Balance Rolling Magazine #5

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Presented by

vol. 1 5
Vol. 1, Issue #5

In this issue...

Shawn Storm.................................. pages 4 - 13

Dante Muse.................................... pages 14 - 22

Alex Braunagel................................ pages 24 - 30

Everything I’ve Learned -

H.S. Knucklehead.......................... page 31

Jay Jude Memorial Session....... pages 32 - 47

Contributing photographers... Workaholics...

Nick Lindsey- Editor & Art Director

Washington, D.C. Vincent Morretino

This Issue’s Writers

Paco Ass Dre
Adam Morris- H.S. Knucklehead
Milwaukee, WI Aaron Schultz
Vincent Morretino
Tim Schmidt
Christian Delfino-
Sarasota, FL

Seth Andrews-
Indianapolis, IN On the cover: Shawn Storm
Switch topside mistrial to drop
Photo by: Nick Lindsey
All photos and interviews are the property of the respective writers and photographers that created them. They were not purchased by Balance magazine,
they were donated out of kindness. Please respect the property of those involved with this magazine. Contributions keep this publication alive. Opinions expressed in
bylined articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Balance magazine. Love, hate and suggestions should be sent to
Interview & portrait - Paco Ass Dre
Photos: Nick Lindsey
Layout - Vincent Morretino
I can still remember the first time I met Shawn to Haha, yeah well, he had an advantage; he started before
go skate. My boy hit me up to get out and skate, me. But like I said, I had a great passion for skating.
and on the 5 mile skate to the train station, he Even when my brother stopped skating primarily due
to knee surgery, my life revolved around skating. I
would not stop telling me about this new kid we
couldn’t stop.
were meeting up with. Basically I heard his life
story before I even met him. I was expecting some Like Jigga man says, “Can’t stop won’t stop.”
super talkative goof ball type kid but when I got
there, Shawn was waiting there, hella quiet but Haha, yeah and then you do the Harlem Shake while
eager to go out and skate. The whole day he prob- saying that.
ably said less than 5 words to me, but I could tell
this guy had energy. Nearly every moment on the You can’t see me on the shake. So as far as the skates go,
train, he was spending it using it like some sort of what skates are you rocking right now?
jungle gym slash stripper pole. I’m pretty sure my
I’m rocking the Valo/AM Mad Mongooses. I have
loud mouth self even asked him, “Dog, what the Kizer Fluid frames, Eulogy wheels and Swiss bearings.
fuck are you doing?” at least once. As time went
on, he became less quiet, yet his energy remained. Speaking of setups, you are the only fool I know that will
If you ever skate with him, whether it is some switch from anti to flat depending on what you are skat-
buck drop rail or a little bootleg ledge, you will ing? How and why?
notice the energy right away, and let me tell you:
it is contagious. Ah, well, it’s somewhat complicated. Basically, I’m all
about trying to keep my body comfortable, especially
Let’s start with the basics: name, age, and years skating? when I’m skating. So when I’m going to do a gap, I like
to ride flat because of obvious reasons: There are more
Alrighty. My name is Shawn Storm. I’m 20 years old wheels to absorb the impact, rather than your knees
and I’ve been skating for about 7 years. and ankles taking it. When you ride anti-rocker and
do a gap, you’re depending on only 2 wheels per skate.
Is your last name really Storm? Plus, you are less likely to snap a frame when riding
flat. As for anti-rocker skating, I do all park, street
I believe so...says it on my birth certificate (besides gaps) on antis. Some times I like to switch it
up and ride everything flat because you learn tricks
But really though, that’s on some super hero status. with the proper techniques and don’t half ass them. If
you don’t do them right when riding flat, you’re going
I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on it. Super hero? I to biff it for sure.
thought I told you not to talk about that. Supposed to
keep that on the low key. Back in the day San Jose used to be one of the biggest
scenes for skating. Julio grew up in M-Town, Reduta,
Snap. My bad, my bad. So on to the next question, how Rob G all started up in San Jo, how would you describe it
did you get started skating? now?

