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The Oyster and the Pearl there is a lot of symbolism. The theme of the play is
to take it easy and relax and the life will be much happier. Harry Van Dusen is a
barber that has a philosophy of Take it easy. He tries to spread his philosophy
by talking to people when he is cutting their hair. It was almost as if the haircuts
were just a way of getting people in the barbershop to talk. The hats that Harry
wore symbolized the attitude that he was in. The sea symbolizes life. The name
of the small town, in which the story takes place, is also symbolic and represents
that life isnt perfect but by taking it easy it can be more fun. Vivian McCutcheon
is a new school teacher that does everything by the book. She just tries to fit in
the new surroundings. This is symbolized by her wanting to get a new poodle
haircut. The play revolves around Clay and his family. His father, Clark, has left
his family because of his financial inability to look after his family. Harry tells that
Clark was not a bad man but he was just too concerned for his failure to fulfil his
duties of being a father and husband. He wanted to give every facility to his
family. But since he failed, he left the family in order to do a job and make his
family able to live better. Hence, Clay and his family need money, not to fulfil
their own wishes but to bring Clark back home. Clay finds an oyster at the beach
and thinks that it must have a big pearl inside that could worth $300. Ms.
McCuthceon tries to be reasonable with the Clay by saying that there wasnt any
pearl but Harry wants to give Clay hope. Hope that things will get well for him
and his family. A writer who is going to Hollywood and is at the Harrys shop for a
haircut is listening to this conversation. He buys the oyster from Clay for $300.
The story is very interesting and touchy. Saroyan wants his readers to feel the
passion and love between family members. He is trying to tell us that humanity is
of utmost importance. Relations are to be honoured always and that human
emotions should not be disfigured by materialism. Another important aspect of
the play is that sometimes small lies told for greater good should be allowed. Like
Harry and the Author said that there was a big pearl inside. They did so just to
give Clay hope. At his young age Clay needed to become an optimist. This
experience was necessary for his emotional grooming. Short Questions/Answers
Q.1 Where does the play take place? ANS. The play takes place at the barbers
shop situated in OK-bythe-Sea California. The name of the barber is Harry Van
Dusen. It is an old fashioned shop. Here some characters come, stay, talk and
then leave. Q.2 Why is the Harry sitting in the barbers chair? ANS. Harry is
himself the barber. His hair need cutting. He is sitting in the barbers chair to get
his hair cut. Q.3 According to Harry, how does one bring merriment to the tired
old human heart? ANS. Harry is a jolly fellow. He is a care free person. He
believes that a man can please and give merriment to the tired human heart by
composing a symphony painting a picture, writing a book and inventing a
philosophy. To get enjoyment, we should take interest in art and philosophy. Q.4
What is harrys philosophy? ANS. Harrys philosophy is Take-it-easy. It means to
take life in an easy way. He knows that life is full of hardships. The villagers face
many social and economic problems. They must lead their life in fun and
enjoyment. Q.5 How much did harry pay for his barber shop? How long has he
been in O.K .by the Sea? ANS. 1. Harry bought this shop for 75 dollars. 2. He had
been in the shop for the last 24 years. 3. He was the only barber in the village. 4.
He was satisfied with his work. He spent whatever he earned. He acted upon the
maxim, Eat,
2. 2. Rana Usman, Senior Teacher (English), IMCB St. # 17, I-10/1, Islamabad 2 drink
and be merry, for tomorrow you die. Q.6 How many were barbers there in O.K
.by the Sea? ANS. There is only one barber in the O.K-by-the-Sea. His name is

Harry Van Dusen. He has been running it for the last 24 years. He is satisfied with
his work. Q.7 How much does Harry charge for a haircut? ANS. He charges one
dollar for haircut. But sometime he gets half or quarter dollar. He does so
because he is not a greedy person. He is helpful to others by nature. Other
people in his place would have charged more from their customers. Q.8 Where is
Clay going? ANS. Clay is going to the beach to try his luck. He is a boy of nine or
ten. He belongs to a very poor family. Q.9 Why does Clay need money? ANS. Clay
belongs to a very poor family. He needs money to get his father back home and
to buy a present for her mother. Q.10 What has happened to Clays father? ANS.
