D Dear Wife/ SW Weetheart/gir RL Friend/ Par Rtner/whome Ever It May Co Oncern

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Dear Wife/ Sw
weetheart/Girrl Friend/ Parrtner/whome
ever it may co

1. Beetween 11 June and 11 July 2010,

2 you shouuld read the sp ports section of the newspape er so that you are
a aware of
what is going on
n regarding the w you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail
e World of Socccer, and that way
too do this, then you will be looked at in a bad
d way, or you will
w be totally ig
gnored. DO NO OT complain abbout not
reeceiving any atttention. 
2. During the World d Cup, the tele
evision is mine, at all times, without
w any excceptions. If you
u even take a glimpse
g of the
reemote control, you will lose it (your eye). 

3. Iff you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't

d mind, as long
l as you do
o it crawling on the floor and
without distracting me.  

4. During the game es I will be blin

nd, deaf and mute, unless I re
equire a refill of
o my drink or something
s to eat. You are outt
y expect me to listen to you
off your mind if you u, open the door, answer the e telephone, or pick up the ba
aby that just fell
onn the floor....It won't happen. 

5. ood idea for you to keep at le

Itt would be a go east 2 six packss in the fridge at
a all times, as well as plenty of things to
niibble on (excluding your bodyy parts), and pllease do not make
m any funnyy faces to my frriends when the ey come over
o watch the gam mes. In return,, you will be allowed to use thhe TV between n 12am and 6am m, unless theyy replay a good
ga ame that I misssed during the day. 

6. Pllease, please, please!!

p If you see me upset because one of o my teams is losing,
l DO NOT T say "get overr it, it's only a
gaame", or "don'tt worry, they'll win next time"". If you say th
hese things, you
u will only makke me angrier and
a I will love
ou less. Remem mber, you will never
n ever kno
ow more about football than me m and your so o called "wordss of
ncouragement"" will only lead to a break up or divorce. 

7. Yo
ou are welcome to sit with me to watch one e game and you can talk to me m during halftime but only when
w the
ommercials aree on, and only if
i the half time scores is pleassing me. In add
dition, please note
n ng "one" game;
I am sayin
ence do not usse the World Cuup as a nice cheesy excuse to o "spend time together". 

8. Th
he replays of th
he goals are ve
ery important. I don't care if I have seen the
em or I haven't seen them, I want to see
hem again, Man ny times. 

9. Teell your friendss NOT to have any

a babies, or any other child
d related partie
es or gatherings that requires my
atttendance beca ause:

a)) I will not go,

b)) I will not go, and
c)) I will not go. 

10. Bu o mine invites us to his house

ut, if a friend of me, we will be there in a flash
e on a Sunday to watch a gam h. 

he daily World Cup highlightss show on TV every

11. Th e night is ju nt as the games themselves. Do not even
ust as importan
hink about saying "but you haave already see en this...why doon't you change the channel to
t something we
w can all
watch?" because
e, the reply will be, "Refer to Rule #2 of thiss list". 

12. An
nd finally, please save your expressions succh as "Thank Go
od the World Cup
C is only every 4 years". I am
a immune to
hese words, because before and
a after this co omes the Chammpions League,, Premier League, Italian League, Spanish
eague, KPL, FA A Cup, Euro Cupp, etc.


Byy the way if yo

ou get stuck on the road call the
t Police or AA

hank you for yo
our cooperation. 

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