5 Dimensions of Win

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5 dimensions of Win-Win

The principle of Win-Win is fundamental to success in all our interactions, and it

embraces 5 interdependent dimensions of life.
It begins with character, and moves toward relationships, out of which flow
agreements. It is nurtured in an environment where structure and systems are
based on Win-Win. And it involves a process or the means to achieve Win-Win ends.
- These are traits that we develop or establish; most of these are learned and
influenced by our environment


INTEGRITY - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles;
moral uprightness.
Having integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way. It's a
personality trait that we admire, since it means a person has a moral
compass that doesn't waver.
adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character
Ex. Even if most of the people do bad things, you hold on to your morals and
principles/what you believe is right and do the right thing
We need integrity to achieve a Win-Win state of mind because having
integrity keeps us grounded, with our morals and values. Although we have a
goal to achieve having integrity reminds us that we need to achieve our
goals, in line and congruent with our values
MATURITY maturity is the balance between courage and consideration
The ability to express ones own feelings and convictions balanced with
consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
Eating carrots kids but now i can eat a piece not applicable in the context
Assert your own feelings cpupled with concern to the feelings of others as
ABUNDANCE MENTALITY a mentality that there is plenty out there for
- That there is enough for everybody
- Sometimes we are pressured to win that all we want to do is to achieve
our goal thinking that when i win they will lose
- I will get this kay isa ma lang ni, isa lang ang pwede mag daog isa lang
ang number 1, kag ako na indi sila
- The opposite of this is scarcity mentality
- These are people who find it hard to be happy for others successes
- Its like something is taken away from them or a part of them dies
when they see others succeed or achieve something great
- These people may seem happy for others or maybe praise them but
deep inside they are eating their hearts out

Always comparing, always competing to the point that they harbour

secret hopes that others might suffer misfortune
Abundance mentality on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner
sense of personal worth and mentality; shares prestige, recognition ,
profits or even money applicable for rich kids only
Like in a group, others opinions matter also not only yours

- From the foundation of character, we then build and maintain
- The trust, the Emotional Bank Account, is the essence of Win-Win.
- An emotional bank account is an account of trust instead of
money. It's an account based on how safe you feel with
another person.
- Without trust, we lack the credibility for open, mutual learning and
- But if our Emotional Bank Account is high, credibility is no longer an
issue. This means that we have made enough deposits of trust so that
you know and I know that we deeply respect each other.
- Because we trust each other, were open. We put our cards on the
table. Even though we both have different perspectives, I know that
youre willing to listen and respect my opinion and at the end of the
day, we will agree on something. Therefore, we have results; we both
become productive.
- ***This relationship may be achieved easily when both parties are in a
Win-Win state of thinking. The real challenge would be when a Win-Win
person is dealing with a Win-Lose person. What should you do? You
need to listen more. Even how self-centered that person is in his
dealings, still show courtesy, respect and appreciation. Show more
courage and confidence in asserting your perspective and show that
you strive to achieve a Win-Win situation for the both of you.
- Character plays a vital role in this particular scenario.

- Win-Win can only survive in an organization when the systems support
- If you talk Win-Win but your reward is Win-Lose, then theres no point
in that. One of you will lose still.
- For example in a company, the boss fosters cooperation, team work,
working as one, in order to achieve their target but the reward for
accomplishing it is a trip for one in paradise. You are actually setting

them up to compete with one another to achieve the reward. Do you

think the reward is in line with the Win-Win paradigm?
- Win-Win cannot survive in an environment full of competition and
contests. The systems have to support it, from the training, planning,
communication, budgeting, information and compensation systems.

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