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Topic 1. What is Database Management System?

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing
databases. It is a complete package of programs which use a standard method of cataloguing,
retrieving, and running queries on data. The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and
provides ways for the data to be modified or extracted by users or other programs.
The conclusion is DBMS is a system software used to create, modify, update, retrieve and
present databases.

Topic 2. Applications of DBMS

1) Building of the virtual company office.
2) Effective processing complex data and data with set of the references for expression
of the relations between them.
3) Creation of Websites, allotted to unlimited opportunities.
4) Human resources.
5) Used to manage the data of applications of PCs as well as mobiles. Which helps in
creation of efficient application.

Topics 3. Operations Performed on Database

The basic operation which can be performed over a database are:
1). Creation of Database.
2). Update.
3). Modification.
4). Retrieval.
5). Deletion.

Other types of operations can be performed on the database like arithmetic operations.

Arithmetic operations can be performed by using arithmetic operators.



Addition operator

Minus operator

Multiplication operator

Division operator

Modulo operator

Unary minus. It changes the sign of the argument.

Why do we prefer to use data base approach over traditional file based approach?
In filing system its very difficult to handle the data because of data redundancy and
manipulation, in the filing system the data could be twice stored, difficult to find, and
modification of data is very complex task in file based system so thats why we prefer the
data base system by using data base the data can be easily handled, it provide one click access
to your desired information, also it is very simple to insert and delete the data, modification
flexibility, in event of data loss there is a possibility that your data can be recovered.
In conclusion Databases help us manage huge amount of data. Assume that you have a
thousand files which contain data about all of your employees, now you have to find data of
only one employee for those 1000 files. How much difficult it will be? What if you have
those 1000 files in a computer and now you can find data of a single employee in some
clicks. Obviously you will prefer the second option. This is the importance of database, huge
amount of data can be easily created, updated, modified, and retrieved in seconds.
We also prefer databases because they can be easily shared over networks. Means now same
database can be accessed from any corner of the world. Websites are best example of it.
Banks all over the world also share their databases over their personal networks so that
different branches of the bank can access the same database.

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