Clark Larrabee is Clays father. He is very emotional. Clays father has not good
terms with his mother. Being poor, he cannot provide for the family. He packed
his goods and leaves his home without any information. After leaving his home,
he starts drinking to forget his problems. Q.11 What does Clay want to put in the
local newspaper? ANS. Clay wants to put in the ad the following. Clark Larrabee,
come home. Your fishing tackles in the closet safe and sound. The fishing good,
plenty of fishes, forget the past, we miss you. He considered it a right way to
contact his father. Q.12 Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she feel about her
job? ANS. Miss McCutcheon is a school teacher. She feels that her job is difficult
and tiring. She is quite upset at her job. She wants to leave it and go home to
San Francisco. But at the same time, she likes to stay in it. She desires to lead a
well settled life in a respectable manner. Q.13 What is Miss McCutcheon looking
for? How does she feel about the children of the town? ANS. Miss McCutcheon is
in search of good and shining children. She feels that the children of the town are
careless about their work. They are only interested in games. They are very rude
and uncivil. Q.14 What does Harry advise her to do? ANS. Miss McCutcheon tells
Harry she does not feel fit for teaching the village children. They are dull, rude
and uncivilized. Harry advises her to go back because her going back is good.
Q.15 What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want? ANS. Miss McCutcheon
wants a poodle hair cut. Q.16 Can harry give a poodle haircut? ANS. Harry is an
old type of hair cutter. Moreover, he is not very hardworking. He refuses to give a
poodle haircut. He says that even if he knows how to give a poodle haircut, he
will not give it. It is because he does not give women haircuts. Q.17 What does
Miss McCutcheon think that a poodle haircut will do for her appearance? ANS.
Miss McCutcheon thinks that poodle haircut will make her plain and simple. It will
add to her beauty. She is very particular about her personal appearance. But
Harry does not give her a poodle haircut.
3. 3. Rana Usman, Senior Teacher (English), IMCB St. # 17, I-10/1, Islamabad 3 Q.18
Where has Clark Larrabee been? How did he get to O.K .by the Sea? ANS. Clark
began to work in Salinas after he left his home. Clearly, he had been leading a
labourers life. He was an uneducated person and could do nothing but to do a
labourers work. He got a ride down in a truck and reached the barbers shop.
Q.19 What does Clark give Harry? For what purpose? ANS. Clark is a kind and
sympathetic person. He is very anxious about the welfare of his family. He gives
Harry 30 dollars to be handed over to his son Clay. Clay is advised to give that
amount to his mother. Q.20 How far is to Hollywood from O.K .by the Sea? ANS. It
is about two hundred Km from O.K-by-the-Sea. Hollywood is not very far from this
town. It is situated at a prominent place. People going to Hollywood stay at O.Kby-the-Sea town. The town is known for its simplicity and natural atmosphere.
Nobody can miss it. Q.21 What does the work Man do? ANS. The Man is a writer.
He writes a little bit of everything. He is free lancer. Like several other journalists,
he is a moody person. He is liberal in his habits. Q.22 What did Clay find near
Black Rock? ANS. Clay went to the sea beach to find a fish. When the tide got

low, he entered the ocean. He pushed his stick into the water and found the
oyster near the back rock. He was happy because he could sell it later. He got an
oyster near the Black rock. Q.23 What does Clay believe is in the oyster? How
much its worth? ANS. Clay believes that there is a pearl in the oyster. Its price is
three hundred dollars. He wants to become rich by selling the pearl. He wants to
use the money for his family. He is an obedient son and the welfare of his family
is uppermost in his mind. Q.24 Does Miss McCutcheon believe that there is a
pearl in the oyster? ANS. Miss McCutcheon is an educated lady. She believes in
rational and scientific things. No, Miss McCutcheon things that there is no pearl in
the oyster. According to her, only one oyster in a million has a pearl in its body.
Her judgment is based on practical experience. Q.25 Why does Miss McCutcheon
have a chair with three legs? ANS. Miss McCutcheon has a chair with three legs.
