Messenger: Published by Westminster Presbyterian Church - Volume 151 Spring Edition 2011

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P u b l i s h e d b y We s t m i n s t e r P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h | Vo l u m e 1 5 1 S p r i n g E d i t i o n 2 0 1 1

The Messenger


Vo l u m e 1 5 1 S p r i n g E d i t i o n 2 0 1 1


Youth & Family

Church News

5-8 9-25 26-27 28-29

To uphold the teachings of Scripture as
summed up in the Westminster Confession
of Faith.
To assist the WPC churches in their congregational life and witness.
To foster a spirit of unity amongst WPC

Subscription Details
The 2011 subscription rates are as follows:
1. If posted directly to your address,
$4.25 per copy, or $16.00 p.a.
2. Bulk mailed to your churchs
Messenger representative for $14.00
3. $4.50 for single issues.
4. Please send payments to:
The Westminster Messenger via
Sandra Wilson
105 Regency Drive,
otherwise Ph: (08) 9452 1830
or Mob: 0417 944 138

Please note:
all subscriptions due in

Contributions, Letters,
All materials for the editor, such as
contributions, letters and comments about
The Messenger should be directed to:
Revd Clem White,
10 Melaleuca Terrace,
Phone: (08) 9535 3301

Deadlines for each Issue

Articles of Church News, Letters to the
Editor and contributions for each of the
4 issues are to be in the Editors hand no
later than:

Feb 14 for Autumn issue

May 16 for Winter issue
Aug 15 for Spring issue
Nov 14 for Summer issue

and addressed to Rev. Clem White at the

contact address or email above.

The Messenger Committee

Clem White (Editor)

Sandra Wilson (Treasurer)
Pam White (Secretary)
Ray Wilson (Proofing)
Roy Lim (Designer)

Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of WPC, the
editor or the committee. Submitted articles are welcome.
You can help make your denominational journal a success by subscribing and contributing
to it. We cordially invite you to do both.
Photo on cover: Missions - Why I Love Alice Springs by Naomi Findlay, Pg. 5

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

Over the years I have had mixed feelings and
attitudes about illegal migrants coming to
Australia. These circulating thoughts again
came to the fore when I visited the Curtin
Detention Centre about 40km from Derby,
WA. There are about 1,300 detainees in this
I was fortunate to be amongst a group of
Christians from a church in Derby who helped
conduct an informal church service at the

Another leader spoke about the need to keep

their hopes positive during their times of
despair. We were told privately that after about
a years waiting many of them go downhill fast
into an attitude of hopelessness.
At the end of the more formal part of the
meeting we were given the opportunity to talk
with the men. Most of them were very happy to
greet us and converse in broken English.
As I walked out of the Centre I felt sad and
sorry for these men. They must have wondered
how they ever got themselves
into such a place as this.
Only a few weeks later I read in
The West Australian that seven
asylum seekers were flown to
Christmas Island because of
increased tension at the remote
centre. Two men had tried to
escape by climbing an internal
fence but did not get past the
electric perimeter fence. It was
also reported that two Serco
guards had committed suicide
since April showing that the
guards also found the situation
hard to handle.
Entrance to the Curtin Detention Centre, near Derby, WA
In reflecting on this terrible
centre. The centre reminded me of earlier visits dilemma I have tried to be as objective as
to major prisons in Perth; razor wired fences, possible in looking at the pros and cons in
guards, searches, locked gates, and no photos. order to better assess the situation.
As we were escorted into the main area we Firstly, here are some reasons why it may be
passed groups of detainees playing cricket and good for these immigrants to come to Australia:
soccer and sitting around in groups.
In proportion to the legal migrants accepted
We were taken into a large room where men
into Australia they are a very small minority.
slowly filtered in mostly carrying a Bible. There They are a mission field right on our
were about 25 in all. The leader had previously
asked the men to bring a Bible portion which They provide an opportunity for Christians
they found to be helpful and say why it
to show compassion to needy people.
was helpful to them. They had a very good

They get an opportunity to improve
interpreter who gave us a good idea of what
themselves and their families.
was said. The men came from many countries
such as Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Sri Lanka. The Australians should share the good things
God has given us with these people.
men were very sincere in what they said. I was
moved by their positive words.
Many of them are hard working and studious
Continued on next page
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1

Editorial continued

and have become good citizens of Australia.

Australia is a nation of migrants; even the
Aboriginals migrated here sometime in the
They can escape, persecution and warfare in
their home lands.
The Bible tells us in Exodus 23:9 that Gods
people were to care for the aliens amongst
Their food adds interest and variety to the
Australian culture.
Secondly, here are some reasons why it may be
bad for these immigrants to come to Australia:
They are likely to die at sea during their
The relative peace and prosperity in Australia
is largely due to our Christian heritage. We
do not want this destroyed by aggressive
non-Christian religions.
Some of the migrants do not assimilate
easily and want to force their culture on to
Australians. For example, some Muslims
want to be governed by sharia law. This
is causing difficulties in Britain and other
There are limited natural resources in
Australia which could be overstretched by

over populating the country.

Some migrants bring their home-grown
arguments with them; for example, the
Croats and the Serbs.
It could be better if they stay in their own
country and put their efforts into improving
conditions there.
They face the strong possibility of remaining
in a detention centre for a long time with
resulting severe physical and mental health
Im sure there are other issues which I have
not thought about. But with these conflicting
thoughts running through my mind I can only
reluctantly conclude that while I have much
sympathy for these illegal migrants I believe it
is better that they either stay where they are and
try to improve their home situation or try to
get to Australia through the official channels.
NB. Since writing the above, the High Court
of Australia has made its momentous decision
regarding refugees coming to Australia and
how the Australian government is allowed to
deal with them. Its impossible to say how this
decision will play out in the future. U

C lem W hite

Feedback on New Format

The Messenger Committee relax after a cuppa in sunny

Perth. We welcome our two new members, Roy Lim
and Ray Wilson to the committee.

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

We have had some very positive responses

to our new format of The Messenger.
Everyone seems to LOVE it. One reader
likes it because it fits well on his bookshelf
and is easily accessible when he wants to
refer to an earlier article.
Clem White - Editor


Why I Love Alice Springs

N aomi F indlay

hen I arrived in Alice Springs in January

little did I expect to find myself not
wanting to leave. The past eight months
have been a journey of exploring Aboriginal
ministry as I learn more and more how faithful
our God is. My favourite part of the week
would have to be going out to Amoonguna
Aboriginal Community to spend time with the
kids J I love it when they start singing songs
theyve learnt in Sunday school when were just
outside playing together or telling each other
Bible stories.
Building relationships is such a vital part of
the ministry here and I love that the past month
the kids families have been helping me learn
some language (and joining in laughing at my
weak attempts!). However, its hard when Ive
put a lot of effort into preparing something
for the kids and they dont turn up but I have
been learning that its not about what I do but
God getting the honour when I faithfully use
my time to serve Him. When things get tough
God always sends some encouragement my
way and He has certainly blessed me through
the Stuarts and with friendships here.
Every couple of days we (Phil & Cathy and
I) go hospital visiting. It can be really hard to
know where
people stand
Lord, but I
pray for them
and read the
rest is up to
During the past few months Ive also been
involved as a houseparent at Yirara College
(Aboriginal Lutheran Boarding School). I
really enjoy spending time with the girls there
as most of them come to the church.
And what else fills my days? Well, preparing
and teaching Sunday School, putting together

Shamia and Naomi

packs for people in hospital, sorting through

cupboards of ministry resources that have piled
up over the years, working part-time at a local
school, and whatever else happens to come up
on the day. You can never know around here!
Id love it if you can pray: for the kids to
truly believe in Jesus as their Saviour; that the
church mob will keep coming to church and
be challenged about where they stand with
God; for me as I make preparations to return
to Canberra in October and that I will keep
putting God first in my life.
May God alone be the one who gets the
glory and honour in our lives! Psalm 108:4,
For great is your love... your faithfulness
reaches the skies. U

Naomi Findlay - serving with AIM (Australian

Indigenous Ministries) in Alice Springs with
Phil & Cathy Stuart

T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Marshall Musings Sep 2011

D avid & W endy M arshall

Serving Others
We started our term of service last year with 1
Peter 4:11 on our Prayer Card and it continues
to appear. We see again and again how God asks
us to serve Him by serving others around us,
often just in little ways.
In August it has included packaging up
magazines, collecting two new teachers from
the airport, inviting Serving
people with
need some
help over for a meal, using
our car and muscles
in Japan
to shift furniture and boxes for someone,
sorting rubbish at our churchs summer festival,





h is
t to

August: Doug,
Doug, Jamie
Jamie and
and Wendy
Wendy help
help the
In August:
staff staff
of Japan
of Japan
to package(JEMA)
up the magazine
to package

up the magazine Wendy edits.

in science
the year
either. So
lets turn
all the
starts and offering words of encouragement
and to
This coming year well continue
We mentioned CAJs theme verse last month,
to have opportunities to serve.
1 John 3:18. The school has summarised it as
them That
the same
is what ways
how served in the last 12 months. Some
writing this prayer letter every
e. It Sometimes
like were
hat the
truth is that were not doing what we and
do to
for recognition
wisdom. The
for ourselves.
That is to
the last
We serve,
not to
get glory
and we
to befor
to glorify
God. with our
not mean
our eleven
of that
strength of our own we
be praised
all things.
have. It is truly with the strength of God that
th actions
we doand
do. And1 in
a mysterious
your prayers allow that to happen. You dont

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

pray because youre looking for praise either. So

lets turn all the praise giving to God.
This coming year well continue to have
opportunities to serve. Many of them the same
ways we served in the last 12 months. Some
official, some unofficial. We deeply desire
your prayers for strength and for wisdom. The
opportunities to serve are many and we need to
be selective, yet not mean with our resources.
And pray that God would be praised in all

Spotlight on CAJ
The hallways are buzzing with students now
that school has started. CAJ is once more
engaging young hearts and minds with the goal
of equipping them to impact the world for
There are many things that we are grateful for:
God has provided all our staffing needs.
Our classes are nearly full, with more than
460 students enrolled.
The weather is slightly cooler, so we are able
to concentrate in our classrooms.
We have a chance to show Jesus to a number
of non-Christian kids in our midst.
For all of this we will need Gods grace. We
are teaching with all our heart, serving Jesus
as we touch the lives of these precious young
people. They are exploring the world, trying
to find where and how they fit it into it.
Please pray that we would be faithful
stewards of the time and opportunities we
have to help children this coming year. We
want them to use their gifts for Jesus, just
like we do.

