Bai Tap Cho HSG 9

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I. Vocabulary-Choose the best answer:
1. The travel agency sent us a detailed ......... of our journey to India.
A. docket
B. agenda
C. itinerary
D. documentation***Answer : C
2. Technology is advancing nowadays that computers and other machines seem to be ......... after a very short time.
A. antiquated
B. obsolete
C. irreparable
D. disused***Answer : B
3. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely .........
A. free
B. voluntary
C. charitable
D. donated***Answer : B
4. After the revolution the ex-president found a safe ........ in the Far East.
A. refuge
B. sanctuary
C. haven
D. asylum***Answer : D
5. From the cliff top it is a(n)....... drop to the beach below.
A. sheer
B. straight
C. upright
D. erect***Answer : B
6. It's long time since London was ......... in one of its infamous pea-soupier fogs.
A. enveloped
B. enclosed
C. encircled
D. invaded***Answer : A
7. A washing machine of this type will certainly ........... up to normal domestic use.
A. hold
B. stand
C. come
D. take***Answer : B
8. In .......... I must acknowledge that we were guilty of errors of judgment.
A. hindsight
B. review
C. experience
D. retrospect***Answer : D
9. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but......... her.
A. expel
B. deport
C. eject
D. export***Answer : A
10. If the rain doesn't......... soon, we'll have to look for a taxi.
A. set about
B. let up
C. slow down
D. go off***Answer : B
11. I was ......... tired after such a hard day's work.
A. dirt
B. dog
C. wide
D. bone***Answer : B
12. She should have been here but she's gone ......... flu.
A. down by
B. down with
C. back on
D. through with***Answer : B
13. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were ......... to his arguments.
A. closed
C. careless
D. indifferent***Answer : D
14. He became a millionaire by ......... of hard work and a considerable amount of luck.
A, process
B. effect
C. dint
D. cause***Answer : C
15. He's been teaching music for years, but he hasn't any ..........
A. exams
B. experience
C. experiences
D. qualifications***Answer : D
16. She expressed her ......... for certain kinds of cheaply produced movies.
A. disapproval
B. distaste
C. disloyalty
D. dissatisfaction***Answer : B
17. The ......... of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin-based language.
A. extract
B. derivation
C. genesis
D. descent***Answer : B
18. In a dream he had a ......... of the future.
A. view
B. vision
C. reflection
D. image***Answer : B
19. Thank goodness you'll be there. I'm ....... on your support.
A. holding
B. calling
C. hanging
D. counting***Answer : D
20. The lecture hall gradually emptied as Professor Jackson ........ on.
A. kept
B. passed
C. rambled
D. touched***Answer : C
21. Do not be late for the interview, .......... people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless
B. otherwise
C. if not
D. or
***Answer : D
22. Spectators are reminded that it is .......... to take photographs during the match.
A. prevented
B. restricted
C. forbidden
D. banned
***Answer : C
23. I .......... at her for several moments, desperately trying to remember where I'd seen her before.
A. watched
B. glimpsed
C. observed
D. stared
***Answer : D
24. The company's .......... were well managed.
A. incomes
B. finances
C. economics
D. wages
***Answer : B
25. When the lights ........... we could not see anything.
A. went out
B. switched off
C. put out
D. extinguished
***Answer : A
26. The officer's orders were perfectly ...........
A. executed
B. developed
C. exercised
***Answer : A


27. .all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday.
A. Making
B. No matter
C. Considering D. Despite***Answer : D
28. Under the circumstances it be best to wait for a few weeks.
A. seemed
B. ought
C. might
D. should***Answer : C
29. Id prefer to postpone that decisionI hear from my uncle.
A. before
B. except
C. in case
D. in spite***Answer : C
30. I love the painting of an old man. He had such a
A. childhood
B. childish
C. childless
D. childlike***Answer : D
A. Complete these sentences with the correct phrasal verbs from the box.
doze off
crop up
step down
strip off
meddle with
take out
butt in
get around
own up
1. The sergeant asked for volunteers, but only three.................
2. She had such a bad cold that I was not surprised she ............... in the middle of the afternoon.
3. The subject of sex equality seems to ............... in every discussion lesson in my school.
4. To "..............." is to admit that you did something wrong.
5. Is the Bookworm a very good magazine? Because,if it is, I might ............... a subscription.
6. I'm sorry to................ but I couldn't help overhearing what you said.
7. Some people think that the Queen should ............... and allow Prince Charles to become King.
8. ............... and wait for the doctor.
9. It's none of your business: please don't ............... things that don't concern you.
10. Grandma broke her leg, and it was a long time before she was able to ............... again on her own.
1. came forward
6. butt in

2. dozed off
7. step down

3. crop up
8. Strip off

4. own up
9. meddle with

5. take out
10. get around

B. Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition.

