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Novice Insights

Market Pretest Among Private Student OpenID

Florina-Adriana SANISLAV
Social sites are representing today quick method of communication for millions of
people, although present there are present unique challenges for authentication. Recently,
Internet services have become more attractive and more users use them. The present study
analyzes perceptions about OpenID of 450 students from different universities in ClujNapoca. The conclusion is that the students do not invest more in online shopping, but thez
conseder useful the program OpenID, that accounts are safer and easier to use.


Social sites are a quick method of communication for millions of people, although present
unique challenges for authentication. Google and Facebook are among the most popular sites.
These web pages are unique in terms of the identity of the person who created the account, as
users can create personalized profile pages.
Recently, Internet services have become more attractive and accessible to more users. The
user authentication function is important for services that require online payment. Many sites
still use Internet pair ID / Password for all of them, although attack techniques have diversified
in recent years. In order to cope with this problem, some sites apply multifactor authentication
methods such as biometrics or One Time Password. [1]


The OpenID System

OpenID is a decentralized system scheme SSO authentication mechanism. OpenID users

identify with a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and XRI (Extensible Resource Identifier).
The system OpenID identity provider and the service provider are named as OpenID provider
(OP), based on RP. The latest version is OpenID Connect. The technique uses the entire site
OpenID Internet service. The combination of SIM -based authentication method with OpenID
has already been proposed. This identity management system, users and the service provider
provides the most convenient secure authentication[1].
OpenID Connect provides a simple, standard to outsource the website and applications
connecting operators continuously investing in infrastructure and who have specialized
knowledge required to connect and securely manage detecting abuse. This investment is
coupled with the increased cost to assist users who have lost their account and password
recovery. [2]

Novice Insights
OpenID Connect is based on the use of identity and safety standards such as Oauth 2.0 and
TLS (also known under the name SSL or "https"). Thus has the advantage that it is an easier
implementation than other identity protocols (allows simple implementation without sacrificing
security). OpenID Connect has been implemented worldwide on both the Internet and mobile
companies including Google, Microsoft, Deutsche Telekom, Nomura Research Institute etc. It
will be built into commercial products and implemented open-source libraries for global
implementation. Microsoft is a key contributor to the development OpenID Connect and helps
its easy implementation for use in a wide range of cases. [2]
OpenID is an authentication system that assumes that everyone has access to a URL and
OpenID identity provider who is willing to speak on behalf of this URL or XRI.
In this paper, we propose investigating Romanian student opinion on OpenIDs use, in order
to assess what impact it will have in future in using online services.


Install XAMPP Server and Creating e-Commerce Sites

XAMPP package is an open source software package that contains programming languages
like PHP, JSP and MySQL database server and Apache . After installing the computer acts as a
server connected to the Internet. [5]
The package is downloaded and saved on the computer in your C: \ XAMPP and install
MySQL and Apache versions. After installing the package, will set up the XAMPP Control
Panel. The web server can run only on port 80 because it is the port for the HTTP protocol. [5 ]
Creating a database with Apache application server start Apache and MySQL assumes the
XAMPP Control Panel using a browser and typing http: // localhost / phpMyAdmin / [5].
To create effective database menu is accessed from the "Database" and then "Create
database" and typing a name for it, and to the Collation choose utf8_romanian_ci. By clicking
"Create" database created will be in the left menu of the page. [6] They have created two ecommerce sites in two different platforms.
The first site is the WordPress platform and the second platform Drupal. WordPress is a
publishing platform that comes with a great set of features designed to make the experience as
easy as internet editor, pleasant and attractive. WordPress is a platform that enables the
management of a site or blog without the need for HTML knowledge to create web pages. [7]
Drupal is an open source software content management system written in PHP and
distributed under the GNU (Global Public License). It used government sites, personal blogs or
social networks. Installing Drupal platform requires capturing user menu management,
administration and creates custom themes and content type. Can be a site maintained by one or
more users, with more than 20.100 modules to amend and expand the capabilities free of Drupal
core and adding new features to its appearance. [8]
For e-commerce will use Ubercart [9], a module able to handle 80-90% of customer needs
in terms of a shopping cart. Configuring site requires choosing a specific domain name which
includes website and an e-mail and a phone number where customers must call for order. On
the first page you can choose the appearance of the most important categories of information.