Prayer points
Continue to pray for the CAJ families who
lost sons in June-July.
For new students and teachers (6) as they
continue to adjust to CAJ. For those teachers
who arent new to CAJ but have different

responsibilities this year (13 staff, including

For Wendy as she begins leading an
evangelistic Bible Study at our church. It is
an English-based study for a group of nonChristians.
For David as he continues his studies at night
time. His days are also full at school, teaching
Year 11s and 12s Physics and Calculus,
plus juggling many other responsibilities,
including head of the Maths and Science
For more long-term financial partners to
join us.
For the boys as the excitement of school
wears off and reality of hard work sets in.

Praise points
A relaxing, enjoyable summer break. Were
loving our new family hobby of camping.

For many opportunities to serve others in

big and small ways.
For all our prayer and financial partners who
enable us to do what we do.
For nine years of Dougs life and 40 years
of Davids. God has blessed many people
through their lives.
For 14 years of marriage. What a blessing!
That we can send our boys to a good school
just down the road. Were so thankful.
We were given a new dining room table. It
expands to sit 8-10 people. Wow!
Callum memorised 1 John successfully. U

David and Wendy Marshall are missionaries

in Tokyo, Japan with the Overseaas missionary

Brookton Bush Mission 2012

T ony V eale
Good morrow fair Lords and Ladies,
Hark now, me thinkest I do hear the sounds of preparations on yonder Brookton green, and trumpet
sounds, heralding the gathering of the jolliest and worthiest nobles and noble gentlewomen.
Come one and come all for ye are needed to proclaim the mysteries of the gospel to the kin at Brookton.

medieval theme will tie together two

aspects of the Brookton Bush Mission
in January 2012. We plan to hold a Kids
Club from Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th and
then have a Community Fair on Saturday 21st
and a Community church service on Sunday
Would you consider helping the team run these
exciting events as a way of bringing the Good
News of Jesus to this country town in the
western Wheatbelt?
We are on the lookout for people who are willing
to come with us. You may have experience in
this kind of mission work. Good! We need your

expertise! You may have no experience. Good!

We can teach you, as you join an experienced
team, and have the support of Scripture Union,
too. Are you single and over 16? Come along.
We need energy and enthusiasm. Are you a
family (especially with Primary School-aged
children)? We love to have you in the team for
all kinds of reasons!
Our major Team Meeting is on Saturday 24th
September at Mt Pleasant Uniting Church from
9.30 a.m. You need to be there for that!!
More information: txt Tony (0431 572 026)
or Caroline (0432 961729), email brookton. or phone 9448 6542. U
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Cross Purposes
S eptember 2011 R eport


To our Purpose-filled Partners

We are on the move...
Our house sale was completed last Thursday,
August 25th and the money deposited in our
We are now staying in the apartment of a friend
in Writtle, near Chelmsford while she stays with
her mother. Writtle has been described as one
of the most picture-perfect villages in England. The village green has a duck pond and is
surrounded by an ancient church and many old,
old houses.
We are using these days to catch up with friends
and trying to get a little rest after the busy
schedule around packing our things to ship by
container to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, via the port
of Philadelphia. The movers did a fantastic
job of packing and wrapping everything for
the move a much more complicated process
than a move across town or even across the
country by truck. Neighbours helped us by
providing dinner on the Monday and Tuesday
and providing a bed to sleep in on Tuesday and
Wednesday. It is really hard to leave such good
We are seizing the opportunity in these final
days in Britain to see various friends with whom
we have ministered and to see some of our
family. On the ministry side, we are visiting with
people that we have known through the church
and through the DivorceCare program we ran
here in Chelmsford. Several of these folk plan
to attend the church service on Sunday morning
where I will be preaching my final sermon
before we leave the country. It is very humbling
to have so many people say such kind things
about the ministry Barbara and I have had with
them. On the family side, we are going to go
up to Edinburgh next week to see our eldest
granddaughter, Brittany. She is beginning her
final year of university there. Then we will
take the train through the Channel Tunnel to
Brussels to see our daughter, Shannon, and sonin-law, Carlton Deal. Shannon is planning our
sightseeing agenda during our time with them.
Then it will be on to America on September
20th.Barbs new US Passport has arrived!

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

D avid & B

CROSS Purpose

Phone: unknownross
E-mail: 6

To our Purpose-filled Partners
Arrival in USA
We are on the move
house sale was
last Thursday,
Friends have diligentlyOurprepared
way for
us. August
They have found aaccount.
house for us to rent, a car
We are now staying in the apartment of a friend in W
for us to use on arrival
and aWrittle
with her mother.
has beenaddress
described as one of the
land. The is
has a duck653
pond and
at a friends home. [Here
N. is surrounde
old houses.
We are using these days to catch up with friends and
Street, Carlisle PAschedule
useto ship
thisby container
around We
our things
did a fantastic job of packin
address until we notify you The
a permanent
move a much more complicated process than a move a
address. We also have
helped addresses:
us by providing dinner on th
a bed to sleep in on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Davids is
is It is reall
We are seizing the opportunity in these final days in B
some of our family. On the ministry side, we are visiting
If we have failed toDivorceCare
reply to program
an email
to Severa
we ran
in Chelmsford.
I because
will be preaching
my final
sermon before we lea
us please know thatwhere
things about the ministry Barbara and I have had with the
pressure we have been
hope toBrittany.
catchto seeunder.
our eldest We
She is beginnin
Channel Tunnel to Brussels to see our daughter, Shan
up in the days ahead.
agenda during our time with them. Then it will be on to A
We hope that our Arrival
thingsin USA
will arrive very soon
after we get there, though
have no
Friends we
have diligently
way for us. They
much delay may
be caused by
hurricane Irene
If we ha
and the backlog
cause of
such an event
days ah
may bring to
We hop
no idea
eastern ports.
an even
Carlisle, PA House
Once we get
Once w
unpacked we can begin our final Home Ministry (HMA)
Assignment (HMA). Mission
toPA House
the World support
Please continue to pray for us as we: finish the mov
(MTW) has given us
report to
and discover what kind of ministry God may have for u
our supporting churches,
friends and family. We
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement over
hope to see you during this time.
L Cross
Please continue to pray
us as we:
finish the move to Carlisle
plan our itinerary Support Donations should be sent to: Mission to the
Account of David Cross, A/c # 011126 Please Note:
visit some 35 supporting churches and
discover what kind of ministry God may have
for us in Retirement.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement
over the years and especially in these months of
transition. U
David & Barbara Cross have served
with Mission to the World in England and
Wales for about ten years. They have now
returned to America.

Fe a t u re s



B arbara C ross

What do you think of when you think of

Perhaps you picture a baby sleeping. Isnt it true
that we often comment, What a contented baby!
Contentment is a comforting word such a
comforting word that even advertising agencies like
to use it. As a child, growing up in the US, I along
with the rest of the nation, was well used to the
catchy ad for Carnation evaporated milk which was
said to come from contented cows!
As believers the first thoughts about contentment
should not be about babies or cows but about what
the Bible says on this matter. Perhaps the scripture
on the subject that first comes to mind is that written
by the Apostle Paul where he said, I have learned to be
content whatever the circumstances. To finish his thoughts
Paul adds, I know what it is to be in need, and I know what
it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in
any and every situation, whether well fed, or hungry, whether
living in plenty, or in want. I can do all things through him
who gives me strength.

was feeling so much emotional pain. I happened to

be reading a wonderful book by Bishop Ryle called
Holiness in which he makes the statement, Trouble
not felt is not trouble at all. That little statement
was a great relief and eye opener to me to know
that it wasnt sinful to feel the pain of what I was
experiencing. I learned that it was in how I handled
the pain as to whether or not I was sinning.
We can see that Paul in his testimony on knowing
contentment also experienced the pain of what
he was going through. He mentions that he was
at time, hungry and in want. In 2 Corinthians
6:12 he writes of the pain of having those he loves
withholding their affection from him. These are all
painful situations, especially to the extreme that Paul
experienced them.

Not opposed to making an orderly moan and

complaint to God and to our friends.
Demonstrating Christian contentment does not
mean that we are simply to keep a stiff upper lip
and never say anything to God or man. Burroughs
reminds us that in a quiet, still, submissive way we
While the very word contentment speaks of may unburden our heart to God and likewise we may
something comforting and peaceful it is important communicate our sad condition to Christian friends
showing them how God has dealt with us. The
to know what it means.
result of sharing with other godly people is that they
may pray for us and encourage us in our Christian
It is always important when we want to know what walk.
something truly is, to also know what it is not.
Jeremiah Burroughs in his great masterpiece on this Scripture gives many illustrations of people in the
subject of contentment, The Rare Jewel of Christian Bible who were experiencing great difficulties and
Contentment, reminds us of four things that godly their response was to lay out their problem before
the Lord. We see an example of this in 2 Chronicles
contentment is not.
20:1-12 where the people of Israel were under attack
Not opposed to feeling our problem.
by Moab and Ammon. King Jehoshaphat went to the
He says, God gives his people leave to be sensible of what temple along with leaders of the nation and declared
they suffer. Too often Christians believe that to be their dangers before God. He ends his prayer in
truly godly and content one must not feel painful verse 20 with a great statement of faith in the midst
emotions. A person who has simply gone numb of their real trouble. We do not know what to do,
is not a contented person. Some people try to cope but our eyes are upon you. In the Psalms (such as
with difficulty by going into an emotional coma. 34 and 40) we see many statements by the psalmist as
he comes before the Lord to pour out his troubles.
They struggle to feel nothing.
I remember being caught in the trap of thinking that We also see examples in Scripture where believers
way at an early period of my life. I was going through shared their troubles with other believers for mutual
a very difficult time and was feeling guilty because I encouragement. David went to the Prophet Samuel
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1

to tell him all that King Saul was doing to destroy

him. (I Samuel 19: 18). The grieving women shared
their pain with Peter when Dorcus died. (Acts 8:39)
The Greek widows in Jerusalem complained to the
apostles about being overlooked in the distribution
of food. (Acts 6:1)
Not opposed to seeking lawful help or lawfully
working to be delivered from the problem.
This means that we can lawfully pray for Gods aid
in our problem or for the removal of the problem if
God wills. The important thing is that we seek for
either aid in trouble or deliverance from trouble in
accordance with (1) when it is Gods will and (2) how
God may choose to aid or deliver.
Not opposed to having lawful ambition.
Some people may be simply lazy and have no desire
to be or do the best they can. This attitude is not
contentment but is clearly sloth and idleness. We
know that in other places the Bible commands us to

