Austria China Agreement

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Austria China:

Agreement on Equivalences in Higher Education

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the
People's Republic of China on the Mutual Recognition of Equivalences in Higher Education
Date of signature:
Date of entry into force:
Authentic language versions:

18 October 2004, Peking

BGBl. (Austrian Federal Gazette) III No. 80/2006
30 March 2006
German, Chinese


The Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the People's Republic of
China, subsequently referred to as Contracting Countries,
in the intention to promote the cooperation in the field of sciences and the exchange in the
field of higher education,
desiring to make the admission to or the continuation of studies for students of both countries easier in the respective other country,

in the intention to observe with interest the European Bologna Process,

Have, as to the recognition of credits and examinations for the purpose of continuation of studies
or further studies in higher education programmes as well as to the use of academic degrees, agreed
as follows:

Article 1
Purpose of the Agreement
(1) The present agreement aims at easing for students of both countries the recognition of
educational credits and diplomas which have been acquired at the higher education institutions. The
agreement contains recommendations to the authorities responsible for recognition, who shall decide
on the recognition in the single case on the basis of their own legal situation.
(2) Regulations of professional law on both sides remain untouched.
Article 2
Range of validity
(1) The present agreement shall apply at the Austrian side to all public and publicly recognized
universities and universities of applied sciences, at the Chinese side to all public and publicly
recognized institutions of higher education as well as to those research institutions which are entitled
to award academic degrees, and to the extent of Art. 3 para. 3 also to Junior Colleges (Zhuanke).
(2) Both sides shall inform each other in any case on the respective institutions in the meaning of
para. 1 by the exchange of lists; these lists shall not form part of the agreement.

Article 3
Recognition of study credits and examinations
(1) Study credits and examinations at institutions of higher education shall be recognized on the
basis of the requirements set up by the respective curricula, and the proof of the study credits and
examinations of the applicants.
(2) In case that the procedure of comparison of the academic achievements according to the
precedent paragraph results in the identification of differences, the applicants shall be granted the
possibility to fulfil the missing achievements at the receiving institution.
(3) Persons who have completed study programmes at Chinese Junior Colleges shall be entitled
to pursue a corresponding Austrian bachelor or diploma programme. Study credits and examinations
shall be recognized on the basis of the requirements set up by the respective curricula, and the proof
of the study credits and examinations of the applicants.
Article 4
Final diplomas, examinations and further studies
(1) Holders of a Chinese bachelor degree shall be entitled to admission to a master or equivalent
programme in Austria.
(2) The assessment and the recognition of study credits and examinations shall be subject to a
decision of the universities and universities of applied sciences on the basis of their curricula.
(3) Holders of a bachelor degree which has been awarded by an Austrian university or university
of applied sciences, or students of a diploma programme after at least six semesters of regular study
at an Austrian university or university of applied sciences shall be entitled to take part in the admission
examinations for a Chinese master programme.
(4) The assessment and the recognition shall be subject to a decision of the respective university
on the basis of the legal prescriptions.
Article 5
Admission of Chinese graduates to a doctoral programme at Austrian universities
(1) Holders of a Chinese master degree shall be entitled to admission to a doctoral programme in
the Republic of Austria.
(2) Graduates who have completed a Chinese bachelor programme by a final diploma and a
thesis shall be entitled to admission to a doctoral programme in the Republic of Austria.
(3) The admission shall in each case be executed on the basis of the curricula and can be made
dependent on supplementary requirements (supplementary examinations and/or written thesis).
Article 6
Admission of Austrian graduates to a doctoral procedure at Chinese universities
(1) Holders of a master or diploma degree which has been awarded by an Austrian university or
university of applied sciences shall be entitled to admission to a doctoral procedure in the People's
Republic of China.
(2) The Chinese universities shall assess in each case whether applicants holding a master or
diploma degree which has been awarded by an Austrian university or university of applied sciences
can be exempted from the admission examinations for the doctoral programme and the completion of
the doctoral studies, and are allowed, like in Austria, to start drafting the doctoral thesis.
(3) Holders of am Austrian bachelor degree with an academic performance above the average
can be, according to the doctoral regulations of the universities, admitted to the admission
examinations for the doctoral programme a doctoral programme in the People's Republic of China.
Article 7
Use of academic degrees
(1) Holders of the following academic degrees from the People's Republic of China
- xueshi (Bachelor)
- shuoshi (Master)
- boshi (Doctor)
shall be entitled to use their degree in the Republic of Austria in the English form after the name.

(2) Holders of the following academic degrees from the Republic of Austria
- Diplomgrade
- Bakkalaureatsgrade
- Magistergrade
- Mastergrade
- Doktorgrade
shall be entitled to use their degree in the People's Republic of China in the form in which it has been
awarded in the Republic of Austria.
(3) Both sides shall inform each other in any case on the respective academic degrees by the
exchange of lists; these lists shall not form part of the agreement.
Article 8
Permanent Expert Committee
(1) For the purpose of deliberation of all kind of questions arising from the application of this
agreement a Permanent Expert Committee is hereby established. It shall be composed of at the most
six members nominated by both sides. The list of the members shall be communicated by diplomatic
(2) The Permanent Expert Committee shall meet on demand of one of the two countries. The
place of the meeting will be agreed upon by diplomatic channels.
Article 9
Period of validity and entering into force
(1) The present agreement shall be concluded for an unlimited period of time. It shall enter into
force on the day on which the Contracting Parties will have notified each that the relevant national
requirements for entering into force have been fulfilled. Relevant for this is the day of receipt of the last
(2) Each Contracting Party may denounce this agreement in written form by diplomatic channels.
The agreement shall expire six months following the receipt of the letter of denunciation.
In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed the present agreement and
equipped with seals.
Done at Peking on 18 October 2004 in two originals, each in German and in Chinese languages,
each text being equally authentic.

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