This is always a good question. My big bro Andre San Jose has changed somewhat but hasn’t lost its
Storm got me into skating. I always looked up to him mojo. From major spots getting capped to all the pros
so it was great that we both had a great passion for moving to various places. We have been keeping it
rollerblading. quiet but there’s still a lot of potential left in SJ skaters.
Everyone still holds it down. It might seem like SJ-ers
Yeah, I remember meeting you two at the skate park don’t get out much but it’s just because we don’t film
back in the day. Kinda cool that you had someone to al- that often; we’re all too busy skating. If we had people
ways skate with. What made you stick with it, because if like Ivan Narez and Vinny Minton near us, then skaters
I remember correctly, he was a little better than you, HA! would be seeing a lot more of us.
(Continued on next page)
Who do you skate with? Do you have a set crew of people in to win it, or do you shrink your jeans and skate curbs
you skate with or how does it work? that match your bandana that contrast your goofy ass
hat in lines?
I skate with anyone who’s down to skate. I just saw this
kid wearing a B Unique tee playing roller hockey with I would describe my skating as neither. I’m more of a
some aggressive skates. I got his number and we’re go- “doing shit switch” kind of guy. I’ve never really en-
ing to skate soon. joyed spinning into a trick, not my steeze, but I do it
every so often. I just feel more excitement testing my
That’s sick that your just down to skate and don’t worry abilities to do tricks with my left foot.
about any cliques or any bullshit.
But what about stunts, you can’t tell me that when you
Yeah, no drama. That’s how skating is…for the most are trying to lace a hammer you are worried about test-
part. ing your left foot? Is there something about lacing big
tricks that motivates you?
Earlier you mentioned spots being capped. We all know
the famous Silver Creeks and Morills and what not get- Hammers are all about first try or die. The end result in
ting killed, but is there still a good amount of spots in SJ landing a hammer is the best feeling ever. Reasons are,
or do you find yourself having to venture out more to go when skaters visit the spot and think about what you
skate? did on that they say “He did what? No fucking way!” It
also makes me feel like I pushed myself to the limit and
Definitely. There are spots everywhere. There are many I conquered the obstacle.
places that we haven’t searched that we need to. As
a matter of fact, let’s go out soon and find some new Ever since I met you, you’ve always taken the hardest
spots. bails out of anyone, yet still manage to get up and con-
tinue whatever you are trying. What goes through your
Pick me up and I’m with you! The online section you put head before and after you, let’s say, decide to tumble
out a while ago was pretty impressive. What are your head over heel down a 20 set?
thoughts on how it came out? How was it editing a video
for a first time? Editors note: the section being referencedHaha, well I think of myself as a professional faller. I
can be found here: know how to fall for the most part. So it might seem
like I get hurt really bad, but I’m just doing it so y’all
I was very surprised of people’s reaction. I didn’t think pay attention to me while I’m skating! Haha, I kid.
I would have gotten that much positive feedback. I Well, before I tumble I usually don’t think anything.
just wanted to make a new profile cause it was due. I I’m too concentrated on how to land- on my hands,
wanted to make something that not only brings out my legs, face, nuts, etc. After is where I feel like shit. “Why
skating, but my personality, and I think I did a good did I even try that?” “That was so dumb” “It’s not
job on that. Kirk Chiang and I edited it. I had a bunch worth getting hurt over” “Fuck it, I’ve gone this far to
of ideas that I wanted to do and he knew more about do the trick, I’m not giving up now”. Depending on
Final Cut than me, so we worked together to make it how I feel that day, I could be saying any one of those
happen. It wasn’t my first time editing, but I was a little four to myself.
rusty at it.
Yeah, I could’ve sworn that a bald crack head one Fourth
It was definitely dope. I think a lot of people were just of July back in the day called you a professional faller.
shocked because they never heard of you before and Your bailing roots must go way back! So, working out.
boom, you’re on screen killing shit. You’ve been consistently working out for quite a while
now. Do you feel that it helps you absorb bails, and does
Yeah, like I said earlier...our crew in SJ has never had it help your skating in general?
any good filmers/editors to post edits. We just all skate.
Working out helps more than you think. Mentally and
So how would you describe your skating? Do you spin physically. When I fall, I’m able to catch myself rather
6 (Continued on page 9)
Topacid over the pit
than tumble down. I also feel more stable and secure. I’m going to say tag team.
When I do gaps its much easier to land too. I also have
somewhat bad wrists from skating, and working out Hella greedy, haha. Now in all honesty, who is a better
has helped my wrists get to 100%. dancer, Neil Chen or Mr. Shawn Storm?

Not to mention you start to look like me. Pretty fucking Haha, Neil Chen for sure. Dude has moves. Once I
buff, haha! turn 21 we’re going to be dancing with our pants off in
clubs. Interviewers note: he did NOT mean “dancing
You can’t even jiggle your pecs. Get out of here! our pants off in the club”. They really will be dancing
with their pants off! No joke
Naw, man. They jiggle. Trust me. But anyways, I hear a
lot of people say how they dream of working at Amall. So 21 soon, huh? Word on the streets is that there are
How did you start working there? some big plans a-brewing. What’s going down?