Research Methodology

The main objective of this work is to realize an analysis of the purchasing behavior of online
products to students in four universities of Cluj-Napoca. Also, it is done an outline of the
reasons for which students choose to buy from online stores.

Novice Insights
Other objectives of this work are:
A degree of knowledge of the program by the students OpenID.
The probability of its use in the future.
a specific market segment study students , as potential buyers online, by analyzing
the frequency of access / purchase of products on e-commerce sites and value of
Examining a confidence level of students for online payments.
Highlighting known methods of e-commerce fraud.
a user Investigation ducks social behavior by students .
Highlighting a sites- their authentication is done with the same id and password.
A survey of the knowledge and use of OpenID program by students.
It was implemented a questionnaire comprising 19 questions open and closed questions in
The sample includes 450 questionnaires submitted by groups students made online, which
highlights utilization of electronic commerce in the purchase of different products. The
implementation of this survey was conducted between January 6 to February 15, 2015.
Questionnaires were implemented online using the Google Docs document, which allows
you to create new spreadsheets or some forms that can be managed as a single person and a
group of people.
The sampling method chosen was the non-random, conventional, by distributing
questionnaires to groups of students from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (150
responses), Babes-Bolyai University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the University of
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (with 100 respondents / university). Originally I
planned to include in the sample of an equivalent number of students from each of the four
universities, but due to the higher response rate in UTCN, I felt a surplus of 50 respondents
amended representativeness.


The Sample

Students in the sample belong maintly UTCN, ETTI faculties, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering. The UBB, answered students from the following faculties: Faculty of
Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Educational Sciencies and Psyhological. Most
students who responded to the questionnaire from the University of Agricultural Sciences and
Veterinary Medicine are part of the following faculties: Veterinary Medicine, Animal
Husbandry and Horticulture. The University of Medicine and Pharmacy responded mainly
students from the following faculties: General Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry. Most students
who responded are from 4th year with a percentage of 56.11% and year 3 in 23%.
Most students accessing e-commerce sites weekly (58.11%), but only acquires every six
months (33.55%). Perhaps this is due to the fact that students buy durable products, while
having discretionary income below average (at a rate of 54.11% came below 750 RON).
It can be concluded so that students do not represent a potentially extremely important
segment in the moment, but are promoters that online shopping makes becoming an important
long-term financial independence you will have a higher percentage.
It further noted that the products purchased by students in last year prevalence is between
201-500RON (at a rate of 40.33%) followed by 34.44% who claim the products they bought is
between 501-1000RON.

Novice Insights
Also, only a percentage of 14.66% say that the value of such purchases is in the range from
1001 to 2000 RON. We note that the expected annual online purchases among students are
below the average annual cost online, but because they are inclined to use technology including
procurement can be an important long-term benefit for online shops.


Analysis of the Level of Trust for Online Payments

Analysis of the level of trust for online payments it showed that 39.55 % -40.66 % gave a
rating of 3 and 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the minimum confidence and maximum five
(Table 1) . Also 10.88 % of the students who responded to this survey claim to have maximum
trust in online payments, while between 1.11 % -7.33 % minimum marks were given 1 and 2.
Because orient more toward what 's new technology, perhaps it is easier to purchase online and
also have confidence in electronic payments.































Table 1: Level of trust of students on electronic payments

From tests presented in Table 2, it can be seen that students' perception about the most
popular methods of fraud in e-commerce are stealing passwords (69.55%) and non-delivery of
the product (52.66%) and cloning of cards, date or their registration methods are less known
(14.33% - 20.22 %).


































Table 2: Highlighting known methods of e-commerce fraud


Novice Insights


Experimental Results
Highlighting Sites and Authentication

Following the implementation of the questionnaire for students, the results highlight that
most students authenticate with the same password for social networking and e- mail (86.33%).
Only 1.5%-5.22% rate of use and gaming sites information or the same passwords, respectively
11.11% use the same password on e-commerce sites and social networks. Using OpenID that
makes logging into any website to be made with a single password, could result in substantial
efficiency and user comfort time.


