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1. There are five stages in the consumer purchase decision process.

The first stage is

a. information search
b. purchase decision
c. alternative evaluation
d. postpurchase behavior
e. problem recognition
"2. When the marketing student said, ""It's really hard for me to get to class on time without a
car,"" she was entering which stage of the consumer purchase decision process?"
a. purchase decision
b. alternative evaluation
c. information search
d. problem recognition
e. postpurchase behavior
"3. When the elementary teacher needed to buy poster board for her class, she remembered that
she had previously found some poster board at her local 99 Only, Walgreen's, and Family Dollar
stores. What term best describes the information search method used by the teacher?"
a. personal external source
b. public external source
c. market-dominated external source
d. internal search
e. market-dominated internal source
4. An example of a marketer-dominated source of information consulted during an external
search would include
a. personal experience.
b. salespeople.
c. consumer programs on talk radio stations.
d. friends and relatives.
e. Consumer Reports magazine.

"5. When purchasing a computer, factors the consumer considers prior to purchase are called
__________, which represent both the objective attributes of a brand and the subjective ones
used to compare different products and brands."
a. hot buttons
b. informational alternatives
c. buying-decision choices
d. evaluative criteria
e. consumer attributes
"6. The group of brands a consumer would consider acceptable from among all the brands in the
product class of which he or she is aware, is referred to as"
a. evaluative set.
b. evolved set.
c. consideration set.
d. alternative selection group.
e. aspiration group.
"7. Once a consumer has completed the alternative evaluation stage of the consumer purchase
decision process, two choices remain, which are"
a. to use credit or to pay cash.
b. to buy one or buy several if a deal is offered.
c. from whom to buy and when to buy.
d. to buy immediately or wait for it to go on sale.
e. to buy in person or to buy online.
"8. At the __________ of the consumer purchase decision process, a consumer compares the
product with his or her expectations and is either satisfied or dissatisfied."
a. problem recognition stage
b. information search stage
c. alternative evaluation stage
d. purchase decision stage
e. postpurchase stage

"9. The personal, social, and economic significance of the purchase to the consumer that causes
them to skip or minimize one or more stages in the consumer purchase decision process depends
on their level of"
a. aspiration.
b. cognitive dissonance.
c. motivation.
d. situational influences.
e. involvement.
10. Robin wants to find the perfect gift for her grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. She
started looking for the gift last month and expects to spend another couple of months if needed to
find a gift they both will like. Robin is engaging in
a. routine problem solving.
b. limited problem solving.
c. extended problem solving.
d. problem recognition.
e. integrated problem solving

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