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When the principles behind robust health and the causes of disease are understood, focused

steps can be taken to insure wellness or apply effective therapeutics. The governing principles
that influence the health of an organism lie at the molecular level, at the intersection of cell
biology, chemistry and physics and specifically involve electric charge in a wet inner environment.
En Fuego!
Inflammation, the "-itis" in disease, is the universal sign of trouble marked by pain, fever, redness
and swelling. Inflammation is a natural immune response that tells us oxidant weaponry is
engaged in a fire-fight and antioxidant electrons will be needed to extinguish the flames of battle.
Oxidative stress occurs when that antioxidant electron inventory is chronically low and means
collateral damage is occurring to the macro-molecules our cells are made of. In other words we
produce reactive oxygen species to oxidize pathogens, defective cells and unwanted chemicals
and then we need electrons to halt the destruction. We source those electrons from foods and
water itself, energized ultimately by the Sun.
When a healthy organism is besieged by foreign molecules, faux-fats and metals; pH and charge
requirements go awry, cells malfunction and opportunistic pathogens appear. They must be
burned! This "in-flame-d" condition if not halted drains electrons, encourages acidity and
consumes oxygen needed to power cells and is the origin of disease and the cause of badageing.
Beauty in the balance.
Along with a strong electrical presence we also need a hearty oxygen supply to maintain health.
Oxygen is crucial to power our mitochondria and membrane transport mechanisms. O2
penetration into cells depends on electron availability and an alkaline pH in blood and
extracellular fluids, and results in increased energy levels and charge.
Made of what?
Since we are a precise assemblage of biologically correct molecules, consuming dissimilar manmade chemicals,... doesn't work! Fake foods and their electron hungry oxidized molecules, odd
sugars, strange fats, genetically engineered proteins and toxic preservatives are not on our
"parts" list. Essential electrons, minerals and vitamins are scarce in these foods. Pesticides,
metals and other gifts of industry shouldn't be ingested at all and source dangerous free radicals
until removed. They rob our membranes of charge, erode cell structures, enable pathogens and
allow cancers. Hormones produced by a loving emotional state impart optimal bio-function, but if
we are stressed and unhappy, contrary brain hormones and cortisol release disrupts our
chemistry. So health is determined by lifestyle choices which include physiologically compatible
electron-rich nutrition, removal of toxins and appropriate emotions; all under attack by the endless
delusions of modern life.
Common denominator?
Oxidative stress destroys the integrity of proteins (DNA), fats and other cellular components.
Genetic instructions and communications are garbled as hormone and enzyme production grows
erratic. Joints, skin, bones, blood vessels and connective tissues break down. Organs become
dysfunctional and cancers, depression, artery disease, arthritis, gingivitis, etc., etc. appear,...all
from the lack of electron charge, growing acidity and poor oxygen delivery! Every life form on the
planet suffers this self-same oxidative pressure due to man's industrial endeavors.
What to do;
Start with fresh air well breathed and pure water, especially live energized alkaline water and
"plant" water. Water itself powers us and acts as a battery constantly refreshed by heat and
sunlight. The latest revelations on living, energetic water come from Dr. Gerald Pollack, University
of Washington. Video;
Fresh whole foods contain the energetic antioxidant electrons your batteries crave, all put there
by the Sun. Alkalizing foods help maintain pH as do sweet emotions. The many faces of fear and

flip-side anger generate acids and frazzle DNA end-cap telomeres. Stress must be eliminated by
shifting perception.
The trick to robust health and real healing is logically not in the realm of drugs but in restoring
proper nutrition with quality high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) foods and
supplements, correcting fat balances and mineral levels, detoxifying the entire body and attaining
a loving joyful outlook on life. Sauna, sunshine and Vitamin C work toward building electrical
charge and shedding toxins. Bicarbonates, mineral buffers and positive personality choices
maintain alkalinity and boost oxygen levels. These factors are derived from charge-based
principles and determine a healthy body,... made of molecules. The widely ignored electrical
component of life is "where the rubber meets the road"!
An electric perspective will lead towards a new more effective natural approach to health and
healing and hopefully the preservation of our biosphere. Funny how such a basic but overriding
scientific principle like oxidation/reduction could hide in plain sight. Redox. Simple. And it works.
Capt. Randall is author of "Forbidden Healing, The Curiously Simple Solution to Disease". He is an independent health researcher and organic

