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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to
my teacher Mrs ANUPAM BAHRI who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
TYPES OF CRIMES, which also helped me in doing a lot
of Research and i came to know about so many new
things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and
friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame.












Crime may be defined as the omission of an act which the law of
the land asks to do or commission of an act which it forbids to do.
Crime may be regarded as to behaviour of individuals which the
group strongly disapproves.

According to Elliot and Meril , crime is an anti-social

behaviour which the group rejects and to which it attaches
As per Karl Mannheim,Crime is an anti-social behaviour.
According to Gillin and Gillin,From the legal point of view,
crime is an offence against the law of land.
In view of Krout, A crime is an act opposed to the
established rule of a group as defined by law at a given time
or place.

A crime is an act deemed by law to be harmful to society in

general, even though its immediate victim is an individual.
Certain kinds of wrong are considered as of a public character
because they possess elements of evil which affect the public as a
whole and not merely the person whose right of a property or
person have been invaded. Such a wrong is called a crime. It can
best be defined as any act of omission which is forbidden by law ,
to which punishment is annexed, and which the states prosecuted
in its own name.

Austin Muller believes that CRIME is the commission or omission

of an act, which the law forbids or commands pain of punishment
to be imposed by the state and no act is a crime, however, wrong
it may seem to the individual conscience, unless it is prohibited
by law.



White-collar crime is mainly of economic nature.

The white-collar crimes are the crimes committed by
persons of respectability and high social status in the course
of their occupations.
Such crimes are extremely widespread.Due to political and
financial importance prosecution of white-collar crime is
generally avoided.
White-collar crime is also defined as crime committed by a
person of high respectability and high social status in the
course of high occupation.
But it does not include most of the cases of murder, adultery
and intoxication, because these are not usually a part of
their occupational activity.

Forms of White-Collar crime

Following are the most common forms of white-collar crime :
and other crimes which are hidden or are lies without prosecution
due to external pressure.

Some important white-collar crimes are

explained below :

Fraud is derived from a latin term fraudare which

means to deceive , cheat or impose upon.
Fraud means dishonesty or grave moral culpability.
Fraud has been said to consist in circumventing ,
cheating, or deceiving a person to his injury , by any
cunning , deception or artifice.

Fraud is criminal deception , the using of false

representation to obtain an unjust advantage or to
injure the rights or interests of another.
Whenever fraud is alleged two elements are at least
essential, viz, first deceit or intention to deceit or, in
some cases a mere secrecy; and secondly, either
actual injury or possible injury or an intention to
expose some person either to actual injury or to a risk
of possible injury by means of deceit or secrecy.
Fraud is a term that should be reserved for something
dishonest and
morally wrong and much mischief.
Fraud is commited in trade, insurance , legal
profession , private educational institutions of medical

Bribery is the voluntary giving or receiving of anything
of value in corrupt payment for an official act done or
to be done.

Bribery is a high offence, where a person, in a judicial

place, or holding a public office takes any fee, gift,
reward, or official act done or to be done.

Bribery is the offering, giving ,receiving , or soliciting

of something of value for the purpose of influencing
the action of official in the discharge of his or her
public of legal duties.

Bribery is the receving or offering any undue reward

by or to any person concerned in the administration of

Bribery in public offices is another white-collar crime.

Bribery also takes place in connection of purchase of
and supplies, making of contracts , prescribing of
textbooks, construction of roads and building , grant
of licences and purchase of land and building for
public interest and procuring of essential services in
the local offices.


Corrupt as an adjective means unlawful, dishonest,

without integrity, guilty of dishonesty ,involving
The expression corrupt practices in consist of any
one of the following offences :
1 Bribery , 2 Treating, 3 undue influence, 4
personation and aiding abetting , counselling and
procuring the commission of offence of personation.
Corruption in society actually takes place at three
different levels :
The first level is petty corruption, which we all
encounter in our daily lives. It is the most widespread
form of corruption and involves paying the occasional
bribe to get a passport or ration card more quickly.
The second level is corruption at the level of
enterprise which involves, paying money to either
accelerate the decision making process or to distort it.
For example, paying the customs officials a
percentage of the cost of imported goods to clear a
The third level is called political corruption and can be
illustrated by the staggering sums of money paid out
to secure large government contracts or to obtain
major licenses.This term also applied to bureaucrats
and business men involved in government related
activities as well.

Aiding and abetting criminals There exists a large size of persons who in the course
of their occupation are criminals, for instance ,
proprietors of night clubs, common gambling houses
and brothels of the aid and abet criminals. Likewise
there are lawyers who protect the professional
criminals in case of arrest.


Juvenile delinquency involves wrong doing by a child

or a young person who is under the age limit specified
by law.
As per Section 2(k) of the juvenile justice (Care and
Protection of children) Act, 2000 , juvenile or child
means a person who has not completed eighteenth
year of age.
A juvenile in conflict with law is called a juvenile
A delinquent is a person under age who is guilty of
anti-social act and whose misconduct is an infraction
of law.
A juvenile delinquent is a person is a person of 15 and
18 years who breaks the law , is a vagrant , persist in
disobeying orders whose behaviour endangers his own
moral life as well as others moral life.

