
{59045}{59082}Jeff, when do you sleep?
{59117}{59158}(line hangs up)
{59498}{59545}(laughs softly)
{60513}{60561}(line ringing)
{60604}{60664}- Operator.|- Yeah, my light is blinking.
{60666}{60744}- There's a package downstairs for you.|- Okay, send it up.
{60805}{60881}Captain, I'm sitting in front|of an open briefcase.
{60884}{60932}I don't suppose this is a raise.
{60935}{61026}Now, Nick, do you know|who Lorne Lutch is?
{61029}{61069}Yeah, of course.|He's the original Marlboro Man.
{61072}{61131}He's dying.|He was on Sally last week.
{61133}{61186}Not exactly our biggest fan.
{61189}{61218}Well, the money's for him.
{61221}{61284}Now, he has a ranch|out there in California.
{61286}{61326}I want you to bring it to him.
{61329}{61421}He's a cowboy, sir,|and cowboys don't like bribes.
{61423}{61475}It's not a bribe. No, sir.
{61477}{61544}You're going out there|on wings of angels, son.
{61546}{61617}You mean we're just going|to give him the money?
{61619}{61653}Well, I think Christ himself|would say,
{61655}{61709}"That's mighty white of you boys."
{61711}{61760}No gag agreement?
{61763}{61821}Hopefully, he'll be so damn|overcome with gratitude
{61823}{61879}he'll... he'll have to shut up.
{62137}{62193}Hey, kiddo, I got to go do|a little bit more work
{62195}{62221}this afternoon, all right?
{62224}{62245}Can I come?
{62248}{62282}No. Not this time.
{62285}{62336}But I want to see what you do.
{63327}{63365}You stay here, okay?
{63825}{63886}What the fuck are you doing here?
{63889}{63951}Uh... uh...
{63953}{63994}Do you have a minute?
{64117}{64157}What do you want?
{64192}{64219}Joey, get back in the car.

{64377}{64425}Just want to talk.

{64457}{64507}All right.
{64509}{64545}Let's talk.
{64938}{64997}Pearl, we got company.
{65060}{65137}Mister, you got a lot of nerve|walking in here after...
{65139}{65220}Honey, why don't you show|this young man some iced tea?
{65295}{65331}I'll be right back, tiger.
{65725}{65786}Saw you on...
{65789}{65872}Weren't you on that TV show?
{65875}{65942}Yeah. Yeah, that was me.
{65945}{66030}You're lucky you made it|out of there alive.
{66033}{66088}Yeah. Tobacco used to be|all over the television.
{66090}{66186}Now TV is leading the witch hunt.
{66189}{66233}Strange business.
{66236}{66305}Last year, after I was diagnosed,
{66308}{66440}flew east to attend the|annual stockholders' convention.
{66483}{66530}Stood up and told them|I thought
{66533}{66644}they ought to cut back|on their advertising.
{66646}{66708}You know what your boss said to me?
{66786}{66860}He said, " We're certainly sorry
{66862}{66953}"to hear about your medical problem.
{66955}{67037}"However, without|knowing more
{67040}{67128}"of your medical history,
{67130}{67180}we can't comment further."
{67242}{67296}But then they tried to pretend
{67298}{67340}I never worked for 'em.
{67386}{67440}Yeah, I got the pay stubs.
{67442}{67509}But, hell,|I was on the damn billboards.
{67550}{67592}I never|even smoked
{67645}{67705}I smoked Kools.
{67810}{67885}You look like a nice-enough fella.
{67888}{67943}What are you doing|working for these assholes?
{67989}{68038}I'm good at it.
{68041}{68070}Better at doing this
{68073}{68113}than I ever was|at doing anything else.
{68115}{68161}Aw, hell, son.
{68164}{68225}I was good at shooting VC.
{68228}{68275}I didn't make it my career.
{68330}{68418}I suppose we all|got to pay the mortgage.
{68510}{68562}Your dad always bring|you along like this?
{68565}{68630}No. I live with my mom.
{68633}{68674}He tell you why he's here today?
{68677}{68769}He said that your husband|was the Marlboro Man.
{68771}{68805}(phone rings)
{68807}{68898}Yeah, well, not anymore.
{68938}{68990}Yeah. Hey, can you hold on a second?
{68993}{69091}You need anything else,|grab it out of the fridge.
{69093}{69133}So I'm standing here|minding my own business,
{69136}{69181}filling up pill bottles...
{69183}{69325}So you're here to talk me|into shutting up?
{69369}{69424}That what's in that case of yours?
{69426}{69490}Yeah, basically.
{69519}{69553}No, not basically.
{69555}{69609}That's... that's exactly it.
{69659}{69698}My dignity ain't for sale.
{69701}{69760}It's not an offer.|It's a gift.
{69762}{69789}Taxes have all been paid.

{69792}{69857}You get to keep it|no matter what you do.

