Intro To Theatre Syllabus Spring 2014

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Saint Louis University

Introduction to Theatre THR-150 Sec 1

Syllabus Spring 2014
Office Hours:

Xavier Hall G13

Office Phone:
Mark Wilson
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Xavier Hall G-41
Monday, Wednesday 2-5 pm shop hours
Thursday 4-6 pm shop hours Other times by appointment.
(It is best to contact me by email or a text to my cell phone.)
The Creative Spirit: An Introduction to Theatre by Stephanie Arnold
Fifth Addition McGraw Hill ISBN 978-0-07-338217-3
Older editions should work but the included plays may be different.
The text has a diverse selection of plays that we will read and discuss in
class. We will use the last play as a group project. You can also use an
electronic version. Be sure to check if it will work with your tablet or
viewing device!
Course Summary:
Theatre is a creative collaborative art. Theatre employs the literary craft of
playwriting as a medium for the performing arts of directing, acting,
singing, movement and dance. A theatre production synthesizes the visual and sensorial
disciplines of scenic design, costume design, lighting design, and sound design to support the
live performance. This course will explore the creative components of theatre, the production
process, and how theatre is produced. The student will have the opportunity to observe and
experience the theatrical process of our very own Saint Louis University Productions and the
offerings by The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, The Saint Louis Black Repertory Company, the
Fox and other local theatres. This class will also provide critical and inquisitive insights to
encourage the student to understand and appreciate theatre as an audience member and
explore their own personal creative outlets.
1) Provide a background in the history of theatre and styles of production.
2) Acquaint the student with the mission and goals of theatrical organizations.
3) Examine the creative and technical components of theatre and attain respect for the various
4) Understand the typical organization of a theatre production team.
5) Introduce the student to play production and production concepts.
Teaching method:
Lecture/theatre attendance/Discussions/Activities/Videos/Guest Speakers
Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help
us build our future, rather than just waiting for it. Augusto Boal from his book Games for Actors and NonActors

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Spring 2014

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Attendance will be taken for each class. After three unexcused absences, your evaluation for
the class will be lowered by one letter grade. (I value your contribution to class discussions,
activities, and feedback.)
Attend a performance of two of the theatre departments spring offerings, and write a two page
special topic essay or reflection on your experience as an audience member. You will receive
one complimentary ticket for each production. Try to avoid the critical review approach -- I am
looking for your own personal reactions to the plays. Your written reflections will be shared on
the class blog in SLU global.
Choose one of the following activities:
a) Outside of SLU theatre, attend one professional theatrical production and share your
experience by preparing a review or special interest story. For the heavy duty theatregoer, additional performance reports will constitute extra credit. (30 points for each
additional show attended)
b) Participate on one SLU theatre production crew. Scenic construction, lighting, properties,
costume construction, backstage crew, and publicity. (This can be exciting but does
require an extensive time commitment. But, if you are willing to donate your time and
would like to really see how the magic happens this is the experience for you. We ask
for a minimum 10 hours of time for the semester.
c) Propose and complete a written project or creative effort that explores some aspect of
theatre write a short play, interview a working actor, director or designer, or research a
specific historical aspect of theatre - Use your imagination. I do ask that you have me
approve your topic in advance.
The midterm exam will be on Wednesday March 5, 2014 . No class on Friday March 7, 2014.
(Spring Break)
The Final Exam will be on May 9 at 12 noon. . All project and play summary papers will be due
at this time. The exam will be a take home essay format and we will meet to review and reflect
on our semester work.
There will be four quizzes on the required reading assignments The Creative Spirit text,
assigned plays, and topics covered in class.
The musical theatre project will be an individual research project on a specific musical that you
select. You will present a brief 5 minute presentation to the class and also submit a two page
paper summarizing your topic. I will hand out specific details before Spring Break. This is your
chance to share a brief history and show examples of your favorite musical.
The final group collaboration project will be the creation of your own theatrical visual and
production concept for the play, Anna in the Tropics. The completed project will include a one
page description of the concept and a flavor board or power point slide show illustrating
examples of the setting, lighting, properties, costume design and sound design. The team may
also present a scene from the play. This will be a group collaboration and the conceptual
projects will be presented to the class starting on Wednesday April 30, 2014.

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Spring 2014

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Students with Special Needs - Disability Services -

In recognition that people learn in a variety of ways and that learning is influenced by multiple factors (e.g.,
prior experience, study skills, learning disability), resources to support student success are available on
campus. Students who think they might benefit from these resources can find out more about:

Course-level support (e.g., faculty member, departmental resources, etc.) by asking

your course instructor.

University-level support (e.g., tutoring/writing services, Disability Services) by visiting

the Student Success Center (BSC 331) or by going
Students who believe that, due to a disability, they could benefit from academic accommodations are
encouraged to contact Disability Services at 314-977-3484 or to visit the Student Success Center.
Confidentiality will be observed in all inquiries. Course instructors support student accommodation requests
when an approved letter from Disability Services has been received and when students discuss these
accommodations with the instructor after receipt of the approved letter.

