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Malaysia Peacekeeping Operation

Congo Peacekeeping Mission (19601962)

A contingent of 1,947 personnel were dispatched as part of the United Nations Operation in
the Congo or ONUC. This contingent was known as the Malayan Special Force to the Congo
and their experiences there were later recounted through the drawings of the
cartoonist, Rejabhad.

Iran/Iraq Border (19881991)

Participated as part of the UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG) to supervise
the IranIraq War ceasefire.

Namibia (19891990)
Contributed a battalion to the UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) to supervise
Namibia's elections and transition to independence.

Western Sahara (1991present)

A contingent of observers under the Mission for the Referendum in Western
Sahara (MINURSO) to help implement a ceasefire between the Polisario
Front & Morocco and help promote referendum on area's future.

Angola (19911995)
A contingent was sent under the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II (UNAVEM II)
to enforce the ceasefire in Angolan civil war.

Iraq/Kuwait Border (19922003)

A contingent was sent under the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM)
to monitor the demilitarised zone along the Iraq-Kuwait border, deter border violations and
report on any hostile action.

Cambodia (19921993)

An observer team was sent under the United Nations Transitional Authority in
Cambodia (UNTAC) to aid in the administration of Cambodia and to organise and run

Bosnia and Herzegovina (19931998)

A peacekeeping contingent known as MALBATT Command (Malaysia Battalion) was sent
initially under the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) from 19931995 with
deployments at Konjic, Jablanica and Pazari in Hadii. Following the Dayton Agreement,
forces were redeployed as MALCON Command (Malaysia Contingent) under
the NATO led Implementation Force (IFOR) in Operation Joint Endeavor with deployments
at Livno, Glamo and Kupres. MALCON further participated as part of the NATO
led Stabilisation Force (SFOR) until 1998. Up to 8,000 troops were eventually deployed in
this theatre of operations.

Liberia (19931997)
An observer team of 3 officers was sent under the United Nations Observer Mission in
Liberia (UNOMIL) to support the efforts of theEconomic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) and the Liberian National Transitional Government to implement peace
agreements signed between the warring parties in Liberia.

Somalia (19931994)
A contingent known as MALBATT was sent under the United Nations Operation in Somalia
II (UNOSOM II) to take appropriate action, including enforcement measures, to establish
throughout Somalia a secure environment for humanitarian assistance. During its deployment,
MALBATT was involved in the Battle of Mogadishu which saw 1 personnel killed in
action and 7 others wounded in actionduring the relief operations to aid the surrounded troops
of the United States' Task Force Ranger. On 18 January 1994, Lieutenant General Aboo Samah
Bin Aboo Bakar was appointed the Commander of UNOSOM II forces. His appointment also
saw the United Nations revise the mandate of UNOSOM II to stop using "coercive methods"
in the discharge of their duties while retaining "some capability to defend its personnel if
circumstances so warrant."[4]

Mozambique (19931995)

A team of observers were sent under the United Nations Operations in Mozambique (ONUMOZ).

2013 Lahad Datu standoff

(The rest of the entries below require a clean-up)

Deployed a contingent called Malaysian Medical Team (MASMEDTIM) to Chaman, Pakistan to

treat refugees from Afghanistan during the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Deployed approximately a brigade-sized force on islands surrounding Sabah waters in Ops Pasir
to prevent the recurrence of 2000 Sipadan kidnappings.

Deployed a contingent to Acheh after the tsunami disaster in 2004.

Deployed MASMEDTIM to Pakistan during the 2005 quake.

Deployed in Southern Philippines as a part of monitoring force agreed upon by both

the Philippine Government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front/MILF.

Deployed in East Timor/East Leste together with Australian, Portuguese and New Zealand forces
at the request of East Timor Government. The first team of 25 soldiers from 10 Para Brigade,
Royal Intelligence Corp and Commando Regiment were deployed on a fact-finding mission before
being reinforced by another 209 soldiers. (as at 27 May 2006)

Deployed in South Lebanon on peace keeping role at present after the withdrawal of Israeli
Military forces early 2007 (Invasion of South Lebanon by Israeli Military). Unit mainly consist of

Other limited participation under UNPKO are United Nations International Police Force
(UNIPTF) since December 1995; United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) since
June 1999; United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) since October
1999; United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) since
September 1999 and United Nations Organisation Mission in Democratic Republic of
Congo (MONUC) since February 2000.
18 Malaysian Armed Forces personnel have been killed during UN peacekeeping

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