{69860}{69894}The idea is that, somehow,
{69897}{69960}your guilt will prevent you|from bad-mouthing us.
{69962}{70005}Are you supposed to be
{70008}{70049}telling me all that?
{70051}{70112}No, sir. Just apologize,
{70114}{70157}give you the money, and leave.
{70159}{70201}Why are you telling me this?
{70262}{70309}Because, this way,|you'll take the money.
{70312}{70342}Why would I do that?
{70345}{70368}Because you're mad.
{70371}{70405}Damn straight I am.
{70408}{70432}The first thing you'll do,
{70434}{70484}is you'll call the L.A. Times,|and CNN...
{70487}{70521}- Huh?|- And insist on Bonnie Carlton.
{70523}{70545}She does really good
{70547}{70569}controlled outrage.
{70571}{70601}Tell them, "No Bonnie, no story."
{70603}{70628}Watch it on MSNBC.
{70630}{70661}- Okay.|- When they get here,
{70664}{70734}you open up the case...
{70799}{70875}and you pour all the cash|out onto the floor.
{70877}{70903}- Why?|- Trust me.
{70905}{70934}It'll look more effective that way.
{70937}{71034}Don't forget to shake|every last bundle out.
{71076}{71116}If you can, you know,|give a cough or two.
{71118}{71188}Once it's all|out on the floor,
{71190}{71225}tell them what you're|going to do with it.
{71228}{71251}What am I going to do with it?
{71253}{71278}You're going to donate it.
{71281}{71333}Yeah. Start the Lorne Lutch|Cancer Foundation.
{71336}{71368}You're going to have|a ranch and a fair
{71370}{71433}and a 5K.|A 5K is a must. Television...
{71436}{71460}Wait a minute.
{71463}{71517}What about my family?
{71575}{71628}But, Lorne, you can't keep the money.
{71630}{71666}Why the hell not?
{71669}{71698}What do you mean?
{71701}{71763}Denounce us,|and then keep the blood money?
{71765}{71797}I mean, look at it.
{71971}{71993}I got to think this over.
{71995}{72016}Lorne, whoa.
{72018}{72066}News doesn't work that way.
{72069}{72117}You can't denounce us next week.
{72276}{72354}I don't suppose I can|denounce you for half of it.
{72357}{72437}No, Lorne. Either you keep|all the money,
{72440}{72506}or you... you give it all away.
{72757}{72808}Dad, how did you know
{72811}{72856}he would take the money?
{72912}{72981}You'd have to be crazy|to turn down all that money.
{72984}{73043}When I saw he wasn't crazy,|I knew he'd take it.
{73079}{73138}Would you have taken it?
{73141}{73202}If I were him? Sure.
{73268}{73303}So would I.
{73580}{73605}I don't think you understand, sir.
{73608}{73639}He's like a wild animal.
{73641}{73681}You'll have to be|on your guard at all times.
{73684}{73708}He has this trick.
{73710}{73739}Ron, shut up.
{73741}{73785}I've tangoed with presidents,|lawyers and Indian chiefs.

{73788}{73849}I think I can handle Mr. Nick Naylor.

{73852}{73894}(clears throat)
{73897}{73925}DENNIS MI LLER:|All right, welcome back, kids.
{73928}{73973}We've got two guests|on the show tonight.
{73976}{74024}First, joining us|from our Washington studio...
{74026}{74073}I must have that tie clip!
{74075}{74137} the senator from|the great state of Vermont.
{74140}{74192}Please welcome Ortolan Finistirre.
{74194}{74216}Welcome, Senator.
{74218}{74256}Good to be here, Dennis.
{74258}{74299}And, joining us here|in our Los Angeles studio,
{74301}{74346}he is the chief spokesperson
{74349}{74401}for the Academy ofTobacco Studies.
{74404}{74440}Quite an august chamber, might I add?
{74442}{74485}- Nick Naylor. Nick, welcome.|- Pleasure to be here.
{74487}{74553}All right, I understand you were|on Joan Lunden's show recently.
{74555}{74593}Didn't make a lot|of friends over there, did you?
{74596}{74629}I will say that I don't think
{74631}{74662}I'll be getting|my annual invitation
{74665}{74731}to the Finistirre Labor Day Barbecue.
{74733}{74791}Well, I continue to offer|an open invitation to Mr. Naylor
{74793}{74849}to join us in Congress|to talk about the inclusion
{74852}{74917}of our new poison label which,|if I might say...
{74920}{74972}Nick, ready to trek up|the Hill and testify
{74974}{75003}before Congress?
{75005}{75057}Well, I'd love to, Dennis,|but not as long as the senator
{75060}{75093}is calling for me to be fired.
{75095}{75150}It's not exactly|a welcome invitation.
{75153}{75213}Yeah. Bit of a mixed message,|Senator.
{75216}{75270}Well, not as mixed as the stance|that Big Tobacco has taken
{75273}{75315}about the dangers|of smoking cigarettes.
{75317}{75352}- Oh, no.|- Now what are you laughing?
{75354}{75404}You're a wind-up artist.|Give the man his due.
{75407}{75450}He's got a bit of a point there,|doesn't he?
{75453}{75497}Sorry. I just can't|help myself, Dennis.
{75500}{75540}I... I... I'm just tickled by the idea
{75542}{75583}of the gentleman from Vermont
{75585}{75647}calling me a hypocrite|when, uh... this same man,
{75649}{75694}in one day, held a press|conference where he called
{75697}{75756}for the American tobacco fields|to be slashed and burned,
{75759}{75797}then he jumped on a private jet
{75800}{75860}and flew down to Farm Aid|where he rode a tractor onstage
{75862}{75934}- Oh, come on.|- As he bemoaned the downfall|of the American farme
{75937}{75980}Care to comment, Senator?
{75982}{76029}He... I... No.
{76031}{76085}Eloquent in its brevity.
{76087}{76114}Emotional issue.
{76117}{76146}Let's take some phone calls now.
{76149}{76204}Herndon, Virginia.|Go ahead. You're on the show.
{76206}{76266}MAN: Dennis, has anyone ever|announced that they're going
{76269}{76311}to kill someone live on your show?
{76313}{76391}My demo's been called quirky|but, no, at this point,
{76393}{76444}we're not skewing|to the emotionally unstable.
{76446}{76497}Then it's your lucky day.
{76500}{76540}Because I'm here to tell|you that, within a week,
{76542}{76604}we're going to dispatch|Mr. Naylor from this planet
{76607}{76696}for all the pain and suffering|he's caused in the world.
{76786}{76846}As I said, emotional issue.|We're going to break now.

{76849}{76891}I got to fire a call screener.