(Condensed Version)
The Redox Solution
to Disease and Bad Ageing
Capt. T. C. Randall

Publishing Directions, LLC

Avon, CT
COPYRIGHT 2011 by Capt. T. C. Randall
Publishing Directions, LLC
50 Lovely Street
P.O. Box 715
Avon, Ct. 06001-0715
Phone 800-562-4357
Fax 860-270-0343
Fair use, brief excerpts and reproduction of Introduction and afterword by media allowed. Usage
of principles by healers and physicians is encouraged. All Other rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-928782-35-3

This book is published for informational purposes only, under rights guaranteed by The 1 st
Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of the press and free
speech. It is based on independent experimentation and research supported by the findings of
referenced physicians and varied scientific and anecdotal evidence.
The author has absolutely no financial connections to any persons or products indicated herein.
Though the items mentioned are all natural and safe for informed use, some can be
DANGEROUS when misapplied. IV means intravenous involving needles, tubes and solutions
and must be performed by knowledgeable experienced practitioners in a hospital or an office
This book is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure disease or offer medical advice.
Content has not been reviewed by the FDA. Neither the author nor publisher is legally or
financially responsible for anything; loss, injury or death! Always consult your physician, he needs
the money.
IT WAS OUT of dire necessity that I turned to the various therapies listed in the 11 Step Protocol.
I didn't invent any of them. They had each been publicly discredited, but when I used these
forbidden healing ideas they worked better than the most powerful drugs. Later I found that
thousands of alternative physicians and millions of health conscious individuals had employed
one or another of them in their own victories over disease. I had to take this apart and get to the
bottom of it. So I researched the reasons why. It didn't take long before I recognized that oxidative
stress was the cause of disease, a simple redox imbalance ! I even spent several years trying to
disprove it.
It seems my redox approach is a totally new perspective on health and healing. Few know what
redox means and no one has ever heard of the term used in reference to health and healing, not
in conventional or alternative medical literature. Redox, oxidation/reduction, was something I
remembered from basic chemistry. How had everyone overlooked the fact that electron sharing
and exchange are at the heart of molecular behavior? Or that life is based on oxygen and gets all
its energy from the Sun. How had it been ignored? So I explored the principles that govern the
relationships of molecules, that determine the condition of matter, the composition of us. And it
explained everything big and small in our fractal universe of parallels. I finally understood life!
If all this information seems overwhelming, take heart! I studied natural health for over fifty years
after seeing the poor results of conventional medicine. You'd be surprised how intelligent one can
become when his life depends on taking steps to preserve it. Take time, research, re-research, try
new ideas and see what works. Let your intuition guide your actions, the directions and principles
are clear. You alone must take charge of your health, your life. Never quit! One can die of thirst in
a desert when a waterhole is only a few steps away.
You may or may not fully understand oxidative stress or believe it is the root cause of disease or
even that such a simple redox approach could reverse illness, halt bad ageing and lead to real
health. In our overcomplicated world, people scoff at simple common items like Vitamin C,
bicarbonate and peroxide without an inkling of the principles involved.
Once you have succeeded where conventional medicine has failed and regained health and
vitality, you will become wildly evangelical and try to help everyone you know see the light. This
has happened to many individuals who wouldn't accept a doctor's dire prognosis. It happened to
me. Then I had to know why and the answer I found was shockingly simple.
In fact every therapeutic idea I mention has been singled out as ineffective, dangerous or
laughable by the medical establishment and some have been suppressed or restricted by the
FDA including IV Vitamin C solutions, mms chlorite, Rife machines and ozone/oxygen therapies.
Foods that may have precluded disease have been disallowed or discouraged by the USDA. Go
Check Website. Help Others by Reporting Personal Results is in place for the presentation of new and improved ideas.
PLEASE post any personal results and successful variations on the theme. Questions are