Yeah, Amall is really great. I started by Justin asking Vegas. That’s all I gotta say.
me. He was like “Do you want to work at Amall?” I was
kind of skeptical because I had a great job at the time Haha, nice. Who’s rolling out? Are you sure it’s a good
but then he was like, “You can skate whenever you idea after hearing what I did to my bank account this
want.” Oh man, it was over after that, haha. weekend?

Well, is it safe to say the shop is made up of a bunch of Haha, yeah you emptied your entire bank account.
characters? Shame on you. I won’t be doing that. I’m going with
my bro, my bro’s friend Mase, two close skater friends,
Oh, yeah. We are all characters who enjoy laughing. Steve and Aaron, and maybe you if you actually have
The average person couldn’t handle listening to our money to spend…which you won’t, haha.
You never know, fool. I’ve been known to make power
Really? How often do questions at the shop begin with moves. So let’s see, you work damn near full time, God
“For a million dollars, would you…?” knows you have a healthy social life and you still man-
aged to put out a dope section! What’s good with school?
Too often. We’re the best hypothetical questioners.
We’ll make Jason shiver in his bloody boots. School is on the right path. This is one of the toughest
years to transfer so I’m crossing my fingers that I get
Speaking of hypothetical, in a battle to the death, who accepted.
would win: Kyle Nolte or Sixty the shop dog?
You mean to tell me these past years you haven’t been
Nolte. He has a killer karate chop. going to school just to scope out the beezies? What’s
your goal as far as education goes?
It’s Always Sunny. What character best exemplifies you
and why? Haha, naw dude, I go to De Anza...nothing good to
look at. My goal is to have a steady job in the future.
Uggggh, Mack. Because he’s buff, he’s dumb and he just Not sure exactly what career, but it will most likely be
wants to get with the ladies. in the economic field. That is what my major is.

Coffee Girl or Sweet D? Good shit. It’s refreshing to hear you actually pursuing a
goal. Too many kids nowadays are too caught up in the
Both. now and seem to neglect education all together.

Same time or separately? Yeah, education isn’t for everyone. I just love learning
new things constantly.
(Continued on page 12)
Fakie 180 to handplant to 360 out,
otherwise known as a “Phillips 66”
Switch Fishbrain

So gimme the break down on the ideal Mrs. Storm. All right, so the big question that’s on the tip of every-
one’s mind, 2012. How shook are you?
Ha! Me? Married? Next question.
I’m not shook at all. Out of all the people to live, we
YES! Steve-O would be proud. will be the ones to see it end...but then we’d be dead so
it really wouldn’t matter, haha.
Haha, you mean Sleep-o.
I don’t believe you, I’ve most definitely seen you stock
True story! But, now on to music. I hear you slapping up on tuna recently. You might fool the readers, but you
Chamillionare when you roll up to work, singing slow can’t fool me.
jams when you take a shit, and then playing some old
school gap band when we roll out to a party after work. Haha, BUSTED.
Describe what you like in music and do you find it im-
portant in your life? Since I’ve met you, it seems like we always seem to be
getting into some sort of trouble, whether it’s you or
Music has a big impact on my life. I hope everyone’s me solo or the two of us together on a mission. Explain
life, at that. It brings out emotions that other things what happened late one night at Morrill middle school?
can’t. I like how music is able to make me do things I
never really do. When that beat starts going, the head CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. All I’m going to say is
starts to nod, the fingers start to snap, legs start to slide that I got away and I did what I did because they took
then boom, me and Neil Chen are in the middle of the one of the best spots away from us skaters.
dance floor gettin’ it.
Aw, come on. Don’t be shook. Spill the story! At least

explain how you got power for the grinder! Ah, you stubborn ass! So, any thanks or shout-outs you
want to give before we wrap this up? I’m about ready to 3
Naw. Feds be watchin’. to 7 it, no joke.

