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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made and executed on this 20th day

of January Two Thousand sixteen (20/01/2016) at Bangalore, by and


S/O Bhaskara reddy
Aged about 42 years,
Residing at Sri Krishna Residence,
#18,2 Main, Naidu Layout,Chikklasandra,
Behind Abbaiah Naidu Studio,
Bangalore-560 061.
Hereinafter referred to as LESSOR (Which term shall mean and
include his legal representatives, executors, administrators and
assigns) of the One Part
W/O S.Sudhakar
Aged about 35 years
Residing at Sri Krishna Residence,
#18,2 Main, Naidu Layout,Chikklasandra,
Behind Abbaiah Naidu Studio,
Bangalore-560 061.
Hereinafter referred to as LESSEE (Which term shall mean and
include his legal representatives, executors, administrators and
assigns) of the other Part.

WITNESSED AS FOLLOWS:WHEREAS the Lessor herein is the sole and absolute owner of the
#18,2 Main, Naidu Layout,Chikklasandra,Behind Abbaiah Naidu Studio,
Bangalore-560 061.
And where as the
lessee have therefore by mutual consent and
willingness entered this agreement of Lease under the following terms
and conditions:01. The period of Lease shall be Three years commencing from 2001-2016 and it will expire on 20-01-2019. It may be extended or
renewed for further period or periods only with the prior consent in
writing from the lessor for such further period or periods under such
terms and conditions, which may be fixed at the time of such
extension or renewal.
The lessee has paid on this day to the lessor a sum of
Rs.5,50,000=00 (Rupees Five lakhs fifty thousands only) by way of
cash. It shall not carry any interest. The lessor will refund it to the
lessee, only at the time of vacating the schedule premises. The lessor
is at liberty to deduct such amounts out of the said amount, which the
lessor incurs by way of loss due to the damage or negligence of the
lessee in respect of the schedule premises, if any.
The lessee shall use the schedule premises for the residential
purpose of himself and the members of his family only and he shall not
use the schedule premises for any other purpose.

04. The lessee shall not cause any damage or loss to the schedule
premises and he shall properly keep and maintain the same as well as
the fittings and fixtures therein in a good and tenant able condition. In
case the lessee causes any damage to the schedule premises and / or
to the lessor, the lessee is liable to fully compensate the same to the
05 The lessee shall not do or cause to be done any harm or trouble
or nuisance to any of the neighbors of the schedule premises.
06 The lessee shall not effect any structural alteration, addition or
modification to the schedule premises.
07. The Lessee hereby undetakes to promptly and regularly pay all the
bills payble by him to the water bill and electricity bills in respect of
the water and electricity consumed by them
In witness where of the lessor and the lessee have signed this
Agreement on this day 20th Januaryl 2016.

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