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Question 1: What are the most urgent public health problems facing your community today?

India is one of the fastest growing, pluralistic, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic nation with the
second highest population in the world. In India, the healthcare industry is primarily divided into
government health care systems, private healthcare systems and a wide network of unregulated
informal health care providers. There is another category of not- for- profit organization,
including charitable institutions, missions, trusts, etc. This irregular and unregulated system has
caused wide inconsistency in gaining access, particularly in the distribution of healthcare
infrastructure at the regional and rural level. During my study in dentistry, I show Many health
related problem in dental and medical checkup camps around local community. Majority of
people suffered with infectious and non communicable disease. Most of the non communicable
disease problems related with mouth cancer, diabetes and obesity. Majority of camp I attended is
suburban areas. More than seventy percent of males and females eating tobacco products or
smoking because of this, oral submucous fibrosis, leaukoplakia, erythroplakia lesions appears in
patients, end result would be Mouth Cancer with this symptom. We diagnosed average 5 to 6
Patients of pre cancerous lesion or cancer in my college daily. Many patients do not aware about
situations refuses to take treatment or some patients neglecting willfully even after knowing the
consequences. Monthly, 5 to 7 patients die in my college hospital due to cancer.
Nowadays, rapid change in modern life style methods leads to many problems like diabetes and
obesity. As per my college hospital data, we are diagnosing more diabetes patient every year in
surrounding communities. People do not concern about regular medical check ups, one of the
main reason is most of the people do not hold medical insurances. In rural area, people
using homemade remedies without knowing the symptoms of disease, sometime it will turn into
bigger problem specially with infectious disease that spread easily in people around that patient.
People, consulting with doctor in severe stage when sometime it is too late for treatment or
patient build up some kind of drug resistance and treatment gets more difficult. Infectious
diseases like malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS spreading rapidly in my country, what
concern me most is incurable disease like AIDS. Rural community surrounding my area - even
fifty per cent of India- using ground water directly, it will lead to high rate of disease like
typhoid, and diarrhea. Another big concern is HIV/AIDS, especially in young adults between
twenty to thirty years of ages due to lack of sexual knowledge and awareness. People are afraid
of talking about HIV causes publicly, in some area sex talk is taboo. I learn few basis problems
related to HIV/AIDS in an online course, AIDS: Fear and Hope by University of Michigan. I
learnt few things, but it will take more than just course to learn a systematic approach to
tackle this problem among people.

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