Fair enough. You seem to have bad luck when it comes Good lookin’ on Vincent for contacting me to do this
to your cars. What kind of car troubles have you run into interview. Shout out to all the Amallers- Justin, Derek,
recently? Todd, Kyle G., Kyle N., Neil, Terry, Sixty and of course
Dre. Shout out to the fam bam, all the SJ heads and
Recently, nothing... yet. My first car I bought after high surrounding cities still skating.
school was a Sunfire. Amazing car. 5 days later, it got
totaled and the guy ran away. Hit and run. I bought my Last question. It’s a doozy.
next car 6 months later. 3 days later it got broke into
and they stole everything I had in there, including my All right.
new deck. 5 months after that, the night of my b-day,
somebody pulled a hit and run on my car in East Palo How many bum logs for $35?
Alto. The dumbass parked across the street and I got a
nice check for the damage. I’ve been good after that... Ask me that after Vegas. Haha!
knock on wood.

Real talk, I hope I didn’t just jinx you.

God damn it, Dre!

Hey, hey, hey! Don’t blame me. I’m just a simple Paco! Graphic:
Speaking of Pacos, can you elaborate a little bit on the
lingo we have over at Amall?

We have our own dialect, our own dictionary, and our

own language. If you can’t understand our slang, don’t
be alarmed. You’ll soon grasp it. And if you don’t, well,
you’re just pin.

Haha, smooth! Can’t give these crids too much info.

Damn, we’ve been hella off topic, back to skating. Grow-
ing up, did you have certain people that you looked up
too, or jocked at all?

I mean, I always looked up to pros, just no one in

particular. I just liked watching all pros skate. They all
have their own specialty in skating, which is dope. No
pro is the same and that’s why skating never gets bor-

Come on, you had to have at least one fool that you hella
wanted to be like? Drop names, boy!

Haha, I never had the urge to be like anyone. Names? I

think naming all the pros I have ever seen will take up
this entire interview. I enjoy all pros and I looked up to
Safety 180 over the caution tape
all of them.
Mach-10 disaster Fishbrain to 180 gap into the parking lot
Interview - Aaron Schultz
Photos: Adam Morris
Layout and introduction - Vincent Morretino
Have you ever wondered when you’d have to give ing bad happened, I just stopped racing because of a
up skating because of other priorities like school, major foot/tendon issue. I missed skating, and my body
work and starting a family? What about the was used to skating and training every day. I was going
crazy. 1 day a kid from our rink was grinding our front
twinge of fear in your stomach when you think
curb at our rink, and I can’t lie, I yelled at him. Funny
about the looming, faceless injury that will likely how it is coming back around. Anyway, he said try it.
keep you off your skates for good? Dante Muse is That was it. Here I am. I started aggressive skating in
a testament to the fact that age is nothing more 1998 at 32 years old.
than an arbitrary number. Age does not define
our abilities, nor does it limit them. Passion, skill At 43 years of age, what motivates you to blade at the
and awe-inspiring dedication can overcome just level you do?
about anything, epecially when you have the sup-
port and well wishes of a strong and loving family I’m motivated to skate because I’m doing what I re-
ally love to do: skate. Past the core reason, I continue
behind you. As long as Dante keeps skates on his
because every day I learn something new or start to
feet and rolling in his heart, he will continue to perfect something a little more each day
raise the bar of expectations that we in the world
of rollerblading have of our own bodies. You are an X-Games downhill speed skating gold medal-
ist. Do you get the same vibe going to a contest like the
Most active rollerbladers parents were born in the 1970s. Hoedown or Bittercold Showdown as you did from the
You were already skating in the 70s. Can you tell us golden days of inline being featured in the X-Games?
about how you were introduced to skating; I’m assuming
you weren’t born with them on. I mean somebody had to I love going to contests because edits don’t capture feel-
have physically put your first pair on for you right? ings. I know it may sound strange. It’s hard to explain.
I feel strange being in a sport and surrounded by so
I pretty much grew up skating. My parents have run many young kids. I don’t drink, smoke, party, buy skate
or owned skating rinks before I was even born. I was videos or magazines. What I do have in common is
born in Ames, Iowa, but moved to Des Moines around I love to skate. I get a feeling that is hard to describe
3 years old. I learned to skate before I could walk, no when I skate. Going to contests lets me feel the atmo-
joke. My older brothers used to put skates on my feet sphere of the event.
when I was in my walker and my skates just dangled.
Was skating an “in thing” back home in Italy? Why didn’t
Growing up in the speed skating industry, what drew you ski, play soccer, go to wine-tastings or whatever else
your attention to the more “aggressive” (without a was hip over there?
better term to use) style of blading. Was it a particular
moment/place in time or was it a drawn out process of Skating was and is very big in Italy. I played football,
seeing it done repeatedly before you decided to move baseball and wrestled, but in the end I loved racing. I
forward with more stunt-oriented blading? Can you tell lived in Italy for 1 year before I got married. My wife
us a little bit about your speed skating career and how was born and raised in Italy and actually has only been
you made the crossover to aggressive? in the U.S. for 7 years.