Barbara & David, 2010

work heartily for the Lord. Whatever you do, work

at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
for men. (Colossians 3:23)
Though I searched in a number of places I could
not find a better definition of contentment than the
one Jeremiah Burroughs has given to us. He says,
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet,
gracious frame of spirit which freely submits to and
delights in Gods wise and fatherly disposal in every
Contentment is an inward work in the heart.
It is possible for someone to appear to be content
on the outside when inside they are raging against
God and man. It reminds us of the story of a little
boy, who when standing up in the back seat of the
car was told to sit down and put on his seatbelt. He
did what he was told but was heard to mutter, I may
be sitting down on the outside but I am standing up

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

on the inside.
Contentment is a something that is
Though there are people who may be born with
a nature that is more placid than others this is not
spiritual contentment. We are not born contented. It
is a grace that must grow. Like all things that need to
be learned hopefully there is progress in the learning
though there may also be hills and valleys in the
learning process. To learn something there must be
effort and practice. It is the trials and sorrows of life
that gives us the opportunity to learn and practice
this grace.
Contentment is only gained by a work of God
through the Holy Spirit.
I can do all things through him who gives me
strength is an oft quoted verse and can be applied
to many situations. However, it is important to note
that this statement is given in the context of learning
to be content. Just as we come to Christ for salvation
by admitting that we are helpless and cannot save
ourselves, we must come to him though all our
Christian life admitting our own utter weakness
and our need for his help. This is certainly true with
contentment. It is a comfort to us to know that we
are not called to grit our teeth, screw up our faces
and become content but that we can call on our
Heavenly Father to work that grace in our heart.
He is the one who works in us to will and to act
according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13)
Contentment is finding true happiness in
Gods dealings with us.
This does not mean that I enjoy the difficulties
that come into my life. There are those who have
falsely taught that we are to be thankful for all
circumstances. The wife is to be thankful for the
beatings that her husband gives to her. The parents
are to be thankful for their sons drug addiction.
The Bible does not say to be thankful for sinful
things. It does command us to Be thankful in all
circumstances. What is the reason that we can be
thankful a result of contentment in all things?
It is because God has his hand in all that happens
to us and is working all to the good of the believer.
(Romans 8:28)
(What we gain)
We gain a closer relationship to God
One of the greatest barriers to true fellowship with
the Lord is a sense of discontent and grumbling.
When we are not at peace within ourselves we

are not at peace with God. We demonstrate this

discontent by both inward and outward murmuring.
Scripture tells us clearly that God calls grumbling
sin. (See Numbers 14)

his key points into my bible and I often refer to them.

He called the key principles for gaining contentment
Rethink, Reduce and Redirect. He drew these
principles from 1 Timothy 6:6-8, where Paul again
addresses the issue of contentment. But Godliness
with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing
into the world and we can take nothing out of it.
But if we have food and clothing we will be content
with that.

It is when I am willing to melt my will and desires

into Gods will that I can know that fellowship
with God for which I was created. It is important to
understand that it is not enough to simply submit
to his will which may imply that there is reluctance
on my part. I must come to the place where like the Rethink Your Priorities
Psalmist I can say, I delight to do thy will, O God. I must ask myself, What is the greatest good I
can gain? The world says that having all I want of
(Psalm 40:8 AV)
How our hearts deceive us into thinking that wealth, success, pleasure and power are the greatest
happiness and contentment come when we can good. The Rich Fool in the Bible was convinced
that contentment would come when he could build
have our way and our own will. We see this attitude
bigger barns. But the Apostle tells us that godliness
in children who are sure that if they can just get
with contentment is the greatest good.
what they want they will be happy and content.
Sometimes when they are given what they want What is godliness? Godliness is being more and
for a time they appear to be content. However, it is more conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
not true contentment because it doesnt last when In order to be find true contentment I must ask
the novelty of what they have wears off. Sadly, it is myself if my greatest priority in life is to be godly.
not only children who have bought into this way of Am I honestly able to pray the prayer of the deeply
thinking. As adults and even believers we can feel spiritual Robert Murray McCheyne who said, Lord,
that contentment can come through getting more make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be?
Godliness must become our first priority.
than I have.
Reduce Your Desires
We gain a more favourable relationship with
Jeremiah Burroughs reminds us in a pithy statement
those about us.
that, The Christian comes to contentment, not so
God has built into human relationships the fact that
much by way of addition, as by way of subtraction.
when we follow his desires for the way we are to live
This is completely opposite to what the world
we not only please him but we generally please those
and our sinful nature says to us. We think, and we
around us. Each one of us can picture someone we are told; Contentment will come with just one
know or have known who has made people around more thing. We are deceived into thinking that
them miserable by their discontent and grumbling. contentment will be ours when we have more than
we already have. Note that Paul reminds us that we
Give me neither poverty nor
are to be content with the most basic needs of life
food and clothing. Am I willing to reduce my desires
riches, but give me only my
so that what I desire and what I have are in balance
daily bread.
with each other?
Discontented children disgust parents. Grumbling
marriage partners annoy their mates. Unhappy
workmates cause friction; and murmuring relatives
and neighbours are best avoided. What a delight, on
the other hand, to be with those who have the grace
of contentment.
If contentment is something that is learned then we
need to know how we are to master being content
through the help of the Holy Spirit. Many years
ago my husband, David, preached a sermon on
contentment that has always stuck with me. I wrote

Redirect Your Ambition

In the Sermon on the Mount we are told what our
ambition should be and the blessing that is ours
if we make the right choice. Jeremiah Burroughs
states a paradox in the life of the Christian. The
Christian is the most contented man in the world,
and yet the most unsatisfied man in the world. He
is content with what God has given him in this life,
in enjoyment of the things of this life and yet he is
never completely satisfied in this life in his hunger
for God. Thus our ambition is to seek daily to satisfy
that hunger that God has created in us. Jesus said,
Blessed (the promise of happiness) are those who
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


hunger and thirst after righteousness (the ambition). highly unusual gift from God with a church planter
Is that my ambition to daily know more and more of from another denomination and asked if he would
him and to hunger and thirst after his righteousness? like to see the land that had been given to our church.
Standing on that land together our brother asked if
he could pray. In his prayer he earnestly thanked the
In order to promote biblical contentment in Lord for what he had done for us. What a lesson it
ourselves it is helpful to be aware of some of the was to us and an illustration of how a godly man
dangers that face us when we are discontented.
could rejoice with those who rejoice when it was
almost certain that his small church would never
Delay of Duties to Be Done
have a grant of land like this.
A person who is consumed with discontent wastes
much time because their physical and spiritual energy Running to the Wrong Thing to Find Relief
is depleted by negative thoughts, words and actions. When we are discontented we are tempted to turn
Because of their inertia, practical and spiritual duties to a number of things that are wrong to find relief.
are sadly neglected. Neglect of our duties hinders us Some things we turn to may seem harmless but
from following the command of Scripture where become sinful because they take an inordinate place
we are told to Whatever you do, work at it with all in our lives. Some things turned to for relief are
your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men physically harmful and all our spiritually harmful. In
(Colossians 3:23)
one of the great Puritan prayers found in the book
Valley of Vision the statement is made. Lawful
blessings are the secret idols and do the most hurt.
All discontent leads to some
We must be careful that our lawful blessings do
degree of rebellion against God. not become our secret idol to which we run to
find relief.
Lack of Thankfulness
Rebellion against God
Discontent is the very opposite of being thankful.
All discontent leads to some degree of rebellion
Some might classify the lack of thankfulness as
against God. In the life of the Christian it may
simply a negative emotion but in Gods eyes it is
cause one to purposely neglect spiritual duties: time
a sin. It is shocking to see in Romans 1:21-25 that
in prayer, scripture reading and even worship and
Paul lists lack of thankfulness along with the sin
fellowship with other Christians. With some it may
of homosexuality. For although they [the godless]
take the form of radical hatred and outburst against
knew God they neither glorified him as God nor God often the God they say they dont believe in.
gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile One has to wonder how much the anger against God
and their foolish hearts were darkened.
over the death of his small daughter led to Darwins
Resentment at What Others Have
To be discontented with my situation always leads to
resentment of those who are able to have or do more
than me. Generally this inward feeling of resentment
spills out in other ways harsh words as well as
hateful and damaging actions. Resentment leads to
us breaking a number of the 10 commandments
especially the 10th You shall not covet (Exodus
One way to check my heart to see if I have
contentment without resentment is to see if I can
rejoice with those who rejoice even when I have very
little especially when they have that which I would
truly love to have for myself. (Romans 12:15)
Years ago, during our ministry in Australia, things
worked out that the church that we had started and
developed was given a prime piece of land by the
government. The charge for this land was $9.50 for
a survey fee! We shared the story of this great and

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

promotion of godless evolution.


It is in times of want that we may most lack
contentment. What are some of the steps that will
help us to overcome this common temptation?
Remembering Some Basic Truths
In spite of what the world teaches and our sinful
hearts want to believe we will never be satisfied or
find true contentment by the things of this world
even those things that may be good in themselves.
It is not generally wrong to have people we love,
possessions that we enjoy, positions that can be
used for good or places that give us happiness. But
our hearts will never be satisfied by the things of
creation. Rather our satisfaction can only be in a
right relationship with the creator. Augustine of
Hippo pointedly reminds us Our hearts are restless
until they rest in Thee.

