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MARCH 2016

Message From the District Director

District Director
Lovely Lall, DTM

Messages from District Core

New Clubs Forming in District
Public Relations HappeningsPRM Awards Deadline
Extended to April 30th!...p5
Best Practices: Reflections on
the Importance of Club

Invest In Yourself to Be a Champion

What does it take to be a champion? Desire,
dedication, determination, concentration and the will to win." ~Patty Berg

Talk of the District...p6

Dear District 29 Family,

New District Director


One has to stay in the game to win the game. You can stay in the Toastmasters game by making a continued investment in yourself. If you continue to play together with determination you will be successful,
as an individual and as a team. You will be empowering your self and your team mates.

Core District Officers

Lovely Lall, DTM
District Director
Lynn Wylde, DTM
Program Quality Director
Amy Brener, DTM
Club Growth Director
Angela Davis, ACS, CL
Public Relations Manager
Juliette Brown, DTM
Finance Manager
Rhondra Willis, CC, ALB
Administration Manager
Victor Jimenez, TM
Logistics Manager
Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID
Mahesh Patil, DTM
Immediate Past District

I have been a Toastmaster since 2010. I was an ordinary housewife but I have been transformed into a
District Director. I am a living example of the Toastmasters tag line, Where leaders are made! For me,
membership dues renewal time has always been a time for reflection about why I joined the organization and what have I gained from the Toastmasters experience by my monthly investment of just $6.00
in myself (less than a cost of a sandwich). I also reflect on what more Toastmasters has to offer me in
the future.
Anything and everything is possible when you stay in the game and when you play hard with persistence and determination. My metamorphic journey has been possible only because of the positive, supportive and fun environment provided by Toastmaster like each of you. Thank You!
If you have paid your membership dues to the club make sure the club Treasurer has submitted the
dues to Toastmasters International. If you have paid, thank you for continuing your journey with Toastmasters, enhancing yourself while adding value to, and empowering, others as well. If you have not
paid dues yet, please do so now! Paying in time assures your continued growth and also supports your
club and its members. Don't delay. Please pay today and avoid the dues blues!
The winter Toastmasters Leadership Institute season was successful. I wish to thank the dedication of
our club officers for attending and I thank District 29 PQD Lynn Wylde and her team for doing a phenomenal job!
Contest season is in full swing. Please make sure to take advantage of it by attending and participating
- as a contestant or as a Model speaker, or in the many other roles available to you at Area and Division
Contests. Enjoy and learn from the best of District 29 - at the club, Area, and Division. Our District 29
Spring Conference is being planned now. Register and enjoy the best of each Division at the District
contest. And there is so much more at a District Conference. I hope to see you there.
Although Toastmasters is an organization which is all about communication, many times we don't communicate about our personal goals, our aspirations, and about our dreams. I encourage you to reach
out to someone by taking each opportunity to share your personal goals. By sharing them, you help
ensure that they will be met.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your
goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. Mario Andretti
Let's continue to fly together and strive to fly even higher in this Metamorphic year 2015-16!

District Highlights,

Message From the Program Quality Director

District 29 Spring 2016 Conference

May 14, 2016

Our District 29 Spring Conference will be held at the beautiful

Capital One Headquarters in McLean, VA.
Our theme is Reach for the Stars and Catch Your Dream. We
have a terrific lineup of speakers and educators to inspire you.
Program Quality Director
Lynn Wylde, DTM

We have also lowered the ticket price to $69 and left in the:
Delicious catered breakfast, lunch and snacks
Networking with over 200 of our Districts most dynamic
Toastmasters and FUN, FUN, FUN!
Sign up today! Click the following link:

Final Winter TLI


February Educational
Award Winners

Check our website

to see the list of:
Winter Golden
Triple Crown
International Speech
and Evaluation
Contest winners!
Distinguished Club
Program Goal

Below is a preview of the days events:

Keynote Address: Inspiring BOLD Speaking - Jan Fox, 4 Time Emmy Award winning
television broadcaster, provides the concepts and tools to help us increase our impact, influence, and results!
General Session: TED Talks Secrets - What makes a successful TED talk? Why do
some TED talks rack up millions of views, change lives, and are talked about everywhere?
Jan Fox shares the secrets for great talks.
Education Sessions:
Keep Your Audience Glued to Your Every Word! Stephanie Bonte-LeBair addresses
how to maximize your connection power with the tool you carry around with you every
day your voice!
Transform Your Message Into a Book! Julie Salisbury, the Founder of Influence
Publishing, enables writers to transform their message into the platform of a book.
Additional Sessions:
1st Timers Session an orientation to help first time attendees maximize their conference experience.
Sponsors Circle meet and greet the sponsors of our conference. Come network with
these district movers and shakers.
Intro to Social Media an education session geared toward helping conference attendees participate more fully in the ongoing social media conversation. There will be
District Highlights:
Business Meeting where key decisions affecting our District are decided. Check in with
credentials and cast your ballot!
Hall of Fame celebrate all of the accomplishments achieved by our clubs and members!
District Contests:
Evaluation Contest the key to individual growth is receiving feedback and putting it to great
use. Watch the cream of our District 29 crop provide one speaker valuable information on
their strengths and their opportunity to improve for maximum success.
International Speech Contest who will be this years most inspiring and powerful speaker?
Cheer on our top 6 contestants and support the winner as they advance to the International
If you have any questions, send an email to
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

District Highlights,

Message From the Club Growth Director

Its dues renewal season! I find this time of year personally exciting because it allows me to
make a conscious choice to once again join an organization which has given me so much
over the past 7 1/2 years.
I didnt join Toastmasters to become a district leader; I joined so that when I was at a meeting
and was asked to speak about something I hadnt prepped for, I knew how to make something up that sounded reasonably intelligent.

Club Growth Director

Amy Brener, DTM

Club Building
Clubs that charter before
May 14th, 2016 will receive two half-price registrations to the District
Spring Conference!


Humor Farm
to the
District 29 Family!

Many of us originally joined Toastmasters with a specific goal in mind, and many of us
reached that particular goal years ago. Yet we keep coming back. Why? For me there are
several reasons. One is that there is always more to learn. By observing other speakers, I
see things I want to emulate as well as things I want to avoid. By working with others I continue to develop my own leadership skills as well, I hope, become a better team player. And by
giving back to the members, I hope to return in whatever small measure I can all the benefits I
have and continue to obtain from Toastmasters.
The main reason I keep coming back, however, is purely selfish. Its social! To steal a
phrase from Division B Governor Karen Jacobs, ACS, ALS, as Toastmasters we are
Framily. Were friends and were family. Were there for each other, both by providing a
supportive and safe club environment and when we need something personally, outside of
the organization.
When we joined Toastmasters we promised:
To attend club meetings regularly
To prepare all of my speech and leadership projects to the best of my ability, basing them
on projects in the Competent Communication, Advanced Communication, or Competent
Leadership manuals
To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments
To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations
To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to
learn and grow
To serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so
To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy
To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership
To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters education and recognition programs
To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities
Please join me this dues renewal season. Re-up and recommit to Toastmasters!

District Council
Meeting on
May 14th
Each club is allotted two
votes at district council
meetings. One vote is reserved for the club president. The other vote is for
the vice president education. Proxy votes may be
used if a club officer is unable to attend a council
meeting. A proxy delivers
the vote for an officer unable to attend a council
meeting. The officer unable
to attend must designate in
writing any active individual
member of the club to act
as his or her proxy. More
information to follow.

Loudoun West Toastmasters Club

Join us for a new Toastmasters club in Western Loudoun County.
Second and Fourth Tuesday
Purcellville Library, 220 E Main St, Purcellville, Virginia 20132
For more Information Contact:
Division E Director, Harminder Lall, Email:

Avoid the Dues BluesSubmit today!




The PRM Awards
This issue includes complete details on each of these awards. Any questions? Please contact!
The deadline for submissions has been extended to April 30th!
Have Fun and Be Successful Best Club Website Contest winner
Let It Shine Best Club Newsletter Contest winner
Best Public Service Announcement (PSA) - Video & Audio Contest winner
Successful Toastmasters International Magazine Submission

The following Area Directors have also completed and submitted 100% of their
Spring Club Visit Reports!

Area C-36 Director

Valerie Lamont, ACB, CL

Area E-52 Director

Chiaru Bullock, ACB, ALB

Area E-55 Director

William Speakman, ACS, ALB

Area E-56 Director

David Lang, ACB, ALB

Area F-62 Director

Sereena Reep, ACG, ALB

Area F-63 Director

Bethany Richard, ACS, ALB

Avoid the Dues Blues, Submit Dues Today!