{77537}{77572}Let's go.
{78427}{78491}This is Nick Naylor|telling you kids,
{78493}{78570}"Don't do drugs, smoke cigarettes."
{78573}{78600}That's really great.
{78603}{78642}It's like I'm looking in a mirror.
{78645}{78696}New idea:
{78698}{78755}Cigarettes for the homeless.
{78757}{78784}We'll call them "hobos."
{78821}{78853}Uh, that's awful.
{78856}{78892}Any better than "Sector Sixes"?
{78945}{79013}Oh, my God, Nick, you're on TV.
{79041}{79104}"Lobbyist on the lookout."
{79106}{79183}You got to be kidding me.
{79213}{79302}I want to fuck you|while I watch you on TV.
{79305}{79346}And they call me sick.
{79373}{79420}Before your segment ends.
{79423}{79469}All right.
{79608}{79659}Tell me more about Los Angeles, baby.
{79790}{79833}NICK: He says he wants|to trail me everywhere,
{79836}{79864}I said, "Who's paying for it?"
{79866}{79902}He says the tobacco company's|paying for it.
{79905}{79941}I said, "I don't need a bodyguard."
{79944}{79981}I'm a man of the people.
{79984}{80029}Rock on, Kennedy.
{80031}{80072}Listen, we're all going to|need bodyguards soon enough.
{80074}{80117}Did you see the coverage|the fetal alcohol people
{80120}{80145}got themselves over this weekend?
{80148}{80192}They made it seem like|we were encouraging
{80194}{80221}pregnant women to drink.
{80224}{80250}I'm surprised I didn't get kidnapped
{80253}{80285}on my way to work this morning.
{80287}{80371}I don't think people from|the alcoholic beverage industry
{80373}{80421}need to worry about|being kidnapped just yet.
{80460}{80498}Pardon me?
{80501}{80532}Look, I mean,
{80534}{80582}nothing personal,|but tobacco generates
{80585}{80638}a little more heat than alcohol.
{80641}{80676}Oh, this is news.
{80678}{80765}My product puts away 475,000 a year.
{80768}{80832}Oh, okay, now 475 is a legit number.
{80834}{80864}Okay, 435,000.
{80866}{80892}That's 1,200 a day.
{80894}{80926}How many alcohol-related deaths|a year?
{80929}{80980}- Well, does that...|- 100,000 tops?
{80982}{81069}That's, what, 270 a day?
{81102}{81159}270 people, a tragedy.
{81161}{81209}Excuse me if I don't exactly see|terrorists getting excited
{81212}{81251}about kidnapping anyone|from the alcohol industry.
{81253}{81284}- Well, you haven't even|- Okay,
{81286}{81330}- taken into account the number of deaths|- let's just
{81333}{81397}- breathe.|- How many gun deaths a year in the U. S?

{81444}{81500}11,000, are you kidding me?
{81502}{81549}30 a day.
{81551}{81585}That's less than passenger car|mortalities.
{81588}{81626}No terrorist would bother|with either of you.
{81954}{81997}Okay, look...|stupid argument.
{81999}{82048}I'll say.
{82050}{82121}I'm sure both of you warrant|vigilante justice.
{82124}{82166}Thank you.
{82309}{82349}(motor revs)
{82352}{82387}(tires screech)
{82454}{82504}(grunting, groaning)
{82506}{82546}(engine racing,|overlapping voices)
{82666}{82697}Hey... please.|Stop... hey.
{82699}{82725}Who are you guys?
{82728}{82767}(tires screeching)
{82819}{82874}GI RL: And freedom means|that we can do what we want.
{82877}{82933}And that's really important.
{82936}{83022}Because otherwise,|we couldn't be free.
{83025}{83121}And that's why America is|the best government in the world.
{83124}{83161}Whoa, hey, hey, hey.
{83164}{83229}Hey, no need for that,|no need for that.
{83231}{83264}Whoa, whoa, hey.
{83266}{83289}Hey, wait.
{83292}{83320}Can we get a dialogue going here?
{83323}{83389}Nick, we want you|to stop killing people.
{83392}{83433}So many people.
{83436}{83473}Half a million people a year|in the U.S.
{83476}{83517}That, there's no data|to support that.
{83519}{83570}Nick... you're not on TV anymore.
{83652}{83692}Okay, Joey, it's your turn.
{83788}{83821}Nick, how much do you smoke a day?
{83824}{83861}Hey, what are you doing?
{83864}{83918}According to the box,|each one of those patches
{83921}{83972}contains 21 milligrams of nicotine.
{83975}{83998}That's, like, what?
{84001}{84034}One pack?
{84037}{84092}Our industry has been working|hand in hand with...
{84094}{84141}Nick! Just listen, all right?
{84143}{84180}What makes America|the best government?
{84183}{84238}The passion that doesn't exist|anywhere in the world.
{84241}{84286}Says here there are|many adverse reactions
{84289}{84314}from those things.
{84317}{84362}Let's see, " arrhythmia,
{84365}{84400}"constipation, dyspepsia,
{84402}{84463}- " nausea...|- My industry does $48 billion in revenue.
{84465}{84506}Pharyngitis, sinusitis..."
{84509}{84577}Sure you can call it capitalism,|a free market,
{84579}{84618}a celebration of tariff breakdowns...
{84687}{84734}I don't even want to know|what that means.
{84737}{84779}Hey, look, I guess you could|start by, you know,
{84781}{84825}asking for five million,|working your way up from there.
{84827}{84861}But I don't want any money, Nick.
{84864}{84886}Well, what do you want?
{84889}{84920}I mean, I'm all ears here.
{84922}{84997}I have another word for it{85000}{85029}love.
{85032}{85071}What does any man want?