Writing Services
I encourage you to take advantage of the writing services in the Student Success Center; getting feedback
benefits writers at all skill levels. Trained writing consultants can help with any kind of writing project,
multimedia project, and/or oral presentation. They offer one-on-one consultations that address everything
from brainstorming and developing ideas to crafting strong sentences and documenting sources. For more
information, call 977-3484 or visit

Academic Honesty:
Students should refer to the following SLU website for more information and the procedures following a
report of academic dishonesty:
SLU Statement regarding academic honesty:
The University is a community of learning, whose effectiveness requires an environment of mutual trust and
integrity. Academic integrity is violated by any dishonesty such as soliciting, receiving, or providing any
unauthorized assistance in the completion of work submitted toward academic credit. While not all forms of
academic dishonesty can be listed here, examples include copying from another student, copying from a
book or class notes during a closed book exam, submitting materials authored by or revised by another
person as the students own work, copying a passage or text directly from a published source without
appropriately citing or recognizing that source, taking a test or doing an assignment or other academic work
for another student, securing or supplying in advance a copy of an examination or quiz without the
knowledge or consent of the instructor, sharing or receiving the questions from an on-line quiz with another
student, taking an on-line quiz with the help of another student, and colluding with another student or
students to engage in academic dishonesty.

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Spring 2014

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Fine and Performing Arts Classroom Civility Statement

To ensure an optimal learning environment, the student must be an active participant in the educational
endeavor. The behaviors of each student impact not only his/her own learning, but the learning of their
peers and the teaching of the professor. In order to facilitate an optimal learning environment, students will
observe the following:
1. Respect: Treat others with respect in all situations.
2. Diversity: Embrace the diversity of others. Respect differing views shared by students or
instructors, and politely share your own differing/similar opinions.
3. Courtesy: Acknowledge and respect your instructor as the expert. Do not talk during
instructor-led portion of class, unless you raise your hand and are directed by the instructor.
Pay attention to the professors or your classmates presentations by taking notes and keeping
all non-related textbooks and non-class related material off of your desk.
4. Electronic devices: During class, turn off cell phone (no cell phone sending or receiving of
text or voice messages) and utilize computers only for class-related activities when permitted to
turn them on.

60 points
40 points
50 points
30 points
40 points
50 points
30 points

17 %

University Productions and written essays for each production.

Four reading update quizzes
Midterm exam
Musical Theatre Presentation
Group Collaboration Project
Final Exam
Attendance at outside theatrical production, crew
assignment, or special creative project.

300 points possible

The numbers:
Letter Grade
Extra Credit:
Students desiring extra credit may write a paper or propose a project approved in advance by
the instructor. The scope of work will determine points.

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Spring 2014

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Outline of topics and class schedule:






Jan 13

Introductions, Review Syllabus, The

St Louis Theatre Scene, Preview of
OT for Our Town

Website and press research

How Theaters Can Combat the
Stay-at-Home Mindset


Jan 15

Begin to read Chapter 1 of text

Research St Louis shows


Jan 17


Jan 20
Jan 22

The Impulse to PerformCollaboration of Actor, Audience, and

Space - Ritual to Performance
What is theatre
Comparisons to film, sporting events,
TV/Video, Gaming
Martin Luther King Holiday!
OT for Our Town Video


Jan 24

OT for Our Town Video

Thornton Wilder


Jan 27

Theatre Spaces and ArchitectureA brief history of performing spaces


Jan 29


Jan 31


Feb 3

Theatre as a mirror of societyThe social functions of theatre

Elizabethan Theatre/ Chinese Opera
The Playwrights VisionA Theatrical Blueprint
The Theatrical Process
Quiz #1 on Chaps 1-3


Feb 5


Feb 7


Feb 10
Feb 12


Feb 14


Feb 17


Feb 19

Backwards and Forwards

A Method for Text Analysis
Joe Turners Come and Gone
The ActorFrom Mask to Contemporary
Joe Turner Acting Scenes
Acting for the Camera
Theatre and Film
The DirectorWho is in charge?
KA Video Quiz #2
Chapters 4 and 5 and And the Soul
Shall Dance
Directing Exercises
Discussion of And the Soul Shall

The St Louis Theatre Scene

Group Discussion
Share show planning
Chapter 1 of text
Our Town synopsis
Chapter 1 of text
In Our Living and Our Dying: Our
Town in the 21st Century
Chapter 1 of text
Read Joe Turners Come and
Chapter 2 of text
Romeo and Juliet
The Peony Pavilion
Chapter 3 of text
Chap 3 of text
Quiz covering Chapters 1-3, Joe
Turner s Come and Gone
Chap 3 of text
Backwards and Forwards
Chap 4 of text
Begin toRead
And the Soul Shall Dance
Chap 4 of text
Chap 4 of text
Chap 5 of text
Chap 5 of text
Quiz Chaps 4 and 5
And the Soul Shall Dance
Chap 5 of text
Begin Reading Angels in America