To submit renewals online, club officer has to go to and log in with your username and password. Next, follow these steps:

On the Club Central home page select the club name and number you want to pay renewals for.

2. On the Conduct Club Business page, select Pay dues.

3. On the Pay Dues for My Club Members screen, select, In the future and click Submit. All orders with a future membership
end date will appear.
4. Select the members you wish to pay for, provide your payment information and follow the prompts to process your payment.
Consider these important details when processing membership payments:
Renewals can be submitted online, by mail or by fax. Financial information by email is not secure. Orders can be paid online if
using a credit card. To pay by check, print the Pay Dues for My Club Members screen indicating the renewing members and
mail it, along with payment, to Toastmasters International, Attn: Renewals. Make renewal checks payable to Toastmasters International.
For a club to remain in good standing, policy requires that at least eight members must pay dues and three must be renewing. The due date to pay April renewals is April 1, 2016.
If you have any questions, please contact Club and Member Support by email or call +1 949-858-8255.

Best Practices:
Reflections on the Importance of Club Contests
Brambleton Toastmasters Hosts International
and Evaluation Contests
A successful club contest is by no means the result of one Toastmaster. It takes the collaborative effort of an entire team to make it happen.
Luckily for me, I have the great pleasure of serving as the Club President for the Brambleton Toastmasters since November 2015. As a
Without the support of each and every club member, our International
speech and Evaluation club contest would not have turned out as wonderfully as they did. In fact, we were very close to not having a contest
at all. In the end, everyone came together to make it possible.
To compete in the clubs International Speech and Evaluation contests, we had two veteran speakers who inspired us to make the most
out of each day. We also had two newer members who bravely delivered excellent evaluations. Serving as our model speaker, we welcomed a Champion whose speech was a total knockout!

With all of the rules, procedures, forms, and roles involved in a contest, I learned that early and thorough
preparation was key. Another secret to executing a
well-run club contest is the support of area and district
leaders. The Brambleton Toastmasters would like to
extend our deepest gratitude to Chiharu, Lovely, and
Harminder for sharing their time, energy, and knowhow. Our club looks forward to working with these
great leaders to support and celebrate our contest
winners as they take their Toastmasters journey to
the next level.

Mary Little, TM
Brambleton Toastmasters

Congratulations! Flight to Distinguished Award Achievers to date-Prince William County Toastmasters, 25 renewals & 8 DCP goals
PMIWDC#01 club 22 renewals & 5 DCP goals
Aol & Asurion Toastmasters Club, 26 renewals & 5 DCP goals
Neustar Toastmasters, 24 renewals & 6 DCP goals
All in the Family, 23 renewals & 5 DCP goals

B-2 Toasters, 32 renewals & 7 DCP goals

Dulles South, 20 renewals, 8 DCP Goals
Geographically Speaking Club, 20 renewals, 7 DCP Goals
Lake Ridge Toastmasters, 21 renewals, 9 DCP Goals
Bennie Bough, 20 renewals, 9 DCP Goals

Clubs paid with more than 20 renewals

Wizard of Ahs Toastmasters35
CNM Toastmasters-24

NAVIENT-Reston -20

District 29 Speakers Bureau

Are you interested in learning from a variety of speaking experiences outside the confines of the
traditional Toastmasters Club? Do you want to speak to community organizations on worthwhile
causes and address outside organizations in search of speakers? Well, you're in luck! District 29 has
its Speakers Bureau!
If you're interested in being a part of this vital resource for District 29 speakers, please send an
email to:

Have Fun and Be Successful Website Design Contest Rules and Guidelines
A club website is a wonderful tool that can be used to help a club build a community of members with
increased opportunities for communication and information sharing. Members become involved by
visiting and sharing the site as well as submitting material for publishing. The website can be used to
promote the club to the community and help growth of membership numbers and club strength.
The Have Fun and Be Successful Best Club Website Contest and its PRM award are designed to
inform and motivate District 29 Toastmaster members through the use of effective communication and
leadership in our clubs.
What makes a good website?
A good website is an effective website. The benchmark of effectiveness can be determined by the
presence of the following:

A strong first impression

Easy and user friendly navigation

Flexible browser compatibility

Organized layout and design

Strong content for the applicable audience

Judging Standards
Toastmasters International has produced guidance on club newsletters - see "Website covered on
pages 21-22, in the Creating an Effective Public Relations Program section of the Let the World
Know Publicity and Promotion Handbook. Judges will compare websites with this established
guidance. One or more winners and one or more runners up will be selected.