{85073}{85111}The love of a woman,

{85113}{85142}crisp bacon...
{85145}{85261}an average life span over 80 years.
{85264}{85321}Oh, Nick...
{85323}{85370}(filtered applause)
{85373}{85422} don't look so good.
{85590}{85633}WOMAN:|If you should smell smoke,
{85635}{85694}please dial zero for the operator.
{85697}{85796}Before leaving the room,|check the door for heat.
{85798}{85862}Find your nearest|emergency exit,
{85865}{85962}then soak a washcloth|and cover your nose and mouth.
{85995}{86048}Do not remove your washcloth.
{86050}{86141}Try at all times to avoid|breathing in the smoke.
{86143}{86221}If necessary, crawl on|your hands and knees
{86224}{86279}to avoid the inhalation of smoke.
{86281}{86322}Do not be alarmed.
{86325}{86380}There are still|no conclusive studies
{86382}{86448}that link smoking to emphysema.
{86450}{86485}(machine beeping)
{86605}{86653}(monotone): You woke up.
{86656}{86708}NICK:|Perhaps a bad choice of inflection.
{86710}{86798}Is she implying that I|could'vejust as easily not?
{87067}{87096}I was so scared.
{87098}{87129}Hey, Joey.
{87131}{87165}(sighs heavily)
{87167}{87197}What happened?
{87200}{87265}No nonsmoker|could've ever withstood
{87268}{87316}the amount of nicotine|you had in your bloodstream.
{87318}{87365}Hate to say it, but...
{87368}{87429}cigarettes saved your life.
{87484}{87520}Can I quote you on that, doc?
{87523}{87577}You're a real trooper, my boy.
{87580}{87624}Hey, Captain,
{87626}{87658}where are you?
{87661}{87702}Winston-Salem General.
{87738}{87797}Damn heart failing me again.
{87799}{87841}I thought we could be roommates.
{87843}{87872}Nick, before|we get sidetracked,
{87875}{87916}there is one thing.
{87918}{87978}All right, don't get|all dramatic on me, doc.
{87981}{88029}You can't smoke.
{88120}{88145}That's no problem.
{88148}{88184}I've quit before.
{88187}{88233}I did during the pregnancy.
{88235}{88260}How long, you think?
{88263}{88312}I don't think you understand.
{88315}{88376}It's a miracle you came|out of this alive.
{88379}{88417}Any smoking- one cigarette{88420}{88470}could put you right back|into a paralytic state.
{88473}{88535}Your body just can't handle it.
{88662}{88710}Nick, I don't want to put|any more pressure on you,
{88713}{88757}but we got a camera crew|waiting out there.
{88759}{88808}If we want to make|the evening news...
{88810}{88872}You want to unhook me here?
{88874}{88968}This just goes to prove what|I've been saying for so long.
{88970}{89069}These nicotine patches|are just deadly.
{89072}{89114}Smoking saved my life.
{89117}{89179}Considering your condition,|will you still be able to appear
{89181}{89231}before Senator Finistirre's|subcommittee hearing
{89233}{89282}on the usage of poison labels|on cigarette packaging?

{89285}{89323}Oh, I think now more than ever

{89325}{89369}it is imperative that I be there.
{89372}{89420}Nothing will keep me from testifying.
{89423}{89496}Fucking kidnapping.
{89499}{89533}I don't understand, sir.
{89535}{89613}Aren't we considering|the kidnapping a good thing?
{89616}{89656}Well, he didn't die.
{89658}{89714}He was almost killed, sir.
{89717}{89744}That's the point.
{89747}{89797}Now he looks like a victim,|lucky bastard.
{89843}{89894}The way I heard it,|D.C. Police found you naked
{89897}{89936}laying in Lincoln's crotch
{89939}{90028}covered in nicotine patches|with a sign across your chest
{90030}{90090}- that said...|- He doesn't need to hear the details.
{90093}{90149}It was some pretty fucked up shit.
{90177}{90200}How are you feeling?
{90203}{90283}I don't know.
{90285}{90346}First time I'm thinking these|cigarettes are pretty dangerous.
{90349}{90396}You might be right about that.
{90398}{90433}What are you doing?
{90475}{90521}It may be small,|but it'll do the trick.
{90524}{90551}One shot, bam.
{90553}{90608}Listen, Nick is not|going to shoot anyone.
{90640}{90662}Yeah, huh?
{90665}{90694}I mean, uh...
{90697}{90741}guns are to be treated with|respect, you understand that?
{90743}{90790}You'll make a great father.
{90921}{90956}Hey, there he is!
{90959}{91000}Hey, he's back!
{91039}{91073}Welcome back.
{91076}{91126}- You okay?|- Great.
{91129}{91170}Good, 'cause you're booked on|all the Sunday talk shows.
{91173}{91240}For once we got public sympathy|on our side.
{91242}{91306}We can start our own little|celebrity victim tour.
{91309}{91365}I mean, we couldn't have planned|this thing better ourselves.
{91368}{91412}Oh, maybe next time|I can lose a lung.
{91451}{91510}Oh. Uh, I heard the, uh...
{91513}{91565}Heather Holloway article|is coming out tomorrow.
{91617}{91644}Yeah, anything I should be|worried about?
{91646}{91705}Uh, yeah, the Cancer Association.
{91708}{91741}Apparently, they have it in for us.
{92072}{92136}I got a call from the paper.
{92138}{92190}Really?|What'd they want?
{92193}{92266}They wanted the correct spelling|of my name and job title.
{92269}{92313}You didn't tell her|about us, did you?
{92476}{92528}I mean, maybe in passing, I...
{92531}{92570}In passing.
{92573}{92602}Oh, God, he fucked her.
{92605}{92637}I tried to warn you.

{92640}{92698}Hey, he didn't fuck her.|You didn't fuck her, did you?