She uses it to bring things from the sea. It this way, she makes her job of carrying
things easy. Perhaps she wants to become prominent by using a broken or
unusual chair. Q.26 What kind of judge is Judge Applegarth? ANS. Applegrath was
not an actual judge. He was an uneducated person. Judge Appplegrath once
judged animals at a country fair. He was called judge after that. In a way, it was
correct to call him a judge, because he judge the quality or kind of animals. Q.27
What does Greely have in a bottle? ANS. Greely has sea water in a bottle. There
arte little thing in the water. They will show up later on. The water of the sea is
full of things. Q.28 Who suggest that They should open the oyster? ANS. Miss
McCutcheon is a sensible girl. She knows that there is nothing in the oyster. That
is why, she advises them to open the oyster. Q.29 Why do they want Wozzeck to
come? ANS. Harry knows that Wozzeck has got a few pretty good-sized cultivated
pearls. Wozzeck can pretend to get a pearl in the oyster. Harry does not open the
oyster, because he knows that he may damage it. He
4. 4. Rana Usman, Senior Teacher (English), IMCB St. # 17, I-10/1, Islamabad 4
wants Wozzeck to put one of these pearls in the oyster when he opens it. In fact,
Harry wants to get three hundred dollars for Clay. Q.30 How does Harry describe
the inhabitants of O.K .by the Sea? ANS. Harry tells Miss McCutcheon that the
people of O.K-by-the-Sea are all poor. Most of them cannot afford to play for the
haircut he gives them. A few people find jobs a couple of months every year.
North or South. A few get pensions. Every family has a garden and a few chickens
and they make a few dollars by selling vegetables and eggs. Q.31 How does Miss
McCutcheon view harrys thinking about the pearl in the oyster? ANS. Miss
McCutcheon thinks that there is no pearl in the oyster. She criticizes Harry for it.
She knows that Harry wants to help Clay. He wants to give him three hundred
dollars. Miss McCutcheon is a truthful woman. She does not support falsehood.
Her criticism is correct. Q.32 Why does the judge think that Miss McCutcheon will
not last as a teacher? ANS. The judge thinks that Miss McCutcheon is not fit for
teaching. She is too pretty. She will waste her time in maintain her beauty. Their
school needs old and experienced teachers. He is correct in his judgment
because Miss McCutcheon faces problems with the boys. Q.33 What kind of
teacher does he think is needed? ANS. The judge thinks that Miss McCutcheon is
not fit for teaching. She is too pretty. She will waste her time in maintain her
beauty. Their school needs old and experienced teachers. He is correct in his
judgment because Miss McCutcheon faces problems with the boys. Q.34 What is
Applegarths complaint about the sea ? ANS. He thinks the sea does not throw
things of good quality. He is an uneducated person but his judgment about sea is
quite correct. He believes that sea has got polluted. Freshwater fish and animals
have left this part of the sea for better places. Q.35 What kind of gadget does the
writer describe? ANS. The writer tells Harry that in Newyork they have invented a

gadget which is like safety razor. With its help anybody can give anybody else a
haircut. It can have a negative effect on hair cutting business. Hair cutters like
Harry can have few customers if its uses become popular. Q.36 Who buys the
oyster? How much does he pay? ANS. The writer buys the oyster from Clay. He
plays three hundred dollars for it. He wants to help Clay. He does not open the
oyster to see if there is a pearl in it. He knows that there is no pearl in it he
knows that Clay belongs to a poor family. Q.37 Does the writer open the oyster?
Why not? ANS. The writer does not open the oyster. He knows that there is no
pearl in it. He wants to help Clay, who is very poor. That is why; he says that the
whole thing is a pearl. Q.38 Why does Clark Larrabee return? ANS. Clark Larrabee
comes back home for two reasons. One he reads an ad in the newspaper and
comes to knows that his family is greatly worried about him. He decides to return
home. Second, he gets three hundred dollars from Harry, which satisfies him.
Q.39 What does the writer do with the oyster? ANS. The writer holds the oyster in
front of him and looks at it carefully. He turns it in his fingers. He enjoys it.
5. 5. Rana Usman, Senior Teacher (English), IMCB St. # 17, I-10/1, Islamabad 5 Long
Questions/Answers Q1. Do you think it is right to allow Clay to believe that there
is a pearl inside the oyster? Ans. Clay is a child whose father has left him. He is
emotional about his father and is so much willing to have him back. The only
reason why his father has left him is his financial position. So, Clay needs money.
Clay thinks that there is a big pearl inside the oyster worth $300. Clark, Clays
father, has given Harry $30 to give to Clay without letting him know that his
father give him the sum. Harry uses this opportunity to accomplish two things.
First, he wants to give Clay hope about life and to tell him that not everything
about life is unfair. Second, he wants to buy the oyster from Clay and would give
him the money in instalments which actually is given by his father. Therefore, it
appears appropriate to allow Clay to believe that there is a pearl in the oyster.
Q.2 In your opinion why the writer is willing to buy the pearl and what has he
received in the return? Ans. A writer remains in search of stories. Who knows that
this story is a true story and the writer is in fact William Saroyan himself! The
writer in the play is mostly a silent observer of the events happening around him.