1. I've got a better job since Tom took my company ...........
2. Would you be willing to fight............. your ideals?
3. Perhaps the three most important human rights are freedom ...........hunger, fear and persecution
4. You should taste their smoke salmon. Honesty, Fred. It's ........... this world.
5. I get very annoyed ........... people who don't queue at bus stops.
6. If you pay for both of us now, I'll settle ............ when we get home.
7. Graham broke ............ to deal with a customer.
8. In the end it all comes ............ a question of trust.
9. Let's get the job ............ as soon as possible.
10. The police didn't follow ............ Bill's complaint about his neighbours.
11. I'll dry the dishes if you put them ......... I don't know where they should go.
12. She left......... Paris......... a foggy morning.
for, on
13. The meeting was put......... until the next month.
14. He has lost touch ......... his uncle since he left the town.
15. Put ......... the cigarette, please. I don't like the smell of your tobacco.
16. Why should Ann look down......... him just because his family is poor?
17. He has got up ......... some new mischief.
18. She passed ......... when she heard that her husband had passed..........
out, away
19. He dreams ......... some very odd ideas.
20. The surgeon operated .......... his leg yesterday.
Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.
1. It's high time you ............. (make) up your mind about choosing a career. If you ............. (not decide), you .............
(never settle) down.
made, dont decide, will never settle
2. Do you forbid her............. (go) there again?
to go
3. I think it is nice to have someone ............. (believe) in.
to believe
4. I can't help ......... (fell) sorry for these orphans. If only there .......... (be) a home for them. feeling, were
5. Anyone .............. (see) my pencil? I.............. (leave) it here somewhere.
6. He objects to ................. (treat) like a rouge.
being treated
7. ................ (part) four days later at a hotel in Colombo where they ................ (meet).
parted, had met
There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes (A, B, C, orD)
1. For those(A) who find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy, one of the most important things are(B) to stop (C)
spending money on nonessential(D) items.Answer: B


2. That(A) the subways are overcrowded in Manhattan it (B) is (C) a problem that should be dealt with (D) soon. B
3. Down the street did live (A) the man and,his wife without (B) anyone suspecting that they were (C) really spies for a
foreign power.(D) Answer: A

4. It (A) has long been known which (B) to err is human but (C) to forgive is (D) divine.(D)
Answer: B
5. A carpet, as opposed from (A) a rug, completely covers (B) a (C) floor and is tacked down.(D)
Answer: A
6. In his experience (A) and success with (B) foreign policy, Jimmy Carter has proven (C) to be not alike (D) Richard
Nixon, who served before him.
Answer: D
7. While our parents' generation (A) looked upon separation as a last-resort (B) solution, many of today's young (C)
couples consider the divorce (D) an easy alternative.
Answer: D
8. In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright finally constructed (A) an (B) airplane having based (C) on calculations they had
been making (D) for years.
Answer: C
9. According to (A) many scientists, the release (B) of man-made chemicals into the atmosphere has made (C) much
damage to (D) the fragile ozone layer.
Answer: C
10. She was very upset (A) at first, but she came for (B) terms (C) with it eventually.(D)
Answer: B



I. Vocabulary-Choose the best answer:
1. The travel agency sent us a detailed ......... of our journey to India.
A. docket
B. agenda
C. itinerary
D. documentation
2. Technology is advancing nowadays that computers and other machines seem to be ......... after a very short time.
A. antiquated
B. obsolete
C. irreparable
D. disused
3. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely .........
A. free
B. voluntary
C. charitable
D. donated
4. After the revolution the ex-president found a safe ........ in the Far East.
A. refuge
B. sanctuary
C. haven
D. asylum
5. From the cliff top it is a(n)....... drop to the beach below.
A. sheer
B. straight
C. upright
D. erect
6. It's long time since London was ......... in one of its infamous pea-soupier fogs.
A. enveloped
B. enclosed
C. encircled
D. invaded
7. A washing machine of this type will certainly ........... up to normal domestic use.
A. hold
B. stand
C. come
D. take
8. In .......... I must acknowledge that we were guilty of errors of judgment.
A. hindsight
B. review
C. experience
D. retrospect
9. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but......... her.
A. expel
B. deport
C. eject
D. export
10. If the rain doesn't......... soon, we'll have to look for a taxi.
A. set about
B. let up
C. slow down
D. go off
11. I was ......... tired after such a hard day's work.
A. dirt
B. dog
C. wide
D. bone
12. She should have been here but she's gone ......... flu.
A. down by
B. down with
C. back on
D. through with
13. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were ......... to his arguments.
A. closed
C. careless
D. indifferent
14. He became a millionaire by ......... of hard work and a considerable amount of luck.
A, process
B. effect
C. dint
D. cause
15. He's been teaching music for years, but he hasn't any ..........
A. exams
B. experience
C. experiences
D. qualifications
16. She expressed her ......... for certain kinds of cheaply produced movies.
A. disapproval
B. distaste
C. disloyalty
D. dissatisfaction
17. The ......... of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin-based language.
A. extract
B. derivation
C. genesis
D. descent
18. In a dream he had a ......... of the future.
A. view
B. vision
C. reflection
D. image
19. Thank goodness you'll be there. I'm ....... on your support.
A. holding
B. calling
C. hanging
D. counting
20. The lecture hall gradually emptied as Professor Jackson ........ on.
A. kept
B. passed
C. rambled
D. touched
21. Do not be late for the interview, .......... people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless
B. otherwise
C. if not
D. or
22. Spectators are reminded that it is .......... to take photographs during the match.
A. prevented
B. restricted
C. forbidden
D. banned
23. I .......... at her for several moments, desperately trying to remember where I'd seen her before.
A. watched
B. glimpsed
C. observed
D. stared
24. The company's .......... were well managed.
A. incomes
B. finances
C. economics
D. wages
25. When the lights ........... we could not see anything.
A. went out
B. switched off
C. put out
D. extinguished
26. The officer's orders were perfectly ...........
A. executed
B. developed
C. exercised
27. .all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday.
A. Making
B. No matter
C. Considering D. Despite
28. Under the circumstances it be best to wait for a few weeks.


