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Cessna Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Cessna Aircraft Company ‘THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE CARRIED IN THE AIRPLANE 1985 Model 182R ‘AT ALL TIMES, Seria! No. 182 WAS34 _ Registration No.4 Le) THIS HANDBOOK INCLUDES THE MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BE FURNISHED TO THE PILOT BY CAR PART 3 AND CONSTI- TUTES THE FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL. Cessna Aircraft Company Wichita, Kansas USA Montero cama Original tee - 20 August 1984 vy PERFORMANCE- CESSNA SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 182. PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS ‘Maximum at Sea Level rule, 70% Power at 8000 Ft oie ‘CRUISE: Recommended lean misture with fuel allowance for Tagine start fat toot, elm and 48 malnutes Range ime eee Range ‘Gallons Urabe Pua. me ave OF Guin AT SEA LEVEL TARMOFE PERFORMANCE: ‘Ground Roll c . aie ‘Fowl Distance Over 80°F Obstacle DLL aster LANDING PERFORMANCE: ‘Ground Rel ‘ s90 Fr ‘Fota Distance Over B0:FY Obstacle | | 2 Wsorr STALL SPEED (KAS) Flaps Up, Power Off, eee SA RNOTS Flaps Down, Power Off | 49 KNOTS maxon WEIGHT. Ramp ieee ato Us ‘Takeott ae 2) aloo tBs Landing 2080 LBS STANDARD EMPTY WEIGHT <0. . 2 Y998 tas AxIMUM USEFUL LOAD gee ie ior? LBs BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE: pees 200 LBS Wing LOADING: Poundesq Ft) > Se ve bebe tere POWER LOADING: Pounds : 335 FUELCAPACIY: Tole ss SoS 7 S2OAL Ou caraciry. : a aie isan ENGINE, Teledyne Continents ‘| Dit Gareu 200 BHP at 2400 RPM PROPELLER: Constant Speed, Diameter. . ean, speed performance is shown for an airplane equipped with optional speed fairing which Invease the apecds by approsimately & knots. "There is corresponding difference in finger whe i'oter performance figure are unchanged hes epnd ings a esta ‘The shove performance figures are based on the tndieated sede eShdhtons: level hard-wurisce ary runways and no wind. They are calculated reer itived tom Aight teste conducted by the Cessna Aircraft Company wnder TERug Sccumented eotdtions and will vary with Individual airplanes and numer: (us factore affecting Might performance a Original Issue Ys CESSNA COVERAGE/REVISIONS/ MODEL 162R LOG OF BFFECTIVE PAGES COVERAGE “The Pilor's Operating Handbook in the aipane a the time of delivery from Cessna Arcralt Com: pan tans Slormation apptesble 10 The 1985 Model TBER plane designated by the eral Fae a eon ure! shenrn onthe Title Page ofthis handbook, This inirmatton fs based nga sala ate ime of publication, REVISIONS, Changes anor adtions to this hardback wail be covered by revisions published by Cessna Ar. ean ate drow oemers of U.S. Registered aircraft according 1 FAA coh Corman tea evson isuance, and 40 ffenationally Regier aera according (0 Cesins ‘ScrnerAdbiony records a etme of stance ‘Revision should be examined immediately pon ces and incorporated i his handbook Note Its the responsibility ofthe owner to maintain this handbook in current Status when ie being used for operational purposes ‘owners should contac thei Cesina Dealer whanese the revision satus oftheir handbook sin auesion va revision bor will extend the fol lengih of new oF revised text andor hsations added on new Oe a thin bar willbe locted adjacent 16 the applicable revised ares om the Suter margin of te page ‘ll vevised pages wil carry the revision pumber and date on the applicable P3Be ‘The following Lon of Efective Pages provides the dates of issue for exiginal and revised pages aod et et oe handwok, Pager acted by the Curent revision are ieicted By 29 Seo peocoing the pages te LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Dates of sue for orignal and revised pages ae: ‘Grgial 20 August 1986 Rowton j "March 1985 Page ae Date Tle sons 20 Auge 1984 Ae ta 411 20 August 1908 ‘nse Record 20 August 1984 30 August 1964 Mw Jo Auman 1984 20 Agus 1908 sth he 1 Match 1385 20 August 1984 ¥ SLU 20 Atgon 1984 20 Aogust 1984 20 August 1984 20 Aogust 1904 20 Abgust 1964 ce 20 August 1986 20 Avgust 1986 Suu 530 30 Aogust 1984 i. ea 20 Aust 1384 20 August 1984 62 Blane 30 august 1966 20 August 198463 thw 6-30 40 August 1984 20 Acgust 1964 Fatt 7-40 20 Aogust 1984 BO August 19881 40 Aogust 1964 Original Iseue - 20 August 1984 Revision 1 - 1 March 1085 01275119" iii LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES CESSNA MODEL 1822 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Continued) Page Due Page ate 8:2 Blank. 20 August 1984 Nore 853 ta 19 TT, 0 Aug tone 8:0 dlank 20 Avgus 1984 Refer wo Section 9 Table of Contents for Sens 92) ‘March 1985 supplements apicble to opiaal ss 93 msn 20-Augum 1986 teh 9 Bia IT 20 Agu 1908 Original Issue - 20 August 1984 iv Revision 1-1 March 1985 cESSNA TABLE OF CONTENTS: MODEL 1827 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 GENERAL. - LIMITATIONS. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES. --- PERFORMANCE. «+++ 25 5977" WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST A AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS --eserrrereeeeren** 7 AIRPLANE HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE «+++ +++ 8 SUPPLEMENTS (Optional Systems Description & Operating Procedures) +--+ Original Issue vyicvi Dian) CESSNA SECTION 1 MODEL 162R GENERAL : SECTION 1 GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Three View's eee See eee . Introduction Deseriptive Data... hae + Engine. ses Sees Propeller |) ss ss eee a Pere si lee eee eee OU apes aa tare as Maximum Certificated Weights) Ss. ‘Standard Airplane Weights See REeee ey Gabin And Entry Dimensions: |. aaa Baggege Space and Entry Dimensions . . « Specific Loadings . sss ae symbols, Abbreviations And Terminology ee ‘General Airspeed Terminology And Symbols Meteorological Terminology.» ++ + + Engine Power Terminology... . « Sere ‘Aisplane Performance And Flight Planning Terminology . - Weight And Balance Terminology «ss ++ + = | Original Issue - 20 August 1984 1 NPR SECTION 1 CESSNA GENERAL MODEL 182k Figure 1-1. Three View Uw Original toeue CESSNA SECTION 1 MODEL 182F ‘GENERAL INTRODUCTION this handbook contains 9 sections, and inclasee material required co en negnod to the pilot by CAR Part 2.1 0ls0 “sonteins supplemental to be fupplied by Cesena Aireraft COMPAR: section 1 provides basic data and informadion ot general interest. It atec eentaine Gofinitions oF explanations of aymbols, abbreviations, and forminology commonly used. DESCRIPTIVE DATA ENGINE Number of Engines: 1. Bngine Manufscturer: Teledyne Continental. neine Model Number: 0-470-U- Engine Type: Normeliy-aspirated aireot-drive, air-cooled, horizontally ne Ty carouretor-equipped. six-ey!inder ‘engine with 470 cu. in. Gisplacement. Fee Rating and Engine Speed: 290 rated BHP at 2400 RPM. PROPELLER propeller Manufacturer: MoCauley Aegon Division. Eropelier Model Number: C2A24C204/0D00-8- Number of Blades: 2, Rummbiter Diameter, Maximum: 62 inehs Minimum: 80.5 inc propeller Type: Constant speed 0d ncyaraulfcally actuated, with & 2% Pelt sewing of 15.0" and a high pitch setting oy 29.4° (80 inch station). FUEL “approved Fuel Grades (and Colers): TOOL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue} 00 (Formerly 100/190) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green) NOTE Isopropyl aloohol oF ethylene BY! monomethyl ether TeoPrpe added to the fuel supply. Addi ‘concentrations may be nidsrceed 1% for ssopropy}, cone oe 15% for shalt gne glycol monomethy! eter, Refer 19 Section 8 for additional information. ‘Total Capacity: 92 gallons. ‘Total Capacity Bach Tank: 46 gallons: Original Issue 13 SECTION 1 CESSNA GENERAL MODEL 182R ‘Total Usable: 88 gallons. NOTE To ensure maximum fuel capacity when refueling and minimize eross-feeding when Parked on. sloping surface, place the fuel selector valve in either LEFT or RIGHT position to minimize cross-feeding. om (tl Specification: "The airplane was delivered from the factory with a corrosion-preven ive aireraft engine oll, This oll should be drained after the first 25 hours of operation, ‘MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: Use to replenish sup- ply during the first 25 hours. Continental Motors Specification MHS-24 Aviation Grade Ashless Dis- persant Oil: Oll conforming to Continental Motors Specification MHS. Ba, and all revisions or supplements thereto, must be used after first 25 hours. Refer to Continental Airoraft Bngine Service Bulletin M828, And any superseding bulletins, revisions, or supplements thereto, for further recommendations, Recommended Viscosity for Temperature Range: ‘All temperatures, use multi-viscosity oll oF Above 4°C (40°F), use SAE 50 Below 4°C (40°F), use SAE 30 NOTE When operating temperatures overlap, use the lighter grade of oll. Multi-visoosity oil is recommended for im- Proved starting in cold weather. (OU Capacity: Sump: 12 Quarts, Total: 18 Quarts. MAXIMUM CERTIFICATED WEIGHTS Ramp: 3110 Ibs. ‘Taikeott: $100 Ibs. Landing: 2950 Ibs. 1 Original tes CESSNA SECTION MODEL 182 GENERAL Weight in Baggage Compartment: ‘A (or passenger on child's seat) - Station 82 to 109: note below. JB" and - Station 108 to 124: 80 Ibs. See note below. (G" = Station 124 to 194: 60 lbs. See note below. NOTE ‘The maximum allowable combined weight capacity for baggage in areas A, Band Cis 200 pounds, The maximum allowable weight capacity for baggage in areas 5 and Cis 80 pounds. STANDARD AIRPLANE WEIGHTS Standard Empty Weight: 173 ths. ‘Maximum Useful Load: 1877 Ibs, CABIN AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS Detailed dimensions of the eabin interior and entry door openings are itlustrated in Section 6. BAGGAGE SPACE AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS Dimensions of the baggage area and baggage door opening are ilustrated in detail in Section 6. SPECIFIC LOADINGS ‘Wing Loading: 17.8 Ibs./sq. ft. Power Loading: 13.5 Ibs./hp. SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY GENERAL AIRSPEED TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed is indicated airspeed corrected for position and instrument error and expressed in knots. note calibrated sirspeed is equal to KTAS in standard atmosphere at sea level. KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed is the speed shown on the airspeed indicator and expressed in nots. Original Issue 18 SECTION 1 GENERAL KTAS FE NO NE CESSNA MODEL 1627 Knots True Airepeed is the airspeed expressed in knots relative to undisturbed air which is KCAS corrected for snd temperature. ‘Maneuvering Speed is the maximum speed at which full or ‘abrupt control movements may be used. Maximum Flap Extended Speod is the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in e prescribed extended position. Maximum Structural Cruising Speed is the speed that, should not be exceeded except in smooth air, then only with: caution. Never Exceed Speed is the speed limit that may not be exceeded at any time, Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at ‘which the airplane is controllable, Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in the landing configu- ration at the most forward center of gravity. ‘Best Angle-of-Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude in a given horizontal distance Best Rate-of-Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest gain in altitude in a given time. METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY oat Standard Pressure Altitude 18 Outside Air Temperature is the froe air statictemperature, It is expressed in either degrees Celsius or degrees Fah. ture is 15°C by 2°C for each 1000 fe sea level pressure alti- tude and decreast of altitude. Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from an altimeter when the altimetor’s barometric seale has boon sot to 20.02 inches of mercury (1013 mb). Original Issue CESSNA . MODEL 182R SECTION 1 GENERAL ENGINE POWER TERMINOLOGY BHP RPM MP. Brake Horsepower is the power developed by the engine. Revolutions Per Minute is engine speed. ‘Manifold Pressure is a pressure measured in the engine's induction system and is expressed in inches of mercury (Be), AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE AND FLIGHT PLANNING TERMINOLOGY Demon- strated Crosswind Velocity Usable Fuel Unusable Fuel GPH MPG e Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane during takeoff and lending was actually demon- strated during certification tests. The value shown is not considered to be limiting. Usable Fuel is the fuel available for fight planning. ‘Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that can notbe safely used in flight. Gallons Per Hour is the amountof fuel consumed per hour. Nautical Miles Per Gallon is the distance which can be expected per gallon of fuel consumed at a specific engine power setting and/or flight configuration, g is acceleration due to gravity. WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY Reference Datum Station Arm Moment Original Iasue Reference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes. Station is @ location along the airplane fuselage given in terms of the distance from the reference datum, Arms the horizontal distance from the reference datum to ‘the center of gravity (C.G.) of an item. “Moment is the product of the weight of an item multiplied Le SECTION 1 GENERAL Center of Gravity (cay cc. Am o, Limits Standard Empty Weight Basic Empty Weight Useful Load Maximum Ramp Weight Maximum Takeott Weight Maximum Landing Weight ‘Tare 18 CESSNA MODEL 182R by its arm. (Moment divided by the constant 1000s used in this handbook to simplify balance calculations by reduc- ing the number of digits.) Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane, or ‘fquipment, would balance if suspended. Its distance from. the reference datum is found by dividing the total moment by the total weight of the airplane. Center of Gravity Arm is the arm obtained by adding the airplane's individual moments and dividing the sum by the total weight. Center of Gravity Limits are the extreme center of gravity Yocations within which the airplane must be operated ata given weight. Standard Empty Weight is the weight of a standard air- plane, including unusable fuel, full operating fluids and full engine oll. Basic Empty Weight is tho standard empty weight plus the weight of optional equipment, Useful Load is the difference between ramp weight andthe basic empty weight. ‘Maximum Ramp Weightis the maximum weightapproved for ground maneuver. (It includes the weight of start, taxt and runup fuel.) Maximum Takeoff Weight is the maximum weight approved for the start of the takeoff roll. Maximum Landing Weight js the maximum weight approved for the landing touchdown, ‘Tare is the weight of chocks, blocks, stands, etc. used when Weighing an airplane, and is included in the scale read Inge. Tare is deducted from the scale reading to obtain the factual (net) airplane weight. Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL i82R, LIMITATIONS oo SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS _ TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘ Page Introduction on ‘Airspeed Limitations Airspeed Indicator Markings Power Plant Limitations Power Plant Instrument Markings Weight Limits : Center Of Gravity Limits cee Maneuver Limite.) Shes yO Flight Load Factor Limits ©1220 1. Kinds Of Operation Limits 7 Fuel Limitations Loins cane te ‘ Other Limitations Flap Limitations Placards Original Issue - 20 August 1984 2-1/(2-2 blanks) CESSNA MODEL 1827 INTRODUCTION Section 2 includes op basic placards necessary Sinndard systems and standard equipment Shae Geotion and in Section 9 have been appro\ Rufninistration. Observance of these operatin Federal Aviation Regulations jorating limitations. # for the safe operation E NOTE Refer to Section 9 of this Pilot Rinended operating limitations, oper: Senformance data and other necessar Rirplanes equip NOTE 4d listed in the Ai (figure 2-1) and the Airspeed (rigure 2-2) are based on Airspe fn Section 5 with the normal stati static source is being used, Sbserved to allow for the airspee between the normal and alternate 5 in Section 5. The airsy speed Your Cessna is certificated under FAA TY} ‘Ceasnia Model No. 1828. Original Issue ‘The ‘ample margi J calibration variations atic sources as shown SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS instrument markings. and of the airplane. its engine limitations included in ra by the Federal Aviation imitations is required bY Operating Handbook for rating procedures yy information [oF ‘ped with specific options, Limitations chart Tndicator Markings chart ed Calibration data shown fe source. If the alternate ins should be ipo Certificate No. 9A13 88 28 SECTION @ CESSNA LIMITATIONS MODEL 182n, AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS ;Aiggbeod limitations and their operational significance are shown in Hgure 2-1, SPEED Koas] Kins. REMARKS, Vine | Never Exceed Spee 178 | 179 | Do not exceed this weed in any opettion Vo | Memon Swoewran ¥40 [143 | Do not exceed thi wece OT Causing Speed xcept in moot aie and Maneuvering Speed ‘3100 Pounde 110 | 111 | Do not make full or snaps 2600 Pounds 101 | 102 | contrat movements snore 2000 Pounds 88 | 63 | ths ipeee Vee | Maximum Fap Extended Speed oo: 205 Fle | 137 | 140 | D0 not exceed these spects $e 20 Flaps | 120 | 120 | with the gven top seven 20°: FULL Flops | ‘98 | ‘36 Mazur Window Open [175 | 179 | Oo not eceea thi ecg wan Speed windows open, Figure 2-1. Airspeed Limitations AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS Airspeed indicator markings and their color code significance are shown in figure 2.2, 24 Original Tesue CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 182, LIMITATIONS MARKING KIAS VALUE SIGNIFICANCE (OR RANGE white Ave 40-95, Full Flap Operating Range. Lower list is manimnam eight Vg in landing configuration. Uppe! limit |S maximum speed permissible with laps extencea Green Ave 50-143 Nowmal Operating Range. Lower init is maximum weight Ve at most forward {C.G. with laps evacted. Upper init Is maximum stractraletuising speed Yellow Are 143179 ‘Operations must be conducted wth caution and only in smooth aie Red Line 179 ‘Maximus speed forall operations sd Indicator Markings POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS. Engine Manufacturer: Teledyne Continental, Bniine Model Number: 0-470-U. Maximum Power: 230 BHP rating. Engine Operating Limits for Takeoff and Continuous Operations: ‘Maximum Engine Speed: 2400 RPM. Maximum Cylinder Head Temperature: 460°F (238°C). ‘Maximum Ol Temperature: 240°F (116°C). Oil Pressure, Minimum: 10 psi. Maximum: 100 psi, Fuel Grade: See Fuel Limitations. Oil Grade (Specification) MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil or Ashless Dispersant Oil conforming to Continental Motors Specification MHS-24 and all revisions thereto, Propeller Manufacturer: MeCauley Accessory Division, Propeller Model Number: C2A34C204/90DCB-8 Propeller Diameter, Maximum: 82 inches. Minimum: 80.5 inches. Propeller Blade Angle at 30 Inch Station, Low: 150°. High: 29.4°, Original Issue 28 SECTION 2 cEsswa LIMITATIONS. MODEL 182m POWER PLANT INSTR UMENT MARKINGS seowgy Plant instrument markings and their color code si nificance fare shown in figure 2-3 [— RED UNE GREEN ARC REO UNE INSTRUMENT mina NORMAL MAXinune arr OPERATING Lina Techometer a 2100- 2400 RPM, ‘2400 RPM Manifols Pressure on 15-23 in, Ho Oil Temperature on 100° . 24096 24007 Cylinder Head 200° . 460F 60°F Temperature Out Presse 10 ps) 100 psi Suction Fue! Quantity & - - (2.0 Gal. Unusable a Figure 23. Power Pisnt Instrument Markings WEIGHT LIMITS Maximum Ramp Weight: 3110 Ibe, Maximum Takeoff Weight: 3100 Ihe, Maximum Landing Weight: 2950 Ibe, Maximum Weight in Baggage Compartment: Baggage Ares "A" (or passenger on child's sont) Station 82t0 109; 120 bs, See note below, Baggeke Aree “B"- Station 109 to 124 80 Ibs, See note below. BABBSE® Area “C"- Station 124 to 194: 80 Iby. See notre 26 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 182 LIMITATIONS, NOTE ‘The maximum allowable combined weight capacity for baggage in areas A, Band C is 200 pounds. The maximum allowable weight oapacity for baggage in areas B and C is 80 pounds. CENTER OF GRAVITY LIMITS Center of Gravity Range: ‘Forward: 33.0 inches aft of datum at 2250 Ibs. or less, with straight line variation to 40.9 inches aft of datum at $100 I Aft: 46.0 inchos aft of datum at all weights. Reference Datum: Front face of firewall. MANEUVER LIMITS ‘This airplane is certificated in the normal category. The normal category is applicable to aireraft intended for non-nerobatic operations. ‘These include any maneuvers incidental to normal flying, stalls (except whip stalls), lazy eights, chandelles, and steep turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60°. Acrobatic maneuvers, including spins, are not approved. FLIGHT LOAD FACTOR LIMITS. Flight Load Factors: ‘Flaps Up: “88x, 152g ‘Flaps Down: +2.0¢ "The design load factors are 150% of the above, and in all cases, the structure meets or exceeds design loads. KINDS OF OPERATION LIMITS ‘The airplane is equipped for day VFR and may be equipped for night VFR and/or IFR operations. FAR Part 91 establishes the minimum required instrumentation and equipment for these operations. The refer- ence to types of flight operations on the operating limitations placard reflects equipment installed at the time of Airworthiness Certificate issuance, Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited. Original Issue ar oad SECTION 2 CESSNA LIMITATIONS MODEL 182R FUEL LIMITATIONS 2 Standard Tanks: 46 U.S. gallons each. ‘Total Fuel: 92 U.S. gallons. Usable Puce! (all flight conditions): 68 U.S. gallons, Unueable Fuel: 4 U'S. gallons. NOTE ‘To ensure maximum fuel capacity when refueling and minimize crose feeding when parked on a sloping surface, place the fuel selector valve in either LEFT or RIGHT posi- tion, ‘Take off and land with the fuel selector valve handle in the BOTH position, Operation on either left or right tank limited to level fight only. With 1/4 tank or less, prolonged uncoordinated flight is prohibited when operating on either left or right tank. Approved Fuel Grades (and Colors): 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 400 (Formerly 100/190) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green) OTHER LIMITATIONS FLAP LIMITATIONS, Approved Takooff Range: 0° to 20°. Approved Landing Range: 0° to FULL. 28 Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 162R LIMITATIONS PLACARDS ‘The following information must De displayed in the form of composite or individual placards. 1. tn full view of the pilot, (TRE MDAY-NIGHT-VFRAFR™ entry tm full viene. example below, will vary 8S the airplane 15 equipped.) placards instatted in this AITEISn" Co be complied with whe! Operating this ai teh Jormal Category. Other Pert obeyimitations whieh must be ormplied with when operstin i 2a reer thin categOry, SFE Conte the Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA "Approved Airplane Fitent Manual. [No acrobatic maneuvers, including SPINS approved Flight into known seing eonaitions prohibited. thie airplane certified for ne following gM oPe! ationsss see aaTey original airworthiness certificsl® DAY-NIGHT-VFR—IFR 2, On control lock: CAUTION! CONTROL LOCK REMOVE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE Original Issue 20 SECTION 2 CESSNA LIMITATIONS MODEL 182R 3. On the fuel selector valve plate: BOTH 88.0 GAL. TAKEOFF LANDING ALL FLIGHT ATTITUDES FUEL SELECTOR PUSH DOWN LEFT ROTATE, mucHT 44.0 GAL. 44.0 GAL, LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY OFF OFF 4. On the baggage door: 120 POUNDS MAXIMUM BAGGAGE AND/OR AUXILIARY PASSENGER, FORWARD OF BAGGAGE DOOR LATCH AND 80 POUNDS MAXIMUM. BAGGAGE AFT OF BAGGAGE DOOR LATCH MAXIMUM 200 POUNDS COMBINED FOR ADDITIONAL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS SEE WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA. 5. On flap control indicator: © to 10" 440 KIAS (partial flap range with dark blue color code; also, mechanical detent at 10°.) 10"to 20" 120 KIAS (light blue color code; also, mechanical detent at 20°.) 20'to FULL 05 KIAS (white color eode,) 210 Original tneue CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 182R, LIMITATIONS 6. Forward of fuel tank filler cap: PUBL. 100LL/100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE CAP, 48.0 US. GAL. CAP. 345 U.S. GAL. TO BOTTOM OF FILLER NECK, 7. Acalibration card must be provided to Indicate the aceuraey of the magnetic compass in 30° increments. 8. Onoil filler eap om. wars 9. Near airspeed indicator MANEUVER SPEED HL KIAS 10. On fuselage sidewall adjacent to the battery: caurion 24 VOLTS D.C. ‘This airoraft is equipped with al- ternator and a negative ground system. OBSERVE PROPER POLARITY Reverse polarity will damage elec. trical components. Original Issue 2-11/ 2-12 blank) CRSSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 182R, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction : Airspeeds For Emergency Operation OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS Engine Failures Engine Failure During Takeo! Roll Engine Failure Immediately After Takeotf Engine Failure During Flight (Restart Procedures) Forced Landings Emergency Landing Without Engine Power Precautionary Landing With Engine Power Ditching Fires : ‘During Start On Ground Bngine Fire In Flight Electrical Fire In Flight Cabin Fire Wing Fire Teing Inadvertent icing Bncounter Static Source Blockage (Erroneous Instrument Reading Suspected) Landing With A Plat Main Tire Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions Ammeter Shows Excessive Rate of Charge (Pull Scale Deflection) Low-Voltage Light Ihiminates During Flight (Ammoter Indieates Discharge) AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES Engine Failure Forced Landings Original Issue - 20 August 1984 Page 33 7 7 Be SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Landing Without Blevator Control cacioid Fires Emergency Operation In Ciouds (Vacuuin System Failure) Executing A 180° Tura In Clouds ‘Emergency Descent Through Clouds Recovery From A Spiral Dive Inadvertent Flight Into Ioing Conditions Static Source Blocked Spins Rough Engine Operation Or Loss = Of Power Carburetor eing . Spark Plug Fouling ‘Magneto Malfunction | Low Oil Pressure Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions ‘Bxoessive Rate OF Charge . Inguifclent Rate Of Charge Other Emergencies. ‘Windshield Damage 32 cEssNa MODEL 182R aae 42 sas a3 sa4 a4 aad 3415 BAS a6 3:16 316 316 816 a17 8.7 B17 318 318 Original tasue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODBL 182R EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section 3 provides checklist and amplified procedures for coping with emergencies that may occur. Emergencies cauised by airplane or engine malfunctions are extremely rare if proper preflight inspections and maintenance are practiced. Enroute weather emergencies can be minim- ized or eliminated by careful flight planning and good judgment when unexpeeted weather is encountered, However, should an emergency arise, the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem. Emergency procedures ‘associated with BLT and other optional systems can be found in Section 9. AIRSPEEDS FOR EMERGENCY OPERATION Engine Failure After Takoott: Wing Flaps Up -. 7S KIAS Wing Flaps Down .. 70 KIAS Maneuvering Speed: 3100 Lbs 7 HL KIAS 2600 Lbs Li) 2 soe Kras: 2000 Lbs Pasian asediatelseanerien a teneniareinernininaay "} <1) Maximum Glide: '3100 Lbs 78 KIAS 2600 Lbs. : 70 KIAS 2000 Lbs : ‘| cl.) 61 KIAS Precautionary Landing With Engine Power | | _ 70 KIAS Landing Without Engine Power: Wing Flaps Up | . 75 KIAS Wing Flaps Down Fe 70 KIAS OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS Procedures in the Operational Checklists portion of this section shown in bold-faced type are immediate-action items which should be committed to memory. ENGINE FAILURES ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF ROLL 1, Throttle -- IDLE. Original Issue 38 SECTION 3 CESSNA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1828, Brakes -- APPLY. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT. Mixture -- [DLE CUT-OFF, Ignition Switch -- OFF. Master Switch -- OFF. ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF Airspeed ~ 75 KIAS (flaps UP). 70 KIAS (flaps DOWN). ‘Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF, Fuel Selector Valve -- PUSH DOWN AND ROTATE TO OFF. Ignition Switeh =» OFF. ‘Wing Flaps ~ AS REQUIRED (FULL recommended). Master Switch ~- CFF. NGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT (RESTART PROCEDURES) Airspeed -- 75 KIAS. Carburetor Heat -- ON. Fuel Selector Valv Mixture -~ RICH, Ignition Switeh -- BOTH (or START if propeller is stopped). Primer -- IN and LOCKED. FORCED LANDINGS EMERGENCY LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE. ‘Airspeed 75 KIAS (flaps UP), ‘70 KIAS (flaps DOWN). Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Fuel Selector Valve -- PUSH DOWN AND ROTATE TO OFF, Ignition Switch ~ OFF. Wing Maps ~- AS REQUIRED (FULL recommended) Master Switch - OFF Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR T0 TOUCHDOWN, ‘Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. 10. Brakes ~ APPLY FRAVILY, PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER 34 Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE. Airspeed -- 75 KIAS. Wing Flaps ~ 20°. Selected Field -- FLY OVER, noting terrain and obstructions, then Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 182R, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed. ‘5. Hlectrical Switches ~ OFF. 6. Wing Flaps ~ FULL (on final approach). 7. Airspeed ~- 70 KIAS. 8. 9. Avionios Power and Master Switches ~ OFF, Doors — UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN, 10, Touchdown ~ SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. 