You, as I have, will notice immediately clearing mind function, increased energy and improved
mood. Over the following weeks and months; gums, joints, skin, eyes, circulation, digestion and
physical strength will benefit as blood pressure drops and temperature rises toward 98.6 (don't
forget thyroid; iodine/selenium/zinc). Toxins will leave your body and with attention to minerals,
mineral levels will normalize as will be shown in hair mineral/metal analysis. With a dietary shift to
quality fats, proteins and anti-oxidant rich phyto-nutrients through a persistent sincere application
of redox principles, seemingly intractable diseases like heart, artery, gum problems, arthritis,
cancers and depression will be reversed.
Molecules are not restricted to humans, redox is fundamental to all life. This principle will
illuminate current mis-perceptions, how technology has gone wrong and what steps we need to
take to sustain life on Earth. Man alone has the choice of staying too long at the industrial party,
of continued overpopulation and mismanagement of our environment, of contaminating our
spaceship...or not. No external deity will intervene! Without individual empowerment, the human
herd will march nose to tail into oblivion.
Since FORBIDDEN HEALING was released nearly a year ago, I have noticed that few have
the patience to sift through a book for valuable concepts, and so I offer this shortened
version, this checklist without all the details one must eventually fill in.
My goal is to present simple science and inexpensive universal remedies so that even the
general public will be able to prove to themselves that preventing/reversing disease is no
big deal. Maybe then they will see how inappropriate conventional medicine has become
and how we have been made dependent on grain-based chemical agriculture and the
pharmaceutical healthcare monopoly, which feeds off it. These and our other planet killing
industries enslave and sicken our species. Every life form on Earth is in the same boat.
Our entire industrial system requires immediate attention; the clock is ticking.
When a person experiences symptoms, seemingly out of the blue, he becomes frightened
and seeks relief from his pain and discomfort. Not understanding his dis-ease (don't
confuse disease with trauma) or the cause of his predicament, he turns his life over to
officially recognized conventional pharmaceutical medicine, which to his relief just
happens to be covered by health insurance. Since alternative ideas are sketchy and have
been so thoroughly suppressed by experts, he has nowhere else to turn. He doesn't
think he could ever understand science and medicine, but has been taught to trust those
commonly recognized Latin spouting priests of healthcare, AS SEEN ON TV! And so he
submits to side effect laden drugs, radiation and surgery.
This person was me for a time.
Who knew conventional medicine had ignored our electro-chemical nature in their
complex paradigm of killing pathogens and attacking disease with drugs? Simple
chemistry and physics apply to every organism!
Who knew to focus on the works of Klenner, Klinghardt, Pauling, Rodale or study the
medicinal and nutritional characteristics of tropical fruits or delve into the biology and
chemistry of the oceans, swamps and forests, the characteristics of water itself or look
into orthomolecular theory or the research of Weston A Price and draw commonalities
from random therapies that worked? My trials were numerous, luckily the errors were not
fatal, and I found the answer before time ran out.
Science has taken the quest to understand the riddle of life deep into the biochemistry of
cells and the complexity of DNA, and yet the mystery of human health and healing seems
to linger just out of reach. After years of experimenting with thousands of natural and
organic ideas on the farm and with my own health issues, I came upon an approach that
was mind-numbingly basic and worked! The answer was not a drug or stem cell or rare