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson


Feb 21

Spring 2014

Topics and Activities

Theatre tour and SCRIM lighting and
sound demoMiddletown Opens!
Introduction to the Designers
Scenic Design. Costume Design,
Lighting Design, Sound Design

page 6
Related Readings
Chapter 6 and Chap 11


Feb 24

Chapter 6 of text
Begin Reading Angels in


Feb 26

Scenic Design

Chapter 6 of text


Feb 28

Costume Design

Chapter 6 of text


March 3

Midterm review
Midterm status and class evaluation

Chaps 1-6
Two plays


March 5

Midterm Exam


March 7


March 17


March 19


March 21


March 24


March 26


March 28


March 31


April 2


April 4


April 7

Spring Break No Class

Get Away Day!
Angels in America
Clips from HBO Series
Tony Kushner
Angels in America
Clips from HBO Series
Tony Kushner
Angels in America
Quiz #3 Angels in America
Angels Guest Speaker
Dog Lady Discussion
Expressing a World View
of Realism
The Musical Theatre
The Broadway Theatre History
The Musical Theatre
Broadway History 2
The Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre Presentations


April 9

The Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre Presentations

Chap 11 of text


April 11

Musical Theatre Presentations

Chap 11 of text

Chap 10 of text

Chap 10 of text
Begin reading Dog Lady
Chap 10 of text
Angels in America
Chap 9 and 10 of text
Chap 14
Chap 7 of text
Chap 8 of text
Chap 11 of text
PBS Series Musical Theatre
. Chap 11 of text
Chap 11 of text
Read Anna in the Tropics

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Spring 2014


April 14

Topics and Activities

The Design Process and the
collaboration project.
Quiz #4 Anna in the Tropics
Anna in the Tropics Project


April 16


April 23

Medea and Greek Tragedy

Jason and The Argonauts


April 25


April 28

Anna in the Tropics Work Day

Medea Opens!
Anna in the Tropics Work Day


April 30


May 2


May 5


May 9

page 7
Related Readings
Chap 6 and Chapter 15

Chap 6 and Chapter 15

Medea Background
Chapter 13
Writing About Theatre
Medea Background
Chap 6 and 7

Anna in the Tropics Project and

Scene Presentations
Anna in the Tropics Project and
Scene Presentations
Final Class and Review

Chap 15
Chap 15
Chap 15

Final Exam
12 noon

Saint Louis University Spring 2014 Productions:

by Will Eno - February 21, 22 and 28, March 1 All 8PM
March 2 - 2PM
Mary Swanson just moved to Middletown. About to have her first child, she is eager to enjoy the
neighborly bonds a small town promises. But life in Middletown is complicated: neighbors are near
strangers and moments of connection are fleeting. Middletown is a playful, poignant portrait of a town
with two lives, one ordinary and visible, the other epic and mysterious. A tart play which captures life's
absurd beauty via a steady stream of gorgeous little comments on big things.
by Euripides, adapted by Robinson Jeffers - April 25, 26 and May 2, 3 All 8PM
May 4 - 2PM
Medea is indeed a kind of thrill ride, propelling us along, careening on the edge of precipices from which
we get fearful glimpses of the darkness of human nature. Haunting Western theater for centuries, the
Medea myth presents one of the strongest characters ever to appear on stage. This adaptation of
Euripides' Greek classic by Robinson Jeffers reaffirms his preeminent place among modern poets. A
seminal drama of love, betrayal, and revenge.

Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Syllabus Spring 2014

A Sampling of Local Theatre Links:

Link to the weekly theatre listing from KDHX Community Radio:
St Louis Theatre
A general listing of all St Louis Theatre Links
Sample Company Links
The Black Rep
New Line Theatre
St Louis Actors Studio
Peabody Opera House
Stray Dog Theatre
The Fabulous Fox
The New Jewish Theatre
The Edison Theatre Ovation Series at Washington University
HotCity Theatre
Mustard Seed Theatre
The Repertory Theatre of St Louis
Upstream Theatre

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Introduction to Theatre THR 150 Wilson

Syllabus Spring 2014

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Assignments for week one and two:

1. Explore the links to local theatre websites and select a play or plays you would like to
attend this semester. We will discuss the local theatre offerings on Friday. You can
also look at other college shows and new companies I may have missed. Prepare
your response in a short one page list. What shows appeal to you? Ticket prices?
Student discounts? Schedule? Links to video and image examples.
Due by class on Friday Jan 17, 2014

2. Research a local professional company and try to find the following information:


Leadership (Artistic Director, Managing Director, Board, other staff)

Mission Statement
Type of company - for profit, not-for-profit
Annual budget
Performance venue
Current Season
Typical Ticket Price Range
Target market
Due Friday Jan 25, 2014

3. Purchase or find the textbook and read Chapters 1 and 2. Start reading the first play
reading assignment Joe Turners Come and Gone by August Wilson. Read the play
the first time for enjoyment- imagine you are attending the play or seeing the movie.
Please have the play read by Mon Feb 3, 2014
(We will have short quiz on the play that day)

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