I used to see it a lot when I was at X-Games, Ultimate Did your family and friends support your speed skating
Inline Challenge, or even at Rollerblade sponsored career or was it something you just decided you wanted
events. I even skated on the big vert-ramps in 5 wheel to do and decided to stick with for the next four decades?
inline race blades. That was ultimate speed. I was really
drawn to it back then, but I was a racer. I competed Everyone in my family competed in speed skating or
nationally and/or internationally for 32 years. When I artistic skating. My older brother was my coach. My
decided to retire from racing, it wasn’t to do this. I still parents were my biggest fans. They pretty much trav-
tried to stay involved in racing, but I decided it was eled around the world with my younger brother and me.
best to completely remove myself from racing. Noth- (Continued on page 20)

Bank to Topsoul
How do you recover from injuries so quickly? Do you How has living in Iowa influenced your rollerblading?
have a workout or stretching routine that you abide by or
do you just shake it off and let time heal all wounds? Skating is my life. My parents own 4 skating rinks in
Des Moines, Iowa and my wife and I run one of them.
I just skate them off I guess. Ice, keep moving and I built a pretty cool skate ramp/fun box at my rink, so I
Vitamin C loading. Have you heard of this? When you can skate whenever I want. Thank God, because I seri-
have an injury, take 250 mgs of Vitamin C every hour. ously can’t stand cold weather.
A few things happen: you are taking in fluids, Vitamin
C makes you pee, and it helps take away pain. If the Your family owns both roller rinks in the DSM area
pain is really bad, like when I separated my shoulder, (Skate South and Skate North). How did your family
generic ibuprofen overload works, but do it safely. I get into the roller rink business? Are the rinks a worthy
learned how much you really should take while at the financial endeavor?
hospital when I had a major surgery
Ownig skating rinks is a fun business, but definitely
You have a beautiful wife and daughter. Do they know not financially rewarding. It’s just been our lives.
how much skating means to you? I saw Loreza’s eyes
light up when she slid down the quarter pipe at the How has the recession affected the family business?
The recession is killing me right now. People don’t have
My wife does. She grew up skating; pretty close to my extra money to do something that is just a “want”. We
life story, only in Italy. She totally supports me. My are doing pretty well though, in comparison to other
daughter does because she likes to slide down the businesses.
ramp. She also thinks it is funny when I fall.

Mizou to Tru-savannah
Frontside Farv

How has having your ramp (The Inferno) affected your my life since I was born. Our house was built into our
skating? Has it sparked interest in very many recreation- first rink. I lived physically at the rink until like 22 or
al skaters who frequent your rink to come over to the 23 years old.
dark side? Do you think working at your rink and skat-
ing your box regularly has had positive effects on bladers Growing up in the speed skating circuit, you have be-
like Spencer and the Iowa scene as a whole? friended a lot of industry contacts. You’ve always made
it a point to try on new skates and test a lot of products
My skate ramp was nicknamed the inferno by Adam whenever we’ve traveled to contests. What set up are you
Morris, and it has really brought around 10-15 new currently riding and why?
kids. We will see if they stick with it. Of course it has
helped me learn new tricks. Yes, I did have great opportunities to meet a lot of
people and manufactures in my days of racing. I know
Have you ever considered opening a full-on skate park? a lot about wheels and bearings. I still to this day stay
in contact with a lot of those people and manufactures.
As far as a full on skate park, no. My older brother has I actually raced Isaac Oltmans (Eulogy wheels/Crap
a lot of ramps. I like what I do. I don’t think I could bearings) and Matthias Knoll (owner of Powerslide/
handle the major disrespect of property. USD/Conference). I try everything because I can. My
current skate setup is all black Deshi Carbons, white
If blading somehow managed to disappear overnight, Slimline frames, Eulogy wheels and Crap bearings.
what would you do to fill the void? Matthias, if you read this, I wouldn’t mind all black
USD carbons…hint, hint.
I’m not sure what I would do for a job or exercise with-
(Continued on page 24)
out skating. I know I have said it, but skating has been

Backside Royale
Freestyle backside Torque

Any shout outs?

Everyone that has helped me along the way. Too many

to list. A few would be my mom, dad, wife, daughter,
brothers and sisters. Thanks for this interview. Also,
the knowledge and love for all different
types of music is incredible because of you. Aaron, I
know you are jealous that I get to hear/play all that
music you don’t want everyone to know you secretly
kind of like. Check out the Iowa Connection blog and
message board at if you
are passing through the area.