herb, but simple substances, universally common electrons and their overriding influence
over molecular behavior.
By definition, anti-oxidants supply electrons to satisfy electron-hungry oxidants and free
radicals. Many Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, fats and even water and
sunlight fit that description and supply electrons. After I successfully employed Vitamin C
and noted its action, particularly when taken in large Linus Pauling doses, I asked a few
questions. Why had it worked so dramatically in mega dose, but not in small 2-3,000 mg
amounts? And how had it been instrumental in halting serious infections, detoxing my
body and restoring robust health? I looked to simple chemistry and physics.
Since free radical oxidants had been accepted as a common enemy of cell molecules and
various antioxidant-rich and acid balance diets had met with success, I began to draw
parallels between oxidation-reduction chemistry, and nutrition, toxins and emotional
states. I even related these common denominators to dozens of seemingly "oddball"
therapies that had nevertheless gotten results with cancers, heart disease, arthritis, etc..
As I looked at the chemistry of immune response and inflammation, the characteristics of
sunshine and the physiology of breathing, I was stunned by the idea that we are electrical .
Electrons determine biochemical behavior, preserve the integrity of cell structures and are
THE energy currency in our cells. How incredibly simple!
Then I used a powerful oxidant to cure my dog of heart-worm induced congestive heart
failure and then breast cancer and breast cancer again a year later, WOW, but I was
puzzled. How had an antioxidant and a powerful oxidant each been responsible for such
dramatic healing???
In apparent contradiction to the need for antioxidant electron abundance, powerful free
radical oxidants are precisely what an immune response relies on . It takes armor-piercing
singlet oxygen to destroy pathogens and unwanted molecules, to clean our cells.
The theme of Forbidden Healing introduces a revolutionary redox approach.
The term comes from the two concepts of red uction and ox idation. It can be explained in
simple terms:

Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a molecule , atom , or ion .

Reduction is the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom, or ion.

We can see oxidation when wood burns, when metals rust, when glucose is metabolized,
when apples turn brown, when fats become rancid, when foods are cooked or become
stale and when bleach cleans white clothing. There is a transfer of electrons and release of
energy .
Reduction is less obvious, but happens when a growing plant captures energy and
electrons powered by solar radiation, photosynthesis. CO2 and H2O are turned into
sugars and oxygen and that energy is released when animal cells turn sugars and oxygen
back into H2O and CO2. Water itself, life's blood, gathers charge from photons and radiant
energy, heat. Electron presence and oppositional proton populations ( pH ) constitute the
climate that molecules operate in and determine the bio-energetic environment.
Redox terminology and visualization of electron exchange can be confusing. It is easiest
to think of oxidants and free radicals as electron grabbers and antioxidants as electron
donors. A redox approach provides a framework with which to rate nutrients and lifestyle
choices that balance the body chemistry equation. Abundant electron supplies keep us
healthy and occasional oxidative bursts and pH shifts address problems.


An Introduction to Redox Medicine and An Electro-Chemical Approach to Restoring

Biological Function, Health and Healing
A discussion with author, organic farmer and independent health researcher Capt. T.C.
Randall about his e-book Forbidden Healing. The Curiously Simple Solution to Disease.
HH: Many health and nutrition experts come to their careers through their own health
issues. Jack LaLanne, who was ill as a child, and Istvan Fazekas (The Alkalizing Diet) who
suffered debilitating Crohns disease, are two who come to mind. Tell me, what inspired
your work in this area?
T.C.: We all come into this world as a clean slate. Then other people start writing all over
it. Their knowledge came from cultural tradition and the collective consciousness, mostly
TV, largely bullshit. I had to find the truth myself and that took a lot of digging. Since my
father was a chiropractor and my mother came from a European farm background, I began
with those perspectives. Even with a healthy outdoor lifestyle and a largely organic diet
taken directly from nature, at 50 my health was in steep decline. I experimented with all the
vitamins, minerals, meditations and even sampled some conventional ideas, still no cigar.
I was on my way out! In desperation I tried mega-dosing Vitamin C/bicarbonate. In two
days my depression lifted, and I began to heal all over. I was literally snatched from the
jaws of death by a therapy that had been thoroughly discredited! This was so dramatic, I
had to take it apart to see what made it work and find the principle that had alleviated my
laundry list of symptoms. I was mind-blown. It was so simple. As the implications became
clear, others had to know!

