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Number 24

Spring Term 2016

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

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Thursday 24th March

Easter Service
Year 3 and Year 4 will be leading a
service in Church from 2.00pm to
share the Easter Story. There will be
a mixture of poems, readings and
songs to lead us through the
service. All are welcome to attend.
Children will be brought back to
school after the service to go home
at the normal time.

Year 3 taking a rest after their running last Friday - well done to all
the children who took part in our continuous running around our
Golden Mile.

Thoughts from the week

Friday was a wonderful day in school
with the Golden Mile in full use all day
for Sports Relief. Every child made a
huge eort on the day and as a school
we clocked up a few hundred miles. We
are on track (pardon the pun!) to raising
well over 1000. Please send any
sponsorship money into school (with
the sponsor forms) and we will process
it for you. If you havent sent this in by
tomorrow, we ask that you use the
information on the sponsor form to take
the money to the bank or send o by
post. Thank you again for your support.
It was wonderful to hear so many
positive comments from parents last
night at our first parents evening. I am
looking forward to speaking to more
parents tonight. If you would like to give
your views about the school on
Ofsteds ParentView website, you can
do so by clicking the link here: https:// You will need
to register first before answering a
series of questions.

Speaking to parents, there is some

concern about the substantial raised
expectations for parts of the
curriculum. We also share this
concern, particularly where these
expectations may impact the results at
the end of Year 2 and Year 6. As a
school, we have changed our focus
during the year to ensure that these
expectations are met and that children
are in the best possible place to
answer questions in a test. Class
teachers will continue to work hard in
class during the summer term to
ensure that these needs are met.
This will be the last newsletter for the
Spring Term: I hope you have an
enjoyable Easter weekend and twoweek Spring Holiday. Lets hope the
weather means that we can enjoy the
outdoors as much as possible!

Friday 25th March Monday 28th March

Easter Weekend
This year, the school holidays fall
outside the Easter Weekend. School
will be closed over the Bank Holiday
period, opening for sta and
children on Tuesday 29th March for
four days before the 2-week holiday

Monday 18th April

School reopens for sta and
Reception places for September
2016 will be published
If you have applied online for a
Reception place to start in
September, you can view the CWaC
website to see which school you
have been given. Please note that
there is an appeals process if you
are not happy with the outcome.
During the Summer Term, we will
start the process of transition for
your children if they are starting in
our school.

More news...
Stang Updates
The governors and I are delighted to inform you that
we have made two very successful appointments to
the teaching sta who will join our team. Mrs Kathryn
Evans and Miss Charlotte Wall will be joining us in
September as class teachers. Both teachers come
with experience from primary schools: Mrs Evans has
worked for many years as a teaching assistant in a
local outstanding primary school before training to be
a teacher. She brings a high level of experience of
ensuring that all children make good progress though
an exciting curriculum. Miss Wall has taught for three
years and has a proven record of high quality teaching
and nurturing children to ensure that they reach their
full potential.
Both teachers will very much complement our strong
school sta team - we are looking forward to
continuing to provide the best possible outcomes for
your children.
We will ensure that both teachers are fully involved in
the important transition process that we have to
ensure that information is passed on about childrens
attainment and progress. Both teachers are very much
looking forward to working with your children and we
warmly welcome them to our school.

pot at School for people to put some pennies in to go

towards our sponsorship?
Thank you.
Megan, Abby and Izzy
I have of course said Yes!. Well done girls for doing
something for a charity. They have a lovely homemade
collection box in the school oce. Please drop a few
coins in next time you call in at the school oce for this
excellent cause.
Easter Egg Hunt
Tomorrow, the PTA will lead an Easter Egg hunt on the
school grounds - children will all receive a small gift as
part of the hunt. Thank you to the PTA for organising the
Easter Egg Competition
Tomorrow is the last day that the children can enter the
competition to win an Easter Egg, including the large
Easter Egg by the school oce. Profits will be split
between Sandiway Primary School and the Vale Royal
Lions. We will draw the tickets tomorrow during the
school day.
School Clubs

We will be in a position to inform you of the stang

and teaching arrangements from September very

A letter will be sent out next week regarding the school

clubs that are on oer for the Summer Term. Mr Aults
clubs are attached to the newsletter email.

Road Safety

Diary Dates: Summer Term

You will have read in my newsletter and the Round

Tower Parish Magazine about my concerns over road
safety around school. The times before and after
school are particularly busy times with the increased
number of cars and children getting in and out of
school. In an assembly, we have reminded the children
of road safety and use of the crossing on Norley Road.
We have seen an improvement in its use - we have
also seen some car users showing dangerous
behaviour. I am pleased that by raising awareness, at
least we are all talking about it - that has to be a good

29/3/16 Children and sta return after Easter weekend

Reception places oered for 2016
9/5/16 Year 6 test week
Y3/Y4 Residential Visit to Ironbridge
26/5/16 Children break up for half term holiday
27/5/16 INSET Day for sta
6/6/16 Children and sta return to school
11/6/16 Sandiway and Cuddington Gala Day
13/6/16 Year 1 phonics assessment week
20/6/16 Health Week in school
24/6/16 Sports Day (afternoon)
2/7/16 PTA Sandfest (Summer Fair/Music Festival)
4/7/16 Transition week (spending time in the week in
dierent classes and sharing information to prepare for
the next school year)

As a result of this raised awareness, through

conversations with the Parish Council and Local
Authority, improved lighting has now been installed on
the crossing. High visibility LED signs have been
installed today which will help the crossing to be more
visible for all road users.
Children raising money for charity
I recently had three children in Year 3 talk to me about
a fundraising event. They have written me a letter:
Dear Mr Priddey,
We have entered the Bubble Rush at Oulton Park to
raise money for St Lukes Hospice on the 14th May. It
is 5km long! We have to run through lots of coloured
bubbles and round obstacles. We are going to wear
fancy dress. Would it be ok for us to have a collection

7/7/16 Full Governor Body Meeting

Y6 Residential Visit to London
19/7/16 Year 6 Leavers Evening/Performance
20/7/16 Final assembly (afternoon)

Break Up for the Summer
21/7/16 INSET Day for sta

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