Big Mute 360

Interview - Tim Schmidt
Photos - as listed
Layout - Vincent Morretino

At the Panhandle Pow-Wow

Photo by Corey Oringderff
Frontside Farv
Photo by
by Vincent
Vincent Morretino

Some people are born with incredible amounts with them and shoot the shit, very cool guys. And yes,
of raw talent and the potential for being able to I placed 7th in the AM comp at the Pow-Wow. I skated
make even the most difficult tasks appear effort- with a lot of good dudes. It was a pretty cool experi-
less. Alex Braunagel is one of those people.Watch
him flow around a skate park, and you get the So where did it all start? How did you get into the skate
feeling that you are watching a knife cut through life-style?
water. His intense focus and determination to
It was when I at Major Taylor skate park in Indianapo-
give his best to our beloved sport is nothing short
lis, IN with a friend who skateboarded, and I met Lo-
of amazing. ran Bohall and Jake Wilkes. I didn’t even know about
rollerblading at the time, and I happened to meet two
What’s your name, how old are you, and where are you of the rawest bladers.
Right on, how long have you been rolling now?
My name is Alex Braunagel, I’m 19 years old, and I am
from central Indiana. Right now I’m living in Sarasota, I’ve been on blades for 5 years.
Where would you like to see yourself in skating/life in
Weren’t you in a different part of Florida early last year? the next few years?
Also, I heard that you made it into the top 10 in the AM
comp at the Panhandle Pow-Wow. What was that like? Just progressing as much as possible and meeting as
many people as I can. I’ll be living with Brent Hen-
Yes, last year I moved to Orlando, where I stayed with derson in Arizona in about two months, so I’ll be out
Joey and Sammy Chase for a couple of months to blade there skating a lot. I’ll be back and forth from Arizona
(Continued on page 30)
Photo by Seth Andrews
and Florida just skating and living life; taking risks a full section in Seth Andrews’ new video, “Strange
since that is what life is all about. Colors”. Check out for more
details, or check out the ad that’s in this issue. Three
You are currently un-sponsored. Why should a prospec- words: Blu-Ray DVD.
tive sponsor consider you as a marketable skater?
What other things in life are you good at besides skating?
Well, that’s a good question. First off, I would be very
appreciative towards any company that approached Hmm…well, I’m a pretty good cook. I’m good at try-
me about representing their products. Now, this is ing to play guitar. I really like water tubing. Also, my
just an example because I’ve been riding NIMHs for drawing skills are really progressing right now.
2 years and don’t see myself skating anything else. If
Brian Shima approached me about skating for NIMH Where do you think you would have ended up if you
at any level and an agreement was made, I would be never started rolling?
out talking to kids about how great skating is, help Probably doing something with art and tattoos, or get-
point them in the right direction as to where they can ting more into motorcycles.
get skate gear and answer whatever questions I could.
I feel that I have the energy and personality that would All right, that’s about it. Do you have any thank-you’s or
allow for me to get out and fully represent a company shout outs?
that is kind enough to support me. I don’t expect to be
handed a sponsorship, I understand that dues must be Yes. Thanks go out to Tim Schmidt , Joey and Sammy
paid…but I am doing all that I can to get my name out Chase, Brent Henderson, Blake Kelly, Seth Andrews,
there. I feel that the exposure I got at the Pow-Wow Owen Nevins, Josh Mayo, everyone at the Panhandle
was definitely a step in the right direction. Also, I sup- Pow-Wow, all of Indiana, all of the Florida crew,
pose that this is a good time to mention that I have Chrisitan Delfino…the list goes on.

Backside Farv around the curve, 630 out
Photo by Christian Delfino
Tru-topsoul, 360 out
Photo by Seth Andrews
Everything I’ve Learned
by H.S. Knucklehead
- Everything becomes normal.

- Don’t be normal.

- Normal never did anything for this world. Normal didn’t invent the first light bulb or decode the human genome...normal
invented the corn dog because a hot dog accidently rolled off the counter into a bowl of batter and at the time it was normal not
to waste food just because it fell in a bowl of batter.

- If you’re leaving your now ex-girlfriend’s apartment after she dumped you, treat the car you’re getting into as a getaway car from
a bank heist. That way you can tell yourself that the tears streaming down your cheeks are from your fear of going back to prison.
You ain’t ever going back to that shit hole.

