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Hi guy, we are kihyun and pilgeun, and today I am gonna talk about new power and its
simple framework for understanding the underlying dynamics of how power is really shifting:
who has it, how it is distributed, and where it is heading. And make some points about how
power can be cultivated and what challenging aspect there is.

After we finish summary this article, we will evaluate and criticize this paper, and will have
a discussion about it.

SO, What Is New Power? Heimans and Timms write: New power actors differ from old
power players along two dimensions: the models they use to exercise power and the values
they embrace. They say the nature of power is shifting in todays world who has it, how it is
distributed, where it is heading. Understanding these shifts will define the challenges facing
businesses, non-profits, and government alike.

Old power works like currency. It is held by few. Once gained, it is jealously guarded, and the
powerful have a substantial store of it to spend. It is closed, inaccessible, and leader-driven.
It downloads, and it captures. In contrast: New power operates differently, like a current. It
is made by many. It is open, participatory, and peer-driven. It uploads, and it distributes. . . .
The goal with new power is not to hoard it but to channel it.

New Power Operating Models. Heimans and Timms have developed a participation scale to
help show the evolving New Power operating models. The Old Power model is based on
consuming goods and services, while the New Power models are being reflected in the
business models of a number of newer companies:

They suggest that old power is consumption, enabled by control and

ownership. The new power is shared ownership or what has been called the
sharing economy. The article traces the different phases after consumption
as sharing, shaping, funding, producing, and co-owning.
They identify
ways the new power will impact funding and change philanthropy:

Sharing taking other peoples content and sharing it with broader audiences (e.g.,

Shaping remixing or adapting existing content with a new message (again, Facebook)

Funding endorsing with money (e.g, Kickstarter)

Producing creating content or delivering products or services within a peer community

(e.g., YouTube, Etsy, Airbnb)

Co-owning decentralized, peer-directed systems (e.g.,Wikipedia, Linux)

Yes, as you see this graph from left side to right side, you can see the degree of participation
of the crowd becomes more active.

In addition to differences in business models, New Power is based on values and beliefs. As
the author says, power is not just flowing differently people are feeling and thinking differently
about it. For example, people recognize more about the importance of creating feedback
loops based on participation which makes visible payoffs of peer-based collective action and
endow people with a sense of power.

The article explains how these values impact and drive governance, trust,
transparency, and affiliation in the social sector. The article also includes
some strategic ways for those working in the social good sector to leverage
impact of the new power dynamics. As they point out, having a Facebook
page is not the same thing as having a new power strategy. That is just
window dressing.
They again go into detail describing the ascending values of Governance,
Collaboration, DIO (do it ourselves/making), Transparency and

1) Governance: people with new power tends to think that big social problems can be solved
without state action but, solved with

2) Collaboration: New power strengthens the norms around the use of collaboration by
rewarding those who share their ideas, spread those of others and build on existing ideas to
make them better.

3) DIO, which stands for do it ourselves, is one typical characteristics that New power

4) Transparency:: Transparency is also seen as a New Power value, especially where, the
authors note: Traditional notions of privacy are being replaced by a kind of permanent
transparency as young people live their lives on social media.

5) affiliation: New power loves to affiliate but affiliation in this new world is much less
enduring. People with a new power mindset are quick to join or share, but they are reluctant to
swear allegiance.

So, with the power model and power values, the authors mapped power
models and values together to produce a framework for better understanding
current organizations.they name each provocatively as:
Castles: in the bottom-left quadrant are organizations that use old power
models and have old power values. E.g, Apple ( Apple is reknowed for
secrecand aggressive protection of IP)
Connectors: in the top-left quadrant are organizations with a new power
modelfor example, a network connecting many users or makersbut old
power sensibilities. E.g, Facebook
Cheerleaders: in the bottom-right quadrant are organizations that use old
power models but embrace new power values. E.g., Patagonia,
Crowds: in the top-right quadrant are the purest new power actors. Their

core operating models are peer-driven, and their values celebrate the power of
the crowd. E.g, Wikipedia, Etsy, Bitcoin, Lyft.
As they point out, some have moved between quadrants and here one our
favorite brands, TED, gets a big shout-out for the launch and cultivation of
TEDx (independently organized events around the world, enthusiastically
created by thousands of volunteers under license from TED) which has
completely transformed the way in which the organization stays zealously
focused on the mission to share ideas worth spreading.