{92794}{92817}In passing.
{92819}{92846}Look, she's a really nice girl.
{92849}{92873}Oh, God.
{92876}{92924}We're really fucked.
{93364}{93430}NICK: "Nick Naylor,|lead spokesman for big tobacco,
{93433}{93505}"would have you believe he|thinks cigarettes are harmless.
{93508}{93590}"But really, he's doing it|for the mortgage.
{93593}{93689}BAI LEY: The MOD squad-meaning,|of course, merchants of death{93692}{93770}is comprised of Polly Bailey|of the Moderation Council
{93773}{93806}and BobbyJay Bliss
{93809}{93903}of the gun business's|own advisory group, SAFETY.
{93905}{93990}BLISS: As explained by Naylor,|the sole purpose of their meetings
{93993}{94038}is to compete for|the highest death toll
{94041}{94078}as they compare strategies
{94081}{94153}on how to dupe the American people.
{94156}{94218}MEGALL:|The film, Message from Sector Six,
{94221}{94273}would emphasize the sex appeal|of cigarettes
{94276}{94324}in a way that only floating, nude,
{94326}{94414}copulating Hollywood stars could.
{94417}{94494}LUTCH: This did not stop Nick|from bribing the dying man
{94497}{94568}with a suitcase of cash|to keep quiet on the subject
{94570}{94669}ofhis recent lung cancer diagnosis.
{94672}{94756}JI LL: Nick's own son, Joey Naylor,|seems to be being groomed
{94759}{94807}for thejob as hejoins his father
{94809}{94880}on the majority ofhis trips.
{95040}{95090}RECEPTIONIST:|I have Heather Holloway on line one.
{95122}{95165}Hey, Nick, what did you think?
{95168}{95208}Heather, uh... I...
{95210}{95270}I mean, there's a lot|of information in here, Heather,
{95273}{95308}that is off the record.
{95311}{95365}You never said anything|about off the record.
{95368}{95474}I presumed anything said while|I was inside you was privileged.
{95514}{95565}If you wanted to talk on a plane
{95568}{95649}or at a movie or over dinner,|that would have been fine.
{95651}{95700}But you wanted to fuck.
{95702}{95737}That's fine by me.
{95739}{95788}You used me.
{95790}{95829}Oh, Nick, come on.
{95832}{95880}Now we're being children.
{95883}{95932}Look, we both love our jobs.
{95935}{95996}I'm just a reporter,|and you're just a lobbyist.
{95999}{96053}How can you do this to me?
{96107}{96156}For the mortgage.
{96411}{96489}You should have been|more careful, Nick.
{96491}{96558}You've destroyed all the good|will created by your kidnapping.
{96561}{96592}Well, we'll work up a rebuttal.
{96594}{96660}Heather Holloway isn't|the only reporter in town.
{96662}{96690}No, there isn't going|to be any rebuttal.
{96693}{96718}What do you mean?
{96721}{96753}Don't talk to anyone.
{96755}{96797}We're pulling you|from the congressional hearing.
{96800}{96837}No, no, no. You can't pull me|from the congressional hearing.
{96840}{96872}All you'll be doing is giving|credence to her article.

{96874}{96904}I'm ready to testify.

{96906}{96946}Look, Nick, half of my job|is damage control.
{96949}{96975}Today, that consists
{96977}{97040}of distancing ourselves|from you entirely{97043}{97133}letting you take|all the heat on this article.
{97135}{97177}Your job relied on your ability|to keep secrets
{97179}{97205}and spin the truth.
{97208}{97248}I just cannot imagine a way
{97251}{97290}in which you could have fucked|up more.
{97293}{97361}There's just no way I could|possibly keep you on staff.
{97363}{97406}Then I assume you've run this|by the captain.
{97409}{97455}Captain died this morning.
{97506}{97580}(mellow, jazzy intro plays)
{97773}{97909}(man singing slowly)
{98554}{98633}(singing ends)
{98844}{98890}(over answering machine): Mr. Naylor,|this is Pete in Security fro
m the Academy.
{98893}{98937}Your things are waiting for you
{98940}{98980}at the information kiosk|in the lobby.
{98982}{99011}Look, if you don't pick your|stuff up by Friday,
{99013}{99069}we're instructed to throw it out.
{99112}{99181}Mr. Naylor, this is Special|AgentJohnson with the FBI.
{99183}{99247}Having not found any leads in|your kidnapping investigation,
{99249}{99281}we're going to be|handing over the case
{99283}{99308}to the local D.C. Police,
{99311}{99364}so please refer to them|in the future
{99366}{99404}for any updates and questions.
{99451}{99513}Nick, Jack in Jeff Megall's office.
{99516}{99598}Jeff really enjoyed|meeting you the other day
{99601}{99650}and he's just... he's torn up|about the fact
{99653}{99695}that you two couldn't find|a project to work on.
{99697}{99748}He's reallyjust... I don't know.
{99751}{99793}So, listen,|but we should hang, at least,
{99796}{99843}so you drop me a line|whenever you're in town.
{99845}{99928}Uh... my e-mail is, uh...
{99965}{100002}#[Man Singing]
{100005}{100088}(knocking on door)
{100208}{100258}(pounding on door)
{100302}{100341}Who is it?
{100344}{100389}JI LL: It's me, Nick.
{100436}{100496}Jill, this is a bad time.
{100499}{100537}Let me in.
{100540}{100567}(sighs softly)
{100614}{100685}I brought someone|who needs to talk to you.
{100810}{100841}Hey, buddy.
{100844}{100890}Hey, Dad.
{100893}{100941}Coke in the fridge.
{101096}{101210}So, this Heather Holloway,|she must have been pretty hot.
{101213}{101282}Yes. She's pretty hot.
{101285}{101333}Don't take it so hard.
{101336}{101399}A few flaws can be appealing.
{101401}{101428}Makes you human.
{101430}{101465}Who wants to be human?
{101467}{101500}Well, I know one person
{101502}{101573}who still thinks you're a God.
{101969}{102034}Why did you tell that reporter|all your secrets?

{102112}{102175}You're too young to understand.