We also need to remember the absolute truth of who were coming together with those who had less.
Romans 8:28 that all things do work together for the The rich believers were eating and drinking ahead of
those who had little and because of this they were
good of the believer, even when we are in want.
humiliating the poorer people among them in the
Recalling That God Uses Affliction in the Life
church. (1 Corinthians 11:17-22) How easy it is when
of the Believer
we have much to look down on those who have little.
As with many biblical truths, this one cuts across an
idea that the world would have us believe and that Sinful Self Reliance
our sinful hearts might cling to that the only good Scripture constantly tells us that we can do nothing
thing for me is being happy. In some cases God good without the help of Gods Holy Spirit. What
brings painful discipline into our lives to restore us a temptation it is when we have much to think that
to himself. Our fathers disciplined us for a little we are the cause of what we have. The Parable of
while as they thought best, but God disciplines us the Rich Fool illustrates this. A man looked at all
for our good. (Hebrews 12:10-11) Psalm 119:67 his wealth and though he had plenty he desired to
reminds us of the need we may have for suffering, have more. To add to this sin he takes credit for all
Before I was afflicted I went astray. In other cases that he has rather than recognising that all was a gift
God allows the heat of suffering to enter our lives to from God. The Result? God said to him, You fool!
purify us. Because of this God- ordained suffering This very night your life will be demanded from
the Psalmist concludes in Psalm 119:71 It was good you. Then who will get what you have prepared for
for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your yourself? (Luke 12:13-21)
Years ago our family had been living in circumstances
It seems almost strange to us when Paul tells us that were very humble and many would have
that he needed to learn contentment even in times described as being in want. I knew that there
of plenty. It would appear on the surface that times was coming a time when we would be travelling
of plenty are the times of most contentment. Yet and be among people who had far more than we
there are sinful temptations that would mar our did. I was concerned about the temptation to being
greatly discontent with our lot. Somehow the book
by Jeremiah Burroughs, from which I have drawn a
Sinful Pride in What I Have
number of the thoughts of this lesson, came into
The dangers of sinful pride are illustrated in the life my hands and I read it. What a great challenge and
of Nebuchadnezzar, who, when he was the ruler of spiritual encouragement it was to me. Along with
the mighty Babylonian empire, became inordinately that book I came across a prayer in the Scriptures
proud and God had to humble him. (Daniel 4) that I felt set out how I should view the matter of
Even believers can be lead astray into the sin of having what God wanted me and my family to have.
pride when they have plenty. Uzziah was a king who It became my prayer and a help in blending my will
showed great promise. He sought God during the with Gods will for me. The writer of Proverbs 30:8days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of 9 instructs us how we should pray for what we need.
God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him
success. (2 Chronicles 26:5) God gave him much Keep falsehood and lies far from me. Give me neither poverty
in the way of position, power and possessions. But nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise I may
there came a time when the Bible says, After Uzziah have too much and disown you and say, Who is the Lord?
became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He Or I may become poor and steal and so dishonour the name
was unfaithful to the Lord his God. He unlawfully of my God
took to himself the position of a priest. God struck What a prayer for a balanced life that leads to
him with leprosy from which he suffered the rest contentment! U
of his life.
Scorn and Mistreatment of Those Who Have
One would think that scorn and mistreatment of the
poor would never be the pattern of believers who
have plenty. Yet in the directions given for observing
the Lords Supper Paul had to confront believers

David & Barbara Cross have served with

Mission to the World in England and Wales for
about ten years. They have now returned to
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Fe a t u re s


N athan W oonings

This is the fifth, God willing, of a series of articles written by various

authors on the theme of each chapter of the Westminster Confession
of Faith.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 4:2
Who am I? If I can find the answer to that my life
will have true meaning. But who am I? Dont go
there. Youll only get depressed. Youll just feel more
and more fragile. Dont focus on who you are, just
think about what youd like to experience. Go with
the flow, re-organise yourself, re-think yourself, reconsider yourself. Thats modern Psychology. Talk
about sidestepping the issue! But it is true that if you
keep trying to find out who you are you will become
more and more fragile. You will be on a hopeless
and endless quest unless God reveals to you the real
answer; and that liberates!
Who am I? I am created to bear Gods image.
I discover my true identity when I realise that
I am created in Gods image. The Westminster
Confession of Faith chapter 4: 2 tells us that
Godcreated man, male and femaleendued with
knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness, after
His own image.2
That which distinguishes you and me from
everything else in creation is that we were created
in the image of God.3 When we read the creation
account in Genesis 1, the uniqueness of the creation
of human beings comes into focus. Plants and
animals were each created according to their kinds
while human beings were created according to
Gods likeness4. God simply speaks everything else
into existence, on the one hand, but then sits down
to deliberate with himself before creating human
beings. While all of creation reflects his perfections,
in some way, men and women are the crowning
monuments of creation; the revelation of God in
the world.
When Genesis 1:26-27 speaks of being made like
God and being made in Gods image it means
the same thing. We are not made like God and in

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

his image. To be in Gods image is to be like him;

there is not important distinction. Some in the past
have said that image refers to our physical frame
and being like God refers to our spiritual nature.
However, when we read the text of Genesis 1 more
carefully (and the rest of the bible), we will discover
that image and like can be used interchangeably
because they are speaking about the same truth5.
Well, what does it mean to be created in Gods image,
which is to be like God? This is where it becomes
difficult because the bible nowhere describes in
explicit detail what it means to be created in Gods
image. The bible
doesnt say, To be
created in Gods
image means this,
this and this. We
have to work it
out ourselves. We
do it by reading
parts of the bible
where the words
man and image/
likeness appear together in the same text or passage.
From studying those passages we can learn from
them about what it means to be created in Gods
The Westminster Confession of Faith does exactly
that when it says that being made in Gods image
is to be ...endued with knowledge, righteousness
and true holiness.... So how does it come to that
conclusion? It does it through the process of reading
back in the bible. The WCFs definition appeals to
Ephesians 4:21-24 and Colossians 3:10. Both verses
have in focus the new man or woman created anew
in Jesus Christ,7 indwelt and ruled by the Holy Spirit.
That man or woman indwelt by the Holy Spirit is

being renewed in righteousness, knowledge and

true holiness. What the authors of the confession
conclude is that when God originally created us in
his image, he created us in righteousness, knowledge
and holiness. When sin came along they were,
amongst other things, lost. However, when Jesus
saves us they are renewed in us.
Understanding the meaning of knowledge,
righteousness and holiness helps us to understand
Genesis 1:26. Specifically they focus our attention on
that fact that we are as humans, relational creatures.
We are being renewed in knowledge. We were
originally created with knowledge.
Knowledge refers to our knowledge of God. It is
our relationship with God that distinguishes us from
the rest of creation. As I write this, I am looking
at the fish tank in the corner of my office. I am
pretty sure they are oblivious to God. They are not
aware that he exists. Unlike humans I havent seen
them able to think independently like God. There
is nothing in the way they swim or communicate
with each other that shows me that they understand
or know the character of God. We, on the other
hand, are able to have knowledge of God and think
thoughts after God. We are able to know God to
some extent as he knows Himself. We know God
not just in our minds but in our hearts; loving him
and worshipping him in the way he has taught us.
We are putting on the new self; true
We were originally created righteous. We seek to
live right; right with God and those around us. As
Christians we know how to distinguish right from
wrong and act as independent moral creatures. We
dont follow God out of blind obedience. It is not
behaviour modification. We follow God and obey
his norms and his ways because we know they are
right. We disobey God and follow our own hearts
because we want to do what is wrong or despise
what God thinks is right.
When I first got my dog it was clear to me that he
had no concept of right from wrong. I controlled
his behaviour. From the moment he was a pup I just
modified his behaviour to suit me and my family. He
had no concept that if he bit my son or daughter
and it hurt them that it was wrong. I couldnt explain
to him what was wrong with that. I couldnt get him
to reason and understand it. I just had to modify
his behaviour. On the other hand there is a moral
will within us that allows us to make right choices.
The focus of righteousness is our willing response
to Gods authority. When we willingly chose to obey

God we choose right.

We are putting on the new self; true holiness.
We were originally created holy. We reflect Gods
character as holy. This focuses on our affections
and feelings towards God. We want to live in his
presence. We want to live before him and to live like
him. Is our God pure? We want to be pure. Does
our God hate sin? We hate sin. We want to live good,
faithful, and godly lives. We want to devote our lives
to him. We want
our lives to mirror
his character. We
want people to
know what God is
like by the way we
live our lives.
But all this begs a
further question.
originally created
in Gods image but
it was lost when Adam sinned, does that mean all
those who arent being renewed by the Holy Spirit
no longer bear Gods image? Even though the image
of God, as just described, means being renewed by
the Spirit and will be perfected in us when Christ
finally comes back, that doesnt mean the image of
God has been totally lost with the fall into sin.
Following Adams fall into sin the Bible still talks
about us being in Gods image. Genesis 9:6 says,
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall
his blood be shed, for God made man in his own
image. Murder is so serious because assault
of another human being is an assault upon the
image of God and for that reason warrants capital
punishment, even today.8 If even one person on the
earth is not in the image of God, the reason for not
taking the life of another person becomes null and
void. I could argue from 1 Corinthians 11:7 the same
but space does not allow it.9 Finally James 3:9, With
[the tongue] we bless our Lord and Father, and with
it we curse people who are made in the likeness of
God. speaks of men and women generally, as made
in Gods likeness. It would make no sense in context
to read the verse as only referring to Christian men
and women. Though not all with equal clarity, these
passages are enough to show us that they assume
men and women in the world today bear Gods
So being in Gods image refers not just to something
that we have lost but it also refers to something that
we still are. For those in whom the image of God
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


is not being renewed, the image is perverted11.

We are, in the totality of our humanity, including
our physical bodies, the image of God. The only
way to ultimately destroy how we reflect God is to
annihilate the human race. John Calvins statement
rings true today. Gods image in human beings refers
to those marks of excellence with which God has
distinguished Adam over all the other creatures.12
As far as man being made in the image of God is
concerned no more may be in view than that which
belongs to human beings.13

We cant find meaning to life which is separate from

God. We cant make ourselves anything other than
what we were intended to be; in Gods image.

