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: XI IPA 4

Cancel Fuel Rise, Seven Prepared Policy

Assalamualaikum WR.WB
With me Zuhrah Giatamah afternoon following a series of more
editorial information.
The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. the government will
issue seven budget management policy package to address the impact of
the cancellation no increase in fuel price (BBM) subsidy this year.
In order to make energy policy that was formulated by the central
government supported local government, one that governments face today
is the state budget based on oil price assumption of Rp 6 thousand.
However, due to subsidized fuel prices fail to rise, then the government
should be able to save money while looking for additional income.
Seven that policy is:
First, the government cut off all official transportation no longer
use the subsidized premium. In addition to the red plate service vehicles,
service vehicles with a black plate premium line is also prohibited. The ban
will also be accompanied by close monitoring.
Second, the government banned mining operations and plantations
vehicles using subsidized fuel. The minister also asked the mining and
plantation entrepreneurs build their own fuel tanks. Because the benefits
of the mining sector employers, so it must use non-subsidized fuel.
Third, the government will make savings in the sector. With that
policy, PLN banned from this year to build power plants that use fuel.
Coal-fired power plants being built is required non-fuel raw material such
as geothermal, coal, and solar power.
Fourth, the government will promote the diversification of fuel oil
to gas fuel. In order to support the conversion to CNG, the government
will distribute free converters for vehicles. For SPBG development, the
government has coordinated with Hiswana Migas to support the
procurement of CNG filling stations in each of each.
Fifth, the government will publish a Decree on electricity
consumption in government agencies.
Sixth, efforts to control the smuggling of fuel to foreign countries
will be tightened and accompanied by firm action.
The last policy is to encourage the production of hybrid cars and
gas cars. Expected to fuel electric cars and gas it could come on stream
in 2013-2014.

Well that's the information that we can, we all end the editorial

Wassalammualaikum wr.wb

BBM Batal Naik, Tujuh Kebijakan Disiapkan

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, pemerintah akan
mengeluarkan 7 paket kebijakan pengelolaan anggaran untuk mengatasi
imbas tidak batalnya kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi pada
tahun ini.
Agar paket kebijakan energi, yang telah dirumuskan pemerintah
pusat didukung oleh pemerintah daerah, salah satu yang dihadapi
pemerintah saat ini adalah APBN disusun berdasarkan asumsi harga BBM
Rp 6 ribu. Namun karena harga BBM bersubsidi urung naik, maka
pemerintah harus bisa berhemat sembari mencari tambahan pendapatan.
Tujuh kebijakan itu adalah:
Pertama, pemerintah memutuskan semua kendaraan dinas tidak lagi
dibolehkan menggunakan premium bersubsidi. Selain kendaraan dinas plat
merah, kendaraan dinas dengan plat hitam juga dilarang mengantre
premium. Larangan itu juga akan disertai dengan pengawasan yang ketat.
Kedua, pemerintah melarang kendaraan operasional pertambangan
dan perkebunan menggunakan BBM bersubsidi. Menteri juga meminta
pengusaha pertambangan dan perkebunan membangun tangki BBM sendiri.
Pasalnya, keuntungan pengusaha sektor pertambangan besar, sehingga
wajib menggunakan BBM non-subsidi.
Ketiga, pemerintah akan melakukan penghematan di sektor. Dengan
kebijakan itu, mulai tahun ini PLN dilarang membangun pembangkit listrik
yang menggunakan BBM. Pembangkit-pembangkit listrik yang dibangun
diwajibkan berbahan baku non-BBM seperti geothermal, batubara, maupun
tenaga matahari. Subsidi untuk listrik tahun ini mencapai Rp 93 triliun,
semua itu dihabiskan hanya untuk BBM, tuturnya.
Keempat, pemerintah akan menggalakkan diversifikasi bahan bakar
minyak ke bahan bakar gas. Guna mendukung konversi ke BBG, pemerintah
akan membagikan konverter gratis bagi kendaraan umum. Untuk
pembangunan SPBG, pemerintah telah berkoordinasi dengan Hiswana
Migas untuk mendukung pengadaan BBG di tiap tiap SPBU,
Kelima, pemerintah akan menerbitkan Kepmen tentang konsumsi
listrik di instansi pemerintah.
Keenam, pengawasan bagi upaya penyelundupan BBM ke luar negeri akan
diperketat dan disertai tindakan tegas.

Dan kebijakan yang terakhir adalah mendorong produksi mobil

hybrid dan mobil gas. Diharapkan mobil berbahan bakar listrik dan gas itu
bisa mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2013-2014.
Baiklah itulah informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan, kami segenap
tim redaksi mengakhiri. Wassalammualaikum WR.WB
1. How many the policy address the impact of the cancellation no
increase in fuel price?
2. What fill the first budget management policy?
3. What fill the second budget management policy?
4. What fill the last budget management policy?
5. Explaining three government policy to face the impact from its
cancelation increase of fuel?
1. the policy adress the impact of cancellation no increase in fuel price
is seven policy
2. First, the government cut off all official transportation no longer
use the subsidized premium. In addition to the red plate service
vehicles, service vehicles with a black plate premium line is also
prohibited. The ban will also be accompanied by close monitoring.
3. Second, the government banned mining operations and plantations
vehicles using subsidized fuel. The minister also asked the mining
and plantation entrepreneurs build their own fuel tanks. Because
the benefits of the mining sector employers, so it must use nonsubsidized fuel.
4. The last policy is to encourage the production of hybrid cars and
gas cars. Expected to fuel electric cars and gas it could come on
stream in 2013-2014.
5. First, the government cut off all official transportation no longer
use the subsidized premium. In addition to the red plate service
vehicles, service vehicles with a black plate premium line is also
prohibited. The ban will also be accompanied by close monitoring.
Second, the government banned mining operations and plantations
vehicles using subsidized fuel. The minister also asked the mining
and plantation entrepreneurs build their own fuel tanks. Because
the benefits of the mining sector employers, so it must use nonsubsidized
Third, the government will make savings in the sector. With that
policy, PLN banned from this year to build power plants that use

fuel. Coal-fired power plants being built is required non-fuel raw

material such as geothermal, coal, and solar power.

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