Hileni Baba Kavara 30 March 2016

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Hileni Baba Kavara

4 hrs

I am appalled at what is currently happening at the Lower Courts ( The Magistracy). It is

heartbreaking to know that as Black Magistrates are being slowly worked out of the system, the
Minority , coloured and Whites are being advanced and promoted.
1. It just came to my attention that Magistrate Classen has been promoted to head the
department of Training that was previously held by a South African Adv, Adv Ray Nelson, who by
far has trained all the young Magistrates, under the Aspirant Magistrates Training Course, a
position, Adv Nelson held from 2008 up until recently.
2. Adv Nelson, although, white and South African is the best legal mind we had in the Magistracy,
the quality of Magistrates he produced from 2008 up until now cannot be compared to the Riff
Raff's that are suspending black Magistrates , left right and center. The Criminal Bench Books
and Civil Bench Books that we use in Court have been compiled by this Adv, he has designed
the Pro formas that we use in courts, he is the one that clears all the inquest dockets that have
been pilling countrywide, and a clear distinction can be made between court records of
Magistrates trained by Adv Nelson and the "others".
3. Removing Nelson and replacing him with a Magistrate that wears sandals to court, a
miscarriage of Justice to the future aspirant Magistrates in this country. No offense meant, let's
leave the bottle holders in Rehoboth North.
4. I almost had the shock of my life when I learned that Magistrate Blockstain was appointed as
Divisional Magistrate for Keetmanshoop Division, this kwank , did not even meet the ten years
required for one to be shortlisted as a Divisional Magistrate, it is this same kwank, that
orchestrated the suspension of Magistrate Helena Nepembe, Magistrate Raziua Kaviua, forced
Magistrate Is real Huawanga to resign, and made sure that Magistrate Anthony Shapumba was
transferred to Ondangwa Magistrate court.
4. The useless incompetent Magistrates Commission, reduced the number of years to 8 years to
ensure that this Blockstain gets the position.
5. The Magistrates mentioned above all have one thing in common, they are Black Namibians,
and Bantu, the Keetmanshoop Division is only for kwanks and those that are fluent in Afrikaans
which unfortunately my Black brothers and sisters like myself are not. I refused to learn Afrikaans
the language of the oppressors and up until today I refuse.
6. As long as the Glorified Clerk sits in the Commission who is bulldozed by a South African lady
who acquired Namibian Citizenship by virtue of Marriage is removed, we are in the hands of the
oppressors yet again. Mrs Alexis Diergaart a Regional Court Magistrate in Windhoek, stop
intimidating the young Namibian Magistrates, I heard about the meeting you called intimidating
the entry level Magistrates , to begin with, South Africa is much more developed than our young
Country, and you are qualified enough, plz return back to Western Cape and bully those
Capetonians, this is our country, which one of your forefathers shed blood for this country? Tell
me where did they shed the blood, in the taverns or what?
7. I personally will not allow you, you know me and I know you, concentrate on returning back to
SA and leave Namibian children to have peace in their country, their Motherland!

You know my name, in fact, you have my number , my email as well..

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17Helge Bergendahl, Mulife Muchali Sr. and 15 others

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Titus Nalimanguluke Endjala What is wrong with the promotion of a coloured or white magistrate?
Like 4 hrs

Hileni Baba Kavara At the expense of black magistrates, rules must not be bend for the minority
Like 2 3 hrs

Doug Beveridge "Kavara was served with an urgent court order to remove "any and all defamatory material
related to the Magistrates Commission from your Facebook account and are interdicted from further publishing
any and all defamatory material related to the Magistrates Commission on your Facebook account or anywhere
Norman Lala Tjombe
Unlike 1 3 hrs Edited

Hileni Baba Kavara Well, its unconstitutional and as long as this a a democratic country, I will continue to post on
my wall, the truth is not defamation, Jesus! People educate yourselves!
Like 4 3 hrs

Addie Adv Andemale Titus Endjala, this is a matter of fighting incompetency, corruption, nepotisim and
deliberate stupidyness in justice institution in Namibia. ask yourself why the reduction of number of years from 10
to 8 for magistrate to qualify as a magistrate commi...See more
Like 6 3 hrs

Doug Beveridge but you have not posted this on your wall , have you ?
Like 3 hrs
6 Replies 2 hrs

Addie Adv Andemale Does this wall restrict anyone from posting anything related to magistracy?
Like 1 3 hrs
9 Replies 8 mins

Addie Adv Andemale or is it your wall you Doug?

