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Chapter I


1.1 Background of the Study
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) in their 2009 World Conference on Higher Education report, Over 2.5 million
students were studying outside their home country. UNESCO also predicted that the
number of international students might rise approximately to 7 million by the year 2020.
The main destinations preferred by international students are the United States, United
Kingdom, Germany, France and Australia. Overall, the number of international students
more than doubled to over 2 million between 2000 and 2007. (Altbach et al., 2009)
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the government began drawing foreign students to
study in the Philippines, mostly in medicine and agriculture in 1980s. A decade later, many
schools and institutions offered short-term courses in English language, aviation, hotel and
restaurant management, and maritime studies. In 2000, the government promoted the
country as education center in Asia, making it easier for foreign students to apply for visas.
It also established exchange programs between Philippine schools and universities in
Australia, United States, South Korea, Canada, and Europe. (Gutierrez, 2011)
Philippines is fast emerging as a major educational hub in the Asia-Pacific region.
The number of international students in the Philippines has more than doubled over a year.
According to Bureau of Immigration Statistics, foreigners studying in the country have
increased from 26,000 in 2011 to more than 61,000 in 2012. Based on sampled data for

2012 (e=+1), the biggest number of foreign students was from Iran at 21.44%. South
Korean students comprised 19.62% followed by those from China and ASEAN countries at
18.39% and 10.97%, respectively. The remaining 23.58% were students from other
countries all over the globe. The enormous increase in number of foreign students in the
country is attributed to a rise in the number of accredited institutions authorized to admit
foreign students. (, 2013)
Trinity University of Asia had been a pioneer in linking study and volunteer service.
Since 1986, the International Partnership for Service-Learning (IPSL), the international
organization linking academic study and community service, has sent international students
to TUA to learn and serve. The IPSL and TUA, with the support of the Henry Luce
Foundation, offer a program of service learning for the international students through a sixweek program that includes academic study, community service, field trips and sight-seeing
in and around Metro Manila. It also provides opportunity to study and become friends with
other students with very diverse culture as them. The program welcomes applicants from
all religious traditions, faiths and cultures. The Henry Luce Foundation support is for
students from Asian nations and the United States. Participants share their values and
beliefs as they reflect on their experience of service, studying and living together in the
Philippines. Today, many international students from different countries from around the
world are studying in the university in different courses. (FactLookup, 2014)
History shows that people brought up in one culture have always traveled to other
cultures with the purpose of trading, learning, teaching, or converting others. Although, in
ancient times the ability to travel more than a few miles from ones place of birth was rare
and considered a privilege, over the centuries this has changed. Today, intercultural contact

is a worldwide experience. In our modern society, individuals are exposed to various levels
of cultural influence. However, although intercultural contact is prevalent in todays
society, it is nowhere close to being easier to deal with.
It is suggested that the level of stress might increase depending on the dissimilarity
between the culture of an individual and the new culture. International students experience
unique adjustment issues and a sense of isolation in achieving their goals of succeeding in
the Philippine academic system and their need to rapidly learn to negotiate the demands of
everyday living, communication, and behavior or being culturally competent. Cultural
competence is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together to be able to
interact effectively with people of different cultures. (Leavitt, 2009) Several factors can
influence the ability of international students in developing cultural competence.
The Philippine academic institutions need to identify the factors affecting the
development of cultural competency in foreign students in order for them to accommodate
these students better and help them achieve their primary goals.
Thus, the researchers find it essential to identify the different factors affecting the
development of cultural competency of foreign students in Trinity University of Asia and
its relationship to the academic performance of the foreign students. This research will help
the foreign students to adapt to the new culture and academic system.
1.2 Objectives
This research study will be focusing on achieving the following:
To be able to identify the adaptive mechanism that foreign students had when
they first arrived the Philippines.

To identify the factors in acquiring cultural competency of foreign students

studying in the Philippines
To explain the influence of cultural competence to the foreign students
academic performance.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to determine the factors affecting the development of the
cultural competency of second year to fourth year foreign students in Trinity University of Asia
SY 2013-2014.
Specifically, this research study will answer the following questions:
1. What are the adaptive mechanism used by foreign students when they first arrived in
the Philippines?
2. What are the factors affecting the development of cultural competence in foreign
3. Is there a relationship between the cultural competence and the academic
performance of the foreign students?

1.4 Hypothesis of the Study

This research study will be able to significantly enumerate various factors in developing
the cultural competence of foreign students.
Primarily, this study has the following hypothesis:
1. The adaptive mechanisms used by the foreign students when they first arrived in
the Philippines are acculturation, intercultural contact and adaptation.

2. The foreign students coped with the Philippine culture by respecting the beliefs
and practices of the Filipinos and by means of support groups; family and friends
as well as with the help of schoolmates with the same race as them who had
already experienced being in the Philippines.
3. There is a significant relationship between the cultural competence and the
academic performance of the foreign students.

1.5 Significance of the study

This section will provide brief description on the various significance of the study about
factors affecting the development of cultural competence of foreign students in the university.
This research study will be beneficial to Teachers, Foreign Students, Filipino Students and Future
To Teachers. This proposed study will help the teachers understand each of their handled
students and enable them to anticipate the need of foreign students in terms of adaptation.
To Foreign Students. This proposed study will significantly help foreign students in finding
ways in increasing their cultural knowledge, and in a way will be able to lessen the stress they
experience at the same time.
To Filipino Students. This proposed study will help the Filipino students, for jobs in other
countries are trending this past few years and many will mostly immigrate. This study will help
them have some ideas on what and how to adapt to culture.

To Future Researchers. This proposed study will benefit the future researchers as their guide.
The study can also be open in the development of this study.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation

This research study will be limited to the 2 nd to 4th year foreign students from different
colleges in Trinity University of Asia SY 2013-2014. The students who will be part of the
research study must be at least living in the Philippines for 1 year. The participants must not have
any Filipino descendants and must be born in another country. The researchs parameter will
mainly focus on the years the participants have been staying in the Philippines, nonetheless of
the age group or gender. The questions that will be asked to the foreign students pertains to their
experiences of coping up to a new culture and academic system.

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