He is patient and is observing things just like a good writer. He is trying to
interpret the situation and may very well find a good story to write about. The
writer is also aware that there is a great chance that the oyster is empty and
there is no pearl inside. But, just like Harry and being a sensible person, he is not
willing to let Clays dreams shatter. He hence buys the oyster saying that the
whole thing is a pearl. Q.3 What is the attraction of O.K-by-the-Sea for Harry and
the other people? Ans. O.K.-by-the-Sea represents a chance for Harry and other
people. This town has given everyone an opportunity to start anew. Harry started
a new life at that town, Miss McCutcheon is going to start a new career, Clark is
coming back to his family and above all Clay has become optimist about life.
Hence, O.K.-by- the-Sea represents optimism and hopefulness. The people are
cooperative and well-wishers of each other. The sea itself is an attraction for the
people as it shows life and calmness. Though the people are not financially welloff, however, they are emotionally deep and caring. Q.4 In your opinion does the
play reveal the authors view of life? If so what is his view of life? Ans. The play
does reveal the authors view of life in a crystal clear manner. He has portrayed
the life of an easy-going small town with a touch of sympathy. He does not
satirize their understanding and ways of life, nor he makes fun of them. In Harry,
he has shown a man wandering in search of an unselfish, relaxed and serene life.
Once he finds a town where he can lead life like this, he stays there for twenty
four years and shows no intention to move from here. He in fact invests all that

he had to live there. The author dreams of a life that is immaterialist and more
humane. He wants goodness of human nature to reign all over instead of
supremacy of wealth. Q.5 Explain Harrys philosophy take-it-easy and how does
it help to make the life easy? Ans. The person who shares others pain and
sufferings, how can he take things easy? Harrys heart is caring and sensitive. It
is full of sorrows that not his own but of his town fellows. He is a sweet person
having a very pleasant persona. His communication with others reveals his
friendliness towards others and how much he likes to try and relax the people
who come to him. Harrys philosophy of take-it-easy makes the people hopeful.
It is in fact an optimist philosophy that gives people hope about life and tries to
convince them that life is not at all completely unfair. Harry considers Clays lose
to be his own and to make Clay feel better he is even willing to lie to him about
the pearl in the oyster. Harrys philosophy keeps the people strong and proves
that nature cannot change the routine of work and its fulfilment. Q.6 Draw a
character sketch of Clark Larabee. Ans. Clark Larabee is the father of Clay. He has
four children but due to poverty and severe financial crisis, Clark often quarrels
with his wife. Resultantly, he leaves his family. Clark is not an irresponsible
person. He starts working at another town and comes back to Harrys shop to
give him $30 to give to his family. Clark may very well be seen to be home sick.
He is missing his family, his children, his son Clay to whom he is very closely
attached. At the end of the play we see that Clark is finally coming back home for
good. The character of Clark is central as the conflict in the drama is directly
related to his character.
6. 6. Rana Usman, Senior Teacher (English), IMCB St. # 17, I-10/1, Islamabad 6 Q.7
Draw a character sketch of the young boy Clay Larabee. Ans. Clay Larabee is
the eldest boy of Clark Larabee and a young character of the play. He is bold,
hopeful and responsible boy. He is a well-connected person of his family. He tries
to share his mothers sorrows and meets the financial crisis when his father
leaves the home in anger. Being a part of new generation, he has a wish to have
wealth. So, like other young boys, he hopes a pearl is in the oyster. Pearl
represents a miracle that would enable his father to come back home. He thinks
that the pearl is the final hope of his life which can change the current condition
of his family. He loves his parent and his family. So he wants them together and
plans to put an ad in the newspaper. Clay is not only the main member of his
family but is also a major character in the play. Q.8 Draw a character sketch of
Harry Van Dusen. Ans. The protagonist of the play, Harry Van Dusen is a barber
at the Ok-by-the-Sea. He is a loyal inhabitant of the town. His is the most
important character of the play, as all the things happen around him and he is
the central part of every scene in the play. It almost appears that the author is
presenting things with Van Dusens perspective in the play. Harry is a sensitive,
loyal, caring, loving and honourable person. He cares for the poverty of the
people of his town. Aware of the poverty of the people, he doesnt charge people
much for the haircuts. He is a humanist by nature, preaching the goodness of
human nature. He denounces materialism and promotes human values and
emotions. Being a kind hearted person, he feels and cares for Clay. In the
absence of Clays father, Harry takes up a fatherly figure for Clay. Harry plays an
important role to bring the Larabee family together again.

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