Club websites will be judged on the following specific criteria:

1. First Impression Does the website grab your attention and make you want to stay and
peruse the site? Is there a clear message on the first page? Is the design and layout easy
to understand?

2. Easy and user friendly navigation Is it easy to determine where to go to find information?
Are the navigation tools on the homepage easily understood and does the destination match
the labels?
3. Flexible browser compatibility Can the site be pulled up on all available browsers and
operating systems and still appear well designed and functional?
4. Organization and design Is the site well organized and does it design yield a positive
5. Strong content for the applicable audience Is the content applicable for all potential
audiences? Is the content original and if not, is the curated content attributed to the source? Is
the information up to date and current?
6. Branding is there appropriate detail to branding and does the site follow the guidelines in the
Let the World Know Publicity and Promotion Handbook and in Toastmasters International
Visual Brand Guidelines?
All club website submissions for the Have Fun and Be Successful Website Design Contest
Best Club Website PRM Award will be judged by a panel of experienced judges. Panel decisions will
be final. Winning editors and publishers will be notified by email by May 7, 2016. District 29 will not
evaluate website submissions from individuals.
Submissions Criteria (for TM Year 2015-2016)
Club websites should be submitted in an email by the club Vice President Public Relations officer or
club President via email to: with the title: Have Fun and Be Successful Website
Design Contest (Club Name) Submission.

The email must include the name, address and

telephone number of the website designer, website manager and editor.

A maximum of three

members can be elected per club and each must have a substantial role in developing, maintaining
and editing the website. These roles can all be assigned to one person, or up to three people.

Only club websites submitted between October 1, 2015 and April 30, 2016 will be reviewed by the
panel. At least one website update or modification must occur after submission for the entry to be
validated. At the Spring District 29 Conference Hall of Fame in May 2016, District 29s Have Fun
and Be Successful Best Club Website PRM Award will be presented in recognition of club
achievement. The winning club will be recognized in the District newsletter, website, and on social

Let it Shine Best Club Newsletter Contest Rules and Guidelines

A club newsletter is a great tool which helps a club communicate with and motivate its members. It
gets members involved by inviting them to write and share their stories. It is a promotional tool as well
which guests can take with them. A newsletter can be shared via email or on social media to attract
new members. It enables a club to let its accomplishments shine brightly to those in and those outside
of the club.
The Let it Shine Best Club Newsletter Contest and PRM award is designed to inform and motivate
District 29 Toastmaster members through the use of effective communication and leadership in our
What makes a good newsletter?
The primary focus of the Award is on newsletter content. However, layout and design also count.
Following are items that should be considered:

Newsletters should have articles that can appeal to any reader, whether another Toastmaster
or a guest attending a club meeting.

Newsletters should primarily feature original, club-generated material high in member

recognition and educational value.

If articles or other items are reprinted from other sources, attribution should be cited.

While changing design layouts in the publishing industry are recognized, judges reserve the
right to disqualify any entry not resembling a newsletter. For example, one-page meeting
schedules or lists of speakers will not be considered.

Judging Standards
Toastmasters International has produced guidance on club newsletters - see "Newsletters on pages
25-26, in the Creating an Effective Public Relations Program section of the Let the World Know
Publicity and Promotion Handbook. Judges will compare newsletters with this established guidance.
One or more winners and one or more runners up will be selected.

Club newsletters will be judged primarily on the following criteria:

1. Content
A. Is content focused on achieving the clubs mission?
B. Does the newsletter recognize the member and club achievement?
educational content?