- Batman is the greatest superhero. He became who he needed to be. Be who you want to become.

- Don’t be ‘that guy’ at a party. You won’t get invited back and you won’t wake up with girls in your bed.

- Throw awesome parties. Your friends will like you more and you will find yourself with more friends. Everyone likes to party,
be the man that starts one. You’ll wake up with girls in your bed.

- Wear condoms. Or at least pull out. On that note, girls have sex for very different reasons than guys.

- There’s a difference between making love and fucking. Parties on both sides tend to forget this and it always leads to problems.

- The best moments are the ones that would be ruined with conversation.

- I lost the first fight I was ever in to an asshole named Roy Giberson at the playground in second grade. I haven’t lost one since
(only been in 2 since). Keep your elbows up and in, and always make the decision to fight, don’t wait to get punched in the face.

- Ships roll in, ships roll out.

- Convincing a girl to let you stick it in her butt takes time and patience not ninja techniques. Never ninja your dick into a girls
butt, girls don’t trust dudes with ninja dicks.

- If everyone else is laughing and you’re not laughing, get the fuck out of there.

- Men share drinks and laughter, not women or gossip.

- If you find yourself naked in front of the father of a girl you were, until this moment, inside of, don’t say anything. It is not a
time for words, it is a time for pants grabbing and running. Be swift. And duck. Expect things to be thrown at you.

- Go out into the woods by yourself for a couple days just to see what happens.

- Doug Funny should always chase after Patty Mayonnaise.

- Open Mind. Open Road. Open Container.

- Know how to tie a tie.

- Admit when you fuck up. It makes everything easier, especially if by ‘fucking up’ you mean you encouraged someone at the
party to pee in your friends salt water fish tank because you thought the fish would like to party also, but it resulted in throwing
the chemical balance in the tank out of wack, killing a majority of the fish by morning.

- Salt water fish are fucking expensive to replace.

Photo by Mike Norton

Jay Jude
November 7th, 1993 -
March 23rd, 2010

Introduction, first article and memorial

session photos - Vincent Morretino
Other photos: Jay Jude
Portrait photo: Unknown
Photo of Jay’s back farv: Unknown