Like 3 3 hrs

Pandeni Katonyala If the president of the country allows himself and his cabinet to be challenged by the public,
who do the judges think they are? We had cases of judges found drunk behind the steering and they expect us
not to question their legitimacy? Only a crook will have a problem being challenged in a democratic enviroment in
which the right to reply and defend one's reputation is guaranteed through media.
Like 3 3 hrs
15 Replies 1 hr

Hileni Baba Kavara You know, its issues of National interest, Comrades dont except airheads to understand!
Like 3 hrs

Addie Adv Andemale empty kabesas will take years to understand these things.
Like 3 3 hrs

Hileni Baba Kavara Education is key Addie Adv Andemale

Like 2 3 hrs

John Kondo But about keetmanshoop you are lyng my gal, there ar three magistrates two ar nonAfrikaans
Like 3 hrs

Hileni Baba Kavara Oh my dia, I dont want to mention their names, one is Vambo and he won his disciplinary
hearing and the other is Zimbabwean! Those two are still there! And since Am I your girl, learn to have respect!
Like 6 2 hrs

Mika Alugodhi The truth hurts those are liars. Dont be intimidated my sister by the bullies who always hide
behind the might of the offices and the positions they hold.
Like 3 1 hr

Smile Benjamin We criticise everyone left and right and centre even the elderly are not spared, how of a public
office like the magistracy? If truly there is nothing there to hide then why censor someone from speaking about
you? justmyopinion
Like 2 1 hr

Hileni Baba Kavara#DishonestPeopleHateTheTruthAndHonestPeopleHateLies# You decide where you belong!

Like 3 1 hr

Mika Alugodhi Is there any clean office in Namibia?

Like 1 1 hr

Milton Shaanika Louw If someone who studied to work with our judiciary has such contempt for that same
system 0 I fully understand why they must be dismissed. The only problem I have with Hileni is that she tries to
make black people look bad. I am sure not all black people of this country agree with her. It is just a tactic to get
sympathy for her own stupidity.
Like 1 1 hr
17 Replies 29 mins

Milton Shaanika Louw Norman Lala Tjombe?

Like 1 1 hr

Hileni Baba Kavara What has Norman Got to do with this again? Lost in transit
Like 1 hr

Milton Shaanika Louw Hileni, in plain words - if you use colour or age it means you have no argument. The only
reason "old guys" who fought for this country are still here - well is because we created this space for you young
1. You are on Facebook how long" Do you ...See more
Like 57 mins

Milton Shaanika Louw Let me call a spade a spade. I understand why people like Hileni Kavara must be taken
out of our judiciary. She just posted that :What has Norman Got to do with this again? Lost in transit"
My holy forefathers. Lost in transit means "that once goods l...See more
Like 53 mins

Doug Beveridge Norman served your interdict , or did you lose that in transit too
Unlike 1 51 mins

Milton Shaanika Louw There is an old english saying, "Give someone enough rope and he'll hang himself"
Of course that should be She
Like 1 40 mins Edited

Hileni Baba Kavara Give the rope to your mother, she must be disgraced having given birth to an old mandala
fighting children, if we take you to Rundu, everyone will laugh at you, but then again we are in Windhoek, where
grown man are on Facebook and not helping their kids with homework! Sad life
Like 17 mins

Hileni Baba Kavara Your wife or your mother?

Like 1 39 mins

Mika Alugodhi Did Hileni mentioned that name in her post?

Like 1 23 mins

Hileni Baba Kavara I didnt mention Normal, your whitey friend did! Even if I leave unlike you , there is no poverty
at our house! Ugh shame, you see poverty makes people ruthless like you, probably grew up in the slums of
Capetown! #ISaidNothing#
Like 1 22 mins

Hileni Baba Kavara By the way, I dont need the Job you know, Ask that old Hag Rina Horn , I handed her my
resignation Last year October and she refused and tore it apart, 24 hours notice! My parents house is big enuf
and yes I don't like Windhoek, where people like you ...See more
Like 19 mins

John Kondo What type of a magistrate was she, she doesn't deserve to be one,
Unlike 3 17 mins

Titus Nalimanguluke Endjala Thank God that she will not sit on a bench again! We should be safe.
Unlike 1 16 mins
1 Reply

Hileni Baba Kavara Well Kondo, I was! Quite sad hey!

Like 15 mins

Uno Verunduruka Kaune Hileni we're behind u,cme hell or high wters... We've got u!
Like 12 mins

John Kondo I think u took a wrong career, u must try something else,
Like 11 mins

Doug Beveridge drug dealer , perfectly suited

Unlike 1 10 mins

John Kondo At the age of 32, yet u ar sayng u don't need the job ur pArent's house is big? Are u serious??
Like 2 mins

Hileni Baba Kavara Nice and the person who send you uses drugs! At least, I dated one and never got hooked
on drugs, why do you think she hates me, becoz I know and yes he told me all the magistrates that use!
Like 1 min
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