Explain what redox is and how oxidation balances out with anti-oxidation.

T.C.: The principle I found was rooted in oxidation reduction chemistry. Its how
electrons are exchanged and governs molecular behavior. Redox is an equation, a
balance, and since every aspect of nutrition, toxicity, emotion and lifestyle figure in on
one side or the other, it can seem very daunting. When our bodies linger on the acidic
oxidative side of the equation we tend toward disease, oxidative stress. But when we stay
alkaline and to the reductive antioxidant electron side we have health and energy. Electron
abundance and pH control biochemical function. Oddly, immune response relies on
powerful oxidation to destroy pathogens and oxidize unwanted molecules.
HH: Im confused about oxidation. You talk about oxidation, as with hydrogen peroxide,
and anti-oxidants. Is oxygen the enemy or the healer?
T.C.: Both. Oxygen is required to power mitochondria which produce energy in the form
of electrons and are present in all living cells. Various anti-oxidant enzymes, vitamins and
minerals keep oxygen harmless. Its a balance. More powerful oxidants like Reactive
Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) are called out in immune
response to destroy pathogens and toxins. We can mimic this natural response with the
use of large doses of Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, chlorite, or ozone to provide ROS. We
can also use sulfur and arginine to boost RNS production, nitric oxide. ROS and RNS must
be contained by antioxidants/enzymes to prevent damage to neighboring cells. When
immune response is protracted, we become awash in these free radicals, antioxidant
electrons are depleted and inflammation sets in.
HH: Bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide. How can one safely ingest them? Is food grade
peroxide easily obtainable?
T.C.: Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is available at health food stores and over the
internet. It comes as 35%, is dangerous at that concentration and must be handled

carefully. FGHP must be diluted to 3% for mouth wash and huffing out of a nasal spray
bottle into the lungs. Internally 35% is used starting with 2 drops to a glass of water,
working up to 8 drops 2x/day on empty stomach. It is also used intravenously by
alternative physicians. This is serious medicine and my first choice is Vitamin C/
bicarbonate or Vitamin C intravenously. Check internet sources like for
dilutions and particulars.

When you speak of bicarbonate, do you mean baking soda? What are safe doses?

T.C.: Arm & Hammer baking soda is one of the best most inexpensive medicines. 1
teaspoon 2x/day is a good start, though I take mine with Vitamin C using a bit more than
the amount it takes to neutralize acidity. It should be taken apart from heavy meals or
reflux may result (fixable with a shot of vinegar). Alkalize the system, get more oxygen
penetration to cells, generate more electrons, energy! Sodium bicarbonate is used by
athletes and has cured cancers when taken orally with a little maple syrup or molasses.
The cancer gulps the sugars and kills itself with oxygen. I used chlorite and bicarbonate
injections on my dogs breast cancer successfully, twice. Medical Veritas Association
(IMVA) is a big proponent of bicarbonate, magnesium, iodine and sulfur, check the site.

What is the most effective administration of these wonder chemicals?