{102177}{102252}Mom says it's because|you have dependency issues
{102254}{102290}and it was all just|a matter of time
{102293}{102344}before you threw it all away|on some tramp.
{102347}{102426}Well, that's one theory.
{102429}{102473}Why are you hiding from everyone?
{102475}{102609}It has something to do with|being generally hated right now.
{102612}{102648}But it's your job to be|generally hated.
{102650}{102717}It's more complicated|than that, Joey.
{102719}{102773}You're just making it|more complicated
{102776}{102813}so that you can feel|sorry for yourself.
{102816}{102857}Like you always said,
{102860}{102939}"If you want an easy job,|go work for the Red Cross."
{102941}{102980}You're a lobbyist.
{102983}{103057}Your job is to be right, and|you're the best at what you do.
{103097}{103130}You're the sultan of spin.
{103159}{103193}"Sultan of spin"?
{103195}{103232}Mom subscribes to Newsweek.
{103266}{103298}Who cares what the Brads
{103301}{103325}of the world think?
{103328}{103358}He's not my dad.
{103399}{103434}You are.
{103437}{103514}NICK: And right there,|looking intoJoey's eyes,
{103517}{103598}it all came back in a rush.
{103601}{103660}Why I do what I do-|defending the defenseless,
{103662}{103717}protecting the disenfranchised|corporations
{103720}{103769}that have been abandoned|by their very own consumers{103772}{103826}the logger...
{103829}{103882}the sweatshop foreman...
{103885}{103933}the oil driller...
{103936}{103988}the land mine developer...
{103990}{104069}the baby seal poacher...
{104072}{104105}Baby seal poacher?
{104108}{104141}Even I think that's kind of cruel.
{104143}{104193}All right, you're missing the point.
{104196}{104238}I must be, because I thought|you were apologizing.
{104241}{104264}I'm getting to that.
{104373}{104489}The two of you, you're|basically my only friends,
{104491}{104546}and the last thing that|I would ever want to do
{104549}{104589}would be to hurt you.
{104592}{104637}And, I can only imagine...
{104639}{104664}Why are you smiling?
{104666}{104706}Why is he smiling?
{104709}{104759}He won a hundred bucks off of you.
{104761}{104834}I bet Polly you'd spill the beans|to that reporter.
{104837}{104896}That goes against everything|that we stand for.
{104898}{104953}Oh, please! You've ratted us out|to some reporter with tits!
{104955}{105001}Glorious tits.
{105003}{105058}Only after you created a betting|pool testing my incompetence?
{105061}{105110}Do you have any idea the beating|I'm taking at Moderation?
{105113}{105178}Well, look, I'm sure both of|you are under a lot of scrutiny.
{105181}{105233}You know what?|You can stop using the plural.
{105236}{105312}The guys at Safety actually liked|the name "Merchants of Death."
{105315}{105346}They're gonna have|some bumper stickers made up.
{105349}{105394}I'll make sure you get one.
{105397}{105443}Thank you.
{105495}{105539}That is disgusting.
{105572}{105613}It's American.

{105616}{105653}Can I have a bite?

{105695}{105744}So I guess this means
{105747}{105825}you won't be appearing|at Finistirre's subcommittee.
{105827}{105881}Hmm. I was kind of looking|forward to it, too.
{105883}{105949}It's kind of cool in|a Jimmy Stewart sort of way.
{105952}{106012}More like an Ollie North sort of way.
{106015}{106069}Finistirre would have|torn you a new asshole
{106071}{106108}in a House of Parliament, no less.
{106110}{106141}I could have taken him.
{106144}{106184}- Yeah.|- Oh, yeah? What would you have said?
{106186}{106216}I don't know.
{106218}{106296}I'd just like him to feel|immeasurable pain,
{106336}{106371}Yeah, well, that would be|kind of tough.
{106373}{106406}I mean, he's already a Senator.
{106453}{106505}I mean, how would you get|back in even if you wanted to?
{106773}{106804}You're not gonna like this.
{106806}{106876}(reporters clamoring)
{106878}{106905}Hello.|Thanks very much for coming.
{106908}{106964}First of all, I'd like to say|a few words
{106966}{106993}to all the people who|are mentioned
{106996}{107045}in the recent newspaper article.
{107048}{107084}Please take comfort in knowing
{107086}{107177}that I will not rest until|your names are cleared.
{107179}{107229}This experience has taught me|an important lesson{107232}{107275}having sexual affairs|with members of the press
{107277}{107313}is just unfair.
{107316}{107360}It's not unfair to me, mind you,
{107362}{107445}but to all the people in my life|whose only crime is knowing me.
{107448}{107524}It was your names, not mine,|that suffered
{107527}{107588}from a meaningless affair|with a seductress
{107590}{107673}in the form of a young|brunette Washington reporter
{107676}{107713}whose name I won't mention
{107716}{107762}because I have dignity.
{107765}{107805}(reporters clamoring)
{107808}{107832}Mr. Naylor!
{107835}{107878}Are you still planning|on testifying
{107881}{107931}at tomorrow's subcommittee|hearing on tobacco?
{107933}{107988}I'm glad you asked that question.
{107990}{108032}There have been wide accusations of me|dropping out of tomorrow'
s hearing.
{108035}{108064}Let it be known
{108067}{108109}that unless Senator Finistirre|has withdrawn my invitation
{108111}{108145}- to speak, it is my plan|- It's called a subpoena.
{108148}{108192}To be in Congress tomorrow|to share my knowledge
{108194}{108249}of big tobacco and all those|who enjoy its products.
{108251}{108281}Thank you very much.|I'll see you tomorrow.
{108284}{108322}(all clamoring)
{108325}{108372}(TVshuts off)
{108374}{108403}(phone rings)
{108444}{108521}(cacophony of phones ringing)
{109592}{109653}(indistinct, distorted|roaring and shutters clicking)
{109712}{109774}Still feel likeJimmy Stewart?
{110218}{110253}(electronic squealing)
{110256}{110282}Why don't you all go ahead?

{110285}{110321}This could be a while.

