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School Name _________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________ no ______ Class _____

Date: ________________________________________________________

A. Read the text carefully.

A case of anorexia
As a teenager Catherine Monbiot weighed
around five and a half stone (thirty-six kilos) and
because of that she spent long periods of time at
the Adolescent unit at Warneford Hospital. She
hated every moment of it. For the first six weeks
I had to stay in bed except to go to the toilet.
When I got better, I still had to stay in bed. The
nurses treated me like a naughty1 child. I was
obliged to eat 3,500 calories a day until I got
fatter. When I weighed nine stone (fifty-eight kilos
and a half) I returned to school and heard two
girls saying how fat I was. I left school and refused to eat. My parents were so desperate
that they enrolled me on a dietary therapy course.
It was about that time that Catherine discovered that she was allergic to dairy
products; and that was when she began to get really better. My parents and my doctor
wanted me to return to hospital for some time but I refused. I knew I was on the mend*.
Catherine is now a well-known arm wrestling champion and a therapist. She wants to
help other people who suffer from anorexia as she did in the past.
Source: Best

disobedient, bad in behaviour

*was getting cured

B. Are the following sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Quote the text to support all your
1. As a teenagers Catherine was very fat. _______________
2. She remembers the time in hospital as the best period of her life._____________

3. The nurses were not very nice to her._______________

4. She got worse when two girls said she was very fat._______________
5. Now, shes a strong, famous sportswoman.________________
C. Match the words taken from the text with their corresponding synonyms.
1. hated
2. obliged
3. returned
4. desperate
5. refused
6. well-known

a. made
b. went back
c. famous
d. said no
e. disliked a lot
f. despairing







D. Answer the questions on the text. Use your own words as far as possible.
1. Why did Catherine spend long periods of time at the hospital?
2. What was part of her treatment in hospital?
3. What happened when she returned to school?
4. Why didnt Catherine want to go back to the hospital again?
E. Complete the sentences with the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.
1. In my opinion reading is _______________________ hobby I know. (relaxing)
2. Mathew is ______________________hockey player in my class. (good)
3. Joe is _______________________ friend I have. (funny)
4. ________________________ problem with anorectics is that they dont recognize their problem. (big)

F. Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative.

1. I am _______________(good) at tennis than at basketball but my sister Sue is ____________(good) player I

2. Football is __________________(popular) sport at school. We find it _________________(interesting) than
3.Yesterday it was ________________(hot) day of the day.
4. In my opinion __________________________ (nice) thing to do in my free time is being with my friends.
5. Adam is _____________________(strong) Peter. His hobby is wrestling.

G. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb must / should / mustnt / can / could
1. That restaurant ___________ be very expensive. Its really fancy.
2. Peter, you ______________ disobey your parents.
3. She _________ cook great meals. She ___________ be a great chef if
she wanted.
4. Your _______________ leave the restaurant without paying the bill.

H. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb according to the
meaning given in brackets.
a) Teenagers ________ eat so much junk food. It is the leading cause of
obesity. (ADVICE)
b) Schools ________ inform students about healthy eating habits. (OBLIGATION)
c) At our school canteen, we ________ choose between main meals and a vegetarian alternative.
d) You ________ search on the Internet to find out information about the new food pyramid. (ABILITY)
e) She ______________________ be sick. She is much thinner and she looks terrible. (LOGICAL
f) Dad, ____________ I borrow your car? I want to go out with Susan. (PERMISSION/FORMAL)

I. Choose one of the topics and write around 60 words on it.

A. Imagine you had a friend who had an eating disorder. Imagine a
conversation with her/him about that issue.
B. What are the most common eating disorders nowadays. What
are their causes and consequences?

Topic ______

Have a nice work!

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