A. seemed
B. ought
C. might
D. should
29. Id prefer to postpone that decisionI hear from my uncle.
A. before
B. except
C. in case
D. in spite
30. I love the painting of an old man. He had such a
A. childhood
B. childish
C. childless
D. childlike
A. Complete these sentences with the correct phrasal verbs from the box.
doze off
crop up
step down
strip off
meddle with
take out
butt in
get around
own up


1. The sergeant asked for volunteers, but only three.................

2. She had such a bad cold that I was not surprised she ............... in the middle of the afternoon.
3. The subject of sex equality seems to ............... in every discussion lesson in my school.
4. To "..............." is to admit that you did something wrong.
5. Is the Bookworm a very good magazine? Because,if it is, I might ............... a subscription.
6. I'm sorry to................ but I couldn't help overhearing what you said.
7. Some people think that the Queen should ............... and allow Prince Charles to become King.
8. ............... and wait for the doctor.
9. It's none of your business: please don't ............... things that don't concern you.
10. Grandma broke her leg, and it was a long time before she was able to ............... again on her own.
B. Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition.
1. I've got a better job since Tom took my company ...........
2. Would you be willing to fight............. your ideals?
3. Perhaps the three most important human rights are freedom ...........hunger, fear and persecution
4. You should taste their smoke salmon. Honesty, Fred. It's ........... this world.
5. I get very annoyed ........... people who don't queue at bus stops.
6. If you pay for both of us now, I'll settle ............ when we get home.
7. Graham broke ............ to deal with a customer.
8. In the end it all comes ............ a question of trust.
9. Let's get the job ............ as soon as possible.
10. The police didn't follow ............ Bill's complaint about his neighbours.
11. I'll dry the dishes if you put them ......... I don't know where they should go.
12. She left......... Paris......... a foggy morning.
13. The meeting was put......... until the next month.
14. He has lost touch ......... his uncle since he left the town.
15. Put ......... the cigarette, please. I don't like the smell of your tobacco.
16. Why should Ann look down......... him just because his family is poor?
17. He has got up ......... some new mischief.
18. She passed ......... when she heard that her husband had passed..........
19. He dreams ......... some very odd ideas.
20. The surgeon operated .......... his leg yesterday.
III. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.
1. It's high time you ............. (make) up your mind about choosing a career. If you ............. (not decide), you .............
(never settle) down.
2. Do you forbid her............. (go) there again?
3. I think it is nice to have someone ............. (believe) in.
4. I can't help ......... (fell) sorry for these orphans. If only there .......... (be) a home for them.
5. Anyone .............. (see) my pencil? I.............. (leave) it here somewhere.
6. He objects to ................. (treat) like a rouge.
7. ................ (part) four days later at a hotel in Colombo where they ................ (meet).
IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes (A, B, C, orD)
1. For those(A) who find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy, one of the most important things are(B) to stop (C)
spending money on nonessential(D) items.
2. That(A) the subways are overcrowded in Manhattan it (B) is (C) a problem that should be dealt with (D) soon.
3. Down the street did live (A) the man and,his wife without (B) anyone suspecting that they were (C) really spies for a
foreign power.(D)
4. It (A) has long been known which (B) to err is human but (C) to forgive is (D) divine.(D)
5. A carpet, as opposed from (A) a rug, completely covers (B) a (C) floor and is tacked down.(D)
6. In his experience (A) and success with (B) foreign policy, Jimmy Carter has proven (C) to be not alike (D) Richard
Nixon, who served before him.


7. While our parents' generation (A) looked upon separation as a last-resort (B) solution, many of today's young (C)
couples consider the divorce (D) an easy alternative.

8. In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright finally constructed (A) an (B) airplane having based (C) on calculations they had
been making (D) for years.

9. According to (A) many scientists, the release (B) of man-made chemicals into the atmosphere has made (C) much
damage to (D) the fragile ozone layer.


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