Question 1 Reasons For Choosing Your Program and Waterloo

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Question 1 Reasons for choosing your program and Waterloo (*Required) Please tell us about

your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to
the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your
interest in each program. (900 character limit)
I applied to the University of Waterloo to obtain the opportunity to study an increasingly
developing field of math and science. My main program to study is Systems Design Engineering
at Waterloo. This is simply due to studying a broad range of topics which belong to different
engineering disciples and to further develop my analytical skills. I also seek to be able to
implement an ideal solution in which when I am given a problem I tend to look at the system as a
whole before attempting to solve the problem. I believe Waterloo will allow me to innovate and
express my ideas with confidence. Furthermore the Coop program at waterloo will enable me to
gain hands on experience and apply knowledge Ive learned in the classroom.
Question 1 Engineering Interests and Goals (*Required) Briefly explain why you are interested
in engineering and particularly in the program to which you have applied. Comment, for
example, on your interests and abilities; your career goals; * exposure to engineering through
schoolrelated and other experiences; and discussions you have had with engineers, teachers,
current or past Waterloo students. (900 character limit)
I am interested in engineering because I aspire to improve the lives of others. Systems Design
Engineering is my top choice as it includes a wide range of topics. This will allow me to explore
and expand my interests. I want to succeed in a career where I use engineering in health care and
biological applications. Engineering interests me because it allows me to integrate mathematics
and sciences into technology that will better the lives of others, which is not possible in other
professions. I have been exposed to the field through school and family. I am in the SHSM
program focusing in Information and Communications Technology. This program provided the
opportunity to attend many workshops and conferences, which have nurtured my passion and
formed my interests. My brother is also a Waterloo engineering student, and his experiences have
fostered my interest for the school.
Question 3 Extracurricular Activities additional information (optional) Provide any additional
information about anything in the above table. (600 character limit)
During middle school, playing volleyball allowed me to develop teamwork, leadership and social
skills. My passion and knowledge of the sport allowed me to join the team in high school, for all
four years. I also had the opportunity of coaching younger students and being a referee at various
tournaments. Through these opportunities I developed interpersonal skills that I apply in other
activities. I connected with engineers and learned about the career at two separate PEO events. I
showed my leadership in the Link Crew leadership initiative as well as leading a table tennis
Question 2 Reading Interests (*Required) Discuss a book or a written article that you particularly
enjoyed or that has had an impact on you. Preferably choose a book or article that was not part of
a course at school. (900 character limit)

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is the story of Santiago, a young shepherd who has a dream
about a treasure at the pyramids. Realizing that he was receiving an omen, Santiago decides to
leave his comfortable life and pursue this dream. He meets an old king, a crystal merchant, the
woman of his dreams, and finally, an alchemist. Everyone he meets and every obstacle in his
journey ultimately contributes to Santiago's journey through life. The message that interests me
the most is how Santiago realizes that his journey was more precious than the treasure he finds.
In society, people are more interested in achieving wealth and suffer from grief and misery along
their road to success. I learned that appreciating what you have in the present is as important as
achieving a goal in the future. As such, studying engineering at Waterloo is a step along the way
to achieve my goals.
Technology is a very fast growing aspect of our society. Over the last century technology has
rigorously dictated the way in which we live our lives today. I am interested in engineering
because I want to innovate technology in ways which will benefit the society in which we live
today. As someone who considers himself to have low latent inhibition, I have always asked
myself how things work, why they do what they do, and how I can do something to better the
lives of others. This is something which I believe is fundamental in all engineers and will lead
me to be successful in the field of engineering. Furthermore as an individual who has an aptitude
for math and sciences, I believe engineering is a good fit for me. Although I dont have much
experience in engineering, I come from a family of engineers who have nurtured a passion and
formed an interest in engineering.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is the story of Santiago, a young shepherd who has a dream
about a treasure at the pyramids. Realizing that he was receiving an omen, Santiago decides to
leave his comfortable life and pursue this dream. He meets an old king, a crystal merchant, the
woman of his dreams, and finally, an alchemist. Everyone he meets and every obstacle in his
journey ultimately contributes to Santiago's journey through life. The message that interests me
the most is how Santiago realizes that his journey was more precious than the treasure he finds.
In society, people are more interested in achieving wealth and suffer from grief and misery along
their road to success. I learned that appreciating what you have in the present is as important as
achieving a goal in the future. As such, studying engineering at Waterloo is a step along the way
to achieve my goals.
A book that Ive extremely enjoyed is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The alchemist is the story
of Santiago, a young shepherd who has a dream about a treasure at the pyramids. Santiago is
very comfortable as a shepherd and longs to travel. Throughout his journey he meets an old king,
a crystal merchant, the woman of his dreams, and finally, an alchemist. Throughout his journey,
everyone who he meets and all his obstacles ultimately contribute to his journey of life. The
message that interests me the most is how Santiago realizes that his journey was more precious
than the treasure he finds. In society, people are more interested in achieving wealth and suffer
from grief and misery along their road to success. I learned that appreciating what you have in
the present is as important as achieving a goal in the future.

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