T.C.: I cover a lot of ideas. It is up to the individual to double and triple check dilutions
and applications. When you find conventional medical information it always warns against
these therapies and proclaims them ineffective. Start slow to test the waters. Many things
can be sold, but once health claims (for readily accessible over-the-counter products) are
announced they are denounced and declared dangerous by the media.
HH: There is a considerable amount of tension, to say the least, between conventional,
allopathic medicine and alternative or holistic practitioners. In his book Empire of
Conspiracy, author Timothy Melley talks about what he regards as agency panic, that
persistent, nagging certitude that ones autonomy and personal liberties are being
controlled by a larger, more powerful group such as the government or the pharmaceutical
companies. Yet, by its very definition, corporations are made up of a body of people.
Surely, even the most agency panicked among us might agree that clean water, safe and
pure food, healing nutrition, toxin-free products and mentally healthy families are in
everyones best interests.
T.C.: Science arrogantly decided it could shortcut nature and sell artificial foods and
illogical drugs. The money got big. As objections appeared they were squashed with
phony science, official PR and legal maneuvers. Now politicians are owned, government
agencies are corrupt, food and water are centralized and information is controlled by the
corporate media. The fact is that most workers have been replaced by technology and
have become irrelevant.
HH: You state in Forbidden Healing that we are each of us is a holographic fragment of
a single entity, ultimately all one. (I whole heartedly agree with you.) Yet the people who
have profited, in the short termHMOs, corporate agri-business, pharmaceutical
companies have deep and compelling reasons to stick to the status quo; keep their jobs.
In your opinion, how can we inspire corporations to change their practices without
threatening their survival? How can we safely guide the corporations from the feedlot to
greener pastures? Can Forbidden Healing be a Cattle-ist (all puns absolutely intended)
for change?
T.C.: Some corporations like mad-dog Monsanto just must die. Others can clean up
or phase into sustainability. Why should any inappropriate industry remain just to

turn a profit? The herd needs to wise up.

HH: What I meant was how can we implement change, raise consciousness without
threatening the individuals survival? Monsanto, et al is supporting a lot of entrenched
lifestyle beliefs that employees of those companies depend on.
T.C.: That is the tough question. People are involved in all kinds of destructive
endeavors that have become a part of the system. We can either begin a gradual, peaceful,
intelligently directed shift, subsist for a time under the current system of corporate
enslavement or descend into chaos and rebuild civilization on the ashes. All I know is we
are reaching a turning point and the outcome can swing any which way.

How is it that apple cider vinegar is in the alkaline category? Isnt vinegar acidic?

T.C.: Yes, vinegar is acetic acid yet has an alkalizing effect. Its acidity improves
digestion, and speeds absorption of minerals. ACV contains plenty of K, potassium, and
some Mg, magnesium and trace minerals which are alkalizing. There is more involved
chemistry to it and some people value vinegar as a pH normalizer. A huge benefit of
vinegar is that it selectively removes bad gut bacteria and yeasts which otherwise
generate toxins.
HH: Much of the good stuff, foods we all enjoychocolate, alcohol, meatsare in the
acidic category. Are acidic foods necessarily to be avoided, or is it a matter of balance?
Isnt it true that the body could not survive if it were 100% alkaline?
T.C.: Both sides of pH and redox balances are necessary. Free radicals and acids are
naturally produced for necessary temporary shifts. Acidic foods are balanced by alkalizing
foods. Sugars, grains and especially soft drinks are very acidic and hard to offset.
Pasteurized milk is acidic, raw milk is not. Meats create lots of metabolic wastes so
vegetarian green
juicing should be emphasized when one is ill to speed healing by removing that load. Over
time minerals like Mg and K which would normally buffer pH can become depleted. This is
why I emphasize the importance of hair mineral analysis. Then you know your levels
and also can become aware of metal loads like mercury, cadmium, lead, etc. Taking
minerals is only effective if they are absorbed and bio-available, and that is at its best in
fresh foods and carefully selected supplements.
HH: You recommend veggies, fish and few, if any, grains. Are you talking about
processed grains? What about ancient and sprouted grains such as quinoa, wild rice,
millet, etc.? Is the optimum diet absolutely grain free? Or is it the nutrient-stripping
processing of grains that is the issue?
TC: I also love wild and grass fed meats, eggs and cheeses. I prefer ancient high protein
low glycemic grains, or whole organic sprouted or fermented grains. Nutrient stripping is a
bad idea, but the real danger in grains is that they encourage yeasts and other unwanted
intestinal flora that generate toxins and displace beneficials. Another big problem is the
blood sugar, insulin resistance, triglyceride thingand grains are acid forming. When
animals are fed grains instead of grass, their internal production of Omega fats becomes
reversed and of course they are prohibited from antioxidant rich pastures and natural
HH: Latest in the news is that food conglomerates like Kraft Foods, with their global
snack businesses Oreos, etc. are breaking up, spinning off, or splitting into separate
entities. How can real food proponents make themselves sexy to food conglomerate