Does it have

Does it encourage members to participate in Toastmasters

C. Does the newsletter promote understanding of Toastmasters programs, promotions and
D. Is the newsletter engaging, informative, and entertaining?
E. Does the newsletter prominently feature the editors and publishers name in each
F. Does the club newsletter clearly indicate the clubs name, district and club number, and
the clubs meeting time and place?
2. Readability
A. Does the writing meet acceptable writing standards?
B. Is the writing interesting and clear?
3. Layout, Readability and Branding
A. Does the newsletters appearance engage the reader and stimulate reader interest?
B. Has attention been given to white space, page balance, effective use of photographs
and graphics, and the importance and organization of newsletter articles?
C. Does the newsletter reflect Toastmasters International branding?
All club newsletter submissions for the Let it Shine Best Club Newsletter Contest will be judged
by a panel of experienced judges. Panel decisions will be final. Winning editors and publishers will be
notified by email by May 7, 2016. District 29 will not evaluate newsletter submissions from individuals.

Submissions Criteria (for TM Year 2015-2016)

Club newsletters should be submitted in PDF, HTML or JPG format. The email should be sent to: with the title: Let It Shine Best Club Newsletter Contest (Club Name) Submission.
The email must include the name, address and telephone number of the editor and the publisher.
Clubs may elect to name a second editor.
Only club newsletters published between July 1, 2015 and April 30, 2016 will be reviewed by the
In order to qualify, a club must publish at least two issues of its newsletter in the period of

eligibility (between July 1, 2015 and April 30, 2016).

Only those newsletter submissions received by the Public Relations Manager on or before

midnight April 30, 2016 will be eligible.

At the Spring District 29 Conference Hall of Fame in May 2016, the winner of the Let it Shine Best
Club Newsletter Contest and PRM award(s) will be presented in recognition of club achievement.
The winning club(s) will be recognized in the District newsletter, website, and on social media.

Best Public Service Announcement (PSA) Video & Audio Contest Rules and Guidelines

A public service announcement (PSA) is a free commercial used to promote an organization, cause or
event. PSAs have been played on local radio stations, and video PSAs have been a television staple
for non-profit and community organizations and causes. With the advent and expansion of social
media such as YouTube, PSAs have also been used on the web as well.

Toastmasters International has a suite of audio PSAs available for radio that can be modified for club
use and has a smart, well written and effectively directed video PSA that has time tested appeal and
that can also translate to audio only use with minor exception.

The task for this contest is to develop a 30 second PSA for both video and audio use.
What makes a good PSA?
A good PSA uses concise and clear language and references to reach the reader and bring them in for
an extremely short time period that incites the viewer and listener to inquire further of the organization,
cause or event. Video PSAs use quality videography and succinct visual cues to relay a powerful
message. Good PSAs resonate with the targeted audience to obtain an immediate response to a call
to action.
Judging Standards
1. Visual Appeal does the video use clear and concise images that resonate with the viewer?
2. Content
a. Does the video deliver the message clearly with an opening, middle and closing
b. Does the video use quality content, fonts and branding?
3. Transferability to Audio can the PSA be used for audio without losing its effect?
4. Time does the video and audio version meet the time limit constraint?

Submissions Criteria
An email link for the club PSA should be submitted to: with the title: Best PSA
Video and Audio Contest (Club Name) Submission. The email must include the name, address and
telephone number of the development team.

A maximum of 5 members of the team will be

recognized. Team members could consist of writer, videographer, editor, actor, etc. While not limited
to those roles, each role must have had a significant role in developing the PSA in both audio and
video format.
Only PSAs developed and run between October 1, 2015 and April 30, 2016 will be reviewed by the

Only those PSAs received by the Public Relations Manager by 11:59pm EST on April 30, 2016 will be

At the Spring District 29 Conference Hall of Fame in May 2016, the submission of the winner of the
PRM Award for Best Public Service Announcement - Video and Audio will be shown at the conference,
and the award will be presented to the winning team. The winning team will be recognized in the
District newsletter, website, and on social media.

Videos and Public Service Announcements, pp. 22-24, Creating an Effective Public Relations
Program, Let the World Know Publicity and Promotion Handbook, Toastmasters International.
Video Tips and Tricks,, Toastmasters International.
Communication Through Public Service Announcements, pp. 20-22; A Guide to Working with the
Media, Sharing Your National Service Story, A Guide to Work with the Media, Corporation for National
& Community Service.
Appendix F: Sample PSA, p. 30, A Guide to Working with the Media, Sharing Your National Service
Story, A Guide to Work with the Media, Corporation for National & Community Service.

District #29

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