It’s been a tough 12 months in rollerblading. kid, volunteering regularly helping those less fortunate
We have lost a handful of seemingly irreplaceable than himself. May not his memory be burdened by sad-
people that were, and still are, loved by everybody ness; instead may you remember the smiles and laugh-
close to them that survived their passing. The tragic ter that this bright young man has brought upon your
news of the death of young Jay Jude was certainly
a sad moment that affected everybody he came Donations can be made payable to the Jay Jude Jr.
across, and many that had never met him. I never Memorial Fund in c/o Jessica Jude at any 5/3 bank.
knew Jay in life, but in death I have found that he
was a very kind and compassionate person. The Tri Rudolph of Cincinnati, OH has posted an edit on
Vimeo of the memorial skate session that was held for
world is certainly a darker place since he left us.
Jay in Kettering, OH. It started at the DC Skate Plaza,
then everyone broke out for lunch, came back to the
Excerpt from the memorial services press release: Skate Plaza and then we descended upon the streets of
Dayton. Check out the live web link by placing your
Jay Nathan Jude Jr., 16 of Loveland OH, passed away cursor over the web address and clicking on it:
Tuesday, March 23rd. He was born to Joe and Patricia
Jude and Sister Jessica Jude, November 7th, 1993, in
Deltona Fl. He was a junior at Scarlett Oaks and aspired Here are the links to Jay’s YouTube page uploads and
to be a primary school teacher. He was passionate about flickr account –
teaching children and had high hopes for the future. He
was an aggressive skater, photographer, lover of animals,
music, digital media and poetry. He had so much love in
his heart, and is what you would call an all around good
The news of Jay’s passing on the Be-Mag message suffering from clinical depression:
board prompted some kind words by some of the on-
line rollerblading community. Here are some of them: • you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
• you can’t concentrate or find that previously
Rod L. Short - So sad. My deepest sympathy goes to his easy tasks are now difficult
parents and family. Rest in peace and tell James I love • you feel hopeless and helpless
him when you get there. • you can’t control your negative thoughts, no
matter how much you try
Fowler - Jay was such a good kid. I remember the first • you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop
time I met the him, we were sessioning the Loveland eating
rails and all of a sudden this tiny black kid comes out • you are much more irritable and short
of nowhere with Franky Remz on and he was so happy tempered than usual
to see other bladers in his town. He had such a positive • you have thoughts that life is not worth living
energy, and he always had that every time afterwards. (Seek help immediately if this is the case)
We’ll miss you Jay, and always remember you.
Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. The deep
Luthraz - I know how he felt. I’ve been down that road, despair and hopelessness that goes along with depres-
luckily medicine works for me. I think it runs in our sion can make suicide feel like the only way to escape
sport so heavily because all of us are so individualistic. the pain. Thoughts of death or suicide are a serious
We all try and do our own thing and even grouped symptom of depression, so take any suicidal talk or
together we still feel alone sometimes. Not to mention, behavior seriously. It’s not just a warning sign that the
with such a small amount of people participating lately, person is thinking about suicide, it’s a cry for help:
it’s harder and harder for us to feel accepted in society.
But we all still love rollerblading and just keep going • Talking about killing or harming one’s self
with it until this happens or until we realize that even • Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness or
being alone is a gift. Live life for you always, fuck the being trapped
norm. RIP little dude. • An unusual preoccupation with death or dying
• Acting recklessly, as if they have a death wish
I’d like to share an article on the subject of depression, (e.g. speeding through red lights)
as I believe that it’s important for people who may not • Calling or visiting people to say goodbye
understand why they feel hopelessness and despair so • Getting affairs in order (giving away prized
strongly to realize that there is help out there. The link possessions, tying up loose ends)
to the entire article can be found at the end. • Saying things like “Everyone would be better
off without me” or “I want out.”
Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of • A sudden switch from being extremely
life. But when emptiness and despair take hold and depressed to acting calm and happy.
won’t go away, it may be depression. More than just
the temporary “blues,” the lows of depression make If you think a friend or family member is consider-
it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. ing suicide, express your concern and seek profes-
Hobbies and friends don’t interest you like they used sional help immediately. Talking openly about suicidal
to; you’re exhausted all the time; and just getting thoughts and feelings can save a life.
through the day can be overwhelming. When you’re
depressed, things may feel hopeless, but with help and Just as the symptoms and causes of depression are dif-
support you can get better. But first, you need to un- ferent in different people, so are the ways to feel better.
derstand depression. Learning about depression—in- What works for one person might not work for anoth-
cluding its signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment—is er, and no one treatment is appropriate in all cases.
the first step to overcoming the problem.
If you recognize the signs of depression in yourself or
If you identify with several of the following signs and a loved one, take some time to explore the many
symptoms, and they just won’t go away, you may be
(Continued on next page)
treatment options. In most cases, the best approach what your triggers are for depression, and what you can
involves a combination of self-help strategies, lifestyle do to stay healthy.
changes, and professional help.
Additional resources and contact information:
If positive lifestyle changes and support from family
and friends aren’t enough, seek help from a mental National Hopeline Network
health professional. There are many effective treatments 800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
for depression, including therapy, medication, and al- Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
ternative treatments. Learning about your options will
help you decide what measures are most likely to work
best for your particular situation and needs. National Institute of Mental Health
Information Center
Effective treatment for depression often includes some 866-615-6464
form of therapy. Therapy gives you tools to treat de- 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday
pression from a variety of angles. What’s more, what
you learn in therapy gives you skills and insight to
prevent depression from coming back. National Mental Health Association Hotline
800-273-TALK (8255)
Some types of therapy teach you practical techniques Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
on how to reframe negative thinking and employ
behavioral skills in combating depression. Therapy can Melinda Smith, M.A.; Joanna Saisan, MSW; Robert
also help you work through the root of your depression, Segal, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., contributed to this
helping you understand why you feel a certain way, article.

36 The article in its entirety:

270 Royale - Matt Grimes
Soul on the brick ledge to switch
Topsoul down the rail - Chance Bentley
Freestyle Fishbrain - Jason Ricci

450 Royale - John Angus

Topside Pornstar, 180 out - Michael Rose

Topsoul - Eric Montealegre

Fishbrain + heel-roll + 180 out = innovative maneuver - Dan Mikesell
Unity to Topsoul to Tru-savannah - Stefan Brandow
Thanks to everyone who came out and showed support
All previous issues of Balance can be found at

Presented by

Chris Haffey • Matt Andrews • Michael Kraft

Presented by

Iain McLeod • Chynna Weierstall

Mike Koliner • Matt Lorch

Presented by

Tim Helbock • Martin Walchshofer • Stefan Brandow

H.S. Knucklehead • Dan Lambert

Presented by

Avichai Wechsler • Jake Cawley

Michael Kraft • Jacob Barnes

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