T.C.: We have been getting sexed by marketers with low fat, no trans fats, heart healthy
assertions for years. Brand makeovers retain profitability and fool most of the people most
of the time. The best way to encourage real foods is to stop buying their Krapt.
Shareholders will get the message when earnings fall. Food companies could also
entertain the idea of putting something real, nutritious and non-toxic in their packages. If
they depended on me, they would disappear and be replaced by millions of small fresh
organic producers, currently the unskilled unemployed. If there was a shift directly to
localized growers and co-op markets, dollars would go farther, millions could find income
and purpose, and those dollars would not support industrial foods or industrial medicine.
Urban agriculture should be offered in schools and made mandatory at prisons and in
high welfare/food stamp/homeless areas. Show up and grow a turnip and feed yourself!
Big deal! Many of these projects are underway across the nation.
HH: Lets talk about processed sugar versus natural sugars and necessary blood
glucose levels. I think that people in general are very ignorant about sugars role in the
body. We crave it, and get into serious physiological trouble when our blood sugar levels
drop, yet diabetes is one of the top health concerns in the United States.
T.C.: Natural sugars like honey, raw cane or maple contain many trace nutrients and are
preferable to bleached sugar and high fructose corn syrup, but more than a few spoonfuls
of even natural sugar a day can cause problems. There are so many reasons to minimize
or eliminate sugar that I have lost count and that goes for all processed high glycemic
grains/carbs. A high fat/protein/vegetable diet maintains steady glucose levels. Diabetes
has sedentary, toxic and inflammatory aspects as well. Sugar is one fermentation away
from alcohol and both are addictive and diminish mind function. Cancer, heart disease,
obesity, dementia and rapid aging are results.
HH: You mention that chlorite has been effective against malaria, HIV, AIDS, cancers,
parasites and infections. Which cases are you referring to; what studies?
T.C.: Jim Humbles writing and his MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), was my source.
He mentions a large study in Africa with reports of over 97% effectiveness. I have used it
on my dog several times with amazing success. I know it works and I know why it works.
The U.S. and Canada are trying to restrict chlorite, but it is still available online. It is very
powerful and Id use it myself if results are not forthcoming with first-choice Vitamin
C/bicarbonate or food grade hydrogen peroxide. Studies must be funded, funding chases
obscene profits not results, so inexpensive commonly available substances are rarely if
ever studied.
HH: Claims about natural treatments for cancer are hot buttons for the conventional
medical community who go to great lengths to debunk them. Where can one find honest,
reliable studies and case histories of successfully treating cancer and other diseases with
naturopathic, nutritional or other alternative remedies?
T.C.: Cancertutor, Dr. Mercola, IMVA, earthclinic are excellent sites. Most people
find cancer so scary that when a simple inexpensive treatment like sodium
bicarbonate is suggested, they just cant believe it. The cancer industry is very
powerful and has thoroughly terrorized the public. Cancer is acidic hypoxia, a stagnation
of fluids where electrons and oxygen are lacking and tumors protect themselves by
acidifying their surroundings. These conditions can be reversed and cancers removed.
HH: How do you balance the benefits of natural sunlight-derived Vitamin D with skin
cancer concerns?
T.C.: Vitamin D production is just one benefit of sunshine. If one develops a base tan and
avoids burning, has proper fat and antioxidant intake, skin cancers are rare. Chemical