{110395}{110436}(electronic squealing|continues)
{110438}{110559}If we could, um... if we could|take our seats, please.
{110591}{110622}(clears throat)
{110625}{110686}Gentlemen, ladies.
{110689}{110754}If I may call this meeting to order.
{110757}{110871}We'll do everything we can to|keep things brief and concise
{110873}{110910}so that we can all|get out of here on time.
{110913}{110996}The skull and crossbones|means one thing:
{111037}{111101}Thus, the message is quite clear.
{111104}{111156}Like any other product|that carries the branding,
{111158}{111236}if you take it, you will die.
{111238}{111312}Yes, but isn't this overkill?
{111314}{111393}Why don't we just use words,|as we currently do?
{111395}{111486}Something that describes the|dangers of cigarette smoking.
{111489}{111513}Well, the American public|is not affected
{111516}{111551}by masthead anymore.
{111553}{111581}They need images.
{111584}{111641}We've done studies|which show that consumers react
{111643}{111704}up to 80% more to imagery|rather than words.
{111707}{111738}The stats are there.
{111741}{111784}It's just sad
{111786}{111842}that the Academy ofTobacco|Studies did not release
{111845}{111878}this type of information earlier.
{111881}{111952}When you say|the Academy ofTobacco Studies,
{111954}{111986}you're referring to...
{112018}{112060}To the coalition...
{112062}{112085}Yes, the coalition.
{112087}{112125}The big... big tobacco...
{112128}{112158}...that is represented by...
{112161}{112190}By, um...
{112193}{112220}And specifically
{112274}{112312}Mr., uh, Nick Naylor.
{112315}{112337}Nick Naylor?
{112339}{112362}Thank you very much.
{112410}{112432}WITNESS:|The current use
{112434}{112473}of words instead of imagery
{112476}{112562}is an obvious move against|the non-English-speaking population
{112565}{112600}of the United States.
{112602}{112653}The skull and crossbones
{112656}{112737}speak loudly in all languages.
{112739}{112801}By not using it,|they're saying
{112804}{112900}they want those who can't|read English to die.
{112903}{112945}Hmm. Senor Herrera,
{112948}{113016}could you clarify "they"?
{113018}{113049}NICK:|Let it be known,
{113052}{113111}the public beating|has not gone out of style.
{113287}{113339}Nick Naylor, please step forward.
{113572}{113635}You go sit with him.
{113836}{113908}Please state your name,|address and current occupation.
{113910}{113937}My name is Nick Naylor.
{113940}{113982}I live at 6000|Massachusetts Avenue
{113985}{114030}and I am currently unemployed,
{114033}{114084}but until recently,|I was the vice president
{114086}{114122}of the Academy ofTobacco Studies.
{114125}{114146}Mr. Naylor,

{114149}{114232}as vice president|of the Academy

{114234}{114281}ofTobacco Studies,|what was required of you?
{114284}{114313}What did you do?
{114316}{114400}I informed the public|of all the research performed
{114402}{114450}in the investigation|on the effects of tobacco.
{114453}{114480}Mm-hmm,|and what,
{114482}{114544}so far,|has the Academy concluded
{114546}{114605}in their investigation|into the effects of tobacco?
{114607}{114661}Well, many things, actually.
{114664}{114706}Why, just the other day|they uncovered evidence
{114709}{114753}that smoking can offset|Parkinson's disease.
{114755}{114796}(amused buzz)
{114799}{114828}I'm sure the health|community
{114831}{114858}is thrilled.
{114861}{114930}Mr. Naylor, who provides|the financial backing
{114933}{114980}for the Academy ofTobacco Studies?
{114982}{115061}Uh... Conglomerated Tobacco.
{115063}{115104}That's the cigarette companies.
{115106}{115156}For the most part, yes.
{115158}{115228}Do you think that...
{115230}{115277}might affect their priorities?
{115280}{115312}No, just as I'm sure
{115314}{115358}campaign contributions|don't affect yours.
{115388}{115430}(all laughing)
{115433}{115510}Senators, Mr. Naylor is not here|to testify on the goings-on
{115513}{115556}of the Academy ofTobacco Studies.
{115558}{115608}We're here to examine|the possibility
{115610}{115644}of a warning logo on cigarettes.
{115646}{115669}Now, Mr. Naylor,
{115672}{115708}I have to ask you,|out of formality,
{115711}{115758}do you believe that smoking|cigarettes, over time,
{115761}{115838}can lead to lung cancer and|other respiratory conditions
{115841}{115869}such as emphysema?
{116018}{116040}In fact, I think you'd be|hard-pressed
{116042}{116068}to find someone|who really believes
{116071}{116118}that cigarettes are not|potentially harmful.
{116121}{116174}I mean, show of hands,|who out here thinks
{116177}{116212}- that cigarettes aren't dangerous...|- Mr. Naylor.
{116215}{116290}There's no need for theatrics.
{116293}{116354}Sir, I just don't see the point in a warning|label for something
people already know.
{116357}{116388}The warning symbol
{116390}{116477}is a reminder, a reminder of the|dangers of smoking cigarettes.
{116480}{116524}Well, if we want to remind|people of danger,
{116526}{116563}why don't we slap|a skull and crossbones
{116565}{116589}on all Boeing airplanes,
{116591}{116625}Senator Lothridge?
{116628}{116650}And all Fords, Senator Dupree?
{116653}{116709}That is ridiculous.
{116711}{116766}The death toll from airline|and automobile accidents
{116769}{116818}doesn't even skim the surface|of cigarettes.
{116821}{116846}They don't even compare.
{116849}{116898}Oh, this from a senator|who calls Vermont home.
{116901}{116952}I don't follow you, Mr. Naylor.
{116954}{116994}Well, the real
{116997}{117058}demonstrated number one killer|in America is cholesterol,
{117061}{117084}and here comes|Senator Finistirre,
{117087}{117141}whose fine state is,|I regret to say,

{117143}{117216}clogging the nation's arteries|with Vermont cheddar cheese.