Maybe you or your friends think that coming under

Gods rule is exchanging freedom for bondage.
What you or they dont realise is that they would be
exchanging bondage to self for freedom with God.
To try to live as a human beings without living our
lives in wholehearted submission to God is to rebel
against our own identities. A fish was created to
swim in the ocean or river. What happens if one
So then following the fall into sin the image of God day it looks up in the sky and decides it wants to be
has become deformed, mutilated and disfigured.14 like a bird and fly? It has sealed its doom. Without
Men and women still have creative ability and are God we are fish out of water. True freedom is
only found when we live as we were
This creation has problems
created to live; imitating God.

because we sinned and are

sinners. Our sin brought the
world under Gods curse.
able to pursue knowledge, study, learn about the
universe, and think for themselves. They still have
personality. The great horror of having all those
traits is that God is now out of the picture! If human
beings in their essence are imitators of God and they
instead live in rebellion against God it makes sin all
the more heinous.15 Instead of worshiping God
(something unique to human beings) we worship
wooden idols or ourselves.
Men and women remain moral creatures. We
still know instinctively that there is a right and a
wrong even if we sometimes get the two confused
(Apparently, in Australia, abortion is right and
capital punishment is wrong?).
The fact that we in our entire humanity bear Gods
image is what makes films like the recent Cats and
Dogs or the old Disney classic The Aristocats
so heart warming and funny. We are bringing what
is distinctly human into the animal world with all
the range of human emotions. So we have a new
connection with animals through fantasy which
reflects what we have with each other in reality.
We are creatures and God is creator. Our lives are
not our own. We belong to God whether we want
to acknowledge it or not. Rather than imitate God
we act as if we are the supreme beings. The result is
that we struggle in and of ourselves to find any real
lasting satisfaction in our lives. Whatever we achieve
in this word is only torn away from us when we die.

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

Because humans are created in Gods

image they have certain rights which
other creatures dont have. The
Authors of the American Declaration
of Independence got it absolutely
right when they wrote, We hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men areendowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights17
I know of someone who worked in disability services
soon after he was converted to Christianity. While
working in the institution life became extremely
difficult and everything finally culminated when one
of them threw up all over him. Ready to quit he said
to himself, It is beneath me to do any of this. At
that moment God convicted him. No matter how
disabled a person might be he or she has just as much
right to be cared for and looked after as anybody
else. We are all descendants of Adam. We are all the
image of God, black or white, male or female, fully
formed or deformed. In God we all have dignity. We
all have a right to be treated as human beings, not as
animals, slaves or commodities.
The result of being created in Gods image is that
we have been given a special task. We are to have
dominion over the creation.18 We are responsible for
it. We are to look after it and care for it. God has
created us as his vice regents over the universe19. Am
I afraid that a nuclear world war will destroy most
of the human race and that the cockroaches will
take over the world and humanity? No. Am I afraid
that some alien from out of space will overtake the
universe? No. It defies the natural order of things.
God created man at the top of the pecking order.
Between us and God there is no one.
As the rulers of the universe we need to realize
that there is a direct link between being in His

image and the environment. The world we live in

has environmental problems because it is a moral
universe. This world, in its ignorance, thinks that by
pouring all its energies into saving the environment
that it will be able to preserve the world. Conquering
global warming20 will not rescue the universe. While
it is important that we take care of the creation, act
responsibly and not abuse the world which God has
given us, we are foolish to think that we can truly
save the environment and take no thought for our
relationship to the creator.
This creation has problems because we sinned and
are sinners. Our sin brought the world under Gods
curse.21 If our aim in looking after the environment
is to achieve a perfect environment we are wasting
our time. If we want a perfect environment we
need to realize that we cant rescue it. It wont be
right until God fixes it. If you want a world for
generations to come you wont get it in this world.
This world is passing away. Our universe groans
longing to be delivered from the curse and be recreated perfectly22. Will you be a part of that world?

1 In this article all italics in quotes are mine. All bible
quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: English
Standard Version. 2001. Wheaton: Standard Bible
2 The Westminster Confession of Faith. 1996. Oak Harbor,
WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
3 Smith, M. H. (1994). Systematic Theology (Vol. 1).
Greenville , South Carolina: Greenville Seminary
4 Genesis 1:11 cf. Genesis 1:26
5 For the exegesis & history see Hoekema, A.
A. (1986). Created in Gods Image. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, pp. 13-15; 33-35 cf. Reymond, R. L.
(2001). A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith
(2nd ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson,
Inc, pp. 425-427 cf. Murray, J. (1977). Collected
Writings of John Murray (Vol. 2). Edinburgh: Banner
of Truth, p. 34
6 Because of this it is important to realise that while
most Christians generally agree today that image
and likeness refer to the same thing there is





certainly no agreement as to what it means exactly

to be created in Gods image. I will focus on the
Westminster Confessions view. It is the traditionally
reformed view and one which I espouse. Even
then what I say may not be exactly what others who
hold the same view I do, believe. Be aware I have
also left things out intentionally so as not to open
more roads than I need to. For further study see
also Reymond, 2001, p. 428 cf. Berkhof, L. (1958).
Systematic Theology. Edinburgh, U.K.: Banner of
Truth, pp. 202-203, 206-210
Murray, 1977, p. 40
Murray, 1977, p. 36
John Murray is excellent on this point (Murray,
1977, pp. 36-37)
Murray, 1977, p. 37
Hoekema, 1986, p. 83
Quoted in Bavinck, H. (2004). Reformed Dogmatics
(Vol. 2). (J. Bolt, Ed., & J. Vriend, Trans.) Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, p. 550
Murray, 1977, p. 41. So with most reformed
theologians I like to speak of the image in terms of
the narrow sense and the broader sense. In this
article I have focused on the narrow sense keeping
within the scope of the Confession.
Hoekema, 1986, p. 83
See also Murray, 1977, pp. 38-39
These are just some implications. We could also
talk about sexual equality and the significance of
worldwide evangelism.
Hancock, J. (1776, July 4). The Declaration of
Independance. Retrieved July 5, 2011, from USHistory.
If we dont have dominion over the creation we
would fail to be who we are as human beings created
in Gods image. However I agree with Murray, 1977,
p. 41, who suggests that it is better to refer to this as
a function that we have based upon the fact that we
are created in Gods image.
Genesis 1:26
I am sceptical that there is such a thing.
Genesis 3:17-19
Romans 8:19-22.

Nathan Woonings is a ruling elder in

Mandurah WPC and a student under
care of the Presbytery of WA

A minister waited in line at the service station to have his car filled with petrol
just before the Easter break. The attendant worked quickly, but there were
many cars ahead of him.
Finally the attendant beckoned the ministers car to a vacant pump.
Reverend, said the man, Im sorry about the delay. It seems that everyone
waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.
I know what you mean, the minister chuckled, Its the same in my business.
Author unknown
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Fe a t u re s

Genesis 1 and the

people of Israel

S tuart J ohnson

begin my contribution to Insights with a

series in Genesis chapters 1-3. In doing
so, I hope that we will be reminded
of the majesty and grace of God, and the
nature and need of humanity. However,
for many Christians the grandeur of God
or the nature of humanity do not come to
mind when thinking of Genesis 1-3. For
there is an almost insatiable appetite for
argument regarding matters such as the
length of the days of Genesis 1 and the age
of the earth. This appetite for controversy is
strong across the theological spectrum, from
conservative to liberal. However, although
our modern questions require treatment,
Genesis addresses issues of greater interest
and significance. Rather than rushing to
the text with our questions, let us see what

He is the one true and living

God, whose sovereign power
was the answer to ancient
questions it asks of us. Questions regarding
our understanding of God. Questions about
what it means to be human. One way to help
us to do this is to consider Genesis in its
historical context, and to remember its first
Although Genesis includes an account of
the creation of the world, it was not written
at or even soon after the creation. Genesis
was written thousands of years after the
creation of our first parents Adam and Eve.
As for authorship, we do well to accept the
traditional belief that Moses wrote Genesis

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

under the inspiration of God (this was the

opinion of Jesus, which although not a
persuasive factor for some scholars is surely
more than sufficient for a Christian). Now
Moses wrote in a truly remarkable historical
context: the Exodus of Gods people from
Egypt. They had seen staggering displays
of divine power. They had experienced
salvation by grace. Their exodus from Egypt
was the greatest redemptive event prior to
the ultimate rescue, the exodus from sin and
death achieved by Jesus Christ in his death and
resurrection. And we can readily appreciate
the significance of Genesis to Gods people
at this time. It provided powerful answers to
questions such as, who is this God Yahweh,
and why did he help us?.
We presume that from oral tradition, and
perhaps also genealogical records, that the
people of Israel had some understanding
of the past. That Israel knew the names of
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (whose
bones they carried from Egypt, Ex. 13:19).
But as their grumblings in the desert revealed,
they had been born into and indoctrinated by
the worldview of Egypt. They were a people
in need of wisdom, and God gave it to them.
From Genesis chapters 12-50 Israel learned
that their God was a powerful, faithful,
promise making and promise keeping God.
They learned that God had graciously called
them to be His people. In particular, they
learned that their liberty from Egypt was
the fulfilment of Gods promise to their
forefather Abraham, some four hundred
or so years earlier (Genesis 15). They were
children of promise.
But as valuable as that was, the who

are we, and why is God for us questions

demanded answers beyond 400 years;
answers beyond Abraham. These were
provided in Genesis chapters 1-11. Here we
find ultimate answers to ultimate questions.
With simplicity clothed in majesty it begins:
In the beginning, God created the heavens
and the earth. Only God is without
beginning. All else came into being, at the
beginning. Matter was not eternal, as some
of the ancients believed. The sun, moon
and stars were not gods. Instead, the God
who brought you out of Egypt is the creator
of all things. He is the one true and living
God, whose sovereign power was the answer
to ancient concerns. In our day the matter
of origins looms large. To the ancients
the big questions were around order and
stability. In explanation of evil and chaos,
they suggested an eternal struggle between
the forces of chaos and the gods, who were
capricious of character! In stark contrast
Genesis asserted that there was only one
God, the maker of all things (material and
spiritual). Also against the grain of ancient
thought was Gods repeated declaration of
the goodness of the creation (1:3, 10, 12, 18,
21, 25, 31). The material world was not the
carcass of a dead god (one less than dignified
ancient suggestion). And nor, where modern
folly matches ancient, was the creation an
inexplicable accident. The material world

was neither eternal nor evil nor accidental.

