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Design and Formulation of

Urban Development Indicators

Training Workshop
Date: 04-07 April 2016
Duration: (4 Days)
Time: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Venue: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

Organized by:

Course Description:
An indicator is a measurement which summarizes information on a specific topic. It provides a clear picture
of the current situation. It evaluates performance and predicts the future situation and general trend.
Traditional economic indicators such as the gross national product, unemployment and inflation were used
to describe the welfare of people and the progress of economic development. Nowadays urban indicators
are used to measure economic, social and environmental condition of cities and human settlements as well
as to monitor quality of life of citizens.
Objectives & Benefits:

Introduce the participants to the importance of

indicators in our work.
Train the participants on how to use the urban
indicators in analyzing urban development
Train the participants on using indicators as a
tool for strategic planning.
Introduce the participants to the different
classification of data and calculation of urban
To make participants understand the Global
Urban Indicators required to prepare the
Country Reports.
Introduce the participants to general reporting
techniques using different formats and
Introduce the participants to the principals of
urban observatories.

Who Should Attend?

Professionals from wide-range of public and
private sectors and organizations who are
involved in urban related issues.
Members of Municipal councils.
Personnel from government authorities who
are engaged in preparation of urban
indicators, urban development, and national
Urban planners, architects, civil engineers,
statisticians, and policy makers.
Non-government organizations (NGOs) who
are involved in monitoring
Professionals who are involved in strategic
planning cycle.

Course Outline:

Define the different types of indicators and their uses

at different planning levels.
The design and formulation of indicators at different
levels (strategic, tactic and operational).
The use of indicators as a tool to prepare the country
report on sustainable urban development.
Methods of obtaining, classification and calculation of
The Global key indicators used in monitoring
sustainable urban development.
The use of urban indicators to setup strategic urban
planning and housing policies framework.
The use of population structure to design strategic
planning indicators.
Design and use of strategic indicators to manage and
optimize the available resources and services at
sectoral and national levels.

COURSE FEE: BD 550.000

Course Fee inclusions:
Course manual
Certificate of Attendance
Lunch & Refreshments

All assessments will be conducted during the
workshop. Assessment tasks consist of e.g: quizzes,
practical discussions, case studies, role plays, onsite exercises, hands-on.

Certificates will be awarded to the learners who
pass in the assessments and completed at least
75% of the attendance report.

Course Language: English

Progress Reports:
Progress and attendance reports linked to the
specifications for the reporting period will be sent
to the company of each learner. This report will list
learners progress and achievements with respect
to the appropriate section of the syllabus,
indicating the progress made towards the training

Eng. Abdul Jalil Al-Sebea
Engineer Abdul Jalil Al-Sebea holds MBA from Bahrain University. He also holds bachelor degree in civil
engineering from Bahrain University. Engineer Abdul Jalil has 35 years experience in town planning, urban
indicators related issues, urban observatories and housing policies.
Engineer Abdul Jalil was a director of Housing Policies and Strategic Planning in Ministry of Housing. He delivered
many presentations on urban indicators and urban observatories in many GCC and regional countries. He
participated in regional and international conferences related to urban observatories and housing policies.

Design and Formulation of Urban Development Indicators

Name: ..
Organization:..Department: ......
Position .. Email: .
Address: ....
Telephone:. Mobile: .Fax: ....
Course Title
Design and Formulation
of Urban Development


Date & Venue


Course Fees

4 Days

04-07 April 2016

Manama,Kingdom of

8:00 am-2:00 pm

BD 550

Promo & Discounts for early bird registration until 15th March 2016:
Individual Registration (Non-Sponsored)
Group registration composed of five (5) delegates
BSE Members (as individual/ non-sponsored)
Free seat for BSE active member (conditions applied)

10% Discount
15% Discount
20% Discount

For Individual/ overseas, payment shall be received upon submission of the completed registration form.
Registration shall be reconfirmed only once payment has been made prior to the course.
No Show of participant/s during the course will be charged in full amount accordingly.
Cancellation of participant/s shall be submitted in writing to BSE ten days (10 days) before the course.

Method of payment:
I will pay by Cash
Invoice the Organization (Please attach the authorization/nomination letter)
I enclose a Bankers Draft payable to Bahrain Society of Engineers-Training Centre
Bank BIC: NBOBBHBM / IBAN: BH18 NBOB 0000 0099 0989 11National Bank of Bahrain-Manama Main Branch
Please Debit to Amex: __________ Visa: __________ Master Card: __________
(Additional 3% will be charged)
Card Number:.... Expiry Date:...
Card Holders name and address (if different from above) ........



Please send this completed form to:

BSE-Training Centre, P. O. Box 835, Manama, Bahrain
Tel: +973 17-810725 or 17-727100, Fax: +973 17-827475 / Email:

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