11. Ignition Switeh ~ OFF. 12, Brakes ~ APPLY HEAVILY, DITCHING Radio ~ TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz, giving location and intentions and SQUAWK 7700 if transponder is installed. Heavy Objects (in baggage area) .- SECURE OR JETTISON, Soats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE, Flaps ~ 20° to FULL. Power -- ESTABLISH 300 FT/MIN DESCENT at 65 KIAS, Approach ~ High Winds, Heavy Seas ~- INTO THE WIND. Light Winds, Heavy Swells -- PARALLEL TO ‘SWELLS, NOTE 1 no power is available, approaeh at 70 KIAS with flaps up ‘or at 65 KIAS with 10° flaps, Cabin Doors ~ UNLATCH. ‘Touchdown ~- LEVEL ATTITUDE AT ESTABLISHED DESCENT. Face -- CUSHION at touchdown with folded cost. Airplane ~ EVACUATE through cabin doors. If necessary, open windows and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened. 11, Life Vests and Raft ~ INFLATE. FIRES DURING START ON GROUND 4. Cranking -- CONTINUE, to get astart whieh would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carburetor and into the engjne, Hf engine starts: 2, Power -- 1700 RPM for a few minutes 3, Engine - SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage, Original Issue 35 SECTION 3 CESSNA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 182K Hf engine fails to start ‘Throttle -- FULL OPEN. ‘Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF, Cranking -- CONTINUE. Fire Extinguisher-- OBTAIN (have ground attendants obtain if not installed), Engine ~ SECURE, a. Master Switeh ~ OFF. b. Ignition Switeh -- OFF. ©. Fuel Selector Valve - PUSH DOWN AND ROTATE TO OFF. 9, Fire EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt. 10. Fie Damage - INSPECT, repair damage or replace damaged com- ponents or wiring before conducting another flight. ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT Mixture ~ IDLE CUT-OFF, Fuel Selector Valve -- PUSH DOWN AND ROTATE TO OFF. ‘Master Switeh ~- OFF. Cabin Heat and Air -- OFF (except overhead vents). Airspeed -- 100 KIAS (If fire is not extinguished. increase glide Speed to find an airspeed which will provide an incombustible mixture). 6, Poreed Landing -. EXECUTE (as deseribed in Bmergency Landing, Without Engine Power). ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT Master Switeh ~ OFF. ‘Vents Cabin AiriHeat ~ CLOSED. Fire Extinguisher ~ ACTIVATE (if available) WARNING After discharging an extinguisher within @ closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. 4, Avionics Power Switch ~ OFF. 5. All Other Swritehes (except ignition switeh) - OFF. If five appears out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of night: 6, Master Switch - ON. 7. Cirouit Breakers - CHECK for faulty eireuit, do not reset. 36 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 182R EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 8, Radio Switches -- OFF, 8, Avionics Power Switoh -- ON. 10. Radio/Electrical Switches -- ON one at a time, with delay after each until short cirenit is localized, 14, Vents/Cabin Air/Heat -- OPEN when it is ascertained that fire is completely extinguished. CABIN FIRE 1 2 CLOSED (to avoid drafts) 3. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTIVATE (if available), WARNING After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the eabin. 4, Land the airplane as soon as possible to inspect for damage. WING FIRE 1, Pitot Heat Switeh (if installed) ~ OFF. 2. Navigation Light Switch ~ OFF. 8. Strobe Light Switeh (if installed) ~ OFF. NOTE Perform a sideslip to keep the flames away from the fuel tank and cabin, and land as soon as possible using flaps only as roquired for final approach and touchdown, ICING INADVERTENT ICING ENCOUNTER L Turn pitot heat switch ON (if installed). 2. Turn back or change altitude to obtain an outside air temperature that is less conducive to icing, Pull cabin heat control full out and rotate defroster control clock- wise to obtain maximum defroster airflow. 4, Increase engine speed to minimize ice build-up on propeller blades, 5. Watch for signs of carburetor alr filter lee and apply carburetor Original Issue 37 SRCTION 3 CESSNA PMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1828, heat as required. An unexplained loss in manifold pressure could be caused by carburetor ice or air intake filter ice, Lean the mixture lf carburetor heat is used continuously. 6. Plan a landing at the nearest airport, With an extremely rapid ice build-up, select a suitable “off airport” landing site, 7. With an ice accumulation of 1/4 inch or more on the wing leading edges, be prepared for significantly higher stall speed 8. Leave wing flaps retracted. With a severe ice build-up on the horizontal tail, the change in wing wake airflow direction caused by wing flap extension could result in a loss of elevator effective: 8. Open teft window and if practical scrape ice from a portion of the windshield for visibility in the landing approach, 10. Performa landing approach using a forward slip. if necessary. for improved visibility, 14, Approach at 80 to 90 KIAS depending upon the amount of ice accumulation, 12 Perform a landing in level attitude, STATIC SOURCE BLOCKAGE (Erroneous Instrument Reading Suspected) 1. Static Pressure Alternate Source Valve (if installed) -- PULL ON. NOTE In an emergency on airplanes not equipped with an alternate static source. cabin pressure can be supplied 10, the static pressure instruments by breaking the glass in the face of the vortical speed indicator 2, Airspeed -- Consult appropriate table in Section 5. 3. Altitude -- Cruise 50 feet higher and approach 30 feet higher than normal. LANDING WITH A FLAT MAIN TIRE Approach -. NORMAL, Wing Flaps -» FULL DOWN. Touchdown --GOOD TIRE FIRST, hold airplane off flattireas long 8 possible with aileron control. Directional Control -- MAINTAIN using brake on good wheel as required, 38 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 182R, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS AMMETER SHOWS EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE (Full Scale Deflection) 1. Alternator -- OFF, ‘CAUTION With the alternator side of the master switch off, compass. deviations of as much as 25° may oceur. 2, Alternator Circuit Breaker -- PULL, 5, Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFP. 4. Flight-- TERMINATE as soon as practical. LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT ILLUMINATES DURING FLIGHT (Ammeter Indicates Discharge) NOTE Mlumination of the low-voltage light may occur during’ low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system Such as during a low RPM taxi, Under these conditions, the Hight will go out at higher RPM. The master switch need not be recycled sinee an over-voltage condition has not Secured to de-activate the alternator system. Avionies Power Switeh -- OFF, Alternator Cireuit Breaker -- CHECK IN Master Switch -- OFF (both sides) Master Switch -- ON. Low-Voltage Light -- CHECK OFF. Avionies Power Switch -- ON. If low-voltage light illuminates again: 7. Alternator - OFF. ‘CAUTION With the alternator side of the master switeh off, compass. deviations of as much as 25° may occur. 8, Nonessential Radio and Electrical Equipment -- OFF, 9. Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical, Original Issue 3.9/(9-10 blank) cESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 1828, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES ‘The following Amplified Procedures elaborate upon information contained in the Operational Cheolilists portion of this soction. These procedures also include information not readily adaptable to a checklist format, and material to which a pilot could not be expected to refer in resolution of a specific emergency. ENGINE FAILURE If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff run, the most important ‘thing todo is stop the airplane on the remaining runway, Those extra items on the checklist will provide added safety after a failure of this type. Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish aglide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. In most cases, the landing should be planned straight ahead with only small changes in direction to avold obstructions. Altitude and airspeed are seldom sufficient to execute a 180° gliding turn necessary to return tothe runway. The checklist procedures assume that adequate time oxists to secure the fuel and ignition systems prior to touchdown. 14.000 ea tt veo] ¥ PROPELLER wining : : FLAPS UP ie ZERO VINO 2 room = 8000 3 000 BEST GLIDE SPEED £ WEIGHT (L8S) | KIAS 5 ‘0 ; co | 76 |] ie 2600 70 * 50001 2000 61 ° fesleal 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 14 16 18 2 2 GROUND DISTANCE - NAUTICAL MILES. Figure 3-1, Maximum Glide Original Issue sat SRCTION 3 CESSNA PMBRGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 182R After an engine failure in flight, the best glide speed ae shown in figure 3-4 should be established as quickly as possible. While gliding toward a suitable landing area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. Iftime permits, an engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist. If the engine cannot be restarted, a forced landing without power must be completed. FORCED LANDINGS If all attempts to restart the engine fail and a forced landing is imminent, select a suitable field and prepare for the landing as discussed. in the checklis: for Emergency Landing Without Engine Power. Before attempting an “off airport" landing with engine power availa- ble, one should fly over the landing area ata safe but low altitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as dis- cussed under the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power checklist. Prepare for ditching by seouring or jettisoning heavy objects located in the baggage area and collect folded coats for protection of oceupants’ face at touchdown. Transmit Mayday message on 121.5 MHz giving location and intentions and squawk 7700 if a transponder is installed, Avoid « landing flare because of difficulty in judging height over a water surface, In a forced landing situation, do not turn off the avionics power and master switchos until a landing is assured, Premature deactivation of the Switches will disable the encoding altimeter and airplane electrical sys- toms, LANDING WITHOUT ELEVATOR CONTROL ‘Trim for horizontal flight with an airspeed of approximately 80 KIAS by using throttle and elevator srim control. Then do not change the elevator ‘rim control setting; control the glide angle by adjusting power exelusive- ly. Ai flareout, the nose-down moment resulting from power reduction is an adverse factor and the airplane may bit on the nose wheel, Consequent- ly, at flareout, tie elevator trim control should be adjusted toward the full ose-up position and the power adjusted so that the airplane will rotate to the horizontal attitude for touchdown, Close the throttle at touchdown, FIRES Although engine fires are extremely rare in flight, the steps of the appropriate checklist should be followed if one is encountered. After au2 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 182R, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: completion of this procedure, execute a forced landing, Do not attempt to restart the engine. ‘The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the odor of burning insulation, The checklist for this problem should result in elimination of tho fire. EMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS (Vacuum System Failure) If the optional electric standby vacuum pump is not installed and a complete vacuum system failure ocours during flight, the directional indi- calor and attitude indicator will be disabled, and the plot will have to rely fon the turn coordinator if he inadvertently flies into clouds. If an autopilot is installed, it too may be affected. For instance, a 200A autopilot will re- main functional and can be used following a vacuum system failure. How- ever, only the basic wings leveling mode of a 800A will function after a Vacuum failure, but other modes ehould not be considered usable, Refer to Section 9, Supplements, for additional details concerning autopilot and/or electric standby vacuum pump operation. The following instructions as- Sume that only the electrically-powered turn coordinator is operative, and that the pilot is not conspletely proficient in instrument fying. EXECUTING A 180° TURN IN CLOUDS Upon inadvertently entering the clouds, an immediate plan should be made to turn back as follows: 1, Note the compass heading. 2, Note the time of the minute hand and observe the position of the sweep second hand on the clock. 3, When the sweep second hand indicates the nearest half-minute, initiate @ standard rate left turn, holding the turn coordinator symbolic airplane wing opposite the lower left index mark for 60 seconds, Then roll back to level flight by leveling the miniature airplane, 4. Check accuracy of the turn by observing the compass heading which should be the reciprocal of the original heading. 5, If necessary, adjust heading primarily with skidding motions rather than rolling motions so that the compass will read more accurately. 6 Maintain altitude and airspeed by cautious application of elevator control. Avoid overcontrolling by keeping the hands off the control wheel as much as possible and steering only with rudder. Original Issue 313 SECTION 3 CESSNA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 182R, EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH CLOUDS If conditions preclude reestablishment of VFR flight by a 180° turn, a descent through a cloud deck to VFR conditions may be appropriate. If possible, obtain radio clearance for an emergency descent through clouds. ‘To guard against a spiral dive, choose an easterly or westerly heading to minimize compass card swings due to changing bank angles. In addition, ‘keep hands off the control wheel and steer a straight course with rudder control by monitoring the turn coordinator. Occasionally check the compass heading and make minor corrections to hold an approximate course. Before descending into the clouds, set up a stabilized let-down condition as follows: 3. Apply full rich mixture, 2. Apply full carburetor heat, 8, Reduce power to set up a 500 to 800 ft/min rate of descent. 4, Adjust the elevator and rudder trim control wheels for a stabilized escent at 80 KIAS, 5. Keep hands off control wheel. 6. Monitor tun coordinator and make correetions by rudder alone, 7. Adjust rudder trim to relieve unbalanced rudder foree, if present. 8 Check trend of compass card movement and male cautious corrections with rudder to stop turn. 8. Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising flight RECOVERY FROM A SPIRAL DIVE If spiral is encountered, proceed as follows: 1, Retard the throttle to idle position. 2. Stop the turn by using coordinated aileron and rudder control to align the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator with the hori. zon reference line, 3, Cautiously apply elevator back pressure to slowly reduce the indicated airspeed to 80 KIAS. 4. Adjust the elevator trim control to maintain an 80 KIAS glide 5. Koop hands off the control wheel, using rudder control to hold a straight heading. Use rudder trim to relieve unbalanced rudder force, if present. 6. Apply carburetor heat, Clear engine occasionally, but avoid using enough power to disturb the trimmed glide. 8. Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising flight, INADVERTENT FLIGHT INTO ICING CONDITIONS Flight into icing conditions is prohibited. An inadvertent encounter aad Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 3 MOPEL 1928, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: with these conditions can best be handled using the checklist procedures. ‘The best procedure, of course, is to turn back or change altitude to escape icing conditions. STATIC SOURCE BLOCKED If erroneous readings of the statio source instruments (airspeed, al- timeter and vertical speed) are suspected due to water, ice or other foreign, matter in the pressure lines going to the standard external statio pressure sources, the static pressure alternate source valve should be pulled on. A chart in Section § provides a correotion which may be applied to the indi cated airspeeds listed in this handbook resulting from inaccuracies in the alternate satle source pressures. To avold the possibility of large ervors, the windows should not be open when using the alternate static souree. NOTE In an omorgency on airplanes not equipped with an alter- nate static souree, cabin pressure can be supplied to the static pressure instraments by breaking the glass in the face of the vertical speed indicator. SPINS Intentional spins are prohibited in this airplane. Should an inadvert. ent spin occur, the following recovery procedure should be used: RETARD THROTTLE 10 IDLE POSITION. PLACE AILERONS IN NEUTRAL POSITION. APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIREC- ‘TION OF ROTATION. JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE THE WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. 5. HOLD THESE CONTROL INPUTS UNTIL ROTATION STOPS Premature relaxation of the control inputs may extend the recov- ery, 8. A8 ROTATION STOPS, NEUTRALIZE RUDDER, AND MAKE A SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING DIVE. NOTE If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator may be referred to for this information. Original Issue 345 SECTION 8 CESSNA PMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 182R ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF POWER CARBURETOR ICING An unexplained drop in manifold pressure and eventual engine roughness may result from the formation of carburetor ice. To olear the ice, apply full throttle and pull the carburetor heat knob full out until the engine runs smoothly; then remove carburetor heat and readjust the throttle. If conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cruise flight, Use the minimum amount of heat necessary to prevent ice from. forming and lean the mixture for smoothest engine operation. SPARK PLUG FOULING A slight ongine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits. This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from BOTH tocither L or R position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble. Assuming that spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixture to tho recommended lean setting for cruising flight. If the problem does not clear up in several minutes determine if a richer mixture setting will produce Smoother operation. If not, proceed to the nearest airport for repairs using the BOTH position of the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of a single ignition position, MAGNETO MALFUNCTION A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of magneto problems. Switching from BOTH to either L or F ignition switen, position will identify which magneto is malfunctioning. Select different power settings and enrichon the mixture to determine if continued opera- tion on BOTH magnetos is practicable. If not, switen to the good magneto and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs. LOW OIL PRESSURE If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is 8 possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is malfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cause for an immediate precau: tionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden loss of or! from the engine sump. However. a landing at the nearest airport would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble. If a total loss of oil pressure is accompanied by a rise in oil vempera- 316 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 1828, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ture, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Reduce engine power immediately and soloct a suitable forced landing field. Use only the minimum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot, ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS Malfunctions in the electrical power supply system can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and low-voltage warning light: however, the cause of these malfunctions is usually difficult to determine, A broken alternator drive belt or wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors could cause ihe problem. A defective alternator control unit oan also cause malfunctions. Problems of this nature constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately. Blectrical power malfunctions usually fall into two catego- ries: excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The para- graphs below describe the recommended remedy for each situation, EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds (such as extended taxiing) the baitery condition will be low enough to accept above normal charging during the initial part of a flight. However, aiter thirly minutes of cruising flight, the ammotor should be indicating less than two needle widths of charging current. If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight. the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate. Electronic components in the electrical system oan be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage. The alternator control unit includes an over-voltage sensor which normally will automatically shut down the alternator ifthe charge voltage reaches approximately 31.5 volts. If the over-voltage sensor malfunctions, as evidenced by anexcessive rate of charge shown on the ammeter, the alternator should be turned off, alternator cireult breaker pulled, nonessential electrical equipment turned off and the flight terminated as soon as practical INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE NOTE Mlumination of the low-voltage light and ammeter dis: charge indications may occur during low RPM conditions ‘with an electrical load on the system, such as during: « low RPM taxi. Under these conditions, the light will go out at Original Issue 37 SECTION 3 CESSNA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 182R higher RPM. The master switch need not be recycled since an over-voltage condition has not oceurred to de-activite the alternator system, If the over-voltage sensor should shut down the alternator or if the alternator output is low, a discharge rate will be shown on the ammeter followed by illumination of the low-voltage warning light. Since this may he “nuisance” trip-out, an attempt should be made to reactivate the nlternator systom. Todo this, turn the avionics power switch off, check that the alternator circuit breaker is in, then turn both sides of the master switch off and then on again. If the problem no longer exists. normal alternator charging will resume and the low-voltage light will go off. Tho avionies power switch may then be turned back on. If the light illuminates again, a malfunction is confirmed. In this event, the flight should be terminated and/or the current drain on the battery minimized because the battery can supply the electrical system for only a limited period of time. If the emergency occurs atnight, power mustbe conserved for later use of the Janding lights and flaps during landing. OTHER EMERGENCIES WINDSHIELD DAMAGE If a bird strike or other incident should damage the windshield in {flight to the point of creating an opening, a significant loss in perfor- mance may be expected. This loss may be minimized in some eases (de- pending on amount of damage, altitude, ete.) by opening the side windows while the airplane is maneuvered for a landing at the nearest airport. If airplane performance or other adverse conditions preclude landing at an airport, prepare for an “off airport” landing in accordance with the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power or Ditching checklists 3.18 Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 182R, NORMAL PROCEDURES SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduetion ‘Speeds For Normal Operation (CHECKLIST PROCEDURES Preflight Inspection Cabin : Empennage Right Wing, Trailing Bdge Right Wing . Nose ares Loft Wing: Left Wing, Leading Rage Left Wing, Trailing Edge Before Starting Engine Starting Engine Before Takeoff Takeott ‘Normal Takeot! Short Field Takeoff Enroute Climb Normal Climb Maximum Performance Climb cruise Descent, Before Landing Landing Normal Landing Short Field Landing Balked Landing After Landing Securing Airplane Original Issue - 20 August 1984 45 409 #10 410 410 @10 410 pete aan eat 4 CESSNA MODEL 82h TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont ued) AMPLIFTED PROCEDURES Preflight Inspection Starting Engine Taxing Before Takeoff | Warm-Up Magneto Check : ‘ Alternator Check ‘Takoott Power Check Wing Flap Settings Crosswind Takeo! Enroute Climb Cruise Leaning With A Cessna Beonomy Mixture Indicator (BGT) Stalls Landing Normal Landing Short Field Landing Crosswind Landing Balked Landing Cold Weather Operation Starting Operation Hot Weather Operation Noise Characteristics 42 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 12h NORMAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section 4 provides checklist and amplified procedures for the conduct, of normal operation. Normal procedures associated with optional systems can be found in Section 9. SPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATION Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are based on amaximum. takeoff weight or maximum landing weight, and may be used for any lesser ‘weight. However, to achieve the performance specified in Section 5 for takeoff distance, the speed appropriate to the particular weight must be used, ‘Takeott: Normal Climb Out. 70-80 KIAS. Short Field Takeoff, Maps 20°, Speed at 50 Feet 59 KIAS, Enroute Climb, Flaps Up: Normal... 85-95 KIAS Best Rate of Climb, SeaLevel |) |.) 1. | 81 KIAS Best Rate of Climb, 10,000 Feet 75 KIAS Best Angle of Climb, Sea Level - : 99 KIAS Best Angle of Climb, 10,000 Feet |... 2. | 66 KIAS Landing Approach (2950 Lbs): Normal Approach, Flaps Up . 70-80 KIAS. Normal Approach, Flaps FULL’ : 60-70 KIAS Short Field Approach, Flaps FULL | 1) 11) 1). 61KIAS Balked Landing (2950 Lbs): ‘Maximum Power, Flaps 20° . 55 KIAS Maximum Recommended Turbulent Aix Penetration Speed: ‘3100 Lbs. un KIAS 2800 Lbs | | ear setaeterg tne aeeteseecereeremastet "p61 2000 Lbs | | 38 KIAS ‘Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity: ‘Takeotf or Landing 15 KNOTS Original Ineue 43 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES NOTE Visually check airplane for general condition during walk-around inspection. Use of the refueling steps and assist handles (if installed) will simplify access to the upper wing surfaces for visual checks and refuelin, operations. In cold weather, remove oven small accumu tions of frost. ice or snow from wing, tail and control surfaces. Also, make sure that control surfaces contain no internal accumulations of ico or debris. Prior to flight, check that pitot heater (if installed) is warm to touch within 30 seconds with battery and pitot heat switches on, If a night flight is planned, check operation of all lights, and make sure a flashlight is available. Figure 4-1. Preflight Inspection 44 Original Issue cRSSNA SECTION 4 MODEL i82R, NORMAL PROCEDURES: CHECKLIST PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTION @casin Pilot's Operating Handbook ~ AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE, Parking Brake ~ SET. Control Wheel Lock — REMOVE. Ignition Switeh ~ OFF. Master Switch ~ ON, WARNING When turning on the master switch, using an external power source, or pulling the propeller through by hand, ‘reat the propeller as if the ignition switch were on. Do not stand, nor allow anyone else to stand, within the are of the propeller, since a loose or broken wire, or component ‘malfunction, could cause the propeller to rotate. 6. Avionics Power Switch - ON. 7. Avionics Cooling Fan ~ CHECK AUDIBLY FOR OPERATION. 8. Avionics Power Switch — OFF. 9, Low-Vacuum Warning Light ~ CHECK ON. 10. Fuel Quantity Indicators - CHECK QUANTITY. 11, Master Switch -- OFF. 412) Static Pressure Alternate Souree Valve (if installed) ~ OFF. 13. Fuel Selector Valve -~- BOTH, 14. Baggage Door ~- CHECK for security, look with key if child’s seat is to bo oooupied. @EMPENNAGE 1, Rudder Gust Lock ~ REMOVE, 2) Tail Tie-Down ~ DISCONNECT. 3. Control Surfaces ~ CHECK freedom of movement and security. @RIGHT WING Trailing Edge 1. Alleron ~ CHECK freedom of movement and security. @pricut wine 1, Wing Tie-Down ~ DISCONNECT. Original Issue 45 SRCTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 182R, 2, Fuel Tank Vent Opening ~ CHECK for stoppage. 3. Main Whool Tire ~ CHECK for proper inflation. 5. 7 @ wo! Fuel Tank Sump Quick-Drain Valve — DRAIN at least a oupful of fuel (using sampler cup) to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade before first flight of day and after each refueling, If ‘water is observed, take further samples until clear and then gently rock wings and lower tail to ground to move any additional conta- minants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed, Fuel Quantity ~ CHECK VISUALLY for desired level. Fuel Filler Cap ~ SECURE and vent unobstructed. SE ee e eeeieed Sptanats CHBGR for nota, eR and of teak 2 EnrelG lng At ste CLEAR of obebenoe t Takiing gts GMO ioe cnatncon tat tations, S Reinhonthte ruier S CHBGK tor recwiouons Wy ator otter a 6. Noses! Strut and ‘ire - CHECK for proper nftaton + Noes neSoen s Bisconnaee © Regine Ot Bler Caps CHECK sacure 8) Engine ON Dipnick « CHECK off ioe, then check dptok SE- SoS. Do aot opcais Sith Teas thee sls muctee wantes tron Ga te caesar pte 1, Raat Gurset Dean sb - PULL OUT for at west four soon to tee eine of ene cee cea ecuect eens at nina ot Gksrand cher cudh tatueing"Retare Grae hugh fal fs ad ose einer arte CLOSED. wits le cinanoel fora hannee Pcp or pre reoene ene stings dad lower tlt ground ts move nay saaitond ontanaee nul the sarap pobe tune reported anon tows all hel tae pinta tall Sotetingttn hes bea renee 11, Lap elas Soutee Opening cuMEN tr aorepe tert wine ee ere ZR Res ely - Gaouhe ana/vocr cnoueeana 5. Ruth Suiep Guise Dra Vato s DRAIN'S lata oupfl of 46 fuel (using sampler cup) to cheek for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade before first Might of day and after each refueling. If water is observed, take further samples until clear and then gently rock wings and lower tail to the ground to move any additional contaminants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed. Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 182, NORMAL PROCEDURES 4, Main Wheel Tire ~ CHECK for proper inflation @LEFT WING Leading Edge 1. 2 3 4 Pitot Tube Cover -- REMOVE and check opening for stoppage Fuel Tank Vent Opening .- CHECK for stoppage. Stall Warning Vane -- CHECK for freedom of movement while mas- ter switch is turned ON (horn should sound when vane Is pushed upward). Wing Tie-Down ~ DISCONNECT. @LEF WING Treiting Ease 1 Alleron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security. BEFORE STARTING ENGINE Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE, Passenger Briefing -- COMPLETE, Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK, Brakes -- TEST and SET. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF, ‘CAUTION ‘The avionics power switch must be OFF during engine start to prevent possible damage to avionics. Blectrical Equipment -- OFF. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN. Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN (move lever out of locking hole to reposition). Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH. STARTING ENGINE Prime -- AS REQUIRED. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. ‘Throttle -- OPEN 1/2 INCH. Propeller -- HIGH RPM. Mixture -- RICH, Propeller Area -- CLEAR, Master Switch — ON. Ignition Switeh -- START (release when engine starts). Original Issue “7 SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES: MODEL 182R rm 2. 18. NoTE engine hasbeen overprimed, start with throttle 1/4 to 1/2 open. Reduce throttle to idle when engine fires. Ul Pressure -- CHECK, Starter — CHECK DISENGAGED (if starter were to remain en- gaged, ammeter would indioate full-scale charge with engine run- ning at 1000 RPM). ‘Avionics Power Switoh — ON. Navigation Lights and Flashing Beacon -- ON as required. Radios -- ON. BEFORE TAKEOFF 12, 13. 14 15, 16, 417, 18 19. Parking Brake - SET, Seats. Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses - CHECK SECURE. Cabin Doors -- CLOSED and LOCKED. Flight Controls - FREE and CORRECT. Flight Instruments ~ CHECK and SE. ‘CAUTION ‘The directional indicator should be rechecked during en- gine rumup to avold compass deviation errors which may ‘occur below 1200 RPM. Primer -- LOCKED, Fuel Quantity ~ CHECK. ‘Mixture ~ RICH. Fuel Selector Vaive - RECHECK BOTH. Elevator and Rudder Trim -- SET for takeoff. ‘Throttle ~ 1700 RPM. a, Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop should not exceed 150 RPM on either magneto or 50 RPM differential botween magnetos). b. Carburetor Heat ~ CHECK (for RPM drop). ¢. Propeller - CYCLE from high to low RPM; return to high RPM (full in. 4. Suotion Gage ~ CHECK, Engine Instruments and Ammeter ~ CHECK. ‘Throttle ~ 800 - 1000 RPM. ‘Throttle Friction Lock ADJUST. Electric Trim (if installed) ~ PREFLIGHT TEST (See Scotion 9). Strobe Lights (if installed) -- AS DESIRED. Radios and Avionics ~ SET. “Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF. Wing Flaps ~ SET for takeoff (see Takeoff cheektists) Cow! Flaps - OPEN. Parking Brake RELEASE. Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 1828, NORMAL PROCEDURES: TAKEOFF NORMAL TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps ~ 0° - 20° Carburetor Heat - COLD. 3. Power ~ FULL THROTTLE and 2400 RPM. 4. Mixture -- FULL RICH (mixture may be leaned above 5000 feet for ‘smooth operation). 5. Elevator Control -- LIFT NOSE WHEEL at 50 KIAS. 6. Climb Speed ~~ 70 KIAS (flaps 20°) 80 KIAS (flaps UP). 7. Wing Flaps ~ RETRACT. SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF Wing Flaps -- 20°. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. Brakes -- APPLY, Power -- FULL THROTTLE and 2400 RPM. Mixture -- FULL RICH (mixture may be leaned above 5000 fest for smooth operation). Brakes -- RELEASE. Elevator Control -- MAINTAIN SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW ATTI- TUDE, Climb Speed -- 59 KIAS (until all obstacles are cleared) Wing Flaps -- RETRACT slowly after reaching 70 KIAS. ENROUTE CLIMB NORMAL CLIMB 1. Airspeed -- 85-95 KIAS. Power -- 28 INCHES Hg or FULL THROTTLE (whichever is less) and 2400 RPM. 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH. 4. Mixture -- FULL RICH (mixture may be leaned above 5000 feet for ‘smooth engine operation). 5. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN as required, MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE CLIMB 1. Airspeed -- 81 KIAS at soa lovel to 75 KIAS at 10,000 fect. 2 Power -- FULL THROTTLE and 2400 RPM. 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH, Original Issue 49 SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 1828, 4. Mixture -- FULL RICH (mixture may be leaned above 6000 feet for smooth engine operation), 9. Cowl Flaps -- FULL OPEN. CRUISE 1, Power ~ 19.23 INCHES Hg, 2100-2400 RPM (no more than 75% power) 2, Elevator and Rudder Trim ~ ADJUST. 3. Mixture - LEAN, 4 Cowl Flaps “- CLOSED. DESCENT Fuel Selector Valve ~ BOTH. Power -- AS DESIRED. Mixture ~ ENRICHEN as required. Carburetor Heat -- FULL HEAT AS REQUIRED to prevent car buretor icing. Cow! Flaps ~ CLOSED. Wing Flaps ~ AS DESIRED (0° . 10° below 140 KIAS, 10° - 20° below 120 KIAS, 20° - FULL below 95 KIAS). BEFORE LANDING Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE. Fuel Selector Vaive BOTH. Mixture - RICH. Propeller ~ HIGH RPM. Carburetor Heat .- ON (apply full heat before reducing power), Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF. LANDING NORMAL LANDING Airspeed -- 70-80 KIAS (flaps UP). Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED (0° | 10° below 140 KIAS, 10° - 20° below 120 KIAS, 20° - FULL below 95 KIAS). ‘Airspeed ~ 60-70 KIAS (flaps DOWN). ‘Trim -- ADJUST. Touchdown - MAIN WHEELS FIRST, Landing Roll -- LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY. Braking ~- MINIMUM REQUIRED. 410 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 82h, NORMAL PROCEDURES SHORT FIELD LANDING “Airspeed ~- 70-80 KIAS (flaps UP). Wing Flaps - FULL (below 95 KIAS). Airspeed -- MAINTAIN 61 KIAS, ‘Trim ~ ADJUST, Power -- REDUCE to idle as obstacle is cleared, e ‘Touchdown ~ MAIN WHEELS FIRST. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY, Wing Flaps ~- RETRACT for maximum brake effectiveness. .LKED LANDING Power -- FULL THROTTLE and 2400 RPM Carburetor Heat -- COLD. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20° Climb Speed -- 53 KIAS. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT slowly after reaching 70 KIAS. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN, AFTER LANDING 1. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. 2. Wing Flaps -- UP. 3. Cow! Flaps -- OPEN, SECURING AIRPLANE Parking Brake -- SET. ‘Throttle — IDLE. Avionics Power Switch, Blectrieal Equipment -- OFF, Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF (pulled full out). Ignition Switch -- OFF ‘Master Switch -- OFF. Control Lock -. INSTALL. Cow! Flaps -- CLOSE. Fuel Selector Valve -- RIGHT or LUFT to prevent crossfeeding. Original Issue 4-11/ (4-12 blank) cEssNA SECTION 4 MODEL 182R, NORMAL PROCEDURES AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTION ‘The Preflight Inspection, described in figure 4-1 and adjacent check: list. is recommended for the first flight of the day. Inspection procedures for subsequent flights are normally limited to brief checks of control surface hinges. fuel and oil quantity. and security of fuel and oil fillercaps. ‘and draining of the fuel strainer, and fuel tank sumps. If the airplane has been in extended storage, has had recent major maintenance, or has been operated from marginal airports, a more extensive exterior inspection is recommended, After major maintenance has been performed, the fight and trim tab controls should be double-checked for free and correct movement and security. The security of all inspection plates on the airplane should be checked following periodic inspections. If the airplane has been waxed or polished. check the external statie pressure source holes for stoppage. If the airplane nas been exposed to much ground handling ina crowded hangar. it should be checked for dents and scratches on wings. fuselage, and tail surfaces, as well as damage tonavigation and anti-collision lights, and avionies antennas, Outside storage for long periods may result in dust and dirt accumula- tion on the induction air filter, obstructions in airepeed system lines, and condensation in fuel tanks. If any water is detected in the fuel system, the fuel tank sump quick-irain valves, fuel selector valve drain, and fuel strainer drain should all be thoroughly drained again, Then, the wings should be gently rocked and the tail lowered to the ground to move any further contaminants to the sampling points. Repeated samples should be taken from all drain points until all contamination has been removed. If, after repeated sampling, evidence of contamination still exists, the fuel tanks should be completely drained and the fuel system cleaned. Outside storage in windy or gusty areas, or tie-down adjacent to taxiing airplanes, calls for special attention to control surface stops, hinges, and brackets to detect the presence of wind damage, If the airplane has been operated from muddy fields or in snow or slush, check the main and nose gear wheel fairings for obstructions and cleanliness. Operation from a gravel or cinder field will require extra aitention to propeller tips and abrasion on leading edges of the horizontal tail. Stone damage to the propeller can seriously reduce the fatigue life of the blades. Airplanes that are operated from rough fields. especially at high altitudes, are subjected to abnormal landing gear abuse. Frequently check all components of the landing gear, shock strut, tires, and brakes, If the Original Issue 4a SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES. MODEL 182R shock strut is insufficiently extended, undue landing and taxi loads will be subjected on the airplane structure, To prevent loss of fuel in flight, make sure the fuel tankk filler caps are tightly sealed after any fuel system check or servicing. Fuel system vents should also be inspected for obstructions, ice or water, especially after exposure to cold, wet weather. STARTING ENGINE Ordinarily the engine starts easily with one or two strokes of the primer in warm temperatures to six strokes in cold weather with the throttle open approximately 1/2 inch. In extremely cold temperatures. it may be necessary to continue priming while cranking. Weals intermittent firing followed by puffs of black smoke from the exhaust stack indicates, overpriming or flooding, Excess fuel can be cleared from the combustion ‘chambers by the following procedure: Setthe mixture contro} full lean and the throttle full open: then orank the engine through several revolutions with the starter. Repeat the starting procedure without any additional priming. If the engine is underprimod (most likely in cold weather with « cold engine) it will not fire at all. Additional priming will be necessary for the next starting attempt. As soon as the cylinders begin to fire, open the throttle slightly to keep it running. If prolonged cranking is necessary, allow the starter motor to cool at frequent intervals, since excessive heat may damage the armature. ‘After starting, ifthe oil gage does not begin to show pressure within 30 seconds in the summertime and about twice that long in very cold weather, stop engine and investigate, Lack of oil pressure can cause seriousengine damage. After starting, avoid the use of carburotor heat unless icing conditions prevail. NOTE Additional details concerning cold weather starting and operation may be found under COLD WEATHER OPERA- TION paragraphs in this section. After the completion of normal engine starting procedures, it is a good practice to verify that the engine starter has disengaged. If the starter con- tactor were to stick closed, causing the starter to remain engaged, an ex- cessively high charge indication (full scale at 1000 RPM) would be evident fon the ammeter. In this event, immediately shut down the engine and take ‘correstive action prior to flight. au Original Tssue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 162R NORMAL PROCEDURES USE DOWN AILERON £1 ON LH WING AND "| Down eLevaToR cope de Strong quartering til winds require caution. vino sinEcTION [p Brad son bunt of te tote and ey braking when the alrpane i in thie attitude Use the steerable nose wheel and rudder to maintain direction. Figure 4.2, Taxiing Diagram Original Issue SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 1822, TAXIING When taxiing, it is important that speed and use of brakes be held to a minimum and thet all controls be utilized (see Taxiing Diagram, figure 4- 2) to maintain directional control and balance. ‘The carburetor heat control knob should be pushed full in during all ground operations unless heat is absolutely necessary for smooth engine Operation. When the imob is pulled out to the heat position, airentering the ‘engine is not filtered. ‘Taxiing over loose gravel or cinders should be done at low engine speed to avoid abrasion and stone damage to the propeller tips. BEFORE TAKEOFF WARM-UP Since the engine is closely cowled for efficient in-flight cooling, precautions should be taken to avoid overheating on the ground. Full power checks on the ground are not recommended unless the pilothas good reason to suspect that the engine is not turning up properly, MAGNETO CHECK ‘The magneto check should be made at 1700 RPM as follows. Move ignition switch first to R position and note RPM. Next move switch back to BOTH to clear the other set of plugs. Then move switeh to the L position, ote RPM and return the switeh to the BOTH position. RPM drop should not exceed 150 RPM on either magneto or show greater than 50 RPM differen: tial between magnetos. If there is a doubt concerning operation of the ignition system, RPM checks at higher engine speeds will usually confirm whether a deficiency exists An absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system or should be cause for suspicion that the magneto timing 18 set in advance of the setting specified. ALTERNATOR CHECK Prior to flights where verification of proper alternator and alternator control unit operation is essential (such as night or instrument flights). positive verification can be made by loading the electrical system fnomentarily (3 to 5 seconds) with the landing light during the engine Funup (1700 RPM), The ammeter will remain within a needle width of the initial reading if she alternator and alternator control unit are operating properly, 416 Original Tssue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 182, NORMAL PROCEDURES TAKEOFF POWER CHECK tis importantto check takeoff power early in the takeoffroll. Any sign of rough engine operation or sluggish engine acceleration is good cause for discontinuing the takeoff, Full power runups over loose gravel are especially harmful to pro- peller tips. When takeoffs must be made over a gravel surface, itis very important that the throttle be advanced slowly. This allows the airplane to start rolling before high RPM is developed, and the gravel will be blown, back of the propeller rather than pulled into it, When unavoidable small dents appear in the propeller blades they should be corrected immediately 88 described in Section 8 under Propeller Care. After full power is applied, adjust the throttle friction lock clockwise to prevent the throttle from creeping from a maximum power position. Similar friction lock adjustment should be made as required in other flight conditions to maintain a fixed throttle setting. WING FLAP SETTINGS Normal takeoffs are accomplished with wing flaps 0° 10 20°, Using 20° wing flaps reduces the ground roll and total distance over an obstacle by approximately 20 per cent. Flap deflections greater than 20° are not approved for takeoff. 1£ 20° wing flaps are used for takeoff, they should be left down until all obstacles are cleared and a safe flap retraction speed of70 KIAS is reached, To clear an obstacle with wing flaps 20°, an obstacle clearance speed of 59. KIAS should be used Soft field takeoffs are performed with 20° flaps by lifting the airplane off the ground as soon as practical in a slightly tail-low attitude. If no obstacles are ahead, the airplane should be leveled off immediately 10 accelerate to a safer climb speed. With wing flaps retracted and no obstructions ahead, aclimb-out speed of 80 KIAS would be most efficient, CROSSWIND TAKEOFF ‘Takeoffs into strong crosswinds normally are performed with the minimum flap setting necessary for the field length, #o minimize the drift angle immediately after takeoff, With the ailerons partially deflected into the wind, the airplane is accelerated to a speed slightly higher than Original Issue 47 SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES: MODEL 182 normal. and then pulled off abruptly to prevent possible settling back to the runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated turn into the wind to correct for drift. ENROUTE CLIMB Normal climbs are performed at 85-95 KIAS with flaps up, 23 In, Hg, or full throttle (whichever is less) and 2400 RPM for the best combination of engine cooling, rate of climb and forward visibility. If it is necessary to climb rapidiy to clear mountains or reach favorable winds at high sititudes. the best rate-of-climb speed should be used with maximum power. This speed is 81 KIAS at sea level, decreasing to 75 KIAS at 10,000 If an obstruction ahead requires a steep climb angle, a best angle-of- climb speed should be used with flaps up and maximum power. This speed is 59 KTAS at sea level, increasing to 66 KIAS at 10,000 feet, ‘The mixture shouldbe full rich during climb ataltitudes up t05000 feet. Above 5000 feet, the mixture may be leaned for smooth engine operation ‘and increased power. CRUISE Normal cruising is performed between 55% and 75% power. The cor- responding power settings and fuel consumption for various altitudes can be determined by using your Cessna Power Computer or the data in Sec- tion 5. NOTE Cruising should be done at 75% power as much as practic- able until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oi! con- sumption has stabilized. This is to ensure proper seating of the rings and Is applicable to new engines, and engines In service following cylinder replacement or top overhaul of one oF more oylinders. ‘The Cruise Performance Table, figure 4-3, illustrates the true airspeed and nautical miles per gallon during eruise for various altitudes and. per cent powers, This table should be used as a guide, along with the available winds aloft information, to determine the most favorable altitudes and power setting for a given trip. The selection of oruise altitude on the basis 418 Original Iseue CBSSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 18R, NORMAL PROCEDURES: 75% POWER (6% POWER 55% POWER acrituoe | tas | nwec | «ras | npc | Ktas | NMG 4000 Feet | 137 | 1s | 29 ns | ue 125 e000 Feet | 139 | 108 11 na | 10 126 000 Fer | 142 | tro | 133 120 | 12 128 10.000 Feet | - - | a6 122 | 1s 130 Standard Conditions 2e10 Wind Figure 4-3. Cruise Performance Table of the most favorable wind conditions and the use of low power settings are significant factors that should be considered on every trip to reduee fuel consumption, For reduced noise levels, it is desirable to select the lowest RPM in the green arc range for a given percent power that will provide smooth engine operation. The cowl flaps should be opened, if necessary, to maintain the cylinder head tempereture at approximately two-thirds of the normal operating range (green are). Cruise performance data in this handbook and on the power computer is based on a recommended lean mixture setting which may be established a8 follows: 1, Lean the mixture until the engine becomes rough. 2 Enrichen the mixture to obtain smooth engine operation: then further enrichen an equal amount. For best fuel economy at 65% power or less, the engine may be operated at the leanest mixture that results in smooth engine operation, This will result in approximately 5% greater range than shown in this handbook accompanied by approximately a 3 knot decrease in speed. Any change in altitude, power or carburetor heat will require achange in the recommended lean mixture setting and a recheck of the EGT setting Gif installed). Carburetor ive, as evidenced by an unexplained drop in manifold pressure, can be removed by application of full carburetor heat. Upon rogaining the original manifold pressure indication (with heat off), use the minimum amount of heat (by trial and error) to prevent ice from forming. Since the heated air causes a richer mixture, readjust the mixture setting Original Issue 419 SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 182 MIXTURE EXHAUST GAS DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RECOMMENDED LEAN {lot's Operating Hancbook | 50°F Rich of Peck EGT and Power Computer) BEST ECONOMY (65% Power oF Less) Pook EGT Figure 4-4. EGT Table ‘when carburetor heat is to be used continuously in cruise flight. ‘The use of full carburetor heat is recommended during flight in very heavy rain to avoid the possibility of engine stoppage due to excessive ‘water ingestion. The mixture setting should be readjusted for smoothest operation, LEANING WITH A CESSNA ECONOMY MIXTURE INDICATOR ) Exhaust gas temperature (BGT) as shown on the optional Cessna Economy Mixture Indicator may be used as an aid for mixture leaning in cruising flight at 75% power or less. To adjust the mixture, using this indicator, lean to establish the peak EGT as a reference point and then enrichen the mixture by a desired increment based on data in figure 4-4 Continuous operation at peak EGT is authorized only at 65% power or loss. This best economy mixture setting results in approximately 5% greater range than shown in this handbook accompanied by approxi- mately a 3 not decrease in speed. NOTE Operation on the lean side of peak BGT is not approved. When leaning the mixture under some conditions, engine roughness may occur before peak EGT is reached, In this case, use the EGT corres. ponding to the onset of roughness as the reference point instead of peak EGT, STALLS ‘The stall characteristics are conventional and aural warning is 420 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 18 NORMAL PROCEDURES provided by a stall warning horn which sounds between 5 and 10 knots ‘above the stall in all configurations. Power-off stall speeds at maximum weight for both forward and aft ©.G. are presented in Section 5. LANDING NORMAL LANDING Landings should be made on the main wheels first to reduce the landing speed and the subsequent need for braising in the landing roll. The nose wheal is lowered gently to the runway after the speed has diminished to avoid unnecessary nose gear load. This procedure is especially impor- tant in rough field landings. SHORT FIELD LANDING For a short field landing, make a power-off approach at 61 KIAS with full flaps and land on the main wheels first. Immediately after touchdown, Iower the nose gear to the ground and apply heavy braking as required. For maximum brake effectiveness after all three wheels are on the ground, retract the flaps, hold full nose up elevator and apply maximum possible brake pressure without sliding the tres, CROSSWIND LANDING When landing in a strong crosswind, use the minimum flap setting required for the field length, Although the crab or combination method of drift correction may be used, the wing-low method gives the best control. Alter touchdown, hold a straight course with the steerable nose wheel and occasional braking if necessary. BALKED LANDING In a balked landing (go-aroung) climb, the wing flap setting should be reduced to 20° immediately after full power is applied. After all obstacles are cleared and a safe altitude and airspeed are obtained, the wing flaps should be retracted, COLD WEATHER OPERATION Special consideration should be given to the operation of tho airplane fuel system during the winter season or prior to any flight in cold temper- atures. Proper preflight draining of the fuel system Is especially Important Original Issue ant SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES: MODEL 182R ‘and will eliminate any freo water accumulation. ‘The use of additives such as isopropyl alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl ether may also be de- sirable, Refer to Section 8 for information on the proper use of additives. Cold weather often causes conditions which require special care during airplane operations. Even small accumulations of frost, ice, or snow must be removed, particularly from wing, tail and all control surfaces to assure satisfactory fight performance and handling. Also, control surfaces must be free of any internal aecumulations of ice or snow. If snow or slush covers the takeoff surface, allowance must be made for takeoff distances which will be increasingly extended as the snow or slush depth inezeases. The dopth and consistency of this cover ean, in fact, prevent takeoff In many instances. STARTING Prior to starting on cold mornings, it is advisable to pull the propeller through several times by hand to "break loose” or “limber” the oil. thus conserving battery energy. WARNING When pulling the propeller through by hand, treat it as if the ignition switch is turned on. A loose or broken ground wire on either magneto could cause the engine to fire. In extremely cold (-18°C and lower) weather, the use of an external preheater and an external power source are recommended whenever possible to obtain positive starting and to reduce wear and abuse to the fongine and the electrical system. Pre-heat will thaw the oil trapped in the il cooler, whieh probably will be congealed prior to starting in extremely cold temperatures, When using an external power source, the position of the master switch is important. Refer to Section 8, Supplements. for Ground Service Plug Receptacle operating details. Cold weather starting procedures are as follows: With Preheat: Parking Brake -- SET. Ignition Switch -- OFF. ‘Throttle -- CLOSED. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Prime -- 4 to 8 STROKES as the propeller is being turned over by hand (use heavy strokes of primer for best atomization of fuel.) 422 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 182R NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘CAUTION Caution should be used to ensure the brakes are set or a qualified person is at the controls. Primer ~- LOCK. ‘Throttle - OPEN 1/2 INCH, Propeller ~- HIGH RPM. Mixture -- FULL RICH, 10. Propeller Area ~ CLEAR. 11, Master Switeh — ON. 12. Ignition Switch - START (release to BOTH when engine starts). 18, Carburetor Heat ~ ON after engine has started, and leave on until the engine is running smoothly. 14, Oil Pressure ~ CHECK. ‘Without Preheat: Parking Brake ~ SET. Ignition Switeh -- OFF. ‘Throttle - CLOSED, Mixture IDLE CUT-OFF. Prime ~ 6 to 8 STROKES as the propeller is being turned over by hand. Leave the primer charged and ready for a stroke ‘CAUTION Caution should be used to ensure the brakes are set or a qualified person is at the controls. 6. Propeller ~ HIGH RPM. 7. Mixture ~ FULL RICH, 8. Propeller Area ~- CLEAR. 9. Master Switeh ~ ON. (0. Ignition Switch ~ START. 1. Pump throtile rapidly to full open twice. Return to 1/2 ineh open. position. 12, Releaso ignition switch to BOTH when engine starts. 13. Continue to prime engine until it is running emoothly, or alter- nately, pump the throttle rapidly over first 1/4 of total travel 14. Oil Pressure — CHECK, 15. Pull carburetor heat knob full on after engine has started. Leave on until engine is running smoothly. 