Vampire Cheat Sheet

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Vampire Cheat Sheet

Blood Potency

Max Vitae / per Turn

Can Feed From














Spend 1 to wake up every night;

Spend 1 to activate the Blush of Life for 1 scene;
Spend 1 to be able to consume food for 1 scene;
Spend 1 to add 2 dice to any physical dice pool;
Spend 1 to heal 2 Bashing damage;
Spend 1 to heal 1 Lethal damage;
Spend 5 to heal 1 Aggravated damage over two nights;


A Vampire can drink 1 Vitae per turn;

Humans (and by extension Werewolves and Mages) generally have 6 to 8
Health Boxes;
Each Vitae taken inflicts one Lethal wound on humans;
A Vampires bite inflicts ecstasy on humans;
Animals give 1 Vitae per 2 Lethal wounds;
Werewolves give 2.5 Vitae per Lethal wound;
o Vampires that ingested Werewolf blood suffer -2 on all Frenzy rolls for
two nights per health point consumed;
Mages give Vitae like regular humans, but their blood can inflict harsh


Resist Frenzy by rolling Resolve + Composure;

o Spend Willpower to resist Frenzy for one turn;
o Once you stop spending Willpower, roll to Resist Frenzy and add a
bonus dice per Willpower spent Resisting;
Ride the Wave by spending one Willpower and rolling Resolve + Composure;
o Once 5 successes are accumulated, you can chose what the Beast desires;
o Any failure while rolling to Ride the Wave become Dramatic Failures;

Health and Healing

Bashing Damage is always the rightmost wound, marked with /

o Any kind of mundane damage deals Bashing Damage to Kindred;
Lethal Damage is always marked left to Bashing, marked with X
o Once all Health boxes are full with Lethal Damage, you enter Torpor;
Aggravated Damage is always the leftmost wound, marked with
o Once all Health boxes are full with Aggravated Damage you suffer Final
Wounds can only be healed by expending Vitae.


Base Torpor Duration


One night


Two nights


One week

One month

One year

Five years

Ten years

50 years

100 years


Spending Willpower adds +3 to dice pools or +2 to a Resistance trait;

One night of sleep recovers 1 Willpower point;
Fulfilling either Mask or Dirge restores 1 spent Willpower point;
Fulfilling either Mask or Dirge at the cost of personal peril, regain all spent
Willpower points.

Predatory Aura

The Vampire can instantly recognize other Vampires;

The Vampire can lash out with its Aura in one of three ways:
o The Monstrous Beast: Strength + Blood Potency
o The Seductive Beast: Presence + Blood Potency
o The Competitive Beast: Intelligence + Blood Potency
The Vampire can also lash out as a response to another Aura Lash Out;
The winner of the Clash of Will inflicts a Condition and gains a +2 bonus to
pursue the Aspect chosen for the rest of the scene:
o The Monstrous Beast: Bestial Condition
o The Seductive Beast: Wanton Condition
o The Competitive Beast: Competitive Condition
The Vampire can also accept the Condition without engaging in Clash of Wills.


Sunlight inflicts Lethal Damage to a Vampire of high Humanity and Aggravated

Damage to a Vampire of low Humanity;
Blood Potency modifies the time it takes between instances of Damage from
Sunlight exposure;
Fire automatically inflicts Aggravated Damage per turn of exposure, with size
and heat of a flame inflicting more damage:
Once a Vampire falls to Humanity 6 it gains a Clan Bane that becomes
permanent, even if the Kindred should regain Humanity.

Sunlight Damage

Blood Potency

Sunlight Damage




1 Lethal


2 Lethal


Ten minutes

3 Lethal

One minute

1 Aggravated


One turn

2 Aggravated


2x per turn

3 Aggravated


3x per turn

4 Aggravated


5x per turn

The All Night Society

Kindred in a City respond to a Prince, who has council from five Elders, each
representing a Clan and holds Court to a representative of each Covenant;
o The Prince employs the Sheriff as a law-keeper, who in turn employs
Hounds to hunt down the troublemakers;
The Elysium is the place where Kindred gather to hear news and mingle far from
humans and its a place where Disciplines, Feeding and violence is forbidden;
All Vampires must abide by the Three Traditions:
o The First Tradition: Masquerade
Do not reveal your true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing so
forfeits your claim to the Blood.
o The Second Tradition: Progeny
Sire another at the peril of both of yourself and your progeny. If
you create a Childe, the weight is yours two bear.
o The Third Tradition: Amaranth
You are forbidden from devouring the heartblood of your
Kindred. If you violate this commandment, the Beast calls to
your own Blood.
The Cacophony permeates the City and who better to interpret it than the
Harpies at the Elysium, for the Cacophony is the undiluted information of the
Kindred existence and passage through the places he haunts;
o Just as Kindred can adopt the manners and ways of the city dwellers
from whom they feed, so too can the people being fed from be
contaminated by the Blood of a Kindred;

The Danse Macabre

The Neonate are the base of the Food Chain, the young ones, the inexperienced
ones the disposable ones;
o The Neonate is still close to its Humanity, still afraid of the things-thatgo-bump-in-the-night, not yet fully aware that it is now one of them;
The Ancilla are the middle of the Chain, the ones who have survived nights of
scavenging for attention on the way up the ladder;
o The Ancilla has shod much of its Humanity on the intrigue game of
Vampire politics, and its place atop the Neonates shows that its a
Wolf world, fuck or be fucked;
The Elder are the top, the ones who might have forgotten more youll ever learn,
and the ones who truly are in command of you, of course;
o The Elders move their strings silently, from the shadows, playing the
great chess board that is Kindred City Politics, arranging events to
happen as mere coincidences but if you are this way up, surely you
know there are no such things as coincidences right?

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