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Season 3 - Retaking Talasea

3.1 Season Opener Taint of Darkness (reskinned Last Breaths of Ashenport, updated to Lvl 14)
The Iron Circle makes its way to whats left of Stormhaven, discover that the army of the
White Lady has moved on, but has to deal with the effects of the encroachment of darkness
into the land. While all existence has now been collapsed into a single plane, it also means
that the Darkness has permeated into the very fabric of reality and its taint is now visible
everywhere. Relativism has taken hold and the absolutes of good and evil have started to
become meaningless, showcased in the horror perpetuated in Stormhaven through the
commencement of worship of dark gods. The Iron Circle must grapple with the knowledge
that they may be the only ones in Talsea


Finale Essence of Evil (Lvl 20)

PCs bypass enemy encampments and fortifications that are besieging Stormhaven by drifting down
the Dorhal River in a derelict rowboat amidst flotsam and jetsam.
Encounter 1: Githyanki River Patrol (EL13)

Githyanki patrol tasked with watching the river for any attempts by the Free Kingdoms to
send supplies to Stormhaven.

A young red dragon also accompanies the group, ready to blast any vessels attempting
to run the blockade.
As you drift down the Dorhal River, you are alerted by the sound of flames and the smell of charred
wood. The air around you is smoky and you have to stop yourselves from choking. Peering out
under the tarpaulin, your blood freezes as you behold a large red dragon on the bank of the river
breathing flame on the larger pieces of flotsam and jetsam on the water. A band of githyanki stand by
as well, watching with their longbows nocked. Apparently, they are on the lookout for anyone trying to
get into Stormhaven or smuggle in supplies. The patrol is some way from the main group of the
enemys forces, and appear slightly bored with their task. As you watch, the dragon takes to the air
and hovers over the river. It seems to be examining the pieces of debris. It is only a matter of
minutes before your rowboat comes under scrutiny

(-20% XP) Sit tight and hope that they are ignored (5% chance of this happening).
Rowboat is fairly large, will probably get breathed on!

(+0% XP) Attack. PCs will get one surprise round when they throw off the tarpaulin, but
unless they have powerful ranged weapons, the gith will be able to pick them off with a flurry of
shots. The dragon will breathe on the boat at earliest opportunity. The captive will try and
psionically assist the others if he can see them, allowing them to dimension door onto the boat
without error. PCs have 3 rounds to despatch them before the sounds of battle bring another 2
patrols of equal size to investigate.

(+10% XP) Capsize the boat and swim underwater. The sound may bring the patrol to
investigate, but so long as the PCs stay underwater, the smoke and debris will be able to obscure
them from the dragon and the gith. They give up searching after 3 rounds and will blast the boat

(+20% XP) Break open a panel in the hull of the boat, scuttling it and swimming out
through the opening. The boats hull has a hardness of 15 and 40 hp. Swim checks to be made
at DC18 (STR-based) to swim out against the flow of the water. If the hole can be made in 1
round, the PCs can start swimming out in the next round. The dragon only reaches the boat and
breathes on it during the 3rd round (catching anyone still left aboard).
Swimming to Stormhaven takes 6 rounds, and the PCs have to be able to do this underwater all the
way in order to escape detection. If unable to do so, then they may get spotted. +10 spot checks by
patrol based on how far the PCs get underwater:
1st round:
2nd round:
3rd round:
4th round:
5th round:
6th round:

automatically spotted
DC 15
DC 20
DC 25
DC 30
automatically failed

GITHYANKI PATROL (EL 13) 3900 XP total









Gith Captain
(Lvl.9 Fighter)






18-20/ x2)





Gith Sergeants
(Lvl. 7 Fighter)





19-20/ x2)





Silver Sword
+2, M-work
Longbow +1,
Amulet of Nat
Armour +4,
Silver Sword
+2, M-work
Longbow +1

Gith Warlock
(Lvl. 7 Wizard)










Wpn Focus, Gtr Wpn

Focus, Wpn Spec,
Gtr Wpn Spec,
Dodge, Mobility,
Spring Attk, Pt Blank
Shot, Imp Crit.
SR15, psionics*
Wpn Focus, Gtr Wpn
Focus, Wpn Spec,
Gtr Wpn Spec,
Dodge, Mobility,
Spring Attk.
SR12, psionics**
Toughness, Spell
Pen, Combat
Casting, Heighten
Concentration +13,
Spellcraft +19.
SR12, psionics**

+2, M-work
ring/prot +2,
scroll of
teleport, scroll
of cloudkill

Lvl 0: daze, mage hand, ray of frost (1d3 cold), touch of fatigue (fatigued), resistance (2) (+1 saves)
Lvl 1: magic missile (2) (5d4+5 dmg), shield (+4AC negates magic missiles), true strike (+20 to hit)
Lvl 2: flaming sphere (2d6 rolling fire sphere 5 dia), glitterdust (-40 Hide), Melfs acid arrow (2) (2d4 ranged touch acid for 2 rnds)
Lvl 3: haste (+1 extra atk, +1 atk, +1 AC, +1 Ref, +30 Mv), dispel magic, fireball (7d6 fire explosion 20 radius ranged touch)
Lvl 4: ice storm (3d6 cold, 2d6 dmg, 20 radius, 40 high), Otilukes resilient sphere (impenetrable sphere)
Lvl 5: cone of cold (7d6 60 cold cone)
Young red dragon
+19 bite
Breath (6d10) fire
(DC19, 40 cone)
+14 claws
(1d4 turns), Immune
sleep, paralysis, fire,
+14 wings
vulnerable cold.
Cleave, flyby Atk,
+14 tail
Hover, Wingover.
Lvl 0: daze, mage hand, ray of frost, touch of fatigue, resistance
Lvl 1: mage armour (cast), magic missile, true strike, obscuring mist (visibility 5)

*Psionics: mage hand, blur (concealment 20% miss), daze, dimension door, telekinesis (DC14), plane
shift (DC16) (sv DCs Cha-based)
**Psionics: mage hand, blur (concealment 20% miss), daze, dimension door (sv DCs Cha-based)


PCs meet with the White Lady and learn about the

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