It was made by God, and it was good. It was
the theatre of Gods glory (Calvin). Plus,
(as we shall see later) Genesis also provided
clear answers regarding the degradation of
this good creation, and pointed towards its
For us today the supremacy of God as
creator remains the foundation upon which
our understanding of God is built. Gods
word does not start here without cause! Yes,
God as Redeemer is the primary message
of scripture. However, this is inextricably
linked to God as creator. Redemption is
the restoration of the creation. The story
of scripture moves from creation to newcreation.
With this in mind we join those whom
John saw worshipping God in heaven, saying:
For you are worthy, our Lord and God, to
receive glory and honour and power, for you
created all things, and by your will they were
created and have their being (Revelation
4:11). U

Stuart Johnson, PhD

Associate-Principal South Island
Grace Theological College, NZ

In a time of severe drought the preacher scheduled a special prayer service to

pray for rain. The church was packed out. The preacher stepped into the pulpit,
scanned the assembled congregation, and told everyone, You can all head on
home. This service is over! The people protested, but weve not prayed for
It wouldnt do a scrap of good, the preacher replied. Not one of you has
brought an umbrella!
Author unknown

T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Fe a t u re s

An Englishman Passionate
About Evangelism - And Birds
T im S tafford
John R W Stott CBE, the former rector of
World countries. Time for birds was nearly
All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, and always included. He traveled without entourage,
one of the most significant Chrsitan leaders of
sometimes preaching in a cathedral one day and
the 20th century, died on 27 July 2011 aged 90.
under a tree the next, meeting the mighty and the
Like any good diplomat, Stott knew exactly lowly and staying in their homes. As a London
who he was and where he came from. Born pastor he formed strong attachments to a wide
into an emotionally close and cultured doctors variety of humanity. When he encountered
family, he spent virtually his entire life in the opposition or criticism, he would seek it out for
same London neighborhood.
an exchange of views. He did not enjoy conflict,
As a child, he attended All Souls Church, but he was committed to dialogue.
sometimes sitting in the balcony and dropping
Right from the beginning he was passionate
wads of paper on the ladies hats below. At his about that hallmark of evangelicalism:
ordination in the Church of England in 1945, evangelism. The man who led him to Christ,
Stott became curate there and then, in 1950, E.J.H. Nash, or Bash, as he was known,
rector of the badly war-damaged church. He worked for Scripture Union in the elite English
would remain on staff for the rest of his days.
public schools. Stott had been raised to attend
was church and to read the Bible daily, but as a
t h o r o u g h l y young student he had no idea of personal
in salvation. Bash shared with him the scene
stereotypical ways: from Revelation 3, of Jesus standing at the
cool, door and asking to come in. It seized Stotts
time-conscious, imagination, and in a short time he had become
and an evangelical Christian. Bash soon put Stott to
balanced. Though he had a great gift for work, talking to other boys about what he had
friendship, he was not given to small talk or self- discovered. By the time Stott reached university,
revelation. (He did have a wry sense of humor he was running Scripture Union holiday camps,
and was a talented amateur musician.) A lifelong which were very explicitly evangelistic.
bachelor, he showed a formidable
capacity for work. When he was at
When he encountered opposition or
a writing project, he could happily
criticism, he would seek it out for an
keep his own company for weeks on
end at his retreat in Wales, grinding
exchange of views.
out page after page of well-regulated
Stott would ultimately become better known
At the same time, he relished the world as a Bible expositor and teacher, but during his
around him in all its variety. Perhaps nothing first decades of ministry he made a reputation
showed this so obviously as his lifelong love as an evangelist. At All Souls, he led many to
for birdwatching, which biographer Timothy Christ himself, while organizing and teaching
Dudley-Smith says bordered on an obsession. In the congregation how to bring their friends
his later decades, Stott spent a great proportion and neighbors into a relationship with Jesus. All
of his time traveling, much of it in Majority Souls was an inner-city church with a striking

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

mix of the well-off and the indigent, and Stott

was determined to neglect neither side. He
firmly believed that the local church should be
a locus for evangelism. One of his first books,
published in 1952, was Parochial Evangelism
by the Laity. His two earlier publications were
Personal Evangelism (1949) and Becoming a
Christian (1950).
J.I. Packer remembers that Stott in his
younger days was a brilliant and hardworked student evangelist. He was the chosen
speaker for a considerable number of InterVarsity Christian Fellowships week-long
evangelistic campaigns at British universities,

particularly Cambridge and Oxford. These later

extended to North America and throughout
the Commonwealth. From these evangelistic
talks came one of his best-selling books, Basic
Christianity (1958), which has been translated
into 25 languages and sold well over a million
copies. U

Tim Stafford, a senior writer for

Christianity Today, is vice-chair of the
board of John Stott Ministries

Continued from Page 31
TriNiTy TheOlOgiCAl COllege WeSTerN
Address: Trinity House 632-643 Newcastle
Street, LeederviLLe, WA
Telephone: (08) 9228 9067
AuSTrAliAN iNdigeNOuS MiNiSTrieS
AliCe SPriNgS

PO Box 31, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Telephone: (08) 8955 5271
Contact: Rev. Phil & Cathy Stuart
Church Service (winter):
20 Parke Cres, Alice Springs
Stuarts web:

Revd David and Barbara Cross

PrOvideNCe reFOrMed PreSbyTeriAN
Pastor Christopher Seah
+65 9139 4654
350 Alexandra Road, Level 3

(Next to Princess House)
Singapore 159946.
Bible Study/Sunday School: 11.30am
c/o Apt Block 1D, Pine Grove, #0815, Singapore 593001

grACe PreSbyTeriAN ChurCh

BeLLMere, QLd 4510
Contact: Revd Bill Ham (07) 5428 1797
grACe TheOlOgiCAl COllege

c/- 36 Balaclava Street WYNDHAM
Southland NeW ZeALANd
Contact: Revd Andrew Young
evANgeliCAl PreSbyTeriAN ChurCh

PO Box 31-210, CHriSTCHurCH,
Contact: Trevor Webb
the gathering 5:15 pm Sunday 408 South
Terrace South Fremantle, WA
Contact: Chuck Linkston
eASTgATe bible ChurCh
52 Herries Street - Toowoomba,
Contact: Dave Kiewiet (07) 4636 5438
Please note: While every care is taken to
ensure the information on these pages
are accurate, it is the responsibility of
each church or organisation to inform
the editor of any changes.
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Fe a t u re s

The Ezra Ministry


A ndrew Y oung

A research-writing-teaching ministry aimed at spiritual life and ministry development

and Steve Williams from Redeemer Grace

Presbyterian Church visited Vanuatu on a
short mission trip. They returned with reports
of opportunities to help church leaders
and especially Bible School teachers by
providing materials in Biblical and Systematic
Theology for students. A week or two later
Tony visited Pakistan and saw even greater
need there. Pastor Amjad Khan, a teaching
elder in our Grace Presbyterian Church in
New Zealand, had sensed God calling his
family back to Pakistan to help
village churches. In the early
Rather than establishing the Ezra
months of this year Amjad had
Institute as originally conceived,
visited his homeland and quickly
the Session of this church is
discovered fifteen churches in
Lahore and surrounding villages
proposing to establish a charitable
to be organized into the
trust called The Ezra Ministry and eager
Grace Presbyterian Church in
to call me to serve as the Director of
Pakistan. With 3,000 current
members and the possibility
this Ministry.
of thousands more joining
Ezra happens to be one of my favourite this church movement, it too is in need of
biblical characters. He was a priest/scribe materials for theological training of village
during the time of Israels exile in Persia who pastors and the wider membership.
travelled to Jerusalem to help the remnant Assisting pastors and church leaders in such
that had returned to their homeland. He is situations is something that is close to my
described as a man who had given himself
heart. Ive long cherished the dream of being
to the study, observance and teaching of
able to adapt materials developed for teaching
the Law of the Lord (Ezra 7:10). For over at Grace Theological College between 1995
forty years thats what Ive tried to do study, and 2007 for such purposes. Now it appears
observe, and teach the Word of God. Just as there is genuine need and opportunity for this
Ezra used his knowledge and gifts to bring to happen.
about spiritual renewal in the remnant of
These developments have coincided with
Israel, so I long to use whatever abilities God a growing desire to write in another area
has given to me to encourage spiritual vitality of interest, namely, Christian spiritual life.
and ministry competence in the church today. Throughout my Christian life I have been
Thats what makes Ezra so attractive to me.
gripped by a passion to know Christ and
After the seed thought of an Institute experience the reality of his indwelling life
had taken root, other things happened in mine. In the last five years that desire has
that nourished the idea. Tony Bracefield intensified to the point where it absorbs
The idea of The Ezra Ministry came to mind
in January 2011 during a visit to Auckland.
In conversation with friends there it was
apparent that there was a need to help Englishas-a-second-language speakers gain sound
biblical and theological foundations for their
faith that would prepare them for ministry. It
seemed at the time that the best way of doing
that was to create a pre-Theological College
Bible School which I thought could be aptly
named The Ezra Institute.