Causes of Juvenile delinquency

There are various factors involvd in the causation of

delinquency. According to Healy and Bronner, the main
causes of delinquency are :
1 Bad company, 2 adolescent instability; 3 early sex
experience; 4 mental conflicts, 5 emotional conflicts, 6
social suggestiblitiy, 7 motion pictures, 8 poor
recreation, 9 vocational dissatisfaction, 10 physical

Social Causes

Social causes consist of undesirable conditions at home,

particularly quarrels between parents , intoxication ,
immorality of the parents, poverty and lack of employment ,
cruelty of step-parents.

According to C.B. Mamoria , lack of affection, lack of security

, parental irresponsibility and proper mental , moral and
physical growth of the children are some more causes for
According to Kulkarni. Broadly it may be said that from the
environmental point of view juveniles delinquent behaviour
could be attributed to the change in the pattern of the
family constellation, the growing industrialization in the
country, and consequent conflict and also to the
development proceeding the advent of freedom.
The major forms of juvenile delinquency are absconding
from school, theft and sex and sex crimes, or roaming
outside the school.

Psychological causes

Lack of affection and security are bound to create mental

conflict in the child, in childhood the mind is very
Mental trouble and emotional disturbance leads towards
A childs personality is rendered unbalanced through lack of
love and affection, emotional security, very strict discipline,
feeling of insufficiency and inferiority, and reaction of revolt.

Biological causes
The biological factors are also involved in causation of crime.
Physical ailments create inferiority complex. As a result of this
complex, child tends to participate in different acts.

Economic causes
Among juvenile delinquents, majority belonged to families of
unskilled labourers. Poverty acts as an incentive to delinquency.

Reforming Juvenile Delinquents

Following are the most important provisions to realise this

objective :

According to the juvenile justice ( Care and Protection of

Children) Act, 2000, Juvenile Justice Board deals with the
offences of Juveniles.
Government may establish and maintain institutions of
Observation Homes and Special Homes with all facilities for
the temporary reception of any juvenile in conflict with law
during the pendency of any inquiry regarding of offence.
The juvenile delinquent is kept under the supervision of a
probation officer.
Child Welfare Committes for exercising the powers and
discharge the duties in relation to child in need of care and

The government may establish and maintain childrens

homes for the receipt of child in need of care and protection
during the pendency of any inquiry and subsequently for
their care , treatment, education, training, development
and rehabilitation.
The government may recognise reputed and capable
voluntary organisations and provide them assistance to set
up and administer as many shelter homes for juveniles or
children as may be required.
Adoption shall be restored to for the rehabilitation of such
children as are orphaned, abandoned, neglected and abused
through institutional and non- institutional methods.

The term drug has now been given a new connotation. It was
used originally to means medicine. But now-a-days it means not
only medicine, but also the fatal narcotics that include cocaine,
heroin, brown sugar, and many other specifications. All these
drugs have their evil effects on the mind and body cells of the
addicts. The young generation are the worst victims of evils of
Drug Addiction.

Causes of Drug Addiction

The reasons why a young person gets addicted to these

harmful drugs are many.

Curiosities, spiritual search, desire for pleasure, social

excommunication, mental gap, lack of self-reliance are some
of the reasons why these youth becomes a drug-addict.

Lack of self-confidence, that is inferiority complex, has been

marked as cause of ones becoming a drug addict.

The problem of drug addiction is all the more serious

because the addicts are mostly young school or college
going boys and girls, the future citizens of a country, on
whom will depend in future its welfare and the welfare of its
people. So it is imperative to see that such young boys and
girls may be no means fall victims to drug addiction.

Statistics of Drug Abuse

The National Household Survey of drug use in country is the

first systematic effort to document the nation-wide
prevalence of drug use.
Alcohol 21.15% was the primary substance used ( apart from
tobacco) followed by cannabis 3% and opioids 0.7%.

Rehabilitation process of drug use

Detox- Most drug and all alcohol addictions require a

detox program before the start of the rehabilitation
program. This process of detoxification removes all
traces of drugs and alcohol from the body in some
Rehab- Once an individual gets through the initial
detox from drugs or alcohol, they will move on to the
rehabilitation portion of the recovery process. This is
where the patients get to the core reasons behind
their addictions, addressing those issues so they can
effectively move on with their lives without going back
to drugs, alcohol or their addictive behavior.
Recovery- After a patient has completed their
rehabilitation program, they are not finished with
recovery. In fact, recovery is a lifelong process that an
addict must work at for the rest of their life.
Sometimes, the path to lifelong recovery will be easy;
other times, it will be difficult for individuals to
withstand the temptation to relapse. Like anything in
life, it's a journey that may feature varying terrain so
lifelong support is essential.

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