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Audience feedback- subtitles

-So what do you think of the actual video itself?-Was that you dancing?
-that was me, yes, thank you
-I just liked how you couldnt really see who it was, like the face or anything, but it looked good, I
thought it was good because you can see that, its just black and white and you cant see anything
apart from that (the dancer) does that make sense?
sorry if I'm rambling
- Thats fine, its supposed to. What, what did you think of the animations I used? Did the colours
stand out. Like the little bit of blue? Did that stand out for you? Did it match with the colour scheme
of this? (Points at the projector with digipak on display)
-You can see the same themes
-I thought it like, communicated your personality, I'm just saying, because I know you, but I thought
that I, sort of, it, that the video represented you, I felt, and sort of like, which might not make sense,
but I felt that it did and that the personality was good.
-thank you, ok so what do you think of the actual digipak? With the character, this is the artists
character, alias for this particular genre they multiple, which you will see later on. But, this is, this
particular one, and does it, theres, well... theres no text on it yet, as that will come in later, havent
got that edit done quite ready. But this is what I've got so far, so what do you think? Its going to
have an insert as well
- So why have you used the colour on this and not the music video?
Um... because... I didnt want it to be too abstract, I actually wanted you to be able to tell, because
they already have a brand identity, and I wanted to remain and stay with that Identity, and not break
away from it too much, because the original colour palette for this is quite more vibrant. Thing is,
with this particular character, you have to stay with the blood red for the eyes and other red articles,
they have to stay that colour. No matter what palette you use. So Ive tried to keep it in, tie with
that.You could put some red in the video, just now and again. The same colour red, just to make it more
clear that that, like does that make sense? By adding this colour red it ties in, I think if you put more
red in, just slight little bits now and again, I think it would make that more linked in
-Oh ok I could try to incorporate that yeah, sure. Sure.
- I really like the design it really captures the perspective together and yeah it looks really good.
-Thank you, ok
- And how about the choice of those animated bits that are covered in the video? Youve got the
wings and you've got the trees, where did they come from, where did they tie into this?
-Well its more of ... that hes an animated character in the first place and I was experimenting with it,
so I wanted to just to sort of see how far I could push it. And because it goes with black and white
silhouettes, it doesnt take anything away, I try and keep it simple.
-although its nice it for me it doesnt really work.
-I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm sorry ruby. Right so we've got the digipak, we have also got the
advert which was used in the beginning of the music video, the text needs work, but. I've drawn
that, and I've also animated that at the beginning, does that match the digipak?
-I'm just gonna say, three things that have come to my head, right so, its really impressive, to me
anyways, I know nothing of this or media,

-...- I know,
-so that song youve used, that is by him?
- yeah
- right ok, that makes sense.
basically, you have LapFox Trax, who is the artist, the main solo artist, who does all the work, and
they have different genres set for themselves, but they use different aliases for each genre, so for
drum and bass and the remix of this song, thats the. Thats the chosen character thats used to
represent that genre. So for example because, I have also added at the beginning an insert, which is
here, so we've got this cover, which will be on the front of it. It gonna have, all these different
characters, they are completely different to what you've seen before because they represent
different genres anyway, so this is like a complete glitch remix, that one is like summer time, they all
have different ones behind them this one is complete glitch-core,
-so for the, the one that you have chosen, the only thing ill say is that
- The text which you've brought up
-Im going to change it to proper text, because before it was sort of filler, just so you would know
where it would go, I havent actually included it properly yet.
-well I like the style it could be improved with, maybe a darker grey?
- yeah maybe, like a darker grey,
-its really good, what I think is that the animation, and the fox is that what it is? Sorry I dont man to
-its ok, yeah
-do they have to stay as they are? Maybe you could add the silhouette theme more. But then you
said that you didnt want it to be too same-y
yes, I was trying to add a bit of diversity to it,
- see now if you wanted to, if you really fancied it you do your dancing in the same routine, and have
like a hat with fox ears or whatever, and have them and the claw or glove things you've got
(reference to an earlier project).and have that kind of. I know its really a lot, but because of the
cover, is the fox, and that it is an animal, and because its just your silhouette so you cant really see
your face and you cant see any thing apart from your defined body and thats pretty much what
youd see of the animation if it was on there I mean on the cover anyway...
-does that make sense?
-That does make sense thank you
-With the eyes as well, they could be red, you know the eyes? Cos I suppose it would just link to the
sort of cover
-Ok, thank you
-Has this been helpful?
-yes that's incredibly helpful, thank you guys
-perhaps with each of the figures (insert) you could like attach it too a track linked with the, because
I dont know, because I dont know which-oh do you mean with the track being included on the title of the actual cover insert, oh! Have the
tracks on the actual cover,

-Yes I was thinking of including them
- yes because that would make it a little more clearer to see
- yes I'm going to, well they have their own little, they have their own albums and that, but I was
thinking of like a one off album, because this particular song, is a one off, by itself and wasnt
actually included in an album, thank you Ill do that thank you.

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