Research and User Awareness Program OpenID

Based on the survey results, it is observed that students from UTCN are most who have
heard of OpenID (23 %), followed by those from medicine at a rate of 21%. Students at BabesBolyai know this program in 18%, and those from USAMV 15%. Perhaps the difference
between students from UTCN and those from other faculties who have heard of OpenID is
because the Technical University have detailed knowledge of IT and often use programs that
require installation on your computer in drafting semester .
Also, 81% of students at UTCN believe that the use of such a program is very useful or
somewhat useful. A percentage of 14 % of students do not know if it would be helpful such a
program, while 1 % said it would not be useful at all. Students at other universities are
convinced of the utility of the program OpenID in a smaller proportion than their technical
formation (useful at a rate of 26-54%).
From the analysis of the questionnaire results that students do not invest money move online
shopping. OpenID considers useful program with which not only save time because you no
longer need the accounts and different passwords for every site, but it brings a plus safety for
their data. OpenID lets you connect to websites using a single identifier as a URL. Through this
eliminates the need to introduce different names and passwords for each different websites. PIP
provides the flexibility to share only the information the user wants to other websites. The PIP
account creation each user receives a URL that uses PIP registration on any site displaying logo.

Figure 1: General personal code to create your account on the Symantec Web site

Novice Insights
PIP is easy to use. The first time connecting to their account and then visiting the site that
supports OpenID. The next step is gluing the URL generated in the sign industry. Its use makes
it easy to register a new account, or connect to an existing account. If the site requires
registration on the desired information, the user can choose what information you want to share
information and keep them for him. [10]
Connecting to websites OpenSource is quite easy with this PIP. They allow users to choose
if they want to login with an existing OpenID or want to create a new one. If they want to
connect with an OpenID account is required to copy the generated PIP account created on the
Symantec Web site and stick it in the box that logged this program. To connect with the same
account from two different web pages, which have been used OpenID log-in PIP obtained. In
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 can be seen as a user has connected to different sites without having to make
their new account every time.

Figure 2: Connecting to set up WordPress site with code generated

Figure 3: Connect website with the same code created in Drupal


Novice Insights


Exploratory analysis revealed that most students acquire the online environment every 6
months despite frequent e-commerce sites several times a week. This result can be explained by
lower discretionary income that students have sampled them and that may be because they
purchase durable goods. The research also revealed that students be authenticated with the same
account from multiple sites at once, mainly in the social and e-mail. However, they argue that
the program would use OpenID as saving time, saving the need for new accounts every
ecommerce site they want to buy and at the same time, this program provides added security for
their data.
It can be concluded therefore that the issue addressed by this paper license is current and can
contribute to the advancement of electronic commerce and environment-specific online

[1] Ryu Watanabe and Yutaka Miyake KDDI R&D Laboratories, User Authentication Method with
Mobile Phone as Secure Token, Inc.Ohara 2-1-15 Fujimino Saitama, Japan
[2] Don Thibeay The OpenID Foundation Launches the OpenID Connect Standard, posted in
NewsPress ReleasezSpace, on February 26, 2014
[3] Dharmendra Choukse, Umesh Kumar Singh, Deepak Sukheja and Rekha Shahapurkar,
Implementing New-age Authentication Techniques using OpenID for Security Automation,
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol.7,No.2, February 2010
[4] Catan, D., Catan, Al., Cercetarea de marketing, Editura Dimitrie Cantemir, 1997, ISMB 97398108-6-1.

Sanislav Florina-Adriana, a student at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and
Information Technology, in the fourth year. In July-August 2013, I did practice the Romanian
Radio Broadcasting Company from Bucharest, for which I desire in the future to practice in
such a place.

Florina-Adriana SANISLAV, 4th year student

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
26-28 George Bariiu Street, 400027, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Manuscript received on May 21, revised on December 12, 2015

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