sunscreens, cosmetics, soaps, over-scrubbing and even chlorine showers are more of a
concern. Sun exposure, especially during midday, should be scheduled like lunch!
HH: You talk about DNA expression and how DNA resonates at various frequencies, as
well as sends and receives electromagnetic fields and light. What research are you citing?
T.C.: The new science of epigenetics explains many factors involved in DNA expression.
Try Dawson Church. Methyl groups attach to and detach from individual DNA sequences,
turning them on and off in response to environmental and emotional factors. Electron
abundance and the absence of oxidative stress seems to prevent DNA bases from
accumulating junk molecules and being turned off. Telomere research by Dr. Elizabeth
Blackburn dovetails with epigenetics. These DNA end caps are maintained through the
release of an enzyme, telomerase, which prevents their unraveling. Mental stress and
oxidative stress reduce telomerase production and accelerate erosion of base pairs and
aging. Resonant frequencies cross from chemistry into the realm of physics and esoterica.
All molecules vibrate, jiggle, communicate with and influence each other. DNA vibratory
characteristics are the focus of
biontology where frequency feedback therapies produce results. When DNA vibratory
frequency is corrected, other molecules in the cell either get with the beat or get out, being
incompatible with the tune. Rife frequencies expel pathogens and damaged cells like that.
Music, sunshine, Rife frequencies, magnetic fields, our own mental states and total body
electron voltages have measurable effects. Frequencies above 60 cycles per second or hz
are in the healthy range. Below 20 hz disease is evident. Frequencies are entrained by
other frequencies so our DNA can either influence or be influenced by surrounding matter
and vibratory energies. Hence the power of intent!
HH: Here is a quote from Forbidden Healing: Oddly, coffee, pure tobacco and medicinal
marijuana are being recognized as antioxidant, neuro-protective and healing by more than
a few physicians. I knew it was just a matter of time before that line in Woody Allens
futuristic comedy Sleeper, about doctors determining that smoking tobacco was actually
good for you, came around. Ive always wondered why the lung cancer rates among, both
pure tobacco smokers (native Americans; many Asian countries) and marijuana smokers
has been, historically, so low. In your research, what are your latest findings?
T.C.: Commercial tobacco and pure organic tobacco are as different as night and day in
toxicity and health effects. That distinction is never raised. Nicotine cannot be classified
as a carcinogen though smoking is called the number one cause of cancer. The tobacco
plant, even when organically grown, gathers cadmium and other metals that serially
generate unhealthy free radical oxidants. But obviously, using commercial additives upon
pesticide soaked plants is dangerously stupid and doubles-down on predictable results.
Coffee, cocaine and other stimulants constrict blood vessels while marijuana and tobacco
dilate them. Coffee contains antioxidant compounds and has positive effects on
metabolism. Coffee, tea, tobacco, marijuana and even salt and saturated fats have been
demonized unfairly on the basis of sketchy or fraudulent studies. One must weigh the
risks versus the benefits of these comfort foods. When smoking organic tobacco it is
wise to offset its acidic oxidative effects with tons of Vitamin C/bicarbonate. Commercial
cigarettes are too damn dangerous and an unnecessary risk. Marijuanas medical benefits,
from cancers to Alzheimers to diabetes to depression, are being recognized as superior to
pharmaceuticals. It has therapeutic properties that may be applicable to the treatment of
neurological disorders including anti-oxidative, neuroprotective, analgesic and antiinflammatory actions, immunomodulation, modulation of glial cells and tumor growth
regulation. (IMVA Blog, 8-22-11) Is it any wonder that a plant, so easily grown anywhere,
would be made illegal?
A final note: If you take away anything from Forbidden Healing, it would be to seize control
of your own health. Realize your power of intent and feel the flow of energy erupt from

deep in the belly when that fine state of serious determination is reached.

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