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David Rockefeller is the ANTICHRIST!

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the
United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it."
David Rockefeller, from his book "Memoirs".
It is a quote quite known ... but seeing it now again I've observed something that I misted
until now:
There is something that doesnt fit:
characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around
the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if
you will.
That have a bit of sense: the communists tried also the "globalization" of their system in the
idea of better coordination of the responses to different kind of stimulus: economic, natural,
military etc.
But this must not involve the destruction of any of the structures that had to be coordinated
(a "good" protocol may not involve the destruction of any part of the system to which it
applies, isn't it?).
But here, explicitly, its about the premeditated destruction of the United States.
That has no sense at all!
It not make sense also from another point of view. The United States (as the former Soviet
Union) with how much stronger would they have been, with that much both would have
proved to be useful vectors in implementing their plan of "globalization" ("pax Americana" or
"pax Sovietica").
But no: the Soviet Union was destroyed! And they planning the destruction of the United
States also?!
That means the plan its entirely other! We are talking here about the destroying of the
Does it seem too much?
There is in this text a key word: "pride". This is not the greatest of the sins?! Its not the
ANTICHRIST the most guilty of this sin?! If not managed to create a world at least he its
proud that it can destroy one...
Begining with the biggest unions: Soviet Union, United States?!
David Rockefeller is the ANTICHRIST!
Unii cred chiar c noi (Rockefeller-i) facem parte dintr-o cabal secret care lucreaz
mpotriva celor mai importante interese ale Statelor Unite, caracterizndu-ne, pe mine i pe
familia mea, ca internaionaliti, conspirnd cu muli alii din ntreaga lume pentru crearea
unui sistem politic i economic global mai integrat: o singur lume, dac vrei.
Dac asta este acuzaia atunci mi susin vinovia cu mndrie!
David Rockefeller din cartea sa Memorii.

Este un citat destul de cunoscut... Dar revzndu-l mi-a srit n ochi ceva ce n-am observat
pn acum:
caracterizndu-ne, pe mine i pe familia mea, ca internaionaliti, conspirnd cu muli
alii din ntreaga lume pentru crearea unui sistem politic i economic global mai integrat: o
singur lume, dac vrei.
Asta are un pic de sens: i comunitii au ncercat "globalizarea" sistemului lor n ideea unei
mai bune coordonri a reaciilor la diferii stimuli: economici, naturali, militari etc.
Dar asta nu implic distrugerea nici unuia dintre structurile ce trebuiau coordonate (ce sens ar
avea un protocol bun care implic distrugerea unei pri a sistemului cruia i se aplic?).
Ori aici este vorba, n mod explicit, de distrugerea premeditat a Statelor Unite. Asta nu mai
are deloc sens!
N-are sens i din alt punct de vedere. Statele Unite (ca i fosta Uniune Sovietic) cu ct ar fi
fost mai puternice cu att s-ar fi dovedit vectori mai utili n implementarea planului lor de
globalizare (pax Americana sau pax Sovietica).
Dar nu: Uniunea Sovietic a fost distrus! i se plnuiete i distrugerea Statelor Unite?!
n pofida declaraiilor, n realitate se distrug variantele reale de globalizare! nseamn c
planul este altul! Vorbim aici despre DISTRUGEREA LUMII!
Vi se pare prea mult? Exist n text un cuvnt cheie: mndrie. Nu este asta cel mai mare
dintre pcate?! Nu de el este vinovat ANTICRISTUL?! Dac nu a reuit s creeze o lume cel
puin este mndru c poate s distrug una
David Rockefeller ESTE ANTICRISTUL!

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