Web Site Evaluation Form: Criteria Rating Content 5 4 3 2 Á

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Web Site Evaluation Form

Website Title: 42eXplore URL: http://42explore.com/
Target Learner: Grade 1 Subject/topic: Mathematics
Evaluator: William Brenner Date: 4/9/2010

Ý  m
Use the following criteria to rate the quality of the website of your choice (á being the lowest and 5 being
the highest). Be sure to provide a rationale to support your judgment and recommendation of the website.

CONTENT 5 4 3 2 á
1 Website is affiliated with a reputable organization. X
2 Learning goals/objectives are clearly stated. X
3 Learning activities are student-centered. X
4 Author/webmaster¶s contact information is provided. X
5 Content information is accurate and bias free. X
6 Content information is reliable. X
7 Content information is up to date. X
8 Content information is grade/age appropriate. X
9 Grammar and spelling are accurate. X
10 Website information complies with copyright laws. X
11 Bibliographic references are provided. X
12 Website provides high-level user interactivity. X
Subtotal: 53/60 points
DESIGN 5 4 3 2 á
13 Overall screen display is visually pleasing. X
14 Text is legible. X
15 Multimedia enhances learning. X
16 Multimedia elements work properly. X
Subtotal: 16/20 points
NAVIGATION 5 4 3 2 á
17 All links work properly. X
18 All links are clearly labeled. X
19 A site map is provided. X
20 Website is easy to navigate. X
Subtotal: 16/20 points
GRAND TOTAL (Content + Design + Navigation): 85/100 points

Excellent: Above 90 Good: 75-89 Fair: 60-74 Poor: Below 60


Rationale for recommendation:

The website 42explore.com received an 85 out of 100 for the fact that is was very simple, useful, and
direct. However, it was not considered excellent because it lacked excitement and content. 42eXplore is
also very out of date. The resources are functional, but at the same time old and dull. Because the
website lacks exciting multimedia, it does not support the attention of the student population. It is not
student driven.

Even though the web site has not been updated since 2004, the content will never get old. However the
multimedia found on the website is outdated. I would not eliminate this website from my recommended
list, yet, at the same time, there are many other related sites that offer triple fold.

My rationale is assessed according to the demands of the student user. If the website does not offer
exceedingly captivating activities or resources, than it fails as an educational website ± at least when
considering primary mathematics.

Web Site Evaluation Form

Website Title: WebQuest URL: http://www.webquest.org/
Target Learner: Grade 1 Subject/topic: Mathematics
Evaluator: William Brenner Date: 4/7/2010

Ý  m
Use the following criteria to rate the quality of the website of your choice (á being the lowest and 5 being
the highest). Be sure to provide a rationale to support your judgment and recommendation of the website.

CONTENT 5 4 3 2 á
1 Website is affiliated with a reputable organization. X
2 Learning goals/objectives are clearly stated. X
3 Learning activities are student-centered. X
4 Author/webmaster¶s contact information is provided. X
5 Content information is accurate and bias free. X
6 Content information is reliable. X
7 Content information is up to date. X
8 Content information is grade/age appropriate. X
9 Grammar and spelling are accurate. X
10 Website information complies with copyright laws. X
11 Bibliographic references are provided. X
12 Website provides high-level user interactivity. X
Subtotal: 39/60 points
DESIGN 5 4 3 2 á
13 Overall screen display is visually pleasing. X
14 Text is legible. X
15 Multimedia enhances learning. X
16 Multimedia elements work properly. X
Subtotal: 15/20 points
NAVIGATION 5 4 3 2 á
17 All links work properly. X
18 All links are clearly labeled. X
19 A site map is provided. X
20 Website is easy to navigate. X
Subtotal: 15/20 points
GRAND TOTAL (Content + Design + Navigation): 69 /100 points

Excellent: Above 90 Good: 75-89 Fair: 60-74 Poor: Below 60


Rationale for recommendation:

The Evaluation of the website was difficult. The WebQuest Model is very credible however the site¶s
grammar is extremely poor as is the clarity. I was not able to grasp the main concept of the model nor
was I able to fully comprehend the websites main message. On a more positive note, however, when
searching for WebQuests, I was able to find many matches for my subject area and grade level.

I would not recommend this website as being extremely resourceful. The only search matches I could
find on my subject area were books. Unless the user of the website is searching for books for
mathematics, this website is in need of improvement. Despite the grand total, this web site is poor.

My overall recommendation is rationale on the grounds of clarity and effectiveness. Even though the
website may lead the user to credible and useful resources, it is very difficult to understand.


