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A RealTime HMI substation automation

solutionpowerful, secure and cost

For over 20 years, one of the foundations for

Telvents OASyS has been flexibility. With the
increased modularity of OASyS DNA, the options
are greater than ever. Your operational and
information management requirements are
variable, and so is OASyS.

can be used throughout the corporationfrom

substation to control room to board room
delivering a common presentation format,
standardized across the corporation, and creating
simplicity, ease of use and reduced training

Leveraging the OASyS DNA modular design,

myOASyS is an HMI substation automation
solution, delivering the very best of the OASyS
DNA product line:

The myOASyS architecture supports remote

maintenance and binary upgrades, further
lowering an organizations costs.
And making it even more versatile, myOASyS
comes with built in support for standard

RealTime Performance

Historical and RealTime trending

Full Historical Audit Trail


Powerful graphics engine

OPC Client DA 2.05

Best of all, myOASyS provides you with options.

By utilizing myOASyS in conjunction with Station
OASyS and a full OASyS DNA SCADA master
system, you can dramatically reduce your
ownership costs.

From Substation to Board Room

By utilizing the same operator interface as the
entire OASyS SCADA family of products,
myOASyS lowers overall cost of ownership. A
single display created anywhere in the enterprise

myOASyS is powered by the OASyS DNA SCADA
Suite RealTime Engine, providing reliability,
robustness and superior performance. RealTime
data delivery is fast and reliable, allowing the
organization to make the right decision in



myOASyS can be scaled along with your

operational needs. The modular design ensures
that each component can be upgraded
independently as required, and as your
corporation demands change, so can myOASyS.
Installations of myOASyS can be upgraded to
Station OASyS to provide redundancy and
distributed data flow.

As with all OASyS DNA products, a role-based

security model is built into myOASyS. This assures
that no back doors are open, and only users
with the appropriate permissions have access to
the data they are intended to view or modify.

Peace of Mind
myOASyS has a full featured historian as part of
the standard configuration. This provides
additional safety for remote and unmanned
stations by ensuring a full audit trail is available
for viewing at any time. No system event goes
undetected. Historical trending helps analyze
problems and find solutions faster, providing you
with peace of mind.

myOASyS Licenses
Various myOASyS licensing options are available:
myOASyS Runtime: Offers complete Station
Control including the DMT (Database
Management Tool), without display generation
myOASyS Administrator: Provides powerful
display generation and database editing
capabilities as an add-on to the myOASyS
Runtime installation.
Copyright Telvent 2005. All rights reserved.

22 August 05

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