{117218}{117253}(audience murmuring)
{117255}{117320}If we want to talk numbers,|how about the millions of people
{117323}{117346}dying of heart attacks.
{117349}{117379}Perhaps Vermont cheddar
{117381}{117438}should come|with a skull and crossbones.
{117441}{117485}That is lud...
{117487}{117510}The great state of Vermont
{117513}{117550}will not apologize for its cheese.
{117553}{117576}Mr. Naylor,
{117578}{117614}we are here to discuss cigarettes.
{117617}{117704}Not planes, not cars- cigarettes.
{117706}{117770}Now, as we discussed earlier,|these warning labels
{117773}{117849}are not for those who know, but|rather for those who don't know.
{117897}{117944}What about the children?
{117998}{118045}it's called education.
{118047}{118092}It doesn't come off the side|of a cigarette carton.
{118094}{118120}It comes from our teachers,
{118122}{118172}and more importantly, our parents.
{118174}{118249}It is the job|of every parent
{118252}{118339}to warn their children of all|the dangers of the world,
{118341}{118403}including cigarettes, so that|one day, when they get older,
{118405}{118449}they can choose for themselves.
{118503}{118579}I look at my... son
{118617}{118661}was kind enough|to come with me today,
{118664}{118724}and I can't help but think
{118726}{118781}that I am responsible|for his growth
{118783}{118834}and his development.
{118837}{118873}And I'm proud of that.
{118876}{118906}Well, having|said that,
{118909}{118970}would you condone him smoking?
{118973}{119029}Well, of course not.|He's not 18.
{119031}{119056}That would be illegal.
{119087}{119137}Yes, l-I heard you deliver|that line on 20-20,
{119140}{119173}but enough dancing.
{119175}{119231}What are you going to do|when he turns 18?
{119271}{119308}Come on, Mr. Naylor.
{119311}{119396}On his 18th birthday, will|you share a cigarette with him?
{119399}{119452}Will you spend|a lovely afternoon,
{119455}{119507}like one of your ludicrous|cigarette advertisements?
{119509}{119546}You seem to have a lot to say
{119549}{119581}about how we|should raise our children.
{119583}{119606}What of your own?
{119609}{119668}What are you|going to do
{119670}{119725}when he turns 18?
{119884}{119972}If he really wants a cigarette,|I'll buy him his first pack.
{119974}{120011}(audience mutters softly)
{120085}{120153}Thank you for your testimony,|Mr. Naylor. You're excused.
{120317}{120352}I'll meet you outside, okay?
{120693}{120720}Well done, my boy.
{120723}{120774}Were you in the same room as me?
{120777}{120803}The whole personal choice thing?
{120805}{120832}They ate that shit up.
{120835}{120879}(laughing):|Just checked the whip count.
{120881}{120915}That bill is going down in flames.

{120917}{120985}Your speech was unorthodox,|but you did it, boy.

{120988}{121009}You crushed the fucker.
{121012}{121039}That's good news for you guys.
{121041}{121075}Oh. Whoa, whoa.
{121077}{121147}We're still a team, right?
{121149}{121197}What about damage control?
{121233}{121265}Look, Nick.
{121268}{121354}Winston-Salem is ready|to do whatever it takes
{121357}{121393}to keep you onboard.
{121500}{121588}(crowd clamoring)
{121591}{121664}Nick, will you continue|fighting for cigarettes?
{121667}{121699}Of course he will.
{121701}{121749}This man here is our general.
{121751}{121793}We're not just gonna let him retire.
{121796}{121820}REPORTER:|Is that correct, Nick?
{121823}{121859}You're sticking with tobacco?
{121956}{122040}NICK: Now, I know what|you're probably thinking.
{122042}{122070}What a great opportunity for me
{122073}{122111}to teach Joey|how to use leverage against
{122113}{122152}a backstabbing boss.
{122154}{122237}But I actually meant what|I said about responsibility.
{122239}{122326}Some things|arejust more important
{122329}{122356}than paying a mortgage.
{122359}{122421}So I did the only responsible|thing I could.
{122424}{122490}I turned down thejob.
{122493}{122549}And my timing|couldn't have been better.
{122551}{122606}Within a few months,|the cigarette companies
{122609}{122642}settled|with the American smoker
{122645}{122708}to the tune of $246 billion.
{122737}{122793}And the Academy|of Tobacco Studies
{122795}{122837}was permanently dismantled.
{122840}{122895}For the first time in decades,
{122897}{122938}BRfound himself out of work.
{122981}{123031}Otherwise, not much has changed.
{123033}{123085}The MOD squad still meets every week.
{123121}{123176}We even added a few new members.
{123178}{123245}The things I could learn|from you, BobbyJay.
{123248}{123272}POLLY: Right.
{123274}{123309}BOBBYJAY:|Stick around. Stick around.
{123311}{123376}Senator Finistirre is still|fighting for his causes.
{123379}{123421}What do you say|to the people who claim
{123424}{123470}you are destroying cinema classics?
{123473}{123512}Mmm, no. All|we're doing
{123514}{123554}is using|digital technology
{123557}{123632}to tastefully update|movies of the past...
{123635}{123672}by removing cigarettes.
{123675}{123752}I believe that if these|stars were alive today,
{123755}{123813}they would agree that|we're doing the right thing.
{123816}{123857}But, in essence, aren't|you changing history?
{123860}{123954}No, I think we're improving history.
{123999}{124031}Even Heather is still reporting.
{124033}{124066}The whole town has been evacuated.
{124069}{124196}They're calling this|the storm of the century.
{124198}{124230}Not much changes at all.
{124233}{124345}And this year's Foggy Bottom|Debating Society Champion is...
{124348}{124372}Joey Naylor.
{124374}{124402}- Yay!|- Yay!
{124405}{124426}NICK: Joey!
{124429}{124450}POLLY: Joey!

{124453}{124474}NICK: Joey, Joey!

{124477}{124513}That's my boy.
{124516}{124553}Hold it up. Hold it up.
{124556}{124600}(Polly whooping)
{124641}{124689}And me?
{124692}{124756}Well, there's still a place|for guys like me.
{124759}{124822}So, be straight with me.
{124825}{124890}Is it true?
{124893}{124926}- It could be.|- Come on.
{124929}{124979}We know of very few cases.
{124981}{125008}There's no scientific proof at all.
{125011}{125033}There was an unfortunate|incident out in Iowa...
{125035}{125058}It's really a complicated situation.
{125092}{125154}practice these words|in front of the mirror.
{125157}{125228}"Although we are constantly|exploring the subject,
{125230}{125295}"currently,|there is no direct evidence
{125297}{125331}"that links cell phone usage
{125333}{125378}to brain cancer."
{125403}{125476}(relieved sigh)
{125534}{125577}Michael Jordan plays ball.
{125580}{125617}Charles Manson kills people.
{125620}{125655}I talk.
{125695}{125722}Everyone has a talent.
{125725}{125811}(men singing folk)
{126607}{126670}(man singing folk)
{127029}{127130}(men singing folk)
{127493}{127563}(man singing folk)
{127917}{128010}(men singing folk)
{128364}{128448}(man singing folk)
{128876}{128967}(men singing folk)
{129363}{129440}(singing ends)
{129630}{130030}Downloaded From

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