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Service Encyclopedia of Lovely Professional University

Submitted To:- Ms. Gaganjeet


Submitted By:- Ahmad Mustafa

Reg. No.10811688
Roll No. R1801A16

With education increasingly becoming the primary determinant of overall development in the
emerging knowledge economy,
omy, it becomes interesting for students, teachers, and all those who
are concerned. With a huge
ge no. of schools, colleges and
nd universities across India, they provide
information on various career courses
courses, important educational institutes like IITs, IIMs, JNU, DU
and other MBA colleges.
s. Keeping in mind the nee
ds of the working professionals there is online
education and different distance--learning courses. The education loan has made it easier for those
who were intelligent and god gifted to continue their higher education at best
est institutes of India
and abroad as well.
Service marketing environment
The physical service environment plays an important role in shaping the service experience and
delivering customer satisfaction. Rather it is an important component of LPU’s overall value

Since service environment also known as sevicescapes of LPU relates to the style and
appearance of its physical surroundings and other elements which is encountered by students
(customers) at service delivery sites. Designing service environment is an art and after this
implementation is the big part. It infleunces buyer behavoiur in three ways viz.

• Message creating medium: symbolic cues to communicate the distinctive nature and
quality of the service experience.
• Attention creating medium: to make the servicescape stand out from other competing
establishments, and to attract customers from target segments.
• Effect creating medium: colors, textures, sounds, scents and spatial design to enhance
the desired service experience, and/or to heighten an appetite for certain goods, services
or experiences.

LPU has an extra-ordinary service environment and the action part is also of high degree. Taking
reference from the servicescapes model , I will be defining the service environment of LPU.

1. Environmental dimensions which includes ambient conditions, space/function, signs

and symbols.
2. Moderators like employee and customer (student) response moderator.
3. Internal responses which includes cognitive, emotional and psychological responses of
employees as well as students.
4. Then, Behavioral approach will be studied which will include interactions and feedback
regarding attractions and satisfaction level.
Service segmentation

Here the aim of my study would be that what the different

attributes are on the basis of which LPU divides their
populations into different segments. It will include
segmentation on the basis of market research which guides the
marketers to define the attributes that make markets, prospects and customers unique.
Segmentation model output is used to define and predict the success levels of sales & marketing
initiatives, providing the supporting metrics to ensure the efficiency of each initiative.

Since education in present world has become the basic necessity of every successful individual.
So the main differential aspect is the disposable income present in the pockets of target
prospects. Still the easy availability of education loan also propels the management of LPU to go
for intensive promotions of its programs to be run at the main campus. As the target customers of
LPU are both the parents and their children, so the segmentation would be two-focused strategy
whereby parents would be identified and guided properly as per their expectations.

To cater the overall north India LPU has set many offices say at Delhi and Jammu and Srinagar
as well so that more and more students get admitted. The infrastructure of LPU is now famous
and also in process all over North India in particular and all over India in general.

All the states of India are targeted as the mission of LPU is “to be the international university in
Customer requirements and Expectations
The main customers of LPU are its students and the faculty. The pre-requisites of students are:

1. Highly skilled and experienced faculty

2. Good infra-structure
3. High IT enabled features
4. Practical curriculum for academics and extra-curriculum activities
5. Good placement
6. Updated content of syllabi.
7. Flexible timing of classes as per courses
8. All types of courses

A good structured questionnaire and depth interview will be conducted to complete this project.

Other aspects like Quality Concerns of LPU services from all perspectives, Integrated Gaps
Model of Service Quality of LPU, Draft Service Recovery Strategies used or proposed by LPU
management, Design Service Blue Print and Set Standards of LPU from long run point of view,
Draft Positioning Maps by asking questions to existing students (using questionnaire),
Design Servicescapes from competitors and its missionary point of view, Employee & Customer
role in service delivery, Integrated Services Marketing Communication, Pricing of Services,
Delivering Service through Intermediaries and Managing waiting Lines.

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