16. Primer -- LOCK. Original Issue 4-23 SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 152R NOTE Ifthe engine does not start during the first few attempts. or if engine firing diminishes in strength, it is probable that the spark plugs have been frosted over. Preheat must be used before another start is attempted. ‘CAUTION Pumping the throttle may cause raw fuel to accumulate in the intake air duet, creating a fire hazard in the event of backfire. If this occurs, maintain a cranking action to suck flames into the engine. An outside attendant with a fire extinguisher is advised for cold starts without preheat, OPERATION During cold weather operations, no indication will be apparent on the oil temperature gage prior to takeoff if outside air temperatures are very cold. After a suitable warm-up period (2 to § minutes at 1000 RPM). accelerate the engine several times to higher engine RPM. If the engine accelerates smoothly and the oil pressure remains normal and steady, the airplane is ready for takeof!. Rough engine operation in cold weather can be caused by a combina- tion of an inherently leaner mixture due to the dense air and poor vaporization and distribution of the fuel-air mixture to the eylinders The effects of these conditions are especially noticeable during operation on one magneto in ground checks where only one spark plug fires in each cylinder. For optimum operation of the engine in cold weather, the appropriate use of carburetor heat is recommended. ‘The following procedures are indicated as a guideline 1. Use carburetor heat during engine warm-up and ground check. Full carburetor heat may be required for temperatures below -12°C ‘whereas partial heat could be used in temperatures between 12°C and a°C. 2 Use the minimum carburetor heat required for smooth operation in take-off, climb, and cruise. NOTE Care should be exercised when using partial carburetor hheat to avoid icing. Partial heat may raise the carburetor air temperature (0 the 0° to 21°C range where icing: is pos- sible under certain atmospheric conditions, 424 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 1828 NORMAL PROCEDURES 3. Ifthe airplane is equipped with a carburetor air temperature gage, it can be used as a reference in maintaining carburetor sir temperature at or slightly above the top of the yellow are by application of carburetor heat HOT WEATHER OPERATION ‘The general warm temperature starting information in this section is appropriate, Avoid prolonged engine operation on the ground, NOISE CHARACTERISTICS Increased emphasis on improving the quality of our environment requires renewed effort on the part of all pilots to minimize the effect of airplane noise on the public. We, as pilots, can demonstrate our concern for environmental im- provement, by application of the following suggested procedures, and thereby tend to build public support for aviation: 1. Pilots operating aircraft under VFR over outdoor assemblies of persons, recreational and park areas, and other noise-sensitive areas should make every effort to fly not less than 2000 feot above the surface, weather permitting, even though flight at lower level may be consistent with the provisions of government regulations, 2, During departure from or approach to an airport, climb after takeoff and descent for landing should be made so as to avoid prolonged flight at low altitude near noise-sensitive areas, NOTE ‘The above recommended procedures do not apply where they would conflict with Air Traffic Control clearances or instructions, or where, in the pilot's judgmont, an altitude of less than 2000 feet is necessary for him to adequately exercise his duty to see and avoid other aircraft. ‘The cortificated noise level for the Model 182R at 3100 pounds maxi- mim weisght is 69.1 dB(A). No determination has been made by the Federal Aviation Administration that the noise levels of this airplane are or should ye acceptable or unacceptable for operation at, into, or out of, any airport. Original tesue 4-25/(4-26 blank) cRSSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R, PERFORMANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 53 Use of Performance Charts 133 Sample Problem iz 53 Takeoff Ba Cruise 35 Puel Required 155 Landing te Ba Demonstrated Operating Temperature 557 Figure 5-1. Airspeed Calibration - Normal Static Source 59 ‘Airspeed Calibration - Alternate Static Source 5-10 Figure 5.2, Temperature Conversion Chart " BA Figure 5.8, Stall Speeds 52 Figure 5-4, Wind Components 513 Figure 5:8, Takeoff Distance - 3100 Lbs 514 ‘Takeoff Distance - 2800 Lbs and 2500 Lbs BAS Figure 5-6, Maximum Rate Of Climb 516 Figure 5-7, Time, Fuel, And Distance To Climb Maximum Rate of Climb : saz ‘Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb = Normal Climb 518 Figure 5-8, Cruise Performance - 2000 Feet 518 Cruise Performance - 4000 Feet 5-20 Cruise Performance - 6000 Feet 52 Cruise Performance - 8000 Feet 5-22 Cruise Performance - 10,000 Feet 5.28 Cruise Performance - 12,000 Feet B24 Cruise Performance - 14,000 Feet 5-25, Figure 5-9, Range Profile - 65 Gallons Fuel 5.26 Range Profile - 88 Gallons Fuel 527 Figure 5-10. Endurance Profile - 65 Gallons Fuel 5:28 Endurance Profile - 88 Gallons Fuel 520) Figure 5-11, Landing Distance ae 5-30 Original Issue - 20 August 1984 5-1/(5-2 blank) CRSSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 199R, PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION Performance data charts on the following pages are presented so that you may know what to expect from the airplane under various conditions, ‘and also, to facilitate the planning of flights in detail and with reasonable accuracy. The data in the charts has been computed from actual flight tests with the airplane and engine in good condition and using average piloting. techniques, It should be noted that the performance information presented in the range and endurance profile charts allows for 45 minutes reserve fuel at the specified cruise power. Fuel flow data for cruise is based on the recommended lean mixture setting. Some indeterminate variables such 4s mixture leaning technique. fuel metering characteristics. engine and propeller condition, and air turbulence may aceount for variations of 10" or more in range and endurance. Therefore. it is important to utilize all available information to estimate the fuel required for the partici Night. Cruise speeds are shown for an airplane equipped with optional speed: fairings, which increase the speeds by approximately 3 knots. There is & corresponding difference in range, while other performance figures are unchanged when speed fairing are installed, USE OF PERFORMANCE CHARTS Performance data is presented in tabular or graphical form to illus- trate the effect of different variables. Sufficiently detailed information is provided in the tables so that conservative values can beselected andiused to dotermine the particular performance figure with reasonable accuracy. SAMPLE PROBLEM ‘The following sample flight problem utilizes information from the various charts to determine the predicted performance data for a typical Hight. The following information is known: AIRPLANE CONFIGURATION Takeoff weight 3050 Pounds Usable fuel 65 Gallons ‘TAKEOFF CONDITIONS Field pressure altitude 1500 Feet ‘Temperature 28°C (16°C above standard) Wind component along runway 12 Knot Headwind Field length 3500 Feet Original Issue 38 SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE, MODEL 182R CRUISE CONDITIONS Total distance 450 Nautical Miles Pressure altitude 7300 Feet ‘Tomperature 16°C (16°C above standard) Expected wind enroute 10 Knot Headwind LANDING CONDITIONS Field pressure altitude 2000 Feet ‘Temperature 25°C Field length 3000 Feat TAKEOFF ‘The takeoff distance chart, figure 5-5, should be consulted, keeping in mind that the distances shown are based on the short field technique, Conservative distances can be established by reading the chart at the noxt higher value of weight, altitude and temperature. For example, in this particular sample problem, the takeoff distance information presented for a weight of 3100 pounds, pressure altitude of 2000 feet and atemperature of 30°C should be used and results in the following: Ground roll 1065 Feet ‘Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle «2035 Feet ‘These distances are woll within the available takeoff field length. Howev- er, a correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 3 of the takeoff chart, The correction for a 12 knot headwind is: 12 Knots 2 Knots . 1075 = 19% Decrease ‘This results in the following distances, corrected for wind: Ground rol, zero wind 1085 Decrease in'ground roll (4065 fee: » 13%) 38, Corrected ground roll 227 Feet Total distance to clear a '0-foot obstacle, zero wind 2035 Decrease in total distance (2085 feet « 19%) 265, Corrected total distance to clear 50-foot obstacle 1770 Feet BA Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R PERFORMANCE, CRUISE ‘The cruising altitude should be selected based on a consideration of trip length, winds aloft, and the airplane's performance. A cruising al- titude and the expected wind enroute have beon given for this sample prob- lem. However, the power setting selection for oruise must be determined based on several considerations. These include the cruise performance characteristics presented in figure 5-8, the range profile charts presented in figure 5-9, and the endurance profile charta presented in figure 5-10. ‘The relationship between power and range is ilustrated by the range profile charts. Considerable fuel savings and longer range result when lower power settings are used. For this sample problem, a cruise power of approximately 65% will be used, ‘The cruise performance chart for 8,000 feet pressure altitude is en- tered using 20°C above standard temperature. These values most nearly correspond to the planned altitude and expected temperature conditions. ‘The power setting chosen is 2200 RPM and 21 inches of manifold pres. sure, which results in the following: Power 65% True airspeed 195 Knots Cruise fuel Now 110 GPH ‘The power computer may be used to determine power and fuel consump. tion more accurately during the flight. FUEL REQUIRED ‘The total fuel requirement for the flight may be estimated using the performance information in figures 5-7 and 5-8, For this sample problem, figure 5-7 shows that a normal climb from 2000 feet to 8000 feet requires 3.5 gallons of fuel. The corresponding distance during the climb is 19 nautical miles. These values are for a standard temperature and are sufficiently accurate for most flight planning purposes. Howover, a further correction {or the effect of temperature may be made as noted on the olimb chart. The approximate effect of a non-standard temperature is to increase the time, fuel, and distance by 10% for each 10°C above standard temperature, due to the lower rate of climb. In this case, assuming a temperature 16°C above standard, the correction would be: Original Issue 55 SECTION 5 cESSNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 182 Fuel to climb, standard temperature 35 Increase due to non-standard temperature (8.5 « 16%) 98 Corrected fuel to climb 41 Gallons Using a similar procedure for the distance during climb results in 22 nautical miles. ‘The resultant cruise distance is: ‘Total distance 450 Climb distance 2 Cruise distance 328 Nautical Miles With an expected 10 knot headwind, the ground spood for cruise is predicted to be: 135 10 i25 Knots ‘Therefore, the time required for the cruise portion of the trip is: 42g Nautical Miles «9.4 ourg ‘25 Knots ce ‘The fuel required for eruise is: 3.4 hours « 11.0 gallons/hour = 37.4 Gallons A 45-minute reserve requires: + 110 galions/hour = 83 Gallons ‘The total estimated fuel req follows: Engine start, taxi, and takeoff 7 climb 41 Cruise 374 Reserve 83 Total fuel required 515 Gallons Once the flight is underway, ground speed checks will provide amore accurate basis for estimating the time enroute and the corresponding fuel required to complete the trip with ample reserve. 56 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 1828 PERFORMANCE, LANDING A procedure similar to takeoff should be used for estimating the landing distance at the destination airport. Figure 5-11 presents landing distance information for the short field technique. The distances corres- ponding to 2000 feet pressure altitude and a temperature of 30°C are as Tollows: Ground roll 870 Foot Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle 1480 Feet A correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 2 of the landing chart using the same procedure as outlined for talceott. DEMONSTRATED OPERATING TEMPERATURE Satisfactory engine cooling has been demonstrated for this airplanc with an outside air temperature 23°C above standard. This is not to be considered as an operating limitation, Reference should be made to Section 2 for engine operating limitations. Original Issue 5-7/(6-8 blanis) CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182 PERFORMANCE, AIRSPEED CALIBRATION NORMAL STATIC SOURCE CconorTions: Power required for level fight or maximum power descant. FLAPS UP Kias, 55 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160 160° Kas | 2 65 72 80 90 99 109 118 128 137 147 156 ~~~ FLAPS 20° KAS 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 -~ ot Kens | 54 88 63 71 80 90 100 109 119 --- --- = FLAPSFULL| KAS 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 ~~ soos : KoAS: 52 67 63 71 80 90 95 --- Pe : Figure 5-1. Airspeed Calibration (Sheot 1 of 2) Original Issue 59 SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE, MODEL 182R AIRSPEED CALIBRATION ALTERNATE STATIC SOURCE HEATER/VENTS AND WINDOWS CLOSED FLAPS UP Nonmat Kiss | 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 190 140 150 160 ALTERNATE KIAS| 60 71 82 92 103 113. 123 133 143° 153163, FLAPS 20° NORMAL KiAS | 50 60 70 60 80 100 110 120 --- a ALTERNATE Kias| 49 60 71 82 2 102 M3123 --- ~~~ ~~~ FLAPS FULL. Nonwat kias | 40 50 90 70 80 90 95 - totes ALTERNATE Kias| 44 48 60 71 81 90_95 ~~~ --- — HEATER/VENTS OPEN AND WINDOWS CLOSED FLAPS UP NonMat Kias | 60 70 80 99 100 110 120 199 140 150 160 ALTERNATE IAS] 60 69 79 90 100 110 120 130 _140_150_160 FLAPS 20° NORMAL Klas | 69 60 70 80 90 100 110 120-77 777 ALTERNATE KIAS| 47 58 68 78 89 100 110 120 ~~~ ~~~ ~~ FLAPS FULL NoaMALKias | 40° 60 60 70 80 90 95 --- --- ALTERNATE Kis | 44 47 57 677788 9) ~~ =~ Figure 5-1, Airspeed Calibration (Sheot 2 of 2) Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R, PERFORMANCE, TEMPERATURE CONVERSION CHART 120 100 DEGREES - FAHRENHEIT “0 “0 2 © 2 0 0 DEGREES - CELSIUS Figure 6-2, ‘Temperature Conversion Chart Original Tssue Bet SECTION 5 CEssNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 12h STALL SPEEDS conorrions: Power Off noTes. 1. Altitude loss during a stall recovery may be a¢ much as 250 fet. 2. KIAS values ae approximate MOST REARWARD CENTER OF GRAVITY ANGLE OF BANK. weicnt | FLAP = tas |oertection| °° me a a rias | xcas| kias | xcas| kias | kcas| kias [kcas ue so} st} sa] se] oo] oe | 7 | v6 3100 20° a} sof as} sa] so} 00 | so] 7 ru | a0] a9] a3} sa | aa] se | 57] oo MOST FORWARD CENTER OF GRAVITY ANGLE OF BANK weicht | FLae A e tes foertection| 0” = ast oor ras [cas] xias | xcas| kias | kcas | kias [kcas| uP so} ss] ss | oo | o | «| | 7 3100 mo | a | 2 | as a 8 2 | 69 | Fut | 40 | 50} a3 | se | ae | 60] 57 | nn Figure 5-3. Stall Speeds 5-12 Original Issue CESSNA MODEL 182, NoTe: SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE, WIND COMPONENTS Maximum domonetrated erosswind velocity 16 18 knots (nota limitation. CPS WIND COMPONENT - KNOTS HEADWIND ‘TALLWIND, Original Issue 2 Yoo NJ 200. os 0 6 0 8 0 CROSSWIND COMPONENT ~ KNOTS Figure 5-4. Wind Components CESSNA MODEL 182R SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE (30 11204) soumsiG Yom, “GC emnBL 586 one ‘08 so0e cece pee 00 + OBIE sez uve 009 siez ‘S682 ouze. 0s use ozez oor s3ce 802 ove e0e ‘ssi 56 oz Seet out S18 aot got oust siz | soci “rs | 68 | 03 | one sa01308| 14 [se01403] 14 |s001305]_ 14 |sao13 08) 13 |sa0 12 09] [13 03330 fuvs19 04] vi0w jwws19 ou 1319 01/7104 uw319 au} 104}uw379 O4} ay ven] [13 Wwioilanu9|is Tvi01/anu9|.a WioLfanyo}is 1101 |aNu9}.4 TL01| 2 ever el ssaua| 0334s, 000 9008 9902 o0t 900 30300. ‘ot Aa ssounisyposeo.ou “0uy OL or dm spare Me ‘among ny 2 ut saved wrwseus 946 01 poue} 99 Pinoys ounnxyu aka “UonErED 3695 000 eno sf "p uonD9s Ui pauyrads Se anbyutpan Py » hemunes Aa ‘odo sey p09 ‘rena GIST LHOHS] or song 195 sinc pu emosus und “Wad 00v2 oot 13 $81 OOLE LHOISM WAWIXvN SSNOILIONOO SONVLSIC 44OaNVL Original Tssue 54 2g (30 g ous) eourisig oon, “Gs axnt 28 82 2g car sn] wor [om] ss] se v0 oz S201 Sia] ova |sro | sc: | oss oe BS 088, ze | ora |os | oes: | soe she & $08 sve | oat | os | soci | sec 089 @ Fe aut | oset [occ | Sect | ov Seo g cd soc | sect |ooo | ssi | sis os 569 oss | sett |soo | ooo | sos 85 se9 gos | ono | oso | see | ozs sr ses gra | 096 Jois | oo | su ove 29 | sv | oose gore | oust] os6e svz over} sese | saci} ocez | sett | oo0e. soez | sev] oso ome | sce} sazz | ost] se0z | o2ot | coos ssc | sezt| Ssec saiz | sci} szoz | sro scat | 076 | coos azz | oot] stiz soa | sco} sear | cos | ssoi | saa | oos oso | siot| oie oact | ses | ssa | ocs | ovst | ove | coor : ovat [ses | sect sist |ssa} sost | oo | sont | ore | cove oss | 003 | oss. set |sae ] scer | ore | sect | 089 | cove ost | sca | om oser foze | ovr |oco} seri |szs | coor ott Jose | ozet seat | 099 | sais | sio | oar |scs |“vs | 9 | av | ooae fsa0.1408] 14 |s01409) 13 [seo130s] 13 [sao1s0s| 13 [seo 1s09) 1a [13.08] 330] luvaio o4| 110yfuva10 o4| viow]avsi9 Ou] viowluvaio O1| viowlywsi9 O1| yiow] yy Ay [Lan ny iwiorfanya|4 wioianeo|13 Twi01joNso)13 TwaoLfaneo|is 104 ON] Ay syiy | 68% ssaua] oaaes ‘9008 908 3 ES 20 30301 g ‘S2LON GNY SNOLLIGNOD aLviuaoddey HOS 133HS OL ¥3334 é3 CRETE ESTOTSIS be $81 0082 any $81 oo8z of JONVLSIO 4SOSNVL 545 Original Issue SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 182R, MAXIMUM RATE OF CLIMB conprTions: Flaps Up 2400 RPM Full Throttle Mixture Full Rich Cowl Flaps Open nore: Mixture may be lesnad above $000 fet for smooth engine operation end ineressed power raess | cuive RATE OF CLIMB - Fm wear | PAC | Speco er | ‘xias [aoe | om | m0 | wt cae so | st [om | wow | oe | os | as x0 | | ‘tos | as | Sa | aso foo | te m0 | tas | cio | S40 sooo | of eo | se | fs | fas som | te so | ao | 300 | So wooo | 7 | as | ae | ee |S 200 | 73 mes | mo | iss |: "00 | 7 i | foe |S Figure 5-6, Maximum Rate of Climb 518 Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R, PERFORMANCE TIME, FUEL, AND DISTANCE TO CLIMB MAXIMUM RATE OF CLIMB] CONDITIONS. Flaps Ue 2800 RPM. Full Thratie Mixture Full Rich (Cou Flaps Open Standerd Temperature ores: 1. Add 1.7 gallons of ful for engine start, taxi and takeoff allowance 2. Miature may fe leaned stove S000 fest ‘or smooth engine operation and ineeasad power. 5. Increase time, fuel and distance by 10% for each 10°C above standard temperature 4 Gatanees shown are based on ze°0 wind. PRESSURE ‘CLIMB | RATE OF FROM SEA LEVEL Migs” [AttiTuve | "P| sree | cums: [a Tevet vseo [stance mts [Gatuons | a so | se | | | ae | of 0 woo | | a | 70 | 2] 08 3 wooo | 7] 7 | oo | 5] a7 7 coo | 3] |] as | sf 27 | x coo |-1| 7 | as | | 30 | ve wooo |-s] mw | x0 | wl sa | as noo f-o} | 20 | a] rm | roo |} | us |] or | Figure 5-7, Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb (Sheet 1 of 2) Original Issue 57 SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 182R, TIME, FUEL, AND DISTANCE TO CLIMB NORMAL CLIMB - 90 KIAS conorrions: Flaps Up. 2400 RPM 23 Inches Mg or Full Throte iaicture Full Rien Cow Fos Open ‘Stangard Temperature notes: 1 Ade 1.7 gallon of fuel for engine start, axl and takeot allowance 2. Mixture mey be leaned above 5000 feet for emaoth engine operation and inerosted power. 43. Increase time, fuel ard distance by 10X for each 10°C above standard temperature 3. Distances shown re based on 260 wind. FROM SEA LEVEL wercur | PRESSURE | yeyp | RATE OF GAT | actiruoe | TEM? | “cuime ‘T fem | TIME | FUELUSED | DISTANCE min | “GALLONS | - NM 3100 SL 15 540 ° 0 ° r000 | on 540 4 10 6 000 7 540 7 24 " 5000 3 so | 1 32 7 000 1 ws | 16 45 25 10,000 5 zes_| 2 61 % Figure 5-7. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb (Sheet 2 of 2) 5-18 Original Issue CBSSNA MODEL 182, SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE, CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 2000 FEET CONDITIONS: 3100 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture (Cow Flaps Closes NOTE For best fuel economy at 65% power o less, operate st the lesnest mixture tat reeults in smooth engine opera: tion oF at paak EGT if an EGT indicator i installed 20°C BELOW ‘STANDARD 20°C ABOVE STANDARO Teme | TEMPERATURE | STANDARD TEMP °c ae ‘3eC reu| ue | ok, |xtas| crx | eX, | ras} crx | 4X, | ktas| ce HP eH. aHP zaco} 22 | 77 | raz | aaa] ra | 133 | ize | om | ass | x22 a | 72 | 10 | 3] oo | 130 | 118 | or | iat | 14 a | or | 126 | 18] 65 | 126 | ira | es | i27 | 07 13 | 62 | 122 | 107] oo | 122] 103 | 58 | 122 | 100 zo00} 23 | 70 | 133 | 19a] 75 | 199 | 128 | 72 | 195 | 24 za | 7 | 10] ze] 7 | a1 | 120] oe | is | 6 a | os | re | 17] os | v7 | 13 | 64 | 128 | 09 20 | ot | v3 | ws | 62 | 123 | 05 | 60 | 123 | 102 zo} 22 | 73 | 190 | 25] 70 | 131 | 120 | oe | is | 16 2 | o | wr | m7] os | t27 | 113 | 6a | 28 | 9 a | 64 | 123 | wo] 62 | 128 | 105 | Go | 124 | 102 zm | | me] 2] ss | 10) 99 | 55 | 120] 96 210} 23 | oa | 126 | 6 | os | t27 | 112 | oa | 27 | 108. zm | 6 | 123 | 109 | 62 | 123] 105 | 60 | 24 | 02 a | 60 | 119 | 102] 53 | 120 | 99] 55 | 120] 96 a | ss | us| ‘oe ] o | 1s] o3| 8 | is} oo a3 | sz] m1} a0] so] 10 | a7 | a3 | 109 | a5 we | 47 | 105] ea | & | ws | ar | aa | tos | 79 Figure 5:8, Cruise Performance (Sheet 1 of 7) Original Issue 519 SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE, MODEL 182% CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 4000 FEET conoiTions. a 3100 Pounss For bet fuel economy at 65% power or les, operat a Recommended Lean Minture [the lenet mnture that tem in smooth engine ope Cow aps Closed ion ora peak EGT i an EGT indiestr Is isle 2086 BELOW STANDARD 20°C ABOVE stanoanoteme | TeMPenaTuRe | STANDARD TEMP ae Pe 2c % % a rou] we | ,% [xras| cou | ,% [ras] oem | gi. | xras | cra ao | 22 |---| ---| ---| 76 | 137 | 130] 79 | 1938 | 128 2 | va | ize | ize | om | 38 | 121 | ae | age | nz zo | o | 129 | te | a | 130] ia | ee | 190 | 10 is | oe | 125 | oo | 6 | 126 | 108 | oo | 126 | 102 zoo | 29 |---| ---|---] 76 | 138 | rar |e | 190 | 28 x | 7 | 133 | ize | 7 | i934 | r23 | 30 | tas | ie a | 0 | 130 | 20} a | ia firs | es | ast | 12 20 | 6 | i26 | 12 | 63 | 127 Jos | er | 127 | 08 200} 23 | 75 | 139 | ize] 2 | rs J iza | 20 | 195 | 9 | % | 130 | 120 | 6 | ist fare | os | 13 | m2 2 | 6 | ta | 13 |e | i27 | ios | er | 127 | 105 30 | 62 | 123 | 05 | s@ | 123/102 | s7 | 123 | 98 roo | 23 | 70 | 10 | 9} or | as | as | os | rar fa x | 6 | tz | 2 | 63 | 27 | 108 | er | 127 | 104 2 | se | 12a | 105 | $9 | 123 | tor | 57 | 123 | 98 z | s | vo | ‘sa | ss | ua | 9s | sa | se | 99 | & | ua] az] s | ne] ao] so | 3] a7 is | a | ios | ao | 47 | tos] 3} 45 | 08 | 81 17 | a | tos | ao | 43 | tor] 73 | 42 | 100} 76 Figure 5-8, Cruise Performance (Sheet 2 of 7) 5:20 Original Issue cESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL isan, PERFORMANCE, CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 6000 FEET CONDITIONS: 3100 Pounds Recommanded Lean Mixture Cowi Flaps Closed NOTE For best fuel economy at 65% power or let, operate at the leanest mixture that results in smooth engine opera tion or at peak EGT If an EGT indicator Is installed. 20% BELOW ‘STANDARD 20°C ABOVE. STANDARD Temp | TEMPERATURE | STANDARD TEMP nC aC. 23°C new] me | ox, | «ras | cpu | gXp | xras| cpx | 9% | xras| cet BHP. BHP eH. zea] a2 |---| ---]--- | 77 | var | aaa] 7s | uae | 28 ar | 7s | 136 | 129 | 79 | rar | aa] 70 | 138 | 120 ao | n | 133 | azar] os | ass | r16] a5 | a3 | 12 19 | e6 | 29 | 112] 6s | 120 | oe] or | 20 | 105 za} 22 | 77 | saz fsa | 7 | re | 26] mm | a9 | 22 2 | 92 | 134 | za | 09 | ize | ze] 67 | tas | ra 20 | 67 | 130 | 11s | 65 | 130 | 1a] os | tar | 107 19 | «3 | 126 | 107 | 60 | 120 | 103] 58 | i26 | 100 za00] 22 | 72 | 136 | 123 | o9 | 135 | ne] o7 | 95 | 15 at | 68 | 30 |e | os | ast | aia] 63 | tat | tos 20 | @3 | 126 | 108 | ot | 127 | 4] se | 27 | wos 48 | so | 122 | tor | s7 | ia | e7| 6 | i21 | ‘5 20] 22 | o | 130 | 1s] os | ast | ona] og | aa | 107 2 | 63 | 126 | 108 | ot | 127 | 4] so | i2r | wor zo | s3 | 122 | 101 | s7 | 122 | ae] ss | 122 | ‘95 te] s | ng} os] 62 | 7 | o2] st | 16 | a9 w] st} us| as} @ | mi] ae] 4 | 0 | 23 7 | a7 | 107 | 32] 4 | 105 | eo] 43 | woo | 78 Figure 5-8. Cruise Performance (Sheet 3 of 7) Original Issue se SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE, conorTions: 3100 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture (Cowl Flaps Closed CBSSNA MODEL 182R CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 8000 FEET th leanest mixture th NOTE For best fuel economy at 65% power oles, operate at results in smooth engine opera tion or at peak €GT if an EGT Indicator installed, 20° BELOW ‘STANDARD 20% ABOVE STANDARD Temp | TEMPERATURE | STANDARD TEMP m21ec =1°C 18°C. reu| ue | gk, |xras| cen | oX, | xras| cpH | 9%, | xras| cpx BHP ane BHP zoo] 21 | a7 | wo fasa | 7s | vax | raz] 72 | 142 J r2s wm | 72 | 136 | za} 70 | sar fara | 67 | ise | ats tg | 68 | 132 | 115 | 65 | 133 | 1a | oa | 133 | 107 we | 63 | 128 | 107 | 60 | 126 | 03 | 52 | v28 | 100 za00] 21 | 7 | 197 | 126 | 7 | 199 | x21 | 69 | 139 Janz 2 | 69 | 13¢ Jane] 66 | isa ats | oa | i34 | a0 19 | @& | 190 | 110 | 62 | 130 | 108 | 60 | 120 | 102 we | 60 | 125 | w2] ss | 125 | 09 | s6 | 124 | ‘96 rao) 21 | es | rae | ire | or | 199 faa | os | 135 | 110 20 | 65 | 130 | ina | -e3 | 190 | s07 | 80 | t30 | 103 19 | a1 | 126 | 103 | 58 | 126 | 100 | s6 | 125 | 97 we | se | rar | 97 | 4 | 120] 93] s2 | 119 | a7 aoa} ar | es | 130 fa | os | 130 | 107 | 60 | 190 | 103 2% | er | re |ioa | so | 25 | too | s7 | 125 | ‘97 19 | 87 | 122 | 97] 56 | rr | ‘oe | a3 | 20] on iw} 62 | me | or] so | mis] as] a] its] a5 7 | 4 | 0 | as | 4 | oe] 82 | a | toe | 80 Figure 5-8, Cruise Performance (Sheet 4 of 7) 5-22 Original Tesue CRSSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R, PERFORMANCE, CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 10,000 FEET CONDITIONS: NOTE [3100 Pounds For best fuel economy at 65% power oF let, operate at Fecemmended Lean Mixture | the leanest mixture that results in smooth engine opera ‘Gow Flaps Closed ton or st peak EGT It an EGT incieator i installed 20°C BELOW ‘STANDARD 720°C ABOVE STANDARO Temp | TEMPERATURE | STANDARD TEMP "25°C =88C 13°C rem | ue | ok, |xtas| cPx | Xp | xras| cpu | gi, | KTAS| GPH BHP. BHP BHP 2400] 20 | 7 | rao | raz] mm | rar | rae] oo | ra | re wo | eo | ise | 18] o7 | 137 | iva | 6a | i37 | 10 wa | 6 | 132 | 110] e2 | 132 | 108 | 60 | 130 | 102 7 | eo | 127 | 2] 7 | v6 | ‘98 | 55 | 125] 95 2300} 20 | 7 | 137 | 121] os | 138 | 16] os | 13a | 2 to | a | ia | 113] os | 33 | toe | 61 | 133 | 108 13] si | 129 | ws] sa | ie | 101 | 57 | i123 | 98 7 | s7 | 123 | ‘97 | 85 | iz2 | ‘sa | sa | iar | ot za00} 20 | or | 16 | re] of | 198 | 12.0] o2 | 194 | 106 ta | 62 | 120 | wos] oo | 120 | 102 | sa | 129 | 99 13 | se | 125 | 99] 55 | 124 | 96 | 54 | 123] 93 w | ss | 9 | 92] si | me | ss | so | is | a7 zo} 2 | 63 | 130 | 107] 60 | 130 | 103 | se | 129 | oo ta | s | 125 | 100] 6 | 128 | 95] sa | 123 | 94 se | 5¢ | 120 | 93] 52] 119 | 90 | so | 17] a8 | so | ma | a7] ae | n2 | aa | a | 10] a2 16 | ae | wor | ar] a | wa | 78 | a2 | ioe] 76 Figure 5-8, Cruise Performance (Sheet 5 of 7) Original Issue 52a CTION 5 CESSNA PRRFORMANCE, MODEL 182R CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 12,000 FEET oNoITIoNs: $3100 Pounce Recommended Lean Mixture (Cow Flaps Closes NOTE For bes fuel economy, operat at the lenest mixture that results in smooth engine aperation or at peak EGT if an EGT indicetor is inetaled 720°C BELOW ‘STANDARD 20°C ABOVE STANDARD Temp | TemPeRaTURE | STANDARD TEMP 29°C “oC ae. ry % = A Few} we | ghp |xtas| cPH | gS, | xtas| ce | 5%, | xras | crn 2400] 18 | oo | 190 J na | 64 | 136 Joo | or | 195 | 105 7 | or | 130 | 105 | 89 | 190 | 101 | 57 | t28 | ‘oe 1 | 6] 124] 97] se | 123 | ‘oa | 82 | a2 | on ws {51 | 7} 90] so] 16 | a7] ae | ata | oa zs00] 18 | 63 | 132 | 08} or | 192 | 104] 59 | 131 | 100 17 | se | 127 | 100} 56 | 126 | 97 | ss | 125 | ‘94 we | sf i | 93] se] i9 | 90] £0 | ai | a7 1 | 49 | 13 | a6] a7 | 2] a3 | a5 | too | a1 zo] re | so | 128 | 102] o7 | re} os | ss | 126 | os w | ss | 123} 95 | ss | 121 | o2 | si | tio | b9. w | si | ie} ee | a | ita | as. 15 | 46 | 108 | 82 | 4s | 105 | 79 a 7 1 a | im | 23 a3 | 103 | 77 210} 19 | se | 124 | 96 | 54 | 122 | 93 | s2 | 130] oo w | si fn] ag} a | is | a7 | a3 | tia | as w% | 7 | 10] es] 45 | tos | ar | a | tos | oa Figure 5-8. Cruise Performance (Sheet 6 of 7) 5-24 Original Issue cRssNA SECTION 5 MODEL 1828, PERFORMANCE CRUISE PERFORMANCE PRESSURE ALTITUDE 14,000 FEET conorTioNs: 3100 Pounds oe Recommended Lean Mixture (Cowl Flaps Closed For bast fel economy, oparate ot the leanest minture that results in smooth engine operation or st peak EGT ian EGT incieator is naaled 20% BELOW STANDARD 20° ABOVE STANDARD Teme | TEMPERATURE | STANDARD TEMP 35°C 138 rc % % ea ae la new] MP | gre [xTAS| PH | gt, | xras} ceH | .% | xras] cen 2400} 16 | sa | 128 | oe | 56 | v7 | a6 | s | 125 | 93 ws | s3 | wa | o2] or | iio | as | as | ty | ee 4 | ae [ia | as | 4 | 0 | 82 | a5 | toa | 80 2000] 16 | ss | a4} os | ss | 123 | 02] sr | 121 | ao | s1 | m7] as} 4 | a5 | as | a7 | itz | a3 4 | 4s | wo | ar} a@ | tos | G8] a2 | tos | 77 za} rw | s2 | 0 | oo} 5 | me} ee | ae | as | as x6 | 48 | m2] sa] as | ro | an | a4 | tor | os zoo] 16 | 4 | m4} as | a7 | v2] ea] a5 | 19 | 80 Figure 5-8. Cruise Performance (Sheet 7 of 7) Original Issue 5.25 SECTION 5 CESSNA PRRFORMANCE, MODEL 182F RANGE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 65 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS. $3100 Pounes Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise Standare Temperature Zero Wind NoTe: This chart slows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, and the distance during 8 normal elim up to 10,000 fet 3nd maximum climb above 10,000 feet 14.0 y "8 5 ikras o/4131 \ie 12.000 LPs erashiras ANE 10,000 © coo : - Ta 08 4 ictasiL xtas E coo - z 4000 2000 124 115 ff istasTT Wits 00 so~S*«OSCHOSCSC« 750-600 RANGE - NAUTICAL MILES Figure 5-9. Range Profile (Sheet 1 of 2) 5.26 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R, PERFORMANCE, RANGE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 88 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS: 3100 Pounds Fecommendid Lean mixture for Cruise Standore Temperature 2er Wind NOTE ‘This chart allous forthe fuel use for engine start, tox, takeoff and climb, and the stance during 2 rormal climb up to 10,000 feet snd meximam climb above 10,000 ‘eet 14,000) 08 hat Wize Viras ikras|iKras\ 12,000] 10,000 too a4 8 TAS E6000 “S| 2 2000 e = 1244 115 102 oH TAS, KTAS TAS a a a a a Cd RANGE - NAUTICAL MILES Figure 5-9. Range Profile (Sheet 2 of 2) Original Issue 5.27 SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE, MODEL 182R ENDURANCE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 65 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS: ‘3100 Pounes| Recommended Lean Mixture tor Cruise Standord Temperature NoTE “This ehart allows forthe fue! usud for engine sar, tax, takeoff and climb, and the Time during & normal slimB up t0 10,000 feet and maximum elimb above 10,000 foot 14,000 12.000) 10,000| 000] 000) ALTITUDE - FEET 4000 2000 st 3 4 6 6 7 @ ENDURANCE - HOURS. Figure 5-10. Enduranea Profile (Sheet 1 of 2) 5.28 Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 182R PERFORMANCE, ENDURANCE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 88 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS: ‘3100 Pounes | Fecommended Lean Standara Temperature ore for Crue nore This chart ellows for the fuel used for engine start, tox, takeoff and climb, and the time during normal climb up to 10,000 feet and maximum elmo shove 70,000 fet, 14000 -reet ALTITUDE 000! 