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CEE 169
Quiz I-October 15, 2015
1. Antonie van Leeuwenhoeck, who first discovered microbes, described the things that
he found under the microscope as:
a) prokaryotic organisms
b) little animals
c) microalgae

2. Microbes were first discovered due to the realization of pathogenic effect of bacteria in
a) Truth
b) False

3. Which of the following environment is likely to be free of microorganisms?

a) Pristine ocean
b) Secondary treatment tank in wastewater treatment plant
c) Inside molten lava

4. Bacteria are described as "germs" because most of the bacteria are harmful to human
and can cause human disease.
a) True
b) False

5. The fundamental goal of wastewater treatment is to remove bacteria from wastewater.

a) True
b) False

6. If we define living as the presence of metabolic activities in the individual form, which
of the following organism may be considered non-living.
a) Bacteria
b) Viruses
c) Protozoa

7. Look at the picture on the right and select where

methanogens should belong?
a) Fungi
b) Protoctista
c) Monera

8. Based on our current knowledge of evolution of life, Archea

is the most ancient organism on earth.

a) True
b) False

9. Eukaryotic cells have more cellular components, however, prokaryotic cells are more
complex in the cell wall structure.
a) True
b) False

10. Flagellum is found in the prokaryotic cells but it is not present in the plant or animal
a) True
b) False

11. Ribosomes are only present in the plant and animal cells. They are absent in bacterial
a) True
b) False

12. The picture on the right shows two bacteria with

pilli and flagellum. Both pilli and flagellum are
general known to contribute to the mobility of the
a) True
b) False

13. Which of the following description is correct?

a) Yeast is a type of microscopic algae
b) Yeast is a prokaryotic organism
c) Yeast is an eukaryotic microorganism

14. Algae, an eukaryotic organism, can be in unicellular or multicellular form in the

a) True
b) False

15. Which of the following play a major role in fermentation of milk to produce cheese?
a) Bacteria
b) Viruses
c) Fungi

16. Which of the following organism has a true nucleus?

a) Bacteria
b) Viruses
c) Yeasts

17. Which will be your best guess of the name of

the organism in the micrograph based on the
knowledge that you have learned about the
diverse shape of microorganisms?
a) Vibrio
b) Salmonella
c) Enterococcus

18. Anaerobes are a group of organism that

cannot use molecular oxygen but they can use
oxidative ability of nitrate, sulfate, or even iron
a) True
b) False

19. The microbes that are poisoned by molecular oxygen are called facultative anaerobes.


b) False

20. Fermentation process does not require the presence of organic compound as nutrients
for microbial growth.
a) True
b) False

21. All phototrophic organisms can use carbon dioxide as sole source of carbon for
a) True
b) False

22. Chemoautotrophs are a group of unique organisms that can obtain energy from
oxidizing inorganic compounds such as reduced iron.
a) True
b) False

23. Most of the bacteria that we know of in daily life are chemoheterotrophs.
a) True
b) False

24. Methanogens describe a group of eukaryotes that use organic acid to produce
a) True
b) False

25. If you are asked to select of a type of filter to collect bacteria from seawater onto to
the filter, which of the following filter will you chose based on the size of the bacteria?
a) filters with pore-size of 10 m
b) filters with pore-size of 5 nm
c) filters with pore-size of 0.45 m

26. Natural seawater contain a large number of natural bacteria and viruses, if you filtered
1 ml of seawater through a 0.2 m pore-size filter, where would you likely to find most of
the viruses?
a) Viruses are retained by the filter
b) Viruses will pass through the filter end up in the filtrate
c) There is no virus because they are too small to be picked up

27. Mycelium is the extensive network of hyphae formed by fungi. They can be
visualized by naked eyes. Therefore, fungi are not considered as microbes.
a) True
b) False

28. This image shown in the class has both bacteria

and viruses in it. There are a lot more virus particles
than bacterial particles in this sample.
a) True
b) False

29. Circle the viruses that infect bacterial host in the picture below (there are 3).

30. Which of the following is used in beer production?

a) Alga
b) Bacteria
c) Yeast

31. Which of the following is considered building block for proteins?

a) Monosaccharides
b) amino acids
c) nucleotides

32. What does the chemical equation R1-OH + R2-OH R1-O-R2 + H2O
a) The formation of oligosaccharides from monosaccharides
b) The formation of nucleotides
c) The composition of nucleotides

33. Triglycerides in cells are joined together due to hydrophilic forces.

a) True
b) False

34. There are only 20 nucleotides used in DNA synthesis to code the genetic information
of an organism.
a) True
b) False

35. Circle the amino group in amino

acids on the right.

36. Messenger RNA (mRNA) serves the

function of copying the genetic
information carried by a gene. They are


most abundant RNA molecules in a typical cell.

a) True
b) False

37. DNA is the genetic material for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The double
helix structure of two strands of DNA is bonded by:
a) hydrogen bonds
b) phosphate bonds
c) peptide bonds

38. The secondary structure-bonding

pattern of amino acids (helix, sheet,
etc.) is created by:
a) hydrogen bonds
b) phosphate bonds
c) peptide bonds

39. Can you place the label of cell

wall and nucleoid on the image shown
to the right?
40. High quality fuel can be extract
from which of the following
a) Fungi
b) Algae
c) Protozoa

41. Which of the following organism

can be classified as photoheterotrophs
a) Fermentative bacteria
b) Purple nonsulfur bacteria
c) Iron oxidation bacteria

42. Cyanobacteria is one of the prokaryotic microbes that belongs to chemoautotrophs

a) True
b) False

43. Please identify which of the compound in the chemical equation is the electron
acceptor. 5Fe2++NO3-+6H+5Fe3++0.5N2+3H2O
44. What does chemolithotrophy mean to you?
a) Use organic compounds to generate energy
b) Use inorganic compounds to generate energy
c) Use oxygen and light energy to generate cellular energy

44. Respiration is chemotrophic oxidation-reduction reactions. Molecular oxygen serves

as the oxidant for aerobes and sulfate can be used as the oxidant for some of the
a) True
b) False

45. All phototrophs are obligated aerobes.

a) True
b) False

46. Please circle all the peptide bonds in the following peptide chain.

47. Why the denatured protein can be reversible in some instance?

a) The peptide bonds can be reestablished once the temperature is lower
b) Hydrogen bond is stronger than the covalent bond, it is hard to be broken
c) Denaturation only changes secondary, tertiary or quaternary structures, the hydrogen bonds can be
reestablished after the binding condition restored.

48. Which of the following DNA sequences require higher melting temperature to
separate from its complementary strand.

49. Why 16S rRNA is widely used in environmental microbiology for identification of
a) Only some bacteria have 16S rRNA
b) The gene of rRNA is the least variable gene in prokaryotic cell
c) 16S rRNA are more resistant to degradation

50. Enzymes are critical to accelerate reactions in life. What is the main component of
a) Protein
b) Polysaccharide
c) Lipid

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