Then, how companies will cultivate this new power? : as author says, having a
Facebook page is not having a new power strategy. The author suggests 3
ways to cultivate new power: 1) One is asses their place in a shifting power
environment 2) Channel their harshest critics 3) and develop a mobilization
capacity. h

First of all, Audit your power means assessing companys position, and know
what kind of participation behaviors can company do. For this, companies
should have a conversation about the new paradigms of power and see how
your organizations will respond to it.
Second point that Author made is Occupy yourself. Many people in your organization will criticize
about your legitimacy, efficiency of your organization and blame you about the distribution of the power
in organziation. Figure your weakness and have a painfully honest conversation, inside and outside,
about their impact. Occupy yourself.

Third point that Authors made is to develop a movement mindset. Will your
crowd show up for when you need them? Leaders must be able to actually
mobilize true believers, not just talk at them.

But having a new power can be challenging task for many companies. Having
a New power isnt always the best strategy. Author emphasized three
essential principles when you have a new power.

First of all, those who will embrace new power will respect your communities

(Dont become the man) For old power organization, they should fear being
occupied, whereas new power organization should fear being deserted. For
new power embracers, balancing between old power and new power is
important. Dont become the man, otherwise, your organization will be
alienated from communities that sustain them.
Second points that author made is to go bilingual , which means companies
should develop both old and new power capabilities.
And thirdly, author recommends to Get structural New power models will always have limited
influence and impact unless it is operating within a superstructure designed to their strengths.
Whether you like old or new power values, who controls and shapes societys essential system and
structures will win

#critics 1. New old power New power hasnt come up yet, its just another types of old power.
We can call it New old power. The new thing here is not a type of power Thats not changing.
However, the mechanisms of consolidation are changing rapidly , and that is an important
opportunity for grassroots movements. Then what is new power?

# Critics 2. : New old power/money never sleeps

New power needs a new economy to flourish. The current economic model of loan and stock
supports and encourages old power to thrive and will eventually turn all new power projects into
old power corporates. If you want more new power, you need to rethink money at it's most
fundamental level - from everything to how it's created to how it's used. For us, we think New
power and old power should be more suitable for explaining public goods. What I mean by
public goods is that the process of adapting new power depends on the nature of business:
money. Politics or Diplomacy is the case in point. Soft power is a concept developed by
Joseph Nye of Harvard University to describe the ability to attract and co-opt rather than by
coercion (hard power), using force or giving money as a means of persuasion. Recently, the
term has also been used in changing and influencing social and public opinion through
relatively less transparent channels and lobbying through powerful political and non-political

# Critics 3. Does emergence of New Power will change the rule of game?

In the early days of the Internet, there was a lot of talk about new paradigms and the
destruction of old hierarchies-- but we are left with one Amazon, one eBay, one Facebook, one
Google. We are in a similar period of disruption, but I think the authors misdiagnose where we
stand in the current wave of innovation. We are in a brief interregnum where things look less
hierarchical, more open to challenge and participation. But soon, the entrenched economic
powerhouses will figure out the game, how to work it to their advantage, and glean all the
benefits. Technology historically has enabled the consolidation of power, and there is no
reason to think this time is different.

#Critics 4 : adaption of new power and sustainable management of company

You also need to rethink whether longevity of a corporation is actually a good thing. New power, if it is
to thrive, needs to be about masses of people grouping together to complete a project, and then

disbanding after the project is complete. This creates a more agile world of business which would
capitalize more readily on new power and constantly refresh itself. With the ever accelerating pace of
development, this short term model will become more important - because businesses will find
themselves out of date very soon after they have completed their first project. As new power increases
you will soon see people being more loyal to ideas than brands, whether that brand be corporate or
political. So Does adaption of new power and value, can it help companies to sustain themselves?

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