Oraedit Tgis Database Entry Grid: Installation

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TGIS Database
Entry Grid
Version 1.0.6

1. Installation file on CD is SETUP.EXE

2. After installation, files in default installation folder c:\Program Files\EMS\OREDIT will be:

3. A desktop shortcut icon (pathing to c:\Program Files\EMS\OREDIT\OraEdit.exe) will also be


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1. ‘Preferences.ini’ file in c:\Program Files\EMS\OREDIT specifies the Oracle RDBMS connection

Line 1 is reserved for future multi-user use, and is not to be edited

Line 2 specifies the Oracle TGIS server name
Line 3 specifies the editor Oracle TGIS database login name
Line 4 specifies the editor Oracle TGIS database password
Line 5 specifies the name and location of the element selection list (leave as is)

2. ‘MakeLUPARAM.sql’ in c:\Program Files\EMS\OREDIT constructs the table schema for the Oracle
‘LUPARAM’ table which contains the settings for TGIS tables/fields/values that are to be
displayed in the OraEdit entry grid. The SQL script contents are:

This script must be executed by the TGIS DBA to create table ‘LUPARAM’ in the appropriate TGIS
data base instance.

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3. Contents of the ‘LUPARAM’ table must be manually entered, according to user preferences. An
example LUPARAM table follows:

Definition of the LUPARAM fields:

TNAME which TGIS table this record applies to (case sensitive). ‘ALL’ specifies all
ITEM_NO this field is not currently being used
ITEM_NAM the field name within the specified TNAME table that this record applies to
DEF_VAL not currently being used. Default values for data entries are defined in the
database entry grid program itself.
LOOKUP the lookup tablename that the ITEM_NAM field is associated with
LU_VAL the field within LOOKUP that contains the linkage key value associating a
LOOKUP record back to the TNAME-specified table
LU_DISP the field within LOOKUP that contains the value for a LOOKUP record back
to the TNAME-specified table
ALIAS how the TNAME’s ITEM_NAM fieldname will be displayed in the data entry
grid form. ‘HIDE’ specifies that field ITEM_NAM will not be displayed at all in
the data entry grid.
FLD_DISP the field from TNAME that is displayed in the data entry grid’s fieldname
frame. If not specified, the MSLINK value will be displayed.

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The effects of the various records in the example table are as follows:

a. Handling lookup table insertions:

For ‘ALL’ tables, wherever the fields of ‘STREET_ID’ or ‘STRENAME_ID’ are found, they
will be linked to the ‘STREETNAME_CODE’ lookup table in the database (this field value
is not case-sensitive), retrieving values from the fields of ‘CODE_ID’ and ‘CODE_NAME’,

b. Hiding database fields:

For ‘ALL’ tables, the ‘CPARCEL’, ‘MSLINK’ and ‘PROJECT_ID’ fields will not be displayed.

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c. Aliasing table name displays, along with default field display:

The string ‘Parcel Information’ is substituted for the Oracle parcel tablename, and the
‘PARCEL_NO’ FLD_DISP value instructs that the value(s) of the PARCEL_NO field will be
the displayed values in the entry grid Layers frame.

4. Inserting the dbgrid.bas macro into MicroStation:

a. The Visual Basic code within file C:\Program Files\EMS\ORAEDIT\dbgrid.bas is inserted

in the MicroStation default macros folder (or other LAN-accessible folder. It is then
brought into MicroStation through a command line directive (‘macro tempe’) or
assigned to a taskbar button.

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1. Start OraEdit from the desktop icon, then bring up a MicroStation session with the appropriate
design file.

2. Construct a selection set of elements by individually clicking, shift-clicking, or fencing a group of

elements, then click on the dbgrid.bas macro button (installed in previous Section).

3. Once the dbgrid.bas macro has selected the database records, the OraEdit grid will display all
the selected records, formatted as specified by the Oracle LUPARAM configuration table:

4. All fields displayed are available for editing. Fields that have the Data column highlighted in gray
are domain-controlled fields, and clicking on the right-hand portion of the gray area will reveal a
drop-down menu for the field, as shown on the following page.

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5. Once appropriate data edits have been made, they are committed to the Oracle database by
clicking on the ‘Update Oracle’ button at the bottom of the form:

It is important to note that field entries are completed once the user clicks into another field.
Tabbing to another field will not register edits.

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Using Defaults

A powerful OraEdit feature is batch data entry management. An example of its use follows:

1. A group of centerlines needs to have every ‘MAPID’ field value changed from 18 to 20:

2. Change the MAPID field value to 20, then select the MAPID row by clicking in the gray box to the
left of the “MAPID” label. The ‘Add to Default’ button will activate:

Click in this area to

select the ‘MAPID’ row

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3. Click the ‘Add to Default’ button, then click on the top menu ‘Defaults’ item:

4. The Default Management window will appear, with the MAPID value:

Note: if other fields/values are present, they can be left-click selected and individually deleted
with the Del key. It is good practice to leave the Default Management window values Cleared
before assigning new default values.

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5. ‘Exit’ the Default Management window, then in the data grid entry window, right-click on the
‘centerline’ layer:

6. Once the ‘Update Features with Defaults’ button is left-clicked, a Warning window will pop up (if
more than one record is about to be modified):

7. If ‘Yes’ is selected, then all the records in the ‘centerline’ layer will be updated and posted to
Oracle in one operation.

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8. As noted previously, it is good practice to return to the Defaults Management window and Clear
all current default values:

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