T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

my mind and heart constantly. I believe

experiencing more of the life of God is
something that not only individual Christians
hunger for but churches need as well. There is
nothing I would sooner do than devote what
remains of my life to discovering and sharing
principles and practices of faith that lead to a
deeper experience of Christ.
In reality, the two things mentioned above
the need for materials for training church
leaders and congregations and the deepening
of Christian spiritual life are closely
connected. It is my conviction that the best
way to achieve the latter is through the former.
Spiritual vitality and stability results from
a clear grasp of the story and the message
of the Bible, something that flows out of
courses in Biblical Theology and Systematic
Theology taught in Bible colleges such as
Grace Theological College. The more we
can help people know the God of the Bible
as he reveals himself in history, and the way
in which he redeems fallen humanity and his
groaning creation through Christ, the more
we can help them to walk with him in a way
that leads to life, peace, joy and power.
As I have shared with others the vision
of providing insights and resources from
our Reformed and evangelical heritage for
developing spiritual life and effective ministry
in churches worldwide I have received nothing
but positive encouragement and affirmation.
I have also discovered an eager and willing
spirit within the Redeemer Grace Presbyterian
Church in Auckland to embrace this vision.
Rather than establishing the Ezra Institute
as originally conceived, the Session of this
church is proposing to establish a charitable
trust called The Ezra Ministry and to call
me to serve as the Director of this Ministry.
If that eventuates, this will provide the vehicle
for a research-writing-teaching ministry that
makes accessible wisdom and insight from
our Reformed and evangelical heritage
with a view to promoting the spiritual
vitality, stability and ministry effectiveness of
churches worldwide.
At this point the research and writing projects

envisaged fall into five categories:

1. Devotional/Spiritual - insights from
Scripture and other writings stimulating
spiritual life
2. Theological/biblical - essays, papers,
articles deepening understanding of the
Bible and its teaching
3. Practical/ministry - papers, articles,
manuals, etc facilitating the practice of
Christian ministry
4. Educational - resources in biblical,
systematic, pastoral and historical theology
to equip pastors and theological students
for ministry
5. Biographical/auto biographical - lessons
from life stories that embody Christian
spiritual life
From a tiny beginning a flicker of desire
to help people who cannot grasp theological
concepts in English easily The Ezra Ministry
has grown into the world-embracing dream
of strengthening the spiritual life and ministry
effectiveness of churches by providing
resources from our rich theological heritage
in a form that they can readily understand and
use. It will involve an immense amount of
work requiring the creativity and cooperation
of many. But through the grace of Christ that
work will be a joy because it has the potential
to do enormous good and bring much glory
to God.
June 2011.
Editors note:
Andrew writes, It will be of interest to you, no
doubt to learn that the original inspiration for this
ministry came to me during my visit to Perth in
November 2006 to speak at the Presbytery Study
day. In the course of that time I became more than
ever aware of the great need for the renewal of
conservative evangelical and Reformed spirituality
in Australasia. U
Andrew Young is a Grace Theological
College Associate Principal (South
Island, New Zealand
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Fe a t u re s

What Am I? Understanding
Christian Leadership
A llan C happle s address to T rinity T heological
C ollege s new graduates in M arch 2011

o youve got your certificate in your

handsbut what does it mean? What
are you, now? One good way of
answering this question is thisyou have
now been equipped for Christian leadership.
But what does that mean? To find the answer
we go to Acts 20, where Paul is speaking
about Christian leadership.
He gets down to business straight away:
You know how I lived the whole time I was
with you, from the first day I came into the
province of Asia. I served the Lord with
all humility (verses18-19). Two things
are striking here. First, out of all the words

It is Gods Word that builds

up and brings us to glory.
for serving, Paul chose a very low-down
worda word that says that he served the
Lord as his slave. In a world where the lowest
possible place a person could be was to be
a slave, why would you put yourself down
like this? Paul is taking us back to the point
where, for us Christians, everything begins.
He is reminding us that we belonglock,
stock, and barrelto the Lord Jesus. As Paul
tells the Corinthians, You are not your own;
you were bought at a price. [1 Corinthians
6:19-20] Do you see the point? If you want
to understand what a Christian leader is,
you must begin with the Lord Jesus, and his
death and resurrection. Christian leadership

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

is not defined by the management textbooks;

its defined by the gospel of Christ.
And this brings us to the second thing:
when he says that he served as the Lords
slave with all humility, he doesnt sound
very like a CEO, does he? There is someone
in chargebut it isnt Paul; its the Lord!
The chief mark of his leadership is not his
authority but his humility. There is a place
for authoritybut it isnt what comes first.
Christian leadership is the humble service of
people who have been bought with a price,
people who live for the Lord who loved us
and gave himself for us.
So Christian leaders SERVE.
But how do we serve? We
find the answer in verse 28: Be
shepherds of the church of
God, which he bought with the
blood of his own One. So leaders shepherd
Gods churchthat is, they pastor Gods
people. Christian leaders SERVEand
Christian leaders SHEPHERD. And how
do we shepherd? How does a Christian
leader pastor Gods people? We do so as a
In verse 21 we see that we are a witness to
the world. The world Paul lived in was made
up of Jews and Gentilesand he testifies to
them both. He calls everyone in his world to
turn to God in repentance and to have faith
in the Lord Jesus.
We know that Jesus Christ has laid
claim to the whole world by his death and

resurrection. We also know that everyone in

the world ought to yield to him in penitent
trust. And so we give our witness to the
world, wanting every person to turn to Godin-Christ. We also know that this is how God
gathers his church. As the gospel is spread
throughout the world, God calls his own
sheep by name. This means that we do not
do our shepherding by turning inwards and
focusing only on those who are already in
the flockthe pastor also does the work of
an evangelist (2 Timothy 4:5).
In verse 24 Paul teaches us that the
Christian leader is a witness to the Word.
What Paul did for 3 years in Ephesusand
what he has been doing since thenand
what he intends to keep doingis to witness
to the gospel of Gods grace. His whole
ministry is focused on Gods Wordhe is
a servant of the Lord by being a servant of
the Word.
Now we turn to verse 28, where Paul
says: Keep watch over yourselves and all
the flock Christian leaders shepherd by
being a WATCHMAN. This is necessary
because of the double threat of fierce
wolves from outside and false shepherds
from inside (verses 29-30). How can they
meet this terrible threat? Paul gives us the
answer in verse 31. How do they function
as a WATCHMAN? By continuing as a
WITNESS! How did Paul guard the church
for the 3 years he was their leader?by
keeping on with his ministry of the Word,
bringing Gods Word to each person with a
tough mind (so, warning) and a soft heart
(so, with tears).
It is very obvious in all of this that Pauls
confidence is not in structures and programs,
but in Gods Word. We see this especially
clearly in verse 32. He commits them to
Godbecause God is the true Shepherd,
the true owner and protector of the church.
And he also commits them to Gods Word

because the Word is the instrument by

which God does his work in our lives. Its
by his Word that God grows and shapes and
preserves pastors in his church. Its by his
Word that God feeds and keeps his sheep. It
is Gods Word that builds us up and brings
us to glory. And its by his Word that pastors
guard themselves and all of the flock against
the dangers that threaten both from outside
and from inside the church.
This brings us to one last lesson Paul
has to teach us. Both dimensions of our
shepherding task revolve around the same
focus and core (verses 24, 32). The message
which grows the churchand guides the
churchand guards the church is the
gospel of grace. The church lives by the
message of Gods amazing love in the death
and resurrection of his Son. And this brings
us right back to where we startedfor the
grace of God is why we serve the Lord as his
slaves, humbly, loyally, sacrificially. So Gods
grace is not only our message, it is also our
motivewe serve because the Son of God
died for us.
So, to our new graduatesnow you know
what you are! And now that you do, will you
set yourself to be what you are? Will you
serve the Lord with all humility? Will you
shepherd his people that are in your care?
Will you be a servant of the Word and a
witness to the world? Will you be devoted to
the gospel of grace? U

Dr Allan Chapple,
Senior Lecturer in
New Testament and
Founding Principal
of Trinity Theological
College 1998-2002.
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Youth & Family Pages

Young people and music
Music of all
genres is easily
today. It plays
an important role
in the culture
and lives of our
youth. How can
you engage with
them to listen to
music that is wholesome and in line with a
Christian world view?
Try borrowing a CD or MP3 and listening
to their music.
Talk about what it is that they enjoy about
a particular song or performer
Read reviews regarding artists and
albums. Theres plenty available online.
Check out or the
reviews at
Introduce younger teens to new or
different genres (or Christian alternatives
if they are listening to a lot of secular
music that you are concerned about) via
compilation albums (eg WOW Hits 2011)
Listen to local Christian radio stations
to find out whats new or on top of the
Remember that young Christians arent
usually listening to music in order to praise
God; but rather enjoy music and lyrics that
communicate hope and encouragement or
speak to contemporary issues, or encourages
them in some other way.

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

Im part of a small church group
with few other young people. How
can I get to
young people?
Instead of the leavers activities
planned for/by those at your
school, try searching out a
short term mission that would
welcome your involvement
during schoolies week.
Check out what is offered by
Christian based organisations
such as Scripture Union or
Campus Crusade for Christ
during schoolies week
Visit other local youth groups
and Bible study groups
Plan to go to Christian
Fellowship groups at uni (check
Seeing a fellow student wearing
a t-shirt with a Christian slogan
during class time, then enjoying a
great conversation with her after
Noticing an acquaintance at a
concert where the members of the
band are Christians and being able
to use this situation to initiate a
good conversation.

Why joining your Unis

Christian Union is a
good idea!
Ive found that the CU (Christian Union) at my
uni has been a great source of encouragement
and help as Ive started out in my first year at
uni. Public meetings, Bible studies and regular
social events are held, and this is a great way
for meeting other Christians on campus
and strengthening your faith. If youre in
your last year of high-school and plan to be
studying in
Perth next
sounds like
it could be
good, why
not go to
next years Kickstart Camp, run by all the
CUs from Perth unis for Christians starting
out at uni. When I went it was lots of fun
and really encouraging. If you want to find
out more about each CU and CU camps such
as Kickstart go to
Youth Content by Beck and James Wilson

Shorter Catechism
with the scripture proof

Q. 32. What benefits in this life

are shared by those who are
effectively called?
A. In this life, those who are
effectively called share in
justification, adoption, and
sanctification, and the further
benefits in this life which
accompany or flow from them [a].
[a]. Rom. 8:30; ICor. 1:30; 6:11;
Eph. 1:5
Q. 33. What is justification?
A. Justification is an act of Gods
free grace [a], in which he pardons
all our sins [b], and accepts us
as righteous in his sight [c], for
the sake of the righteousness of
Christ alone which is credited to
us [d], and received by faith

Please send us snippets

for our mag that you
think are relevant to
our younger readers!

alone [e].
[a]. Rom. 3:24
[b]. Rom. 4:6-8; IICor. 5:19
[c]. IICor. 5:21
[d]. Rom. 4:6, 11; 5:19
[e]. Gal. 2:16; Phil. 3:9
T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1


Church News

We praise God for sustaining and blessing
our small gathering of His people. Things we
have enjoyed recently include:
Some of our women attending a
conference where we profited from good
teaching and marvelled at the wonder
of many voices singing praises to God
Informal womens meetings themed on
issues relating to our Christian world view.
Opportunities to fellowship together for a
meal twice each month.
Seeing both regular and new faces each
fortnight at our food distribution outlet.
Please pray with us for:
Wisdom for our elders in their leadership
role within our congregation
Continued spiritual growth for our young
Wisdom and guidance for the use of
the spare land surrounding our church
Opportunities to reach out to those using
the fortnightly food outlet
Sandra Wilson


Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly

abundantly above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that is at work in us, to Him be glory in
the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world
without end Amen (Ephesians 3:20 - 21)

T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

We praise God for who He is and what He

has done. He has shown us great things in the
past and present, and we know that He will
also take care of all our tomorrows. The God
who has led us to this place (Pacific Paradise
State School) has never wavered from His
promises because He is the same, yesterday,
today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
It is a little over five years since our Church
began its first services in the comfortable
but small Staff Room at Pacific Paradise
State School. After a period of 18 months
we outgrew the Staff Room. The only place
available to us was the schools Undercover
Area in the Great Outdoors. While this was
quaint we were besieged be the crows and
magpies who frequently chimed in to sing
along with us. Not to mention the exposure
to the elements with the wind driving the rain
in on some days and stifling heat on others.
We had to acquire our own chairs and tables
that were originally stored in an adjacent
storeroom plus each week clean the area (with
a leaf blower). Unfortunately the storage area
was withdrawn and a shipping container had
to be acquired and placed nearly 100 meters
from the Undercover Area. Our people were
faithful and rain wind or shine they fetched
and carried our church furniture on a small
hand dragged garden trailer. We began to
feel a little like Job; the leadership began to
worry for the health of some of our older
warriors particularly with the huge amount
of wet weather we were experiencing and the
host of other issues we were constantly faced
Our hopes were high for the completion of
the new school hall, but due to its immense
size, costing and other factors, it was
apparent that we needed to look for another
venue. After some protracted liaising with the
principal of the school and the registrar about
the possibility of using the library, approval
was finally (reluctantly) given. The move
into the library at the start of winter has its
advantages because we are out of the cold and
within a cosy room. But the downside is the
hassle of having to arrive early and rearrange
the furniture for the service only to have to
try to put things back together exactly as they

were (which seems to change ever week), plus

activating the alarm system (that has a mind
of its own) and a number of other obstacles
that we face on a weekly basis.
But God is great. Just down the road from
the school, a new Community Hall was under
construction. After a slow start, negotiations
with the committee of management have
accelerated and we have developed a strong
rapport. We have signed the contract and
intend (God willing) to hold our first service
in this new venue on the 18 September 2011,
Praise the Lord for He IS Great.
We know that God has rewarded the
patience, perseverance, and dedication of His
Church and Its people; and that He has gone
ahead of us and prepared the way. The new
venue is spacious (but not too big) with car
parking adjacent; no more walking nearly a
hundred metres through the elements each
week; we have the use of a full kitchen etc
and the committee has been generous with
hire rates as they sense our committment to
the community.
The Church is excited to be moving
into a high profile location with ties to the
broader community. We shared in the official
opening of the facility on September 10th; a
wonderful opportunity to network with other
local groups.
This has been a real answer to prayer and
as elders we wish to thank you for all your
prayers and faithful support. God is growing
His Church.
We praise God for the outreach in the
church as we grow steadily in numbers. Each
Sunday someone has something to share
about how God has given them the strength
to share the Good News with someone in the
community or in their work, etc.
Pastor Dan teaches Religious Education at
the school every week and has shared with
the church how, subsequent to a lesson one
week when several of the kids were extremely
disruptive, half of the class came forward the
following week with letters of repentance,
some even had tears in their eyes. They said
they were so sorry that they had acted in this
selfish way and they thanked Pastor Dan for

coming to their school to teach them about

Jesus. That classroom has been turned around
by the power of Gospel.
Every Friday night six Leaders (three from
CCC and three from other churches) lead a
Youth Group. We have on average about 20
- 30 young people turning up and practically
every one of these young people are from
single parent families and homes where Christ
is not known. But Friday 19 August 2011 we
had six of these young people commit their
lives to Jesus Christ. And since then another
teen has turned to Christ! Praise the Lord!
We visit a Retirement Village once a
month and have a blessed time listening to
their stories and sharing the hope we have in
Christ. The feedback is very positive and the
management is behind us every step of the
Our over 50s group (Diamonds) is well
attended and it is always a joy to drive to some
beautiful location on the Sunshine Coast, relax
and enjoy the fellowship of the believers. We
have encouraged any unbelieving spouses to
join us for these outings and they apparently
enjoy being with a bunch of Christians who
know how to have a good time because they
always come back.
There is so much more to tell, but we will
have to keep it for another time.
Thank you for your faithful support. We
covet your prayers as we share the Good
News of Jesus Christ with boys and girls and
men and women. May many more come to
know Jesus, who to know is life eternal.
Pastor Dan Bosshard and the elders of the
Christian Community Church

T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1



Westminster Presbyterian Church

AuSTrAliAN CAPiTAl TerriTOry
61 Templeton Street,

(cnr Rowan St.)

COOK, ACT 2614
9.30am and 6.30pm (every Sunday)
Address: 61 Templeton Street,

COOK, ACT 2614
Office Ph: (02) 6251 7727
(02) 6251 7737
Contact: Revd Geoff Findlay
Telephone: (02) 6259 7707 (a/h)
S.e. AuSTrAliA PreSbyTery
Moderator: Revd Geoff Findlay
Clerk: Elder Perry Blackmore
North Shore Community Hall, David
Low Way, Pacific Paradise
119 Glenview Rd, GLENVIEW QLD
Contact: Revd Dan Bosshard
0439 708 092
grACe ChriSTiAN ChurCh (buderiM
Corner of Stringybark Rd and Toral
Dr, Sippy Downs, Sunshine
7.45am, 9.30am and 6.00pm
Chinese Church (Mandarin
language) meets at 1pm. English
Hour (free English classes) at 4pm.
PO Box 346, BuderiM, QLd 4556
Telephone: (07) 5445 8933
Contact: Revd Bob Burnett (07) 5442 1783
Web Site:
Mt Ommaney Special School, 94
Capitol Drive, MT OMMANEY
9:30am & 5pm


T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

2/101 Harts Rd, INDOOROOPILLY,
QLd 4068
Contact: Revd Ian Spence
grACe ChriSTiAN ChurCh (redbANk
School Road, redBANK PLAiNS
Nathan Campus
P.O. Box 347, GOODNA, QLd 4300
Contact: Revd David Smith
Telephone: (07) 3495 7051
PreSbyTery OF QueeNSlANd
Moderator: John Hamilton
Clerk: Ian Spence
2/101 Harts Road,
Telephone: (07) 3371 2512
WeSTMiNSTer TheOlOgiCAl COllege
Principal: Revd Terry Clarke

10 Hollings Close, Kuraby,
QueeNSLANd 4112
PO Box 346, BuderiM, QLd 4556
Telephone: (07) 5445 8501
All NATiONS PreSbyTeriAN ChurCh
The Beaufort Centre, 74-82 Beaufort
Street (2nd Floor), PerTH.
Web site:
Telephone: (08) 9228 4951
(08) 9228 4956
PO Box 8693, Perth BC WA 6849
Contact: Revd Simon van Bruchem
brOOkTON (CAlvAry PreSbyTeriAN)
Meets: Richardson St., BROOKTON
PO Box 99, BrOOKTON, WA 6306
Contact: Revd Clem White (08) 9535 3301
Email: OR elder
Arthur Slater (08) 9642 1231

bull Creek WPC

32 Bull Creek Drive, BuLL CreeK
9.30am, 6.30pm.
32 Bull Creek Drive, BuLL CreeK,
WA 6149
Telephone: (08) 9332 6300
(08) 9332 1991
Contact: Revd Steve Schoof (08) 9310 3357
Contact: Revd Mark Vivian (08) 9455 3919
Contact: Revd Craig Newill (08) 6161 0525
Bull Creek WPC Indonesian Services
190 Bateman Road, BreNTWOOd
32 Bull Creek Drive, BuLL CreeK,
WA 6149
Revd Paulus Surya (08) 9414 5872
CANNiNg vAle COMMuNiTy ChurCh
(CANNiNg vAle WPC)
Canning Vale Community Centre,
Cnr Waratah Blvd. and Eucalyptus
Time: 10.30am
SOuTH, WA 6155
Telephone: (08) 9256 4776
Contact: Revd Alex Nathan
Lot 60 Centre Rd, (Cnr Railway Ave)
Prayer 9.15am. Service 10.00am
PO Box 305 THOrNLie WA 6988
Telephone: (08) 9398 7200
Contact: Revd Anton Noppers (08) 9498 3306
kiNgSley PreSbyTeriAN ChurCh
15 Moolanda Bvde, KINGSLEY
15 Moolanda Bvde, KINGSLEY, WA
Telephone: (08) 9309 4043
Session Clerk: Elder Tony Veale (08) 9448 6542

MAidA vAle WPC

4 Old Maida Vale Rd, MAidA vALe
10.00am and 6.00pm
4 Old Maida Vale Rd, MAidA vALe,
WA 6057
Telephone: (08) 9454 7401
(08) 9454 4307
Contact: Revd Roger Palmer
The Nellie Reagan Hall, Peel St,
PO Box 5875 Mandurah, WA 6210
Moderator: Revd Steve Schoof
Contact: Elder Nathan Woonings
Telephone: (08) 9586 1910
MurdOCh Three CrOSSeS ChurCh
Morning: 10am Mandala Hall, Mandala
Crescent, Bateman at 10am
Evening: 6pm Murdoch University, Murdoch
9 Johansen Promenade MurdOCH
WA 6150
Contact: Revd Matthew Waldron
0438 021 286
PreSbyTery OF WeSTerN AuSTrAliA
Moderator: Revd Simon van Bruchem
Telephone: (08) 9228 4951
(08) 9457 0107
Home Clerk: Elder Steve Heathcote
21 Carcoo Court BeCKeNHAM 6107
Telephone: (08) 9479 1508
Moderator: Simon van Bruchem
Mark Vivian
Treasurer: Elder Dirk Soet
Telephone: (08) 9444 7506
Continued on page 21

T h e Me sse n ge r S pri n g 2 0 1 1



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T h e M es s eng er Spring 2 011

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