2000) ae) © 7 3 ° 10 1 ENDURANCE - HOURS Figure 5-10. Endurance Profile (Sheet 2 of 2) Original Tesue 5-20 CESSNA MODEL 182R SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE, sounisig Surpuey “T1-6 ound son [sve] om | ces] sic | ore] soo | oa | sem | sce | ooo tact | oce | oct | sos | soo |} ove | sisi | ose | ses | see | oooe poct | oo | ose | sec | sist | ose | sesi | sex | oes | one | 009 ost | occ} ove | see | oer | oe | esi | se | sari | ovo | ooo oat | ove | sect | cze | sect | seo | sar | oco | osm | 059 | coor oon | sic} sect | se | san | aco | so | sea | oi | za | cove Sra | oc | ari | aco | ovr: | sro | sor | sea | ouer | o09 | ono sunt | sve | opp | sro | oop: | ozo) saci | 009] sect | 05s | ovo! Set | ovo | oor | ozo] seer | ooo | seer | oss | coc: | oss | “rs | to | osee ‘sa01a65] 13 [seoaaos| 1s [seoisos| 1a |sao isos] 13 |sa01405]_ 1 eaa9 O1| Tou fav9i9 O1| row JuW319 O4| 710w [vaio 1) 770u|wvaId OL] AON] yy | SYM }viol fanwo|is ww1o1 [anus |1y wot [anu ia wio.]anuo|L3 Tiodanyo] sy |1498) 3 a t ‘200 3008 900% Deo 300 saoueiips86¥0) 09 45 ore DUE SY OL Aa Po9Ce Yoeosdds a4) asen!UN “ssiaowe 8 dn pen aus fo gop ha soaueep Sseaaul “AeMUns SE fup @ UO Ur nom voaesedo 105 “pumpeay S100 6 Yee 10) 301 sue "puotoag uPaa6ds se anbruyoo um oz Anveunes ig "999 "Panes Sone wma 9 13 ring seis SNOILIQNOB (qiaia 1uOHKS| JONVLSIC ONIGNVT Original Issue 5-90 cEssNA SECTION 6 MODEL 182R, WEIGHT & BALANCE/ Stolen | WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction : 63 Airplane Weighing Procedures Dili ilies Weight And Balance i 68 Baggage and Cargo Tie-Down . . 6 Equipment List so... ss : e145 Original Issue - 20 August 1984 6-1/(6-2 blank) CRSSNA SECTION 8 MODRL 182R, WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST INTRODUCTION ‘This section describes the procedure for establishing the basic empty weight and moment of the airplane. Sample forms are provided for reference. Procedures for calculating the weight and moment for various operations are also provided. A comprehensive list of all Cessna equip: ment available for this airplane is included at the back of this section. It should be noted that specific information regarding the weight, arm, sament and installed equipment for this airplane as delivered from the fnctory ean only be found in the plastic envelope carried in the back of this snanebook, [tis the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that the airplane is loaded properly, AIRPLANE WEIGHING PROCEDURES 1. Preparation: a. Inflate tires to recommended operating pressures. b. Remove the fuel tank sump quick-drain fittings and fuel sclec- tor valve drain plug to drain all fuel. fe. Service engine oil as required to obtain a normal full indiea- tion (12 quarts on dipstick), a. Move sliding seats to the most forward position, ‘@. Raise flaps to the fully retracted position. £. Place all control surfaces in neutral position, 2 Leveling: ‘a. Place scales under each wheel (minimum scale capacity. 1000 pounds). b. Deflate nose tire and/or lower or raise the nose strut to properly center bubble on level (see figure 6-1). 8. Weighing: 8. With the airplane level and brakes released, record the weight shown on eaeh soale, Deduet the tare, i any, irom each reading. 4. Measuring: ‘4. Obtain measurement A by measuring horizontally (along the airplane center line) from a line stretehed between the main wheel centers to a plumb bob dropped from the firewall. b. Obtain measurement B by measuring horizontally and paral- Jel to the airplane center line, from center of nose wheel axle, left side, toa plumb bob dropped from the line between the main, wheel centers. Repeat on right side and average the measure- ments, 5. Using weights from item 3 and measurements from item 4, the airplane weight and C.G. can be determined. 6. Basic Emply Weight may be determined by completing figure 6-1 Oviginal Issue 63 SECTION 6 CESSNA WRIGHT & BALANCE/ MODEL 182R BQUIPMENT LIST Fe Detum (Fienal, Front Face) 510 00 Lo? 7} Level On Lovoling Serews [ete Side of Talcone) seate Postion | Seale Reading | Tare | Symbot | net weight ef Wel u Fight Whew R Nowe Whe N ‘Sum of Net Weights (As Weighed) w XTARM STAI @EX*( FC eC etm w TT [ ‘Morene/000] vem Weight (Lbs) X €.6, Arm ttn) = tLbacin) Airlane Weigh (From Im 6, pape 63) fa LUnusebe Fue [Gal at 6 LbsGal) 2% 480 12 Equipment Changer ‘irlane Basie Empty Weige Figure 6-1. Sample Airplane Weighing 64 Original Issue 65 Sak puoooy souviva puY wusiong dug eg oma ges : O52 B28 83 3h 3 gs ae 5 Tama om ca om = i ee a we nouvolsiaon uo siouwy so | ooo Hosnowae (roaaqy Nowatossa ae (serait Se ‘wna! <2 wasn 3908 So 73000 aaa Ze $8 19 pu BI Bon> ayy osu amanas bueND Yo Mow sronuTD) ez GHuOOSY SONVIVE GNV LHOISM 31dWvS Original Issue ECTION 6 CESSNA WRIGHT & BALANCE/ MODEL 182R RQUIPMENT LIST WEIGHT AND BALANCE ‘The following information will enable you to operate your Cessna within the proscribed weight and center of gravity limitations. To figure weight and balance, use the Sample Problem, Loading Graph, and Center of Gravity Moment Envelope as follows: ‘Take the basic empty weight and moment from appropriate weight and balance records carried in your airplane, and enter them in the column titled YOUR ATRPLANE on the Sample Loading Problem. NOTE In addition to the basic empty weightandmomentnotedon, these records, the C.G. arm (fuselage station) is #190 shown, but need not be used on the Sample Loading Problem. The moment which is shown must be divided by 1000 and this value used as the moment/1000 on the loading: problem. Use the Loading Graph to determine the moment/1000 for each Additional item to be carried; then list these on the loading problem. Note Loading Graph information for the pilot, passengers, and baggage/cargo is based on seats positioned for average occupants and baggage /cargo items loaded in the centerof, these areas as shown on the Loading Arrangements dis gram. For loadings which may differ from these, the Sample Loading Problem lists fusolage stations for these items to indicate thetr forward and aft C.G. range limite: tion (seat travel and baggage/eargo area limitation) Additional moment calculations, based on the actual weight and C.G. arm (fuselage station) of the item being loaded, must be made if the position of the load is different from that shown on the Loading Graph. Total the weights and moments/ 1000 and plot these values on the Conter of Gravity Moment Envelope to determine whether the point falls ‘within the envelope, and if the loading is acceptable. BAGGAGE AND CARGO TIE-DOWN A nylon baggage net having six tie-down straps is provided as stondard equipment to secure baggage in the area aft of the rear seat (baggage areas A,B and C). Highteyebolis serve as attaching points forthe 66 Original Issue CRSSNA SECTION 6 MODEL 182R, WSIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST net, Two eyebolts are mounted on the cabin floor near each sidewall just forward of the baggage door approximately at station 92; two eyebolts mount on the floor slightly inboard of each sidewall just aft of ihe baggage door approximately at station 109; two eyebolts are mounted near the upper forward surface of the shelf area approximately at station 122; and ‘wo eyobolts secure at the bottom of the forward portion of the sholf area at station 124. Ifa child's seat is installed, only the eyebolts at station 109 and the remaining aft eyebolts will be needed for securing the net in the area remaining behind the seat. A placard on the baggage door defines the ‘weight limitations in the baggage areas. When baggage area A is utilized for baggage only, the four forward. eyebolts should be used. When only baggage area B is used, the eyebolts just aft of the baggage door and the eyebolts above or below the shelf area may be used. When only baggage area C is utilized, the eyebolts above and below the shelf area should be used, When the cabin floor (baggage areas A and B) is utilized for baggage, the four forward eyebolts and the eyebolts mounted above or below the shelf area should be used. When there is, baggage in areas B and C, the eyebolts just aft of the baggage door and the eyebolts above and below the shelf area should be used. When baggage is contained in all three areas, the two forward eyebolts on the cabin floor, the eyobolts just aft of the baggage door or the eyebolts at the bottom of the forward portion of the shelf area and the eyebolts near the upper forward surface of the shelf area should be used. Cargo tie-down blocks and latch assemblies are available from any Cossna Dealer if it is desired to remove the rear seat (and child's seat, if installed) and utilize the rear cabin area to haul cargo. Two tie-down blocks: may be clamped to the aft end of the two outboard front seat rails and are locked in place by a bolt which mustbe tightened to a minimum of fifty inch. pounds. Seven tie-down lathes may be bolted to standard attach points in the cabin floor, including three rear seat mounting points. The seven ‘attach points are located as follows: two are located slightly inboard and just aft of the rear doorposts approximately at station 69;two utilize the aft ‘Suteoard mounting points of the rear seat; one utilizes the rearmost mounting point of the aft center attach point for the rear seat approxi- mately at station 84 (a second mounting point is located just forwardof this, point but is not used); and two are located Just forward of the center baggage net tie-down eyebolts approximately at station 108, The maxi- mum allowable floor loading of the rear cabin area is 200 pounds/ square foot: however, when items with small or sharp support areas are carried, the installation of a 1/4” plywood floor is recommended to protect the airplane structure. The maximum rated load weight capacity for each of the seven tie-downs is 140 pounds and for the two seat rail tie-downs is 100 pounds. Rope, strap, or cable used for tie-down should be rated at a minimum of ten times the load weight capacity of the tie-down fittings used, Weight and balance calculations for cargo in the area of the rear seat Original Issue 7 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST OBSSNA MODEL 182 and baggage area can be figured on the Loading Graph using the lines labeled 2nd Row Passongors or Cargo and/or Baggago or Passongors on Chile's Seat. LOADING ARRANGEMENTS “lot or poana: cone of grvty on ajurtale sts positenes for aarape coups. Rusnrdn pretence forward anda eof cesipant canter of 9 Tange “sere manure tthe center ofthe reat nou, NOTES: 1 The rable ft CG am i leads ation 48.5. 2. The sft tagge wall peroxmate maton 104} can be usd aa convenient interior ‘tfeance pint for dtaraning the lesion Sapp arn Tage stations cs. os. ‘rie aie sa san 22°50) 2") or “07 ou6 one. +12 ARE ta ‘a io OPTIONAL STANDARD 2ND ROW SEATING ‘SEATING SEAT REMOVED Figure 6-3. Loading Arrangements Original Tasue CESSNA MODEL 182R SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CABIN HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS DOOR OPENING DIMENSIONS [eo [eer [Ree ae Tye ior | qorronm | vrnown | wean) suo wow CASIN WIDTH MEASUREMENTS ste Pb dbo eee bb Figure 6-4, Internal Cabin Dimensions Original Issue 69 SECTION 6 CESSNA WEIGHT & BALANCE/ MODEL 182 EQUIPMENT LIST SAMPLE | YouR SAMPLE AIRPLANE | AIRPLANE. LOADING PROBLEM Moment Moment Weight | brine | weight | brains ibs) | T000}] ties) | “/1000) 1. Basic Empty Weight (Use the data pertaining 1 your alplane as itis presently equipped Teles unusable fuel and ful oi) va00 | 633 2, Usable Fuel (AC 6 Ls/Gal) ‘Standard Tanks (88 Gal. Maximum) «| 528 | 28 Reduced Fuel (65 Gal) 2. Pilot ong From Passenger {Station 32 t0 50), ato | 126 4. Second Row Passengers mo | 252 Cargo Replacing Second Row Seet TSte. 65 to 82) iia 5, "Boogoge [Aven A") oF Passangar on Child's Saat Sta: 82 10 108) 120 Lbs. Maximum oo | a7 6, "Baggage [Area 8") (Sts. 109 to 124) 180 Lbs. Maximum 2] 1 1. “Baggage (Area “C (Sta. 124 wo 134) 10 Lbs. Maximum z 8. RAMP WEIGHT AND MOMENT ano | 1358 9. Fual allowance for engine start, taxi and runup-] 10 | 10. TAKEOFF WEIGHT AND MOMENT (Subtract step 9 feom sep 8) sioo | 1363 1. Loses ti oie (9100 a 138.3) on the Carter of Grd Moment Envlon, ad ince is point fel wnihin the envelope, the loding is acesptale: provided that Tanne Dui fea Bornoi to's nx of 2050 pounds Betorelancing. “The maximum allgwable combined weight capacity for bapgep0 in aroas A,B, and Cis 200 pounds “The maximum allowsble combined weight capacity for bapgapy in areas B and Cis BO pounce Figure 6-5. Sample Loading Problem (Sheet 1 of 2) 6-10 Original Issue cnsena SECTION 6 MODEL ise WEIGHT & SALANGE/ SauIMENT LISTE Your X60. [your | we |r || MY | Mt | Tae Wien several loeding configurations are representative of your operation, it may be Usful to fill out one or more of the above columns s0 that sp iat a lance ie loadings ae Figure 6-5. Sample Loading Problem (Sheet 2 of 2) Original Issue ent CESSNA MODEL 182 (srroou LHOIaM OYOY WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST SECTION 6 ydeip Suypeot 9-9 ont ypu pan 0 uasbep uss p07 sy pected mane rare wo a mone ogeapeSehsweie “4 “34ON (savontanno) coo 3WoW OVO oe st in 3G C3. Va 30008 tau Sovove es ivi tothe wavy sovooe oon Havu5 SNIGYOT sot on HS » 128 0} ‘oi a Sf jaanaau “v9 SA am ae, ‘fiazoe) O94 fisuain revel PAT + ine! ane cr oe {guar FEYUOOTIN 0001/ANBHOH O¥OT (sonnoa) aMoIsm avo Original Issue 12 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST cEssNA MODEL 182R tig IUOMOWY AMATI Jo IINOD “2-9 INT soot s¢_ ce stow dO13AN3 LNSWOW ALIAVYS JO N3LN3D ae ot ost eI On ool ek co Che OWS Om Om Oke GL OD leonnoa shoian anvrauiv a30¥07 613 Original Issue SECTION 6 CESSNA WEIGHT & BALANCE) MODEL 18h EQUIPMENT LIST (vue anos awvraniy o20vor gob fog of fs 8 ee 8 CENTER OF GRAVITY Figure 6-8 Center of Gravity Limits Pape dead eines et # etd Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 6 MODEL 1828, WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST EQUIPMENT LIST ‘The following equipment list is a comprehensive list ofall Cessna equipment available for this aiplane. A separate equipment list of items insalled in your Specilic aiplane i provided inyour aircraft fle. Thefollowing lst andthe specific, Ist for your airplane have a similar order of listing This equipment lst provides the following information: ‘Anitem number gives the identification number for theiter. Each number's prefixed ith a letter which identifies the descripti ple: "A. Powerplant & Accessories) under whieh i entiy the equipment as @ required item, a standard item or an optional Rem, Suffix letter ave as follows R= requized tems of equipment for FAA corifiation “5 = standatd equipment items ‘O= optional equipmentitems replacing required or standard NoTLYTIISNT waLawrLTy] Yor est | co zoro-szors99, (SONTNSYH “14 02) BALLESNIS ‘YBLBKILTY) 2-0-200 est | eo zoto-teot999 | ¢suvarvimM ¥ La4> 3ar4isnas ‘yausuriqw| t-o-coa est | eo tore-1201999 BALLISNAS ‘yaiaMiLty| —¥-coa| vor | eo T-ezat0.0 gounos wry auyayaiw otuvis| —y-v0a sor | 20 te-eortozt (ow 43N) aaadsstv anus ‘yoLyotanr| — o-t0a oor | oo pez0-»901999, o33asuzy ‘yoivorant] — x-t0c SLNauNuLSNT “a WEIGHT & BALANCEY BQUIPMENT LisT SECTION 6 git tes» (2) sayng sHot3- St etbZz0 | revi 2 suzanvi cainnon‘Gaos Wisii Ldara] 5-609] gio | zore-goozzeo (2) j¢sotoge Hsuaso¥ay) | -Assy 4uary- fie | 201079893833 Conodsast Syiao¥ay) Aqgans inode wee tesaotaze GRD oNTA Hava STAM SERS Se8us | y-909) 3-56 40 woustszy gurayo7- z010-2oseea9 camoo ys tay ADSKSSY SSeS 2010 foates9 (arP Nr tn) Seu to1 a ees tbe0 Lhota“navsa autuseis' nwo] y-299 z-tr-etotazo | (2 Jo 438) 1H917 NotAvTAYN “s¥ai93130| — Y-009 tt-stso0ce GasweH 13N)AS3L¥M09 “suuoT3] — ¥-Te9) a6 at A Sadude f2ani tata “sasau- for | at YquvoTONT Zanitidy— sa | be youeStgnt TWNOr19aaTG_ aE | «2'E aoigoin¥' GN! UIisNI Raisas Ovaa| — S-o9a 9 (a1 aur aya aneno.0qyaii~ ad afbdd, Jignoaguaant— ue 30 ‘yleorant (33 ea | ano 26030820 (493) Sun.xtW AoNoga “iISKE'OLWazoNT| — Y-eva sor | oat orto-sys6999 yang # NION3 ‘ya4sM19 ANaWyisKr| —¥-vsa soz | ort s-euser2t ANnoW ® 214aNOvH ‘ssvduoa| — ¥-8z4 gigt | (9:0 | zoro-rrs—9e9 ¥31 sHONOMHa, 19079~ s5t | abe 855228220 | caonvHo 13N) aildte"STSi9949° 33010] o-szal vor | sro z010-2059599 oyay qwra ‘oraiaa3 ‘ya019| —s-sza| oot | zt z-orsosio auniywsawai wry woLgungsva ‘3ova] —y-2z0 gat | oe auymauyil -9gri- SH | Ef | roro-rooyses YaaBSRee coauinbay 10N NoLLyTIVISNTOTaNYa sore | art ecorezo ANSHRADSAE GN AGTAYIGUSRS ada tw] e-v-2r0 Cuaiguriry auvawyis auriyao1ay, sauranay> oor | os zeustet SgvaT td GW 133 '¥3naMIL9y ONEGOINS| 2-v-9t0 yausuriq 34a guvonvis or | ove zeaetet | onrivaavay sa$iibs¥) asagdiioy SNiaooNa) t-v-9ta sur way | sev an | ontevao say Notigt¥osaa 1517 ANaWarAD3 on Many Original Issue CESSNA MODEL 182 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT List SECTION 6 capers q EBL] EP | RBBB, | ora um, cers anmvoif ERY ATE ee Te | ee ee ee eed csc est | 6-0 | tote-stoee9 aunssay4 avosinvn +39v0] sca] SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 182R, (ganzviser Avoiovs Lon cqamoisy cuS¥ g9uys aah ivign? 48h) r-ezoroco | sauvio Give ivss4 S3Hovi NMOg SLL B9¥va/ — y-te3 oveor tetetster 43N NMOG 311 39va9¥G) 5-593 ore. T-2a0stc0 w3010H SL1d Hovousdy) — y-653| ose (-peoroze (2 40 135) suosta wns} s-ss3 oe teseostzt | cHowa> cay aaviwisnt) Nox aNe ‘Lsauav3n| — y-183 ony t-eeostat | (mova> cay aatiwisMr) Moy ast ‘usayavaH| —¥-053 ost vettazt (2 40 135) S1eviovaiay “susaioH una] y-ena| ae 5009919 MBONSSS¥a £3 LOTLE ‘SySYH NaDAx0- 0 TSa°obet eo13%n3 Ue" NaSAkS- ScESt 10901099919 Kush a=eSUnt 149 NJOAKo- wOrEEE Genidier iodo TWSISAS NaDANO| — w-Z93 v8 rourttoze ONTLY3S OY ONE ‘“NSLSAS NOTLVTTINEN] — ¥es0a ssp tr-etorozo | caowyHs 43N) 4oL Nre¥D GyaHYaAO ‘SMoaNTH] — y-eea ove e-srorozo |(30NYHO 43N) MOONIM Yooa KravD Hy 31eWNa40; O-ze3) ote t-ozttosa (2 3 135) 3vavaousy ‘suvwyoora] —v-9e3 Caowyo 13M) NDAs oT¥ayd vo TANTA any. oso | sro pstr-saa |PMSTvaT iad Sats ALLS iOaad TerGsnr| s-v-ssa| oss | ot ystt-saa | waniva1 tawed 307s A¥aistosdn ‘yorusinr| »-v-sea| Caowe 4any yayieay_ any seo | oot ostt-sao | “STMEV 42" anta--onruanoa va8 MBI aSINT | e-y-ssa s29 | oe ystt-s39 |¢39NvHO 4am) sw3n09 LvaS ¥aHL¥31 ‘¥oTyaiNt| 2-y-seal oo oo »STI-S39 | (Z9NYHO 13N) $4309 Lv3S TANIA ‘woTysin2| t-¥-sea| soe | ee snsuze-s Moy GNz ‘ASS¥ SsaNvH waaTnoNS #1138) 5-223 shir wae | sav an | onzavua ay Noridreasaq 1817 anawarno3 ON waLT eet Original tssue CESSNA MODBL 182R ovo vo s-ssosszo caanoLs) ano waraWys Tana] $-019] caarqvisny os» | st t-ere0zo Avoova 40N) anvrdury ‘soNrS"ONTLSTOA) — ¥-z09 (qgrnyisnt AyoLo¥s Low ySHST oN TT 1e3s" 01nd ar isnegy ¥3li¥aA| Teeertozt [mum asa yoas Sdar ONYH TMANSTAONTINS BUTS] 2-¥-ss9 zozo-rontzy9 gHy79,2 siavovas— foz0-T001 283, cayoo waawaa> ¥SHSTnows Tea Sha Giyas "20114 aavdiivas g-ptoroz [a1IN 3s wos) ada GnvH ASHSERONIEES SHES] T-¥-se9) TLo0090 | (39NVHO 13N) LNVISTS3Y NOTSOMYOD ‘saray9| —¥-te9| BgTyts g340109- asve Sh T3y33n9- BNFE ayn zsovoco | -A104 oarszaow ‘woraaixa Tiv¥and" ints] — s-s29 b-ste00c0 (inoHS Wyy a3M0L5) Lavusaty ‘wvanoL] — s-zz9] s-1p00050 Sip08 NorsYuay yaztiuavis| Y- Hw SET tO3eF aif at pecgetasee Tyo O5-getoses van a Pestite toe=asi0ro INO 274 L403) 4 ui-sozorse | arohiS"a04"SnOTS 0 voooH gquywo au — 1m SQHOUTNS winx 2 witH TaN¥G Mod Salvin’ ovo oo e2tores | SHOTTAS winx aie ALiM Wea auiNOS oiany| — y-esn| soe | ee roto-zes9659 (2 a0 13S) 1350¥3H O3¥aLS Moy aNe| 2-¥-95H) cwgriviavisnt 0-623 s3urnoau> oor | oor toro-tes9659 caanbl3)"O3d0¥a™ shokagustu=L9sd¥aK| 1-v-99H (gamois) yotiyaqyiswr 0-623 CESSNA MODEL 182R oer | zo foto-re59659 |saurnosy im 18ST AROLLAMTENOD Las00sNeStH] — y-ssH er] eo bonsotes yuna 3sw3s ataaua tuny say} y-9¥n ear | 3:0 gopptosee vauy 13a AN3HnausNE-—3-27 & I COLE Figure 7-7. Hlectrical System 736 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 182k, AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS ‘CAUTION Prior to turning the master switch on or off, starting the engine, or applying an external power source, the avionics power switch, labeled AVIONICS POWER, should be turned off to prevent any harmful transient voltage from damaging the avionics equipment, MASTER SWITCH ‘The master switch is a split-rocker type switch labeled MASTER, and is ON in the up position and off in the down position. The right half of the switch, Inbeled BAT, controls all electrical power to the airplane. The left half, labeled ALT, controls the alternator. Normally, both sides of the master switch should be used simultane- ously; however, the BAT sido of the switch could be turned ON separately to check equipment while on the ground, To check or use avionics equipment or radios while on the ground, the avionics power switeh must be turned ON. The ALT side of the switch, when placed in the off position. removes the altornator from the electrical system. With this switch in the off position, the entire elecirical load is placed on the battery. Continued operation with the alternator switch in the off position will reduce battery power low enough to open the battery contactor, remove power from the alternator field, and prevent alternator restart, AVIONICS POWER SWITCH Electrical power from the airplane primary bus to the avionics bus (see figure 7-7) is controlled by a toggle switoh/eireult breaker labeled AV- IONICS POWER. The switch is located on the left side of the switch and control panel and is ON in the up position and off in the down position. With the switch in the off position, no electrical power will be applied to the avionics equipment, regardless of the position of the master switch or the individual equipment switches. The avionics power switch also func- tions as a circuit breaker. If an electrical malfunetion should occur and cause the circuit breaker to open, electrical power to the avionies equip- ment (including the avionies cooling fan) will be interrupted and the switch will automatically move to the off position. If this occurs, allow the circuit breaker to cool approximately two minutes before placing the switeh in the ON position again. If the cireult breaker opens again, do not reset it. The avionics power switch should be placed in the off position prior to turning the master ewitoh ON or off, starting the engine, or ap- plying an external power souree, and may be utilized in place of the indi- vidual avionies equipment switches, AMIMETER ‘The ammeter, located between the fuel gages, indicates the amount of Original Issue 227 SECTION 7 CBSSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 182R ‘ourrent, in amperes, from the alternator to the battery or from the battery. to the airplane electrical system. When the engine is operating and the master switch is turned on, the ammeter indicates the charging rate ap- plied to the battery. In the event the alternator is not functioning or the electrical load exceeds the output of the alternator, the ammeter indicates the battery discharge rate, ALTERNATOR CONTROL UNIT AND LOW-VOLTAGE WARNING UGHT ‘The airplane is equipped with a combination alternator regulator high- low voltage control unit mounted on the engine side of the firewall and red warning light, labeled LOW VOLTAGE, on the left side of the instra- ‘ment panel adjacent to the airspeed indicator. In the event an over-voltage condition occurs, the alternator control unit automatically removes alternator field current which shuts down the alternator, The battery will then supply system current as shown by a discharge rate on the ammeter. Under these conditions. depending on electrical system load, the low-voltage warning light will illuminate when system voltage drope below normal, The alternator control unit may be reset by turning the master switch off and back on again. If the warning light does not illuminate, normal alternator charging has resumed: however, if the light does illuminate again, a malfunction has occurred. and the flight should be terminated as soon as practicable. NOTE Mlumination of the low-voltage light and ammeter dis. charge indications may occur during low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system, such as during @ low RPM taxi, Under these conditions, the light will go out at higher RPM, The master switch need not be recyoled since an over-voltage condition has not occurred to de-activate the alternator system, ‘The warning light may be tested by turning on the landing lights and. momentarily turning off the ALT portion of the master switch while leaving the BAT portion turned on. CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND FUSES ‘Most of the electrical circuits in the airplane are protected by “push-to- reset” type olrouit breakers mounted on the left side of the switch and con- trol panel, However, elrouit breakers protecting the alternator output and the electric elevator trim cireuits are the “pull-off” type. In addition to the individual cirouit breakers, a toggle switchicireuit breaker, labeled AV- 7.28 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 182R, AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS IONICS POWER, on the left switch and control panel also protects the av- ionios systems. The control wheel map light (if installed) is protected by the NAV LIGHTS cizeuit breaker and a fuse behind the instrument panel Electrical cireuits whieh are not protected by circuit breakers are the bat tery contactor closing (external power) circuit, clock circuit, and flight hour recorder eirouit. These circuits are protected by fuses mounted adja- cent to the battery. (Also, a fuse, located on the left switch and control panel, protects the avionics cooling fan circuit. Sparo fuses are required to be carried in the airplane at all times. To assist the pilot in meeting this requirement, a special spare fuse holder is located inside the cover of the Pilot's Operating Handbook. This holder contains an assortment of spare fuses to be used in the event an installed fuse requires replacement. If one of the fuses from the holder is used, a re- placement spare should be obtained for the fuse holder. GROUND SERVICE PLUG RECEPTACLE [A ground service plug receptacle may be installed to permit the use of an external power souree for cold woather starting and during lengthy maintenance work on the electrical and electronic equipment, Details of the ground service plug receptacle are presented in Section 9, Supple- ments, LIGHTING SYSTEMS EXTERIOR LIGHTING Conventional navigation lights are located on the wing tips and tail stinger, and dual landing/taxi lights are installed in the cow! nose cap. Additional lighting is available and includes a strobe light on each wing tip, a flashing beacon on top of the vertical stabilizer, and two courtesy ights, one under each wing, just outboard of the cabin doors. Details of the strobe light system are presented in Section 9, Supplements. The courtesy Iights are operated by a switch located on the left rear door post. All exterior lights, except the courtesy lights, are operated by rocker switches oon the left switch and control panel. The switches are ON in the up position ‘and off in the down position. ‘The flashing beacon should not be used when flying through clouds or ‘overcast; the flashing light reflected from water droplets or particles in the atmosphere, particularly atnight, can produce vertigo and lossof orienta- tion. INTERIOR LIGHTING Instrument and contro! panel lighting is provided by flood and integral Original Issue 7.29 SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 182K lighting, with electroluminescent and post lighting also available. Dual concentric light dimming rheostats on the left side of the switch and control panel control the Intensity of all lighting. The following para- graphs describe the various lighting systems and their controls. ‘The left and right sides of the switch and control panel, and the audio control panel may be lighted by electroluminescent panels which do not require light bulbs for illumination. To utilize this lighting, turn the NAV light rocker switch to the ON position and rotate the inner knob labeled BL. PANEL, on the right dimming theostat, clockwise to the desired light Intensity. Instrument panel flood lighting consists of four red lights on the underside of the glare shield, and two red flood lights in the forward section of the overhead console. This lighting is controlled by rotating the outer Knob labeled FLOOD, on the left dimming theostat, clockwise to the desired intensity. ‘The instrument panel may be equipped with post lights which are mounted at the edge of each instrument or contol and provide direct lighting. This lighting is controlled by rotating the inner knob labeled POST, on the left dimming rheostat, clockwise to the desired light inten- sity. Flood and post lights may be used simultaneously by rotating both the FLOOD and POST knobs clockwise to the desired intensity for each type of Lighting, ‘The engine instrument cluster, radio equipment, and magnetic com- pass have integral lighting and operate independently of post or flood highting. To operate these lights, rotate the outer knob labeled ENG: RADIO, on the right dimming rheostat, clockwise to tne desired light intensity. However. for daylight operation, the compass and engine instrument lights may