Web Site Evaluation Form
Website Title: MathStories.com URL: http://www.mathstories.com
Target Learner: Grade 1 Subject/topic: Mathematics (Problem Solving)
Evaluator: William Brenner Date: 4/7/2010

Ý  m
Use the following criteria to rate the quality of the website of your choice (á being the lowest and 5 being
the highest). Be sure to provide a rationale to support your judgment and recommendation of the website.

CONTENT 5 4 3 2 á
1 Website is affiliated with a reputable organization. X
2 Learning goals/objectives are clearly stated. X
3 Learning activities are student-centered. X
4 Author/webmaster¶s contact information is provided. X
5 Content information is accurate and bias free. X
6 Content information is reliable. X
7 Content information is up to date. X
8 Content information is grade/age appropriate. X
9 Grammar and spelling are accurate. X
10 Website information complies with copyright laws. X
11 Bibliographic references are provided. X
12 Website provides high-level user interactivity. X
Subtotal: 54/60 points
DESIGN 5 4 3 2 á
13 Overall screen display is visually pleasing. X
14 Text is legible. X
15 Multimedia enhances learning. X
16 Multimedia elements work properly. X
Subtotal: 16/20 points
NAVIGATION 5 4 3 2 á
17 All links work properly. X
18 All links are clearly labeled. X
19 A site map is provided. X
20 Website is easy to navigate. X
Subtotal: 15/20 points
GRAND TOTAL (Content + Design + Navigation): 85/100 points

Excellent: Above 90 Good: 75-89 Fair: 60-74 Poor: Below 60


Rationale for recommendation:

This website received an85 out of 100 in my evaluation because it is very comprehensive. It offers
computer programs that are extremely useful for the grade level which is specified. The website presents
many practical activities that are effective for the stated objectives.
I would highly recommend this website to anyone dealing with word problems for the 1 grade level. The
sources are very credible and very useful. Navigation of the website is very simple. Also, it offers
correlations with all state standards.

My rationale can be supported by its usefulness as well as its high regard to resources. It not only
complies with North Carolina state standards, but all states. The site is also very good because it can be
viewed in English AND Spanish. This is extremely handy not only in the classroom, for a teacher, but at
home as well, for the parent.


Web Site Evaluation Form
Website Title: CoolMath.com URL: http://www.coolmath.com/
Target Learner: Grade 1 Subject/topic: Mathematics
Evaluator: William Brenner Date: 4/9/2010

Ý  m
Use the following criteria to rate the quality of the website of your choice (á being the lowest and 5 being
the highest). Be sure to provide a rationale to support your judgment and recommendation of the website.

CONTENT 5 4 3 2 á
1 Website is affiliated with a reputable organization. X
2 Learning goals/objectives are clearly stated. X
3 Learning activities are student-centered. X
4 Author/webmaster¶s contact information is provided. X
5 Content information is accurate and bias free. X
6 Content information is reliable. X
7 Content information is up to date. X
8 Content information is grade/age appropriate. X
9 Grammar and spelling are accurate. X
10 Website information complies with copyright laws. X
11 Bibliographic references are provided. X
12 Website provides high-level user interactivity. X
Subtotal: 53/60 points
DESIGN 5 4 3 2 á
13 Overall screen display is visually pleasing. X
14 Text is legible. X
15 Multimedia enhances learning. X
16 Multimedia elements work properly. X
Subtotal: 20/20 points
NAVIGATION 5 4 3 2 á
17 All links work properly. X
18 All links are clearly labeled. X
19 A site map is provided. X
20 Website is easy to navigate. X
Subtotal: 20/20 points
GRAND TOTAL (Content + Design + Navigation): 93/100 points

Excellent: Above 90 Good: 75-89 Fair: 60-74 Poor: Below 60


Rationale for recommendation:

Write a couple of paragraphs to CoolMath.com is an amazing resource for mathematics. It is

exceptionally student centered. The website offers a simple yet intricately decorated main menu that not
only is intriguing to the average student, but is also adult friendly. On the other hand, the website is not
the grade level that is being evaluated. Though it is an excellent website, it is not appropriate for my
subject area. However, it does overlap one activity (involving geometric shapes) with the Grade 1

For anyone ± student, teacher, and parent alike ± CoolMath is a great website. The site has many
activities that promote learning, while at the same time promotes having a great time.

CoolMath.com is an amazing educational website because it epitomizes the evaluation rubric. It is a

great example of how a multimedia can help a student inside and outside of the classroom. It is free,
easy, and very entertaining. The website is rated 93 out of 100 because it can be comfortably used by
parents as well as students. Also, CoolMath.com¶s site map is incredibly useful when navigating.






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