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What is Taize Prayer

- Taize is a place in France where a reformed protestant,

Bro. Roger Schutz organized more than 100 brothers
and taught them to live a life according to the Scriptures.
And one of those expressions in living a life according to
the scripture is this from of prayer that we will do today,
What We will do?
- We will come to prayer in silence
- We will do sing some chants.
- Do act of adoration at the end of prayer. (Kneel & bow
- We will end with worship.
- Focus on the Lord
- We find this experience quite profound, but I dont want
you to focus on the experience, I want you to focus on
God. And allow God to bless you today.

Coming Before God Prayer (Sign of the cross)

- Prayer: Like what we remembered yesterday, when

you pray in the garden of gethsemane your
disciples are with you. Today, we pray for the same
presence. Be with us as a group, but we pray that
you be with us individually.
- Friends, I invite you now to focus on the cross &
Song: Stay with Me (Leader 1; All -3)
Stay with me, Remain here with me.
Watch and pray, Watch and pray.
James: Stay here and keep watch with me

Watch and Pray, Watch and pray

II. Invitation of the Holy Spirit Prayer
- Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your
faithful. And enkindle with us the fire of your love.
Come holy spirit bring us into your throne room,
teach us to pray and listen to you. To alertly and
joyfully, welcome you, into our hearts. Bene Sancte
Espiritus, Bene Sancte Spiritus.
Chant: Veni Sancte Spiritus
(16) Veni Sancte Spiritus
Come Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of your people,
Come Holy Spirit, Bene Sacte Spiritus. (All-2
Veni Sancte Spiritu)
Come Holy Spirit, Renew the face of the earth,
Come Holy Spirit, Veni Sancte Spiritus. (All-2
Veni) Halina Espiritu Santo, Kinakailangan ka
(8) Veni Sancte Spiritus-Regressing


Reading of the Word

Reading: 1 Cor.13:1-7
If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not
have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing
And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend
all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith
so as to move mountains but do not have love, I
am nothing.

If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my

body over so that I may boast but do not have
love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It
is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not
inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own
interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not
brood over injury, it does not rejoice over
wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things.
- Moment of silence.

Coming Before God with Petitions (Like Responsorial


- Prayer: We thank you dear Father for your words

today and our prayer is that you help keep this
message in our hearts. We bring to you now our
prayers. Prayers that comes from our hearts. Oh
Lord hear my prayer, oh Lord hear my prayer, when
I call, answer me. Oh Lord hear my prayer, oh Lord
hear my prayer, come and listen to me.
- Brothers and sisters, I invite you now, to come and join me
as we lift our concerns before God
Song: Oh Lord Hear My Prayer (Leader - 1; All - 1)

- (James) Oh Lord our God, we pray for all us
here. We pray that you will bless us in a very
special way today. Continue to speak to us as we

listen to you in this Holy week recollection. Help

us to see not rightful judge but a loving savior.
(Oh Lord here our prayer)
- (Jinky) Father we pray, that you would bless our
country with your wisdom, your love, and your
compassion. May we be a people who are
pursuing you and your plans for lives may it
individually and collectively. May we be a living
witness to your love, not only in Asia but around
the World. (Oh Lord Hear our prayer)
- (Beng) Lord we pray for all the family here
today. We pray for your love, unity and selfsacrifice be upon each and every one of us. We
pray that all fathers here, to be a good role
model of their children. We pray for all mothers
to take Mary as their examples of maternal love
and care. And for all children that they may take
Jesus as their example of obedience and
selflessness. (Oh Lord Here Our Prayer)
- (Carol) Father we pray for all the single and the
youth today. We pray that you give them the
wisdom and knowledge they need so that they
will be guided in all their decisions. We ask the
you always make them see the path that you
want them to take and may their choices be in
line with what you want for their lives. (Oh Lord
here our prayer)
- (Allan) Oh Lord we lift up to you all the sick
people here today. We know that you are the God
who heals and the God who restores. We pray
that you touch all the sick people in our midst

and grant them comfort and strength as they go

through your healing process. (Oh Lord Hear our
- (James-Final Prayer) Oh Lord with all our
prayers said and unsaid, we lift up to you all our
longings, All our desires, all our wishes and
dreams. We trust that you are hearing all our
prayers and that you will take care of them in the
way you see it best. We surrender all these to
you in Jesus name. Amen. (Oh Lord here are
End: Oh Lord Here My Prayer (2x).
Coming to end of Worship
- Brothers and sisters, we have come to the end of our
worship. And we will have this time for a personal
encounter with the Lord. I would like to invite you to kneel
or to bow down or whatever the Lord is prompting you to
do as we sing the succeeding chants. Make this your
personal encounter with Jesus because the Lord is here,
His spirit is here. Let us encounter Him and worship Him
with our own prayer language. Oh let us adore Him. Oh
Adoramus tei domene, Oh Adoramus Tei domine
Song: Adoramus Te Domine Song (Spontaneous)


Praying for Gods continuous guidance

- Prayer: Lord we thank you for your presence today.

We thank you for allowing us encounter you. Our
prayer as we end this worship experience, you will
over flow us with you love. So that we can bring
your love to every people we will encounter from

this day onwards. Puspusin mo kami ng iyong

pagmamahal, dahil sa pagmamahal, naroon ka. Sa
pagmamahal Naroon ang Diyos.
Song: Sa Pagmamahal Naroon ang Diyos. (Leader 1; All 3)

Sa pagmamahal, naroroon ang Diyos, Sa pagmamahal

naroon ang Diyos
Invite the people to share this love to one another. (The
Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you)

Continue sa Pagmamahal (4x)

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