be turned off while still maintaining maximum. light intensity for the digital readouts in the radio equipment. This is accomplished by rotating the ENG-RADIO knob full counterclockwise. Check that the flood lights, post lights, and electroluminescent lights are turned off for daylight operation by rotating the FLOOD. POST. and EL PANEL knobs full counterclockwise. ‘The control pedestal has two integral lights and. if the airplane is equipped with oxygen. the overhead console is illuminated by post lights. Pedestal and console light intensity is controlled by the knob labeled ENG: RADIO, on the right dimming theostat. Map lighting is provided by overhead console map lights and a glare shield mounted map light. The airplane may also be equipped with control wheel map light. The overhead console map lights operate in conjunction with instrument panel flood lighting and consist of two 7-90 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 182R, AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS openings just aft of the red instrument panel flood lights. The map light openings have sliding covers controlled by amall round knobe which uncover the openings when moved toward each other. The covers should be kept closed unless the map lights are required. A map light and toggle switch, mounted in front of the pilot on the underside of the glare shield, is used for illuminating approach plates or other charts whon using acontrol wheel mounted approach plate holder. The switch is labeled MAP LIGHT, ON. OFF and light intensity is controiled by the knob labeled FLOOD. on the lett dimming rheostat. The pilot's control wheel map light (if installed) luminates the lower portion of the cabin in front of the pilot, and is used for checking mapsand other flightdata during night operation. The light is utilized by turning the NAV light switch to the ON position and adjusting Light intensity with the rheostat control knob on the bottom of the control wheel. ‘The airplane is equipped with a dome lightaft of the overhead console. ‘The light 18 operated by a slide-type ewiteh, aft of the light lens, which turns the light on when moved to the right, ‘The most probable cause of a light failure is a burned out bulb: however, in the event any of the lighting systems fail to illuminate when turned on, check the appropriate circuit breaker. Ifthe circuit breaker has ‘opened (white button popped out), and there is no obvious indication of a short circuit (amoke or odor), turn off the ight switeh of the affected lights, rosot the breaker, and turn the switch on again, Ifthe brealer opens again, do not reset it CABIN HEATING, VENTILATING AND DEFROSTING SYSTEM ‘The temperature and volume of airflow into the cabin can bo regulated by manipulation of the push-pull CABIN HEAT and CABIN AIR control Knobs (see figure 7-8). Both control knobs are the double button type with locks to permit intermediate settings, NOTE For improved partial heating on mild days, pull out the CABIN AIR knob slightly when the CABIN HEAT knob is, out. This action increases the airflow through the system, increasing efficiency, and blends cool outstde air with the exhaust manifold heated air, thus eliminating the possibil- ity of overheating the system ducting. Front cabin heat and ventilating air is supplied by outlet holes spaced across a cabin manifold just forward of the pilot's and copilot's feet. Rear cabin heat and air is suppliod by two ducts from the manifold, one Original Issue 731 SECTION 7 cESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 182F ae — is i oma ty aera ft ee = seancanm HV ke IE sossrine 7 # < VENTILATORS i SEB | w\ fs cope 4 eee VENTILATING AIR < Pa Figure 7-8. Cabin Heating, Ventilating, and Defrosting System 732 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 1828, AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS: extending down each side of the cabin to an outlet at the front door post at floor level. Windshield defrost air is also supplied by a duct leading from the cabin manifold to an outlet on top of the anti-glare shield. Defrost air flow is controlled by a rotary type knob labeled DEFROST. For cabin ventilation, pull the CABIN AIR knob out, with the CABIN HEAT knob pushed full in. To raise the air temperature, pull the CABIN HEAT knob out until the desired temperature is attained. Additional heat is available by pulling the knob out farther; maximum heat is available with the CABIN HEAT knob pulled out and the CABIN ATR knob pushed full in, Separate adjustable ventilators supply additional ventilation air to the cabin. One near each upper corner of the windshield supplies alr for the pilot and copilot, and two ventilators are available for the rear cabin area to supply air to the rear seat passengers. Each roar ventilator outlet oan be adjusted in any desired direction by moving the entire outlet to direct the airflow forward and aft and by moving a wheel protruding from the center of the outlet left or right to obtain left or right airflow. Ventilation airflow may be closed off completely, or partially closed according to the amount of airflow desired, by rotating a control knob adjacent to the outlet, PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENTS ‘The pitot-static system supplies ram air pressure to the airspeed indicator and static pressure to the airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator and altimeter. The system is composed of either an unheated or heated pitot tube mounted on the lower Surface of the left wing, two external static ports on the lower left and right sides of the forward fuselage, and the associated plumbing necessary to connect the instru- ments to the sourees, ‘The heated pitot system (if installed) consists of a heating element in the pitot tube, a rocker switch labeled PITOT HEAT and a 10-amp push-to- reset circuit breaker on the left side of the switch and control panel, and associated wiring. When the pitot heat switch is turned on, the element in the pitot tube is heated electrically to maintain proper operation in possible icing conditions, Pitot heat should be used only as required, A static pressure alternate source valve may be installed adjacent to the parking brake, and can be used if the external static source is malfunctioning, This valve supplies static pressure from inside the cabin instead of the external static ports. If erroneous instrumont readings are suspected due to water or ice in the pressure line going to the standard external static pressure source, the Original Issue 733 SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 1822 alternate static source valve should be pulled on, Pressures within the cabin will vary with heater/vents opened or closed, and windows open. Refer toSections $and5 for thoetfectol varying cabin pressures on airspeed and altimeter readings, AIRSPEED INDICATOR ‘The airspeed indicator is calibrated in knots and miles per hour. Limitation and range markings (in KIAS) inolude the white are (40 to 06 Knots). green are (50 to 143 knots), yellow are (149 to 179 knots), ad a rest Line (178 knots) If a true airspeed indicator is installed, it is equipped with a rotatable ting which works in conjunction with the airspeed indicator dial in a manner similar to the operation of a flight computer. ‘To operate the indicator, first rotate the ring until pressure altitude is aligned with outside air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, Pressure altitude showld not be confused with indicated altitude. To obtain pressure alticude momentarily set the barometric scale on the altimeter to 29.02 and read pressure altitude on the altimeter. Be sure to return the altimeter baronet rie scale to the original barometric setting after pressure altitude has been obtained. Having set the ring to correct for altitude and temperature, read the true airspeed shown on the rotatable ring by the indicator pointer, For best accuracy, the indicated airspeed should be corrected to calibrated airspeed by referring to the Airspeed Calibration chart in Section 5. Knowing the calibrated airspeed, read true airspeed on the ring opposite the calibrated airspeed, VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR ‘The vertical speed indicator depicts airplane rate of climb or descent in feet per minute. The pointer is actuated by atmospheric pressure changes resulting from changes of altitude as supplied by the static source ALTIMETER Airplane altitude is depicted by a barometric type altimeter. A knob near the lower left portion of the indicator provides adjustment of the instrument's barometric seale to the current altimeter setting, VACUUM SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENTS An ongine-driven vacuum system (see figure 7-9) provides the suction necessary to operate the attitude indicator and directional indicator. ‘The system consists of & vacuum pump mounted on the engine, a vacuum reliet 734 Original Issue cESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 1828, AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS q ‘OVERBOARD, To tet ain, VENT LINE EEE vacuum ZZ O\SCHARGE AIR JN vacuum PUMP | VACUUM RELIEF VALVE ATTITUDE suction INDICATOR GAGE circu LOW-VACUUM BREAKER SwiTCH VACUUM SYSTEM ‘AIR FILTER. y L Brvacum /Atud = wanmin trent //0 he, DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR Figure 7-8. Vacuum System Original Issue 7-35, SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 182R, valve and vacuum system air filter on the aft side of the firewall below the instrument panel, and instruments (including a suction gage and a low, vacuum warning light) on the left side of the instrument panel, An op: tional electrically-driven standby vacuum pump may also be installed. It to designed to provide adequate vacuum in the event of failure of the engine driven pump, Details of this system are presented in Section 8, Supple ments, ATTITUDE INDICATOR ‘The attitude indicator gives a visual indication of flight attitude. Banke attitude is presented by a pointer at the top of the indicator relative to the ‘bank scale which has index marks at 10°, 20°, 30°, 60", and 90° either side of the center mark. Piteh and roll attitudes are presented by a miniatare alzplane superimposed over a symbolic horizon area divided into two seo. Mons by a white horizon bar. The upper “blue sky” area and the lower “ground” area have arbitrary pitch reference lines useful for pitch aitivaae control. A knob at the bottom of the instrument is provided for inflight ad- Justment of the miniature airplane to the horizon bar for a more ascurate ‘ight attitude indication. DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR ‘The directional indicator displays airplane heading on a compass card {in relation to a fixed simulated airplane image and index. The directional indicator will precess slightly over a period of time. Therefore, the com- ass card should be set in accordance with the magnetic compass just prior to takeoff, and ogcasionally re-adjusted on extended flights, A leaod on the lower left edge of the instrument is used to adjust the compass card to correct for any precession. SUCTION GAGE ‘The suction gage, located on the lett side of the instrument panel, is calibrated in inehes of mercury and indicates suction available for opera: tion of the attitude and directional indicators. The desired suction range is 4.5 to 8.4 inches of mereury. Normally, a suction reading out of this range may indicate a system malfunction or improper adjustment, and in this case, the indicators should not be considered reliable. However, duc to lower atmospheric pressures at higher altitudes, the suction gage may in. Gicate as low as 4.0 in. Hg. at 20,000 feet and still be adequate for normal systom operation, LOW-VACUUM WARNING LIGHT A red low-vacuum warning light is installed on the left side of instru: ment pane! to warn the pilot of a possible low-vacuum condition existing 7-38 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 182F AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS in the vacuum system, Tlumination of the light warns the pilot to check ‘the suction gage and to be alert for possible erroneous vacuum-driven gyro instrument indications. OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE (OAT) GAGE ‘An outside air temperature (OAT) gage is installed in the right wing root ventilator, ‘The gage is calibrated in degrees Fahrenheit and Centi- grade. For best indicator accuracy, air should be flowing through the ven- {lator aeross the probe. STALL WARNING SYSTEM ‘The airplane is equipped with a vane-type stall warning unit, in the leading edge of the left wing, which is electrically connected to'a stall sarning horn located in the headliner above the left cabin door. A 5-amp push-to-reset cireuit breaker labeled STALL WARN, on the left side of the Switch and control panel, protects the stall warning system. The vane in the wing senses the change in airflow over the wing, and operates the warning horn at airspeeds between 5 and 10 knots above the stall in all configurations. aero ee eS CEEESE CE If the airplane has a heated stall warning system, the vane and sensor unit in the wing leading edge is equipped with a heating element. The heated part of the system is operated by the PITOT HEAT switch, and is, protected by the PITOT HEAT circuit breaker. ‘The stall warning system should be checked during the pre-flight inspection by momentarily turning on the master switch and actuating the vane in the wing. The system is operational if the warning horn sounds as the vane is pushed upward. AVIONICS SUPPORT EQUIPMENT If the airplane is equipped with avionics, various avionics support equipment may also be installed. Equipment available includes an avio- nies cooling fan, microphone-headset installations and control surface Static dischargers. The following paragraphs discuss these items. Des- cription and operation of radio equipment is covered in Section 9 of this handbook. AVIONICS COOLING FAN An avionics cooling fan system is provided whenever a factory- installed Nav/Com radio is installed, The system is designed to provide internal cooling air from a small electric fan to the avionics units and thereby eliminate the possibility of moisture contamination using an Original Issue 7:37 SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 182 external cooling air source. Power to the electric fan is supplied directly from the avionics bus. through a fuse labeled, AVN FAN, located on the left awiteh and control panel. Hence, power is Supplied to the fan anytime the master and avionics power switches are ON. MICROPHONE-HEADSET INSTALLATIONS, ‘Three types of microphone-headset installations are offered. The stan- dard system provided with avionics equipment includes a hand-held miero- phone and separate headset. The Keying switoh for this microphone is on the microphone, Two optional microphone-headset installations are also available; these feature a single-unit microphone-headset combination which permits the pilot or front passenger to conduct radio communica tions without interrupting other control operations to handle @ hand-held microphone. One microphone-headset combination is a lightweight type without a padded headset and the other version has a padded headset. The microphone-headset combinations utilize a remote keying switch located on the left grip of the pilot's control wheel and, if an optional intereom sys- ‘em is installed, a second switch on the right grip of the front passenger's control wheel. The microphone and headset jacks are located on the lower left and right sides of the instrument panel. Audio to all three headsets is controlled by the individual audio selector ewitehes and adjusted for vol- lume level by using the selected receiver volume controls, NOTE To ensure audibility and clarity when transmitting with the hand-held microphone, always hold it as closely as pos- sible to the lips, then key the microphone and spealt di- reetly into It. Avoid covering opening on back side of microphone for optimum noise canceling. STATIC DISCHARGERS If frequent IFR flights are planned, installation of wick-type static dischargers is recommended to improve radio communications during, flight through dust or Various forms of precipitation (rain, snow or ice crystals). Under these conditions, the build-up and discharge of static electricity from the trailing edges of the wings, rudder, elevator. propeller tips. and radio antennas can result in loss of usable radio signals on all communications and navigation radio equipment. Usually the ADFis first to be affected and VHF communication equipment is the lastto be affected, Installation of static dischargers reduces interference from precipita: tion static. but it is possible to encounter severe precipitation static conditions which might cause the loss of radio signals, even with static 7:38 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 182R AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS dischargers installed. Whenever possible, avoid known severe precipita- tion areas to prevent loss of dependable radio signals. If avoidance is jpraclical, minimize airspeed and anticipate temporary loss of radio signals while in these areas, Statio dischargers lose thoir offectivoness with age, and there- fore, should be oheolted periodically (at least at every annual inspection) by qualified avionics technicians, ote. If testing equipment is not available, It is recommended that the wicks be replaced every two years, especially if the airplane is operated frequently in IPR conditions. The discharger wioks are designed to unsorew from their mounting bases to facilitate re- placement. CABIN FEATURES CABIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER A portable Halon 1211 (Bromochlorodifluoromethane) fire extin- guishor is available for installation on the pilot's seat where it would be ac- cessible in case of fire. The extinguisher has an Underwriters Laboratories classification of 5B:C. If installed, the extinguisher should be checked prior to each flight to ensure that its bottle pressure, as indicated by the ‘gage on the bottle, is within the green are (approximately 125 psi) and the operating lever lock pin is securely in place. ‘To operate the fire extinguisher: 1. Loosen retaining clamp(s) and remove extinguisher from bracket. 2, Hold extinguisher upright, pull operating lever lock pin, and press lever while directing the discharge at the base of the fire at the near edge. Progress toward the back of the fire by moving the nozzle rapidly with a side-to-side sweeping motion. “CAUTION Care must be taken not to direct the initial discharge ai- rectly at the burning surface at close range (less than five fect) because the high velocity stream may cause splashing and/or scattering of the burning material. 8, Anticipate approximately eight seconds of discharge duration. WARNING Ventilate the cabin promptly after successfully extinguish- Original Issue 739 SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 162R ing the fire to reduce the gases produced by thermal de- composition. Fire extinguishers should be recharged by a qualified fire extin- guisher agency after each use, Such agencies are listed under “Fire Extin- guisher” in the telephone directory. After recharging, secure the extin- guisher to its mounting bracket; do not allow i to lie loose on shelves oF seat, 7-40 Original Issue Coweta ¢-8)/5-8 ‘veer anny og - enssr wUIO, quSna Seung jromoomdon ama * equ souerUT are ousug ore sorjedona orvg oom worsesay HOZITIANIS Se0mjaNg pore SMOpULAL-PIOTUSPUEM, 9ru9 pun SuntTea( uaakxo, seep Supuey ron 10 Bupiaseg aBe101g Tae sta *"Bun19807 + supper umo@eaK + Supted ‘BUNor, uypeeH punoZD suradoy 20 suey soumtoqureny aapitonadd PMORPUOD OTE ‘urmflodg 0299 zowoyenp vUESID ‘20 aaiesaxFo1g VUSSID suowioadsuy parbou VW ‘spoqsag worroadsuy sunday fond oumtdaty suonwonand souostapy J8umO wussag eveia woneouTuopT ‘uononposrty SLNALNOO 40 A18VL JONVNALNIVW 9 JOIANAS “ONIIGNVH ANV1dalV 8 NOILD4S SONVNSLNIVIN® SOIAUGS ‘DNITONVE, 8 NOLLOSS ‘uest 1adOW WNSSEO CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 182R, HANDLING, SERVICE ‘& MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION ‘This section contains factory-recommended procedures for proper ground handling and routine care and servicing of your Cessna. It also featities certain inspection and maintenance requirements which must he followed if your airplane is to retain that new-plane performance and dependability. It is wise to follow a planned schedule of lubrication and Dibventive maintenance based on climatic and flying conditions encoun- fered in your locality. Keep in touch with your Cessna Dealer and take advantage of his knowledge and experience. He knows your airplane and how to maintain Anple will remind you when lubrications and oil changes are necessary, ‘and about other seasonal and periodic services. IDENTIFICATION PLATE ‘All correspondence regarding your airplane should include the SE- RIAL NUMBER, The Serial Number, Model Number, Production Certifi- date Number (PC) and Type Certificate Number (TC) can be found on the {dentification Plate, located on the left forward doorpost. Located adjacent tothe Identification Plate is a Finish and Trim Plate which contains acode {eseribing the interior color scheme and exterior paint combination of the Sirplane, The code may be used in conjunction with an applicable Parts Catalog if finish and trim information is needed. CESSNA OWNER ADVISORIES Cessna Owner Advisories are sont to Cessna Aircraft owners at no change 10 Inform them about mandatory andlor beneficial aircraft service requiremente and product improvements: ‘United States Aireraft Owners If your aireraft is registered in the U.S., appropriate Cessna Owner “Adisories will be mailed to you automatically according to the latest aircraft registration name and address provided to the FAA. If you require a duplicate Owner Advisory to be sent to an address dif, Yount from the PAA aireraft registration address, please complete and teturn an Owner Advisory Application (otherwise no action Is required fon your part), International Aircraft Owners ‘To receive Cessna Owner Advisories, please complete and return an ‘Owner Advisory Application. Original tssue 83 SECTION & CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE, Receipt of a valid Owner Advisory Application will establish your Cessna Owner Advisory sorvice (duplicate Owner Advisory service for U.S. alreraft owners) for one year, after which you will be sent @ renewal notice PUBLICATIONS Various publications and flight operation aids are furnished in the airplane when delivered from the factory. These items are listed below. * CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM HANDBOOK PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK AND FAA APPROVED, AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL © PILOT'S CHECKLISTS © POWER COMPUTER CESSNA DEALER DIRECTORY DO'S AND DON'TS ENGINE BOOKLET ‘The following additional publications, plus many other supplies that are applicable to your airplane, are available from your Cessna Dealer. * INFORMATION MANUAL (Contains Pilot's Operating Handbook Information) + SERVICE MANUALS AND PARTS CATALOGS FOR YOUR: AIRPLANE, ENGINE AND ACCESSORIES AVIONICS AND AUTOPILOT Your Cessna Dealer has a Customer Care Supplies Catalog covering all available items, many of whieh he Keeps on hand. He will be happy to place an order for any item which is not in stock NOTE A Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Aixplane Flight Manual which is lost or destroyed may be replaced, by contacting your Cessna Dealer. An affidavit containing the owner's name, airplane serial number and registration number must be included in replacement requests since the Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual is Identified for specific airplanes only. AIRPLANE FILE ‘There are miscellaneous data, information and licenses that are a part 84 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 152R, HANDLING, SERVICE, ‘& MAINTENANCE, of the airplane file, The following is a checklist for that file. In addition, a periodic check should be made of the latest Federal Aviation Regulations to ensure that all data requirements are met A. To be displayed in the airplane at all times: 1. Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate (FAA Form 8100-2) 2 Aircraft Registration Certificate (FAA Form 8050-9). 3. Aircraft Radio Station License, if transmitter installed (FCC Form 556). B. To be carried in the airplane at all times: 1, Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Plight Manual. 2 Weight and Balance, and associated papers (latest copy of the Repair and Alteration Form, FAA Form 837, if applicable), 3. Equipment List. ©. Tobe made available upon request: 1. Airplane Log Book. 2. Engine Log Book. Most of the items listed aro required by the United States Federal Aviation Regulations. Since the Regulations of other nations may require other documents and data, owners of airplanes not registered in the United States should cheok with their own aviation officials to determine their individual requirements. Cessna recommends that these items, plus the Pilot's Checklist, Power Computer, Customer Care Program Handbook and Customer Care Card, be carried in'the airplane at all times. AIRPLANE INSPECTION PERIODS FAA REQUIRED INSPECTIONS As required by Federal Aviation Regulations, all civil aircraft of U.S. registry must undergo a complete inspection (annual) each twelve calend- ar months. In addition to the required ANNUAL Inspection, aircraft Operated commercially (for hire) must have a complete inspection every 100 hours of operation. ‘The FAA may require other inspections by the issuance of airworthi- ness directives applicable to the airplane. engine, propeller and compo- nents. It is the responsibility of the owner/ operator to ensure compliance ‘with all applicable airworthiness directives and, when the inspections are repetitive, to take appropriate steps to prevent inadvertent noncom- plianee. In liew of the 100 HOUR and ANNUAL inspection requirements, an Original Issue 85 SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE, airplane may be inspected in accordance with a progressive inspection schedule, which allows the work load to be divided into smaller operations that can be accomplished in shorter time periods. ‘The Cessna Progressive Care Program has been developed to provide a modern progressive inspection schedule that satisifies the complete airplane inspection requirement of both the 100 HOUR and ANNUAL in- spections as applicable to Cessna alxplanes. The program assists the owner in his responsibility to comply with all FAA inspection requirement, while ensuring timely replacement of life-limited parts and adhorence to factory- recommended inspection intervals and maintenance procedures. CESSNA PROGRESSIVE CARE ‘The Cessna Progressive Care Program has been designed to help you realize maximum utilization of your airplane at a minimum cost and downtime, Under this program, your airplane is inspected and maintained in four operations, The four operations are recyeled each 200 hours and are recorded In a specially provided Aireraft Inspection Log as each opera- ton is conducted. ‘The Cessna Aireraft Company recommends Progressive Care for airplanes that are being flown 200 hours or more per year, and the $00-hour inspection for all other airplanes. The procedures for the Progressive Care Program and the 100-hour inspection have been carefully worked out by the factory and are followed by the Cessna Dealer Organization. The complete familiarity of Cessna Dealers with Cessna equipment and Iactory-approved procedures provides the highest level of service possi- ble at lower cost to Cessna owners. Regardless of the inspection method selected by the owner, he should keep in mind that FAR Part 43nd FAR Part 91 establishes the requirement ‘hat properly certified agencies or personnel accomplish all required FAA inspections and most of the manufacturer recommended inspections, CESSNA CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM. Specific benefits and provisions of the Cessna Warranty plus other im- portant benefits for you are contained in your Customer Care Program Handbook supplied with your airplane. You will want to thoroughly re- view your Customer Care Program Handbook and keep it in your airplane at all times, ‘An initial inspection and either a Progressive Care Operation No.1 or the first 100-hour inspection will be performed within the first 6 months of ownership at no charge to you. If you take delivery from your Dealer, the initial inspection will have been performed before delivery of the 86 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 182R, HANDLING, SERVICE, & MAINTENANCE airplane to you. If you pick up your airplane at the factory, plan to tale it to your Dealer within 80 days after you tale delivery, so the initial inspec- tion may be performed allowing the Dealer to make any minor adjustments which may be necessary. ‘You will also want to return to your Dealer either at 50 hours for your first Progressive Care Operation, of at 100 hours for your first 100-hour inspection depending on which program you choose to establish for your airplane. While these important inspeotions will be performed for you by ‘any Cessna Dealer, in most oases you will prefer to have the Dealer from ‘whom you purchased the airplane accomplish this work. PILOT CONDUCTED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE [A certified pilot who owns or operates an airplane not used as an air carrier is authorized by FAR Part 43 to perform limited maintenance on his, Airplane. Hefer to FAR Part 43 for a list of the specific maintenance operations which are allowed. NOTE Pilots operating airplanes of other than U.S. registry should refer to the regulations of the country of certifica- tion for information on preventive maintenance that may be performed by pilots. A Service Manual should be obtained prior to performing any preven- tive maintenance to ensure that proper procedures are followed. Your Cessna Dealer should be contacted for further information or for required maintenance which must be accomplished by appropriately licensed personnel. ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS tis essential that the FAA be contacted prior to any alterations on the airplane to ensure that airworthiness of the airplane is not violated, ‘Alterations or Tepairs to the airplane must be accomplished by licensed personnel, GROUND HANDLING TOWING ‘The airplane is most easily and safely maneuvered by hand with the tow-bar attached to the nose wheel. The tow-bar is stowed under the roar Seat using two clips, one attached to the center log of the seat and one sec- Original Issue ey SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE MODEL 182k & MAINTENANCE lured to the floorboard under the left side of the seat. When towing with a vehicle, do not exceed the nose gear turning angle of 20° either side of cen. ter, or damage to the gear will result, CAUTION Remove any installed rudder look before towing. If the airplane is towed or pushed over a rough surface during hang- faring, watch that the normal cushioning action of the nose strut does not cause excessive vertical movement of the tail and the resulling contact with low hangar doors or structure. A flat nose tire or deflated strat will also inerease tail height, PARKING When parking the airplane, head into the wind and set the parking brakes. Do not set the parking brakes during eold weather when accumu. Jated moisture may freeze the brakes, or when the brakes are overheated. Close the cow! flaps, install the control wheel lock and chock the wheels. In severe weather and high wind conditions, tie the airplane down as outlined in the following paragraph. TIE-DOWN Proper tie-down procedure is the best precaution against damage to the parked airplane by gusty or strong winds. To tie-down the airplane securely. proceed as follows: 1. ‘Set the parking brake and install the control wheel lock. 2 Install a surface control lock over the fin and rudder. 3, Tie sufficiently strong ropes or chains (700 pounds tensile Strength) to the wing and tail tie-down fittings and secure each rope to a ramp tie-down, 4. Tie a rope (no chains or cables) to the nose gear torque link and secure to a ramp tie-down, 5. Install a pitot tube cover. JACKING When a requirement exists to jack the entire airplane off the ground, or when wing jack points are used in the jacking operation, refer to the Service Manual for specific procedures and equipment required. Individual main gear may be jacked by using the jack pad which is incorporated in the main landing gear strut step assembly. When using the individual gear strut jack pad, flexibility of the gear strut will cause the main wheel to slide inboard as the wheel is raised, tilting the jack. The jack. 58 Original Toeue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 1828, HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE must then be lowered fora second jacking operation, Donot jack both main wheels simultaneously using the individual main gear jack pads, If nose gear maintenance is required, the nose wheel may be raised off the ground by prossing down on @ tailcone bullchoad, just forward of the horizontal stabilizer, and allowing the tail to rest on the tail tie-down ring. CAUTION Do not apply pressure on the elevator or outboard stabiliz~ er surfaces, When pushing on the tailcone, always apply pressure at a bulkhead to avoid buckling the skin. ‘To assist in raising and holding the nose wheel off the ground, weight down the tail by placing sand-bags, or suitable weights, on each side of the horizontal stabilizer, next to the fugolage. If ground anchors are available, the tail should be securely tied down. NOTE Ensure that the nose will be held off the ground under all ‘conditions by means of suitable stands or supports under weight supporting bulkheads near the nose of the airplane. LEVELING Longitudinal leveling of the airplane is accomplished by placing a level on the leveling screws located on the left side of the tailcone. Deflate the nose tire and/or lower or raise the nose strut to properly conter the bubble in the level. Corresponding points on both upper door sills may be used to level the airplane laterally. FLYABLE STORAGE Airplanes placed in non-operational storage for amaximum of 30 days or those which receive only intermittent operational use for the first 25 hours are considered in flyable storage status. Every seventh day during these periods, the propeller should be rotated by hand through five revolutions, This action "limbers” the oil and prevents any accuraulation of corrosion on engine cylinder walls. WARNING Por maximum safety. check that the ignition switch is FP, the throttle is closed, the mixture control is inthe idle cut-off position, and the airplane is secured before rotating, the propeller by hand. Do not stand within the are of the propeller blades while turning the propeller. After 30 days, the airplane should be flown for 90 minutes or a ground Original Issue 89 SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE runup should be made just long enough to produce an ofl temperature within the lower green arc range, Excessive ground runup should be avoided, Engine runup also helps to eliminate excessive accumulations of ‘watar in the fuel system and other air spaces in the engine, Keep fuel tanks, full to minimize condensation in the tanks. Keep the battery fully charged to prevent the electrolyte from freezing incold weather. Ifthe airplane isto be stored temporarily, or indefinitely, refor to the Service Manual for Proper storage procedures, SERVICING In addition to the PREFLIGHT INSPECTION covered in Section 4, COMPLETE servicing, inspection, and test requirements for your airplane are detailed in the Service Manual. The Service Manual outlines all stems which require attention at 60, 100, and 200 hour intervals plus those items which require servicing, inspection, and/or testing at special intervals, Since Cessna Dealers conduct all service, inspection, and test proce- dures in accordance with applicable Service Manuals, it is recommended that you contact your Cessna Dealer concerning these requirements and begin scheduling your airplane for service at the recommended intervals. Cossna Progressive Care ensures that these requirements are accomp- shed at the required intervals to comply with the 100-hour or ANNUAL inspection as previously covered. Depending on various flight operations, your local Government Aviation Agency may require additional service, inspections, or tests. For these regulatory requirements, owners should check with local aviation officials where the airplane is being operated, For quick and ready reference, quantities, materials, and specifica tions for frequently used service items are as follows: oll OIL SPECIFICATION -- ‘The airplane was delivered from the factory with a corrosion proven- tive aireraft engine oil. This oil should be drained after the first 25 hours of operation. ‘MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: Use to replenish sup- ply during the first 25 hours, Continental Motors Specification MHS-24 Aviation Grade Ashless Dis- 5:10 Original tssue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 1828, HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE pergant Oil: Oil conforming to Continental Motors Specification MHS- 24, and all revisions or supplements thereto, must be used after first 25 hours, Refer to Continental Aircraft Bngine Service Bulletin M82-8, and any superseding bulletins, revisions, or supplements thereto, for further recommendations. RECOMMENDED VISCOSITY FOR TEMPERATURE RANGE~ ‘All temperatures, use multi-viscosity oi or Above 4°C (40°F), use SAE 50. Below 4°C (40°F), use SAE 30. NOTE When operating temperatures overlap, use the lighter grade of oil, Multi-viseosity ofl Is recommended for im- Proved starting in cold woather. CAPACITY OF ENGINE SUMP ~- 12 Quarts. ‘Do not operate on less than 9 quarts, To minimize loss of oil through breather, fill to 10 quart level for normal flights of less than 3 hours. For extended flight, fll to 12 quarts. These quantities refer to oil dipstick level readings. During ofl and oll filter changes, one addi- tional quart is required. OIL AND OIL FILTER CHANUE ~ ‘After the first 25 hours of operation, drain engine ofl sump and ‘change the filter. Refill sump with ashless dispersant oil. Drain the en- ‘gine oll sump and change the filter each 50 hours thereafter. The oil ‘change interval may be extended to 100-hour intervals, providing the ofl filter is changed at 50-hour intervals. Change engine oil and filter af least every 6 months even though less than the recommended hours have accumulated. Reduce intervals for prolonged operation in dusty areas, cold climates, or when short flights and long idle periods result in eludging conditions. NOTE During the first 25-hour oil and filter change, a general inspection of the overall engine compartment is required. Items which are not normally checked during a preflight inspection should be given special attention. Hoses, metal lines and fittings should be inspected for signs of oil and fuel leaks, and checked for abrasions, chafing, security. proper routing and support, and evidence of deterioration. Inspect the intake and exhaust systems for cracks, evidence of leakage, and security of attachment. Engine controls and linkages should be checkod for freedom of movement through their full range, security of attachment and evidence of wear. Inspect wiring for security, chafing, Original Issue ear SECTION 8 cESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE MODEL 182 & MAINTENANCE, buming, defective insulation. loose or broken terminals, heat deterioration, and corroded terminals, Check the alternator belt in accordance with Service Manual instruc- tions, and retighten if necessary. A periodic eheck of these items during subsequent servicing operations is recom. mended. FUEL APPROVED FUEL GRADES (AND COLORS) ~ 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 100 (Formerly 100/180) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green). NOTE Isopropy! alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl ether may be added to the fuel supply in quantities not to exceed 1% oF .15% by volume, respectively, of the total. Refer to Fuel Additives in later paragraphs for additional informa tion, CAPACITY EACH TANK ~~ 460 U.S. Gallons, REDUCED CAPACITY EACH TANK (WHEN FILLED TO BOTTOM OF FUEL FILLER NECK) -- 34.5 Gallons. NOTE To ensure maximum fuel capacity when refueling and minimize cross-feeding when parked on a sloping surface, place the fuel selector valve handle in either LEFT or RIGHT position. NOTE Service the fuel system after each Might, and keep fuel ‘tanks full to minimize condensation in the tanks. FUEL ADDITIVES -- Strict adherence to recommended preflight draining instructions as, called for in Section 4 will eliminate any free water accumulations from the tank sumps. While small amounts of water may still remain in solution in the gasoline. it will normally be consumed and go unno- iced in the operation of the engine. One exception to this can be encountered when operating under the combined effect of: (1) use of certain fuels, with (2) high humidity. conditions on the ground followed by (8) flight at high altitude and low temperature. Under these unusual conditions, small amounts of water in solution can precipitate from the fuel stream and freeze in suificien! quantites to induce partial icing of the engine fuel system, B12 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 182R. HANDLING, SERVICE, & MAINTENANCE 1 wh we wh as Et at B20] a t2°7E Ew fw} Bee Zate° ge? " 2 | ol ol co a a) GALLONS OF GASOLINE 10) 110 Figure 8-1, Additive Mixing Ratio While these conditions are quite rare and will not normally pose & problem to owners and operators, they do exist in certain areas of the fvorld and consequently must be dealt with, when encountered ‘Therefore, to alleviate the possibility of fuel icing occurring under these unusual conditions, itis permissible to add isopropy! alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) compound to the fuel supply ‘The introduction of alcohol or EGME compound into the fuel provides tw distinet effects: (1) t absorbs the dissolved water from the gasoline ‘and (2) alcohol has a freezing temperature depressant effect. ‘Aleohol, if used, is to be blended with the fuel ina concentration of 1% by volume. Concentrations greater than 1% are not recommended since they can be detrimental to fuel tank materials. ‘The manner in which the aleohol is added to the fuel is significant because alcohol Is mosteffective when itis completely dissolvedin the fuel. To ensure proper mixing, the following is recommended: 1. For best results, the alcohol should be added during the fueling Original Issue Bus SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE, MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE operation by pouring the alcohol directly on the fuel stream issuing from the fueling nozzle. 2 An alternate method that may be used is to premix the complete alcohol dosage with some fuel in a separate clean container (approximately 2-3 gallon capacity) and then Wwansferring this mixture to the tank prior to the fuel operation, Isopropyl alcohol with a maximum water content not to exosed 0.4% by volume must be used, such as anti-ieing fluid (MIL-F-5566) or isop- ropyl alcohol (Federal Specification TT-I-736a). Figure 6-1 provides al- cohol-fuel mixing ratio information. Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (SGM) compound, in compliance with MIL-1-27686 or Phillips PFA-55MB, if used, must be carefully mixed with the fuel in concentrations not to exceed .15% by volume. Figure 8-1 provides EGME-fuel mixing ratio information, ‘CAUTION Mixing of the EGM compound with the fuel is extremely important because a concentration in excess of that reco: mended (.18% by volume maximum) will result in detr ‘mental effects to the fuel tanks, such as deterioration of protective primer and sealants and damage to O-rings and Seals in the {uel system and engine components. Use only blending equipment that is recommended by the manufac- turer to obtain proper proportioning, ‘CAUTION Do not allow the concentrated EGME compound to come in contact with the airplane finish or fuel cell as damage can result Prolonged storage of the airplane will result in a water buildup in the fuel which “leeches out” the additive. An indication of this is when an excessive amount of water accumulates in the fuel tank sumps. The concentration can be checked using a differential refractometer. It is imperative that the technical manual for the differential refractometer be followed explicitly when checking the additive concentration. FUEL CONTAMINATION -- Fuel contamination is usually the result of foreign material present in. the fuel system, and may consist of water, rust, sand, dirt, microbes oF bacterial growth. In addition, additives that are not compatible with fuel or fuel system components can cause the fuel to become contami- nated. Buu Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 82h, HANDLING, SERVICE, & MAINTENANCE Before the first flight of the day and after each refueling, use a clear sampler cup and drain at least a cupful of fuel from the fuel tani Sump quick-drain valves to determine if contaminants are present, and that the airplane has boen fueled with the proper grade of fuel. Also, the fuel strainer should be drained by pulling out the strainer knob for at least four seconds. If contamination is detected, drain all fuel drain points again, including the fuel selector valve drain plug, and then Bently rock the wings and lower the tail to the ground to move any ad- ditional contaminants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed. If ‘after repeated sampling, evidence of contamination still exists, the fuel tanks should be completely drained and the fuel system cleaned. If the airplane has been serviced with the improper fuel grade, defuel com- pletely and refuel with the correct grade. Do not fly the airplane with contaminated or unapproved fuel. In addition, OwnersiOperators who are not acquainted with a particu- lar fixed base operator should be assured that the fuel supply has been checked for contamination and is properly filtered before allowing the Airplane to be serviced. (Also, fuel tanks should be kept full between flights, provided weight and balance considerations will permit, to re- Guce the possibility of water condensing on the walls of partially filled tanks. ‘To further reduce the possibility of contaminated fuel, routine mainte: nance of the fuel system should be performed in accordance with the airplane Service Manual. Only the proper fuel, as recommended in this handbook, should be used, and fuel additives should not be used unless approved by Cessna and the Federal Aviation Administration. LANDING GEAR NOSE WHEEL TIRE PRESSURE -- 49 PSI on 5.00.5, 6-Ply Rated Tire. MAIN WHEEL TIRE PRESSURE -- 42 PSI on 6.00.6, 6-Ply Rated Tires. NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT - Keep filled with MIL-H-5608 hydraulic fluid per filling instructions placard, and with no load on the strut, inflate with air to 55-60 PST. Do not over-inflate, BRAKES -- Service as required with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid. OxYGEN AVIATOR'S BREATHING OXYGEN -- Spec, No. MIL-O-27210. MAXIMUM PRESSURE (cylinder temperature stabilized after filling) ~ 1800 PSI at 21°C (70°F). Refer to Oxygen Supplement (Section 8) for filling pressures, Original Issue 8.15 SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE, MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE, CLEANING AND CARE WINDSHIELD-WINDOWS ‘The plastic windshield and windows should be cleaned with an aircraft windshield cleaner. Apply the cleaner sparingly with soft cloths, and rub ‘with moderate pressure until all dirt, oil scum and bug stains are removed. Allow the cleaner to dry, then wipe it off with soft flannel cloths. Ifa windshield cleaner is not available, the plastic can be cleaned with soft cloths moistened with Stoddard solvent to remove oil and grease. NOTE Never use gasoline, benzine, alcohol, acetone, fire extin- guisher or anti-ice fluid, lacquer thinner or glass cloaner to clean the plastic. These materials will attack the plastic ‘and may cause it to eraze. Follow by carefully washing with a mild detergent and plenty of water. Rinse thoroughly, then dry with a clean moist chamois. Do not rub the plastic with a dry cloth since this builds up an electrostatic charge which Attracts dust, Waxing with a good commercial wax will finish the cleaning. job, A thin, even coat of wax, polished out by hand with clean soft flannel Cloths, will fill in minor seratches and help prevent further scratching, Do not use a canvas cover on the windshield unless freezing rain or sleet is anticipated since the cover may scratch the plastic surface. PAINTED SURFACES ‘The painted exterior ourfaces of your new Cessna have a durable, ong: lasting finish, Approximately 10 days are required for the paint to cure ‘completely; in most cases, the curing period will have been completed prior to delivery of the airplane. In the event that polishing or buffing is re- guized within the curing period, it is recommended that the work be done Dy someone experienced in handling uncured paint. Any Cessna Dealer ean accomplish this work. Generally, the painted surfaces can be kept bright by washing with water and mild soap, followed by a rinse with water and drying with cloths or a chamois. Harsh or abrasive soaps or detergents which cause corrosion or scratches should never be used. Remove stubborn oil and grease with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent, ‘To seal any minor surface chips or seratehes and protect against corro- sion, the airplane should be waxed regularly with a good automotive wax applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If the airplane 816 Original tseue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 12h HANDLING, SERVICE, ‘& MAINTENANCE, is operated in a seacoast or other salt water environment, it must be washed and waxed more frequently to assure adequate protection. Special ‘care should be taken to seal around rivet heads and skin laps, which are the areas most susceptible to corrosion. A heavier coating of wax on the leading edges of the wings and tail and on the cow! nose oap and propeller spinner will help reduce the abrasion encountered in these areas. Reappli- cation of wax will generally be necessary after cleaning with soap solu- tions or after chemical de-icing operations. When the airplane is parked outside in cold climates and it is necas- sary to remove ice before flight, oare should be taken to protect the painted surfaces during ice removal with chemical liquids. Isopropyl alcohol will satisfactorily remove ice accumulations without damaging the paint, How- ever, keep the isopropyl alcohol away from the windshield and cabin win- dows since it will attack the plastic and may cause it to craze. STABILIZER ABRASION BOOT CARE If the airplane is equipped with stabilizer abrasion boots, keep them clean and free from oil and grease which oan awell the rubber. Wash them ‘with mild soap and water, using Form ‘Tech AC cleaner or naphtha to ro- move stubborn grease. Do not scrub the boots, and be sure to wipe off all solvent before it dries. Boots with loosened edges or small tears should be repaired. Your Cessna Dealer has the proper material and know-how to do this correctly. PROPELLER CARE Preflight inspection of propeller blades for nicks, and wiping them occasionally with anoily cloth toclean off grass and bug stains will assure long blade life. Small nicks on the propeller, particularly near the tips and on the leading edges, should be dressed out as soon as possible since these nicks produce stress concentrations, and if ignored, may result in cracks. Never use an allcaline cleaner on the blades: remove grease and dirt with Stoddard solvent, ENGINE CARE ‘The engine may be cleaned, using a suitable solvent, in accordance with instructions in the airplane Service Manual, Most efficient cleaning is done using a spray-type cleaner. Before spray cleaning, ensure that protec- tion is afforded for components which might be adversely affeoted by the solvent. Refer to the Service Manual for proper lubrication of controls and components after engine cleaning. Original Issue a7 SECTION 8 CESSNA HANDLING, SERVICE, MODEL 182R & MAINTENANCE, INTERIOR CARE ‘To remove dust and loose dirt from the upholstery and carpet, clean the interior regularly with a vacuum cleaner, Blot up any spilled liquid promptly with cleansing tissue or rags. Don't pat the spot; press the blotting material firmly and hold it for several seconds. Continue blotting until no more liquid is taken up. Serape off sticky materials with a dull knife, then spot-clean the area. Oily spots may be cleaned with household spot removers, used sparingly. Before using any solvent, read the instructions on the container and test it on an obscure place on the fabric to be cleaned. Never saturate the fabric with a volatile solvent; it may damage the padding and backing materials. Soiled upholstery and carpet may be cleaned with foam-type deter- gent, used according to the manufacturer's instructions. To minimize wetting the fabric, keep the foam as dry as possible and remove it with a vacuum cleaner. If your airplane is equipped with leather seating, cleaning of the seats is accomplished using a soft cloth or sponge dipped in mild soap suds. The soap suds, used sparingly, will remove traces of dirt and grease, The soap should be removed with a clean damp eloth. ‘The plastic trim, headliner, instrument panel and contro! knobs need only be wiped off with adamp cloth, Oil and grease on the control wheel and control knobs can be removed with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent. Volatile solvents, such as mentioned in paragraphs on care of the windshield, must never be used since they soften and craze the plastic. 88 Original Issue CESSNA SECTION 8 MODEL 182R, HANDLING, SERVICE ‘& MAINTENANCE BULB REPLACEMENT DURING FLIGHT Figure 6-2 provides instructions to aid the pilot in the replacement of detective light bulbs during flight without tools. It is suggested that sparo bulbs be stored in the map compartment. However, if a spare bulb is not fevailable, an identical bulb which is found to be available from other lights listed herein ean be substituted for the defective bulb. For a listing of other bulb requirements and specific tools needed, refer to the Service Manual for this airplane. ‘CONTROL WHEEL MAP LIGHT {Grasp rien of bulb, push straight up and turn Counterclockwise 3 for 35 posible, then pul bulb stright down and out of socket. Replace with 24 bulb. To install new bulb In socket, Sign pins on bulb with slots in socket, then push auaight up ane rotate bulb Gockwise as far as possibe. post Lights Crap lr ap ad pul raat ou on socket Am oe a ee th M3257 S27 a Subba oe recta ane ao Sie ips Sted nto @) Figure 8-2, Bulb Replacement Original Issue 8-19/(8-20 blank) CESSNA SECTION 9 MODEL 182R SUPPLEMENTS SECTION 9 SUPPLEMENTS (Optional Systems Description & Operating Procedures) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduetion General 1 Carburetor Air Temperature Gage... = + (2 pages) 2 Convenionce Table poses) 3 Digital Clock. - pint 11 l Gpees) 4 Bleotric Elovator Trim System: | 11) |) 1). pages) 5 Ground Service Plug Receptacle | |). | «(a pages) & Oxygen Systom es (6 pases) 7 Seanany Vactsim Pimp PILL D L2G pares) 8 Strobe Light Systems |) tL. paaes) 9 Winterisation Kit = | ut + pages) Avionios: 31 Audio Control Panels... fs 6 pages) 32 Cassette Stereo ANFO Bhiortainment Center (Type EC-100) Ls. pagen) 37. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) || (pages) S2aSMD.77A DME (Type RT-STTA) 2 2G pagea) 45, SSB HE Transceiver (Type ASB-335) | | (4 poees) 48. Unsiaved Horizontal Situation Indicator (fype 1G-892¢) | | (4 pages) 60 200A Navomatie Autopilot (Type AF-2¢9B) ( prees) 82 300 ADF (Type R-546h) : (6 pases) $4 300 NaviGom (rype RT-36DA) © | {3 pares) 85 00 Transponder (Type RT-330A) And Optional Altitude Encoder (Bling) oss 6 pages) 88 00 Transponder (Type RI-250A) And Optional Encoding Altimeter (Type EA402A) 00. . « (6 pages) 68 300A Navomatio Autopilot (type AF-395A) 11D Gebazes) 71 400 ADF (ype R-446A) Dil 1 Lite pases 72 400 Area Navigation System Ciype BN-a7@A) |. | ‘(Wo pages) 72a 400 DME (Fype R-476A) (pages 73, 400 DME (Type R778) 1S pages) FB 400 Ghide Siope (ype aay” SL LS tS pages) Original Issue - 20 August 1984 Revision 1-1 March 1985 oot SECTION 9 SUPPLEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 78 400 Marker Beacon (Type R-402) 79 400 Nav'Com (Type RT-485B) 84 400 Transponder (Type RT-459A) And Optional ‘Altitude Encoder (Blind) 87. 400 ‘Transponder (Type RT-458A) And Optional ‘Encoding Altimeter (Type BA-401A) 02 CESSNA MODEL 1828, + (G pages) (12 pages) (6 pages) (6 pages) Original Ineue - 20 August 1984 Revision 1 - 1 March 1985 CESSNA SECTION 9 MODEL 182Ft SUPPLEMENTS INTRODUCTION ‘This section consists ofa series of supplements, each covering asingle optional system which may be installed in the airplane, Each supplement Contains e brief description, and when applicable, operating limitations, omergency and normal procedures, and performance. As listed in the ‘Table of Contents, the supplements are classified under the headings of General and Avionies, and have been provided with reference numbers. Also. the supplements are azranged alphabetically and numerically to make it easier to locate a particular supplement, Other routinely installed items of optional equipment, whose function and operational procedures: do not require detailed instructions, are discussed in Section 7. Limitations contained in the following supplements are FAA approved. Observance of these operating limitations is required by Perleral Aviation Regulations. Original Iseue 9-9/(9-4 blanks) 1 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK CARBURETOR AIR SUPPLEMENT TEMPERATURE GAGE ‘MODEL 182R SUPPLEMENT CARBURETOR AIR TEMPERATURE GAGE SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The carburetor air temperature gage provides a means of detecting carburetor icing conditions. The gage is located on the left side of the instrument panel below the gyros. It is marked in 5° inerements from -30°C to +30°C, and has a yellow are between -15°C and =5°C which indicates the’ temperature range most conducive to carburetor icing. SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ‘There is no change to the airplane limitations when the carburetor air temperature gage is installed SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane emergency procedures when the carburetor air temperature gage is installed. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘There ig no change to the airplane normal procedures when the ‘carburetor air temperature gage is installed. It is good practice tomonitor the gage periodically and Keep the needle out of the yellow are during possible carburetor icing conditions. Refer to Section 4 of the basic Original Issue 10f2 1 CARBURETOR AIR PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK TEMPERATURE GAGE SUPPLEMENT MODEL 182 handbook for procedures used when operating with carburetor heat applied. SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the carburetor air temperature gage is installed, However, if it is necessary to operate with carburetor heat applied, a small performance loss may be expected at any given power setting due to the warmer induction air temperature, : Original Tssue i PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK CONVENIENCE TABLE SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182R SUPPLEMENT CONVENIENCE TABLE SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The convenience table and its stowage compartment is installed on the back of the pilot's or copilot’s seat for use by the second row passengers. The table is equipped with guides which follow tracks inside the stowage compartment, SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS The following information must be presented in the form of a placard located on the back of the convenience table. SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES There is no change to the airplane emergency procedures when the convenience table is installed Original Issue tote 3 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK DIGITAL CLOCK SUPPLEMENT MODEL 82h SUPPLEMENT DIGITAL CLOCK SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The Astro Tech LC-2 Quartz Chronometer (see figure 1) 1s a precision, solid state time keeping device which will display to the pilot the time-of- day, the calendar date, and the elapsed time interval between a series of selected events, such as in-flight check points or legs of a cross-country fight. ete. These three modes of operation function independently and can be alternately selected for viewing on the four digit liquid crystal display (LOD) on the front face of the instrument, Three push button type switches Gireetly below the display control all time keeping functions. These control functions are summarized in figures 2 and 3, ‘The digital display features an Internal Light (back Light) to ensure good visibility under low cabin lighting conditions or at night. The intensity of the back light is controlled by the ENG-RADIO lights rheostat. In addition, the display incorporates a test function (see figure 1) which allows checking that all elements of the display are operating. To activate the test function, press the LH and RH buttons at the same time. SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ‘There is no change to the airplane limitations when thedigital clock is installed SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane emergency procedures when the digital clock is installed, Original Issue Lota 3 DIGITAL CLOCK PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL 182R SUPPLEMENT Test Mace Activity indieator (Colon) fatiee TIMER CLOCK Timer Mode Indicator Clock Mode Indicator (12 Hove Formet Only) Li Poet auton aH Push Button Canter Pus Button Figure 1. Digital Clock SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CLOCK AND DATE OPERATION When operating in the clock mode (see figure 2), the display shows the time of day in hours and minutes while the activity indicator (colon) will blink off for one second each ten seconds to indicate proper functioning. If the RH push button is pressed momentarily, while in the elock mode, the calendar date appears numerically on the display with month of year to the left of the colon and day of the month shown to the right of the colon. The display automatically returns to the clock mode after approximately 1.5 seconds, However, if the RH button is pressed continuously longer than approximately two seconds, tho display will return from the dato to the clock mode with the activity indicator (colon) blinking altered to show continuously or be blanked completely from the display. Should this occur, simply press the RH button again for two seconds or longer, and correct colon blinking will be restored. NOTE ‘The clock mode is sot at the factory to operate in the 24 hour format. However, 12-hour format operation may be selected by changing the position of an internal slide 2 Original tssue 3 TUMER CLOCK TIMER CLOCK moot O Timer Mode Incestr 1 O 53 UH Burton: Se date and Lr Buttons Reet timer © time of day (en wand “sero® sh A buton Canter Buon: Atenas Canter Suton: Aenea hplys sock ar mer sue Giplys clock orm sr FH Baton: Shows clone AH Button: Aternaay sare ote momentary: dpi aed sons ine: tier srs terns 0 clock rede ater irom any prety atu 13 Secon Ito ot Figure 2 Clock Mode Figure 3, Timer Mode switch accessible through a small hole on the bottom of the instrument case. Notice that in the 24-hour format, the clock mode indicator does not appear. SETTING CORRECT DATE AND TIME ‘The correct date and time are set while in the clock mode using the LH and RH push buttons as follows: press the LH button once to cause the date to appear with the month flashing. Pross the RH button to cause the month to advance at one per second (holding button), or one per push until the correct month appears. Push the LH button again to cause the day of month to appear flashing, thon advance as before using RH button until correct day of month appears. Once set correctly, the date advances automatically at midnight each day. February 29 of each leap year is not programmed into the calendar Original Issue 3 3 DigrraL cLock PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL isa SUPPLEMENT mode, and the date will advance toMarch 1. This may be corrected the following day by resetting the mode back to Mareh 1. Pressing the LH button two additional times will cause the time to appear with the hours digits flashing, Using the RH button as before. Advanee the hour digits to the correct hour as referenced to a known time standard. Another push of the LH button will now cause the minutesdigits to flash. Advance the minutes digits to the next whole minute tobe reached by the time standard and “hold” the display by pressing the Lif but more. At the exact instant thetimesstandard reaches the value “held” by the display, press the RH button to restart normal clock timing, which wilt now be synehronized to the time standard. In some instances, however, it may not bs necessary to advance the minutes digits of the clock; for example when changing time zones. In such 2 case, do not advance the minutes digits while they are flashing. Instead, press the LH button again, and the clock returns to the normal time keeping mode without altering the minutes timing. ‘TIMER OPERATION ‘The completely independent 24-hour elapsed timer (see figure 9) is operated as follows: press the center (MODE) push button until the timer mode indicator appears, Reset the display to "zero" by pressing the LH button. Begin timing an event by prossing the RH button, The timer will begin counting in minutes and seconds and the colon (activity indicator) will blink off for 1/10 second each second. When 59 minutes 59 seconds have accumulated, the timer changes to count in hoursand minutes up toa maximum of 23 hours, 59 minutes. During the count in hours and minutes. the colon blinks off for one second each ten seconds. To stop timing the event, press the RH button once again and the time shown by the display is “frozen”. Successive pushes of the RH button will alternately restart the ‘count from the “held” total or stop the count at a new total. The hold status of the timer ean be recognized by lack of colon: ‘either continuously onorcontinuously off. The timer can be reset to “zero” st anytime using the LH button, SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the digital clock is installed. 4 Original Issue PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK ELECTRIC ELEVATOR SUPPLEMENT ‘TRIM SYSTEM MODEL 1828 SUPPLEMENT ELECTRIC ELEVATOR TRIM SYSTEM SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The electric elevator trim system provides a simple method of reliev- ing piteh control pressures without interrupting other control operations to adjust the elevator trim wheel. The system is controlled by a dual- segmented, 3-position trim switch with each segment labeled DN and UP. a red momentary push button autopilot disengage/ trim disconnect switch labeled AP/TRIM DISC, and a “pull-off" type circuit breaker, labeled ELEC TRIM. The dual segmented trim switch and push button autopilot disengage/trim disconnect switch are located on the left control wheel grip; the “pull-off" cirouit breaker is on the left side of the switch and control panel. Simultaneously pushing the dual segments of the trim switch forward to the DN position moves the elevator trim tab and the trim wheel in the “nose down” direction; conversely, pulling the dual sogments aft to the UP position moves the tab and trim wheel in the “nose up" direction. The dual segments of the trim switch are spring-loaded to automatically return to the center off position when they are released from the DN or UP positions, thus stopping movement of the trim tab and elevator trim wheel. During normal operation of the electric elevator trim system, a trim actuator (Which includes an electric motor, a solenoid goar engage mechanism, and an override slip clutch) moves the trim tab in the selected direction. When the dual segments of the trim switch are in the center off position, the trim actater ie disconnected from the trim system and does not impede manual adjustment of the trim tab by the elevator trim wheel, SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS Prior to each flight during which the electric elevator trim system will be used, a preflight check of the system safety features must be made as discussed in the Normal Procedures section of this supplement, Original Issue tof 4 ELECTRIC ELEVATOR PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK ‘TRIM SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182K SECTION 3. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. Elevator Control -- OVERPOWER as required. ‘AP/ TRIM DISC Push Button -- PUSH and RELEASE, ELEC TRIM Circuit Breaker -- PULL OFF for the remainder of the fight. Manual Trim -- AS REQUIRED. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES BEFORE TAKEOFF ‘The following electric e tor trim system cheeks must be made prior to fight: Elevator Trim Switch Segments — INDIVIDUALLY PUSH FOR. WARD to DN position and HOLD momentarily, OBSERVE NO MOVEMENT of elevator trim wheel, then release trim switch to ‘canter off position. Elevator Trim Switch Segments -- INDIVIDUALLY PULL AFT to UP position and HOLD momentarily, OBSERVE NO MOVEMENT of elevator trim wheel, then release trim switch to center off posi- tion, NOTE If movement of the elevator trim wheel is noted during steps 1 or 2, the electrio elevator trim system has mal- functioned. The flight may be continued if the electric trim cireult breaker is pulled to the off position to render the System inoperative until such time as repairs can be made, Both Segments of Electric Elevator Trim Switch -- PUSH FOR- WARD SIMULTANEOUSLY and HOLD and OBSERVE MOVE- ‘MENT of elevator trim wheel and elevator trim tab in proper direc tion, AP/TRIM DISC Pushbutton ~ MOMENTARILY DEPRESS and ob- serve that movement of the elevator trim system stops. Flevator Trim Switch - RELEASE TO CENTER OFF POSITION to reactivate system. Original Issue PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK ELECTRIC ELEVATOR SUPPLEMENT ‘TRIM SYSTEM ‘MODEL 182R 6. Both Segments of Blectrio Elevator Trim Switeh ~ Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 in opposite direction, NOTE If movement of the elevator trim wheel is observed after the AP-TRIM DISC pushbutton is depressed and released during step 4, the elevator trim has malfunctioned. The ELECT TRIM cireuit breaker should be pulled to the off po- sition to render the system inoperative. INFLIGHT ‘To operate the electrie elevator trim system during flight, proceed as follows Master Switeh ~ ON, Elevator Tsim Cireuit Breaker -- CHECK IN. Dual Segmented Trim Switch ~ ACTUATE as desired. Elevator Trim Position Indicator ~ CHECK. SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the electric elevator trim system is installed Original Issue 3/(4 blank) 5 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK GROUND SERVICE PLUG SUPPLEMENT RECEPTACLE, "MODEL 182 SUPPLEMENT GROUND SERVICE PLUG RECEPTACLE SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The ground service plug receptacle permits the use of an external owor source for cold weather starting and during lengthy maintenance sntle on the electrical and avionics equipment. The receptacle is located hehind a door on the left side of the fuselage aft of the baggage compart. ment door. NOTE 11 no avionies equipment is to be used or worked on, the avionies power switch should be tumed off. If maintenance is required on the avionics equipment, it is advisable to utilize a battery cart external power source to prevent damage to the avionies equipmentby transient voltage. Do not oranic or start the engine with the avionics power switeh turned on, A special fused circuit is included with the ground service plug recentacie whieh will close the battery contactor when external power is, inplied with the master switch turned on. This circuit is intended as a servicing aid when battery power is too low to close the contactor, and Should not be used to avoid performing proper maintenance procedures on "law battery. NOTE Use of the ground service plug receptacle for starting an airplane with a “dead” battory or charging a “dead’ battery in the airplane is not recommended. The battery should be removed from the airplane and serviced in accordance with Service Manual procedures. Failure to observe this precaution could result in loss of electrical power during flight. Original Issue tora 5 GROUND SERVICE PLUG PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK RECEPTACLE, SUPPLEMENT MODEL i82R, SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ‘The following information must be presented in the form of a placard located on the inside of the ground service plug access door: CAUTION 24 VOLTS D.C. ‘This aireraft is equipped with alternator and a negative ground system, OBSERVE PROPER POLARITY Reverse polarity will damago electrical components, SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane emergency procedures when the ground service plug receptacle is installed. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES Just before connecting an external power source (generator type or battery cart), the avionics power switch should be turned off. and the master switch turned on. WARNING When turning on the master switch, using an external power source, or pulling the propeller through by hand, ‘vest the propeller as if the ignition switch were ON. Donot stand, nor allow anyone else to stand, within the arc of the propeller, since @ loose or broken wire or a component ‘malfunetion could cause the propeller to rotate. 2 Original Issue 5 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK GROUND SERVICE PLUG SUPPLEMENT RECEPTACLE ‘MODEL 182R ‘The ground service plug receptacle circuit incorporates a polarity reversal protection. Power from the external power source will flow only if the round service plug is correctly connected to the airplane. If the plugis heeidentally connected backwards, no power will flow to the electrical Svstem, thereby preventing any damage to electrical equipment. ‘The following check should be made after engine start and removal of the external power source, if there is any question as tothe condition of the hattery, Master Switch -- OFF. ‘Taxi and Landing Light Switches -- ON. 5. Engine RPM -- REDUCE to idle. 4. Master Switch -- ON (with taxi and landing lights turned on). 5. Engine RPM -- INCREASE to approximately 1500 RPM, 8 Ammeter and Low-Voltage Warning Light -- CHECK. NOTE If the ammeter does not show a charge or the low-voltage warning light does not go out, the battery should be removed from the airplane and properly serviced prior to Tight. SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the ground sorvice plug receptacle is installed. Original Issue 8/(4 blank) 6 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK OXYGEN SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT MODEL 1828. SUPPLEMENT OXYGEN SYSTEM SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘A fourplace oxygen system provides the supplementary oxygen necessary for continuous flight at high altitude, In this system, an oxygen cylinder, located behind the battery in the aft fuselage, supplies the oxygen, Cylinder pressure is reduced to an operating pressure of 70 psi by ‘a pressure regulator attached to the cylinder. A shutoff valves included as part of the regulator assembly. An oxygen cylinder filler valve is located behind a removable cover on the left Side of the fuselage, aftof the baggage ‘compartment door, Cylinder pressure is indicated by a pressure gage located in the overhead oxygen console. Four oxygen outlets are provided: two in the overhead oxygen console and two in the eabin ceiling just above the side windows, one at each of the Seating positions. One permanent, microphone-equipped mask 1s pro- vided for the pilot, and three disposable type masks are provided for the passengers. All masks are the partial-rebreathing type equipped with vinyl plastic hoses and flow indicators. NOTE ‘The hose provided for the pilot is of a higher flow ratethan those for the passengers: it is color-coded with an orange ‘band adjacent to the plug-in fitting, The passenger hoses are color-coded with a green band, If the airplane owner prefers, he may provide higher flow hoses for all pas- sengers, In any case, it is rooommended that the pilot use the larger capacity hose. The pilot's mask is equipped with fa microphone to facilitate use of the radio while using oxygen. An adapter cord is furnished with the microphone-oquipped mask to mate the mask microphone lead to the auxiliary microphone jaci located on the left side of the instrument panel. To connect the oxygen mask microphone, conneot the mask lead to the adaptor cord and plug the cord into the auxiliary microphone jack, (If an Optional microphone-headset combination has been in Original Issue 10f6 6 OXYGEN SYSTEM PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL 1828 SUPPLEMENT use, the microphone lead from this equipment is already plugged into the auxiliary microphone jack. It will be hecessary to disconnect this lead from the auxiliary microphone jack so that the adapter cord from the oxygen ‘masis microphone can be plugged into the jack). A switch {is incorporated on the left hand control wheel to operate the microphone, A remote shutoff valve control, located adjacent to the pilot's oxygen outlet, 1s used to shut off the supply of oxygen to the system when not in tise. The control is mechanically connected to the shutoff valve at the cylinder, With the exception of the shutoff function, the system is com- pletely automatic and requires no manual regulation for change of alti- tude. ‘The oxygen cylinder, when fully charged, contains approximately 48 cubic fect of oxygen, tunder a pressure of 1800 psi at 70°F (21°C). Filling pressures will vary, however, due to the ambient temperature in the filling rea, and because of the temperature rise resulting from compression of the oxygen. Because of this, merely filling to 1800 psi will not result in a properly filled oylinder. Fill to the pressures indicated in figure 1 for ambient temperature WARNING Oil, grease or other lubricants in contact with oxygen create a serious fire hazard, and such contact must be avoided when handling oxygen equipment. AMBIENT FILLING AMBIENT FILLING TEMPERATURE PRESSURE ‘TEMPERATURE PRESSURE oF PSIG. oF PSIG o 1600 50 1825 10 1650 60 1875 20 1875 70 1025 20 1725 80 1950 40 1795 0 +2000 Figure 1, Oxygen Filling Pressures 2 Original Issue 6 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK OXYGEN SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182R, SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS “There is no change to the airplane limitations when oxygen equipment is installed. SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘Theres no change to the alrplaneemergency procedures when oxygen equipment is installed. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES For FAA requirements concerning supplemental oxygen, referto PAR. 91,92, Supplemental oxygen shouldbe used by all occupants when cruising ‘above 12.500 feet, As desorbed in the Cessna booklet “Man At Altitude.” tt fs often advisable to use oxygen at altitudes lower than 12,600 feet under Conditions of night flying, fatigue, or periods of physiological or emo- Hional disturbances. Also, the habitual and excessive use of tobacco or lcohol will usually necessitate the use of oxygen at less than 10,000 feet. Prior to flight, check to be sure that there isan adequate oxygen supply for the trip, by noting the oxygen pressure gage reading, and referring to the Oxygen Duration Chart (figure 2). Also, check that the face masks and hoses are accessible and in good condition. ‘The Oxygen Duration Chart (figure 2) should be used in determining the usable duration (in hours) of the oxygen supply in your airplane. The folowing procedure outlines the method of finding the duration from the chart, 1. Note the available oxygen pressure shown on the pressure gage. 2, Locate this pressure on the scale on the left side of the chart, then igo across the chart horizontally to the right until you intersect the Tine representing the number of persons making the flight, After intersecting the line, drop down vertically to the bottom of the chart and read the duration in hours given on the scale. 3, Asan example of the above procedure, 1400 psi of pressure will Original Issue 8 6 OXYGEN SYSTEM PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL 182R, SUPPLEMENT safely sustain the pilot only for nearly 6 hours and 15 minutes. The same pressure will sustain the pilot and three passengers for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. OXYGEN DURATION CHART (48 CUBIC FEET CAPACITY) 3 8 88 GAGE PRESSURE - 2 3 8 400 200 ° 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OXYGEN DURATION - (HOURS) NOTE: This chort is based on © pilot with on orange coler-coded oargen line litting end passengers with green color-coded line filings Figure 2, Oxygon Duration Chart 4 Oviginal Issue 6 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK OXYGEN SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182R. NOTE ‘The Oxygen Duration Chart is based on a standard contig uration oxygen system having one orange color-coded hose assembly for the pilot and green color-coded hoses for the passengers. If orange color-coded hoses are provided for pilot and passengers, it will be necessary to compute now oxygen duration figures due to the greater consump- tion of oxygen with these hoses. This is accomplished by computing the total duration available to the pilot only (from PILOT ONLY line on chart), then dividing this, duration by the number of persons (pilot and passengers) using oxygen. When ready to use the oxygen system, proceed as follows: 1, Mask and Hose-- SELECT. Adjust mask to face and adjustmetallic nose strap for snug mask fit, WARNING. Permit no smoking when using oxygen. Oil, grease, soap, lipstick, lip balm, and other fatty materials constitute a serious fire hazard when in contact with oxygen. Be sure hhande and olothing are oil-ree before handling oxygen equipment. 2 Delivery Hose -- PLUG INTO OUTLET nearest to the seat you are oceupy ing: NOTE When the oxygen system is turned on, oxygen will flow continuously at the proper rate of flow for any altitude without any manual adjustments, Oxygen Supply Control Knob -- ON. Face Mask Hose Flow Indicator -- CHECK. Oxygen is flowing ifthe indicator is being forced toward the mask. 5, Delivery Hose -- UNPLUG from outlet when discontinuing use of oxygen. This automatically stops the flow of oxygen, 6. Oxygen Supply Control Knob -- OFF when oxygen is no longer required, SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘Phere is no change to the airplane performance when oxygen equip- ment is installed. Original Issue 516 blank) 7 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK STANDBY VACUUM PUMP SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182R, SUPPLEMENT STANDBY VACUUM PUMP. SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The electrical standby vacuum pump provi¢es standby suction neces- sary to operate the airplane vacuum system, should the normal engine-dri- ven vacuum pump fail in flight, The standby pump is mounted on the aft side of the firewall behind the instrument panel, and is connested in paral Jel with the engine-driven vaewum pump at the manifold check valve (see figure 1). Control and elreuit protection for the pump is provided by a two: position, toggle-type switch/elroult breaker located on the left switch and control panel. SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS IER Aight should not be initiated with an inoperative engine-driven, vacuum pamp. SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. PRIMARY VACUUM SYSTEM FAILURE (Low Vacuum Warning Light 1. Tuminates And/Or Low Suction Gage Indication) 1. STRY VAC Switen -- ON. 2, Suction Gage ~ CHECK VACUUM RESTORED. ‘CAUTION If vacuum Is not restored, with the standby vacuum pump operating, a failure has occurred elsewhere in the vacuum system and partial panel procedures will be necessary as ‘outlined in Seetion 3 of the basie handbook. Original Ineue aera * STANDBY VACUUM PUMP. PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK Move 10a SUPPLEMENT oversoano — Miz SEES? AL T) ier air ENGINE ELECTRICALLY- vACUUM DRIVEN STANDBY CM VACUUM PUMP ZA DiscHance Ain vast } [cHecx vaLvE stanowy anne VACUUM FUME Siay vacuum revier vatve Eff} —] soocte switen! Yee ciscuit oneacen ATTITUDE SUCTION GAGE ciacurr BREAKER Low-vacuum ‘SWITCH VACUUM SYSTEM, AIR FILTER Bue Towvacuum Bulb fats *F WARNING LIGHT DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR » igure 1, Vacuum System (With Addition of Standby Vacuum Pump) 2 Original Issue 7 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK STANDBY VACUUM PUMP SUPPLEMENT ‘MODEL 182R. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘The following check should be performed during the Cabin Preflight Inspection of the first fight of the day and/or when IFR flight is planned! anticipated: 1. Master Switoh - ON. 2. STBY VAC Switch ~ ON (check audibly for operation). 8. Suetion Gage ~ INDICATION BETWEEN 4.5 AND 5.4 IN. Hg, NOTE Due to lower atmospherlo pressures at altitudes of 15,000 feet and above, the suction gage may indioate below 4.8 in, Hg while in flight and still be adequate for normal system operation. Refer to Suction Gage in Section 7 of the basic handbook for additional information. Low-Vacuum Warning Light -- CHECK OFF, STBY VAC Switeh ~- OFF (down position), ‘Master Switeh ~- OFF. NOTE A small magnetic compass deviation could exist anytime the standby vacuum pump is operating. SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is no change to the airplane performance when the standby vac ‘uum pump Is installed. Original tase (4 Blank) 8 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK STROBE LIGHT SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT MODEL 1825, SUPPLEMENT STROBE LIGHT SYSTEM SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The high intensity strobe ight system enhances anti-collision protee- tion for the airplane. The system consists of two wing tip-mounted strobe lights (with integral power supplies), a rocker switch, labeled STROBE LIGHTS, and a 5-amp "push-to-reset” type circuit breaker, labeled STROBE LIGHT. The rocker switch and cireuit breaker are located on the left side of the switch and control panel SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ‘Strobe lights must be turned off when taxiing in the vicinity of other airplanes, or during night flight through clouds, fog or haze SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane omergoney procedures when strobe Lights are installed, SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘To operate the strobe light system, proceed as follows: 1. Master Switch -- ON, 2 Strobe Light Switch -- ON. Original Issue 1ot2 8 STROBE LIGHT SYSTEM PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL 1828, ‘SUPPLEMENT SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘The installation of strobe lights will result in a minor reduction in cruise performance 2 Original Issue 9 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK WINTERIZATION KIT SUPPLEMENT MODEL 152R, SUPPLEMENT WINTERIZATION KIT SECTION 1 GENERAL ‘The winterization kit consists of two cover plates (with placards) which attach to the air intakes in the cowling nose cap, a restrictive cover plate for the induction air inlet, a placard to be installed on the instrument panel, and insulation for the erankcaso broathor line. This equipment Should be installed for operations in temperatures consistently below 20° F (-7°C). Once installed, the crankcase breather insulation is approved for permanent use in both hot and cold weather. SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ‘The following information must be presented in the form of placards when the airplane Is equipped with a Winterization kit, 1. On each nose cap cover plate and induction air inlot cover plate: ‘THIS PLATE NO? TO BE USED WHEN TEMPERATURE EXCEEDS ~20° F. 2, On right side of instrument panel: WINTERIZATION KIT MUST BE REMOVED WHEN OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 20°F, Original Issue Lot? 9 WINTERIZATION KIT PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK MODEL 182R SUPPLEMENT SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the aizplane emergency procedures when the winterization kit is installed SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘There is no change to the airplane normal procedures when the winterization kit is installed, SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ‘There is nochange to the airplane performance when the winterization it ig installed, 2 Original Issue

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